.niy, nlM j jj, 1953 THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, gaits, Orara QUEEN CROWNED AT SCIO FAT LAMB SHOW ' - V -- i 7 - - i ; , 9 , ; ' ' i ' . - . Vlr.. " . ; - 1 r"! VI v. - 5 i f f 1 I .1- (.t . 4 i. t - 1 S T I ' ! i n ,. .f -'....rMi lv VV I? Academy to Graduate 44 Commencement xercie, in which diplomas will be given 44 class members at Salem Academy will be held Monday Bight at 8 o'clock in the acade my gymnasium. Dr. Earl S. Kalian d, presi dent of Western Baptist Theo logical Seminary, Portland, will eive the address. The baccalaureate service will be at the First Baptist church Sunday night at 7:30. Members of the graduating class are: Shirley Benike, Ger ard Biggins, Neil Du Chten, , Merle Fadenrecht, Nels Fri berg, Barbara Garner, Dick Garner, Dick Gibbons, Janice Gautzen, Delbert Grate, Paul Gunther, Karen Lee Hampton, Sandra Hazelbaker, Charles Hlghley, Joanne Hildebrand, Waiter Howell, Arley Isaac, Shirley Klght, Esther Kimball, Phylis King, Lavlna Louen, Morteen McCary. Shirley Me- rann. rfelen Melby, Ronnie Mott, LeRoy Neifield, Janice nin. John Olson. Duane Pas- cheU, Jim Pfau, Donald Pic KeU. Marian RatzlaU, Mervln Relmer, Mary Rich, Robert Rutherford. Carol Jean Schmidt. Carolyn Smith, Kea ton Thlelen, Robert Trueax, Joyce Wright apd Donald Wy nt Rhirlev Kieht is valedictorian of the class and Marian Ratzlaff is salutatorian. Fireman's Auxiliary Meets at Woodburn Woodburn Mrs. Sid Selme ia.a nver the meeting of the Fireman's auxiliary Thurs. ni.h at the fire hall. Rou hmlness was transacted tni plans were made to enter theUble set'Jng contest June 6, sPowored by the Woodburn Woman's dub at the city lib rary. Mrs. Fred Klnns. jr, wa. 'i-i- chairman, to be as :Z bv Mrs. Jack Bush and cmiih French. .' stift was present .A Mrs. Dale Seaton who is lcsvlns soon to make her nome Jolly kroasman, center, was crowned queen of the Scio Fat Lamb show by Mayor Rolla Shelton at ceremonies in the Scio grade school gymnasium Friday night. Princesses were Opal Hlnk, left, and Marianne Bell, right. Lower photo shows the Crabtree square dance team that won first prize for square dancing. They are first1 and second graders in the Crabtree school trained by Mrs. Herman Kieper. ' , Rain Fails to Halt Parade As Lamb Show Proceeds Students High At Jefferson Jefferson Achltvem ant tests recently given to the ten-: fior class in the high school bet resulted m tome surprising high grade. , Jlmmie Adams rated 17, which is Junior In college in achievement. His waa highest score in the class.'THt average grade as 11.9. Other high grades were made by Deloris Meyers, John Perry and Frances Tierce, all rating 14, with 3.11 score. Robert Harris was between the 13 and 14 with a 3.3 score. Howard McGill the IS grade and Rich ard Orton, almost the 11. Budget Hearing At Woodburn Woodburn A public hear ing en the 1SS3-S4 budget for the city of Woodburn will be held at g p.m. Tuesday, May 26, at the city hall. Anyone is invited to attend. new ouaget calls lor a tax of $34,156.90, aU coming within the legal 6 per cent lim itation and not requiring a public 'vote of approval. Ex penditures are listed at $85,- 956.50, an Increase of $8927.50 over the current budget, the increase caused by payments of bond principal and interest and salary increases. Due to a lack of a quorum Tuesday night the council ad journed until 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday May 26. Mayor El mer Mattaon announced the appointment of T. R. Ander son as the new Woodburn civil defense director. HOLDS HIGHEST SCOUT HONOR If ) James Burke, student at St Joseph's School, receives Eagle Scout award, and.ia shown in the picture being con gratulated by Scoutmaster Frank Pavalek. James is a ton of Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Burke, 1948 East Nob HiU. Eagle Scout Award Received By James Burke of St. Joseph's At a Court of Honor cere-1 and, hold the Ad Altare Del mony Thursday evening at .cross, which it the highest Knights of Columbus hall, James Burke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Burke, 1945 East Nob HIU, received the Eagle Scout, award, highest award in scouting. James is an eighth grade student at St. Joseph's school AERIAUST Scio, May 23 Drizzling rain today failed to dampen the spirits of enthusiastic support