-5 Tuesday. May H, 195J i Pane !..- THK TAPITAI. mi!RNAL. Salem. OrtffM v ' In the Valley l Mttafl fey bTJEI FORBES fiu&na Vsfo Buena Vista Mr. and Mr. Crater entertained tor Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Weill of Gervaia, Bobert Willi, Mr. and Mn. Curtla Reed and family of . Portland, and Mr and Mrs. Harry Walla of Independence and Mr. and Mrs. Milo Graber, ' Lois and Raymond, of Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Mill bouaer of Monmouth were din ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Zeb MlUhousea for Motner's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moore and son spent the week-end In De troit ... Mr. and Mrs. BUI Bacon of Albany spent the week-end at , the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wlthrow and Sunday they attended the ball game In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R. Norman Hukari of Hood River were week-end guest of , Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hultman, and Sun day they were all dinner guests la Salem at the A. J, Harrison home.. Lot of noise wss heard the new home of Mr. and Mr. Gordan Wells Friday evening when the neighbors gathered to charivari the newly married couple. Mrs. Wells was kid' naped and Gordan given. in- tructlons to follow to find her, which ended at the C T. Wells home where they were given a shower sponsored by the Sun day school, with Mrs. Cora Ponsford, Mr. Etta Deterlng and Mrs. Olive Well a host esses. Miss Betty Foster sang -Heciuce and "I Love You truly", after which they op ened the gins. Lunch was served from the table cen tered with a wedding cake, candle and ipring flowers, Mrs. Cora Ponsford poured and Mr. Xlma Hultman- cut the cake. Mr. , and Mrs. Parry Well were guett In Independence Sunday at a Mother Day din ner at the WiUlam Shu-wood home, when all the Sherwood family were together for the day. and alio to welcome the newlyweds, their daughter Nina and husband, Gordan Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Hsrold Busby and family motored to Detroit dam Sunday. Silverton at Tanlrht - Owe : , THK CLOWN ' ' ' ' And '.; STOUN FACT" Urto WtowmyOTBjk4i TiTT5 IS Ah ; WUnasa Tracy Jse Sawyer , WAIJUg TALKOT Silverton Among acta vandalism reported In Silver- ton was the smashing of large basement window in the First Christian church oclal rooms, by a heavy atone be Ing thrown through the glass and into the room, occurring shortly after the mother- daughter banquet. . ' The Trail Rid ha been t for Sunday, June 14, sponsor ed by the local addls club. A three-act comedy, "The Whole Town's Talking" 1 to be staged - the evening of Wednesday and Thursday, May SO and 31, Murl Frlzxell, directing, at the senior high school auditorium. Attorney Quintin Zstell has announced his Intention of continuing his law practice in Silverton, following the dis solving of the Beesley and Zs tell firm, after Richard Beef- ley accepted a position a ax dstant in the Salem office of the attorney general. Official reports ouciose that adult have been guilty of theft of bark from Chlttem Tree farm over last Hill, with one area practically ruined by this work. Meat official attending the Salem regional League of Ore gon Cities during the latter part of the week were Mayor Harry Canon, , City Manager Robert Borland, and Council- jam . Holllngiworth and Zrrol Roat. Mrs. CordeU WoodalL phy sical education instructor, is to present the junior high an nual serenade at Eugene Field auditorium Thursday and Fri day evening at 7:30 o'clock. admission ire but by ticket only, as capacity of the audi torium must be limited to 280 guest. . Donald Donald Rev. and Mrs. John Anderson of MllwauU have been called to ervo the Nazaren church In Donald, May 10 being their first Sua day there. They are both graduate at Caedala college. Mr. Anderson win attend the annual assembly In Madford May 17-11, representing the Donald church, Quite a few ladle from the Donald . area availed them' selves of the invitation of the Audubon club of Molalla to bear Carl Starker, noted flow er arranger, give talk and demonstration, the afternoon of May IS. Those going from Donald were Mrs. Lorin Giesy, Mr. J. W. McClurt and Mrs. Ralph Balr. John .Felto ha returned from hi recent vacation to visit his daughter, Mrs. Gladys Brown at Grand Junction, Colo. They drove by way of Bend and came back tnrougn Wyoming and Idaho. On the homeward trip they visited McNary dam. watched the In dians catch fish at Ccwo fans, and stopped for a short time at Bonneville dam. Mrs. Glen DuRetta and chil dren have been staying at the home of her parents, Mr. Mr. Earl Feller, while her husband underwent surgery at Physician and Surgeon bot- ptlal in Portland. . Cheryl LyteL daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. r. LytaL rup tured a email blood-vessel in her nose and It was necessary to obtain the service df a phy liclan to stop the bleeding. At the well-child health clinic conducted last week at the North Marion union high school, 21 children were given attention. Donald district was 1 -b. - Mau Awl ished theperonneI to aastot - year age the chapter purchas ed the first tractor. ' Thee tractors are used for custom work and farming. The chapter has 2S