Seturdty, May 23, 1953 THB CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregoa PMT IS DENNIS the MENACE 'AWBOW W HERE FEEL LIKE FOR RENT HOUSES 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished eottege, lo cated north, llvlr.g room, dinette, close to but, ittorta. $40 per month. Phone 3-3031 or 3-1133 evenings.. jml34 MCI t BEDROOM, unit nest, fireplace, lea store. Do some decorating, left. Ohmart 4 Calaba, Reelttore. 9-4111. in 131 I BEDROOM house on Bouth S9E. Sec ond house south from Fabry Rd. Jml33 3, BEDROOM home, unfurnished at tached (erase. Ph. 33341. Jml33' YEAR OLD modern, verr clean, 1 bed room house, store and refrigerator furnished, garage, close to bus. In quire 1141 N. Ith. 3-7430. 1m' UNPUBNIHHED l-room houie. Plreplace. basement. rft. 14 s. 34th. Por ap pointment, put note tn mall box or call EM-1083, Portland. Iml34 REAL NICB 3-room house, stove and re (rlgerator. Phono 33431. Iml34 LAROE B room house, barn available, two garages. 4810 Lancaster. 4-3341. im!33 S BEDROOM home, unfurnished. In ex cellent residential district, 3 blocks from Capitol building. Facilities for as or electrle appliances. No under school age children. Phong 1-0441. Jml33 BEDROOM house, 11H No. llth. 130 month. Garden spot. Imlls SMALL 1 Bedroom house, redecorated, for couple. 18ft 6. Lancaster Drive. 3-1100. JmlJS- t ROOM COTTAGE, unfurnished, 853. 4 blocks Btate offices. 440 M. Cottase. Call 33444. Adult.. Jmllo CLEAN t ROOM furnished cottage. Utili ty room, garage, oil heat, electric stove. 3-5333. Imlll' BOUSE TO RENT, 40. Adults preferr ed. Phone 3-4577. Jml3S' S BEDROOM, completely furnished house. 432 Union St. 913. Vacant June 1st. Phone 34530. )ml2V NEAR STATE Hospital. 1 bedroom furn ished duplex. All electric Laundry. Oarage. Phone 4-40U. Jmias" I TEAR OLD modern, very clean, 1 bed- vnnm hmta. atOV. fefrl- ' ferator, garage. No children, available ' June 1. 3-5048. Jmllt a hsuhuuki near trace icswui iw fesslonal man. Permanent. Approxi mately 175. 4-4WS. Jmiai" NEW SUBURBAN home, 3,000 at. foot. - I bedroom. 1 acre view property. Dishwasher, garbage disposal, radiant heat. 1100. Will lease. 44983. )m!3 S-BEDROOM All modern farm house, 12 miles north on Dayton-fialem road. Garden spot, gome fruit, barn, 335 month. Virginia Magness. 'mlas RNISHED DUPLEX ft roomi. base ment. Unfurnished duplex, rooms. basement. 190 s. as tn. mono even lnts. 1-3785. Jml33a 4-BOOM IIOI'SE with itrue (or rent. Ph. 23430. im!23 BKAtTIFUL t-ROOM house, hardwood floors, uraie, quiet street, near Leslie chooL 4-5390. Jral DUPLE x Basemen t, automatic oil heat, la rase, clou In available June 1. 4-4907. JmlM FOR RENT 3 bedroom house $95.00. Good condition. Bhow Bit. Oun. 96 MeOUchrUt. jml33 1-BEDROOM unfurnished bouse, til electric. 1030 No. Church. Ph. 1-W41. Jn.124" CLEAN1 AND NEWER 1 -bedroom court rental In West Salem. Lovely tile bath, lane room-, refrlierator and electric range furnished. $50 per month. Raw Una Realty, phone 24084 or 41781. JUT FOR RENT ROOMS ytlRNlSHED rooms for sleeping or light ' housekeeping. Quiet. Reasonable. 1810 Trade St. ftMl GENTLEMAN, housekeeping room eompletely furnished. RefrlKerator. 255 Center. Jkl33 MAN'S SLEEPING ROOM, private en trance, phone, den with television. 1505 N. Capitol. Phone 44134. Jkl23 ATTRACTIVE, ci In. water. 600 Marlon. hot and cold Jkl33 Pit AS ANT SLEEPING room for gentle men. 1050 Norway. Phone 1454T. Jfcl2B MICE FIRST FLOOR sleeping room, hot and fold water. 4u N. Him Ikiav OFFICE FOR RENT f-RoCM SUITE Oreson Building, Ph. 14114. Jo" S ROOM APT. Suitable for office and IrvintT quarters, ciose to sta cupnoi .68M. J0124' GROUND FLOOR office or store spsce for rent. Call at Fitts Market. )oa LOST & FOUND 2j09T Sunday, gold expansion bracelet. Bentlmentil value. Mrs. Phil Corbett. ... .w, 113.11 tfjjffrfrffffpr" MISCELLANEOUS nrw.HTVH TRUCKS U-DRIVR MOVE YOURSILP RAVE 15 PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION til COURT ST. PHONE 3-1931 PAGE STEVENSON and AL MEF'ORD , DENTAL PLATE REPAIR ' t-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY 8EMLER. DENTIST sVtolpb Bids.. State A Commercial Sts. 8ALE13 PH 3-3111 m Impecially roR jot. oet rour home kaked plea, cakes and cookies ordered - hr nhone. j67. il! AND St GRAVEL COUP ANT Contract Work Road Clearing Duelling Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Dltcblng by the Poo. Pbona Dare 3-3406 tvai 1-4411 or 3-7411 e!efn rearm MJILDING MATERIALS VjO SAl.t oi lumber, doors. .Indoe-s, Mpe. all tlnds. Also complete garage. Qolng cheap. Can be seen at ttllh and ..aAton. O. w. suaog nrecawe vo. j B.1331 By Ketcham ' A LITRE MIDNIGHT SNACK? BUILDING MATERIALS KEITH BROWN SPECIALS DOORS 3-t a -t -panel 13.11 3-0 - 1-panel 6.10 1-1 x 6-t Plush VO . 