Par 14 FOR SALE HOUSIS OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, MAY 24TH - 2 TO 5 P.M. MR. KIGGINS WILL BE AT HOME TO SHOW YOU OO OUT PORTLAND ROAD TO THI DIP. TURN BAST TO ItM WOOD ALE IT. FOLLOW SIONS UVt IN THI NEW NORTH OATI ADDITION LOVELT BEDROOMS ON ONI FLOOR SEPARATE UnLTTT BUILT BT OKI OP SALEM'S OOnerr P-EUABLF. BUILDERS FORCED AUI. OIL BEAT 1-CAR OARAOI FIREPLACE LOVELY BUTLT-TNS 1110 SQUARE PUT LI VINO SPACE P.H.A. TERMS AL ISAAK & CO. Kill PORTLAND ROAD FOR SALE HOUSES BT OWN EE AND BUILDER Large 3 Mdroom plastered home, located 1060 . 13 lb. Prke 113,700. Ttnuj available. For appointment, contact whuam t. J. footer HOME BUILDER 1549 Olive . Phone 3-3600. It BOOMS. S bathe, furnace, furniture, I. SOU, 1171 Fourth St. Pa. 4-3580. ei34" SMALL BEDBOOM. living room and dining room combination, kitchen, both, electric belt. On bus lino. so. Summer. 03300. 1200 down, 830 month ly 4-33.3. oi" WEST SALEM 4 rooms, plastered, bfttb. utility, garage, Una lot and trees, ft. 760. Terms. Oantral Real Bstate, 366 center. Ph. 3-339. eiM' LEAVING IALEM. home In Xut En tie- wood. 3 bedxooni. Price $11,000. 1160 N. 25th. 13S BT OWNER -room borne, garage, good location, no m. oweni ot. ihi FOR SALE by owner H acra In Reiser. Oarace house, gooa puuaixtg sue. rn 1-6163. ifODEEN 1 badroom homo on Vauihn Ave. Completely furnished or unfur nished. Will take house trailer on down payment. Ph. 1-4818. 127 f mi' B BAN s badroom home, 3 yean ok). Attached larace. Insulated, plas tered, hardwood lloora, priced to aell by owner. See at 149s Chaster Ave. off Len.lnr. nl34 4-BDRM. HOME N. Nlet older horn with fireplace. Take advanteg. of Oil, opportunltr at 0, 000. Call Art or Jar. Art Madsen Realty 1311 STATE ST. 1MB OR 1-WI1 MINIATURE FARM Oat Outer Bt, acres, plenty of fruits, bqU. and some parmanant pas ture. 9 bedrm. older borne, pica ant bides. Piica til ooo. Shown by er nolDtmant only. Call Art r Jay. Art Madsen Realty 1331 STATE ST. 3-856)0 OR J-SS11 134 BT OWNER Less than FHA appraisal. llTlnf room 16x36. fireplace, dining room, kltohen. nook, J bedrooms, den, 1'4 baths. Light basement, oil, trees, doubla garage. Approximately Vfc acre, extra loU available. 1030 Olenvlew Way (Klngwood). Ph. 3-4800, I16.960. el37 4 NEW t bedroom borne, wall to wall earpet, forced air furnace. Large lot. Sea at 340 Stark BU or call 4-lit J. el34 MALL' modern bouse, I acres, consider house traUer on down payment. Ht. I. Box 46, Uacleay Road. ft!37 BT OWNER. Two bedrooms, lane living room, lull basement, trees, shrubs, two blocks from ac hoots, owner trans ferred, must sell. Phono 3-4043. a!31a BY OWNER, clean 3 bedroom home. Penced back yard, shrubs, tardea In. Close to bus and school. 3363 Lee. aitt f-ROOM HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, double garate, with or without furniture, reasonable. Call after 1:10 p.m. 3-6050. al33: OWNER needs to sell pleasant older 3 bedroom home, automatic heat, make offer. 16.000 losn available. 796 N. 17th. Ph. 3-4788. al33 NESROWIN J-bedroom 1-story bouse on beautiful grounds between golf ourse and beach. OH furnace, com pletely furnished. 313,900 cash. Box 101. Capital Journal. al36 BT OWNER 4-bdrm. houie. lovelr yard, choice location, etcellent condition. Price IMoO. See At 3300 Brerman. 133 STOP LOOKING! till you've seen this lovely 4-brdroom home. Wall-to-wall carpeting In liv ing room, dining room, fireplace, lovely shaded yard, outdoor fireplace. 3 chicken house. Lots of fruit and nuts. Newly fenced. About 3 acres. Best of aoll. North. 114.600. Oood terms. Phone 3-4307. a 133' 6500 00 DOWN Uevba you cannot afford tha little lady a Chinchilla coat but this borne Is only l10th the price 6l5O0, and only 6600 down. It Is neat and clean anfl resdy to move into. Lot 100x161. OLAP THONBTAO - REAlTOR 641 N. Caoltal Betty Burkhart, teles. Ph. 7703. 31663 al33 LCtVINO STATE, would Ilka to sell electric al35 modern, 3-bedroom home, heat. Una corner lot. 41036. Open House BY OWNER SAT. A ftUN. 3 to P.V6. Pelrmount district. 3 bedr., den. Low upxeep, aoub.e piumoing. Close U schools. bus1 1994 Plr. alM' a nrnRmm home, 3 yetus eld. 6ioo down. Priced 610.006. Drive by 3233 WDfTIJ no. ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR 331 N. High Ph. 3636. Eve. 39641 COTTAGE SAIaB I bedroom prt-f abrkated cottages that are Meal lor that beach csbln nsva always wanted at ft price you can anora Knocied down and de livered. 