HI A w on, - eel He i : Sa ': nil s w i k to: K tet ' Jl 7 u thl mi 6a eh Mi tin M aa jr. frl it r alt Dv Ml W. Hu Mi Jaj Ml L Ml of f B T Jo ' let to tin - 19- V Ro thi". At.. VI 11 lin thl n Pa V Rb'. M. , 6! i Ul B ) . tol of flO me ler hl 1 toe d.; cm ' aa I bai P.E.O. Group To Organize Here Monday A sew chapter In P.E.O.tSitterhood, composed entirely of P.E O. members ' who recently moved to Salem, if to be organized here Monday afternoon, the meeting to be at 2:30 o'clock in the ' (octal room of the First Presbyterian church. Mrs. Dolph Phlpps, Medford, ttate ' P.E.O. organizer, will conduct the or ganization. She it to be assisted by the following members of Chapter BQ, the sponsoring chapter: Mrs. Ervin L. Pet erson and Mrs. Roy Todd, chapter presi dent and vice-president, respectively; ' and past chapter presidents. Miss Brenda Glass, Mrs. S. A. Boise and Mrs. Kenneth Potts. Chapter BQ, the sponsoring organiza tion, has issued special invitations to all state officers and of the four other Salem chapters to attend the ceremony and the tea to be given immediately " following the meeting. At the tea, Mrs. Marens Maltby will sing, accompanied by Mrs. Ralph Dobbs. Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine is general chairman of the tea and she will be assisted by the following chairmen: Miss Brenda Glass, table and decora- . tions; Mrs. Coe Roberts, serving; Mrs, Robert Sears, social; Mrs. Roy Harland, . refreshments; Mrs. Charles H. Mills, Invitations; Mrs. Scott Samsel, flowers; Mrs. W. B. Jones, guest book; and Mrs. . Wesley Sullivan, publicity. Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, past P.E.O. state president, and Mrs. Robert L. Elf strom, present state. ' recording secre tary, will pour. Members of the newly organized chapter will have dinner together at Cole's Chicken Diner and at 8 p.m. they will meet with the state organizer at the home of Mrs. William C. Perry, 2875 Bolton. Assisting Mrs. Perry with arrangements will be Mrs. Clyde Mar tin, Mrs. Arthur Lara, and Mrs. K. H. Cole. , .'.. -.. - By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER THE gay informal coffee parties . go merrily on, Salem hostesses finding this an enjoyable way to entertain. Among the larger coffee gatherings for the week will be the two for which Mrs. Arthur Erlckson, Mrs. Steve Ta bacchl and Mrs. James L. Payne are to entertain on Tuesday. ,,.i , The three are entertaining at the Erlckson home on South High street between 10 and 12:30 o'clock, and be tween S and 8:30 o'clock In the after noon. - . Invited to pour at the parties are Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., Mrs. V. D. McMullen, Mrs. Vern Shay, Mrs. Bjarne Erlcksen. - , i Other friends assisting will be Mrs. Frank Shafer, Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Mrs. Ralph Atwood, Mrs. Sam C, Camp bell, Mrs. Herman Jochlmsen, Mrs. T. Harold Tomllnson, Mrs. H. T. Irving, Mrs. Lawrence Brown. '. ..; - i Other Parties Doe - , . , Also entertaining at it eofee on Tues day will be Mrs. Edwin Keech who has Invited friends for an Informal party at her home. . ... Mrs. C. Kenneth Wilson and Mrs. Xelth Brown are entertaining for a group next Thursday for a coffee at the home of Mrs. Wilson on Falrmount Hill, guests being invited to call between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Pouring will be Mrs. Merrill D. Ohl tng, Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren, Mrs. Rich ard A. Rawllnson, Mrs. Kenneth Power. Assisting about the rooms and in serving will be Mrs. Frank A. Brown, Mrs. Roger Dasch, Mrs. Kenneth Bell, Mrs. Vern W. Miller, Mrs. Wallace Car son, Mrs. John R.'Caughell, Mrs. Wer ner Brown, Mrs. Breyman Boise, Mrs. George Weller. Members of Chapter BQ, P. E. O. Sis terhood, and their guests will meet Mon day evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Maurice Brennen on Alvarado ter race to hear Mrs. Charles A. Sprague speak on the United Nations. Co-host-esses will be Mrs. Marens Maltby and Mrs. S. A. Boise. FROM Peg in Washington Washington, D. C, May 19 - Dear Marian: Following Secretary Douglas McKay's speech to the American Public Power association in Boston last Thursday night, the McKays returned to New York and enjoyed a couple of days vacation. "Won derful Town" and "Can-Can" were the shows they saw. A session at the third dimensional "Cinerama" where they were in the fifth