Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 23, 1953, Page 16, Image 16

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Pitt if
, m
Capital A J
African Violets Increase in
Popularity as House Plants
African Violet Mm to bt
; . among the most popular of
house plant, increasingly se In
tho past few years. Tht botani
. ad nam, Saint Paulia, if de
rlvtd from tha nam of tht dis
coverer, Baron Walter von
8alnt Paul who first found
them in last Africa in 1890.
8 Ionantha is tha original spa
clef. Today tha varieties art
many with such attractive
names as Blue Boy, Blue Girl,
Orchid Beauty. Pink Beauty.
White Lady. Amethyst. Sailor
Boy, Viking, Norseman, Su
preme, Admiral, Commodore,
' Neptune, Trilby, If enter Boy,
' Blue Bud, Mary Wu, Dupont
Pink, Plum Pink, Bed Head,
Curly Special and so on.
African Violets thrive in
', slightly add loamy soil such
as: 2 parts good garden soil.
parts leaf mold or peatmoss and
1 part sand. A teaspoonful of
bonemeal to each quart of soil
mixture is helpful. Never keep
' the sou soaking wet, but pro
vide ample amounts for their
needs. A wick-fed pot is espe-
. dally advantageous as it pro-
vldes a constant supply with
out excess. If the top of the
toil is too wet, refrain. from
watering for a day or so. An
other watering method is to
set the pot in a shallow pan of
water so the sou wu take up
moisture through the drainage
, hole.. This is done every S or
4 days. Water should be kept
off the leaves. In cold weather
use lukewarm water as too cold
. water might check the plant
. growth. h
When the ' buds appear you
will have better blooms over
longer period by adding a lit
tle liquid fertiliser to the water
every 10 days or two weeks. Do
' not overfeed as this will pro
duce leaves only and the plant
Completely aetoamki The
coeomai washes, rimes,
varans dry, aad shats Itself
of, tUi eatoMticallj! Aad k
costs 170.00 lets teaa tee
average aeroeiatlc weaker.
aad Miracle Agitator get
slothes deaaer with a aew
wesaiee aetioa, with less
wear aad tear!
I Aemaflr k ear tut tteelf
with eeneoiteat work free
bone wetUag. Can fee a
nit dtassaswadoo) la rear
pus ixcunv! wesitrct
I - Jump 3718 I
mama if
will die. Avoid setting pot In
direct sunlight, but light is es
sential. Remove plant a dis
tance from the too sunny win
dow, on very cold days or
night the plants may need pro
tection by being placed further
from windows, doors or any
possible draughts. A tempera
ture of 70 degrees is ideal for
the daytime. Plants should be
turned towards the light occa
sionally so that they grow sym
metrically. Per whiter bloom
ing retrain from heavy feeding
or watering in tne summer,
African Violate should nev
er be permitted to become root
bound. Old plants need repot
ting almost annually. When re
potting, put soil in pot first,
then make a cone shaped de
pression to receive the roots
then fill pot carefully until soil
is within about a half inch of
the top. Failure to repot may
be the cause of no growth or
blooms. . L . .
i African Violet may be pro
pagated from seeds, divisions of
old planta and single leaf cut-
, the latter is the most
popular method. In starting
wem xrora leaf cuttings.
moist sand or sand and peat
moss in a nau filled glass Jar.
tray or pot Cut off the lower
full grown leaves of the parent
plant with a sharp knife. A one
wen stem la the proper length.
Insert the leaf in the aforemen
tioned Jar or whatever contain
er you choose and cover with
sheet of glass to keep the
atmosphere moist If the mois
ture accumulation is too heavy
on the glass it will run off
when the glass is tilted. This
Is, hi effect a miniature green
house. Place the leaf cuttings
around the outer edge of the
pot (if a pot is used) with the
soil doping towards the center.
All watering is done in this
center depression. Before In
serting the leaf stem, in 'the
soil mixture,, use a pencil or
tick to make holes two inches
apart to receive the leaves. The
holes should be about an inch
from the edge of the pot. The
Lees Trade-la
Allowance V to
tiny leave stsrt growing to
wards the center of the pot
When I or 4 new leaves have
formed, transplant into a three
inch pot with a spoon or wood
en paddle. The best time for
starting cuttings is during the
warm growing season, as long
as the leaf is standing upright
it is alive and safe. Several
rticlea have been written
about starting leaf cuttings in
water but generally, this has
proved unsatisfactory.
African Violet are compara
tively free from pests but those
that do bother can be controlled
with DDT. Botenone is recom
mended for control of red spid
ers. A very fine spray of luke
warm water may be sufficient
to rid a plant of most pests.
Tho water is not harmful if it
is used at room temperature.