61.300. Complete with founda tion, plumbing, wiring, elec trie ranse, lettm rerrutrator and let-trie tt better. Just 63.176. Also 3 and 6 -bed room models available for very live able hemes. Phono 3-4051. ai33 ALMOST M:W two bedroom hou... Fire place. Enalewood district. 1SI OUve St 3-3344. al33a OWNF.R OP3N HOUSE SAT. 4t SUN. AfTS 4 TVER Cloee to all school, psrk. 3 bedrooms dtil. ears,,.. Under 813.000. S. Huh and Osford. .133 BT"lDtNi:R, 81330. down balance 111. rent; good clean two bedroom with dining room on la stn adjoining cur llmlta. . a 1 33 FIVE YEAR. OMi two bedroome. dining room, fireplace, hardwood floore. serv ice room, attached garaee. larce lot. garden. Enslewood dlilrlct. IM08. .133 SILt I.RTUN Oood S room house. Fire place, furnace, basement. Approtl ttiattly one acre, fruit trees. 18.000 170 N. Slat, Salem. 3-3033. . II.AI8I8U AKVtltTISINO Per Word 0 tlaeeo 3Ac Par Ward o Per Iter, I 4lesea la. Per Word, I aalk sa. N. nleeg 10 Ward,. SPADERS 1. Laval News Celaea. Only, rt Ward 1e Ts Place Ad in Sam tJt raprr. Phono I-t40A Brfnrw 10 gum. FOR SALE HOUSES INSIDE LIMITS Cm SEWER AND WATER A) ALL WRETIS WILL BE PAVED AT BUILDERS EXPENSE AREA WELL RESTRICTED 0) THIS IB REALLY A BUT POR $15,000.00 - REALTORS PHONE 41IU OR 31830 FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOT with city end mountain Tit. 1 block from McKinley school, o foot front silt, tur dsylltnt out mont possibilities. 12.300. Cell gvenlote. onlv 3-1. 36. -" CITT LOT across from Rlehmcnd school ph. 39083. KINGWOOD LOT Owner here, anxious to sell. MOO. Terms. Mice lots US down, lit month, with wster. elec trlelty. school, store. General Real Es tatr, 355 Center. Prt. s-Jio FOR SALE FARMS TOWN FARM a u.-ei af tha finest Wlllemette silt, all in wheat. Sultsble for almost any kind of farmlnf. Within one mile of Amity, east. A six-room house that is In Up-top condition. Three bedrooms, composition roof. Insulated, wired for electric ranse. City water, school bus by door. Forty by sixty barn, four nuo-dred-blrd chicken house, workshop and ma-it: Elderly widow will sell for tisAiv. with onit- saooo down and pey- menu win start fall of 1964. or will take small nouie in o.ra u fi varment. This bargain farm Is listed with us only. Severin Realty Co. 3W H. High 4-8943, Ires. '-"J., 30 ACRES Bast of Brooks. Pair lioust and barn on good road, all In cultivation. Price only 110.600. House vacant now. r. n Weir, Realtor, 1247 So. Commercial. Ph. 1.0411 or 4-3TM!. b!34 REAL ESTATE YOUR BEDROOM HOME PLUS 3 1-BDRM. HOUSES Tea, that's right! You can get a rery comfortable 3-bedroom with 3 other separata bouses for your In come. All on one large lot on a -paved street and bus by door. Only blocks to new Meier b Prank chopping cen ter. AH for only 611,600. Better hurry this can't last long. BEDROOMS & BSMT. Large living room with fireplace. Large dining room. Extra large util ity. Sawdust furnace. A well-built plastered borne on large lot. Oood as sortment of fruit and nut trees. Only 4 biks. to new schooL This won't last long at only 37950. ? DOWN PAYMENT ? Could yon psy anything down? We have a rough looking borne that want someone that can do some fixing. It's lnilda city limits and clone to bus line and new school. Only 63150 but please make a dm. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE lot South HUht Street Phont 3-1203 Phono evenlnga and Sunday: 41S?1 l-3, l-llll. -W19. 3-3361 C131' INVFBTORS, ATTENTION DRIVE BY 1035 ALEERT DRITE. NEAR DIXON'S STORE. A UOOD LATE BUILT HOME ON LARGE LOT. OUT OP STATE OWNER WILL SELL CHEAP POR CASH. ANOTHER BARGAIN TWO 1-BEDROOM HOUSES ON I LOT ON WALNUT rTr JUST NORTH OP HIOHLAND AVE. 11000 DN. OR CHEAP FOR CASH. DRIVE BY 171)7 N. CHURCH ST. 1 HOUSES ON LARGE CORNER LOT. DO NOT DIS TURB TENANTS. WE WILL SHOW TOU THROUGH. OUT OP STATE OWNER WANTS OFFFR. FOR THE LARGE FAMILY Til HIGHLAND AVE. HAS 4 BED ROOMS. BASEMENT AND 3 SETS OF PLUMB1NO, S. D. FURNACE. PRICE $9000. CAIi US TO SEE THESE PROPER TIES ANYTIME. WM. B LIVEN ft CO.. REALTORS 047 N. HIGH ST. PH. 3-3617, EVE. 3-4773. 