Thursday, May tl, 1951 TEX CAPITAL JOURNAL, gata, GregM "CCD C w'--T7'" ITr- n ill ? U SUEZ BARRICADE -1" J. eirwi. I. J' J: A' ' v.t- Hopewe , Hopewell Graduation ex ercises for the Hopewell school eighth grade wUl be held at the Hopewell E.U.B. church May 26 -at 8 p.m. Graduate! from the Hopewell district are: Shar on McKenney, Gayle , Larson, Ellen Widmer, Allan Polvi, La Verda Irwin and Floyd Baker. Those from the Wheatland dis trict are Ruby Lind and Clyde Frauendelner. Lloyd Lind is guest speaker of the evening. The graduation exercises for Jie Seventh Day Adventist school will be held at the S.D.A. church on ' Saturday evening, May 23, at 8 p.m. The graduates are Stanley War nock and Dale Terrill. The father and son banquet t the Hopewell E.U.B. church is scheduled for 730 Friday evening. Mrs. Clarence Legg and Mrs. John Geisler are gen eral chairman for the event " The Hopewell school will close June 2, and the close of school picnic will be held at Williamson park at 1 p.m. Sun day, June fi Mrs. Clarence Legg, Mrs. Albert Terr 111 and Mrs. Arthur Warnock are in charge of arrangements. Members of the Seventh Day Adventist church are organiz ing a choir, with Mrs. Carl Withers as director. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Terr 111 celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fleming and Phyl lis of Silverton were weekend guests and Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Terrill were Saturday evening guests.' Mrs. Terrill and Mrs. Fleming and the children en joyed a trip to Champoeg park Sunday afternoon, Recent guests at the Frank Hersha home were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Barzee of Terre bonne, near Redmond, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Hersha, and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Lane David ion sitent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davidson in Portland. 1 . v- . The local church conference was held at the Hopewell E.UJ3. church May 18, with " Rev. W. C. Hlnes, superinten dent of Oregon conference, in eharee. Stewards elected were: John Kotka, David Olke and Howard Stephens. Mrs. N. O, Pearse was elected delegate to Conference in Seattle in July, and Mrs. Ross Rogers alternate delegate. Mr. and Mrs. John Kotka and children and Mrs. Mabel Wood were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kotka and family In Woodburn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.'Lyle Tresham tad children ot McMinnvlUe were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Earl Compton ana iam Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lafferty and Kenneth Pershall spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Gilchrist at their home near Rrnnkfl. Mr. and Mrs. John Geisler attended a buffet supper and shower in honor of Miss Shar on Persinger and Gene Jae nicke in Portland Sunday eve ning, at the home of Mrs. Gels- ler s brother, Mrs. w. a. hum gon. ' IIGALS A protective barrier of gasoline tins and sandbags sur--coundi a British soldier on guard outside the military police building in bmallia, in Egypt's tense- Suez canal zone.. The street stretching into the background is called 1 "Ste Gun Alley" as a result' of bloedly Anglo-Egyptian battles last year in Ismailia. The barricade is one of numerous precautions being taken by British troops follow ing recently revived Egyptian threats to continue British ' occupation of the canal area. : (AP Wirephoto) Lebanon Pirns Music Festival Tvhanon' The all-city ele mentary school music festival scheduled for FrlOay tugrn. May 23 at Newport field, pro mises to be aa. outstanding event for the closing or scnooi. More than 800 children from grades five through eight are. practicing regularly under the direction