Heavily chlorinated water
should not be used. Nicotine
sulfate will eradicate cyclamen
mites. Any plant bothered with
pests should be isolated to pre
vent spreading.
If your plants have not
bloomed in a long time, try
giving them a scant teaspoonful
of aluminum sulfate to a quart
of water about once a week.
Tufts of steel wool forced into
the soil around pink viole
plants will deepen the shade of
the bloom. Don't get the be
lief that all African Violets are
the same color. Hybridists have
produced some excellent whites,
pinks, blues, purples, lavender
and orchid colors.
Easy Way to
Care for Lawn
Now that Summer is with us
and the season where upkeep
of our yards and gardens is I
necessity, even though labori
ous, let us pause to consider
how we may simplify the rou
tine work of caring for such a
home yard. Of course, if we
were all wealthy enough we
could hire a full time garden
er (if we could find onet) to
look after the numerous chores.
But unfortunately, that is
something limited to a few.
A few years ago while visit
ing in Oakland, Calii, I came
across a scheme that some en
terprising person might oper
ate here, as welt Various dis
tricts of the city had set up
district associations. Within
the. limits of the district one
crew of men maintained all
yards, taking care of mowing,
watering, cultivating, - trim
ming hedge and so on for the
payment or "dues to the as
sociation. Of course it was
"mass production" power
mowers and so on but every
yard was maintained at its best
all of the time even when
the owner was on vacation) It
wu interesting to see one of
these crews work. A pick-up
truck stopped In front of a
house and - two men Jumped
out and unloaded a power
mower. One mowed the lawn
and the second man started
trimming hedge with a power
hedge trimmer. When that
was done all flower beds were
neatly weeded and cultivated,
the sprinklers set in place and
they moved on to' the house
next door!
We can't all afford, or per
haps need, full time garden
ers but many would subscribe
to such a service where the
cost would bennaterially lets.
With experienced workers you
would probably achieve better
results than If you tried to do
all of the maintenance your
self. I have since learned that
this same plan is in use in
many citiea and is very suc
Bishoprkk May Be
Candidate Again
Woodburn A petition was
being circulated this week to
place the name of Dean Btih
pprlck on the ballot for re
election at a member of the
board of directors of the
Woodburn school district Bish
oprkk is currently chairman
of the school board completing
his second term.
Nominating petitions must
be filed with Frank Proctor,
district clerk, prior to June
and acceptance by candidates
prior to June 10. The election
will be held June 15.
Lebanon Marble
Experts in Tourney
Lebanon Pour winners of
local contests will represent
Lebanon in the state marble
tournament in Portland, May
Ronald Willard, Santlam
school, and Maurice Foreman,
Green Acres, will represent
this city in the to 12-year-old
division. Upper grade contest
ant will be Jack Ryan of
Green Acres school, and David
Looney, Santlam.
The grammar school tourney,
sponsored by the Lions club,
wu held last Wednesday at
Green Acres under the super
vision of William Baldwin,
principal of the school.
Will .W' 33
I bed room l
i B'-o'iir-t
wot VjcSfbath
II, r 1 " TPlf1
room fQ.
L-' THtJ Lit .'Mmm-.
garage ; 1H , V :' el -. eiULJ
fish living room ' I I - t l ei I
v ir 26:o13'-0" t 1
fin n bedroom fl
aLnwuall 11 11 al ' II ! ft ' 1 l3'0xK'-2r I
- A main floor play room with window wall and pass
through kitchen features this three-bedroom, two-bath
house. Designed with a basement the plan could be con
verted to basementless construction with heater room in
place of stairway. This is plan M-33S by Rudolph A.
Matam, architect, M-04 161st St., Jamaica S, N.Y. The
house covers 1,723 square feet without garage.: Built on
a quarter-acre plot at Syosset, N.Y. by Sidney Roth. It
waa sold for 921,400 including hot-water baseboard heat-,
ing.. It won an award as the "Most livable House of the
Year." .- !
4 BY
Question I have a peony
that I transplanted. The first
year buds formed but failed to
develop although the . foliage
was good. ' I understood that
they might fall, to bloom the
first, year after moving but
now again this year good heal
thy foliage 1 growing but
there are no buds. Is there
anything I can do now to
make It bloom and what is the
cause of this condition? It was
an especially' beautiful plant
before it was moved and
bloomed freely. C.G.
Answer Peonies are very
touchy about transplanting and
It is seldom successful even
when a good ball of dirt is
moved with it It is best to
divide when you want to trans
plant Divide in fall and have
from S to S eyes with each
division. There is nothing you
can do now but let the foliage
mature naturally, then, in Sep
tember lift the plant and di
vide and replant the divisions.