row left them a bit exhausted, but their first week-end of vacation was still a pleasant change, they report. Another speech of the Secretary's last week was at the District Bar Association for Administrative Procedure. The inter est of this group is In the work of the federal departments and the Secretary's presentation representing the thinking of one department head was welcomed by the Association members and given high praise. He spoke also before the com bined student bodies of the Industrial Colleges of the Armed Forces and the National War College at Fort McNatr. e e Many Oregon visitors again this week Including Bob Frailer, with the Eugene Register Guard enroute home from Har vard where he has been reaping the benefits of a Nleman fellowship this year; Mrs. Myrtle Lowmlller, Salem, of the motor vehicle department of the Sec retary of State's office, In the east for visits with Pennsylvania relatives; Ben Flelschman, Portland attorney: Mrs. William B. Chandlec, Hillsboro, chair man of the Oregon Mothers' Committee, and former president of ths Oregon Fed eration of Women's Clubs, here for a brief visit but returnitig again next week V V A WEDDING ef test Sunday was that ef Cap tain and Mrs. Baceae Mitchell Beard (Joyce RecTet). At rlfbt, the couple at the ehonb fal- . Inwlnr the terries. In the ' Insert, the bride and her matron ef honor, her sis ter, Mrs. Paul B. Sehaff ef Fee telle, an aiotared ' ia a candid. The bride Is the younger daafhter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. lorros and Captain Beard, whs Is la the air force. Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur W. Smith ef Wash ington. D.C- who west for the wedding. At Home Event Mrs, Paul L. Patterson, wife of the governor, has another of her at home afternoons planned for next Wednesday, out-of-town and local friends being in vited to call between 2 and 4:30 o'clock that afternoon at the Patterson home on North Winter. . . ' . , : This week-end the governor -and 'Mrs. Patterson are in CoqulUe, Coos Bay and Klamath Falls. They will be In Eugene Sunday evening, and on Monday will go to Portland to a ban quet of independent retail grocers. On Memorial day they plan to attend the fleet of flowers ceremonial at Depoe Bay. . Hostess to Chapter AB of P.E.O. Sis terhood on Monday evening will be Mrs. Glenn Briedwell at her SUverton home at 7:45 o'clock. Mist Etta White is co hostess. vDue home from California the first of the week are Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde. Mrs. Vandeneynde hat been in Oakland visiting, Mr. Van deneynde driving south Friday to meet her. - Of interest to her many Salem friends will be the news that Miss Sylvia Kjel dstad has been chosen assistant leader for a group of University of Washing ton students who will tour European countries this summer. She will sail from New York on June 20, and will return here in September. Miss Kjcldstad, who is working to ward her Ph.D. at the University of Washington, came to the United States a few years ago, returning with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Ameson. BY ALENE (PEG) PHILLIPS for the meeting of the General Federa tion of Women's Clubs; Dr. L. V. Feike, . Portland, who came in with his sister, Mrs. Zelda Rodenwold, a transplanted Oregonlan who Is now with the Depart ment of Agriculture here, both of them long-time friends of the Secretary; Lloyd Taylor, of Odell, formerly with the Sec retary of State's office, who with Mrs. Taylor, and their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Taylor, Portland, came east for a new car, and circled around Washing ton before returning westward; Mrs, Gwea Renken, now with California Packing company in Portland but for many years a Salem resident as an employe of the company there, wi-o with a Portland friend has been visiting -a cousin here before enjoying a first visit In New York; Mrs. W. D. Moreland, Portland, visiting her sister, Miss Gene vieve Cooper; and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pratt, Portland, also friends of the Sec retary. Today, Robert W. Sawyer, publisher of the Bend Bulletin, Ernest Jachetta and James Lonergaa, Portland attorneys, are dropping In for a look at the office and a chat with the Oregon lans here. Dale Fischer, lumberman of Eugene, and Orea Kins, city manager at Eugene, have been here for hearings and Dale entertained" some of the