13S" SOMETIMES I wonder why buyers pass up even tsUlnt on a bars sin like this. Owner has dropped his price 1550 below FHA appraisal. Now ha wants someone to come es look. The home ta aood. It's rlrun, 3 nice bedrooms, larte kitchen, Inside utility wrll kert neishbor- htttd. If you don't call us to see this one you aren't serious shout wsntlng a nome. Beit or all, only 6"w. $7950 If you prefer a new home Instead of the one mentioned above, we bsve a food buy, south. Hardwood floor, ou nest. Blonde kitchen, dinette, new ly suit seed road. Uroalnt nelshbor- hood. You csn tet good contract terms U you can produce re fete nets, 8750. SPEND $1500 Bedecorate this line old brick home and you will have one of the bast In Sslem. Beautiful lot thst took yearn di taratning to ouipa. This 4-bdrm borne Is speclou from top to bottom Built from fine materials and lust watting for the lady who his deco rums isiie. see this for 1 14. 000 Ph. 4-3395, Eve. 3-3063, 1-99H 1980 Palrsrrumls Rosa C133 HOME & INCOME Very ettrtctut duplet, completely (umUhed with nke furniture. I) tlcned like an attrscttve ranch home 100 ft. frontase. Extra 4-rm. furctshfd hou, and 3-car taratt In rear. Prlre I16.6O0. Mske a down psrmu and let the renters rev for It, BARGAIN HUNTERS Pro feu too tl men and family lesv. lot eity are going to sacriiKt thtir 3 bdrm. K in t wood Hetvhts home. Fire place, full basement. beBUtlful corner lot with trees and tfoaers. All for only IlltM Terms can be srrsnied. 1-BDRM., NORTH Owner going Into service, offers the very clean little home on a bit corner sot. for only 64000. Foundation in (or another house. Call Bod Clear. WALTER MUHORAY1 REALTOHaK 1311 Edtewater 3-SIC. Eve. 3-69J6 1 NIMPEoTVll 6 acres easl 3 miles' 61. WOO. 6760 down. Building site will be t .eared of incumbrance oo you mar obtain loan to build. OLAF THONlTfisU) BlALTOB 641 N. Capitol 4M. F0- 3:ni THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon " " I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE I AUCTIONS AUCTIONS AUCTIONS Attention Builders! i ACRE corner with 300 frontal on hard-jurleeed road Older, terr Beat l-B-R. home. South auburb., eltr water, low down parmont. Price M.M LUSCIOUS BLUE HOME 3 bdrmi., llvlni room with picture window, all hardwood floor., auto, oil heat, attached laraia, Bear Deaf School. Will trade for laner home. Price Mleft ENULEWOOD 3 BDRMS Nlcelr decorate, with ftreplc. drr baaement. eawduat beat, able, f a raie. 60il(7. ftneed. lecluded raid. A iood buy tor S10.oej POUR CORNERS DISTRICT 1 bdriiu , floored attic, lane llr. rao . Ola. yea., attached laraao. lovely lane f.ncM yard. Eaty urme. Price 0 NEAR WASHINGTON SCHOOL Larte lot with cardan apace. 3-bdrm. modern home, attached taraie. Owner leayuu elan. Will aacrlllca. Furniture avail. Die. Full price MM ENOLEWOOD Lo.ilr l-bdrm. home with eitra room wpitelre. Oarue, nicely lant ecaped. kOSOC. Terma A. A. LARSEN, Realtor REALTOR 131 S. Huh Street Evea.: A. W.lla 1-3731 Andy Helroreea 3-7163 BASEMENTS If yon are looking lor a new house with a full basement, don't miss seeing these new houses we are offering. Built by Prank North, they era the best deals in town when you consider materials, construction, finish work, price and location. First-class besting equipment, fireplace, hard wood floors, birch kitchens. 3 and 3 bedrooms .and one Is a m -story house with room for 3 additional rooms upstair. These bouses are lo cated on Ernie wood avenue in the East Englewood district, only 3 blocks from school and with excellent bus service. Price on these bouses ranse from 613.000 to 616.000 with maximum FH A. financing. Call us today. ABRAMS, B0URLAND & SKINNER All Ma.onlc BuUdlns Ineuranco Real Batata Phono 3-S317 3 BEDROOMS 16 t 34 living room with fireplace. 11x16 dining room, pleasant kitch en with eating space. 1660 sq. ft. floor space. Bs semen t with flreplsce. This is a new home on loo x 130 lot. Just outside city, South. Paved street, city water. Price 116,000. LOT 60 x 110. Off Orchard Hts. Rd. on West Way. 1660. Win trade as suitable horns. 30 ACRES All in cultivation, year-round stream. Older 6-room bouse, modern. Locsted 3 miles Esst on Hlchway 333. Drilled wall, lots of water. Oood family orchard. Price 66.300. 6 ACRES About one-half Is level along creek. Balance slopes to make dandy site for buildings. Oood aoll. We think It Is priced right, at 61.700. E. J. ZWASCHKA Phone 3-4039 NEW HAVEN ADDITION This ts tha time to buy the best home value In Northwest In a new growing district, only 1 miles from capltol building. 3-BEDROOM 33.360 3-BEDROOM 37,600 G.I. AND F.H.A. FINANCING From 6900 to 6650 down Including all finance charges. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Out Mission to 32nd, turn South on 33 nd to Rural and Electric. General Realty Corp. 2295 ELECTRIC ST. PHONE 4-9560 C Grabenhorst Specials MK. INVESTOR Here la a builnoia bide. eapeclaUr aulted lor retirement n ii I "aecurlty" Investment. Corner lot In excellent huslnua area. 3-atory hide., well leaied. approx. OtxlOO lot. Income rl per month. Price 173.040. CALL H. K. LAYMON. CHOICE HOME IN CHOICE LOCATION Quality, charm, convenience In thle l-bdrm. home, partially floored attic that could be flntahed Int. more bdrmi. ft bath. Lovely llr. rm. with Roman brick fireplace, kitchen with din. area, full bath with ehower. utility room, Ite. alnile taraee. Auto-oll forced Air furnace. CALL J. E. LAW. LOCATED ON MILL CREEK I bdrm. colonial Home. Modern Uiruout, all fenced. Sprlnkllne ayatem, lane patio, ahade treei. Complete In .very detail. For appointment CALL ROY 8. FERRIS, CO-OP BROKER. TODAY'S SPECIAL New ranch type I bdrm. home, llv.-dln. rm., 30' lone, deiUned for TV entrance hall, excellent room arranae mrnt, bath with dble. lavatory, dble. car-port, lota of book Jhelvee and cupboard,, equipped with dkehwaaher. elothaa waaher ft dryer. F A. oil heat, fireplace, treaa. Lot 100x100 ft. Bua by door. Only 114.000. CALL PETER H. GEIHEH. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 3-3471 Evenlnie ft Sundays call J. I. Law 3-6113 H. K. Laymon 3-I4S3 Roy Perrla 3-3010 REAL ESTATE Colbath's REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE WILL TRADE this cottase with lovely kitchen, bath. 1 bdrm dn, 3 bdrma unllnished up. "ot 63H TV Near Aalem Hftthls arh. 61600 equity as dwn. pavmt on sub urban acreage with 3 bdrm house up to 19000. WANTED 3 BDRMS. Will exchange this nearly 3 acre with late built modern 3 bdrm home, 3-car garase. good garden "U. hen lue, N. Lancaster location. Only 61600. Trade 6360 equity into a 3-bdrm home close to Bt. Vincent Ach., up to 610,600. A SELL OUT for 1000 down. Newer 3 bdrms on one fir. LK, DH. Tounsslown klth., tvdd firs, oil piped furnace, utility rm, car port, storsse rm. Larte lot. Excellent Iocs lion in tnnbrm Oardens. IMME DIATE POOSMiStON. HOME FOR ACREAGE NICE 3 BDRM HOME with separate Din rm, estlng area In kitchen, util ity rm, attached .arte aerate. Larte lot. Price 6 W0. Equity taiM) to trade lor 3 bdrm home with acreate. SUBURBAN TRADE This delichtful large modern 3 bdrm home Uh oo tq ft. fir apace, nil heat. In a setting of large fir tres only a few mile from city eenier. Will t.adt up for new 3 bdrm home in dtr to 611.000. FARM FOR CITY 60 Acre with Improvements plus i blrm home with fireplsce. Crop Price 613.000. Ftclianse fox m home. WHAT HAVE YOU? SUNNYVIEW TRADE This kivelv 3 bdrm home with hrttrwl firs, oil he st, sarsse. clean A neu Will trade for err case rVoe rn witr or without Improvements. Bve. Phs: 3MT3. 417-.. 41703 or 3693 orrict DIAL MM DOWN, 4-vcar-old 3-bedroom home Attburnan IMSO Al LAN C JONr REALTOR 311 N Hllh St.. Ph. -83. Eve 36146 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 41191.2-t:.")2 y Tel.: IMIi A. Beckett 3-.SH Morlcace Loan Evenlnn: t70t 3769 Orant St. Peter H Offer 3-M el3S REAL ESTATE VALLEY FARMS. Irrigated and non Etr without crop and lrrltsted. with equipment. 136-A. rlvtr bottom. Joins Willam ette, with crop should be or 1 thous and. 670-A. valley floor son -irrigated. 4 barns, 3 houses, 3 silos, ft good stock ranch, sheep or cattle. Paved H.W. 460-A. hill sheep ranch, good build ings. Priced to sell. J. W. RICHARDSON - REAL ESTATE Dayton. Oregon cl34 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your property is for ssle. rent or exchange, list It Willi ua wa have all kinds ot caab buyera STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS III 8. High St. ca WE HAVE several cash buya for 3 and 3 bedroom homes. In the better dltt. If you with to sell, plrase contact us. SEVERIN REALTY CO. 135 N. High St. Dial 43043. Bve. 23603 ca1 HAVE Bl'YER for large atock and sheep ranch. Prefer some Irrigation. What have you? Al lt,ak, 3030 Portland Road. Phone 4-3311. HI ARE in need oi good house to sell In or nesr fta.em. if you wish to list your property for sale, ee GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 (l Liberty Ph. 3-3411 CI EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE LETS TRADE Do you need more room' We want 3 bed rm close In for our 4 bed rm it down and 3 up). 