Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 20, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    . 1
Wednesday, Miy JO. 1953
Local Paragraph.
Final Initiation The last
initiation before the ummer
recess will be held by Salem
Ifdge 538, BPO Elks Thursday
the revised ritual
that wai made effective by the
Grand Lodge lait winter. A
feed will follow the meeting.
Salem Lions Club Dr. A. A
Groenig, head of the depart
ment of phyiicg at Lewis and
Clark College, Portland, will
diacuai "What Comes Next" at
Thursday's luncheon program
t the Marion Thursday noon.
His approach to the subject will
be on the scientific side.
Italian Film "The Bicycle
Theif," widely acclaimed Ita
lian film directed by Vittorio
de Sica, will be shown in Wal
ler Hall on the Willamette cam
pus Wednesday and Thursday
at 7:30 pjn. as the last of this
year's UNESCO sponsored
Final Papers Due Persons
who have applied for their fi
nal citizenship papers will
come up in court June 15 in
stead of May 21 as erroneously
announced. Twenty-six peti
tions for final papers were
heard last week by a federal
Wage Formula
(Continued from Page 1)
contributes $53,458. Dr. Stone
will draw $9000 annually.
Some Thought Underpaid . ,
, In discussing a proposal for
a so-called merit system of
wages. Loyal Warner said he
felt sure there were several
employes in the county who
were underpaid In comparison
with cam parable positions in
private business and other gov
ernmental jobs. It was this
statement that brought about
the plan to go to the depart
ment heads and see if some!
system of pay incentive could
not be worked out If this is
possible, the budget commit
tee would not be faced with the
salary headache that bobs up
each year.
When the eommittee. met
Wednesday it bad succeeded in
trimming an estimated $150,
000 beyond the six per cent
limitation by some $42,000.
Increases in revenues may
trim the deficit still further and
it Is probable the budget may
be in balance before the end
of the week.
Drew Pearson
ffVmfiniwri from Puff 4)
. "On October 13, six months
after the April meeting, Mr.
Littell, without preliminary
consultation with us, appeared
in the United States district
court at Yakima and submitted
a statement in which he re
viewed the history of the ac
quisition, criticized the War
Department's handling there
of, and stated that our ap
praisals were so far below the
actual values that he could not
continue to try the cases until
he had re-examined the ap
praisals on each of the 721
cases remaining.
"In the statement he also at
tacked the juries for passion
and prejudice and partisan po
litical bias. This action was
obviously incompatible with
essential military security, the
. need for which had been care
fully explained to him. His
, atntement to the court has re
sulted In a considerable
amount of undesirable public
ity concerning a project which
the president has personally
directed should be blanketed
with the utmost secrecy.
TtM-auie this emotional,
headstrong quality on the part
of Norman Littell could affect
the welfare of the nation, as
evidenced in the Hanford case,
1 mm Mrrd It necessary to
comment on his activities.
Thursday May 2! Naval Reserve ur
fe division, at Naval and Ma
rine Corps Reserve trainln cen-
"comDany D. 162nd infantry
reS, Oregon National Ouari
at Salem armory. ha.
D battery. 122nd AAAw Do
tation, Oref!n National Ojiard. at
Onoruet huts on Lee street.
U8AR school at USAB armory.
rReA'rv at Naval and
MarlnT Corps Reserves training
center. ' ' .
Join D Battery . . .
Two men have been i nstd In
i i ittnA AAA. AW Ml"
33n IL 1ZW "or
T.lhertv street. '.rm
. earlrTL
tithutr. M M"bri Dr, a tui '
"wwi.-T.Mr. d O"1 lu""
i. t. J""""; J"Zt tm. Aloha
cow J ... . ,lri u, S.
C.T T-wT an.
a at J". '
":"r7 "t. lir ii M" Olma
Independent Bankers Meet
G. Carroll Meek, president of
the Willamette Valley Bank,
attended the Spring meeting
of the Executive Council of the
Independent Bankers associa
tion of the Twelfth Federal Re
serve District held In Corona
do, Calif., last week-end. The
association la composed of
more than 350 community own
ed banks In the seven Westers
States, Alaska and Hawaii ,
Awning Stolen A strip of
awning from over a window of
the Jary Florist, shop In the
Capitol shopping center waa
reported stolen Monday night
(Continued from Page 1)
R. H. Baldock,etate high
way engineer, said that com
pletion of the Salem-Portland
freeway north of the Willam
ette river is scheduled lor June
30, 1954. Rights of way have
been obtained for the section
of the freeway from the Wil
lamette river to Hayesville and
a contract for this portion of
the project wil be let early
next ran.
