J' ' " ' ' -. si H aw t-'--'W''"'. tv J I t : - ' ' It . 1 ! S S 3 notes Salem Executes Triple Play But Loses, 7-3 Yakima, Wuk- Lefty Bob Collins tattered hli tint West ra Internatleaal learn lett f the mm (he had wm five etralg ht) her last nlgbt at the Salem Senatora were beaten, 1-1, at Yakima. '. The Salem Infield executed triple play In the firtt inning. Yakima had bases loaded when Len Noren hit a sizzling line drive to Salem third-bawman Milt Smith. Smith ipeared the ball, flipped to Gene Tanielli covering lecond baie for the aecond out, and Taruelll tossed to firit-bsieman Joe Clardy to complete the triple killing. - Noren, the man who hit Into the triple play, later imacked a home run and a double to lead the Bears at the plate. ' Jimmy Deye, who commit' ted two erron from bii cen ter field position, led Salem itlckmen with three hlta in four timet at bat. One ef Deyo'i hlta was a doable. Salem did all its scoring in the first two Innings. Yakima slowly whittled away after that, overtaking Salem with a three-run rally In tne tixtn in ning. Collins was driven from the mound In the sixth, and Dick Strombach and Jim Petersen finished out on (he mound for Salem. The two teams play again at Yakima tonight, with a double I header scheduled for Sunday. (Br tu Aeeoeiated Preea) A stellar performance by Bill Franks, both on the mound and at the plate, and a wild ninth Inning were the feature dishes en tbe West ern International League baseball bill ef fare Friday night - v ' Franks twirled two-hitter and singled in the only run of the game in tbe bottom of the ninth as the Spokane Indians edged by the Tri-Clty Braves, 1-0. A Texas Leaguer and a beat-out bunt were the only two safeties off Franks. The wild ninth was staged at Lewiston, where the Broncs weathered a 10-run outburst by the Victoria Tyees to dump the Candians, 12-11. Three Bronc pitchers paraded to the mound in an effort to douse the fire. The home-towners then gave the fans their money's Worth by scoring two runt In the last of the ninth to grab the win. In the other game played, Vancouver tripped Wenatchee, 5-4. A scheduled game between Edmonton and Calgary on the latter'! home field wat watbed ' out Ball-control trouble on the part of Wenatchee's Laurie Monroe and Rick Botelho, who WIL Standings (Br The Aeooclaled Preatl ' I, ret. Lewltlot) .. Vancouver WoUatcbOt Celttrr ... Mm Trl-Clly .. .111 JIT .411 ai .414 .411 .441 .444 .444 Yakima Victoria Edmonton .. ., trlaar'e Beealtoi Yakima 1, lil I. Bpekeae 1. Trl-Cllr i. Uwlaloa II. Vletorla II Vancouver I. Wonetcboe Bdmonton at calaery, potlponed, wit troundo. , Salardar'a aameei Trl-Cllr at Spokane. Vltarla at Uorlelen. Vancouver at Wenalchet. Saltai at Yakima. Bdmonton at Calaery III. issued 13 free passes between them, spelled defeat for the Chiefs. Four of the Capllanos who got walks eventually scor ed. A single by Frank Nascaro brought in the winning run in the eighth for the Caps. toss (f 'WL - : w Midgets Race Here Tonite ; PcrtI:ndRrjIlyG3t$to Ploy? Splits Pcubichcndcr Major Leagues mr The uncmus Preeei NATIONAe, a. Pet. Philadelphia 11 Milwaukee M St. Louie 1' S'Oelra 11 Naw Talk 11 Now York 11 Pliutunk Chlcaeo Cincinnati S maaa'a Baaaltai New Tort I. Breollra I. t. Uula 4. Cincinnati I. Philadelphia at PltUburtb, WIWH, Milwaukee at Chleate. poelpoaed. rain. H 14 it II It