Monday, May 18. 1SSS rsa cahtal iorsyAi;fah.omwi Ross of Mt. Angel High In Jersey Show Scoring Bj ciAtDi mvitorr . Rex Bom of Mt Angel had! the tenlor and grand champion bull, eenlor and grand cham pion female, and Junior cham pion female of the Marlon County Jartey Cattla Club Spring Show held Saturday at the State Fair (round with three anlmala who pedigree make an interesting ttudy in genetic. Standard Come Delore. the aenlor and grand champion fe male, was produced by mating the bull Standard Come Son to Ma own daughter, Standard Come' Sort. Delore. a 6-year- flid cow who yielded 100 pound of butterfat la 168 day during 1982, waa alao chamrlon at lasj years" anow. Desumer's Valiant Improver, the aenlor and grand champion bull, waa aired by Lynn' Crowning Designer, imported from the ialand of Jereey in 1047 by Roat. Designer is also the grand aire of the Junior rhamoioa female, Lea Piece Bobby Soxer, through Lei Piece Golden crown, imported by Bos in 1946. . Andrew Kehrll ec Son of Woodburn now own a half In terest la Improver, the grand champion bull. 'During show ing, the champ was treated re spectfully with two handlers holding nose ring chains fore and ait since he had attack Kehrll a short time prior, The Junior champion bull was an unnamed senior calf owned by Felix Muller of Jef ferson. Muller purchased him s a little fellow from D. C. Brock of Salem. Brock exhibited an unusual ly attractive string of animals which were strong competitor throughout the show. They fea tured the get of Imported Ra dar, an island of Jersey bull now owned , Jointly by Brock and L. L. Lee of Aumsville. Brock wop first In the fouf year old cow class with Radar Golden Blonde; first Junior heifer calf on Viola Radar Trixy; first In Breeder Calf Herd and first in Breeders young herd. He also took second In senior get of sire, first went to Ross, in what judge Al Shaw said was the best get of sire class he had seen- all year. : : "" ' " -owner of Radar, was awarded first place in the lunior bull calf class with Lee way . Radar Victor, . one of Radar's get Lee also won blue ribbon for cows 8 year old or older, on Mouate of East man. Mousle is 10 year old and la gaining aa she. goes along, last year she settled for third place. c x ' k;.r.-:.t : Leonard Hudson of Silver ion had the first place 2 year old bull, also first senior Heifer calf. The bull. Come Crowning Designer, eon-- of imported Lynn's Crowning Designer, aired the heifer call : MacLaren School for'Boys atl Woodburn exhibited the first prize junior yearling heifer named Woodburn Princess Belle. Among the Junior exhibitors Vernon Vogt of Rickey went home with the senior champion 4-H trophy for the tlhrd time In four years he has competed for it It was first won by Ron ald Baralck la 1M8. Varna Hiakey ad Powers Creek was winaet in list. "Beauty.1" a grade Jersey Junior yearling heifer shown by Donna Miller took first prize in the 4-H division and tiura in the open clasee but waa barred from the Utter because her blood was not pure enough. She later was made 4-H Junior champion. Donna. a rower creek dub member, wa supposed to receive the junior champion trophy but it wa musing from the trophy rack. It will be awarded later by Anthol Rlney, county 4-H club agent James Testier of Mt Angel had first prize 4-H t year old cow which placed third in open classes. He alao took a blue ribbon with hla Junior heifer calf. Verna Hiskey had blue ribbon 4 year old and S year old cow. Mickey McOuire, Jefferson, sole TTJk. exhibitor had little difficulty winning three blue ribbons with the anlmala he had entered in that division. wmmmmK MAYER AFTER RESIGNING , ',1 I ii ii it Vcn Arcdab Installed os Voodburn DcMoby Leader 1 VsaAreial. ' the " new master councilor, gave a talk and Toastmasters Talk Woodburn The breakfast meeting of the Woodburn Toast masters club was Saturday st 6:30 a. m. at the Coney Island restaurant, with Jack Bush pre siding. Lloyd Froom was toast- master, and Ernest Livesay timekeeper. Each member gave a three-minute talk, evaluated by Bob Batdorf, district lieu tenant governor of district 7, of the Capitol