Members of the commission
expect to advertise for bids on
the $32,000,000 bond issue au
thorized by the 1953 Legisla
ture on July 22, and such bids
will be opened at the August
commission meeting.
Contracts for the south pop
tlon of the freeway are expect'
ed to be let at the September
meeting. This section extends
in almost a straight line be
tween the Oregon Electric and
Southern Pacific tracks, from
the Willamette -river to just
south of Hayesville school. A
slight detour will be made at
Chemawa to carry the road
west of the Chemawa Indian
school. . ; t
Ml Tbm saMoctatod prwai
admiral Carpat&Uoo
AUted Cbaaical
, am
gUlia Chalmers ....
a Alrlt&M u
Amtrlcgun Power LliK
AmMea Tel 4k TeJ
Aneiieaa Tobacco
AnacotMla Copper ......
AtcbUoa ftallrvad
. It
. n
. mi
i M
, UK
. 4JK
Bethlabem Steel
Boeing Alrmane CO.
Bon Warner
Burrow Adding Hacbtt
California vaccina r.
. SI
. MS
Canadian Pacific
Caterpillar Tractor ..
. 17
. MM
. 21
Ctlanese Corporation
Chrnltr Corporation
Cities Berries ...
Consolidated Edison ..
CoMOUOaled Vultat
Crown zeUerbac. .....
Curtis Wright
Do us las Aircraft
Dn Pont da Nemours .
Eastman Kodak
Emerson Itadlo .
Oeneral Blectrlo
Oeneral Poods
Oeneral Motors .
Georgia Pac Ply-wood
Ooodrear Tire
. HI
. MS
. IS
. M
. 44H
. 1tt
. MS
. Mtt
. V
. si
. IS
Hons take Mining Co. ..
International Harvest .
International Paper .
. us
Johns Man villa . ...
. IS
Kaiser Aluminum
Kenneeott Copper
Llbby McNeil
Lockheed Aircraft
Loews Incorporated .
. 11
. i
. ns
. us
Montgomery Ward
Nash Kelrtfiator
New Tork Central
Northern Pacific
Paclfla American Pish
Pacific Oas Electrie
Paelfie Tel Tel
Packard Motor Car
Penney. C
Pennsylvania R. ft
Pepsi Cola Co. "
Phllco Radio
Kadi Corporation
Rayonler Ineorp. ......
. M
. 74
. 10S
. MS
. 71
. 1
. US
. 11S
Rayon l er ineorp. ria. .
Republic Btte)
Reynolds Metals
Richfield Oil
Bafeway Stores Inc.
Scott Paper Co.
Sears, Roebuck Ac Co. .
Bocony-Vacuum Oil ... .
. K.
. 144
. Hit
. 31
. MS
Southern Pacific -
Standard Oil Csllf.
Standard Oil N.J
Btudebaksr corp
Sunshine Mining
Bwlft es Com piny
Transamertca Corp. . . .
Twentieth Century Fo .
Onion Oil Company
Unlet. Pacific
United Airlines
Doited Aircraft .........
United Corporation
united States Plywood..
United State Steel
Warner Pictures
Western Union Tel
Westlnchouse Air Brak.
Wsstlnshouse Electric . ,
Woolwortl ..
. 47
. S3S
. 71
. WSj
. ss
. uv,
. S1K
, US
. 3ltt
,. J7S
i. MS
. I
.. J7
. 41
.. US
. 41
. im
. 4IH
,. 4H
New plastic raincoats for
children, $1. YWCA Budget
Shop, 162 S. Commercial. Open
Fridays and Mondays, 10:00-
5:00. ' 120
Air-steamship tickets any
where. Kugel, J-7694, 153 N.