M 11 .414 Ml .all .Ml jaa AMklK'AM LItGl'S It ret. .447 Salem (II Sabtlnl.l S TanaallU I Smtlb.lb 4 Paraa.II t Wilftrep,r J Dero.cf 4 ciardr.IB 4 NalMS.a 4 Comm. s Btrmbh.p ( i-hliteraa 1 ToUla M I 11 t i) I H O 4 noY4j silt iHJalna.l 14 14 IUwta.rf I 4.1 I INaran.l 4 14 4 aUurla.U I I t 4 4Lod.nl.! 1111 lM Oro.cl 4 114 4nrlc,a I S 4 4 srirnn.p 11 4 4 4Tt.mp. S ( 1 1 14 II R O A ToUll 14 I 11 1 Orouadad aut lor strombaeta In ttb. Salaal 114,404 4041 1 1 Yakima 414 Ml 14 1 I I Wlnnlat pltenar Tbompioa. lojuii Bite bar Colllni. Pltenar: IP M I II 111 KM CoUlna .... 1H 11 1 4 4 1 1 atrombacli IVb 1 I 1 I 4 Petaraon ...1 s 4 44 1 nna iv 11 s t i t t Tbamnaaa . 1H II I 4 4 I 1 HIT Lodlflanl. LOB-Oalam 14, Yakl a 4. BrroraLawla. Lodlilanl. Smltb. Oar 1, Hjelmaa. HB Nbran. IBH Dam Koran, Medulla, aabantlnl. RBI Smltn. Paraa, Clardj. Morla 1. 14cm Ira. Thorn paon. Meraa. np TaaaaUl t Baba- la c.tiiy. -frtpla plar Smith to TtruaUl to Clardr. T 1:41. Umplrea uuix and waiaa. Trl-Cltr apokaa .. 444 404 141 I t .. 444 444 4411 T raault; Praoka ai Victoria 104 444 M 14-11 II S Lnlatoa sot 44) M I 11 14 1 Bottler. HODPO It). DrUllna (41 and Hertlni IlarabaJl, Dolllni (4), Bronaar 111 and caaoroo. Vaacouver boo an tia 4 i i Wanatehoa Nt 444 404-4 14 4 r. BarnalMoa ana Lundbarat Kouiha Monroe (7) ant Bartolomia. Northern Div Track and Field Meet Today Eugene () The top track and field start of the Northern Divlnton compete here Satur day In the annual division track meet Washington State was tne favorite. Preliminaries were schedul ed to start at 10 a.m. on rain- soaked Hayward Field and the field events were to get under way at i p.m. N. York 1 Soaton ...... II Cblceae Cleveland H Waablniton 11 FhUabelpblt II St. LouU U Detroit ' 14 rrltar'e Beaaltai Soaton 1-1. Phlledalpbla al-l wco4 aama II tnnlnaal. Detroit 1. Chlcaio 4. at. Loula at Clereland. poetponod. rain. .IM Jll .4M .104 PIN PATTER By BENNVAIPEZ, We wrote sometime ago about the way scoring condition! had Improved at the University bowl but the way Toy Linblad 1 hitting the alleys It lookt at lf he will be adopting them soon as his very own. Some weeksago, he shot the first sanc tioned 700 on the alleys and then this week turns In the first perfect game ever to be recorded In Salem. Bowling In the Ragtime mixed doubles Toy put together games of 100, 200, and 231 for a beautiful 721 series. Always nice to record an event such as this but especially to in the case . ef Toy Llndblad who It one of the nicest uva In th una Alwayt ready to help young bowlen, going out of his way to encourage bowlers of all categories. Tov in revnsnluri n the northwest as one of the best alley proprietors and among wo mon popular v.ongraiuiauons. Toy, and we hope you do ' as most bowlers do and shoot another real soon. Out of town teams haven't too much luck bowling In Salem leagues In the past but Wednesday night, the Northwest Poultry team from McMlnnvllle won the second half of the Major League at the Capitol Alleys and qualified to meet Bren nan Tree Service In the playoffs next Tuesday night for the league championshiD. . If thev defpat thaw Rrnnnn Rnnnk , they will become the flrit outside team to win the major league tiiaiuiiiunaiiip. Amazing we way tney alwayt manage to be "up" for the big serin as the tesm does not boast a man over 175 in the averages. They stand