3.00 3-0 - 3-4 3-1 - l-l I l-i 1-panel. 0.75 3-4 - 3-1 X 4-1 1-panel Hit 3. 50 FRENCH DOORS - 10-llte reg. sale 3-0 X 4-4 X 1H 13.43 10.74 3-4 X f-l X 1H 14.10 11.41 3-6 X 4-1 X 1H 14.46 11.37 3-6 X 4-1 X lb 14.96 11.66 WINDOWS 36 X 34 X 1H Oil Mo. IS! 1.00 BARN SASH 1-10 X 3-11 x lva 4-Ute 3 si Plumbing Supplies, Toilets, Sinks. Lavatories 30 off Tools: Plaster as Masonry 36 off SHAKES 18" Stained Shakeg with TJndercourse. uncartosed 13.00 aa. WINDOW SCREENS: We are dlstrlbu- 4ors for Rrlock window Screens. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YD. Front court street Phone 3-3111 WE OIVE SAH GREEN STAMPS ma Coast or Mountain . Cedar Shingles No. Is, 13 Inches clear. 63: No t. I Inches clear, 84. No aap wood or culls. Come and get them. Ted Muller, Salem-Independenco Road. Pb. Salem 3-1136. me SALE -tn. plywood 4x8 per It. ., S-tab com p. roof ins . Asbestoa ildlns .1 .lVa 6.95 . 3 50 .. .10 . 3.7ft . 1.40 ,. 173 ,. 10 73 . JO Shake mould, per ft , S kind bulidm paper ..... New planter board. 4x8 , Waterproofed wallboard, 4x0. . No. 1 painted cedar ihakea with urtdereourte Vt-ln. Grade A Maboi. ply wood A-ln. Orade A Mahoc. Plywood.. .43 Jl V-in. Birch Plywood -ln. Birch Plywood oi NUli, per ken 10 -75 1-Ute eash doort 7 New screen doors 0.85 New weather tripped window, completely assembled 120 Steel Karate doora. complete.. K.OO 500 4&rihet and picture windows. cheap BOO-tai. steel septic tanks 02.50 Close-coupled toilets, complete.. 35.50 30118 wash basins, complete ... 17.60 New trade A bath tubs, complete 68.50 Kitchen sinks, complete 53.78 Boat plywood 19, 12, 14-ft lenrths In stock, low prices. New shower cabinets and all water heaters BARGAIN 4-In. soil pipe, orameburg and all sties 1 air. pipe special Loose Insulation, per bar $1.00 C. G. LONG & SONS Pb, 4-W61 One mile N. of KelMr . mi' 8URPHH ITEMS Mill prices. Coast Ranst Mill, 6ft Basset St., West Salem. maiz3" OakFlooring Mew Carload 110.50 Plywood for Floors 14c. New slab Doora 9.75, Birch 1 05 Pins Paneling 120.50. plywood for everything. " low as Ic. at 10c Wallboard 1.40 Remodel now nothing down, SI months to pay. Close outs on odd wdi. frames, our mistakes, your tain. OPIN ALL DAT SATURDAY Portland Road Lbr. Yd. 3545 Portland Rd. 4-4433 Salem. Ore. ma NURSERY STOCK MARTHA WASHINGTON geraniums. hundreds In bloom; begonias, lucnsias J L.JJI.. -'.-1. Vtlhas.-st t B. lem Heights Ave., phone 44023. mbl34 GERANIUMS, petunias. aRters, marl- goias, looeiia, jnaparasons, minm, salvia, tomatoes. Butler s, 4450 Sl.ver- tan Road. mbl36 FREE Doien bedding plants of your choice for mentioning in is aa wun any purchase. Service Center. 1055 2nd, West Salem on Railroad Tracks). Complete greenhouse, nursery, and garden store. nbl2" GERANIUMS. FUSCHIAS 15c 1 lOT $1. nimiiH KJtm a far II.O0. dahlias' MIXKD, 1100 Do. VIOLAS. OEUM, PHLOX. AJIEMUntO, sl n T. A H TIT A ISf. 1 for IIjOO. TUBEKOUS EEOONIAfl. 1 for 11.00. AZ1AXEA3. RED. FIN. BVERBEARINO STRAWBFHRT PLANTS MERRILLS OKttf nvuo. onwwj mbl28 HEDO& OR WINDBREAK Print, laur el, camellia, cornier, boxwood. Pb aBi Hollywood Drive. mbl34 LANTANA, Tt FFBOl a and Wax Be ...... a. ii m m r Dahltoa Petunias, Snapdtaioni. all usual anc many unusual annuii. .uinp.w, .-j i,At ninnarl tHsTtllaVnU Etan Qardeni, I mlL N. of Kelrer on M. PUl Hwy. moii' AZALEAS-ln bloom lor Memorial Bar. Warlnss Nurserr, 1031 Oak Hill Are. (Turn east from ME st south Vlllsee Tavern, i Open Sundays. mom CHRTSAKrar.slTMs-Kraue introduc tions, 111 English r.poon. Spiders. Cushions. Delpnlnlums ilneludlng As to.sU). II Anion; Oeran iums .Rusiell Lup.nes. Iceland Pop ples, Iris pow blootrlng. Blscka. 