High St 120
Paint with glamorizing
Treasure Tones. See our out
standing wallpaper selection
Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Lib
erty. 120
Road oiling. For estimate,
call Russ Pratt, Capital City
Transfer Co., 22436. 120
Quick service! Have glasses
in one day, made to prescrip
tion by Semler Optical Offices,
Wsters-Adolph Bldg., State at
Commercial. Phone 8-3311.
f : , . 120
Goodwill pickups Tuesdays
West Salem and. south of Cen
ter; Fridays, north of Center.
4-2248. 120
Charis foundation, girdle
and bras. For appointment.
phone 35918. 120
Mary Gilbert formerly of
Haley's Beauty Center now at
La Verne. Phone 36811. 120'
Fresh killed hen turkey.
39c lb. We also sell turkeys
by the piece. Orwlgs Market,
3975 Silverton Rd, Phone
Gary Barker was the valedictorian,' salutatorian and
sole eighth grade graduate at the commencement exercises
held in the Halls Ferry school Tuesday night. In photo
from left are: Anthol Riney, 4-H extension agent; Mrs.
Shirley Newberry, eighth- grade teacher and principal;
Gary Barker, David Bosell, who gave invocation, and A. W.
Buisman, school board chairman, who presented Gary with
his diploma. i"
Only TKree
Reg iste r for
. By VIC
Step right up kids, It's time !
to get shot.
Yep. that's right,, starting
immediately you can stop into
McEwan's Photo shop and get
your picture
taken ' free so
we can run it
In the Capital
Ever y b o d y
who is entered
In the big Soap
Box Derby gets his picture
taken and printed for free.
but it's up to you kids to get
into McEwan's as soon as pos
sible and get snapped so we
can get your picture in - the
Capital Jourral.. It's first
come first served and Bob He
Ewan says he can snap your
picture as soon as you get
there. That's evenings after
school, on Saturday or when
ever you can make it.
A derby hat will be avail
able for you to wear for the
picture so you'll be in the cor
rect Derby style.
Incidentally, time if almost
up .for registering. ", If you
haven't registered by Satur
day, either at Douglas Me
Kay's Chevrolet company or
at the Derby headquarters,
151 North High street, you
just don't race In the 1953
Soap Box Derby.
. If you're one of the very
few who haven't signed up
and got your official Derby
rule book and driver's license
yet, grab your dad and mom
and rush down right away to
sign up. Hurry!
A special Bulletin from All
American Soap Box Derby
headquarters in Akron says to
remind you boys that the
wheels of your bug can't stick
out in front of the bug's body.
You have a maximum length
for the bug listed in the offi
cial rule book and the wheels
must be inside that limit.
Here are more boys who are
building racers for the biggest
race in Salem's history, July
Class B Larry Lane, 538
E street, sponsored by Smiling
Jack's Super Service; Craig
Circuit Court .
Btttr i. L4W1I, Mammroni wim
Kilth wtota PmIIW Ce.j
Amwtr tr etfiiuliiit, tUttlBt tMuM
ni MiUfMll WW w ira i
truck t craulm la RubMr4L AOs
dumUMl f MBPltUt.
Ctcilla Moult tt n Charlw Movlatt:
m.area 4eerM to TlHatllt vrc an
cuttdr minor thai.
Irtlrn Harrlit To n aviwarl Rofeirt
Foi: Dlrorca complaint, allnlna cru.l
mil Inhuman treatmant. Alaa enttodr
of minor ehlM. SIN montkl aurport and
owncrahlp al raal ana araona. topt.
Married at Cuaaaa, Auauit II. 1M4.
Vanwa Oamaoa n LUlr Par Oarrt
n: Dl.orea complaint, charalnc arual
ao4 Inhuman traatmant. Marrloai ro
ruarr I. 1HO. ou auatoar ai mina
child. -
Unit amlth va Joha O. Smith: W-
toko ocraa to vlalntin. iranu nor
cuitod of la minor chlMraa and on-
nrma propartr ncrocraant.
atau n Jamw rtaatrs: Kaada
niitr to rape, aaotaacae to SS raara at
iuu mitaaiiarr. (
Hndamar and Von Clanda Jtntn and
Portland Trait and aavlnia bank, nacn-
tora of Clanda Janaaa aautt n JO
Uorrla and Loala Ranmaa aa Irdrrtdoata
and aba aforrla auto Co.. Ortfoa Ltd.
