Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 25, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    Kmir, May 21, 1H3
fWay Other Than War
Must Preserve Ideals
r There Is way other than
krar to preserve freedom ind
I""- .wm eSISU
Lave civillratlon, "and we. in
uua inwBwwit nut una 11,
fiiHaa Rex Kimmll ftnlH i..
audience at rint Presbyterian
oburch Sunday night
i His addreu wai at the tint
candlelight memorial service
for Marion County'i war dead,
sponsored by the Federation
f Patriotic Orders.
' An impressive pan of the
terries wai the calling of the
roll of the county's 101 vet
eran! who have died in the
jut year. The roll call wai by
pave Bon, master of cere
. atonies. '
1 1 James Callaway, president of
'the federation, presided.
' "In this eouatnr w
'always uniquely Insisted that
;tce me government ex-
! nnlv to serve tha IIW..
iand that nothing is good for
.. t i t. j i ... .
(all wnico uciuca iioeny un
justly to a single Individual,"
judge Klmmell said.
"When the greatest docu
ment ever penned by the hand
il man was written the Am.
'lean system of liberty was
lounaea on just a lew basic
i principles wnicn are man
creation by Cod, man's equal
ity before the law and the ex-
nroce of certain self-evident
truths.- .. -. , .
"Together, a unitxl ri-
xaitn and caum rv.
gles and our iut .
dedicate and rededlcate to the
preserving and strengthening
mn American prin
ciples. Future civilization U
me nuance. In so doing
this eountrr wilt k.
- us
end of tim fiiMVM --
ever xreer, ever strong-
w, tura ever auraole. It is a
tragic thin that mr .
men must die because of the
u " oiner people do, and it
i tragic that evil la allowed to
take root and flourish In the
world, until only the savagery
Of war can tear it out TV,.
must be there is another
way ana we. In this generation,
must find it' t
"Is America .Hv
readyt Are we thinking, plan
ning, working toward the great
and difficult foal n
peaeet Eliminate war or war
not only abroad, but right here
In our own country are enemies
wnicn must be courageously
hatred, suspicion, intolerance,
green ana se u Linnets.
"It to traditional that true
Americana fear no enemy. In
wars that we have entered we
have never for a moment
doubted that we would be vic
torious. It is the impetus of
an unwavering belief in the
ilia tic af our e u a a which
brings ua victory in battle. If
our oeiiei in our love lor tne
ideals of right and liberty and
luetics hrlm til vtetnrv in
armed conflict, the operation
oi we same great principles
Will brlnv a anlutlna aif thnaa
other problems which beset the
"We must outlaw aggression.
We must build a Mace that
will work. . There Is no other
way, from those who have
died, to those vet unborn. It
to i. the llvlnc. whn must
ouua or destroy tne continuity
oi civilization, to have a civil
ization that is worthy of hu
manity will require greater tin
derstandinc and areater effnrta.
The peoples of the world must
come to know that to live in
peace is to live in mutual re-
SDect. that neaea enmaa frm
fundamental regard for human
Lj : ' lunoimeniu regara xor numan
n.t U elyijlration. We rights and fuU appreciation
voaww IHlHtHJ HSrCI-
sion. Wo must recognize that person
of the dignity of the individual
Keljs Tells of National
Chest Session at Dayton
Claude A. KelU, secretary of
the Salem Community Chert,
writes the Capital Journal an
Interesting setter about hie at
tendance at national meeting
of Chest campaign chMrmea in
Dayton, Ohio, whom he refers
to as "mostly business and pro
fessional men." - '
Mr. and Mrs. KelU stopped
at Dayton on their way to
Springfield, Mass., to attend a
"Tonight wo ' have given
humble thanks to the faith and
courage which they, our dead,
have bequeathed to us by their
example. We who survive,
have the greatest tasks to his
tory, to make enduring for all
time, the liberty for which
our dead have given their
Uvea. If we fail in this, their
lives will have been given in
vain. If we succeed, and suc
ceed we must, we can do no
greater honor to them than to
erect a parliament of men In
which all races and all peoples
shall find security. Justice and
peace.." ; . ,. ,..,,, .
"The burden of the responsi
bility is. heavy, but we dare
not fall. With God's kelp we
shall not fail."
reunion of Kails' class at the
YMCA College.
"Cheat secretaries are not
expected to attend without their
campaign chairmen or presi
dents," he writes of the Dayton
meeting. "Otto Wilson and Ed
Majek could not go, but I got
in anyway, because some of my
good friends from the National
Chest in New York are in
charge of arrangements.
"Today my picture was tak
en with General James H. Doc-
little, who Is the national cam
paign chairman for the United
Defense Fund, including the
USO. ...
'Jimmy Doolittle made a
thrilling address this evening
at a dinner with about 800 pres
ent in behalf of support for
the UDF, and bis experiences
with the USO in the war and
since, and the urgent demand
for increasing the work. Presi
dent Elsenhower has accepted
the. honorary chairmanship and
promised to give it his full
"I sat beside the Community
153 N. Liberty
Hone 1-3191
Open Fridey
Night ta t
N0 EXTRA CHARGE choice of 3
with Dlastic covers, 2 with fiber covers.
(A) Rubber Floor Mat. (B) Back-Rest
Seat Cushion. (C) Plastic Steering
Wheel Cover. (D) Vanity Visor Mirror.
(E) Steering Wheel Spinner Knob. ,
BEST FIBER covers for most sedans.