ers of the Scio Fat Lamb show, who conducted their parade through the town despite the steady downpour. Crusade Still Short Of Halfway Mark Returns from the current cancer crusade have been in creasing in recent days, but the county quota of $7,043 is vet to reach the halfway mark, according to reports issued by Mark Hatfield, county chair man. Hatfield expects to push the drive until the quota has been reached. Fred E. Joehnke, treasurer for the crusade, state that re turns were received from ZOO individuals and organizations Thursday, the largest single dav since the movement began He added that the third and last "sword mailing" had been nlaced in the mail in connec tion with the solicitation oi funds. Two notes of encouragement were received at headquarters concerning the campaign. One came from Florence Matthes, Route 2. who. in sending her contribution wrote "Dear Friends: God strengthen your right elbow In this great and noble work." The second came from seven-year-old Thomas Justin Harris nt Also Keimann roau. " wrote that he was devoting his allowance of $1 to we iigm against cancer. ' BIDS ON LOCKS A8KED Portland W Army engl neers today invited bids for re placement of the upper ap proach canal guide wall with stiff boom at Willamette Falls locks at West Linn. Bids wlU be opened at 2 p.m. June 19. It takes more than a little rain ,to keep a real Webfooter out of a parade," Bob McCul- lum, parade chairman, said. Following the parade the lamb were placed on exhibi tion and Judging was started. " At noon, - luncheon was served by variot! women's groups. ' .. Friday night Rolla Shelton, mayor, crowned Jolly Kross- man queen of the lamb show. Princesses were Opan Hink and Maryanne Bell. .Mrs. Lou ise Thielsen was chairman of the queen contest committee. .Trials for working sheep dogs are scheduled to be held at the high school athletic field at 2 p.m. George Brock is in charge. Hazel Pague Is in charge of fleece, knitting and flower dis plays held in the Jones build' tag. Other committee chairmen are Roger Cain, who. is in charge of the closing dance to be held in the old gymnasium at 9 p.m. tonight; W. S. Sparks, Herman Zeller, Harold Rellly, Carl Warren and Mayor Shel ton. Plan Park Opening Sweet Home Sweet Home's annual summer recreation pro gram will begin June 15 with Gene Owens and Mrs. Osburn Shaw as co-directors of the program. The program will in clude activities at the swim mlngpool and a Peewee base' ball league. Playground ac tivities are to be scheduled Monday through Saturday of each week but no definite date Is set on opening of pool sched ule. . Heavy Penalty for Sweet Home Man Sweet Home Gerald Dee Varner, 88, Sweet Home, ap peared in Justice Court Wed- nesday after two delays in Judge F.'A. Cornell's decision, Varner pleaded guilty May 11 to- chargea of driving while in toxicated and driving while his operators' license was revoked. after he had .been arrested on May 10 following an accident involving three cars. Judge Cornell fined Varner $750 and .120 days in Jail and revoked all but $300 In fines and $9 court costs -and i pended the Jail sentence. Week's Schedule Closes Meetings ' Marlon County Extension Unit meetings for the week of May 25-29 are . listed below, Anyone who is Interested is in vited to attend. This week brings to close the regular monthly unit meet ings for this year. They will be resumed again in October. The date of. meetings, units, time and place are as follows: May 26 Thomas, 10:30, with Mr. Bruno Schmidt, Care of Rugs and Upholstered Furni ture; Pratum-Macleay, 1:30, with Mrs. Cornelius Bateson, Becoming a Good Buyer. May 28 Silverton, 1:30, Be coming a Good Buyer; Roberts, 1 p.m. with Mrs. R. L. Irving, Care of Rugs and Upholstered Furniture; St. Paul, Herbs for Variety and Accent Detroit Dates Film For Building Fund Detroit Funds to be donat ed or the Detroit city build ing will be raised Monday night) at a movie to be shown in the school gymnasium under the sponsorship of the Detroit Women's Civic club. The film wiU be "Heidi," a long time favorite with all ages, and there will be addl tional short features. ' Tickets will be sold by school children and may also be obtained at the Cedar Tav ern, Lake Cafe or at the door. Club Award's Given At High School ' Club awards were presented at an