Toastmasters 01 as lem, Bob Fortner and George Van Dusen, also of the Capitol Toastmasters. World tea production Is tlmated at 1,297,936,000 pounds annually. f oa can count on Rene Mayer (left) talks with newsmen in Paris after handing his resignation aa French premier to President Vincent Aurlol at Elysee Palace. The Mayer cabinet col lapsed when the national assembly denied Mayer a vote of confidence on his request for power to cut governmental, expense by cabinet decree. (AP Vlrephoto via radio from Paris) . ' ' Woodburn A large crowd of relative and friend attend ed the public Installation of of ficer of Woodburn chapter of DeMolay Friday night May 22. at the Maaonlo temple when Sam VaaAndale waa Installed a the new meaner councilor. Philip LaBarr, retiring mat ter councilor, wa installing officer, assisted by John Tlck avor, past master councilor, aa frmifimil jue McGrath as mus ician, and member of Ever green assembly, Order of Rain bow, as escorts. ' Other officers Installed were Wlllard Thompson, senior councilor; Robert Withers, jun ior councilor; Elwood Ostrom, II... VT ... rl- .k.n. lain; Richard Dixon, marshal; Paul Edward, junior deacon: Robert Baumann, aenlor atew- ard; Bill Kersten, Junior stew ard: Dick Ahrena, almoner; Deaa Blshoprick, orator; the following preceptors, Jerry Plank, Bill Stampley, Russell Anderson. Eugene Lenton, Tru man Balrd, Earl Veeder, Duane Baird. and -Homer Wadsworth, historian. Absent were Bill MeNary, junior deacon; Dale Calloway, sentinel, and Neil aopreefatkas precoee on aunaay. May 24. for the crowning ceremony which tha DallaU nflMM Railing, standard bearer, who will put aa at tha installation will be installed later. . - lot Rainbow ottocr. Wednee- 8 pedal guests seated ta the I day, May 27, and a practise on east were Oail Wengeoroth. I the following Sunday for, a worthy patron of Evergreen I crowning ceremony whtek chapter, Order of the Eastern I Woodburn will put on for the Star; Elton Rudl, past master installation of the officer of councilor and enlvalier; Mia Bethel No. It, Order of Job' Janice Painter, worthy adviser- Daughter la Salem, June 8 at elect of Evergreen Assembly of 8 pun. at thorn Scottish Rhe Rainbow; airs, irom ueAzmooa, i temple, I vo e. Commercial. motner aaviser ox tuunoow; ,int talk wa by Mark TpaonOar Ah- "Dad- Keller, after which re rens, Ralph Pickering. Harlow tmhmnts and dancing la the uuaamnu "- ainlng room completed the eve- and L-Ur E. Kallar, DaMolay I . m . Dad." Parent of the first three of- w JttJ?r aSSaE 5 & asms C. Dixon ana tne impreanve flower talk by "Dad" Lester E. Keller, after which each boy took a red carnation from the altar and presented it to his mother. .. Short talk were given by each of the honored guest and a past master councilor's pin waa presented to Philip LaBarr by Mark Thompson, secretary of the advisory Hoard. far awed Tier r r , Tkkaor, and sarr. v I Coaea L-.At.u v n n Londay far it j ! rid back Cr it) park aromd v.. r i Duke of JUlnfe"- " , oh ICarnret l a. i They royal tm" r 1 r wnitaua at tua l$rl tha eastlo grour-i It U baUeved that chsc were first taken to XAClasl t tna , 5P o!Ti2Jit itr a I UVare'V-rw fa, fSlT.rJ I ViajlaorMOaalsK,lt44 J I SriM forYonr quick S CASH i loan! - for has a loan plan for cveiyone i , cunt iim ittatnm I $25 to $1500 J' learn 200 I - ' 81 7 Cevrr St. Mmm 4-1394 if: 155 N. liberty Phone 3-3191 . Open Friday Night 'til APFLIAIXE REPAIRS Fh. 2-5655 x VNITtD RIPAIR COASS N. UIERTY : - . ? Authorized Repair on An Major Appliances and An SmaU owiiiance uuaranteeo senrtce tcaup ana Delivery oa - i . - urge nppuanoee.' - ' , Ivan Royse and Walt Claua, Owncra 1 , AVIHCGS-TEIITS-TARPS Fh. 3-47C3 UUMTtNT t AWNING CO. 729 N. UIUTY ' : CanvasOoodaof Every DescrlpUoa i ' "AKYTHINO MADE TO YOUR ORDER" CRICK VOK Fh. 26545 PRANK'S SERVICI INSIDE oad OUTSIDE . Fireplaces, patio, plantar, brick ctapa, etc Also patch plaataring. Chimney tope, i ' ALL WORK GUARANTEED Cr.IKiSE FOODS Fh. 2-65?5 - . CHINA CAFE 20SS FAIRGROUNDS RA. - . , , , Spedalixingln Chines as AmericanFooda ' ? featuring "Good Foods-Well preperecT'-BrtngthoTamgy -' Call for Reservations for Dinners sd Parties ' - COHCRETE SEPTIC TAKItt Fh. 37324 ... . MORTARUSS ILOCKCO. 