of room teachers and Lynn Siolund. supervisor . ot vocal music. i "The festival la designed to show some of the music acti vities which take place in the schools throughout the year. The public is invited to attend the ooen-air festival., wmcn will be followed by a carnival ajt Santlam school. Silverton SmHhfizU After Australia found' im ported rabbits to he a pest, they Imported foxes to control the The family of W. H. Wood- ard Jr.. announced that 'Mr. Woodard would be able to re turn home in the near future from aneelal treatment in a Portland hospital where he has been for several days. . Mrs. Woodard and their daughter. Miss Mary Anne Woodard, nave been with him the past week. ' " Although tea haT been grown rabbits, but tcie foxes found in South Carolina, labor costs native mammal' easier game were too high to permit It to and left the rabbiis alone. -- I compete on the world markets. SmlthfleVd Tuesday the first, second, third and -ourth graders of the Perrydale school, the Philips' twins, illy Burr end Dianne Itoutfet vis ited the zoo in Portland. A bus took the children together with two teachers, Mrs. Domes and Mrs. Powell, and tpree moth ers, one of which was MrWil- 11am Burr. , ' Mrs. H. W. Boeder Is Smith fields "fish expert- Mrs. Boe der raises tropical fish and this week marks the time for the arrival of baby Sword-Tails. The Friendly Neighbors club is meeting at the Charles Drls- cou home Saturday evenmg. Mrs. - KnkeUa and three daughters, Susie, Barbara, and Darlene of near Dayton visited Mrs. Harden Smith Monday, 1 The president of the Rempel Friesen elan is laying plans for the family reunion to be held at the Rlckreall grange hall on Decoration day. G. V. Remple the president and Mrs. Hen ry Toews of Salem It Ota secretary-treasurer. Mrs. H. W. Bowder attended the Mothers' dub luncheon and program at the College of Education at Monaaoutn , on Saturday, .-: - Mr. and Mrs. Oeerge Koe- kella and family of Hopewell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Har den Smith Saturday evening. : The Junior-Senior . banquet was bald af the Perrydale jym Friday evening and among the Smithfelders partklpfatlng were Verda . Watt, Marlene Burr, Jean and Pat Driscoll, Margaret Ann Phillips, Charles Boeder and John Bartfl. Delates Wall and Joyce Idl ger attended their junior-een-ior bancjuat in the mirror room at the Marion hotel lor tne stu dents of the Salem Bible aca demy Friday evening. motored to Portland Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flannlian. Mr. Flannlgan. who has been ill for quite a wnue, about the same. '. Mr. and Mrs. Sol niger re turned from their trip east last week. They bad Visited rela tives at Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, ... Kansas, Colorado and Idaho enroute. A law hours were spent in- Canada when they were m Michirm. They took delivery on an M Olds- mobile at Lansing. ' : , . They, together with Miss Ann Hamm from Dallas and Miss Marine Marsh from Coos Bay, were the Oregon repre sentatives to the CXF. confer ence at Denver.' . . 1 Brooks Brooks The annual school picnic wlU be held at the school Mat 27 at 12 P.m. Stu dents and their families will bring their own table service. . A neighborhood farewell Mr. end Mrs. Harden Smith! honoring Mrs. John Archer was held at the homo of Mrs. Waldo Lower Wednesday af- Girl Scout troop 228 of Brooks are -Vt a skaC. t party at ta nnk at Cayton o Friday, lay U. Mrs. Wales , Lowery and Mrs. William Pfan will be the ehaperone. - The Brooks Garden elub met at the home of 1 Felix Morisky. Mrs. O. C linger and airs. Charles Idsava were gUSStS. .' : ' r - - ir , A memorial program will be given at the next meeting 1 honor of the deceased mem bers. The meeting will bn at the Roadside park Just north of Brooks. In the event af rain it will be held at the home of Mrs. W, F. Ramp. V - t Mrs. Bmer Hahn and Mrs, Irving Johnson win be the Members will supply their own service and aoffee. The next meeting will be held May 28 at t pm. . , " i ' : Lyons May 13 and 24, Sat-' urday and' Sunday, wiB be cleanup days at the Tex Val ley cemetery, with all-day meetings for those who can at-, tend. Bring tools and lunch. 