a good chance of winning but first they will have to out-bowl Brennan't who have proved in the past that they also can come from way back to win the big ones In the major league. . In the major league meetlns th otw v,.,. .... a lot of discussion concerning the size of the league. Many are in favor of reducing the number of team, in orri.r in strengthen the league as a whole, and with this opinion we heartily agree. Many would like to bowl in the majors but they should not be allowed to until they have proved their ability In a league of lower classification. At the present time there are three or four solid major league teams, while the rest are carrying bowlers who do not beloni there. We are not trying to drive anyone from the alleys, but we do believe bowling should be like any other sport. First, you have to prove your ability, then maintain a standard, and when age finally creeps up on you, to retire from faster competition. It's easy that way in every sport so why not bowling. There wasn't a man in the majors last year that I did not count a friend so I know they will take this in good grace when I say that there were some who were not ready and they know it. Consequently, by reducing the tize of the league tome of these men will have to return to the minors but with steady work and practice, they can soon return because bowlers are con tinually on the watch for men to strengthen and will go . with a man who proves himself a solid competitor. Salem, Lincoln Lead State . Golf Tourney Albany. Ore. m The state high school golf tournament continued here Saturday with Salem and Lincoln of Portland leading after Friday's opening round. The two leaden were tied with four-man team scores of 312. Milwaukee and C e n t r a 1 Catholic of Portland followed with scores of 316. Medford, defending champion, was fifth with 319. Dick Hogan of Portland's Franklin High shot 73 for tbe best score of the day. Bob Frail of Salem and Bob Nor- quist of Lincoln, Portland, had 75s. . Other team scores: Medford 320; Franklin, Portland, 322; Cleveland, Portland, 324; Eu gene, 326; Oswego, 330; Cor vallis, 331;- Columbia Prep, Portland, 334; University, Eu gene, 335; Beaveiton, 336; Jefferson, Portland, 42; Grant, Portland, 346; ParyQse, 351; Warrehton, 353; AI afny 355; Washington, Portlffid. 358; Seaside, 368; TUlaftVOk, Sou; Hood River, 486. Kramer, Sedgma Tennis Pros Are All Even After Thirty Games Vancouver, B. C. (JP) The first draw on the BO-game pro fessional tennis tour of reign ing champ Jack Kramer and Australian Frank Sedgman was recorded Friday night when 3.500 fans here told them to call it quits at the end of 30 games. When officials asked the crowd if they wanted the mara thon called so the doubles mateh could be started they roared back in the affirmative. Earlier,, little Pancho 5e- gura disposed of Ken McGreg or 4-6, 7-5, 6-4 to tak a 65-25 lead in their series. The Kra- mer-Sedgman record stands at 51-38 in favor of Big Jack, with the one tie. ' Sedgman started fast and went ahead three games but Kramer evened it up and they were even at the ninth. From there on each won his own service. Taiooeaminae ! V :i-fVvV. S'W-- Drives Tonight Wild Bill will pilot the No. 31 ear la tonight's midget auto races at Hollywood Bowl. Hyde's ear la powered by a hopped np Ford ( motor, and will race against other