-fc--i .--t..b,t,.. .-tr- FrMay, May 22, 1953 MARKET QUOTATIONS pobtlanw iumhi un MiMlu-tauiin ttmiett t tm taediata itiw PrceUam ooelitr. moil mum M el oae per cent tcldltr ee liverod la Portland -1lt Ib.l drat aaal Ii r ii-laci teeead aueiitr. 04-tTe. vol routee ad eaaaira poeata. I eeata leec. tatter Wheleealo mi balk wMt W wbeieecla into a, n won, lie; A erode. M acert. Mci Bl N Mart. su: C M eeere. Us. im rlM eirtcilr two M Poruead whmeeetera. onm tiutM, 43w-ta: Onaea I I, tact. MIM triplets, im lui thta ftlBtkeS M to Wtllmlin Caadlao) MM aeaieiaas m Iom. mh tociodrt La a. Portland. A trade Urn, Mw-MUj: A trade aMdtuat Mta-siv S trod, lirtf. im.u. Perilead erp mukm - Mr Mm mm: aradt AA print. Ilti A mum. T3a miu, 11c: eerua. tlai arrets. We. Km la ihImm Caadled f. e. b. Portland: OwiM tart. Uc dot.: mwmAm AA levee. Ui dflB.1 A Lome US dCB. aa mediom c a.; A trade medium, see flea. A trade amalll (tia ta Bstiilme nraAa AA, Una, -4U. A kill U-Me: AA auAlam U tMi A BMdhiB. H-Wei A waaU ITc. Oartani t aaaM a44ltuaal. Chun rtm ta raiauats, raruaaa, Ofoa atnaUl. M-Mc: a-lk. Isatal, tl-UUei trlalaU. IHe lau thaa la alaa, Fnaalva - kraau . UntUa. HS)l loaf, (Otta. Pneaaiaa Aanrlcaa aaawn a-lb. k?M ta ttuu. iSViHtt la. Ua Cktokaaa 1H. 1 auautr. I.k. plaau.) rutri, -l Iba n-ue; ! lai. IT-1M; touUra, V lb, ana mt, Sl-lla: btarr Jitna, all wiitbta, U-We; Ui hi Una, all wilifcU. n-lwi aid rooal n. . . Dfaaaat Chtabaaa Me. 1 drauM to ralalMra. Frrora, brolltra. -! lb.; toaiura, all wta., 0-lc; llihl beu. IS-Sle: htavr hau, iu; cul-up linti, all wtt, M-tW lb.) wbolo drawn, tl-Uc lb. BabMla AToran ta Irowtra' Lin vhlta. 4-1 la., n-lMi l- 1M, 11-tlc lb., oolorad palu, o lb. udon old v doao, lt-lael (t btlher. rroab droaaad trnrc ta ratallara. u-lle; cut up, U-4U. CaubT KlUad Maals VaaOr-Top waUU M-Mo M.l toutb kaarlu -Ma. Ma-Loaa klockara, H-Hcl Mat, -Tllhl M-MC. Laaba Bait, W-Ua Bj.1 (prtatora BomlaaUr a lb. Maltaa Bait. la-lK Ik.l U-utUlt, lie. Baal-MJtimr eowa, C-Ile n.i eanoar-' euttara H-nc; ib'lla daws ta lie. trask Draosod Maata Wbaleaalara ta relation! Oollan po VSaal teera. eboleo aot-TM bM. U M-al 00: eod, f!.M-al., aenmorelal. MOO -Moo; atilltr. SI.M-U.oo: coai, aemmarelal. M.W-ll.M: i ntllltr. 11.00-10-eo: aosaoro-euttora, l.t-JI.i. Bead cala (Obolee owerol Hmd aaartora. IO.0O-I4 00; loaBdn, 4I.00-M.00; full tolas, trimmed. K.N 14 00; trl aasloo. 10.00-U.M; tore-aiarterc 1.M Si 00; ohueU, 1T.00-41.M; ribs. 4100 $4 oe. Teal sad CaJraa Oood-choka, U II: commercial. Ma-41. tamba Cboleo-prlma, 40-04 Bja.. Mi di: food. 140-44; aprlns Uaaba. cholca . prima. 040. Maltaa Oood choice. Iee-lt 0. Pes Cala i Latin. Ha. L 1-11 lbs. ai a: oMulders. 1 lbs, tu-41; aparo tibs. IM-U; frosh kama, 10-14 lbs, Mi tt, park carcaaaos. 1M-1T0 lbs.. 111-11 laMkai UAmt Bklaaad. Ml-td. Ro flaad lard ta drama. 111-11.00; sub kac an. 144-U Veetkaad Haanaanai Celarr cat. Cat orata. t-IM doe.. UU-4J. raw ta 14 H Ore, to ll -10. . Oaloao tO-lb. oacU Walt OrtfOB yal. Iowa, mad. Re. U. 1 U-; 3-ta. mla., IIO-4.M: oommerelal t.M-I.M: Tiuo amloi wsi. IJ0-M; Tnoo arane. 1 15 Tl; calif, rod Globe, mad., 4.00-JS; fel lows, mod, l.0M. . PaUlaaa Orosoa Russets Ma. 1. 4.M - T: aoaw braadi 4A1. M lba., alia A. 1.11-n: II lk. moib, I-Mei Idsha Kuo eeta. Ms. la. 1-M-O.OO; a-ll lb. kabM. 1 10-10; Calll. loa whltoa. Ma. 1, 4.00- 4 Bar O. . Ma. 1 treoa ottatta, do attend ear lots l.k. rortlans. BOaalaal lr HI.M toe: aWattla, Mi-la. Waai-Oriaia bull, WUlamat to Tal ler medium. 10 -lie Ik.l Baa tarn Orasoa fine sad kaU-blood. ol-Mc Willamette Teller lamb aool 4loi ll-moath ejaaL aa.aAo Habelr 0t-ITe lk. oa li-montk irow- Ib. t.b. couatrr anippine pmbi ailaa Prodiicara parlns price t.o.b. ' Portland, call oWaa. Il-Jle B). aecard tril to eoadltloa: areea klpe 11-lle lb.: ireea cow kldei. 1-lOHo lb. secordlni ta welobt aad ouoUtr: bull hides, 4-lc lb.; slue hldeo, M per cent below prices , lor abort ciauci. . rtlaenawholsiile selilnt price, Me. I nMUum Bsreeloaas. sa-aB w. hell- walaeu Wholtnle eelltnt prleae. tint oualllp lone Jaaauettaa, M-JOc tb.l shelled, Usht amber halres. 10-Toe lb.: Usht bolTos, W-Ie Chlaess Ureetoek , ' Chlcasa (0V-A MveeDt kooat la the aalakle hop aupplr Frtdbr kaocbed aeau ta II all price with oowt ouUer let the malor ohara ol the deellae. Cattle and sheep had herdlr enoush ta moat clasoeo ta make aa adeeuste market teat. Hot ralues, which la two dare had recovered from leases earlier la the veck ta Just oboot when thcr wen a week asa. dropped back asala to areuad the week's Iowa. . . Vfoat katcher welsht boss oold tram ItlM ta BI4.I! aad a top ol Wt.1l. owt look lll.ee to U1.H mostlr. with prime eottlo abaeat, most steera and hellen wen sued sad eowo aad bulla suadr ta weak. Veelere were as mack ej 1.M lower e iiu tMie day la a row. Oood aad choice steen broosht