i-it it TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL.' Salta. Oram Memly. Miy tt. 1153 FAMILY OF CHAMPIONS Top prize at the Sclo Fat Lamb Show Saturday were won by tht W. T. Stellmachar family of the Riverside dts trict, Albany. From left they are W. T. Steelmaeher, the rather, and his three daughter, Betty, Janet and Joan. Janet and Joan are twins. - Single Family Takes High Prizes at Scio Lamb Show By Mm FOBBIS ond to Bill Knuthi, Shedd; and third to Fred Rhodes, Bheridan. LAMB HOW MI Pan of Three nJnei Stall. steeher. BL i. Albany: SaUr Krauts. Bt. I. AVtlol ItaiU Iffler. RL I. flclo. Pour-K einsle Fa Lamb Joan tU- maenar. Albany, hi. l; uauui udi Albany: Janet StsUmacher. Al' bur. .4 Pour-H Bottle lamb texrr Jackson. Albany; Lor toe prwrksen, Albany; Mary Haaiey, Ml. your-M senior nonuuipHuu Scio Championship ribbons at the annual Scio Fat Lamb Show Saturday became strictly a family matter for the W. r. Stellmacher family of the Riv erside district, Albany. Stellmacher, competing ag ainst his oldest daughter, Bet ty, in the adult fleece exhibits won a first prize, but lost the grand championship to Betty In the finals. Janet Stellmacher, another daughter, won the grand cham pionship In the 4-H class for a pen of three and third prize on fleece. And, lust to keep the top rib bons in the family, Joan Stell macher won the grand cham pionship for single fat lamb and a first on fleece. : The lamb show program Started with a parade despite the rain, Saturday morning. In the afternoon the dog trials were held at the high school athletic field. ... J. , First prize in the trials went to Eddie Ahrens, Turner; sec- ceoamui stasia rat Lamb g belle Bdwarda. Joan etelmMonar, Rob ert Lefrior. - Pour-H Junior amo wmantlup xnrrr Lekion. Tnnsentt Marvin Bneiay, ai banyi John cernasia. Junior aotue Lamb carol un xar tec. Bt t. Sola: Book MoDonaML Solo: Walter Powell. Sola. rrjL muMm wn mi imnt inrsoa. Afceddl Jack boas. Selaj Laxrr Brown. Lamb Opaa Clan Pay Lsrer. Ooloi Terry Bormanoky, Ooloi Tad Byanlat, Saw. mapm avwo aawaa bain jaoy- oon. Tana-ant. spaaa Drinuni Cttausl carol iaar la, LneUle LefSar, Doaaa Lorar. Commorolal Pan of Throe A nam Lelf - lar, SolOi Ralph Kolnptal, Sbedas mors aMwartfa, abedd. meamereiai onMio m uaauiu Loiner, SaW! Ploy Sdwaraa, Balph Blade rat Lamb Joan Chamoton BtaUaaahar. Ohamyloa Fob of Three-Janet BM2- WeoU Ansae Lelfitr, eat; HH suisaeiu. Barel Blebr, BweanslabeB Sfln Oardoa Chib. Carta, Ladoaa ana Ctiuromi Bow Onrnea club. Blvarrlev oardoa i Mansm slab. Children's 4-B auehardsoa's P.P.A.. Cab Pack Ua. coaimrreiai a. Haroiai via a Dnrrr. Thnrston'a Market. Bieyeiea carol Marina-. Mra. janota, Saddle Honaa Linn Ooontr Potea Gene Teaane. Otartoal Mrs. Hataaesea, awaHaao rouea uanaia icwh. Ma it Haaiey. Grants Pass Man Drowned in Lake Grants Pass CP) - Shirley Edward - Dyer. Grants Pass, drowned while fishing on Fish Lake In Eastern Jackson Coun ty Saturday. Dyer, about 35. and a com panion, Alvln L. Howard of Glendale, Ore., were thrown In the .lake when their boat as they were attempting to tie onto a snag. State Police Sgt T. N. Baton reported. Howard was pulled to safety by other fishermen. THREE TERRORISTS KILLED Nairobi, Kenya ff) Police announced Monday their pa trols have killed three Mau Mau terrorists In clashes in na tive sections and have arrested number of Kikuyu tribe mem bers. Including some women, suspected of activity in the secret terror organization. industrial Art Prizes Warded Valley S First places and prize awards were well distributed among high and Junior schools of the central Willamette Valley par ticipating In the industrial arts exhibit held at Valley Motor Company Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Exhibits