3370 cnemawa Road, 11 east ol Reiser. l-47:0. molH- REDDIKII PLANTS - Sl ierton Oreen houses. The beet In Merino Washing ton geraniums, fuchsias, all other p.ents. Tomatoes and peppers, 35e per doaen. 317 So. Water, on ro,d to B.leer Creek Pell,. mblll Journal Wont Ads Pay rorSolaMISCEUANSOUS CLOTRUNR POSTS. Ira. lags fa t timMt sarsuwra rauiauia. iim erlr. .1M HID WAI3UMO HACaUNES, at.M aal up. Teater Appliance Co.. lit Che meketa. Ph. 3-4311. GOOD tlED atood ranges. Ill each. Yoatai AppUanca Co, lit Chwskela. Pb. 3-4311. ROTTED MANURE 1.000 Tanls. toe east wo ham ant had. Por good organli results order rolled coaj manure that rou caa use vlthout fear, as 00 per rard. 4 yards gig. a yards 333. It yards 040. Plaa- stonas, lava stone, fence posts, 4i4 stakes and ruatla red cedar feMlng PnilUps Bros, Rl, a. Bog Ota. Ph 43031. Salem. 1 at I. I Coraera. a" Organic Fertilizer Pre, of weed seeds and odorless. Sack or bulk order, delivered. Phone 1-1117. .133 DEEPFREEZE home freesers. Teater Appliance Co, 178 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. a ALCOHOLICS ANONTtlOL't. Group No, 1. 30SI M. Commercl.L Ph. l-t1. Bltl ISEU REFRIGERATORS, 343.30 and up. Yeater Ippllanco Co, 173 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. n" MeCUIXOCS CHAIN SAWS. SOS Edge- erster vest Salem. tUlta Uwtlnt Sup ply. Ph. 4-1341. n' FOR SALE 4 or t yard dump box. 30561. 331 Welch, SUverton. .133 PLASTI-KOTE requires no .axing. Por your floors or linoleum. Teater Ap pliance Co., 373 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4111 I'SED RANGES, refrigerators and wrlng- er-trpe washora. some nearly sew. B&H areen stamps. MASTER SIR VICE STATIONS INC. I N. Commercial Ph. 3-4143 S134 SOLD A farml Have 13 head of hlte raced neuera. 1 yearling ewes, trucks, 1347 OMC I ton and 1147 v-l pickup. 1 wheel trailer. Band tools, table, band and Skllsaw, Mi and V eleetrle motors from V to I hp. Zlectrlo screw driver and sander, air compressor, electric welder and aceteylene complete. Fur niture: automatls washing machine, lroner, 30 cu. ft. freeaer, rugs, beds, davenport, butane range. Rverythlng mutt go. Rt. . Bog 111, SUverton Rd. Phono 3-1331. John Aielaor. D134 PHILIPPINE heavy bamboo and can. lounge chairs and tables, good condi tion, leaving city. 4-1133. nlU SACRIFICE good used piano 1131. See at 7B5 N. llth. S134 WHEEL CHAIR. Reclining. Oood condi tion. 11C3 So. Liberty. Ph. II7M. nl33- ROYAL CHIEF PORTABLE electric bar becue, one only, regular prleo lll-M. now only 963. Teater Appllaaee. 176 Chemeketa. Ph. 1-4311. nlll HOOVER VACUUM with attachments. A-l condition. 131. Phone 3SOto. nllt NICE WALNUT folding dinette table. 43i33. 111. MOI M. Cottage. mil GRINDER, I stone, i-lnch shaft, horse power motor, 1 assorted stance. siu 7 ROOMS of fine furniture, including 13x13 rug, bedroom suite, dining room set. 3630 Portland Rd. BUI AUTOMATIC MAYTAG Washer, like new. Make offer. 1491 rl. llth. .114' 1019 MONTOOMERI Ward Refrigerator. Good condition. Also Propan, Gas Range. 46137. nl34 130 ALLOWED for your old water heater on this new 43-gallon automatic elec tric water heater. Yeater, 373 Chemeketa. Ph. 1-4311. n USED ELECTRIC RANGES, and up. Yeater Appliance 00 111 Che meketa. Ph. 1-4311. BEAUTYREST MATTRESS, Wed four weeks. 150. swing rocker. Uko new. III. Call after 3:30 p.m. 1-1090. .133 TOP SOIL River silt and fill dirt. Prompt 4 livery. Phone 2-1749. tV 104S STUDE BAKER Commander, aicel- lent condition. Sea Johnny, Chevron station. 006 s. I2tb. nu.1 FURNISHINGS OP ( room home: Elec tric Range. Refrigerator, wasmng Ma chine. Davenport and Chair, Dinette Set, Beds, etc. 3645 8. Summer. Phone 3-8143. B13J' '.U MODEL LK8JK OI TSfrtgerator, 1309.0ft. with as lbs. of T-bone sUaks given tree. Hurry oner nmitao. MASTER SERVICE STATIONS INC. in N. Commercial Pb. J -4141 nl24' globe slices, vcrr good coadltioq, 9150. see Cher, Marion note., nia' roper gas range. Oven control, ex ceilent condition. 29435. 141 no. Jitn, nl22 DEEP-FREKZE. 16 cublo Itet. perfect condition. Bargain. 