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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1953)
ntndar. May . 1M Capital Women : Edited by MABIAN LOWRI F1SCMEB Formal of Group on Saturday ' 1 Sprint formal for Eta chap ter of Beta 8l(ma Phi la ta ha an event of Saturday evenlng-l at Iiaak Walton league duo Boum. Phil Day's orchMtra wUl play. Tickets wUl be avail able tor all member and their gucttf at tht door. Tha retiring tocial committee la arrangini the party, includ ing Mn. Pauline HUlpot, chair man; Mr. Richard Vincent, Mrs. Clayton Patterson, Mrs. Berwyn Maxwell, Mrs. Bill St. Clair, Mrs. Delbert McLaugh lin. Miss Ruthita Willard. Mis Mary Zllen Davey. - The chapter met last evening to make final plans for the dance, the meeting being at the home of Mrs. John William. Mrs. James Seacat and Mis Ruthita Willard were hostesses. Mrs. James Fourtner and Mrs. Herbert Dalke presented the program. On Tuesday evening the ex- j eutive group of the chapter met at the home ol Mr. Rich ard Vincent and named com mittee for the new year's work. AHMfllntf k- MuilMfl ...... Mrs. Ellis White, president; Mrs. Richard Vincent, vice president; Mrs. Berwyn Max well, recording secretary; Mrs. Donald Crosby, corresponding secretary; Mrs. ' Francis Roth weiler, extension officer. The committee . chairmen named are: Social Mr. Bill St Clair; ways and means, Mrs. Francis Rothweiler; service, Mrs. Rich ard Berry; publicity, Mrs. Rich ard Trent; program and year book, Mrs. Ray Rogers; mem bership, Mr i. Richard Vincent; contact and courtesy, Mr. James Fourtner. ? .a t New Officers., For Auxiliary Mrs. Lynn M. Hammerstad is the new president for the Marion-Polk Medical society auxiliary, the group electing at the season' last meeting on Tuesday evening. The group met for a supper at the home of the retiring president, Mrs. John M. Ramage. J Serving with Mrs. Hammer sUd will be Mrs. Horace Mc- Oee as vice president; Mrs. B. L. Trelstad, president-elect; Mrs. Thad Moreland, secretary; Mrs. Brace Knapp, treasurer. Forty-six attended the sup per. For the program, Mrs. Har mon Yeary of the county health department talked to the group. The auxiliary has accomplished several project the past year, doing special resding and book work for the state school for tha blind, sponsoring a tea for Junior high and senior high girls In the Interest of the nursing profession, and spon soring the usual holiday sale of article made by patient of the state tuberculosis hospital. J h I L - "i v 1 Rotana Meeting " Set at McMinnville A district meeting for Hn. tana club is scheduled for this Saturday and Sunday ln Mc MlnnviUe. About IS members of the Salem club plan to at tend. Including Mrs. Frank Jackson, president of the group, , Registration begins at o'clock ng Saturday at the Ore gon hotel, with a social hour and banquet following. Mrs. Alma H. Well of the Yamhill county extension agency will acres tne groun on Sundav. ' Visitor from over the tate are expected to attend. . HOSTISI an Wednesday to the United Commercial Travel er auxiliary wa Mrs. Fred Birch. Salad luncheon was served and card played. At tending were Mrs. Frank Test, Mrs. R. J. Elsaaser, Mrs. J. H. Ritchie, Mrs. H. R, Robinson, Mrs. P. X. Hick. Mrs. M. E. Canfleld, Mrs. Ray Strong, and tne hostess. The UCT meeting for Satur day evening was announced for o'clock at the Woman'a club house. Plans were discussed for the grand council convention In Portland, May 38, 29 and 30, at ine Muinoman hotel. INITIATED Into Oreson Grape camp, Royal Neighbors of America, on Wednesday was r ...4 if .1. i morlal ceremony took nlace. and refreshments were served xollowlng the meeting. Engagement Told Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Dorothy Klinefelter daughter of Mrs. Nola M. Klinefelter, to Rodney C. Bright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Bright. No plans are announced tor the wedding. Both young people are graduates of Salem high scnooi ana Mr. Bright attend' a university of Oregon. AT T H I me tin of Cen tralla temple, Pythian Sisters, n Wednesday, the group voted a contribution to the blood bank. About 4S attended the meeting. Hostesses for the so cial hour were Mrs. Oscar Vas. faret, Mrs. Earl Burk, Mrs. O. a. sons ana Mrs. w, J. Peck. SIX MEMBERS of S a 1 e m Business and Professional Wo men's club were in McMlnn vllle for the annual smorias bord dinner given by the club there as a benefit affair. Some 470 persons were served at the money-making dinner. Attend' lng from here were Mrs. Tom Lovett, ' Mrs. Lu Verne Hard wick, Mrs. Edith Jones, Mr. Lula McFarland, Mr. Marvel Cage, Mrs. Jessie Davidson, e AMONO affair honoring Mrs. Louis