Fords only. Cart with much high er priced Offle motors will race in another class. Time trials are scheduled to get nderway at 7:38. Off ies, Fords in Separate Competition at Holly Bowl The rearing midgets appear He is expecting tome tough a the Salem Hollywood Bewl track tonight In the tint, mid get auto racing program of the season. Racing wiU be divided Into two classifications Offies and Fords. Separate trophy dashes, heat races and main events will be conducted for Offle-powered and for Ford 60-powered ears. Lea Sutton, pilot of the ' 55 ear, Is leading the point race In the Offle division, with Sborty Templeman, last year's chaniplon, in second place. Templeman will be particu larly anxious to finish ahead of Sutton' tonight, in order to close the gap in point stand ings. . ' Gordy Livingston is the leader in the Ford division. competition from Wild Bill Hyde, winner of a- recent Ford main event at the Jantien beach track in Portland. . Sutton, Mel MeGaughy and Blake have won Offle main events at'JanUen this season. Blake will nof race here to night. . . . Hollywood, Bewl waa ori ginally bnllt for midgets, to the little cart are "na tural" for the track. Many drivers eensider.the Salem oval one ef-tbe fastest tracks in the Northwest, All heat races tonight will be for eight laps. The Offle main event is scheduled for 35 laps, the Ford main event for 25 laps. Time trials get the evening of speed underway at 17:30 P.m. Thing are looking up In Oakland. . The Acorns are ai on a winning sues. They have last taaaa itw tralgt from Saa Diego and cap- tared their first terice e w teaeon. They turned back the Pad po main Friday night. 12-1, hammering three pitehen for bits, including a nomer oy Jim Marshall, a triple by Pete Milne, and doublet by riper navls and Sam Chapman, AI Gettel coasted along, giving up nine hits, and he wasn't scored on until the eighth, when San Dieeo'B Joe Grace socked a hnma rtin. - Lot Angeles, which had been matching league-leading Se atle stride for stride, finally blew one to Sacramento. The Sacs outlasted the Angels In a tlugfest, 7-5. Rog Osenbaugh, who started for Sacramento, wat lifted in the fifth, but Glen Lierman did a fine Job of re lief to get credit for the vic tory. Lot Angelet lift 13 men on bate. Homers were contributed bv Ansels Frank Dl Prima and Fred Richards and the Sac's Eddie Bockman. . Seattle couldn't stand the PCL STANDINGS tar Tka ineoelated mail. re I. J41 .411 Seattle M ' 14 l-i Aualaa II St Hallraoae ......... , Portland .......... SI , 14 -n Baa DI444 H M 4J1 Saa FraMlaas J Oakland " . J2 sacreaMata SS 44 .404 mtar'a BnaMll - BacraMta 1. toe Aasalaa Oakland u, Baa inete-o. Saa rrancUM I, saattla 1 (It lata.1. Portland !-. aeUrwaa - LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS it NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Saturday. May 23, 195S Page 12 Rainout Today Would Give , Title to Ducks Corvallit VP) Oregon and ' Oregon State, rained out of two scheduled games earlier in the week -are booked for a Satur day afternoon doubleheader here to determine the Northern Division baseball champion. Oregon, with a half-game lead, needs only a single vic tory to win the title and the right to play Stanford for the Pacific Coast Conference title. Oregon State could retain its division crown by sweeping the doubleheader. If the