14th Si L HOYT ' ' Approved - Reinforced Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks ' ' manufacturers ol Uortar Blocks Interlocking Blocks . In Pumice or Concrete - Alao Chimney Block - ' Equipment Sales-Rentals Fh. 3-3646 HOWSIRIROS. 1185S.l2Hi$T. Garden Tillers . Power Mower Paint Sprayer Air Conv s - Sanders - Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repairs on AH Small Oa Engine MAY SHOE SALE - SAVE 10 TO 17 REGULAR 3.98 LOUNGERS (A) Girls' smooth leather, osh blonde Mocs with hand-laced vamps, sturdy white rubber soles. In sizes 4 to 9. REGULAR 2.98 CASUALS (B) Sova on women s ottractive summer Casuals -with graceful Wishbone Straps. White, other colors. 4 to 9. . REGULAR 2.98. BALLETS : (C) A popular style with teenag ers. Soft supple leather for extra comfort. White, black and other colors." 3 V4-9. . 3.44 2.66 2.66 OUR USUAL 5.9S LOUNGERS (D) Attractively styled women s woven vamp Loungers in fine, saddle tan leather. Cushion crepe soles. Sizes 4-9. 4.94 REGULAR 3.98 OXFORDS (G) Children's rugged school, play or dress shoes. Selected lea thers assure long wear and com fort. Sizes 8Yi to 3. 3.58 MOVING & ST03AGE Fb. 3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service Office 1120 N. Liberty Whe. 880 S. Liberty REGULAR 2.98 OXFORDS (E) Girls' practical denim Play shoes have 1 cushioned insoles, cork-and-rubber soles. Red, other colors. 3 V4-9. REGULAR 5.98 OXFORDS (F) Save now on women's attrac tively styled comfort shoes in black kidskin that looks well, wears well. 4 to 10. 2.66 4.99 REGULAR 2.98 CAMP MOCS (H) Children's style' In durable leather with white lacing; tough rubber soles. White, red, other .OO colors. 8'a to 3.. USUAL 2.29 CHILD'S OXFORDS (J) Specially purchased. Faded blue denim, white rubber soles. 8V4-12 . . . Sizes l2'z-3, usuol 2.39 , ..2.14 1.99 0 4 W FL00.1 COVERINGS Fh. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. NIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-AcphaK and Rubber Til Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpet Estimate Gladly Givenl IRRIGATION - PUMPS Fh. 26038 STETTLER SUFFLY CO. 1S10 UNA AVE. Water System Deep Wall Turbines Aluminum and Steal Irrigation Pipe ' GalvsnUed Pipe jul Fitting WATER WELL TESTTNO Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment : OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriter. Adding Machines, Calculator, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., SSI COURT R.W. "JOCUND OIL TO BUM Ph. 2-4151 ROAD OILING EoVe WEST SALEM TWEEDIE FUELS OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER OR 3-379 ROAD OILING PLUMBING SERVICE Phe 3-9811 ' NELSON IR0S. FLUMIING It HEATINO ' Repairing Residential , 158 Cbemeketa Commercial Contracting Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS 24 ton sbvki Fh. 3-9123 We give Penny Saver Stamp THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph.3-1157 110 I Ifeeftf lit (art DowtHw. 2440 imr, MmM (nM 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 FM, 130 S. Liberty Store Open 1J:00 to J:00 PJi. and :00PJI. to . 8:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Ph. 3-7577 REG. 7.98 LOUNGERS REG. 5.98 LOUNGERS (L) Men woven vomp f lO hand . I a C e d vamp Loungers In soft, qq Loungers ot o value say. - Q - supple golden Drown lea-u.urs mg. juppio uruwuwu .-y, j ther with cushion crepe . " sturdy Word-o-light soles. REG. 7.98 OXFORDS (M) Men's burgundy Ox- 1 fords for dress or work. q q Neoprene soles for out-Q(QQ standing wear; cushioned insoles. Sizes 5-11. r REG. 7.50 WORK SHOES (N) Sturdy yet comfort able. Supple brown leath- jr m g er with Neoprene corkO.OO soies. o-ii. reg. o.ju -VYorkshoes .......S.IS We Giv Radio Repair MITCHELL'S Redlo-Tejevlsloa 1180 State Motorola . Dealer! for Ee General Electric Pick up and Delivery ' "- TELEVISIOII PH. 4-2271 HEIDER'S RADIO 1 TtLIVISION - S9S N. HIGH v SERVICE - INSTALLATION - SALES Rome and Auto Radio and Television Soedalist la the Willamette Valley tor M Tear jia.wAwn.Mr. soles.' Sizes 6-1 1. '