Even so it may be two years
before you will have flowers
but that Is about the only way
of saving a choice plant
Peonies do best if left undis
turbed for several years. If
they are planted too deeply or
too shallow they will not
bloom. Plant them exactly two
inches beneath the soil sur
face. Improper depth la most
common cause of peony fail
ure. Replant In fall only.
Question Please recom
mend an all purpose rote sprsy.
Mrs. C.S.
Answer Sorry, it is not our
policy to recommend any par
ticular brands or dealers. I
suggest though, that you con
suit your dealer who will be
glad to recommend a spray or
dust that will take care of
Insects and diseases of roses,
in one spraying or application
(provided, of course, that you
maintain a continued spray
program throughout the sea
son. 1
Question Is it too late to
plant roses now? I.G.
. Answer No. However, at
this late date you will be far
ahead to purchase rotes that
are grown in paper pots as all
roses have a lot of new Spring
DM yea mlm spraying year
spring as I did?
I aaat think III enr ee H
atala fee new nay reset ate
earned with white pewiery
aiUdew, kat rat gemg te start
right aew te aeeteet then ttr
next year! rat geteg te spray
wtth a taiaaeu strength spray
Walls I hare the sprayer eat
aad aefere this srfaew staff
sprssls areand, fates IH last
give asy sweet peas, eaapara
geaa, inlaatlan, phlex, aad
that teeaUfal Bate I Jest set
this rear, all a deee ef this
aw aahlsa this aitratng. tee.
se win add UNDANO te the
PRE ADM spray this tnae.
I anneal lerretl Better spray
that MUe apple tree, tee.
taer say last n gets
aad aahMe Jaw Hhe say
1 get my samaes ef UQUID
...MUlert, that Is . . . at . . .
Valby Farm
Opsa Scniiy 9 to 4
JtJS Silverta) Rd.
PttwM 44424
growth on them. In fact, ' I
have picked four or five buds
from one bush.
Question Is there any prep
aration that I can use to make
iris last longer as cut flower
Mrs. E. H. R.
' Answer Yet, there are sev
eral preparations available' at
seed stores. You might try 3
drops of oil of peppermint to
1 quart of water. .
Question Is the period of
most flowering trees now past?
Mrs. C. D.
Answer No. some varieties
are through, however. Look
locally for dogwoods, tamarax,
hawthornes, catalpa, Paulo
wnia and alblzzia to be in their
glory this month. Some late
magnolias will ' bloom this
month and next month, too. -
Question Please suggest a
fast growing tall hedge for
screening purposes. Mrs. F.T.S.
Answer Chinese Kim, which
is really a tree but which, with
pruning can be kept at any de
sired height It is a very rapid
grower and will furnish a
screen quickly if planted 18
Inches apart. Prune to induce
dense branching. If let go na
turally it will become a large
round-headed tree. A hedge
of Chinese Elm looks much
like privet It colors somewhat
in the fall and will not rob
nearby plants of needed mois
ture and food. It will grow
with Utile water but will, of
courser make a quicker, more
rank growth if given a reason
able amount of moisture.
Question What is the dif
ference in fertilizer value of
the different manures? W.A.
Answer Cow manure is
best if It is weU rotted as it
serves to improve the texture
Eckt Yew Kaat
Tkt StowpliKt .
d Your Clod:
prMmiM tnf tenay el CMdm AH
Ahatam Aoaiaa. N )kt mm
si'Mr-prieteaaaMttfc dm
InKnive Chitden Fettaei,
ehtjapHjVss) e)MwMle)fvtt) ajBl4pRa,
eedasyWfMf ka) klarwAe ftSNatt
a sWt mmm) tmk ty Cluifcn ..
3 Tears
Please Send Free Literatare
Town 1
Venetian Blind
and Shade Co.
i tut N. B. Alberta
' Portland 11, Ore. .
of the soil as well as to add
fertility. Hone manure is apt
to burn plants unless well rot
ted and it often contains seed
of weeds. Chicken or poultry
manure is usually very strong
and should be allowed to rot
well before using. It is excel
lent if chickens or poultry
have run on peatmoss or straw.
Dried manure or guano (usual
ly sheep) is excellent but quite
strong also so use It with care.
An excellent liquid fertilized
can be made with it by sus
pending a cloth sack of it in
a barrel of water for 24 hours,
then, when using the water on
plants dilute it until It is about
the color of weak tea to pre
vent any burning. Plant re
spond quickly to this treat
ment The components of vari
ous manures figure thutly:
Cow manure, 4 per cent ni
trogen; S per cent piosporous;
1 per cent potash.
Horse manure, SB per cent
nitrogen; S per cent phospor-
ous; 4 per cent potash.
Poultry manure, 1.6 per cent
nitrogen; 1.75 per cent phos
phorous; .9 per cent potash.