weather forcet cancel lation, Oregon will be cham pion. There can be no make up garnet after Saturday, the OMicuu end of. the division sea son. Salem Breakfast Club To Take .Vacation Salem Breakfast elub offi cials have announced that there will be no more meet ings of the club until June 22. A big stag Is planned for that date at the Chadwlck farms. Parrish Wins Annual City Junior Hi ah Track fAeet Parrish captured tbe annual, ford of Leslie, and Jack Scott city track and field meet Fri-lof West Salem were the meet's day as it edged the defending double winners in the ninth champion Leslie squad and grade competition. Mapea took West Salem. Leslie captured both the e I g ht h and seventh grade titles. " Parrish scored 53 14 points in the ninth grade or varsity com petition while Leslie, coached by Harry Mohr, was getting 40, and West Salem came last with 35 points. LaMoyne Mapes broke the lit yard low hardies record he set earlier In the year as he ran the event In 11.9 sec onds. Jim Norval walked oft with the new broad Jump rec ord by Jumping t feet IVi Inches to break the old mark by more than nine inches. Floyd Trusell was the hold er of the broad jump record previously. LaMoyne Mapes earlier in the broad jump com petition yesterday broke the record by a fraction of an inch, only to have Norval take it away from him. Mapes, Norval, Darrell Ppns- both the shot and hurdles, Nor vail fh hrnnii ilimn and e:n.VBn T3K.a. cL 1,101. 4,,.-.! and pole vault, and Scott the 100 and 220 yard dashes. - West Salem's Smith waa the only eighth grade doable winner as he took both the broad Jump and high Jump. Jerry Bacon of Leslie was a seventh grade triple winner with wins in the 5 yard dash, 10 yard dash, and tbe high Jump. The other seventh grader With two firsts was Jack French of Leslie with wins in the pole vault and high jump. French broke the seventh grade pole vault record as he soared 8'4r. - NINTH GBADI BCSULTS. lit rard low bardlee: I Lalforoe Mapea (Utile), 1 Brace ratteraea (Leo ne). I llatbla (Watt Salem). 4 Tay lor (Wait aaleml. Wlnnlat Uma 11.1 aeoonda. (Naw record). 444 yard run: 1 Andarton (Waal Ba lm), 1 Rich Cattle (Watt Salem), I Baker (Parrlah), 4 Darrel Hickman Presbyterians To Play Golf The first round of a golf tournament sponsored by the Presbyterian Men's club will be played off by the end of this month. Psrticipating In the tourna ment are William Bush, Eu gene Crothers, R. L. Elfstrom, Robert Elfstrom, Jr., Bjarne Erlckson, J. J. Fltzsimons, : Norman Frees, Ed Fitzsimons, Roy Girod, James Gemmell, H. B. Glaisyer. Gilbert Groff, Ed Kllppert, Chester Loe, AI Loucks, J. P. Lineberry, Jim Morgan, Hugh Morrow, Dr. P. N. Poling, Ken Potts, Dr. R. Siddowsy, Bert Sturm, Dale Sullivan, Harold Westfall and B. J. Holland. Ilk.. " ' V'"''" 3 ' ll' " ' ' .. . M . . a. k 1.1 f M .- V aT .T . f mm w mm l1. . .! : - " ' jwj.fl TnwaanwmaaawawawJ 1 I :'1 Mickey Coen Dave Perlman Harvey Koepf Three Bearcats Named to Conference AI l-St a r Tea m ILaeUa). Wlaalns llmt 41.4 aaaaada. HJth Jnmp: 1 Darrel Ponslord iLee lle). t Braoa rattoiana (LeaUe). 1 Jim Allen (UaUe). 4-alathlt (Watt Sa lem). Wlnnlnt halthtb 4 a". Tbraa war tie for aaeoad. Pole vault: 1 Darrel Pomford (Laa- lla). 