uerllnger preced ing her departure for Portland to live will be the luncheon for which Mrs. Daniel J. Fry is en tertaining on Saturday for a few friends. e e ' AMONO hostesses for next week will be Mrs. Edwin Keech, who It to entertain a group for a coffee next Tues- Out-of-Town Guests At Golden Wedding - More than TO friends called for the open house Sunday hon oring Mr. and Mrs. Earl Frink in celebration of their golden wedding. The anniversary was May 20, but the open house was on Sunday. Gold irises and tu lips carried out the golden theme for decorations. Several out-of-town relatives were present, including a niece, Mrs. Sidney Poole of Denver, Colo.: a sister of Mrs. Frink, Mrs. Pearl Frink of Sedgwick, Colo.; a brother of Mrs. Frink, Alfred Crlswell of Greeley, Colo., two other brothers and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Crlswell of Chappell, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Crlswell, and ion, Bobbie of Medford; a nephew and hi wife, .Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Frink of ChappeL Neb.; a nephew and hi wife, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Crlswell and their daughter, Sandra, of Portland. ' . Assisting In greeting the guests was Mrs. Henry Sprick. Mrs. Xarl Erikson had charge of gift. Mr. Walter Scheffe was In charge of the guest book. At tha coffee urn was Mrs. Ken neth Frink and at the punch bowl, Mrs. Carl Frink. Mrs. SldnetfPoole cut the cake. Mrs. Ben Sprick and Mr. Floyd Crlswell were other assisting 1 ; v v- Awin Friendship Event For Chadwick Group Joining in friendship night festivities at Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, on Tues day were Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, past grand matron and grand histories ; Herman Johnston, grand sentinel; Mrs. Harry Lu cas, grand representative to Connecticut; Mrs. J. Edgar Re ay, grand representative to South Dakota; Mrs. W. L. Lew is, grand representative to Ten nessee, all from the grand chapter of Oregon; and Mrs. Harry Charlton and Harry L. Miller, worthy matron and pa tron of Trinity chapter; Mrs. Otho Eckersley and Carl Sny der, worthy matron and patron of Salem chapter; Mrs. Harold E. Smedley, worthy matron of Ainsworth chapter. Mrs. Earl Cook was received Into Chadwick chapter by affiliation. An invitation was accepted to installation of officers for Order ot Rainbow Girls on May 38. Calla lilies and red peonies decorated the rooms and on the social conjnlttee were Mr. and Mr. Gerald A. Reeher, chair- Arrange for Party An event Interesting a Inrge group for next Saturday morning Is the Salem Paniieuenic or ganization's "kotton koffee klatsh." The is for all senior high school girls of the valley who 'will be enter ing college in the fall. The coffee will be at the Candalaria Heights home of Mrs. Glenn Stevens, between 10:30 o'clock and noon. Among those assisting with arrangements are the three above, left to right: Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, gen eral chairman; Mrs. J. William Stortz, president of Pan hellenic and Mr. Stevens, the hostess. (Kennell-Elis studio picture) . ' , men, Mr. ana Mrs. AiDen Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pratt, Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mrs. L. M. Case, Mrs. Chester Mul key, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Johnston and Mrs. Minnie Knight MEMBERS of the Women's Bible class. First Methodist church, are planning a party for Friday at 2 o'clock at the church. In charge will be Mrs. J. L. Sours and Mrs. Pearl Up son. Mrs. E. E. Bergman will lead devotions. , MRS. NORA THOMPSON -will loin Mr. and Mrs. Zenas Olson and Dr. and Msg. G. G. Forbes In Portland this week, the f roup to go on to Grandvlew, Wash., where they will visit with Mrs. Thomp son's brother, Harold Emmel. New P.E.O. Group Salem soon will have its fifth P. E. O. Sisterhood chapter, an organizational meeting being set for next Monday afternoon. Mrs. Dolph Phipps of Medford, state P. E. O. organizer, is to be here to conduct the organ ization. The meeting will be at the First Presbyterian church at 2.30 p.m. Chapter BQ of Sa lem is the sponsoring group for the new chapter. . For Miss Acton Miss Margy Acton, who Is to be married on June 16 to Roger Smith, will be feted at a party and kitchen shower for which Mrs. Loren Spence is to entertain on Friday eve ning at her home. More than 20 friend of Miss Acton have been invited. Oak Grove Gardeners Meeting During Week May meeting of the Oak Grove Gardeners was at the attractive Eola home of Mr. Ruby Hayden, with Mrs. Lloyd Fleenor, Mrs. Johanna Perry and Mrs. Madge May hood assisting