IM.M ta I3S.II aad comparable belfen ISO.00 . m IM O. Cows topped at HIJ. elable neelpu wen oaUmatad at T MO boss, 10 cattle, M canoe aad Sol abecp. , PartUa 1 Ueeeleek as, tiand un cattle Tor fed steere closed M-l.M keww lest week. Calrae for week MO; market alow, aloslat eales around 1.00 below lost week Inraaaad BUDDlr. Host lor weeb Soil; market opened ae lAwar and ancheased tbenelter. beep lor week 10M; merket at reus with top oa sprlaf lambs loo hlsber. cblcoio Wr-Oralm dropped sharplr Inf itarted la wbeat and then spread to the net ( the market. The oncoailni wheat crop Mid at the lowest price tor wheat since KM sa ell wheat contract! tell to new aeasoa al lows. LlouldatloB followed news the tovernment hod inuurted t poller of aeiilne anm af Its stock of hllh pro- tain wheat to mills In the eoulhwetl. aorbeona tumbled for heavr lomca. . Peed tralna came In for their shsn af selilnt with corn slnklnt rapldlr to ward the don. Wheat oiMod 1-1 wer, Julr It 101.-14. corn t"a to I cente lower, Julr 11.11,-. oete 1H-1. lower. Julr 11-Vl, rro I to 1H lower, Julr ll.HV 4. torbcana Ha-IS lower. Julr 130 1B and lord II ta M cento a hun dred pounds lower. Julr IH.ll. Portland Orola Portland cV-No eoerae mint bid. Whest bid to rrlv merket. buli: No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Bolt While ettui matt WhIU. escludlnt Rex. t.uvti Whlta Club Mil! WMtera Red SSSMj. Hard Red Wlattr: Ordlnerr ml: 1 per coat t.JIHl 11 per eeat l.MVoi IS per ceat I.MV. v Prtd tar recelpU: Whet M. ber lep 4, cora 1. aou I. miu feed a. C lease Oataao Chlcaso ejjB BuppllM PioderlW, de mand fair, market obout steedr. Track uim M Iks.; U. a. I iok ataled: Arteone Tellow Bermadao I ta I- .Rich I eera I. atrool aalet M lba: Teial Tellow Bar medea I ta S-latk I M-I O. 1-Inch aad loner I.M-I.ll: Craao l-lach eod lon er l.n-I.M: Crratel Wsx I to l-rach l.tl-IM: Atlsoao Tellow aermudM 1 la l-lnck l.M-l.TI, l-laek ead loner l.M-140; Collforala Oroaa l-lach aad lerrar row l.ta. Pw4I.kS lutdei MerfeM Portland tub - Pint mld-Colambl Ireea peat reached the Portland wbole oolo arodaco market from MarrbiU, tai, lodap: Iher wen oooted to re tailers at 4 11-1 for thno ll-la. lobes. Meet freeh trait end Tetelsble prices 1 held aaehaBted: Northweat. lottun firm ta itrontor wlU prodncer ronee troaad 1 10-1.71 im l-doeaa-neea trataa. TToTCTT ilr The Adaarral Cee-aarauaa "ea (.-aemlcal Allla Chalmen1 ,V."" Sir Amerleaa Auiawe TJu Aaaerleaa Power ab Lkb.... Asaartaaa Tel m Tel I."III!liej. Aaaeneaa Taaeeea JJI esmeaBda Copper 1 Atchloea RallrMd nuun sisal etas Alrpiaaa Co. ." ....y atari warasr BurrWO ASUHaw ka.-h.'.. . 1 ... el ... Mw ... U ... Ml ... M ... m ... i ... ii ... ... M ... teat ... M'4 ... He ... Ml ... , ... Mla ... lit, ... 141. ... M ... n ... is ... tiu, ... UK, ... M ... UK ... CIS ... Ill ... j ... ... 14 ... U ... M ... 1 ... II ... tt ... Tile "! lilt ....mi ... Ila .... im ... 1IH .... Ill canierala .-ftctlu Caasdis. Pernio Color pillar Tractor ' Celeaeee Carper, tiea Cbrraler rtrpotallaa Consollceud sWissi'V."!"!' Cuuuatri VulUa C.rtlaa Wrltht OoutUui Aircraft .. Da pat do Niawui V.'. Katlmea Reds Emareoa Ivedla Oeasral Eleclrle Oeneral poode taeaeru i kicertia pM. pirwtad ' Oaadnar Tire BoaaMtsko lelalat Ce ... lateraauaaal Uerveatei.. lauraatleaal Paaar Jenaa lasaniio Kalssr Alumlaum Keaaocott Copper ......i Ubbr HcMoU Lockheed Aircraft - Lena Incorporated .. ,., urns Ball , Uoatffomorr Ward Nash Kelrlaatar New fork Ceatral ., Herthora PecUle ....... racllle Amerleaa PM, .. Paclflo Pea ElMlrtt Paclfle Tel m Tel ... .. Packard Motor Car .. Penaer. J. C Pennarlranls AV B. ... Pepsi Cola Co. ....... Phllco Radio Radio Corporatlaa Raroalor laeorp. .. , Raroclar laeorp. Pfd. . epubllo tool Remolds Metals Rlehfleld OH Aofewer atone Xao. t. cott Paper Co. ears. Roebuck m Co. Soeoar-Vscuum Oil ... Bouthem Paclflt tsadard Oil Calif. ..." (taadard OU KJ tudebaker corp. uashlno MlBlBt wlft ab Compear ...... Traasamerlca Carp. .... Twentieth Ceaturr Pa.. Union oil Compear .. .. Union Pocltlo UnlUd Alrllnea Called Aircraft Unload Corporatloa United males Plrwood United Btataa cteel ..... Warner ptetans Western Daloa Tel. .'. .. Weetlns house air Braa--WestinshouM Bloctrle. .. Woalwarth .... nv. .... ns .... .... ii .... MH .... II .... UK .... M .... Mil .... Hit .... 141, .... t .... Ill .... Ill .... 34 ... 144 .... Ula .... Ml .... Il Ml M .... Ill .... I .... M!t .... im .... ii 41 .... Ua .... Ml .... tt Steek Market Mew York CoV-A psrtlallp saecessful recotorr moremeat Irldsr Bulled the stock market aut af aa early rat. oalaa aad loeeas sanad aat erer a reuse ei anaad a point either war with the list pnttf thoreocblr mixed. volume was at aa aatlaalad LPM.MO shsres. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Mrs. Leona Matson Turner Mm. Leona Porter Matson who vu born at Tur ner, December 17, 1911, died at the age of V on May S, in j the Kaiaer Foundation hospi tal In Vancouver, Wain, She was the daughter of the late Marion and Sarah McNeal Porter and had lived in Van couver since her marriafe to Earl L. Matson. . ,'. She Is 'survived by her hus band,. Earl, aid two sons, Ed win and James; two sisters, Mrs. Reva Sims of Stayton, and one brother, Rosco Porter of Aumsvllle. ' Services were held May 8 at Vancouver, : Rev. E. N. Hauges officiating followed by vault entombment in Park Hill cemetery In Vancouver. Mrs. Elisa Schonberger Siverton Mrs. Elisa Schon berger, 87, of 1005 Madison street, Silverton, died at a Sa tan, hospital May 11. She was born in swuzeriana ana is survived by three children: Julia Berry ot Spokane; Mary Wallar of Salem and Henry Schonberger of Bremerton, Wash.; three grandchildren and sic great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the Christian Apos tolic church, Pratum, at 2 pjn. Sunday. Interment will be in the church cemetery. Please omit flowers. Nellie Fay Coulson . Silverton Nellie Fy Coul son, 83, resident of Scotts Mills for the past 46 years, died unexpectedly in Spokane, Wash., May 20. - Born in Illinois, January 25, 1890, she married E. W. Coul son, January 29, 1910, and is survived by her widower, m- gar Coulson of Scotts Mills; three children, Margaret D. Dicus of Spokane; Mildred Newto.i of Scotts Mills; Ed gar Coulson, Jr., of Concord; Calif.; three sisters, Myra An - derson. Goble, Ore.; Rubyl Mulvlhlll, PorUand; Lila Berg, Sitka, Alaska; four brothers, O. H. Brou'gher, Scotts Mills; Dr. John C. Brougher, Van couver, Wash.; Harvey Brou cher. Clatskanie, Ore.; and Ira L. Brougher, Ketchikan, Alaika; and seven grandchil- dren. Funeral services will be at the Scotts Mills Friends church, 2 p.m., May 23, with Rev. Everett Tuning oiliciat- ing. Interment in Maple SALEM MARKETS Complied from iwpartt a krmaeal" fee lk taiaoaee oa " (MoU Peed PrllMi BsbMI PolleM ea MM-I.M HM-lk. bell. set meea ea.ae-e.e Delrp reed-ll.lo-I.M m. kM). H -e-l wj 'IM wt.-. Poaltrp Bartat Prlin cowrod trrera, STei old rooate'a. lie; eolarod fowl, 3t. lethora fowl ll roooter. SM. Bertao Prtree-E.ee. , ewei lerte t. M-Uci medium la, tec. meuei aa.iffr aaaan. lie. . OTbeleaele Prtee sl w no. mete prvem oenerallr l-la kuher thaa the PrtiM aaovo Una trode A teaorallp eeeaed I r: medium, 14c M aiwrfoe Barlat PTleoi Prom less, re al, r ol.tee No I. Mc alter WbeieeeH trade A peremeal, tlo lk.l rttau, raa. fORSAUHOUStS Klumpp's ttOO DOWN t-balreim keeao wltk Uekx ream aad haadr Utofcoa, allatked seres a. Price HMO. Immediate PoaaeMiloa ' ' sm tku asw l-turiim keeaa, last eeeapeoled wltk aaahaseap deoro. ell all (araaee. etctun wUMaaas. butdr ulltr. Allaabad aareae. Oeod-alaed lee fw Tear lardew. mm. OeaaV lormi wltk awaar. Kzhluid School District Hear wltk alee kllcfcea aad attach ed time. Lot Is ail laaaaaai ead near far eatlas aerdaa. Leaaled aa a paved etreet. lust oae block u bus. Oalp reara oat, A let laaa alreadr em U. Total piisa IMeo. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor MM Pertlaad Bd. Pheao l-Hil to.: Richard Klumpp, I-Use sin BT OWKtB AMB BUILDEB Lane I mraam piaelered koaae, laoated IOM B. lua. Prua I1S.1M. Tirana aralaaalo. . Pc appolatmeat, ooatact wiluam t. j. room : HOMB BUILDER UM OUn Paeao 1-MM. Ilti' II ROOM. kolas, faraaee. faraltaro. II, MO. 1171 Pmirtt at. Ph. 4-1M0 - alM MDBOOM, Urlaa raom aad raom eomhlnatloa. kllehea. bath, electric keot. Oa bus llaa. aa. aummer. UM. IIM down. Ill awath- ir. e-saei. - alll WUT Itim iwaens, piaelered. kalk. .,u,r. eraa, urea aoc aaa areea. M.fto. Terms. Oantral Real Batata. Ill Coaler. Ph. .M. ISI LBATINO lAUM, home la Beat Basle wood. I kedroeme. Price IU.00. UM M. nth. all RT OWNKB l-roem home, aarafo, food Motion. 110 t. Owena at. el!!' OOOD atTBUREAM home, coailattnf ol LB., D R. aad Kit., I B R. end bath, located But of Cltr oa 1H A. ot rood sou, pared at. M0O0. 1-1 P Booai aa M. Ubartr at, lie. LR, D R., aad Kit, atilltr ret, ie rue, aew lawa. MOM with 11100 dowa. AM OLDER TYPE HOVB aa Market at. 4 B.B, rireplace, close to i. Hleh sad Bath achool. Could make apart meat upatftlra. Will trade tor. eare ea e lane. - CtVOSI Df oa Mo. 11th at. Oood I I I House .parMo. lardea and fruit aa ate. let MM with eae-hall oash. Burt Picha in . Ikt II ' of : 1-4041 vea.: Allen matcher: S-T1M alls POB BALB hp owner. I acre la Kaiser. O a rasa koaae. peed hoi: sins sits. Ph. 1-tlU. e Hi ll OD ERR t bedroom hoene aa Taeeha Ave. Camalotorr tamlihed or unlur- bbrL WIS take BOeue trailer oa dowa payment. Ph. I-MI. 0117' I Grove cemetery under dlrec Ition of Ekman funera home. Fred Toner ' Dallas Fred Toner.