1 Dora Merebant JLaalle). s aSUl- r (ramab). wionias nenota r. Shot put: 1 Lablorne liapat (LaalU) 1 aary repplnaar - (Parrlah), I alar- tin (Parrlah), 4 rtataa Lochenoor IParrlah). Wlnnlnt dlalanca-44'4Vb' 414 rard race: 1 Rlobard Cattle (Weat Salem), S FraS DeLapp (Laallal, 1 OUbertaaa (Parrlah), 4 Pierce (flarrlah) Wlnnlnt time 1:11.1. 444 rard ralay: Waa ky ParrUb (Serlk- r. Krontar. KoeraL aad liitmaa). 1- Weat Salem. S Utile. Utile dlaeuall nod ana went aaian wat tivea tocomd. Winning time 41.4 eeeonde. 104 yard daah: 1 Jaok fcoott (Watt aalea), a Jim Norral (Parrlah), 1 Howard Bcrlaer (Parrlah), 4 Oary Xep- piniar irantaai. Wlnnlnt time 11 aac-ortda. 114 rare daah: 1 Jaek Soott rwatt Balem), S Oarr Aadarana (Watt Salem), JUe nouaa (Uaua), 4 aforrlt (Par rlah). Wlnnlnt time 14.1 eeeonde. 14 rard Bath: 1 Jim Norral (Parrlahl. 3 Kronaer (ParrUb). t-Puata (Par rUb), a Julias Tbuhtoe, (Lealla). win- aina lime 0.1 aooonaa. Dlacut: 1 ponton Loohenour (Par rlak), 1 Jim Baekttraad (Parrlah), a Baktr IParrbrb), 4 Wackan (Weat Sa lem). Wlnnlnt datenee lormv1. Broad jump: 1 Jim Nerval (Parrlah) S-Ualoynt Mapea tLeallel, I Howard Bcrlaer (Parrlahl, 4 Jaek Scott (Weat Balem). Wtantna dlatance triw. (Naw rocwroi. KIOBT ejBADB aurJLTl 44 yard ralay: Wan hv u.u na.. Una a. Ooblanta. Oetnar. and Oateai. ParrUb, I Welt Balem. Wlnnlne time 91.1 tecondt. 14 rard daah: I Bob jari rw.- nak), I Butch Oaaner (Lealla), I Mut er (Watt Beta), 4-Cobleala I Utile). nmoint time it.T tecondt. 114 sard daah: 1 Bob out, it.ii.i s Butch Oaaner (Utile), 114 1 11 a r iwaat aalami, 4 RutteU (ParrUb). Wlnnlnt time 14.7 Mcoade. yard low hurdlaa: 1 Uren Blaeo (Utile). 1 Thomnaon (Laailat. a phu,h Hammtntad (Ualla), 4 Aran iPar- (i.nf. nrinnint time to.i taconda. Pola Vault: 1 Larr Mtoha. it.n.v Tom Cbavaa iParrUtil. 1 calrln Una ojeuera (waai amjrm 1. wta runt halthlh-4'4". Tit lor flret. Dlaeua: I atera Birtlund (Uallai. ! Chuck Hammeratad (Ualle), 1 Hart '"""mi waiiert (watt seiem). win alna dlatanta WIM". 4 yard daah: 1 Jim Bawltnta Oat. lit). 1 Smith (Weal Salami. 1 Co unit (Utile), 4 Bob Jarre! (ParrUb) rrinmnp time 4.4 eeeonde. tilth lumo: 1 Amu h fw-a. , Calrtn Un (Parrlahl and Bhlpman (ParrUb) tied. 4 tare Bcrtluad (Ut. nuiaian neitnui a t". Broad lump: 1-Bmlth (Watt Salami, 1 Unt (ParrUb), 1 Arrea (ParrUhi irarianj. wlnnlnt cuatani ll'4t". " . Shot put: 1 Hart (ParrUb). 1 Lorea Black (Ualle). l-aure Zartlund iLea llei, I Bob Jarral (Parrlahl. Wlnnlnt IIVINTB OJMDI aatDtTS Shot put: 1 Weat IW-.1 BaUew (Weat Salem), 1 eUlpmaa (Par. tanc'i r""1 Wlonrat dU Hlta lump: 1 jack Prtnch (Ualla) tnd Andtrioa (Weal Salem) tied. 1 Bhlpmaa (Parrbb), 4 Wull (Watt Sa- niaain oeitntn 4 a . M yard daah: I Jerry Bacon (Utile) 1 Wtet (Weat Baleml. a niii.. rlab), 4-Kleua (ParrUhi. Wlnnlnt time strain of Its winning streak, either, and Vvsweat U Saa Francltee, t-1, la 1 ln . Inn, after having won Uree straight from the Seals. The '.result was that the Balniera ' merely held their IH-gam margin ever Let Angeles la the racUlc Coast leagao standing. Elmer Singleton went the oute for the Seals, holding Se atle to six hits. Tbe Seals got nine off Seattle Starter AI Lov rlch and Art Del Duca, who re- : lieved him In the 10th. San Francisco scored twice in the 10th, than nipped a Seattle rally to win. . -; Portland got. a great pitching performance from Glenn Elliott la the first game of Its doubleheader against Hollywood. Elliott held the Start to two hlta and