Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 23, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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    Workers Busy -With
Plans for
YW Silver Tea
mtr,,v.nt.the PUDaiat T" I""
The te Is to be it the home of Mr.
end 5:30 o'clock the afternoon of June.
4. A feature of the event will be a
display of doUi collected by Mrs. Fry
during her travel In varlou parta of
the world.
The lntereited public li Invited, this
being another project to enable all
mem ben and friends of the YW to aug
ment the fundi needed for the new YW
plant now being built on State street
Mr. G. Herbert Smith and Him.
, James Armprleit are co-chairmen for
the tea and on their planning commit-M"-
"arold O. Schneider, Mrs.
Wlllard D. Thompson, Mrs? A. A.
Schramm, Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis are to
be hosts for a buffet supper at their
r. Falrmount HiU home the evening of May
31, following Willamette university'!
j The affair honors George Buland, Jr,
of Palo Alto, one of ; the graduates at
the university. , , . '.
Guests for the supper win include Mr,
Buland, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Buland and his sister. Miss Nan Buland,
of Palo Alto: Mr. and Mrs. George Camp
bell, Miss Betty Bryan, Dr. and Mrs.
'James Wiley, all of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. George N. Campbell of Kalama,
Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis,
Jr., of Corvallis, Mrs. W. C, Dyer, Sr.
Electing officers on Thursday will be '
Salem unit, American Legion auxiliary.
Annual reports are to be given at tha
meeting which is set for 8 p.m. at the
Woman's club house. --
Hostesses for the social hour are Mrs.
Jack Johnson, poppy chairman, and Mrs.
Robert FriesS, poppy poster chairman.
" Roberts Hill Billies are meeting next
Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock at the
Roberts Grange hall. On the commit
tee are Mr. and Mrs. Don Reeds, Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Robinson, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Sent.
Entertaining officers and board mem
ers of the Junior Woman's club on
Wednesday was Mrs. Ted Jenny, presi
dent of the group. Dessert was served
and Mrs. Jenny presented each one
with a gift. .
Attending were Mrs. Richard Jen
sing, Mrs. Margaret White, Mrs. Earl
Hampton, Mrs. Floyd Miles, Mrs. Harry
Swing, Mrs.' E. D. Bartruff, Mrs. Wes
ley Goodrich, Mrs. George W. Dewey,
' Jr., Mrs. Norman Johnson, Mrs. Charles
: Winkenwerder and Mrs. Wallace R.
Cowen, incoming president of the club.
Miss Betty Jean Bergner and Mrs. Al
bert C. Gragg, counselor, were unable
to attend.
' Social afternoon club of Alns worth
Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will
meet for a noon luncheon at the Ma
sonic temple, Thursday.
Hostess chairman is Mrs. H. M. Boesch
' who will be assisted by Mrs. D. J. Rains,
Mrs. J. A. Sholseth, Mra Charles E.
Roblin, Mr. Irma Jean and Miss Ar
. line Sholseth.
. . The afternoon will be spent inform
ally with bridge and canasta being
played, "-'..
', Mrs. Henry Lee is presenting a group
: ef her piano students in recital Monday
; evening at 7:45 o'clock at the Stone
l Piano company.
The. students taking part include:
Shirley Pierpoint, Larry and Darlene
Lane, Herbie and Ruthie Klohk, Robin
.and Sherry Sughrue, Marlene Marker,
Mary Wood, Donnle Waller, Ray Oliver,
Kathy Wyatt, Meryle, James and Mel
vin Stockwell. , . ,
New officers for the past presidents
' group of Marion auxiliary, Veterans of
Foreign Wars, were chosen on Thurs
day, Mrs. Clarence Forbis to head the
club this year. Mrs. Billy Kelso is
secretary; Mrs. G. B. Bressler,' treas
urer;' Mrs. A. H. Davis, publicity; Mrs.
George Mason, hospital.
Mrs. Genevieve Olson, outgoing pres
ident, conducted the meeting at - the
home of Mrs. A. H. Davis. Mrs.
George Mason of Rickreall and Mrs.
Mary Champ assisted the hostess.
Members Initiated were Mrs. C, M.
Briggs and Mrs. G. B. Bressler.
On Thursday, Mrs. Elmer Worth, re
tiring president, will present the gavel
to Mrs. Virgil Hume, new president of
Y-Teen, Tri-Y Mothers club. Other of
ficers assuming their responsibilities will
be Mrs. Russell Eyerly, vice-president,
and Mrs. Chester Cummings, secretary.