- 89. died Thursday, at his home, 712 MiU street, Dallas. . Mr. Toner waa born August 28, 1883, at Oregon City, the son ot John and Mary Sauerwlne Toner. In 1878 Mr. Toner moved 'to Spring Valley and to Dallas In 1890. He married ' Anna Berth - Collins, January 12, 1908. She preceded him in death In 1945. V. Funeral services will be held at. the Bollman , Funeral Chapel at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 23, with interment fol lowing in Dallas cemetery. Surviving are two nephews, F. Douglas Wright and V. T. Budge Wright of Portland. Sherman F. Town Albany Sherman F. Town, 7S, resident of Albany ior the jpast year and a halt, died at the home ot his daughter, Mrs. Lee Morse, Wednesday. The body; will be sent to Moscow, Idaho, for services and burial, with the FortmlUer-Frederick-sen chapel in charge. . Mr. Town was born at Gar den City, Minn., and left Min nesota at an early age going to Moscow,. Idaho. He mar ried Carine Ronholt at Mos cow, November 23, 1913. She survives as do three daugh ters, Mrs. Marvin Tucker, Seattle; Mrs. Cecil Davis, Prosser, Wash.; Mrs. Lee Morse, Albany; and a ton, Du ane Town, Portland; sister, Mrs. C. N. Jester, Troy, Idaho; a brother, Clarence Town, Clarkston, Wash.; an six grandchildren . and a great grandson. " - JameS T. Moore Lebanon Services for Jsmes Tyler Moore, 53, well known -stockman, were held I Thursday afternoon at the 1 Huston funeral home. a native of Sodaville. Mr I Moore was born December 8, 1899. He died Tuesdsy at the Community hospital. In addition to his widow, Marie Benson Moore, he is survived by two daughters, Mrj Velma Porter, Lebanon, ,na Delores Moore, Portland: i brothers, Howard of Gearhart and Lyle of Lebanon; sisters, Bertha Savage, Portland, and iet Crockett, Lebanon. Burial was in the Lebanon IQQF cemetery. DEATHS klt.1 M. Cooper katel M. Cooper, et Klemata reus, hfev 11. aervlvod kr soae. Dr. M. B. Cooper, Klemeth Pells, end Delbort Coo per, apnnilicia, aeoenter, mre. atoneav alee, riamatk Pallet iraaddeaikler. Shlrler Cooper, aprtatfleld. aervleeo wiu aa held Be tor oar. mar a. at 11 a m. la the CMasb-Bsrrlck chapel. Rll- ollatle eerncee or SPOE. Interment at Cltr View cemoterr. Eothe OeWbrtet Btther oilchrlst, at the tamllr home ta Oold BUI, Ore, Mop II. eVurvtved bp hasksad. Charlss oittartai. oold nui. sea, CborVm WtlHam Ollcbrltl, kfed faed: mother, Mrs. Csrrls aeed. Port laadl suure, Mre. Wllleta Bat, Pert- land, and Mr. Clar-aeo Orel, selem. OrovMlde aervtee. win be bald Batar- dor. Mor M. al 1 :M pm. la elcreel aaeeaovlal aark. Bee. Brooka Moore af fkioiiat. Direction la kr BewelJ-Ed- sarda tampaar. TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saka, Ortxtw fOR SAU HOUSES fail1 MADISON ST. SPECIAL A Ism leaallr heave la aeuHwaad diiL. aleae to oekoala. More, earn kwo kr the dear. Tale keeao oae I S deem aad I aa. Caed a Mast speeo ta ack. Tko LB ku raaephua sad well ta aaU oarpot. The DB to Ulrrr urea aad baa well la wall oarpei. Tklo keeao baa a uu basement wltk ktaaarr t-an. Then Is a asw Lasses an hooter' wit lane Oloroso tea. Tats kllehea ae meap kuut.tas aad a eeatlerteble breakfoat aaek. The rerd ku aa eseelleat lawa with atuaettvo aruuae. auasla ear attached eareea. This homo 10 priced ta sell at last lu.aoo. it re era seekiat a fiae fem Ur heeao la a aelohaarbaed when ehttdrea an welcome, pea an BM be tas tlr t reureelf aalOM re oae tklo oa. FRANK LOCKMAN ' Real EaUta L Pk. 1-aUl UBB MBW auburkaa eU-elaetrte I bilriim. lane Uvlas rows, lane dia laa reas. oaareaueat kllehea. lane atilltr room or aztra bedroom. Double plumblaa. Carpet, fireplace. Priced to MR. Immediate peesamlaa. PVA lormi Ph. IMN. loll ruber Rd. a in IIBVBBAM I kedroem home. I reora old. Attached pareae. aaaulsted, ploo tered. hardwood floors, priced ta Mil kr owner. Am ot llll Cheater Ave. on Laaalns. alio $300 DOWN ibis .yr.-tld 1-bdra. loktirbu bout with flxtvUet. Hld. flr Vaa. bliadi, ktUch4 urui. U floor fur ami, unf. ntwiUlri, tant lt. Fvll rif ieo. MMthlv v-ymint lit 1b, prta ial Uiw bd4 1m. PrtrtM wntr bM ktr tt USA tluaBivltw Art. Pb. $. ilti Secluded HOW PLAca-IV lira with pear nnad eraak. a flebermoa'a paradlM. l-bednem home, l-rra. modern luait house. Oreen heupe. Dblo. tar asa. Lots ot trees, flowots, shrubs. 1 11,000. Terms. Chas. Hudkins & Son RBALTOftB SM M. Hllh St. Ph. l-lin PH. ens: HIM ellr- 4-BDRM. HOME N. Mice alder aoaw with ftrepUH. Take advaalaao 1 Una appartuattr at M.000. Cau Art ee Jar. Art Madsen Realty ' UM STATS IT. S-MM OR I -Mil . alM MINITURE FARM Out Center at, tv, ecrec, plenty of fruits, auti. aad Mat permanent pos ture, i bedrae. outer home. RIM oat aMse. Price 111.000. anewa- bp aa po In Intent only, call Art er Jar. Art Madsen Realty 1 UM BTATB ST. 3-MM OB S-Mll - 0114 BT OWNKB Lata than PHA appntsaL llvtap room llxlb, nrepleco, dlnlnp room, kllehea. nook, I bedrooms, den, IV baths. Usht bsasmeat. oil, trees. double aerate. Apnroslmeteir ta i extra lota orolUbrs. 