Sheep manure 2.25 per cent
nitrogen; 1- per cent phorpor
ous; J per cent potash.
Question I have read that
lilac suckers should be re
moved. Is this necessary?
Why? Won't they, if left, pro
vide more flowers? Mrs. EJS.
Answer Remove nickers to
send all root energy to the
main plant and to prevent mis
shapen growth. . Suckers can
be cut off or separated and
used to start new bushes if you
are looking for more flowers.
Some time ago one of our
readers, Mrs. F.E.T. asked for
the receipt for an old fashion
ed rose Jar. - We did not have
that information at that time
but we are now able to print
the following which ha been
contributed by Mrs. E. A. of
Salem. Many thanks, Mrs. E.
"Look, Everything's
Fixed Up!"
You'll bt reel proud of your home when lt'
in good repair! So set us for durable Plas
tic Wall Tilt, Super Nortont Rubbtr-Lotex
Paint, fine wallpoptr and Armstrong Inlaid
You can relax while you choose your matt
rials and colors in our modern, air condi- -.
tioned Color Gallery.
Come in now!
Your Home Repair Center
flcrris-Walker Paint Co.
?10 N. Fronl Pkm 42279
Coming Farm Events
u.- a-u.-te- AMIS IV WW M
MM et ami !L'Jtu J.
Jmm i Lrttw Strtvterrr twivu
m i-fcTlMU MM rum
T7L t-tbM
a mm nm dm Trial. TafMr.
"!i!rVSr3.- MUMS
Smu a. O. Hani Ism. Mw- 11
jui u winwMie now
Jut 14-Aaaul SUwMa aC CM
trul rid.
Jmm 14-Uu CwelT UU i-
.imi- mv-ln hntlian. Set.
JM IMt-Uml -H MM
Jo U-Otom PMltn naUbwr m-
mil onm sum mum .
Jm It-Onma SMUtr In
MBMlsuae hihI
Jni tn-m-ta-Antu Rent
auu rumum mrtum.
Exercises June 3
Aff Silverfon High
811 verton Official an
nounrement ha been made of
the date for the graduating
class commencement program
ef thesenior das to be Wed
nesday evening, June S, at the
high school auditorium follow
ing the Sunday, May 31. bacca
laureate service, also at the
high school auditorium.
The Rev. Joseph A. Luthro
will deliver the baccalaureate
sermon and the commence
ment speaker will be Dr. Ar
thur C. Heam, associate pro
fessor of education of the Uni
versity of Oregon faculty.
The completed list of the
graduates cannot be completed
until the coming week, How
ard W. George, high school
principal, announced. --
A., we are sure this will be
of interest to other readers. -
For Mrs. FJE.T.: '
Old Fashioned Base Jar
Gather rose on warm dry
day. - Spread petals in an airy
place away from the hot sun.
Allow to dry until reduced to
half bulk. When dry pack firm
ly in one inch layers, spread
thickly with table salt but do
not cover. Tamp down firmly.
adding another layer a addi
tional petals are dried.- Laven
der, Rose Geranium and sweet
Verbena may be added if de
sired. When thoroughly dry in
desired quanlty add the follow
ing mixture.
1 ox. cinnamon
1 os.' nutmeg )
1 oi. sliced ginger root
1 or. clove
2 oz. Orris root '
os. Anise seed. -
Dried orange peel if
desired. .
Mix all and put in covered
Jar, and when odor is desired
remove lid. .
Wr5S"o aMaSnrr
Ph. 1-414 . 4-I1U
Cksrry Oty VJi
Electric f
II l'nemexe la g-g- l
nm 1-4741 fag) cr
featuring hori
zontal winter
air conditioner
oil fired blower
unit heater.
O ..
The Mueller Clim
atrol compact, hori
zontal, verrsatile,
highly efficient, con
vertible, is the ideal
heating system for
the home as well as
factories, stores, and
As.a horizontal
furnace for home use
the Mueller Climo
trol can be installed
in the attic, closet,
crawl space or
basement. It can be
suspended or set on
its solid steel base. It
is ideal for 4
aDolication with
perimeter, radial and
conventional warm
air heating systems.
Because it requires
no floor space, it is
most suitable for
housing, including
large homes with
zone control.
With quality
features for homes
and commercial
installations the
advanced design,
quiet operation and
fuel thrifty, trouble
free Mueller
Climatrol is
A bonus offer
is currently
being offered by
D. E. Cooper
And Son until
May 31 ...
One hundred
gallons of oil
will be given
away Free
with every
Climatrol sold
B. Q.
a son
540 Hood
r- t
V- . ; V7 '
" s. nr - - " ' t f f .. . .- - , '
m , VI , i i- i -