: . There will be a roundtable discussion
on the work and social life of teen-agers
'during the summer months, all the mem
" bers to participate. ,
Mrs. Eyerly wfll show slides of her
recent trip to the south seas.
Social committee for the meeting to
be at 12:30 o'clock at the YWCA In
cludes all the outgoing officers. Mrs.
; Worth, Mrs. Roy Lockenour, Mrs. Ed-
ward Zahara and Mrs. Arthur L. Sliffe.
Miss Ruth Bedford will present the
following piano students in recital Mon
day, May 25, in the Carrier Room of
the First Methodist church at 7:45 p m.:
Beverly McKlnney, Ben Radclilfe,
Mary Beth Lockenour, Nancy Otto, Rich
ard Smart Bruce Follis. Edwina Fita
gerald, Molly Allen, Connie Reaney, Su
san Sorlck, Janet Bean, Gail Shuford,
Jimmy Davis, Richard Teague,' Robert
Llndqulst Jerilyn Hughes, Ann Lenhsrt
Jnet Don, Conie Collins, Jerry Burger,
Melinda Keeling.
The interested public Is invited.
Hi .
' WED LAST Sudsy atterneni war tar.
In the larger picture are the brida and bar
Bhamra Wright, Mbs Ethel OeOreote, Miss
Rainbow Event
Installation of new officers for Chad
wick assembly. Order of Rainbow for
Girls, is slated for next Tuesday eve-,
ning at 8 o'clock at the Masonic temple.
Pink and white will feature the dec
orations, arranged by Mrs. Virgil Sex
ton. Installing officers will be: Mis
' Arda Lien, worthy adviser; Miss Nancy
Bone, chaplain; Miss Susan Nelson, mar
shal; Miss LoAnne Mundinger, recorder;
Miss Sharon Muller, musician; Mrs. Ar
.nold S Johnson,. mother adviser..! , ..
Officer to be installed are: Miss Joan
Neal, worthy adviser; Miss Margaret
Hildreth, worthy associate adviser; Mis
Eleanor MIeziva, charity; Miss Patty
Johnson, hope; Miss Jan Gillespie, faith;
Miss Patricia Sexton, drill leader; Mis
Carol Warren, treasurer; Miss Priscilla
Payne, confidential observer; Miss Ar
lene Sneddon, chaplain; Miss Carol Wil
liams, choir director; Miss Ann Bradley,
historian; Miss Judy Keller, love; Miss
Carol West, religion; Miss Patricia
Shields, nature; Miss Janice Roseler, im
mortality; Miss Donna Haugen, fidelity;
Miss Sharon Collins, patriotism; Miss
Janice Wood, servicer Miss Patricia
Payne, outer observer; Miss Susan Prier,
musician; Miss Susan Nelson, publicity
chairman; members of choir. Misses
Louise Henderson, Donna Bums, Sharon
Searcy, Ila Warren, Shirley Freeman,
Shirley Ezell, Judy McDonald, Barbara
Sharpe, Sherry Filsinger, Beverly Mo
cabee. . - .
For the program, Tuesday, '. Miss
Sherry Brinkley will give piano solos;
Miss Roberta Sears will sing and Miss
Mary Stevens will give a reading. : At
the gift table will be Miss Melodee
Raines, Miss Connie Taylor. Ushering
will be Misses Judy Kuhn, Danell, Ham
ilton, Karlene Quistad, Sally Merrill.
On the refreshments committee will
be Mrs. J. Doerfler, Mrs. D. F. Raines,
Mrs. L. Taylor, Mrs. Emery Wood,
, Misses Lynette Loring, Mary Grace
Harger, Margaret Secger.
The public is invited to attend a piano
recital on Sunday afternoon, to be given
by pupils of Jean Hebson Rich. The
program will be at 4 o'clock at the Stone
Piano company. . ,
Participating in the program are Jane
Porter. Nina, Carolyn and Billy Croth
ers, Christine Cannon, James Wilson,
Mina and Nancy Skewis, Nancy Col
burn, Marilyn Pinson, Seward Kelllcut,
Lee Anne Scheidemann, Robert Perry,
Lola Mae Rickard, Lesley Neuens, De
lores Zahradnik, Randy Tower, Alex
andria Bradfield, Kay Bergland, Sharon
Forrest, Carol Hoffine, Kay Hanley,
Marilynn Reaney, Lorraine Owen, Vlckl
Ward, Karlene Quistad.