1030 Olsavtew Wsr (Xlaswoodl. Ph. 1-4100. Ill, lilt1 MIW S Bedroom homo. weU to wan carpet, forced elr turn ace. Lena lot. Bee at IM start Bt. or caa -is. i , alM MALL modem homo, I ecraa. eoneldet houae trsllsr oa ' down parmeat. lit. I I. Box 4. Madcap Road. , - oin T OWNIR. Two bedrooma. lane llvlnr room, full bsMment, trees, shrubs, two blocks from schools, owner trane. farred. muet sell. Phone l-Mtl. alll BT OWNEB, clean I bedroom home. ponced bock rard, shrubs, tardea la. Clou ta hue aad school. 323 Let. ,uj. I-BOOM BOUSE, I bedroomc. double corose, with or without furaltun, rooeoaablo. call attar 1:10 p.m. 1-1051. 1 . 013I' OWNEB BMds ta sou pleeuat older 1. bedroom home, autometle heat, make affer. 11,000 loaa amiable, til x. 17th. Ph. S-47M. alll NEtBOWIN J-kedroom V-atorp bouaa aa beeutlful crounds betwMB toll courae end beach. OU furaaee. com pletelr furnished. 111,10 cub Box 101, CoplMI Journal. till BT OWNEB e-bdrm. house, lovelr rard. choice location, excellent eondltloa. Price IMM. Bee t Slop Zrermaa. am FOR SAU LOTS SUBURBAN LOTS NORTH 1 AjrT 4 lets, I1M ta MM. NORTrlRAeTT CloM la. ahede trees. Two deadlee, 10HM A TlxlM. Both l we WALLA CB ROAD I ttrso lots. 141 feet em pevlne, IM feet oa aids attest. HIM trove (fir, oak end medronol. Old appl orchard. Moualela view. U minutes to cltr IBM tekes 1L CENTER ST. REALTY in Ceatsr Phone 4 -Mil int. i-mi. i-mii eaiii VIEW LOT with dip and mountain view. 1 black fnm McKlnler school, M tool fronlase, eoer derlltht ele ment possibilities. 11.10 Can evenlns aalr 3-1111. coin CITT LOT aeroM from Richmond achool. Ph. 1IM1. aaue- SINOWOOD LOT Owner hero, aaxloui la mU. MM. Terms. Bice koto 111 down. Ill month, with water, eleo trlcltr. achool, oton. Oeneral Real ta ttle. 311 Center. Ph. 3-1111 aaliv FOR SALI FARMS FARM WANTED - Wt htTt buTir for plica ntu m km rnln bftwn I nni M aero r wltb t nle l-bodroom bouae. Our ptrtr will pr around 111,000 or more. Ht ht l-bwdrooa Ill.tM homt In Mem to krult Id. If your plM mctttf then spaelflefttloiii. cll RunM- Real lititl, 3014 North Com MorclaJ. Pboot lt. SrcBtnu 4-lON. IM M ACRB Kst of Brook i. pftir hotua tnd -tra m food rotd. all In cultivation. Prict only 110. o. houm vacant no, r. h. Wtlr, R'altor, HT . Commtrclal. Ph. I-MU or 4-S1M. bll REAL ESTATE Center St. MUST SELL OWNER LEAVINfl. 4-room auburb- an. I bedrooma, torus, let 11 a in. Reomp lots of bulll-lns, laaalsled. Rodacod ta 4SM lor tulek tele. MARKET STREET V. ACRE Well trail e-reom homo. attached terMO, woll-la-wall oorpet toed well, II I II pealtrr houM. Near Mbaol and etc re Price Win. TEN ACRES WnXAMtTTI LOAM. beeelllel piece of load. II ecree la eroa, 11 eeree timber laid and lad trawtb far aad oak. I eeree kottom load, reor roaad a reek. ooeo old orchard. A aw homoalto. Hove pour owa Hen la park and treat poad. II mloetee la dir. 1400, tnclsdlat than 1 nop. CENTER STREET REALTY llll Coaler St. Phoao 4-Mll ' till RIAL ISTATI -; Attention Builders! AOS oonerr wltk Sir treat Use oa hard -earl seed read Older. Terr ' - Bee I l k baa. Baalk esOoc-. slip water, aew dowa parmeat. Prtea M.0M - 14MC10DB BLlTB BOMB I bebrme, Bvlaa nea wrtk pit ten window. 04 korawsod flaaro. eat. ail keel, attached serue, aeer Oeaf Bcbeei. wru uado Mr loner ' ' Price pllU . MOLarafooo-a bdbmb. Bleelr OaaerelaA wllk tlreple, drr baaamaat. MwdaM heat, dale, pa nea. Main, feaood, aealadeel rerd. A eead kap fee II. MO POt) a COatMEM DaBTRICT a "rvee, fleered at tie, iano tlv. rm, dta. rm. at lacked won. lovelp , lsree feaood rerd. Basp Mrmo. Pile MOM " intta WABMiNOTOR acaoot, , Lane IM wltk poraaB apaaa. 1-bdrm. paadsea koaae. eltecked serosa. Owner toaviaa aula. WU1 eeerirtee. puraitara availakM. t Lavetr l-bdna. keaee wltk oatra roam apelalro. Oaraae. aieelr lead- . eeeeea. . aoeM. Terms . A. A. LARSEN, Realtor REALTOR . Ill a. latk at real vea.: A. Welle l-ITM Aadr aUlveroea I-T1M BASEMENTS It rod an teeklac for a bow beaae wltk a fall kaaeoMat don't mlae aeetai thaae bow hauM we are affertm. Built kr freak Marth, Khar an the but deola ta Iowa whoa pea eeaetder materula, aaastrwetlaa, f labvh work, price and lecettea. puet-clan haalles Mulpmaal, fireplace, hard. wood floors, blnk kltebena. I aad I bedrooms .end one Is a Ira-itorr house with raom Im I addtlleael reoeaa upaulra. Then koasM an le aalod aa Bealewoed avenue la la Beat Saslewoad district, aalr I Moeke from ackaal aad with excellent bua Mrvlee. Prkv- oa IheM bouaea rani as , from IU.0M ta lll.ow with maiimam P.H.A. flaaactaa. CaU a tadar. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 111 blaaoale BulkUna Iaeurenee , Reel Istalo Phoao I-II11 RIAL ISTATI Homeseekers Agency Specials SILVERTON, OREGON . . d ra.'fc kstk, wired for ranee (reap aeasl. dectrle water hseter. aew ballt la ktlehaa. oil otovo aad barrel a, TV aateaaa, mltht tk laOO.M dowa. II1M.M. acre last aaUldo dtp eon kltk wsr, aearlr aew I levee rmo. balk, cement foundation, wired lew ranea. etc. A alee spot ......... 