beat them, S-t. Hank Arft hit a homer for -Portland in the first Inning and Aaron Robinson tauahed an other la the second. Din BestelU hit a double In the third to score Arft. All tb tunt were scored off Starter George O'Donnell. ; , . Hollywood won the aecond game, 8-6. Portland scored four runt in the second and rallied for two more in the ninth, but the game ended when Reitelll grounded with the bases load ed Hollywood s' winning run came In the seventh when the Stars were leading 6-4.' Frank Kelleher doubled, scoring Tom Salfell from second. Flrat saae: aetltweoS (1) B H o A Baflell.et alU,lb Beard.rf PhlUlpe4 Lost.lt Ualone,4 BaataU Koabrkj O'DontLP HandlM Lynn,p -Kelehr 8heprd.p (I) PortlaM I a a o a 0 Robbe.rf S S 1 S 4 Arft, lb S t S tOkUtn.d s t 1 Raatatu SIS SRbnan. S Auttla.i S Oranl.l 1 Banakl.l lBUIotUP 1 4 Washington State Defeats Huskies, 3-2 Pullmsn Ml Wsihington Slate put acroji two runs in the sixth inning Friday to dump Washington, 3-2, in a Northern Division baseball game and move Into a third place tie with Idaho. FAN FARE If Walt Ditto Lewis and Clark'a Pioneers placed .five .men .and .the champion Willamette Bear cats landed three Catcher Harv Koepf, Inflelder Dave Perlman and Pitcher Mickey Coen on the 1S5S North west . Conference . All-Star baseball team, selected at a week-end meeting of confer ence officials en this campus. The L-C choices were Cstcher Bill Allen, Pitcher Ray Hyde. First Sacker Ron Lewis, Third Baseman Dave Daniels and Outfielder Gary Jackson. Other first tesm picks were Sid Aronson of Whitman as a pitcher; Pitcher Del Soursey and Outfielder Ad Ruitichmsn of Llnfield; and Shortstop Ray Mullina and Outfielder Bruce Holson of College of Idaho. Perlman, one of the three Willamette picks, played mainly at second base in his last year as a Bearcat He hails from Portlsnd. Koepf, Yesterday's Sfors (By The aeatrateua rreaei Bolltae Jim Onoaa One tuned Hedlete. tot 4 alna la. eiaokW and triple to booal hie eeeaeei'a ai-ereta to J at. una In the Nallonal Leatve. PUeknat Art plooltemu. Detroit Tltert. limited the Cbleaa "hue Boa ta twa bite la wmalne Bi aualabt 00m plait a ie, 1-4. Legion Team To Practice At 5 Sunday Salem's American Legion junior baseball team will work out at Olinger field Sunday at 3 o'clock, and any boy Inter ested in trying out tor the team ) is urged to be on hand at that time. Coach Vince Genna an nounces that beginning Mon day the nightly 6 o'clock prac tices will be conducted at the Washington scnool field. In stead of at Olinger. The Legion team was slsted to have worked out today at 1 o'clock on Olinger. soph-from Burlingsme, Calif., handled first-line receiving Cosch John Lewis' champs. Coen, a second-year man from Roseburg, 1 teamed with Andy George as -the two-man nucleus of the WU hill corps. George, First Sacker Pete Reed and Outfielder Denny Elsasser we're Willamette elections for the honorable mention list. Other honorable mentions: Pitcher Gordy Rob ertson of Lewis and Clark; Infieldera Bob Zuleger, Mel Ruark and Dick Hlller, Out fielder Ermie White and Pitcher Hal Ruecker, all of Llnfield; Catcher Dick Neher and Infieldera Del Kllcker and Milt McGrew, all of Whit man; and Pitcher Roger Sayre of College of Idaho. Ill yard relar: Waa ky Parrlah (achat. nr. oiliman. Bene, Burr tel. s Ualle, 4t.