assembly at Salem high school Friday. The. Spanish Club award, a new dictionary, went to Pat McGregor. ' The Latin Club award was presented to Pete Loder and BUI Emery, while Journalism awards went to Pat Snider, Roger Weaver, Gloria Stolk, Marilyn Isaak end Bruce Bleckert. The glrl-of-the-tnonth award was presented to Marcla Lee Bryant. Soil District Changes Voted Residents of two Mid-Wil lamette valley areas voted to extend the boundaries of toil conservation district to in clude adjacent territory at elec- tiosxs held earlier in the week and one new district was form ed. V Ed Hammer, Mt. Angel farm er and polling superintendent for the Mt. Angel Soil Con servation district, announced that the referendum on the proposed new Mt Angel Soil Conservation District carried favorably by a vote of 90 to 34 Mr. Hammer also announced that the three elected super visors for the Mt Angel Soil tendent, announced. Conservation district z Jo. Bernt, lit Ansel; Jimjackaoa. Brook; and William SchwarU of Silverton. , Max fkhults, Jefferson gum. r and polling superintendent tot tat referendum on toe pro- pored Jefferson-Talbot addi tion to the Santlam Soil Con servation District, announced that the vote was favorable for the proposal. The addition ear- ried by a vote of 97 for and against The polling place was at Jefferson City Hall, Jefferson. The poll closed at 8 P-m. Thursday night The propoaal for the addi tion to the Silver Creek Soil Conservation District the Butte Creek-Silver Creek Fall area passed by a vote of 8$ for and 7 against Wednesday ' night. May SO, X. F. Cook of Scott Mill, polling wperuv 4- Above is Shirley Steven whose great grandfather waa Hilesha Bailey of the origi nal Bailey Bros, circus fame. In 1853 Hialesha Bailey im ported the first elephant into the United States and dis played him for 10 cent in the New England states at night. They would walk this giant elephant from town to town under cover of dark ness, so that the public would not see him without paying this 10 cents -admission. Ever since those early days elephants have been a symbol of American cir cuses, naturally Shirley be ing a chip off the old block, she developed a great desire to be an elephant trainer also a high trapeze perfor mer with the Bailey Bros, circus. DOOLITTLK SPEAKER Woodburn An armed serv ices program was featured at the noon meeting of the Wood burn Rotary club Thursday with Lt. Col. Gordon L. Doo little, deputy chief of staff for air of the Oregon National Guard, as the speaker. He was Introduced by Major James J. Anderson of Woodburn and his topic was "Power for Peace." award the Catholic Church of fers in scouting. He also is Junior assistant Scoutmaster in Troop 6. Other awards were also pre sented to member of Troop 6, St Joseph's Boy Scouts. Vin cent Fletcher, committeeman. wa master of ceremonies. The Court of Honor wa composed of Scout Chaplain Rev. James B. Fleming, Donald Nash, Wes ley Goodrich and James Kern, Scout Executives, and also member of Troop 6 committee, William Gentzkow, Lee Mc Farland and Charles Schmitz. Guest of the' Court of Honor wa Louis Amort, advisor ex plorer Post 16. Rev. Fleming gave the scout Invocation. Frank Pavelek, Scoutmaster of Troop 6, pre sented' Weblo awards to An drew Link and Thomas Alley of, Pack 6, Louis Amort con ducted, the Tenderfoot Investi ture for Mickey Gallagher and Max Lucero: Introduced were David Ditterick, Billy Lange and Ed Nuxoll, who received! Tenderfoot awards at the Black Rock' Camporee. Wlularn Gentzkow awarded a Second Clfesa badge to Max Lucero. Lee McFarland tented First Class awards to Donald Stubr, - James Weiss, Robert Beigler, Richard Jat- kowski, Ronald Lundy, William Gentzkow, Danny Martinez, Kenneth McFarland and Charles Zasteridge. James ' Kern gave . merit badges to John Ham street, Ger ald Pavelek, Charles Schmitz, Thomas Hirons, William Clay- borne,-' Danny Martinez' and James Hoffman. Don Nash pre sented Explorer awards to Ed Johnson, Bob Welle and Charles Schmitz of Post 16. Charles Schmitz was in charge jof the Star award, which was given to Thomas Hirons. James Kern conducted the Life awards which were re ceived by Jeffrey Elliott, John Hamstreet and - Gerald Pavelek. Kern also outlined some of the highlights of the coming Jamboree to be held In Call-, fornia. The following boys pro bably will attend from Troop James Burke, Gerald Pave lek, Douglas Thompson, John Hamstreet, William Gentzkow, Charles Schmitz and James Hoffman. Refreshments were handled by Committeemen Dr. D. L. Callicrate, Dr. Douglas Thomp son and Bernard Carroll. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph.2-5655 - - UNITED REPAIR CO. -255 N. UIERTY - Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and AH Small Appliances Guaranteed Service -Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners AWNIIIGS-TENTS-TARPS Fh. 3-4780 SALEM TENT t AWNING CO. 72f N. UIERTY -Canvas Good of Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" CRICK WOM Ph. 26545 FRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE ami OUTSIDE , . Fireplaces, patioe, planter, brick steps, ate. Also patch i plastering. Qriinney top. - ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHINESE FOODS Fh. 2-6596 CHINA CAFE 2055 FAIRWOUNOS RD. ' : Featuring "Good Food Wall prepared" - Bring the TamQy Call tor Reservations for Dinner and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TAUXS Ph, 3732: MORTARLESS BLOCK CO. 14Hi 4 1. MOYT Approved - Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tenia Manufacturers of Mortar Block Interlocking Block In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipr.snt Sales-Rentals Fh. 3-3645 HOWSERBROS 1115S. I2thST. Garden Tillers - Power Mowers - Paint Sprayer Air Com pressors Sanders Plumbing Tool Power and Hand Mower . Sharpening - Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-575! CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HKSH ST. ' - Armstrong St Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Tlla . Residential, Commercial Installation Rug and .Carpet Estimates Gladly Given! CALL CADWELLOILCO. FUEL OIL Mskt Rwm MtnHngs warn n (ettl PH'INt :3i A CORDIAL WELCOME Await You At ? Grace Lutheran Church Sannrrieir and Lamms' Ave. Sunday School t:4t am. Divine Worship 11 am. L. W. HOLTS, pastor ST. MARK'S LUTHERAN 14S N. Church an. Mm L. CuMa, FuUr 8:30 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. The Lord's Sup perSermon by the Pas tor 6:30 P.M. Luther League ALL ARE INVITED SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Confirmation Instruction Sundays 8:00 P.M. In the Chop) LITURGY HISTORY CREED, ETC. IRRIGATION -PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1110 LANA AVE. Water System Deep Well Turbine Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pip Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING i Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER 8ALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT ' t "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1180 N. Liberty Whse. 880 B. Liberty ' OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 IF INTERESTED YOU ARE WELCOME Typewriters, Adding Machine, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., SSI COURT ; R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph. 2-4151 ROAD OILING 1174 Edgewater St WEST SALEM . TWEEDIE FUELS OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER OR S-S7.9 , - ROAD OILING PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON IROS. PLUMIINO It HEATIN4 Repairing Residential 858 Chemeketa Commercial Contracting Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph.3-9123 MT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM CREMATORIUM ' West End Hoyt 8t Salem Vault Entombment and Cremation Service Crypts Niches Urni . "Indoor Memorial In Marble ond"Brenze" - (THE TWO BETTER WAYS) Under Direction Lloyd T. Rigdon, Pres. Salem Mausoleum h Crematorium, toe. 24 HOW savxi We give Penny Saver Stamp THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph.J-J157 tJO L Ubwly 310 (serf, Dtwrtnrt 2440 Iner, Meicst (mM 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Sally 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 8:00 PJ1 and 6:00 PH to 8:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holiday Rodio Repair w yixf 0r" Give Stamp MITCHELL'S Redie-TelevUI Motorola Dealer for w Pick up and Delivery Ph.3-7577 ItSOSret General Electric TELEVISION PH. 4-2271 HEIDER'S RADIO 1 TELEVISION - S9S N. HIGH SERVICE INSTALLATION - SALES Home and Auto Radio and Television Boaclalist la the Willamette Valley for 28 Year at Sacramenio, I