Mrs. Dennis Spencer was hostess on
Wednesday evening at a surprise show
er for Mrs. Howard Houck.
Guests included Mrs. Houck, Mrs.
Harold Flemmlng, Mrs. Wally Murdock,
Mrs. Frank Hughes, Mrs. Robert Dryer,
Mrs. James Corlett, Mrs. Virgil Der
rick, Mr. Gerald Bull, Mr. Paul Gil
mer, Mrs. Donald McLoughlln, Mrs.
Tom Batchelder, Mrs. Leonard Cain,
Mrs. Mel Lien. Mrs. James Armstrong,
Mr. James Morris, Mrs. James Smith.
Mrs. A. A. Schramm Introduced Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague to the Y Wives on
Thursday, Mrs. Sprsgue being, the
speaker for the meeting Mrs. Charles
Fearing, who is adviser to the group,
is leaving Salem soon and the group
presented her with a gift. Nearly 40
attended the meeting at the home of
Mrs. Harold O. Schneider.
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A 4
an Mrs. Gene W. Barta (Jeanne Buuull)
aUeutUnU, left te right: The fcride, Mia
Margaret Dyer and Maw JeAime Majek.
SPEAKER at the dinner event for
the Business . and . Professional
. Women's club on Tuesday will be
Dr. . Richard Stelner, minister ef the
First Unitarian church in Portland. Dr.
Stelner was formerly a newspaperman
in Chicago. His subject will be ''Youth
of Yesterday and Today." Mr. George
Causey, public affairs chairman, 1 in
charge of the program. , - .
Mis Donna Brandt, will ling and she
- will be accompanied by Mrs. Mildred
Hoffman. Mrs. Louis Neuman is ehair
. man of the music..! s- 'V
'' The group will meet 'at 8:30 o'clock
at the Golden Pheasant. .
A number of Salem women plan to
attend the silver tea to be given by
Portland unit of the Republican Wom
en's Federation of Oregon next Tues
day at the home of Misses Harriet and
Florence Leach, 5018 North William
avenue, at Alberta. Hour are between
2 and 5 o'clock.
Mr. Clark C. McCall, president of
'the Salem unit of the federation, ha
been invited to pour during one of the
Honoring Mrs. Harlan A. Judd, who
will be leaving soon with her family to
join Major Judd at Joliet, 111., Mrs. Bert
A. Walker and Mrs. Theodore yilakko
are to entertain next Wednesday at an
informal coffee at the Walker home,
Sunnyside road, south of Salem.
All friends of Mrs. Judd are Invited
to call between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., an
open invitation to her friends being ex
tended by the hostesses.;
Lois P. Schmidt will present her
piano students in recital on Monday
evening, May 25, at 7:43 o'clock in Ro
berts studio.
Students being presented are: Vickl
Kinton, Vonah Richards, JoAnne Doerk.
sen, Kathleen Sue Seely, Julie Duke,
Carol Marx, Judith Anne McClellan,
Linda Sebum, Connie and George
Heppner, Linda, Allen and Nancy
Bates, Joanne, Diane and Ross Cooley,
Lester and Eugenia Margosian, Gloria,
Kathleen and Rodney Schmidt.
Kathleen and Rodney Schmidt, who
are violin students of Victor Palmason
', also will play violin numbers.
Two films, "You'll Remember Ore
gon" and "The New Oregon Trail," will
be shown by Fred Gregor when the
Dabblers club meets for Its annual din
ner event on Thursday. The group will
meet at 7 p.m. at the Pine restaurant.
Meeting Tuesday "atthe YMCA at
7:30 p.m. will be Amateur Artists as
sociation of America.
A benefit card party Is being planned
by Salem Navy Mother for Tuesday
evening, Mrs. Clem Ohlsen to entertain
at her home. Members and their friends
are Invited to attend the affair which
will begin at 8 o'clock. Mrs. J. W. Hart
ley Is chairman of refreshments and In
charge of games is Mr. J. H. Lewi.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Chamberlain
were honored at a surprise housewarm
lng at their new home Thursday eve
ning. Friends calling on the couple
were Mrs. James Sanford, Laura Beth
and John, and Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Sanford, Mrs. Joe Bray, Mr. and Mr.