- "-" 144 rare) Jaib: I Jerry Bacon (Ualle) "onaaea (weal Salem), t-ouiman - wr. iwott aalem), win. ami tlme-ll.l aecondt. Pom raalt: 1 jack Preach (La.ua) a aaooTt (Wtet aalami, l Botlraek rrrieni, t crtaabtv (Pirnahl and . .... lui.ai lffg, w ib a la helebth-rm". (New record). 'u"! 1 Batoa iLeelle). l- moora (weet Balem), lBarrla (Par rlab), 4 Drake (Parrlah). Wlnnlnt dli ToteU n I II T Total! II I II a Btruck out lor Lru la Itn. Bollywood 404 404 44 Hlta 114 404 41 Portland Ill 000 1 Hlta Ill 401 - Pitcher. IP AB 1,1 BP. SB BO O'DonntU .. 4 It 4 4 1 I 1 Lynn 1 I SIS 1 1 Bbepard .... 1, I 4 ' 1. 4 . 4 ZUlott 7 SI 4,141 I -Bobba. RBI Arft. Roblnaon. Baa. trill. 1BU RfBtaUl. KB Aril, Roblnaon. Sac. Walla. DP PhlUlnt, Koahtrek and Baaqall: Handlay, BaaaaU and PBIllloe. Uft HoUywood . Portland I.- HBP Oladotone kr Lynn. Winner BUlotli Uter 'ODonntll. U Doran, Carlucel and aura, t t:eo. Second saast: netlrwood (4) H Sallell.cl waiu.rl PhlUpa.lb Kellehr.U Paatall.1 Handly.l Kthrekj Queen,p Btphna,lk BcenLrf Stphnt.lk Eeard.rl Uulr.p 4 I 4 I I 1 S s s s 4 1 I 1 4 1 4 I I 4 4 4 I I OA I IBobbo.rf t I Arlt.lb 4 ookum.cf s 4RattUl.lt S 4Bblntn.o S SAuattna 4 lOrtnVlb 4 IBenakl.1 1 IHearoVp S I Llnde,p 1 IWlmkr.p 1 Oa-Ruaael 1 0 k-Relch S (S) Portland B H O A Total! II II 17 I a Blniltd for Welmaker la Sl!i. b Releh walked for Aril la Sth. Hollywood Hlta Portland Hlta Pile bar: Queea Uulr Heart Linda Welmaker . B Autln, IP AB m ii H I is n i i i u Grant. 110 110 ill S 110 111 10111 040 000 001 s 411 004 404 I 1 n ii so 114 1 14 1 I I 1 I Sill 4 114 RBI PhlUlaa ft. Queen, Orant, Rob be I. Kelleher 1, Walla, Baalnakl, Ruaaell. IB Phllllaa, Queen, Orant 1. Bobba I. It Battel I. Walla 9, nwim,.., dihiii, wuaen t. Haateill, Roblnaon. Auatln. Orant 9, Heard. SB Reatelll. Bac. Breton, Koonorek. DP Grant and Baalnakl. Left Hollrwood 14, Portland T. HBP-erte!l ky Llnde. Win. nrr Queea; Uaer Undo. O Carlucel. Burn and Doran. T I PI. Atl latl paid. ' i 14 Innlaca: Ban Pranclaco .. 004 104 404 1 I a S Seattle 401 404 404 41 I 3 Slntleton tnd Tornavi Lnvrlch. rtah. Duca 114) and Ortelt. Baa Dlato 004 449 414 Its wetland Ill 140 41 II II 4 Tbomaaon. Halloy id, Dehle (I) and Poeckayi OetUI and NaaL Sacramento 030 111 404 t 14 1 foe Antalei 414 411 0041 11 1 Oaenbauth. Uerman (II and Smith; Ramadell. Ibdo III. Bplctr (4). Hattoa (I) and Irani, Tappe (Ii. TIDE TABU Tldet let Tan, Oretai (Compiled by 0. I. Coaal and Ooedetl errer. raniaal, Oretoa) May Hltk W.iare Time Heltht a 11 a m. I I I 44 p.m. I I M a m. 4.1 e:ar p.a 14 IT a.m. 1441 p.m. 11:41 ti II II p.i 11)4 p.m. 4.1 U.4I p.m. I T 4.1 41 II 44 I Law Waters Turn Balahl IB .m. 1.4 1 11 p.m. 14 I II am. I.T 1:14 p.m. I S 4:11 a.m. 4.1 I M p.m. 4.4 t il a.m. -4 4 4:14 p.m. I.S l:M evm. -4 4 1:11 p.m. I.T CUTLER CITY MOORAGE W Are Back ta After the GEO. rOWtU. BOX 4St THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1950 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. SED. i Radio, Heater, Seat Covert, motor jutt SlOOC everheuletJ. An OK used car for only XW If yon are buy during the day drop In la the evening.' day, and p.m. Saturday for yonr convenience. ) WI 1AVI it CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ALL MAKES, , MODELS AND COLORS . naTBNDABILTTT, PAIR PRICI, StRTrCS AND SATIBPACTIOII . DOUGLAS McKAY Chevrolet Co. til North Commercial . PheM t.tm . -' ,iV fl"". " v 7