1288StoteSt 33-6409 Yiinnie S OPE A DOS i 1 AT Fill Your Locker Now While Randall's Prices Are Still Low! -,,!"?.'. aw sa m nORDYKE'S CIIRISTp SUPPLY , (Formerly Victory Boole Room) , , . ' FRIDAY, MAY 22, SATHAY 23 7 9AilT09PJl ' ' . -vs. . . ) Ate rlma when ws knew you will meet as ractet ear aIeMra U H Mm ym rUs Una laster Orsm Mara. foH leaf at Hie lowaat prices In years and yeent WheUsele prkes an every bee cut In the heesnl Turn H bw week's supply. Fill yaw locker. - . - ' . - - ' .... . , Fancy Eastern Ortgon Hsraford Fancy Eastern Ortjon Ktifferd , MOODY CALPORTAGE 35c BOOK, FREE ' FREE PUZZLES For the Kids . . Come ond Select Your Free ? ' Book from Four Titles NOME'S CHRISTIAN SUPPLY Phone 39852 school DISTRICT BOND BSCim MATIfl BTATS Of ORBOOM CounW ot MiriOB Clar Ltk School District Wo. In !77,.. h.u ik, uhool Mom ol Si." LiH achool Dlitrlct. Ui J Sobool oiwlet No. in. ol Mirk.. . C mxn-.- n.. . itMriit. tha Stth 47 91 ui. iau hatwma till hour! t two .iJ-k .n.4 sichi oloek pa.. Ultra in ba aubmilt tha Uial tri thtrfot tha auMtlon ol eontractras boadao lndtbtedntM In " w. nallara 1 130.000 1 lor tha porpon of proMIM fonSa elta .1 uuorort. rapalr. m. i n fnrnuh a school roaa aao balldiiiia or adolllon, thtrita, a . .... uh.t.l rfktrlct. Tha rota to ba b, ballot opop i which shall ba tha wora -Booa-ia . -Hft ih- su ahall Pli , mmh tha word "Bonds' and tha word "Vat" or aatwasB tha iunu" and tha word To" which tndlcataa hit abates. . tm. iu f A tna raooatlea of ballola east for or aialnrt the contrac tion of said Indtbt-dnait will, on aald -i Amtm and at tha place arara- aaM. ba op-ned at the hour of two 'inah a m. and remain open waul the hoar of eleht o'eloee p.m. ot a aaaii .. .Ka .am ahall be elOtad. Br order ot the district achoot board t Clew Lake School Dlttrlet Marlon Countr, Oretop, maea) thU t Sap of April. 1SS. ruvnrvinl PL AIHOD. Chairmen, putrtet Scnaol Board Attest: Lorraine tithelaerter. District Clerk. Mar I, IS II. WH. I 480 N. Church 3 X-V-'F," L H II l - - ii iaal ' I ---s4J-t IsfSlll ISL II - - i you can trust whenever yon "IT" J j i- I t ' ncetl Brescriolion com V . 1 1 I ' 1' ' 3 Doumled. And limrt is aaraect V ' h I I i. 4- -4 by past erfarmance ... by . i VS (ft t . I - - . , the bundreds of Hresripioibt L fJ "T I compounded bere all diroofl. . VKfi--:;-1. " T "1 ' tr-Tl-. L. IfwaT " - I I S' TfelB when tr wt the Imt fa J 7 rf' II iTtt A NAME YOU CAN TRUST. J3k H II '' i ii ''aws -sjsbSissBi BtvMiiW vaim" n I mh L Arl I AL UKUU j I Ulit R ram - . ... . , n T. s 405 siale ii. aorner oi u::nti u W Give ar'Gretn Sfamps ' " H I 4- I I . . - 1 i i i f It . 1 i i i- i i i i-t i li 1 1 1 l j I I. I I i -I I I I P 11 M 1 '' 1' NNam NEV YORK CUT SRIOM n ROAST or STEAK u. O.V 13 TENDERLOIN Hearts ii. u. Young Hens "7 m Sa sage Fullv Dressed and Drawn aWwsiwy w IB. 28 10Y WO W le. select ioa af Fancy lastera Oreaon Hereford beef. Daa'f fall fa raka eeventoje ef Hmm ptm. Cawwlaiit j:a l. .....J Ma4.u-i J full waar la eav. . i v ' I '! , titwuiv eirwT arw ,w......a www.. .. f . . Half or Whole Pound Front Quarter. Pound mm Hind Quarter i i ..... . . ,i . PcurJ ; Baby Beef , LIVER IB. 35 Fresh Beef Tongues lb. OREGON SLICED BEEP; 7iKl' c . Arm fes-Elsf, fos K:u:3-T-E:n--w:'.b Sh IFC-ESIHI WW 29' Fs-esl. &vwm$ .49' j HIS : i W f 3 1 ii. I !. 1 e I; r i r ,...t.Lw tne. K - i I