Archie WUlard, Harry Brum, Mr. and
Mrs. James Bruco, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Waller, and from Spokane, Wash., Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Endlcott and Chuck.
In the hmt an the seatfe eatUn the eake at the reeeptleB. The wefttmr ns
in the tint Cengregatlenal ehareh. The brM ta the aughtcr ef Mr. aad MrsT. G.
BUzaO f galea, and Mr. Barta la the seat ef Mr. aad Mrs. Mykt Barta at WaMpset,
To Install
Salem chapter of Hadassah will In
stall officers for the year at the regular
meeting of Monday, May 25. The new
president of the chapter la Mrs. Jules
Jacobson. She will be assisted by Mrs.
Morris Ullman, first vice-president; Mr.
Daniel Gassner, second vice-president;
Mrs. Martin Chassman, secretary ; Mrs.'
' Sidney Levene, treasurer. - Mrs. Henry'
Sholkoff, Portland, president of the
Northern Pacific Coast region of Hadas
sah, will be installing officer and will
also deliver a message to the group.
- The out-going president. Mrs. Ernest'
Bergman, will give a report on the
chapter's activities and achievements in
the past year. Through the efforts of
all the members and the cooperation of
Hadassah' friends, It was possible for
the Salem chapter to raise its quota, re-
ports Mrs. Bergman. The funds are on :
their way to Israel where they will help,
the sick and a home for the orphans and
the refugees. .
The Installation of officers will be fol
lowed by a social hour. Mrs. Arthur
Weinstein and Mrs. Ernest Bergman are ;
in charge of refreshments..
Being welcomed home from six weeks
In Columbus, Ohio, are Mr. and Mrs.
Fred B. Moxley. They visited their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John
A. Miller and family. ...
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ANNOUNCEMENT was made recently ef the engagemeai ef Mhs Norma Cam
fleld. aboT, daughter ef Mr. aad Mrs, O. C CaaafleM, to Darwin J, Kerber, son at
Mr. and Mrs, Adam Kerber.
ALEm will welcome Secretary of
tha Interior and Mr. Douglas Mc
Kay next week for a visit. Mra.
McKay I to arrive the fore part of th
week to visit with her daughter. Mrs.
Wayne Hadley and Mrs. Lester D.
Green, the secretary to arrive on Fri
day. ,-v !' - - ' : -
Secretary McKay is to be speaker for
' Willamette university' commencement
program, Sunday, May. 31. The Me-
, Kays also will be attending official
' event in Portland. While west, the
' secretary also is to take part in the dedi-
cation of the Detroit dam on June 10. H
Between the Willamette event and
the Portland date, however, Secretary
McKay is to return to Washington, D.C,
for a few days, coming back to Oregon
the week of 'June 8. ' The McKay plan
' to return to the national capital on
June 16.
Entertaining the PLE&F club of the
Pythian Sisters Wednesday evening at
8 o'clock, .is Mrs. Tom Romaine, 1191
North Capitol. Mrs. G. W. Thomas and
Mr. Charles G. Irwin will assist
Regular luncheon meeting for Salem
club of Zonta International will be next
Thursday noon at the Golden Pheasant
New officers, headed by Mrs. Vernon
Wiscarson as president will take over
the first time. .:.' ; . . ..
Ww-MIUr nusio rietin.)
Willamette's J.
' NextWeek-End
: Annual commencement week-end for
, Willamette university, starting next
Saturday, Interests a large group of
triandi of tb Institution. ,
Alumni day events open Saturday .
with registration at 9 a.m. Meeting!
' and program are planned during tha
morning, tha class reunion luncheon
to be at noon. Among the special das
' reunion will be the 25th on for tha
i class ef 1828 In the Mirror room at
thy Marion hotel. '
. Saturday noon, Mr. O. Herbert
Smith, wife of the university president,
, is entertaining at her annual luncheon
for tha wives of members of the board
ef trustee of Willamette, the lunch
eon to be at the Smith homa, University
"" House. ,. .it-
The alumni day banquet is set for
p.m. Saturday at the Marlon hotel
Commencement ceremonies are slated
for t p.m. Sunday, May 31, at McCul
. loch stadium, Secretary of the Interior
Douglas McKay, former Oregon gover
nor, to be the speaker.
An Informal reception i planned
for 4:30 p.m. Sunday In Lausanne hall
for faculty, seniors, parent, alumni and
special university guests. Mrs. Chester
Luther and Mr. Charles Johnson are
heading the committee arranging the
informal affair.
