7 'J .THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sato Ongw IN SPECIAL CONCERT t : i it Final Concert By Orchestra 1 Willamette university cham ber orchestra will give lit fin al concert of the cchool year m Friday. Mar 2t. at 1 p-m. In Taller hall auditorium on eemputt. The public is invited to attend the concert. The 15-plece chamber or- eheatra. under the direction of ; Dr. Willi Gates, will be heard - 1 four selections. . First number on the pro- cram. "Sinfonla X" by Fran. ececo llanfredinJ, was written In the 18th century. Manfred tai's "Sinfonla X" follows the , form of th elate Baroque "Son- : ata da Chiesa." The orchestra will follow the authentic in . atrumentatlon except for the ' substitution of the piano for the harsichord. ' Quincy Porter's "Music for Wrings," contemporary Am erican composition, will be . offered as the second piece. ; Written in 1941, the music is light and spirited and easily comprehended. 4,Trauermusilc,, by Hinde tnlth, third concert selection, was written for solo viola and string orchestra on January 31, 1936, the day after the death of King George V of England. The lint - performance of , "Trauermusik" took place the folio wins day m a BBC broad east with the eoniiHtser playing the solo part The Willamette chamber or chestra will play the -first . movement of The Moiart gym phony. K. SOI as Its final num- ' bar. The Symphony was wrlt- : tea in 1774 when Mosart was enly IS years old. The thema tic material Is very simple. - sity concert Sunday evening Mav 14) when the university band, assisted by the a cappelU choir, offers the final campus concert of the season. Form-Business Tour Scheduled June 5 Salem's annual farm-business men's tour has been set for Frl . day. June 5. . T. R. Hobart chairman of the Chamber of Commerce agricul tural committee, along with Chet Lee. First National Bank, and County Extension Agent Ben A. Newell are making final plans for another inter esting agricultural day. This year's trek will Include businessmen and all other in terested spectators north from . Salem. Strawberries will be ripe, cherries, peas, flax, peach . es and milk and cream produc tion will all be featured during the day. ' The tour will start at t a.m. . sharp and end with dairy lunch on a dairy farm at noon. Farm ers are Invited to bring a busi ness friend as his guest. yff .. Willamette University band which, with the assistance of the a cappela choir, will give Its final concert of the season Sunday evening. Over 140 Musicians to Join in Sunday Concert Ifore than 140 Instrumental-1 The musical presentation, un Ists and vocalists will Join in der the direction of band con- aoecial Willamette umver-1 aucior juauric it . u. - rector, will be held in the uni versity gymnasium at 8:15 psn. The public is invited to attend. Sunday evening's perform ance will mark the first time since 1044 that the band and choir have been featured to gether in concert. The two organizations will present the West Coast pre miere performance of The Closing Doxology by Norman Lockwood. Based on a religious text; fialm 180, the composi tion is treated In a highly con temporary manner. It was com- posed In 19S0 and published in 19S2. "The Closing Doxology", which places a good deal of emphasis on the percussion in struments, is extremely unus ual in its modern tone conbina tions, rhythm and harmonic structure. - The Concerto in A minor, by Robert Schumann, .will feature Jane Gray, junior from Port land, as soloist. The special band transcription was made by Maurice Brennen. Other band selections will in clude compositions by Gordon Jacob, William Schumann, Franck-Harding, Gene Ogden and Albert In galls. Baker School for Wafer Fluoridation At the final meeting of the Baker School Mothers snd Dads Club, held Tuesday eve ning at Baker School, it was unanimo'isly voted to pay gzs toward the initial Installation of the fluoridation system for the Salem water supply, pro-, vided that the City Council for Salem takes affirmative action on the fluoridation program within the calendar year 19S3. Petitions bearing the signa tures of 87 residents of the Baker School district were turned over to Jason Lee with the request that they be pre sented to the city council at the next regular meeting. The petition stated that the endorsement of the fluorida tion program by the Oregon Stat Board of Health, United State Public Health Service. The National Association of Water Works, The American Dental Association, and