Woven fiber is extra-heavy for long
wear. Attractive, warm-toned plaid
pattern blends with interior of any can
Choice of green or red plastic trim.
BEST PLASTIC coveVs for most sedans.
Tight-woven of lustrous Saran plastic.
Choice of smart plaid and striped pat
terns in rich, sparkling colors that can
not run or fade. Attractive plastic trim.
: ...,(JJ.5r-i'5S
(F) See below for Wards 5-point of
fer. Motors available for most cors.
Buy on terms only 20 down.
Liberal trade-in allowance on your
old motor. Let Wards arrange ex
pert installation.
1. set of Riverside Spark Plugs.
2. 1 Supreme-Quality Fan Belt.
3. 1 Oil Filter Cortridge.
4. 1 Crankcase of Vitalized Oil.
5. 1 Oil Change at 500 miles.
Reg. 3.11
10-qt. can
0) Words Heavy-Duty Vitalized
best type oil for high speeds, long
distances, extreme climates. Save
buy now.
''Prices Include Ted. tax.
Type 1 5.66 Exchange
(G) Guaranteed 1 2 months. All the
power you need for dependable
starts, ordinary lighting needs. Fits
most cars.
Type 1 9.88 Exchange
(H) Guaranteed 24 months. Equals
most original equipment batteries.
45 Heavy-Duty plates. All types now
on sale.
Reg. 20 He 16c" Bulk QL
(K) Premium-Grode chemically
"fortified" to cleanse os well as
lubricate. Equals oils costing 40c
per 1-qt. can.
'Prices Include 6ld battery In exch.
Chest president from Washing
ton, D. C. When be found that
I was from Oregon ho asked
me if I knew Douglas McKay.
He said that Mr. McKay will
represent all federal workers
in Washington In their Cheat
campaign this fall.
"The United Defense Fund
comes to Salem through the
Oregon Chest The fund baa
many prominent American ctU
sens giving a groat block el
time to promoting and Inter
preting the work of the UDF,
which is USO, aid to Korean
children, USO camp . shows,
American social hygiene,, and
National Recreation Assoc la
tloon, for Its work in the con
gested areas around civilian de
fense plants.
"Every state In the U. S. Is
represented at this meeting and
it is very interesting to hear
the points of view of men from
various parte of the country.
: The meetings during the day
are held at Sugar Camp, the
park and educational and rec
reational buildings for em
ployes of the National' Cash
Register Company, a beautiful
area of 16 acres on the edge of
the city. Everything is free, in
cluding a fine luncheon.
Kells wrote that before re
turning home they will see
Lti:r.:a Khr::li .
Lebanon Klwanls elub
members have asked help from
city residents in work on Riv
erside park. Crews are busy
each Tueadav. WadnaarUv nul
Thursday evenings. Helpers are
aaaeo to swing ettner saws or
A buUdoaer has been donat
ed by Bmlth-Knehl company to
handle heavy work of clearing
brush and leveling ground.
Much has been done to pre
pare the area for recreation use
this summer. The Kiwanls club
plans a park improvement pro
gram that will be continued
over a period of yean until the
M-acro tract Is modernised.
fhalr rfaoatitar lti- Vlt-.w-tu
her lg-months-old son, and her
nusoana, or. Edward. Vergara
CaffarelU. who live In New
York City.
, ivimuDi z
Fcr l!::!:!t-; ,
Idanha Idanha Le'onnrej -and
auxiliary memoers are
making arrangements for a
Memorial day program to be
held in front of the Idanha Cnt
aid station Saturday, May 13,
beginning at 10 a m.
Included on the program w3
be a reading of the Gettysbfg
address by Maria Vickcs,
speeches by the Idanha post
commander, Buck Storey, and
Idanha Community hw:h
minister, Robert Unger.
Following the program, t
which the public is invited, re
freshments win be served.
Ferry St. Fh. I-S1
111 N. Liberty
Pheae l-tltl
Open Friday
Night 10 I
39.95 MIXER NOW CUT 20
Wards best quality
10 down on terms
Your choice, each 1 While quantities last
Over 2 dozen practical housewares now Just $1
each shop early. Included in sale but not shown
above: Step-on Can, Bread Box (match Canister
above), lOVi" pre-seasoned Cast Iron Skillet,
Enameled Pail and Tea kettle, Dish Drainer, Alum
inum French Fryer, plastic Broom, Flashlight, and
Saves dishes, speeds
drying, ends clatter.
Strong, red rubberized
wire odorless, won't
peel. I5V2X13'7 size.
Popular 10Vi-ln. cast
iron everyday Skillet
pre-seasoned, ready
to use foods won t
tick. Buy now ove.
Wonderful tirrie-ond-work-saver of big saving buy
for a bride, for yourself. Portable multi-speed motor
10 speeds Indicated does all mixing. With j jfe
er, 2 bowls, beater, elector, turntable. AC-DC
20 pes., now 4.40 Sem!-porce!aln .
For June brides, for yourself save now. on latest In
solid-colored Dinnerware. Modem rimless "Accent"
shapes in chartreuse, gray, deep green and brown.
Get 4 each piece shown; others in open stock.
11.45 IRON
New copper Insert
heats steel soleplate
fast, evenly. Automat
ic; heat dial with sig
nal light. Plastic han
dle. AC
REG. 16.49
26-Pc. SET
Heavy stainless steel
set for 6 in "Laurel
Crown" pattern. Grad
ed, balanced and pol.
Ished like fine sterling.