Jndamant of I1.I1S trantod plalntltla
aaalnat dafradant partaarahrp. Rental
parmonta Sy defandanta to apply toward
Indamant and danclancr la aiacauea to
bo racoTorod from Mdrrla.
Probate Court
Porcr Blondol laatala: Ordar pamlnt
rarer Ronald aiandau admmiatrator.
Pcarlap t- Barter: Ordar odmltttna
m to praoato and appotnttnc Oonava
P. Whltohaad and Dalmar L. Barhar
joint Mocatrts and aaacator.
Brown X. Blaaon mardlinahlo:
: ilia of Ttal proporur.
afrrtla Haitar aauta: Ordar lor aaw
of raal propartr.
Marr Doa Pratt aatata: Dacraa approy.
ina final account ud diractuw autrl.
Morrioee License
Plord Hilton Hatitn. 11. farmar, 4104
Dalala road, and Donna Mar atraua.
Ikauao. 14. atodanl, 41M Oallaa taad.
Days Left to
De rby Race
Rosenheim, 785 North Stewart
street, sponsored by Shoppers
Car Park; Jerol Scharer, route
5, box 3833, sponsored by his
father; James Panger, 1065
Spruce, sponsored by Ameri
can Legion Post No. 9; Del-
bert Rodocker, 3335 May-
wood drive, sponsored by Boy
Scout Troop 19; David Berg
lund, route 4, box 67, spon
sored by W. B. Kimmel, route
ti Walter Cauble, 945 North
Summer, sponsored by Dick
Rogers, 880 Electric street;
and David Clatterbuck, 999
Locutt. sponsored by Tlndall'f
Drug store. ' ' .
.Class A Jimmy Lelack,
route 1,' Brooks, sponsored by
Master Service station No. 3;
Rex Sims, 940 Juedes avenue,
sponsored by George Waters,
Inc.; Jon wollander, route 1,
Jefferson, sponsored by bis
father; Dwayne Brakeman,
1296 North Commercial street-
sponsored by Les' Battery
shop; Tom Tirons, 1060 Albert
drive, sponsored by Bill
Krebs, 2415 South 12th street:
asvuiiut wiauiiujr, iuuic v
t ADi I 1 - a.
box -cda, apunsorea uy nam
and Varbel, Brooks; and Lon
'iiii lira
Y TO .
. A3M5A
I k.v sT
1 1 gj-r-ssg
Tax Hearings
Open June 1
Washington (A The House
Ways and Means Committee
agreed Wednesday to open
hearings. June 1 on President
Eisenhower's proposal to ex
tend the excess profits tax.
House Speaker Martin (R
Mass.) and committee chair
man Reed (R.-N.Y.) announced
the decision after a two-hour
closed' conference between
House GOP leaders and Re pub'
lican members of the Commit
tee, who have stoutly opposed
the President's proposal in the
Earlier, some Republicans
had voiced doubt that Reed
who renewed his bitter opposi
tion Wednesday to any exten
sion of the tax would consent
even to bring the matter before
his committee, .
" Martin said he was "prayer
fully hopeful" the committee
would agree to send a bill to the
floor carrying out the Presi
dent's request to extend the
tax for six months beyond June
9U, )ts present expiration date.
Cars Damaged -Cars of Kirk
E. Haley, North Commercial
street, and Fred G. Schrecen
gost, Route 8, got minor dam.
age when Haley'a car struck
the parked Schrecengost car in
the 500 "block of South Com
mercial street Tuesday night.
nlf Faffs '
route I, box 248,
j sponsored
oy (,-ity Transit
Ike Med
(Continued from Page 1)
. The Defense Department
has refused to nam either the
disputed commodities be men
tioned In point 3 or the ships
which carried them,' on
grounds that this Is "classified"
Kennedy aaid the British
ships he reported had hauled
Red troops were owned by the
companies in Hong Kong
Featsgea's Refusal
John Leddy, deputy assist-
and secretary of state for ec
onomic affairs, was called to
the witness chair. In some
times stormy exchanges, he
testified that the Pentagon's re
fusal was in line "with the
government policy' and that
to nam the ships or commod
ities carried might weaken V.
S. efforts to curb such com
merce. .