1381 Hawthorne, off D street. nl3S 3 FOOT PLATE glass show case 190, Phone 4-6251. D13S PIANOS, new and used, wide selection, spinet, grands, atudlo uprights. The Vfusic Center. 470 N. CapltoL Phone 3-13-1. nl3l TEAK WOOD beatitr carved desk, chow bench, nested tables, 21 li center. nl Pt'LL SET Wearever aluminum, unused. awo laar s diamond edge shots wrist watch and diamond wedding set. Wiu sac rlllce, 30514. nl2ft MAHOGANY PIANO In fine condition, verr reasonable. See tvealngs. 1690 8. Cottage. ni:3 Reduced! $10.00 per day until sold. 10 CU. PT. ZENITH RETRIOERATOR CUSTOM OI LUXE BTARTTNO PRICI MAT ITH - 1IS. May 25th pice $229.05 Keith Brown Lumber Yard front A Court Street Phone 33111 WE OrVI SAtH OREEN STAMPS . CAR RADIO BARGAINS Install that car radio ROW. All makes and models as low as 119 15. NO DOWN PAYMENT and as little as $1.75 per week on ap proved credit. WE SERVICE all makes and models of car radios. Prompt attention. Satisfaction guar anteed. S&H GREEN STAMPS SERVICE STATIONS INC. Ill N. Commercial Ph. 1-4143 ni33 hospital RED for ssie or rent a. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone l-lltt ONE TAPE recorder 1133. One upright piano IP3. One 4 piece bedroom set l. I fish aouarlams. Ph. 43313- 1SM Sileorton Rd. nl34 KM DAVAOE, Wearer Scope, like new, 1100. I horse power trolling motor 10. Phone Monmouth 0373. B1311 HOWARD Roto Hoe. 30 Inch blades. 1133 model. 1340. R. P. Mobler. 1333 8. 3eiri. 3-7313. B133 trilAR TELEPHONE and alectrla poles. fence ports, been poets and stsaes PtilUlpa Bros . HI I Eol 431. I gsjles oast at 4 Coras rs. Pa. 4.I04L. . AUTOMOSILIS Now is the time to get that used car! Used Car Prices have dropped recently, but they may rise again before summer and vacation time. Bring the family this weekend to one of these lots. Pick out your car and Save now! ' 52 DODGE S1795 Sedan, RH actual mileage oou 1,300. 49 OLDS 88 S1345 4 -door gedaa. hydremstlc, RAH. 48 CHRYSLER 895 Saratoga 4-door aeden, RAiU, oxcel lenl all-around condition. 1 Locations To Serve You Eeillrl lit North Hist, 131 Chemtkita 3110 Portland Rd. Stan Baker Motors REMEMBER Mew Car Warrant!- on All '41 to '12 Hudaona. 90 dsrs or 4.000 miles. Poetlvotr the Lowest Prices la Towa consistent with Qualltr and Our Owa USED CAR GUARANTEE Open I am. to I p.m. SHROCK'S Where Chemeketa Gooe to Church to You So Wanttd MISCELLANEOUS LOGS WANTED Top truck scale price tor second and oM growth fir. Long and Short. WEST SALEM LBR. CO. UN Wallace ltd. Ph. 4-1134 nal37 WOODBT WANTS Pianos. Phono 3-1110. .a LOGS WANTED Stud mil. Length. I' 4" or II I" Diameter I" to II". Sawmill, Utiitha ir and longer. Diameter S" to H' Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. . Phone nil WANTED, 1 used heU mltls. Oood con dition. Phone I-IM0. nsl34 ELECTRIC KANQES. Woodrg'a. Ph. 3-4110. SPOUTING EQUIPMENT ONE MARTIN , one I horse power Be. King. Both A-l condition. Your choice 1100. 13M N. 4th. nel33 PERSONAL WANTED OOOD HOME on ranch for 13-rtar-okl nor. Ph. sweat Home 3034 belora I p.m. Piae1 U JAMES. Psychic Reader can live reliable advice and help on ail proo lama ol life. 3 Poruand M. Alirms Courts. Apt. 3. AUTOMOBILES 1M1 "36" otDS club sedsn. Excellent condition. Radio, beater, in N. istn. 0133- 1M1 PLTMOUTH 4-door sedan. Radio. heater. See, or call after 1:30 in. 113 Norway Ave Bllverton. Phone 1-4104 135 1141 PLYMOUTH Sedan. Oood condition throughout. Phone 3-1373. qua 1161 OLDS deluxe sedan, Use new, with all the extras. Premium tires, low mileage. Onlr 13,300. 3-0333. 0131' TAKE OLDEB cer ior euuUj In 1390 Nesh. Ph. 4-U11. ouj- Mid PLYMOUTH 4 door Crenbrook. tnean. exeeueni conamoo. v miic age. Accessories. 33841. 0133' lOB SALE or trade 1941 Dodse 4 door sedsn, 1291. Will take car or sports equipment In trede. Term. If desired. Prlvete partr. 32751. 0133 TOP AUTOMOBILE A 1331 Imperial Chrrsler 2-door; 1933 Roadmaster Bulck 4-door. Both approximately 30.000 muss, new tires, choice, 33.730. P. H. Thede, 4-3001. 013 LATI "SEE1ES" 1949 Olds "II" four door deluxe. Radio and hestrr, hvdra matle, lifeguard tubes. 