totaled nearly JOO. and most of the Judging was done by personnel from Oregon State College.' Merchandise prizes were donated by ST Sa lem merchants and 21 from out side of Salem. Salem students did especial ly well in mechanical drawing and practically .swept the awards Id that division. ' In the senior division for chanieal drawing Karl M. Re- hora was first with a series of drawings, while Richard L. Haury was both second and third, and honorable mention went to Phil Cbadsey and Nor- 1 Wilmot, All are Salem high students. For seventh and eighth grad ers Jim Heltzel of Leslie Jun ior High made first in mechani cal drawing with a four-cen tered ellipse, an intricate piece of work. Second place went to Clay Newell, also of Leslie For ninth and 10th graders in the same division Martin South wick of Leslie won first with a drawing of cap screws. Tom Slnnard of CorvalUf second. Matahrark (andao -!) Ja&aa trn- marruia, Camilla, tun; Bawl Horaaa, aaaoMi Bart ttiaaa, uirt, aae Olatttrbuck and Bodaar Arras, honsrabla mention, all Salem. MetalTark (iradea a-10 carl Braa4t, corvauu, rrrat, afstahrark (trades 11.111 Dan Pence. Salem, first! Dans Whauter, SQrer- ton, second; James paTonaorl, Balsas. ncnoraaie mormon. woodwork ((races 7-1) Rot Bomb- eon, Salem, first: Jack Bowman, asaansL Xarl JeMen, third, and Bddla lautla atedt and Hand Ball, beta honorable mention, all Salem. Woodwork (aradas S-M Bonald Oraves, Salem, first; Larrr Limbeck, starton, second, and Jerrr Bordrka and Bonald 4. ewanaon. both honorable mention and both Albany. woodwork (aradaa 11-11) Phil Oobloi Mill Cltr, tint; Dean War, aurartan. aaesmdi Bwaauaa, Mm Ollr. tklrS. and Bs Peateaasr. Kill Cltr, and aSmar aurrar, awranaa, bout aoa areata s TeojnUl. Carralna. rlrrtl Ball, ami onr, mm and cabas oarfc. prank Baatrti all latberwart tornsaa f-SI all Apate- ; Why Suffer Any Longer Whan others fall, nee aw roars an china. Bo matter with what oilmen la ran srs afflleted, ilaordara, slnuatus, banrt, lmnas. lrrar. Udaera. as, aonstlpatlaa, nleara, dlabataa, rheumatism, tall and Marldar (erar, akin, female aoaiplstnU, CHARLII CHAN n csgmsnioa l Off lea Bean to S 1 J Two. and Sat, amir ( M K. rimmirilal I V Pkaae siaw S X. SALbL OBB. t(musnaPaa Bab OoMtbar. third, all lsalbarwark f aradas a-li Allan Bna anftr, eaieas. flrati Bart Baslar. Dallaa. oaoandi Jaree Pembei Ion, eurtaa, third. and oarr Bnahiar. Sniaaa. and Bart Bas- iar. Dallaa. both honorable aaantlan. Laatherwark uradaa 11-U( Dal Tar r. Dallas, tint: but on Jennet, ataytan. aaaans. asm uarrr poaosiDaimai. tan, turd, Ceraaatea aaradaa HI Bain osier, nret Laratts Brnaard, aaaand. and Klanard Tnraar, third, ail etartaa. Onan ptrlataai (trndaa a-t) Disk retorson. nnt: srrrsn weekly, aaaand and Bannath atnrtta. third, an atekna. Onan Dlrknan (aradaa M-ll-7hryl mots an, anartaa. flrati oarrr nar, saiam, anaoad: Marrta eaad- anartan. shraa. and Haev fmmrm and Saba Baran, both Salem, hen arable PTmtlnm (anatU aalarl Wlotoa mm ftnti Dick Palareaa. aaaand: Bob Prlaa, Ihttd. and OUbert Stephana and Pat noeaa. aau honorable montlon. all PrlatlaaT rmulti-Aolor) Inha n,iM flrat; Larry PowalL aaoond. tti lmm BUIntawerth. third, all Salam. Silk Scrota Prlnttna Mont wiiimas flrati BUI Bows, second, and IBoy BUIaaowarth. third, all af aalaat, - Photorraahy faradae "' nh . art, tlrtti Jim Portmlllar, aoaaad; Diak sUSwa. bath kniribli attoa, alt (araana 11-11) 1 Banker Jlreu Bill sUalns, innall Sbar- aa Plenum, uara. and auaa, out" and Bar nfalsbr. kotb heaersble mon- aetrlclty Dan Xoakot. Bratl BIB Almua. eaaaad, and Bab M onsen, third. as asiranaa. Al- baay: Joes Lena, Seta, L li Larry Brawn, Scio. Bi, 1. Low eyaartar situ seiiy