hostesses. . L. L. Ferguson spoke to the group and presented the first prize won by the club' bride' table at the recent Salem Garden Council show. . A. V. Oliver of Rickreall gave an interesting talk on birdlore and showed his col lection of birds' eggs. He also exhibited the nest of a weaver bird sent by his son, Dr. John Oliver .from India, The next meeting will be the annual spring rose show to be June 8 at the Oak Grove hall. The public 1 Invited to Kidnap Breakfast Thursday Members and friends of St .MJ c Vaiil'a Stall- Anne s guim, oi. . . , ... copal church, were ntrin'd this morning ei om nap breakfasts" given by mem- The party was at the home of Mrs. Arthur Flsbcr with Mrs. Robert Drsger as eo-hostess. At . ... nirhA url" for ADQUl w K'" ' --- the event at 9:30 o'clock, the . . . I . tin five calling aooui k oni guest including Mrs. Homer Goulet, Mrs. Jsmes Wslton, Mrs. George Weiler, Mrs. Charles H. HeltzeL Mrs. Ralph I. Purvlne. Mother-Daughter Dinner on Monday Mothers honored at the West Salem Lions auxiliary mother and daughter dinner Monday evening were Mr. Richard Smith. Mrs. Emma Soli, Mrs. Glenn Wyatt and Mrs. Gwen Morris. Mrs. Chester Douglas was honored on her birthday. Forty-five mothers, their daughters and other guests attended the event. Entertainment was given by some of the young people, number Including dances by Christine Kuenzli and Rita and Robert Cummins; a vio lin selection by Connie Carl son, Beverly Walls accom panying; accordian solos, Janl Burke; piano, Karen Covert. v ARRIVING In Salem recent ly were Mr. and Mrs. David w; Roake (Esther Perkins). Mr. Roake was discharged from the navy this month, and the couple will spend the summer ' months with Mrs. Roake' parent, Mr. and Mr. Granville G. ' Perkins. Mr. Roake is the son of Mr. and Mr. Theodore Roake. 1. (i Cora Washed In ' Minutes. Hd SMUnfT (tpHsltoWisk V'm hi mmmw "A-. Win'7 attend and participate la the show. To Honor Shermans Honoring Dr. and Mrs. Ste phen Sherman, who will be leaving next week for Hart ford. Conn., Dr. and Mrs. Dean K. Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pbalp are enter taining on Saturday evening at a buffet dinner. The party will be at the Brook home and about 30 friend will attend the event" Ministers' Wives ' Sponsor Dinner Ministers' Wives association entertained husband of mem fieri at a Japanese dinner and party on Friday at the Knight Memorial Congregational church. The dinner was pre pared and served by a group of Japanese women, Mrs. Jim Yada, Mrs. Latsura Yada, Mrs. U. Yoshlkai, Mrs. Henry Yoshikai, Mrs. Joe Sukuda, Mrs. Frank Sukuda, Mrs. N. Ishida, Mrs. George Ishlda, Mrs. Kay Kato and Mrs. Tommy Rosbbear. The ta bles were beautifully decorat ed In Japanese style with flowert, fsns, birds, Japanese lanterns ever the lights. Mrs. Edwin Salter and Mrs. Sidney hall arranged the decoration. The program after the dinner was given by Mis Margaret Forsythe who told of her ex3 periences while In Japan dur ing the war. She also showed slides of her trip home. For Bride-Elect Mia Pebble DeSart, who is to be married to Richard Hodgson in June, is to be hon ored at a party and linen shower for which Mrs. Albert C. Grsgg and Mrs. Robert McEwan will entertain on Friday evening at the Grsfg home. ' A large group of the honoree's friend ha been invited. I ana eHILBT-WWtf LOOKING FOR KOBE KITCHEN SPACE? only 24 vvida ' l J) lyf, , ..,v ... .S ;A ;ft If I i' . s " 'kX . . . . . , , i" . fS.-.Jr'? ; v.' 5'sv foshion'g pftty way of wing you through mmmarl I y $99 $g99 ' ' ' ' SJy J Casuts by daylight; drats-upt tor dark...whatevr your footwear hncy. ,w J0 jLypZ;!Vir I Leed's tn-throu(h, brH-tJirough mesh is the fashion-perfect answer a" (I ' to taking uimmer in your atride! Nylon mtsh, in sizes for most everyone, r """" leather outlined, Kmetimel trimmed with straw... so airy, pretty, carefreel STORE HOURS FRIDAY 12 NOON TIL 9 P.M. 170 N. UtUTY llll 229" Spacomakcr 24 AUTOMATIC PUSHIUTTON RAN6I Wills as FEI IEEI 4 2.57 lou orr full icaib automatic G-E "Speed Cooking" with pushbuttons with features found heretofore only in top standard size G-E Ranges all packed into this new, ' compact, versatile G-E 24-inch Range! It's ideal for crowded kitchens helps give you the extra room you need for cabinets or that new appliance! WOMH byim rwnisf ? nnv nnvrr. 3 a a I COOK ELECTRICALLY! e Paahbattea Controls , " Huge. Wide-Opening Master Ovea Aatomatle Ovea Timer e All-Calred (r) Ovea and Surface Units e Removable, Washable Oven Unite Extra Hi-Speed Calrod Surface Unit e Wide-Spread Surface Units e Roomy, One-Piece Storage Drawer I I m SERVICE STATIONS INC. mm mat MnTiDi am ; e. a ax ersi Mit