4 basement, lo cated close to Highland school. Will trade even If you have what we want. See OLAF THON8TAD - REALTOR 641 N. Caoltal Betty Burkhart, Sales. Home Ph. 31993 CD1J31 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BY-THE-GLASS This cafe flu oil requirement for Class A operation of food or Bv-The-oisas. 30 stools, 4 booth and ft ban quet room for over 60 people. Oood lcbcalion. Back door entrance to ban quet room or lounte. All equipment and fixtures included In this price 66.759. an Oft CALL FRANK VLASIC 38620 OR 4-2670 McKillop REAL ESTATE 43 Center St. Salem .C4113' RMAIX GROCERY. Living quarters con netted, win trade for home ta Salem Pi 310TT Cdl36 BUSINESS & INCOME Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Ptvwood eoret, old rrowth fir. trimmings. Phone 3-T731. 163 So Planet Com'l 3 mm iitts. We Specialize in Trades WE NEED ALL TYPES OF UBTTNOS Homea, Parma, Aereaiea, Motor Court. Tavern. What have yout Stop Read This First 3 Bedroom homt. Walking distance from State House. 3 Bsthrooma. Lane utility room. Forced air on rurnace . Fireplace. One of the finest plaster jobs in saiem- nice se..ina m Spacious lot. Full price only 06760. Spacious - Gracious SHARK TOUR DREAMS Tou'U realy enjoy this lovely borne. Spacious rooms. Den. 3 Fireplaces, 1 of them marble. Montag oil furnace. Ms hoc any trim. Automatic garate door. Lovely play room In full bsse mcnt. Insulated. Bus front door Bull tin for kitchen in bssement. Will axel-ante for smaller home or Income property. Full price 625.000. You Have Admired this beautiful setting and home many times as you psised In your car. In the best of condition. Fireplace. Insu lated. Beautiful yard. Nice view. Lot of storage Owner leaving. Full only 113.250. Terms. Implement Business This la nationally advertised and one of the most popular make of farm machinery on the market. Contract calls for I1 counties In one of the best Irrigation areas in the northwest. Owner reports V million dollar vol ume for last yr. Could easily be In eressed with proper management Owner retiring. Rent on bldg. very rea sonable. Offered or sale at Inventory Fixtures at depreciated value. This will require about 6100,000 investment, but It's a good one. Retired Couple This 1 ft dandy for you. 11 -room ho tel plus owners living quarters. Lobby, 1 apt.. 1 sleeping room and office apace. New furnace. Furnished. Con sider home as part payment. Oood income. Full price only 636,000. 34 Acre Prontatt on Portlsnd Rd. 1 very good modern 3-bedroom house with base ment. 1 3-bedroom house with base ment. 100 ft. frontage. This Is ft very desirable property for future busi ness, owner will consider home as part payment. Full price 636.000. CALL POR MR. KIOOINS, EVE. PH. 4-5494 or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-6030 or DAN ISAAK, EVE. PH. 4-3533. If no answer caU 4-3346. Stock Ranch 383 acres with 80 acres under cultiva tion. Oood portion under Irrigation. River flow right through the prop erty. Modern 10-room house with base ment. 1 large dairy. 1 beef. 1 feeder barn. Besides several other very de sirable and usable bldg. Price re duced to 643.600. Xquipment 66500. Livestock 313,000. 10 ACRES with liveable bouse. 1 mile from town. Small barn. All fenced. 1mm. poss. Oood spring. Full price only 63000. REAL HOT DEAL 10 acres. Very close to Salem. 1 bed room house with bath. Fine view. Furnished. Mostly In orchard. School bat. Pvd. rd. 81000 down. Full price 96900. li2 ACRE with modern 3-bedroom houie In food .condition. Near Salem. Wrrk ah op. Soma caneberrles. WU1. aoU. Full price only 33360. Some terma. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. 1-473S. If no answer call 4-334S. MORTGAGE LOANS 30-YEAR MATURITY Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ofllce phones: 4-3311 or 3-7330 30 PORTLAND ROAD Eve. phoneo: 1-4739. 4-6414, 4-353). 4-6030 or 3-3553 If Bo .newer, phon. 4-3343 Cl34 FURNITURE FOR SALE WALNUT DININO SET, ( chairs, bullet, good condition. Ph. 356?6. dl33 WANTED FURNITURE mm 2 ETC Illf.Uii-' mini FOR SALE LIVESTOCK NICE LOOKIVG. spirited saddle mare Half Thoroughbred And ball Ameri can Caddler. Also A amall mare. Nice looking and doeg several tricks well. John Gwtnup. Rt. 3. Box 143. Silver ton. One mile west of Bethany on old Silverton-flalem road. el33 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BrEF White face J ere ford. 36c. Locker pork, 3ie. Nothing down. 6 mos. to pay. Custom killing, TraUer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1336 B. 3h Ptv S-4(ws es PETS MOORE TROPICAL PISH. Parakeets, turtle, supplies. 