ateumaea- ari ktanl Brawa. Saw; A. a Waataa- Braai Plard Bdaarda, , Albany; Jack wanner Bleid lean n.ollmer.her. baari Jaan betla Bawaraa, ABjaar. MarraMa. Bt. trd. Srd, BIlllMQ Bnward 1 Albany: Mrs. Jaha Tkaer, Mrs. can warren, sclo. peur Sclal Mrs. Stolen Mr t. oaraaoo Mrs. Batty weatenhoaso, i'B tvaffler, Selo; Mon's Bwoaun Mrs. Joe Bahla. AU annr; aors. awaart Pollr urns. Seta: Mrs. Mrs. Uo. Claronoa ffftar ncla; Mrs. Ifaada Johnson, eels; Mrs. Carl Dram Blaaea Mrs. Hanoi PMua, Selo; am. Basal Paaas. sola; Inn. Pollr Jsnls. Queen Salote of Tonga in the Friendly tslsnds traces her aemr, third, and Larry rowoii and euri royal line back 1000 years." Gunner's Kafe Gels Ribbon R.n niero. Calif. Donald F. Mcatder. (unnaT's mate nni class, USN, Salem, Oregon, re cently was presented th Com mendation Ribbon with combat Distinguishing Service at eere- mmtlan held here. The commendation was for meritorious service as mount captain and main battery gun ner's mate on board the de stroyer USS James E. Kyes, during combat operations ag ainst enemy forces from Sep tember It, 151 to March 29, 1932. - . v..--, PresenUUon of the award was made by Rear A dm. George C. Dyer, USN, commander Training Command US Pacific New Many Wmp FALSE TEEJH With More Comfort PASTIxni. a Kltaaant amalroo tnon aeld) powder, holds falsa tooth mail firmly. To oat and talk la more com fort, lust sprinkle a tittle PASTaaTH oa your plates. No tummy, tooor, natty taste ar laaunt. onecu -pieir ooor ( denture breath). Ott PAaTakTH at any drus store. Fleet st the V. S. Naval sch fleet Gunnery and Torpego hers, where Meeder is bow sta tioned. . The wile of the Navy mat, makes her home on Ubery road, Salem. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meeder of Seattle. ... , ., s 4 EVACUATED " it Cairo, Egypt ) . Forty British women ' and children left Cairo by plana for London Sunday night, escaping from the threat of possible Brltiskr Egyptian . violence In tense, troubled Egypt. The evacuees were families ef 16 employes of the British Shell Oil Co. and imperial chemical Industries. , Some farmsteads in Sweden have existed for 15 centuries, asp 4-1451 195$.(c.7.ni:rcl2l FECES GOOD .USD WEDNESDAY- fiiiunui 12's Regular, Super, Junior 37 4Srs rc;jl:r $fl.49 Toiletry Sections Vaseline -47' 75 Piss Tax Vzst lb!r te; TcrJc 57' FhiTn 'sr fktt ps TaSUtty finfliaa Hair Tonic J I r PknTtv SI u iramnowni trucks at did ion prices ' yoaabanaB ' ' yoatbMe0ka.OVWTMi . m " tm panvel asadola, Inilan bioy Inand, ... . easHHtiaHitti. , . fO wnmot. AJMaot kawp. New yea can save teal money on new light, Compare the price. Sea them. Drive them, medium, and light-heavy doty Internationals. . Coma in today. Your old track may equal tht Compere the quality. Compare the perform avnee. down payment. Convenient terms, of couna, CAPITOL TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT CO. 2255 Silverton Rd. Salem . anwaoeoannaamav 39c Eoton Summer Colognes Mm Tat Toiletry 13c White Paper Nap!.ins Ccsnf UsWa) : Twa Variety Reg. 39c Bathing burk. (SrWI Uv2l Toiletry Shasta Shampoo 29c Per soft, fMfrwrly cleM hairl ' Tcihtrr Sttkm .' Zonite .Liquid ANTISEPTIC ; Botlte 21 C 6-m. Size 54c - -14-oz. Size S9c TeUetry 29cTisco VM PAPER 125-Ff. Roll Extra Heavy 7 Limit Two ToUetry 5-Day Decdoitnt Pcds ir.25 s.,59 7I.$1.00 AsrvBT. n. , y. ' TwiaMrp jjaxaoas 1.4 ).,.....)inj.miuiin,. Tam?ax ST Vs. Ilnlaetes. eatlefctlj Mess to omaofwoon awa Tampan $133 i si U a 0 anwl awfnpa, Tailarry SotwiowB sum spud Gillette Razor $1X3 I Cam WM or e clsensr arnoorhaf ahova, use GUrotta. roalarrf iaiaiawr : Xj1 25c Top Spread MARGARIME TeUetry Fred Meyer Closed Memorial Day May 30th! TILL 9 14t N. UIWTY We Keaerrs tke Kltkt te Limit Qasatities