Promptly, Sen. - Symington,
D., Mo, a member of the sub
committee and former secre
tary of the Air Force, demand
ed that the subcommittee write
President Eisenhower and "re
quest" hit views on the whole
Fast-West trade issue. Mc
Carthy, calling Symington's re
quest "a good Idea, announced
he would do It
Allied Subterfuge
Symington said the letter
should ask 1. about policy to
ward "this devious subterfuge"
of Allied nations in refusing
to accept U. S. Interpretations
of what is strategic In a war
effort, and 2. whether the Pres
ident agreed with the Penta
gon's refusal to disclose the
ships or items Involved. '
Asked about Kennedy's tes
timony that ships of two British-owned
firms had trans
ported Communist troops, Led
dy said the State Department
was "appraised in July, 1951,
about one of the ships owned."
He said the ship was of Pan-
amaian registry, adding the
State Department took It up
with the Panama government
and a month or two later was
successful In canceling the reg
istry of the ship.
(Continued tram
Ridgway. former Eighth
Army and U. N. commander
in the Korean campaign, had
been expected to be asked hla,
House Investigators reported
Sunday that Allied forces in
Europe lack sufficient stocks
of ammunition ana fuel to
fight, and quoted Canadian
brigadier as saying nothing is
beging done about the situa
tion. Short told newsmen Ridg-
war reoorted these stocks are
being built up now.
! The general said European
Amtrictft Finest
I S,K Originals
David Crystal
rion f IS VAJr-JA -
Miss Jacqueline Quiring . of Salem, valedictorian, and
Miss Naomi Ross of Portland, salutatorian, of class to be
graduated from Oregon School for the Deaf Saturday,
May 30.
Deaf School to j
Graduate Eight
Oregon School for the Deaf
will graduate eight students at
the commencement exercises
which wiU be held at the school
at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, May
30. .
The Rev. Dudley Strain of
the First Christian church of
Salem 'will deliver the com
mencement address.
Miss Jacqueline Quiring of
Salem Is valedictorian of the
class and Miss Naomi Ross of
Portland is salutatorian.
, Other members of the class
are Kenneth and Wallace Col
ley, Toketee Falls; Ray Mc
Cann, Baker; Phyllis Nelson,
Troutdale; Carol Todd, Philo
math; and William Walker,
Roseburg. .
A 4-H style show and dem-
nations are making "sincere
and earnest effort" to build up
su-engin, snort reportee. Ridg
way, he said, "was a little ep-
umisuc nut not satisfied" with
the progress.
Asked if the mlnlmim. m.
quirements remain around 100
suropean envisions, as men
tioned by President Eisenhow
er wnen ne was European' com
mander, Short replied: "It's
more than that.
NATO forces In Xuropa now
total 25 active and 25 reserve
divisions, with another ten di
visions reportedly planned this
year. :. '-a .
Dr. Will J. Thosspsca
Oatowtrkt Office
a sum-dale
Examination in Afternoon or
. Eve. by Appointment
for Appointment. Pliotie 4-4057
Pure silks, tie silks, linen, rayons and novelty weaves fashion
ed in prints, stripes, polka dots, pastels and solids. Sizes 9
to 17, 10 to 20, 12V4 to 24 Vi. All taken from our regular
stock of high fashion garments! Specillay reduced for this sal
only. '' . - . . ' "
tzzt I
onstratlons of ether school ac
tivities will be a part of the
commencement program. An
exhibit of work dona in the
vocational department will be
on display on the main floor
of the Administration building
and may be seen before and
after the program.
The public is invited to at
tend the exercises and view the
First Grade rarest Invited
A meeting for parents of chil
dren entering the first grade of
McKirdey school next fall will .
be held In the school auditor
ium at 2 p.m. Monday, May 28.
The purpose of the meeting to
to xurtner acquaintance be
tween parent and school and .
to discuss school practices as
they apply especially to begin
ning first traders. The scnool
nurse will explain the health
program." .
Building Permits Hrner Z.
Winegar, to1 build a one-etory
dwelling at 8?0 Electric, $11,.
quo. James A. Rowland, M
wreck a store at 1100 Edge-
water, ISO.
Salem Student KleeteS
Jerry Saylea, Salem, has beam
cted treasurer of the stu
dent body at the Oregon Tech
nical i institute in ; Klamath
Falls.- . -
tfc3 So. U5!i
409 Court
' I
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