3 from Lancas ter on Macleay road. 4-3773. Cosed Wednesdays. ecl43' BOLLYWOOD AUtARUM 1996 WcCoy one block eiSl of N. Capitol, 1 S blocks north oi Madison. Ph. 3-6697. tcl3B M COCKER 3 blscx and 3 brown reasonably priced. 43991. ecl33' MEXICAN Chihuahuas for sale. One One male puppy 630. One grown male and female t36 each or 640 for pair. Another trown female 636. Ph. 4-3363, 380 SUverton Rd ec!34 FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 14" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 153ft Edtewater Phone Salem 3-4031 Phone 2-2406 Journol Want Ads Pay JOE PAL00KA A. KEWUHt AH?AAT' VI I B4f WWt TTlA84...Tr4t1f TpUlEVt I 04 MY ClrfiV V. I 1 i A5 iknyS o" cxt . metre. w hi mm fot.rvE PApfR SVH-i1 rTn .. jrj Public ON THE FARM, LOCATED I i MILES NORTH . OF BAWM NORTH OF BROOKS. ORE.. ON HIGHWAY B9E. Hl ASSEMBLY OF GOD CAMPGROUND, NORTH, MONDAY, MAY 25, at Farm sold; therefore all Cattle, Farm Machinery Auction yr. old SPRINGER HEIFERS; to freshen in August EEDER HEIFERS. Guernsey! snd Holstelns. 4 to 6 i 42 a utrpnirp hfifers 7 r ttUtK UUU-a. xiuuiem u. w l-Yearling HOLSTEIN BULL. 1-2 yr. Cattle Tested, Machinery S20 ft. Irrigation Pipe; Pump; and 9tt h p. Briggs & Stratton gas motor. Spike Harrow; Springtooth Harrow; Cultiva tor. G. Hose. Forks. Pipe and Fittings. Electric Fence Control. S Nurse Paila. Portable Sears Milker. 2 Wheelbarrows. Sides for Truck. 25 Cedar Fence Posts. Table Saw; 1 h p. motor. Stock Trailer. Grindstone and motor. Water Pump. Farm Wagon, on rubber. Fence Stretch er. Roll Wire. 1930 Model A Ford Cpe. Power Meat Grinder; Bone Grinder for mink farm food. Sprayer. Chicken Drinkers and Feeders. Many misc. Hand Tools and Farm Tools; too numerous to . mention. ' lliKlYla UAbli. FRANK A. SPROUSE, Owner Col. Ernest E. Scott, Salem, Auctioneer. Phone 4-6433 Nina M.Scott, Clerk AUCTIONEER'S NOTE : This U s good clean Sale of good usable merchandise. Nice young stock, and Complete Dispersal. It Will Pay You well to attend. LUNCH AT NOON SERVED BY LADIES OF LABISH BETHEL ASSEM BLY, MISSIONARY COUNCIL FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED Colored hena. ery. phone 3-388L Lee'a Batch f GOLDEN BBOAD and New HMnpehlre chlcke, batched every Monday And Thuraday. Our chick, irow faater. Pol e Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-l. t FOB 8 ALB Twice weekly, day-old ohlcka In New Hampshire, rarmentera. Red, White Lee home. Auatra-Whlta. Whit. Rocks. Whit. Wyandoltea. Par menter cockerels. Lie Hatchery, phone J-3301. PRODUCE SEED POTATOES 13.30 A hundred lba. No. 1 aatlni potatoes. lor ao ut. Onions, 31 for 30 lbe. Al Fed. 330 Portland Rd. Phone 4-4071. fine APPLES Newtons, wonderful ploe, good eatlnc apple, too. Oreen A.PP1. Market 3005 Portland Road. If 135" CANNING ASPARAGUS And rhubarb, oltvea by the gallon. Freeh vegetables, fruit and walnuts. Complete assort ment of vegetable and flower plants. Phillips Farm Market, 3530 Portland Rd., 1 blocks N. of Lancaster Dr. Ph. J-4S13. ! OOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Oema, plant any time now to July, 33.30 per 100. PhlUlpo Broe., Rt. I, Boi 433, 3 miles east 4 Corners on State Bt. Ph. 43031. ft" HELP WANTED REGISTER NOW for strawberry picking acres dean, irrigated berries. 1 mile west and north from Xelser School. Jo rtenien -Evens, 611 West Bowden Lane. Salem. Phone 4-1804. gl34 REGISTERING strawberry plckera for 40 .eres at Alvln Van Cleave farm In Hasel Oreen. Camping grounds. Rt. 3. Box 410. Salem. Ph. .Mb. till- STRAWBERRY pickers. C. J. Stupfel, 6018 PorUand Road. Phone 4-4030. 0114 REGISTER now for picking strawberries. Large clean field on 80E North. Close In. Forest Lane Motel, 3530 Portland Rd. Phone 1-1100. 0137 . CARRIER BOYS Now is the time to register for a Capital Journal news paper route. No Sunday de livery. See Circulation Mgr. IN MILL CITT Correspondent for Cap ital Journal. Must have typewriter, soma experience. Oood pay for pari time work. Contact tOIke Forbes. Vsl ley Editor, Cental Journal, Salem. Ore. STRAWBERRY PICKERS register now 14 acres clean Irrigated field. 