13M. See at Robinson Shell Service, IM center. ql33- 1H DELUX Oldsmoblle II. two toned 4 door eedan. Pullr equipped. Will sacri fice for quick ssle. 3-3333. ql34 BEPOSSEIAED 1947 Pord V-l 4-door sedan, new paint, clean. Will sell for belanca due. 1577.14. K. Smith es Son Motors, 343 Union, 1-1040. Open eves. 1MO PORD Countrr Squire. Will eel or trade mr equity. Radio, heeler, over drive. 4-13M. 0133 1M1 CHEV. special deluxe seden, un dersea! heater, good tires, verr cleen Inside and out. 1317 Pins St. SUverton. Phone 3-IU3. 0133 1341 PORD V-l Dual pipes, epot light. 1300. Ph. 44KI. 0124- Ml ST SACRIFICE 1931 Pord Sedsn. ex cellent condition. Redlo, heeter. 3040 Medltos. 0131 1941 rnEV. club coupe. Redlo, hester. oood condition. 13, i. itit N. ih after I p.m. ql33 CHEAP ! '47 Bulck Sedan $795 '46 Pontiac 6 Sdnt 695 48 Ford Tudor 565 '48 Frazer Sedan 495 46 Nash Sedan 395 41 Buick Sedan ...... 295 41 Oldi. Sedan 195 OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Coaler qlJV il isafta t AUTOMOIILES PRICES HAVE FALLEN! si buick m Rirlera tudor hardtop! drnat tubo lass, puneturespreof white aVdewello: ese-eo glass; push button window Itftst I .woarl J-toni green 4s gregi sharp. 81 OLDS 88 ??? Super deluaa Mdatt, RAH, fender ' ekirls, 3-tono block As grog, sharp In and out, 1 owner. '53 FORD ??? Victoria hardtop, tudor, ase-er. glass, premium WSW tiros, loaded, I-tone flamingo red with cream top. RON'S 1141 Broadwar Phone l-IIM THIS WEEK'S SPECIALl '50 CHEVROLET $1295 4'door sedan, RAVH, seat covers, mo tor Just overhauled. It', an COT, used csr, '51 STA. WGN. TT? Nash Rambler. Wonderful (or the famllTl 52 CADILLAC "62" 4-door sedan. It a . beeutr. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. Ill N. Commercial St. Phone l-i 111 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER Remember NO SUNDAY SALES! The Week-End Specials and Message Above Are Brought You Can Look Leisurely l hen AUTOMOBILES LODER BROS. offers this wide selection of one-owner automobiles foryourdrivingpleasure... "OLDS" 52 Super "88" 2-door 50 "88" 4-door 50 Tudor 50 "98" - 3 of them The above listed Oldsmo biles are equipped with ra dio, heater, and hydramatic, and have thousands of lux urious miles of performance ahead. .'51 NASH Statesman Super Only 10,000 miles. 48 KAISER 4-door sedan. R4H 495 This car In excellent condition. 81 BUICK Super Riviera 4-door sedan. Premium au tomobile with only 16,000 miles. Excellent tires and loaded with extras. . LODER BROS. YOUR OLDSUOBILB DEALER AUTOMOBILES $ for $ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value PONTIAC It station Wagon, Hrdra, RatH 11291 11 Sedan, Hrdra, RAH 1195 49 Sedan, Hrdra. RAH 49 Seden, Heater 12 41 Srden Cpe. Hrdra, 114 H .... 1193 '41 Sedan, RArH !" '47 8edan, HUH "i OLDSMOBILE '41 Sedan "II", Hrdra, RAtH ..I1IIS FORD '47 Seden. Hester '4" Club Coupe, RAtH ..tin .. 411 BEST FOR LESS '41 Pirmoutn cpe. ., 40 Chevrolet Sedan ..1395 ..3143 ..119! ...IS ...I't ...353 ...IM '39 Chevrolet cpe. '40 Pcckerd . 41 Ponllee .. 37 Chevrolet 14 Plimouth ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT KELLY OWENS Co.' 680 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 Q134 Itftl PONTIAC t-door sedan, hrd. trans mtuion. radio, boater, sun vuor. Left with uj to sell, owner leaving state. Bt offer takes. K. amlth Ron Motors, 349 Union. 1-1040. open eves. PRKI.n IOR quick sal,, 1133 Mrrrurr K1I.1I. U..IUII.V, ..II, ,,rw. I will glee retail price or more on cleen trede In and finance beianre. No dealer. Call Stayton 3331 evenings. 0134 41 PMZER son. Complete orerhaul. Mew tlree. belt, fc-odj good, 41103, 340 Staia. .134 AUT6MOIILIS '51 CHEVROLET $1693 Set Atr, full equipped, 3-tone paint. verp sharp. '51 BUICK S1895 Special deluio 4-door aedas, drna- flow, 3-tone, full eoulppeo. '49 FORD .$895 Cuttoa aedan, Milt, locally owned, aloal WESTERN MOTORS 1313 Broadwar 51 DODGE ...$1393 RAH. low mileage, light blue color. A-l tbruouL Save WOO on this one. 47 CHRYSLER $793 New Yorker 4-door sedan, RrkH. orig inal finish, upoolstarp la apotlesa. '47 CHEVROLET $595 RAH. new custom seat covers, aaw tu tooe paint. Rung flna, TWO LOCATIONS Marlon as Commercial Canter as Commercial Salem Automobile Co. Phone I-41H Buy Later AUTOMOBILES "PONTIAC" 51 Chieftain "8" Dlx. B&H 81 Chieftain "8" Convert ible. R&H and hydra matic. '50 ChiefUin 4-dr. Sed. H. Includes many extras . . O'drive & Hyd. PHONf I-TI73 AUTOMOBILES WILL SELL EQIirrr In 1949 Hudson I. Oood rubber, excellent condition. 