4 rata, m kalk ta aloe eoadltloa. seed location, but lot BtaN.H T rata. A both. plaoMnd. kasomaatt, career tat oValM', mast bo aold to nttle Mtata IMM.M Va ecre. 1 rm. balk, com eat foundation, wired for rant, els-, keaa ttfal para, oatdoar fmplaeo. terete aad ohop. sleae wool taoulaUaa. TV bbiobbb inwi.il t rma. m beta, fan basement wind for raato. electric water heeler, plas tered, fireplace, eta. It lee bat let. Plao A taad heese. cleee ta, I raw kath. aa, bameMBt. all laraaoo. hot motor boat, wired fw raaaa. electric water healer, aerate, mraa aaraaa. bar at eoMO M It acre, all eultlveted, aaad rm. im bath, aa floor, ecment toaadatloa. wtratfl fee venee. eloeltio water Beater. double oar see aad shop, etc d ruled weB ..w MMO.M 1 ecree elese ta BUverUn aa Bared ,the eeaal 1 rm. homo IB flBO eoadltloa. comefit foundation, wired tar rente, lasaloted, etc oood bara, shop. ehlekan koasoe, Ola. This M a anasp. " lA acrea, aearlp an aalUvatad. ax- ll,t aa.il Wall developed fOT IPO- oleltr crops. Irritation, varr toad fam- II ataeS heaae. haMmOBt. BOW Ml laraaoo, wired lap rente ate. Machine . enaei- ham. a u a boauufal plaoo. homo l alone ntarlr worth tht price. 41I.IM.M - ..,.. kap. IS eeree, aearlr all ..outvoted. ' nne well-drained roller sou. rr. dream. Irrlratloa permit tiled for II Bores. 1 rm. nouee, ntu, aveai location includes trector aad come me ahlaorp 111,100.01 N ecree. about 43 acre! taltlvated. new drUled well tood I rm. at both. ksaomenL. furaoco. wired for roate, etc, 1 stanohMB bara. ehlelen hou S tor 1 or asa I1I.M0. Ill acres, about lie tillable. M acne wolnuts. I rm. house aad farm bids. a tood ralao at HI.IOI.M WRITE OR CALL POB ODR NEW BUL LETIN. BEPTjita tua ewa -a CONTACT The Homeseekers . Agency SILVERTON, OREGON sin YOUR 2-BEDR00M HOME PLUS 1-BDRM. HOUSES Too. there rltbtl Toa tea tot l totp tomferteblo s-kodroom wltk I ether MPru bouaee tor pour ta come. All oa ane Urss lot oa a paved otreet aad bua bp door. Oalp I blocks tsi asw Meier Prank ahepplat coa ler. All lor aalr lll.Mt. Boiler hurrr this can't last lens. 4 BEDROOMS & BSMT. Lane llvlnt raom wltk fireplace. Lerte dlatat room. Bilra ln atil ltr. aawdusl ruraaco. A woll-bulll pluured homo oa lorte let. oood as aortmoat af frail and aut me. Oalr bike, ta aew echooL ThU woa't last lost at oalr ITIM. ? DOWN PAYMENT ? Could row pep aarthlat etowaf We hove a routh leoklat homo Ihtt wtnta somooao thet ooa da Mmo flllnt. It's lasldo cltr llmltl sad elcee to kus llaa aad bow echooL Oalr IHM but pIoom moke a kid.. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml Booth Rltht Street Phoao I-I30I Phono evenlntl tnd Bunderi 4-1171, l-IMl. 4-1 III, l-Mll, l-lllt 0131' nrVErTTORA, ATTETmOR tmnrt bt ion aleert DRiai. REAR DIXOrlB STORE. A OOOD V.at-W atm.T HOUl ON LA ROB LOT. OUT OP BTATB OWNER WILL BCLL CHEAP POB CASH. ANOTHER BAROA1K TWO 1-BEOROObf HODSKR OR 1 LOT ON WALNUT BT. JUST rXTRTK OP RIORLAND AVE. UM DR. OR CHEAP POB CABH. DRIVE BT mr it. church bt. i Hooaaa on LAftOE CORNER LOT. DO HOT DIS TURB TENANTB. WB WILL SHOW TOO THROUOH. OUT OP sTTATE OWNER WANTS OPPER rOl THE LAP.OE PAbfTLT TT3 RIOHLAND AVE.. HAB 4 BBD- ROOMBI. BASEIIENT AND I SITW OP PLUMBINO, S. D. PUBNACB. PRICE CALL OR TO SEE THBSf PROPBR- TIES Aartlkll WM. BUTEN m CO. REALTORS Mt N. RIOH ST. PR 1-3111. EVE l-lltl tlSia i utasiriEB AuvtkTlllhO Pe. Word I tteaee It. Pee Weed do Pm Word. S IBM He Pe Word, I awalk 00. Ra Befaado MIMmam M Werae BEABEBB la local Newt Catama Oalp, Per Word la mestmom IS Werae Ts Plact) ate) la Basp) Oar rapcr, Pkan l-Me Bwfars It BJeV RIAL ISTATt run arlu MM! Tel.: MOM A. Beckett I-4M1 Moris asa Lee at ' Cvealate: M1M - olM RIAL ISTATI ItSSiXVXMlNI Hill I8,i v. j WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Wt Mod all typos of Uaiiwut omo. Ptrmn. icnuH Buuoom Conru, Taroru. WbarknTt ?Nf DREAMS COME TRUE Tot, wl atrto vtth ma vhtm von aoo inU leraiy bono 1 isWIio cuu Idoroly 4Vtm. Rumpua room. I ftroplacM. Von nm Mil. aiMcmhi lot. laatua- tod. Bast of oonatrneUoo. Klco lawn and othraLM. A ploaaaro to abow. Pvil prlwo 1I.1M. TRADE FOR 3-BED-ROOM Taa. tho owoor oara bo will trad for nlco kotoo itH t fcodroomi on l floor. Thlo ono baa 4 fcodroomt. I tiro placoa. l-wsar oaraoo. Mloo Tltw. ooUtod. 