Oregon contingency at din ner at the Shoreham one evening last week. Dancing in the Blue Room with the master of ceremonies giving pre ferred attention is fun. With department reorgantzatlonal plans rolling along, office work con tinues at a high pitch. It's a reitful life, offlcally and socially. Adieu. Peg. T 1 i" OPT. AND MRS., EUGENE A LATE summer bride will be Miss JoAnne Majek, who ia announc ing Sunday, August 23, as date for her marriage to Allan J. Olson. The ceremony will be solemnized at 8 o'clock that evening in the First Presbyterian church. The engagement of the young couple was announced at Christmas time. Both have been attending Oregon State col lege... Miss Maek is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Majek and Mr. Olson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. - Olson.' St. Helena's guild, St. Paul's Episco pal church, is meeting next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John Horner, 2250 Strong road. As sisting hostesses will be Mrs. Leonard Hicks, Mrs. E. W. Rector, Mrs. Ralph Stangby, Mrs. Murl Stevenson. Officers will be elected, reports given on work for the bazaar to be staged by all women's organizations of the church next fall, and a white elephant sale will be conducted. A j J V ' . ' . it;. AA 1 it - - ' m , ' -M t m -i f - ! ? , . .'JAJS; . a .-, ' v. ; .--.at - ( V lH' '.1 --'. w, :W. - v ? - A' A : --'A a A;; ' A A !'A v .-.. " ' ' -'-,) iri; Ma . Kj "' : - v a ! ,. NEXT BIO BTENT sopeelally failereatlnt to the Balem YWCA amnbers and friends h the eUrer tea ptanaod lor Jaao 4 at the Doalel J. Try homo, proceeds to go to the balMlng fnad far the bow IW ptaat now aador ooastractloa, - 'p. (Arti studio Ictaree J MITCHELL BEARD INVITATIONS will be out this next week for the wedding of Miss Col leen McNeil and James Houck, the ceremony to be Sunday, June 14, in the Calvary Baptist church. The reception following also will be at the church. The engagement of the couple was announced earlier this spring. The bride-elect is the daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McNeil and Mr. Houck is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Houck. Leaving June 3 for southern Califor nia will be Mr. and Mrs. F. Bruce Cran dall, their daughter, Miss Thais Cran dall, their son, Bill Crandall, and Mrs. Crandall's parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Gould of Portland.. The family is going south for the wed ding of Miss Crandall and John S. Conklin, on June 20. The ceremony will be solemnized at 7:30 o'clock that eve ning in the Church of the Angels at Pasadena, the reception following to be at the W. E. Baugh home in San Marino, Calif. Mr. Conklin is the son of Mrs. Anna Conklin of Pasadena and Verle D. Conklin of Detroit DOLLS AT FRY HOME INTEREST YOUNG YWCA MEMBERS fcla& Colorful Junior Prom on Friday For Salem High Schod Students For high schoolers next week's big vent is the annual Junior Prom, plan ned for Friday evening, May 29, the formal affair to be In the school gym nasium. The prom is the final big all school dance of the year. "Aqua Shadows" Is the theme for the dance, an undersea setting to be fea tured. The orchestra will be. in an old ship hull. There will be shells, treasure chests and other items appropriate to the theme. Miss Sharon Johnson is general chairman for the prom. Miss Judy Bancroft heads the decor ations committee, others heading groups assisting her including Misses Sandra Carter, Adeline M-iier, Lynn Barrel!, Gay Blackman, and Ray Taylor and EXEMPLIFICATION of the exem plar degree for Mrs. Wilbur Pearson and degrees for four 1 honorary members will feature the spe cial meeting for Xi Lambda chapter of Beta. Sigma Phi on Wednesday evening. The meeting will be at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Gus Hewitt. , The honorary members are Mrs. George Beane, Mrs. David Bennett Hill, Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Mrs. Walter L. : Spauldlng. On the refreshment committee for the evening are Mrs. Billy Bishop and Mrs. Donald Parker. Miss Martha Lierly is the new president of the chapter. Honoring Mrs. Gerald C. Evanson (Martha Marshall); whose wedding was an event of the past winter, Mrs. Wal lace Carson and Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren are entertaining at an informal coffee and bridal shower next Wednesday morning at the Carson home. Guests will include