1791 N. Llbertr. 0123 1931 PLTMOUTH, 11,139; 1949 Dodge, 11.330. Both 4-door, .acellent con dition. 3479 Auburn Road. q!34 1939 FORD, 3-door sedan. Oood condi tion. 1234 Highland Avenue evenings. 12V BY OWNER '41 Parkard sedan, verr good condition. 13.001 miles on new motor, tires, overdrive, new paint. 1291.00. I-I7M. 1191 Albert Dr. 0133 Till COMANCBR red Pontlao I conver llble, hydramatic, ell the extras. 35374. 134" i4aNAri super 4 door, perfect Inside and out, radio, heater, windshield wesher. 1130. 4-3792. OUT SPORT CAR 1949 WO, TC, wire wheels, knock off hum, right hand drive, bright red. MINT CONDITION. Call Kurene 111 070. .l 25 POK SALE by owner, 4-door Pontiac hydramatic, excellent condition, 11195. 13.000 mllea. Call 44194. fllJV IBM PACKARD, 300 STla. 4-door se den, overdrive, radio, heater, low mlieaie, perfect condition. Private partr. 8-S0H. nia.S" MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 47 111114 eerr good cond. 41103. 340 Sterk. qsl34 AUTOMOTIVE R EPAI R DAVINO RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. eiperts will solve your prob lems and ssve you money Pre eitt mates, speedy servira. Center at Lib erty e TRUCKS roR BAI.r-13 OMC l-rard dump irufk. seme aa new. Will take late model car or pickup. Itoo Oarden Rd dl 194? INTERNATIONAL KM S-yard dump truck. Oood condition. 20009. ediat1 CHRVROLLT PK RL'P truck, drove, or rail 11499 Vk-ton. 450 dia4 BOATS BOAT II' rnahoganr. motor and trailer 330 00. 3700 s. Commercial 13MI. on 134 ' FINANCIAL SEE US POR PAP.M. CITT OR ACRIAOI LOANS REST OP TERMS WE BUT Reel aetata mortgagee es ,ontracl. State Finance Co. Ill So. Blab St. Pb. l-llll AUTOMOBILES buick. mick ALL SQUARE CARS jy 9il Bulck Sedan SUM Owned by ona oi our eusion tra wbo alwan trades in a car oi outstandlai aualitr. Oood maintenance, careful op eration. Urbt trer with I air Kst Olaai, Drnaflow, radio, tc. An unuauallr line aatomo- Mufck Sedan I IMS oyoaiiow, raoio, neater, ate. In exes lies I condition, modest allaaca. 1(50 Itercurr Club Coum 1471 Shown eieetltnt care m ap pearance and parformance. Ra dio, heater, waahera. ltftO Bulck Sedan Popular special aerlea, t truly tlna car purchased from us when new and serviced ar ui record available (or your in spection, only U.443 mliaa. 11 Plymouth Club Coupe $li50 Owned by local aurat, cart fuUy driven, very clean, low mileage. 194t Chevrolet Tudor 101 rtniiiBi, tocai owner tava auperlor care. Very neeUent appearanca and condition. OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Canter Phons t-ltM FINANCIAL STATE FINANCE CO SUMMER is Just around the corner and so are we with MONEY to aolva rour prob lems. Repay In oasr montnlr Install ments. B-311 Phone 34113 M-J33 117 Bo High St. salens. Oregon. 1134 AUTO LOANeV WILLAUETTB CRIDtT CO, 113 South Church Parkins .-Plenty Ph. I-IU1 Ua. Na, M-1H. S-1M Lie S-Ul and M-3M and . . ROT . SIMMONS -INSURANCE AND LOANS Bear 'Top Trades' 13 01 Daily KSLM 1390 Ka, OENERAL P1NANCB CO. LOANS , 131 So. Commercial S3. TaL l-llll LOANS UP TO $1500 en fllkniturt. ftrnltur. Car AT PERSONAL Hi "rti" prompUf mployeo mn or women. 1-Tlall loao . . . pbont flrii. Tou tclet bit ptrment dato. Betwten pay-da? loaM. I Pbona, write or come in TODAY I Personal Finance Co. 101 S. HIOH 0Th AALEU tato Llcmie Not. 41-132, U-l' Loana over 1 100 up to 11500 and op to 30 moatpj to repay made br Peraonal Ploaoc Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companlee Act of Ortton rl 5 Interest If rou bare Idle fuoda aeeklof tn TtitmtDt. then rou art the trp of peraon to whoa we can be of service. Por over Twatrflv Veare we have been beiplnf people in this community find profitable work for their money. Durtnt thla period we have promptly paid M eelaanaal Inlereit parmenti totatllnt many Thousanda of Dollari. We are currently paying i INTEREST on funds from 1600 to General Finance Corporation 136 S. COUUERC1AL BT. Salem. Orttoo phone f-llll TRAILERS 1 wheel craftsmen. At. tia 915 N. 18th. HOUSE TRAILERS 'at THAU. WATS all-alum. 95', like sew, sleeps four. Toilet, Shower, ttec. re frig., water heater, dual gas bottles, elec. brakes and controller. Immediate occupancy. 