1 iMthroonu. Only I nan old. Bo lawn to oood. Voir dlrablo loca tion. PHU prteo m.Mt. Tonaa. ONLY S1550 DOWN ok thU t Ipodroom homo. Bow oil torood air lurnaoo. Oldor typo In tood repair. Double plumMnt. drpaciovu vooma. Doop lot. Pull price only ITttt LESS THAN P.H.A. ppralaol. Almoot mow homo. Vary lovely knotty pine kltehon aad break teat nook. Inaulated. Att. garue. Prd. et. Pull price hae been reduced to tvrioo. which U toe leea thaa P.H.. nppralaal. IDEAL FOR KIDS -1- t-bedroom home. Suburban. Btone'a throw Irom echooU 4-aete lot. In I ood repair. Pvd. at. Oaraae. Lawn, floware and ehrube. PmU prloo only t TtOO. BEAUTY SHOP " Loot llit of new Mulpment. Rent only tie per ma Parklnt apace for euitomer. If you're lnteroetod ta the ettuLy btulaeea, thli U ideal. Full price only WM. DUPLEX BARGAIN Location Is tlos. Modera. Both units hove bethroomo. One bos I bedrooms. Owner will erchonss for l-room house or Income propertr. I unit furnished. Pull price oalr 1400. TAVERN Pool room, cardi and cafe. Alt In one. Equipment in the beet of repair. rreeeni owner naa caie rented lot enoueh to almoet pay rent on bide. Tbia la a money-maker for the rlaht perty. sfuU prlee Ill.tM. Terma If deelred. FUTURE BUSINESS LOCATION Tlile property la No. I bualneee un der new aonlng code. Very cleee to new development area. Haj rood modern older typo S-bedroom bone which la rented. Oaraie. Baeement. Wo eon elder thla n eery good property for future investment. .Pull prion only n,00. Terms. CALL POB IIB. CRAWFORD, WB. PH. or DAN MAf. EVE. PH. ! 4-1 Ml, or MR. RICiOINS, EVE. PH. 1 d-IWi. If no anewer. caD e-Utt. CHINCHILLA. farm Id pre. of Chinchilla. Owner reports one of the beet stock la the atate. Modern l-bedroom homo In food oondttlon. Ot-.lckon house. New Chin chilla barn. S A. berries. Very ood lecatton. Offered at an extremely Teaeenable price. CLOSE IN V2 ACRES witB verr minora s-aoaroom Bouse. I A. strawberries. MO ft, Irileetloa plea. M-lt. wall. TV Ml. Tree tor, plow, spvlntlooth borrow, cultivator. Bvorp Ihlat aou fw MIM. Terms. 8 ACRES Modern houae. ametl bora. Osrato. i A. tlrawberrloa. 1 A. blockkorrlea. Ooodlr aumber of fruit ' troM. Oood oolL Pvd. rd. Pull price oalr IMM. CALL POR MR. LEAVENS. EVE. PH. 1-4711. if a aaawer. cell 4-1141. MORTGAGE LOANS M-TXAR MATURITT Al Isaak & Co., Realtor OHlee phones: 4-I1U or 1-7131 103 PORTLAND ROAD rt. phones: 3-4111. 4-1411, . 1-nil. 4-M3I ar l-MM tf ao aaswor. phoao t-ISII SOMETIMES 1 wonder whr kurort pom ap oven colllnt oa a kartela Ilka thle. Owner kM dropped hat price I1M below PHA apprttiaL Now ho wonlt tomooao to aomo m look. The home ta tood. It's eleen, I alee bedrooma, lent kltchea. laaldt atilltr a well kepi aelthbor hood. If pea don't coll ao to aae thla one pea aren't eerloua about wontutt a home. Beat af all. aalr M. $7050 tf re prefer a aew heme Instead a( the ane menlloaed obeve, wt have a tood bur, aouth. Herd wood floors. oil heel, blende kllehea. dlaolle. aew- lr aurfeeod rood. Orowlne aelehbor. hood. To tea tel tood contract terma K i Ma produM referoacee. I TIM SPEND $1500 Redeoorolo IhU fine aid arlek home aad roa will hovt oae at the beat le Salem. Beeatltel IM Ihot look reara af eerJealac t. kulld. Thle 4-bdrm homo 10 ipact.vaa from top ta bottom Bum from floe melenalt and laat waltlat for the ladr wha has deca- retlae lotto. Bra this for 114 000 Ph. l-IMIi Bvr. I-MII, l-MM IMS Pslnrseada Root RIAL 1ST ATI ED LUKINBEAL, Reciter 433 N. HIGH ST, , , PHONE IWO MORE AND MORE : &2 ACRES SOUTH fee rear meatsr. waa'B Ha warkmaasklp aad tar mora Idee ss ta kam-iae. ITC. M let ttae aew S-adrm. kseat tkoa paa'll Had a mtap keeeee priced tovaral kaadrod die. rm. wit tlrapl, In dele. alak k kite bee. blower lea over raato. law valuta Btbttat. wsll swivak tor flowr lamp tall, toreed kM air am piped twraaoo. a alee at. let la e eloee-m saearbea dlotrtot. all Im oalp 111. oa. Ivt. call (PECK) PECKENPAUCH EO LUKINBEAL M7M ' , list r SAVE Cat Htli bom aad aloaa S-roar-aaf) t kilnopM, tllt'okiS saran. Boeao kteeled saatk, PkU appralssd liaat. laslims m WMt. DONTMISS : poar thaaca M bar a verr alee e-bedroooo boom hi Wibsul Perk Ad dlUoa. Lant Uvlat raom with flrotlaso. seed -creed trains room, rorr convenient kltchea, Mparalo atilltr. I bedroom oil aa hallwap ta both. Hardwood Itaora f leesbeoL The tat fecea owl The peuse It - "-. ; . ... .v.... -., ,, WORTH THE MONEY ' : : '' ' ; ' - Well ballt 3-bedroom ki moatk. Pull prtto mmu. Saalde COMFORTABLE LTVINO . . . V. V ta that lant l-bedreom rentb-trpo heme. Ilsll hvtat roeaa. Mrall ' raom. lovelr kltchea with aeot, dblo. plumhlad. forced air ell lurnsee. MilM lei. Oalr lls.10. ,.. ,77 . 84 ACRES ON NORTH RIVER ROAD ' ' wuiameiu loam aaU. II scree cultivated. II scree oberrlos, tuB bur la tireec beleaee clover, treat aad her. s ecrea wartatabla timber eomt peeler leas). BxssUaal farm kvlldtais. awde raised 1-bedroom homo. Ili4t bora with aomoat flow, aula, tarto chicken house, hot kouso. aad ether antaaudtato. All orata aad lull Mt at farm meatus orp Mr Ml.iot. WlU tats small place eloM ta eValem la tredeT Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors en Ceart a. 10.1 Louie Lerea uim Balph Grabenhorst Specials JuTARTMBPrT nooOME: . Bta-IM Btmrlaasal-IlT pse MOM dowa. Prise llLMt. eawa Taa waald be. . i act aaa eiaa. ueaa ae aaaw aaan. call parrs b. oasRsm ...... t PUNTT OP OPPOR 1 UBTTT la ao af Stlim i -mn Weeueae. ii."