The was felt to be assurance that fluoridation would be in the public interest Several members of the club reported, that they were carry ing water from the Salem Heights Water Districts in or der to provide drink water for their children which had the benefits of fluoridation. t. T. Laa. ha Dr. O. Chan. KJ DBS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINKS! NA.TBBOrA.THI CpeUlrs, Ml North Liberty mi Satarea nt M k m. at 1 pau f to 1 pm. OeanlMUoa. Stoat p. fan ana attea tatta an (rat at item. rrwiiMji mm lilt. write Hi aurature auk Ma aktt. fauna. Ringnalda Wins Malhematic's Prize The annual mathematical contest for high school stu dents was held at Salem high May 14. The contest is spon sored by the Mathematical Association of America through its commutes en con tests and awards. The winner out of 40 stu dents at Salem high was Bill Ringnalda, a senior. He will be presented with a pin at the Clan Day assembly. Silverton Girl Wins Honor With Marimba Silverton Diane Bye, nine years of age, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. rerle Bye, was ac corded double honors in a re cent talent contest among members of the younger group, at a PTA program at Whiskey Kll) school distict, placing frist in her division and also as grand champion. Diane appeared in a group numbers playing the marimba presented as a pupil of Miss Aloha Lee Edland. She also to be program feature guest at the B&PW club's regular meeting the evening of Tues day, June X, at Toney;s. NATIONALLY FAMOUS BRANDS FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK AT ; SAVINGS YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO PASS UP! 375 PAIRS LACK Here's your chance to build up your slack wardrobe for those summer vacation days just ahead . . . Man! What a SAVINGS! ,r 1 1 f' r , U I , 11 Wheat Growers to Record Acreages The future acreage of wheat may be marketed under pur chase agreements ana crop loans' may be at stake this week. The PMA office at 440 North- Church street is urging al farmers to record their 1951-82 and S3 wheat acre age with them before May 29. If wheat acreage allotments become necessary in 19S4 these figures will be used as a basis for wheat allowance. 100 All Wool Gabardines Tweeds Flannels Cheeks Z i Worsteds . ANY BUY AT ; BISHOPS . ISA . BETTER BUY! 2Pr.w W Values to $18.95 (Me Chrt for Alterations) NO REFUNDS NO EXCHANGES ALL SALES FINAL ON THIS SALE RtedyfertHtSectsd, Stecjtinher FEEDING PROGRAM ACCORDIAN SPECIALS 120 Bass Keg. I 118.19. Special 139.50 120 Boss,!,........ $999.00 120 Bass , ..mi $295.00 '395.00 195.00 $ S9I.9I. I9S.99. 120 Bass 120 Bass t its 120 Bass,,,,.. M95.00 USED 120 Bass $75.00 120 Bass $65.00 00 Bass : . . ...$75.00 Li MUSIC (ENTER Capitol Shovplni Confer TRIANGLE DEVELOPING FEED mam oa nuni Builds Better Layers Altar yttrt ( caieful Acid mcarch Triansla hat dcvclaptd hlshly cialited Itcdt (or the three parioda b a laytr'i lift span Chick Starter tar the chick stace. Developing Faad (or the pullet Ran and X-tra Kit Producer lor the laying Man. RilM now mott poultrymcn are in the second it aft at the program the time when young pullctt need a penally balanced (ormala to sup ply growth end body name ee atatotial to foture maaimum egg savQuciion. Iniure your Futvra X-tro Igg-Proflts raad Tnanfla Developing Ftcd now I Itt (ull nutrient balance will Smuts you ol maaimum tic produc tion thit (all when your pullctt are ready lor the laying houte. Keep thote pulltta in top shape with Triangle Developing Peed. it g ,tMtalhi;iirs)saW ..rW-VlBaH . a. - i i. - n- aar rr an i-aa" ff YI 1'T 1 WssTWT TUKFxt TT Sorry, we cannot mention the name of these jackets, but just one look and anyone will recognize this famous western label of fine all wool products; -350- J AC EC ITS HERE'S THE STORY Due to the exacting demands of this famous manu facturer, the slightest flaw or imperfection in the fabric or tailoring of their product is just cause for not allowing the garment to be sold at the regu lar nationally advertised price. The imperfection in these jackets is so mi nute we doubt if one person out of fifty would notice it. HOWEVER these have to be sold at a sacrifice price so their loss is your gain. 100 Pure Virgin Wool Checks & Plains Tartan Plaids All Sizes For Pattern Assortment See Our Windows 5 WlUMnif R I WHY I. L WHITE t SONS RED WHO 4 SOU, It. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 9890 USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN i Tit