12500, term. Phone Mr. Davis, owner. 4-4C3) or 4-3201. tal.B t FOOT trailer house, dean, good con dition, phone 3-3970. tel24 I) FOOT trailer houoe, sleeps four, ex cellent condition. Pfione tai TRANSPORTATION LEAVING POR FlorkU Sunday after noon. Take one or two passengers. New car. Share expenses. Contact 932 N. list. ill) LEAVIVG POR Juneau, Alaska Uay 16 by car. Like on or two share expense paaeeniere. Call 49911 after p m. 1 1 31 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machlnaa sold, rented, repaired. Rocn, 449 Court. Ph. J -477 J. a ntlXDOINO Bulidoi.lne, road clfartng teeth. Virgil Hukker, 1010 Pelrvlew. Ph. 1-1 144 ol47 tAHH RtQISTERI Instant dellverr or new RCA aaa registers All enekes, sold, rented, n paired Roe a, 411 Court, Ph. 3-I7T3 DUISKMAKIMl Alterations, rtemstltchlng. buttons, buckles covered, buttonholes, Mrs. H U Allender. I-Nll. olll' DRIVING INSTRtXTION Learn to dries the 'Tear Dries' war. Call er sea air. Snalllns. Valla, Mo tor Co Saiem. Phone I-III7 or 4-3014 KXCAVATIMf) Ben Otlet, Si son excavating as grading. Und Heeling. Ph. I-IOIO. .Ill- DIRECTORY rUBNITCBB BiriXIIBlNO furniture roftntahlng, repairing. Ed gar Brock. 144 St. rhos. II3IT. .131 laiiilsUon. waatheratrlpa, aluKlnux. screens. Irra. evtlmalaa, T, P alias an. Phone 3 MM. 0131 ATTBEI8EI Capitol Beddlss, renoveUa. Pull Una sew aaattraaaaa. Ph. 3-4041. e oppkb pcmxruiai n iuptues i)esk ehalre, tiles, tlllns suppllaa. sales, duplicators. cuppUaa, Seek laaspa, epa wrllec gtaaula. aVoess, H Court. SEPTIC TANKS Kamel'a septle tanas cleaned, lib. aervloa, Ouaruteed vork. Pbon, eweg. septle tanks, drams cleaned. Bo. lo-Bootar Sowar eMrvtog. Phooe 3-A3TTA MUe'a Septic Service. Tanas cleaned. D'rooter cleana Mwera, dralna, Phon. l-ita. oiii TTPKWBITKBS Smith, Corona. Remington, Bora1. Un derwood porUblw. All makes gjaad machlnaa. Repairs rent. Roan, us Court. o WINDOW CLkANINQ Acme Window cleaners. Industrial floor waiUa. housealeaauns. Pboao 1-3331. gsv Caart. w .oac ......... ......S LEGALS NOTICE OP SALE Ot BBAL TBOPEBTT Notice la harebr give, uiat an. nndanlgoed as guardian of the Pa late of Madeline it. Haneoo, an In coaapetant person, kr virtue of aa order dulr Issued Ml ol eh. Circuit Court of Marlon Counti, ProOate De partment an the Hud dap ol Mar, 1913, will proceed to sell at private or publio tale for cash or for credit at the office of 3. William Stone, 30. orar Bldg.( Salem. Oregon, Countr of Marios, Tom and after the llth dar of Juno, 11X3, .t thahoar of lo-.oo ajn. of aekd dar. to the hleneot bidder, all the TlahL title and Interest ol the Batata of theaeld Madalsne M. Hanson. In and la thefollowlns aeaerisea real propertr, to-wlt; The southwest ejuarwr oi vn. awutn- . oast eieurtor gad the south 36 acre, of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast ouarter of Section a. Township I south, Rense I Weet of the WlUametto Meridian, 1. ISarlon Countr, Oregon, auid eale ahall ba made gtlblacl to the oonllrmatlon of the Circuit Court, But. of Oregon for Marion Countr, In th. matur of the tuardlanohlp eetet, of the said Madaleno At. nana on, aa in competent person. RALPH HANBON, I. Ouerdlan of th, Bitate tc Madaleno If. Hsnson, an In competent peraotu 1. WlBlam Stotts 300 orar Bldg. Salem, Oregon j. Attorner at Law Plrat PnbUcatlon Mar It, 1053. Last Publication June U, 1111. Mar n. , .tut. av la NOTICE OP SALS OP REAL PBOPBBTS Notice la hereby given thai the tutdar atgnod aa admlnletrator of the Batata of Mrrtlo Bastar, daoaauvad. bp vtrtoa of an order dulr lasud out ox me circttig Court of Marlon Countr. Probata Da- - partmant on th. aeui ar or stay, uag. W4U prooeod to eeil at private publl. sale lot cash a In credit at the ol- flco of J. William Stories 200 a ray Bld. Salem. Oreson. Countr of Marlon, from . and after the SSrd dar of June, ires, at th, hoar of 19.M A.M. at gal4 dar. to tno nignoet sicwer, au ana rrani, ra tio and Interest of the Batat. of th. said decadent. Myrtle Hester, tn and to the foUoertns deagilTead real propertr, to-wlt: Lot 4, Slock l and Lot Its, Block a Broadwar Addition to the cur of Salem, Marlon Countr, Oratota. Bald sale ahall ba mad. aubject the confirmation of the Circuit Court, But. ol Oregon for Marlon County, pro- ? bate Department in tno matter or an. estate of the asia Mrrua Heater, aa- ceased. CLYDB H. BHBTaroLKR, Admlnlatrator of the Batat, ' Mrrtlo Heater, deceased. J. William Btorta 300 Orar Bid. Salem, Oregon Attorney at TUv ;r Plrst Publication May I), 1933. Last Publication Juno II, 1911. Mar 13. 