Wey, M.y 20, 1953 " I ' : , ' " ' ' . ' ' ' ' V'' TOT! CAPITAL JOUSNAfc. leJesa, Orogoa ' '. ' ' ' , ! . " .' ' , J"; . I MUS) PQ-SAVONS ALQG.' , ': 7 fe; : May 21 . j ! ij . . thru I M J& m I r May 30 jgp "JJ T t l shudy hpphi Boys. Sport Shirts , Loop Pile' Rugs ' i $ , E Parking! 2" 100 99e , La ' UpSH ill1 ' ; . MmVHankwi' Mtdkiiu Cobimlt ' I "f J : Training PoirtiM , : u, : :-:i5fioi'Si5 . '' c 599e 1299e . W9 . II , " AbMtbat rnttm... Dl Iwhtte wttfc wktta mtf hM -, ; , s CREDIT: v: V'-' M ( ' S i V 77ci .fr:.v77e 37e" 1 1. SEARS 1 AW OOT8TAWPIWO TALOTt yUUf. , I , 1 easy t I j, , " H !'!) I 2. PURCHASE - n - TU- - t' - ' rThth IW (J J t H'l W"1 t," t ' . . "T!. .'..II Jmic ! USS ' BAAVC ' '''Is' ! . r-' r '-IS KM ' x ' s ft ignt of 'RiCflAfrftWfiwtas tSwri! Uh for thorn r . ; Hioy moon ol-iWngt on mony of your OYoryooy noodt, on tho tpoeiol thino yo wu for . thot ffon-fillod summer ohood. Hundrodi of roducod pricot! 5.9S ;. For Ironlnf White Mumcl finish. V&99c rrmXj mwv, Ufbt fMT to an. f 93c r f f. -a : i . . . H K I' Red White h Brown t ' - . i. . i-t . - CHILDREN'S SANDALS Sear-O-Foam Soles Reg. 2.98 Cool port ifyl" for ummer- Sturdy-leather. All $ix -3. Fit them with Bilrwell'i from Seart. PLENTY FREE PARKING Shimmering Celanese Acetate Satin QUILTED TOP SPREADS Reg. 9.98 5 .38 . FuU or Twin - Tj J ; Sliee C Sheds soil, resists harm from sunlight. Dusty rose, med ium blue, wine or hunters green. , PLASTIC HOSE .44 Full Fashioned ' ? SHEER IIYLOIIS Reg. 89c 2 Pair for Regulor CM o Roelocooblo kroti couplings o 30 ft. weighs only I pounds i. - -to. tlx iinaal n tUiaVl It Gleaming tronsparenr 8r.n ... - flUalltv . , . withstands up to oight times overage city water pros- . & f,QWe$ ! ; , , ... sure. Resists sun, obrasion, oil, acids, age. Satisfaction , 9.,0i2 '. ' . . Guarantee or Your Money Back! Buy today ot Sears! R.pl.nish your supply during thta sale! ;f Store Hours: Mon. & Fri., 9:30 to 9 - Other Days 9:30 to 5:30 550 N. Capitol Salem Phone 3-9WI 1 :. j 4 )"'." 4ev . ar : . , . I '.ftirtlll I I ' 1. t'.-.W -