3 310 tnllea northwest of Keller school. Transportation furnished. Fred S. McCalL, Route 3, Boi 163. Phone 4-1917. gl34 REGISTERING STRAWBERRY plckera for 30 acres. Free transportation 'for groups of six or more. Groups who wsnt transportation Ph. 41374 or drive north on Portland Rd. to Totem Pole. Turn Tight, drive to LabUh Center road. Turn left and one mile to Bill Williamson Son .Strawberry acre age. Rt. 6, Box 340B. gl36a STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted. 30 acres Irrigated. Bit crop. Oood par. Transportation furnished. Register at 301 S. Hith or call 3-9303. cl36 REGISTER NOW for strawberry pick ing. If acres of irrigated berries. Transportation furnished. Ph. 4-1353 Salem or aee John Jeff ery, Rt. 3, SU verton or H. M. Cutter, Rt. 3, Box 461. Salem. gl33 BERRY PICKERS on platoon. Will be ready late this month. Oood patch. Transportation furnished. CaU 4-6430. Mrs. Marsh. gU6' STRAWBERRY pickers register now Sixteen acres of heavy crop.. Will need youngsters for a platoon, also want drive-out. H. L. Pearcy Nur sery. Rt. 3. Box 190. 4-1916. gl3 WANTED Berry pickers. 1 mile from city llmlta on Cherry Ave. to Alder, turn neht to Brooks Ave., then turn left. Sun win direct to field. Ph 43969. I. Hartman, 410 Brooks Ave. 6144 WANTED 100 strawberir pickers, to recuter now. A. M. Zatisra. Rt. 3. Box 437. Ph. 413.1. V mile east of Totem Pol and mile south tlSO HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS at Silver Falls lodte for summer season. Transportation and lodging furnished. Call 36737. gb' BABY SITTER wanted. Call Sunda? only. Phone 3-0630. gbi33 PRACTICAL nurse for mtht duty. Borer sanitarium. Phone 4-S71 1. gbr COOK S HELPER at Silver Fall lodse for aummer teason. Transportation and lodting fumuhed. Call 36737. gb Farm AUCTION! - 21 HEAD CATTLE Ruernievi snd Yfy In"ei ,n Electric Washer; Electric Refrigerator; R.C.A. Victor Cabinet Radio, 12-tube; t Gas Ranges; 1 Kitchen Cabinet and Cupboard; Hi-Boy Dresser and Chest; 2 Davenports; 5-pc. Chrome Set; 2 Chests Drawers; Beds. Springs, Mat tresses; New Linoleums; Buffet; 5-pc. Breakfast Set; Dishes; Phonograph; 2 Sinks; Occasional Chairs; Rockers; Ta ble M Separator; Fruit Jars; and many misc. Kitchen and Home Items. ..eew.e.eweeeee,iiiM,i.,,,,MIM,,,w HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN INTEBV1EWER r eded to re cruit famlllea for continuing consumer panel. Experience desirable, but not neceeaary. Write Mr. D. P. Svwncer. Market Research Corporation of AmerlcA. 423 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago 3. Illlnoll. g13C WOMAN for car. of 1 child. Daytime. days. 3-0033. gl3 WANTED SALESMAN BEAL ESTATE Salesman. Write box 70. Capital Journal or call Mlee Welch. Broadway 4333 Broker, Portland. 130 WANTED POSITIONS TILLING, new M. E. Rotary tiller. 03.30 hour. Phone evenings 38333. 1U3S FOR COMPLETE painting aervlce. Work manship guaranteed. Pre. .atlmatc. Call John Jansea 33143. hl41 PLOWING S DISCING IMMEDIATE uERIVE. Phone 3-3300. hl33' LAWN MOWEB And circle saw sharpen. Ing. etc 1 N. 18th. Phone J-4010 or 4-8163. h BABT CASE, my horn, younger. Ph. 33800. 0 months oi M36- SHKCT RUCK, applying and finishing. Carpenter work, contract or hour. Ph. 43331. hl33- PART TIME WORK for experienced grocery clerk. Ph. 1-7680. hl35' CHILD CARE In my home, day or even ing. Ph. 3-7600. 11135' CHILD care In my home. Ph. 4-4600. hiss GOOD CHILD care. My home. Will pick up. Ph. 45866. hI33 TILLING WITH Rotary-hoe. Oarden lawns. Phon. S-3838. 2305 Evergreen. hl35' BOTOTILUNO Ph. 44633. Middle Orove Nursery. 4330 SUverton Road. h- GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, discing, leveling, rotolllllng. Service Center. Phone 43573. hl30 MICKENHAM'S DAT NUBAEBT State licensed and Inspected. Phone 37830. h!36 LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dirt level ing, grading. Phono 2-3330. hl39 ORADING. leveling, backfilling, lawns, gardens. By hour, Job. Phone 2-3041. hl33 EXPERT child care, my home In Holly wood dletrlct. Phone 4-3400. hl34 CEMENT WORK and finishing, Adolph Bombeck, Phone 33374, 1333 N. 5th. hue GOOD CHILD care, nights in my home. Bruce and Sunnyvtew. Ph. 45095. hl33' PAINT contracting. Brush or spray. L. E. Hess Nelson. 3-4307. M37 PLOWING. DISCING leveling. 