31. Juno t. II ADVUTISEJktENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received bp Uis Board of Bducatloa of .School District No. 4CJ, Marlon Countr, Oregon at the Scliool Admin Ut rati on office. 460 - No. High At-, aflaleau Oregon. untU T;I0 p.m. June 9, WS, toe construction of a one classroom addition to the Hayes- vine .school Building and will then and thsro be opened and publicly read aloud. Blda received after the time fixed tor opening will not bo oonaJdered. Plans, specifications and form or con tract documents may bt examined or ob tained at the office or Joan Grimmer Oroom, 497 Marlon JKreet, Salem, Ore ton or the office of Council C. Ward. Clerk, 400 No. High St.. Sam, Ore gon, upon ft deposit of 938.00 lor oacn set of documents. Attention la called to tno bidders pts quslificatlon requirement of Section 99-101 to 98-105, iso. O.C.L.A., which ui ba filed wltb the Clerk 10 days be fore date for opening of bids and for w.h!eh forme mas' be obtained at tha offices named abort. In tha event that bids exceed 910,000.00 the above pro ceduro oh all bold. If leas than thla amount do not submit prequaiiricauoa form unlets requested to do ao. No proposals will be considered on- leu accompanied br certified cheek cashier' check or bid bond (with auth orised auretr company as aurety) made payable to the District In an amount of not leas than i of tha amount of the bid. Surety bond win bo required in accordance wlU th tcrma of the contract documents. The School District reserves tat right to reject any or all bids and to Walvt In for mat! Ilea. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof or be for award of tha contract, vnleea said award la delayed for period as- cermng 90 days. Dated at saiam, ortton. tnla iitn cut ot Mar, 1951. CONIfKLb C. WARD, Clerk. Published Mar St. NOTICI TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given that tha under signed has been appointed br tha Circuit Court for the State ot Oregon for the Countr of Marlon, alttlng In Probate, aa executor of the eitatt of Coral C. Bellinger, deceased, and haa dulr quali fied aa such exeoutor: all persona hav ing claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same, dulr verified aa br law required, to tha undersigned at Room 309, Oregon Build ing, Salem, Orugon, within sli montha from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, and first published this 33rd dar of Uay, 19&I. otto ORONKB, Executor of the estate of Coral c. Bellinger. Deceased. RONALD C. OLOVIR, . Attorney for Kxecutor, 30(5 Oretnn Building. Salem, Oregon. May3j,30Junef. 11,10 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THS . STATE OP OHEOON POR THE COUNTY OP MARION PROBATE DEPARTMENT In th. Matter of tha Eetet, of BASIL P. STUPPTL, Dereased. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN thai th. underelgned, br an order of tha Clrrull Court of the Stat, of Oregon, for th. Countr of Marlon, dulr mad. and on. tared on the 34th dar or April, 1933, wis appointed Executrlg of the aetata of Basil P. Btupfel, defeased, and has dulr qusllfled ae eueh. All persons hevlnf claims against said ostata are herebr notified to present th. came, dulr verified aa required br law. and with the proper vouchers, to th. undersigned Elecutrlg bt Salem, Oregon, within air months from the data of th. first publication of this notice, said first publication belns made on th, llth dap of April. IISI. MART KEMMERICK STUPEL Eaecutrli of tha Eitsts of Beats F. Stupfel, deceased. '. W. MrKlnnar Attorner for Setae. Salem, Oregon. PIRST PUBLICATION: 4-1S IJ. LAST PUBLICATION: 1-11-31. Apr. Ill Mar t. I. II. II, Journal Want Ads Pay