?i.m " . lattatoT tVLSTTJt wretwirLSTkar aeae, ploatp af races fw expaaataa. prapoast No. s laiiain aaam aattt aew tada. CALL BOT rauUB. COOP. BJtOKam , - KAKB AM CsPPBB ON DOWB TSTktTTTT Mmmedlolo pimimlim This homo u I rre. td. bee I alee barms, it. toTrmTml rm aad aaa- . eoaloat kltchea. A ttae hod tares. Back rard It all (eaced aad aUart Bice tarde. area. Pan wctat Mao. CALL IL . XjlThlOR rZT? ARRaaTTIrXI W m BOMB APPEAL 1 lovtfr bdrms. mt oae fleer, tlo. ' rm. dla. rau, tiled kltchea 4 bath wltk shower, full tiled kiaimi.l -- with rumpus room, laaadrr. Boautllr taalooaais lea WM oataefal !?iSS7r" .'"i-.-'1 " " U eadlttoa. Poe appeCaV-, , , GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS . ims. uaartp ..;.. ' .u. . i . vh.i-Mn , atvaalatt ok t. R. Law I-I1U a. K. Lsrmem I-I4M Poser OWlaer t-MM ' W TOO PLAN TO BUI OR - BELL A kOiew, PARM O . ; ; rNVStJTMSlT PROP BR TT ' ' CALL r SEVERING Realty Co. - REALTORS .' i - - - I . ,. . rtart Of ( SattifMtorp aorrlM TOWN FARM . II una of the finest wlllemotta tut, al ta wheat. SelUkls far e moat ear klad af termlnt. Within aaa mile 1 Amllp, Beat. A ali-reem houae thet la la tip-top toBdlltoa. Three bedrooms, eompoallloa roof. Inaulstod, wind Ims swclrl raatt. Clip watar. school bat kp dsar. Portr kr ola bara. faar haadrad-btrd ekllkea heaae, work shea -ad e erase. Zlderlp widow WIU SOU for I11.0M with aalr IMOt dowa and , permeate alert fell af 1014, or wui take emeu ham la Seme ea part perment. Tali kartala farm It Hated wltk at oalr. coll ladapi It weat IssL CLOSE IN SUBURBAN " ' , Hen U a tralp flat ranab etrle kewM aatp foar reara old thai Is ha .auleied aad WMthttslMpped. II has lh beet aatoaiMIt Ml beet, I laree bedrooma, dlalat aad llrlnt reoeaa. The en test kllehea with leree aaak. Espanelvo wall-le-wall oarpolo lk llvlat aad dlalat raama aad kalL Two-eor partltlaaod stress. Tkt kevelr IM a in oaraer tot It well londaeeped, bat tordoa, MrlaklM snttM Bad ttrt!p drfra It Is ea . osceptioooilp tood bur at lll.M. . 11-UNIT APARTMENT ' : " Nstr Btsuhoaao had thopplat toattr. Over I1I.IIS anaaa! tram ea ' tome. Propertr la eiMHoat eoadltloa. Never snr veaenelea. As ad Owner , dailrae ta retire aad wlU Mil fw Mt.tv. Take houae at la 110.01 tad 1 11.000 aaah. Belaact morttoto. If poa'rt ktoklat for taeome prapertp wltk top returns, kettar aaa at tl Ntl I Severin Realty Company 335 N. High St Dial 4-5943; Eve. 2-5695. 3-3292 3 BEDROOMS II t II llvlat room with llroweee. mil dlalat raom. pwttaal kltck. on with ottlat aeece. 11M sa. ft floor aeece. BeMmeat with ftroputM. . Thle Is a aew home aa 1M t IM let. Jest aaavldo ellr, Soalk. Psved etreel, ellr alter. Price lll.pM. LOT I t 111. Off Oreherd Jits. Rd. ultsblo 30 ACRES All la sultlvatloa; poor-round ttream. Older l-raem houae, ModorB. Locotod I mllee Beet aa Hlthwtp III. Drilled well, lots af watar. Oood femur erchert. Price M3M. 6 ACRES About ent-hilf la lerel a lent ereek. Balanae elopes to make doadf slie for bulldiMJ. Oood oolt. We think It la priced rltht, ot tl.1t. E. J. ZWASCHKA Phone l-M BEALTOR 2-Bedroom Home for $900 Down and moathlr permeate Iom thaa rent, far this a pernios asa elaaterod, , lasaloted. woethorstrlppod Bams with hardwood floors, atamalH all heel, olteehed lireee, ntA approved. MIM. Wired for drror end . plumbed fw autamatlt WMhar, which aaa be Included with MM dowa. Uectod aa a pared atreel ta roa trie ted roatdoatial ana. Bear thappiat tad tnr bua. Price Reduced on This Englewood Family Home v Allreellve Bnillah tpwt heme ta tht Baeleweed dlatrlel Bear the kltk or heel. Thno bodroams, soparato dlalat room. ftreploM, tall beaement. onciooed back rard. ia.M wltk taw down aapmoal aad moathlr per meats lite rank , G.I. Approved Sweet Buy for $7500 aa thle Iano l-eedreom, pleaUred homo wltk II i n llvlat roam. ta. " auta atllllr. etteched tor mo. foaeod-ia keck kael rard lor the klddlM. aear tood trade eeheol, loeeted la alee area. Mich pessltl be able M toko eemeihiat ta aa Iradt lor this tat. Loans 20-Year Basis on Good Homes) No Financing Charges Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 North Capitol . . Ph. 38216 I tin A J RIAL ISTATI partlp tmlehed 11.M. Tecaa wltaaa MILL CREEK HOME it a ml alM will $500 ads etsamka ' atiutr. I1MI dowa, balaaM IM l Milt . 14111 . idaoktp kllM Bearr Ton ead ml alh, tat T i IM, Be. aemo. eleest five- salt pel las tat, a. . ..IM. wttai fiMalu. W a aadart oaa Rap Perrto l-Mlt. aat. This Is ameaaaL Over MM. aa WMt War. UM. will Iradt aa I1 Orsal at. ., - 0 , t. .-. 4 ;rrr . a a a ... 4 " ' ' - ;', , i3,"?'-:'!e.'!.i'''.'v,V.a r- et-ev e. o, t, - .' . -'-" -e"a i .t