63.60 an hour. Phone 4-3111. h!33 LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning. trimming, planting, lert lilting. srv Ice Center. Phone 4-W73. hl30' PAINTING 35 years experience In Salem Pree estimates. Phone 3-7553 hl NEW LAWNS. Rotary hoeing. Free e?tl- tnatea. Duane Wolcott, Phone 8-6 1 37. h!37 EXPERIENCED HOt SEWORK by hour once a week. 3-7019 after 6 p.m. hl26 WIEM.AL'S NITtRIRY State llcenaed and inspected, inlants and older. 3501S. hl46 GARDENING AND lawn work. Earl Cox Phone 373M. 6M. Marlon Bt. MS7 FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick building. Down town. Inquire H. L Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 3-9165. j OTFIt'E SPACE, shop and storage. Phone 3-6094. J127 RENT Down Town 2-story concrete alley ware house. Electric elevator, ex cellent distributor's setup. ALSO Ferry street room, for office or s.tore. Large basement. In Hotel Salem building. State Finance Co. TEL. 34121 J13I- FOB LlAM-loo to 300 fvel frontasr on Edsewater st, Weet Salem, lie J Pitta, ph. 31403. j. Saturday, May 28, 195S AUCTIONS w.ewiP T IIITTC. ru 1 M ON LEW PAST THE 10 a. m. and Furniture to go at 21 Guernseyl. mos. oia. - T rnw. rMi, old RED POLL COW, fresn. Furniture FOR RENT BENT A marvelous Kenmora A.wln. machine for as little a. 00 per month. Ph. 18101. Sean Roebuck And Co. !138 WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT or leas. 3 .r 3 bed. room uniurnuned house. Phon. 3337T. lal38 WOULD LIKE I badroom home unfur nished. Not over 000 s month. Ph. M14. FOR RENT APARTMENTS TWO t-ROOM apartment., private en. trance. Adults. 700 N. Churoh. 43437. 1P134- FOR RENT 3 room Apartment, private bath and entrance. Adults only. 035. Water fur nished. P. H. Weir Realtor, 1347 So. Commercial. Ph. 39411. JP134 FURNISED l bedroom Apartment, pri vate bath. Ph. 43078. Jpl34 TWO 3-BEDBOOM apts.. nnfumlshsd. North 14th. 1 bedroom, furnished, modern, dean. South 13 th. 1-0306. 1P134 FURNISHED APT. in Shopping Center. 460 N. 13th. Phon. 3-0714. JP137. 1 ROOM fumuhed apt, electric range, refrlgergtor. Elderly gentleman. 030 month. 3-3376. Ipial" REDECORATED 0-EOOM, refrigerator, range, garbage, water, garase. Front over McMlUan'e. Phon. 3-0670. Jpiu LARGE, UNFURNISHED, three - room. Data, sciect ares, nest quality, new. Phone 3-1117. Jpl37 FURNISHED apartment. Private bat and entrance. Employed lady. 340 N. 13th St. Phone 3-6705. Jp12S LEE APTS. FOR A COMFORT ABLB HOME 4 Car Port Parking Cheerful Colors Range Ac Refrigerator Television Antenna Call 4-1641 666 N. Winter JP124 COLUMBIA apartments, furnished or un furnished. Modern 3 room, cite, heat, garage, bua clot by. No pets. 3311 Fairgrounds Rd. Jpl24 3 ROOM, ground floor, furnished, elec trie stove, refrigerator, private en trance, bath. 640. 1775 N. Front. 4-1677. JP133 FURNISHED 3 room apt., large kitchen, tub bath, garage available. 1306 Che mekcta. 3-6007. Jpl36 COMFORTABLE 3 bedroom unfurnished apartment. Adults only, $45 per month. 740 Ferry St. Utilities furnished ex cept electricity. CsU Pioneer Trust Co.. 33136. Jpl34a MODERN FURNISHED apt., walking dlJ tance. 990 Broadway. Phone 46134. JP123 CLEAN. WARM, 4-room furnished apart mrnt. Private bath and entrance. 1 or 3 adults, close to Shopping and State buildlnts. Ph. 3-7694. Jpl25 S MRGE rooms and bath, ground floor. No children or dots. No drinkers. Would like man and wife or elderly couple. Ph. 35500. iPl33 NICELY FURNISHED 1 bedroom apart ment, 334 N. Capitol. Also 341 "D". JP136- I CLEAN furnished rooms, bath, washer, utilities Included. 330. Ph. 21668. 1P123 MODERN rt FINISHED room court apartment. 850. 1003 MadMon. Ph. 37736. 1P13S' JINE 1, a very attractlva court apartment at 380 So. 17th. 3 roomi and bath and can be rented furnlihed or unfurnished. Ph. 33713. )P NEAR UN.VaRalTT. Furnished, clean 3 room apartment. Utilities paid. 033. Ph. 25973. 1P133 attractive SMALL apartment, fire, place, private entrance, bath. Implor- ed jedyoia, JiChurch. Jpl30 PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished oouri apartment, clean. Adults. 050. 350 Portlend Road. Jnl33 MtELT FlRMSHtD apartment.. Am baiiador Apia. 330 No. Summer. IP' 0MM, ONE ROOM furnished house, keeping apartment Close In north. Eurt Plcha, 370 N. High. Ph. 34047. 1P133 SEVERAL furbished an.rtmM,. rhnn 3-3183. jp. BOOM furnlm.d apu Can 2-0031 alter Vm )pl3Qe "?Di?N 'HED r wnftrrnlshedl 0 room. 1 bedroom apt. 1140 so. 13th. Jpl27 By Ham Fisher C13J