members of the bridge club 1 of the two hostesses, Mrs. Eyanson's mother, Mrs. Willard Marshall, also be ing a member of the group; and a few close friends of the honoree. The shower will be a linen one. Guests are invited between 10 a.m. and noon. - - Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood is meeting next Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. F. Shut ter, 685 Catterlin. Mrs. Ethel Parr it. to be co-hostess. . ' Salem Sojourners club Is planning its dessert and afternoon of cards for next Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Salem Woman's club house. Mrs. Kenneth Zimmerman, chairman; Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mrs. Rollin Lewis, Mrs. J. C. Tucker, Mrs. Jerry Monahan nd Mrs Jordan Johnson are the com mittee for the afternoon. - Alpha Psl chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is meeting next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Howard Post, the meeting to be the final one until fall.. , . . - , New officers of the chapter are: Mrs. Howard Hun taker, president; Mrs. Lee Thomas, vice-president; Mrs. W. W. McKinney, treasurer; Mrs. Charles R. Shaw, secretary. r Among those vacationing in Califor nia are Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Eber sole. Aboro an fear of the Trl-Y anj v.T hroathl hy Mra. rry froia aU aorta if the asuas Mwls, Lyaa Bamll, Baadii Larry Martin. Miss Judy Loucks head. . . i . . . . the orcnesira committee, ausa Mary Arnold ia in charge of programs, Wayne Carr beading the entertainment com mittee. Courtney Kurtz and Miss Jano, Rowell are on the patrons committee. Miss Barbara Fuhr heads the refresh ments committee and Tom Pickens is chairman for the clean-up committee. Patrons for the evening will be Mr and Mrs. Robert M. Ashby, Mr. and Mrs.1 Clyde Bancroft, Mr. and Mrs. Jos.' eph Boudreau, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dome galla, Or. and Mrs. Howard Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lockard, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. George Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde John son. N event of Monday evening at thi oioniai nouse wm oe uutalla tion of officers for the Junior Woman's club. The group will meet for a social hour at 7 o'clock, w(th dinner hnH itiatallntlnn fnllnwlnff f w .. ...... mar- garet White is chairman of the affair. Members of chapter BC of' P.E.O. Sis terhood have an evening meeting plan ned for Tuesday evening, at 7:45 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Harry W. Scott, 249 Cunningham lane. Mrs. Otto 1. Wilson, Sr., is co-hostess. Mrs. Brooks Moore, Mrs. Ralph Dobbs and Mrs. Robert F. Anderson .will present the program on "Life Ia What You Are Alive To." Mrs. Leon Brown Is to be hostess to her study club on Monday for luncheon and the afternoon. . mro. xiivuoxu tt . ocinouns is enter taining informally Sunday afternoon in honor of a Portland friend, Miss Doro thy Dreyer who it to be married to Charles Billington, now in the aU force. The -party will be at the home of Mrs. Scandling! mother, Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett. A miscellaneous shower will fete Miss Dreyer and supper served. Guests will include a group of college friends of the honoree. Mist Dreyer is the daughter of Mrs. Kaare Dreyer of Portland and Mr. Billington is the ton of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Billington ef 1 , t, i t. mgr r nt .' , Liongview. r v m : ' v Planned for June 18 at the First Con gregational church in Salem it the wed ding of Miss Mary Evelyn Parke of Pasadena, Caiif., and Lt. Robert Elwood Graf of Portland. . - The ceremony will be at 8:30 o'clock that evening, the reception following . also to be at the church. The bride-elect it the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester G. Parke of Salem and Lt. Graf is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin D. Graf of Portland. xteta Sigma cnapter oi spauon Sigma Alpha sorority is meeting next Wednes day evening at the home of Mrs. Cliftoa Boehmer at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Elvin Hakan ton to be eo-hostess. Members of Alpha Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi are to meet on Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Donald Kleinsmith. -taiw.u.w.J - .. . ' J?Si!r,v,Bj?7," ih eolloetloB ef d.l Carter. to right: Jaas i ... 1 1