President and Mrs. Smith are to be
host at a dinner Sunday to honor the
distinguished guest taking part In tha
commencement program. ? '
(7W ' HZ Mirror room of the. Marion
vH hotel w
i annual
hotel will be. the letting for the '
Bosses Breakfast" given .
by the Insurance Women' association
of. Salem, on Thursday. The event is
scheduled for 7 o'clock. ;
Mis Nil Cluett, outgoing president
will welcome the guests and the re
sponse will be given by Richard D. Den
ton, president of the Salem Agents as- -soclatlon.
- .-;..,...
Skits will be presented by Salem and
Albany members, Mrs. Sidney Rising
and Mm. Walter F. Werstlein in charge.
The national convention of insurance
women' club will be in Cleveland, O.,
June 17 to 18, with delegate from 189
' dub attending to study way of broad
ening the application of their creed,
"Fellowship, Loyalty and Education,"
At the meetinp, members are acquaint
ed with new regulation, and the im
portance of efficient public relations
is (tressed. '
Convention reports will be given
when the Credit Women's Breakfast
club meets at "I a.m. on Tuesday at
Nohlgren's. Attending the conference
ta Victoria, B.C., last week-end were
Mis Char lene Churchill and Mr. Gavin
HU1, delegates; Miss Lena Blum and.
Mr. Verne Robb, alternates; Mr. Lloyd
Meyer. Ml Beverly Hartxell and the
club president,, Mr. Rand welsn. .
Happy Go Lucky club win meet Wed
nesday for luncheon st 12:80 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. R. P. Simpson.
Mrs. Don Madison will entertain the
past president' of Capital unit, Ameri
can Legion auxiliary, on Thursday eve
ning. The group will meet at her home,
1565 North 24th, for dessert at 7:30
o'clock. Assisting Mrs. Madison wUl be
Mr. Paul Gemmell, Mr. Merle D. Tra
vis, Mrs. Frank Water and Mr. Helen
McLeod. ,
Invitation Is extended to all the square
dance club in Salem to attend a danc
ing party to be given by Capital O
Square Dance club on Thursday. In
charge of the event to be at 8:30 o'clock
at the Veteran of Foreign Wars hall are
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robinson and 1
Mr. and Mrs. D. Ream.
Meeting on Tuesday will be St. Eliza
beth's guild of St. Paul's Episcopal
church at the parish bouse, salad lunch- .
eon to be at 1 o'clock.
Mis Mabel P. Robertson, Mrs. Philip
W. Allison, Mrs. Lester F. Barr, Mrs.
W. J. Hardy and Mrs. William Dolt are
hostesses for the afternoon. .
... . .
2 Events Set
Observing National Secretaries Week,
May 23-30, Cascade chapter of the Na
tional Secretaries association will par
ticipate In two functions next week.
The first is a banquet planned for next
Tuesday when officers will be iivUlled
and there will be Initiation of nev mem
bers. Mrs. J. B. Hansen, president, will
Install new officers for the gro ip, Mr.
William DeVall to be president; Mra.
Lois Keeney, first vice - president;
Mrs. Lloyd Darling, second vice-president;
Mrs. William Burchel, recording
secretary; Miss Verna Keppinger, cor
responding secretary; Mis Maym
, Smith, treasurer.
Initiation for Mrs. James Cromer, Mr.
Thoma J. Nutter and Mis Patricia Se
bastian will be conducted by the out
going officers.
During the evening, Cascade chapter
will present its first scholarship award
to Miss Denise Lovelace of Drain, a stu
dent at Llnfleld college. Mrs. Howard
Wlcklund i In charge of the presenta
tion which follow the policy of the na
tional organisation to aid young women
: Interested In a secretarial career.
Mils Audrey Roblin will present
piano numbers for the program.
Miss Helen Ruettger 1 overall chair
man for the party to bo at 6:30 o'clock
at the Gold Arrow and In charge of ar
rangements ar Miss Verna Keppinger,
chairman; Mr. Cameron Mull, Mr.
Fred Bernard! and Mr. Claude Bors
Cich. An event of Thursday morning win
be the bosses breakfast, to be at the
Golden Pheasant at 7 o'clock. Mrs.
William DeVall will extend the welcome
to the visitor. Chairman of the affair
is Mr. James Cromer nd her assistant
are Mis Verna Keppinger, Miss Dene
' Allen and Ml Joy Doyal.