acre of wheat this year. There are as boys this department, with varied project. Harold Lewi ha been an instructor with the boy, la the Dayton high school for several year and ha a record of ac complishments during that Urn. . - , ., Mia Charlotte Pilar,' daugh ter of Mrs. Lena Piter, Dayton, ha been named to Cap Gown, eenlor woman' honor ary at Llnfleid college, e- MinnvUle. Mia Pilar Is a Junior Journal- ism major at Llnfleid. Cap and Gown choose It member on the bail of leadership, scholar. hip, activities, and Christian Sheridan Sheridan Bishop A. Ray mond Grant of the Methodist church will speak and dedicate the new chancel at the Sheri dan Methodist church Tuesday evening. May IS. The public 1 Invited to attend the service and the reception in the church parlor later, The Bherlnan American Leg ion poet ha elected officer for the coming year: David Yoder re-elected commander. Other officer are: Pint vice commander, Fritz Wirf; end vice commander, Knute No; adjutant, Marion Latham; chaplain, Mslvln Agee; service officer, Otto Heider; sergeant- at-ann, Bill Talbot: finance of ficer, Clyde Todd, and histor ian, Harry Crowe. The cancer fund drive In Sheridan went over the top with, a collection of 1322.85 The quota had been set at S22S. Mn. Beryl Swalls was chair man of the drive. Voters of Sheridan achool will nominate When the Russian took goats to Guadeloupe Island In the middle of the 18th Century, the animal began to multiply and built up a herd so large it aenudM the Island of most vegetation. i 5c "DIFFERENT EVERY DAY" LUNCH SPECIAL Monday- Crested Chicken Giblets en Toss! Tuesday Turkey All King Wednesday Hel Rossi Pork Dinner Sandwich ThursdayCkicken Croquettes Friday Macaroni and Cheese 2-MINUTE SERYICE SPEEDWAY RESTAURANT .1170 CENTER ST. FACING THE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER TRY OUR NEW DRIVE1N SERVICE TIL! A.M. Dr. W. J. Stone, county health officer, and Mn. B. Yeary and Mn. Mary Tetterman, county health nurses. Jean (June -Bug) Poller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bar ney Poller, took part In a mu sical recital held on the eve ning of May 14. The recital was held In the lodge hall at Hubbard. Jean is a pupil of Carmelite ScholL Kn. Bennett of Gaston, was a Thursday dinner guett in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thurs ton Yergen. . and elect a director, June IS, differently than hat been the procedure for many year. Nominees for the one director post will be filed by petition and will accept the nomination prior to election day. Instead of balloting taking place for only en hour, the poll will be open from 2 to pjn. The term of Vincent D. Rus sell, chairman, expire this year. He will not be a candi date for another term. Other members of the board are Mrs. Sua Hlbbert and W. H. Brandt Dayton Dayton Dayton Union high school has elected the follow ing officers for the varloui classes and club for next year: Seniors: Eugene Tompkins, John Smith, Kva Jean Wilson, May Ann Klupenger, Roberta Wirf. and Arthur rotter. Junlore: Jack Seley, Judy co- burn, Lorette William, Joan Overgard, and Roberta StihreU. Sophomorec Mike Hough, Beety Youngbjood, Darlene Wlllard, Luanne steiniicnt. Lucky Marr and- Barbara Smith. ' PPA offictn:. Gen Tomp kins, Duane Barnes, Norman Finnlcura, John Smith, Keith Hanna, and Jack Seley. Pen Club: Ruby Clark, Lin da Benedict, Roberta StilwelL and Roberta Wirf. Song leaden: Luella Mcin tosh, Judy Coburn, Carol Hra- ba. GAA: Suzanne Smith, Becky Reeder, Loretta William, Ro berta Stll well, and Betty Younsblood FHA: Roberta Wirf. Lois Schmltx. Rilla Williams. Pearl i King. Betty Youngblood, Mar lene Paris, Loretta William, Joan Overgard, Joan Clow. The Dayton Future Parmer of America chapter received a new Ford tractor from the Mc Mlnnville Tractor Company, Thursday, May 14. Under the present agreement with the Ford Co., the Dayton chapter receives a new tractor each year without charge, turn ing in the used one at the close of the school year. Three Sweet Home Sweet Home Mr. and Mrs. Maddy were week-end guests at the bom of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. ana airs. Ulis Gardner In Portland. While there they enjoyed ratchin the Gardner take part In a Civic Theater produc tion ."Gondilier." They also were taken to the Ice Polliea by the Gardner1. Mr. and Mrs. Tom xeea ana Mr. and Mrs. Bill Been ana on motored to Newport Bun- rfav and returned by way of riMnce and Triangle topping to enjoy event along the route. At " the, watched Labrador Be- Hmn in field trials. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Mcln- tm and family and Mr. and Mr. Tuff Meacham were Sun dav visitors at Newport and Deooe Bay. The Sauer Circle nut with Mr. Zarl Maddy to plan a June Pood Sale. Money ralied to nurchaae dishes for the newly finished kitchen. Fourteen Ladles were served refreshments by the host. Mrs. Neal Robertson la to be hostess for the June S meeting. ra, plus nroDhecy, George w.ors: address. Mrs. Agnes Booth; group of eong. girir ehoru.; da, will. Sedonia Burton- cluf key ceremony, Don rn!r and Leonard, Bettal- youn; preseniauuM -- Mr, libel amui presentation Tlui Mrrv E. Martin, rr.rrMrsBsieCar Pedee iwiUh Carolina Cox f Hoakin visited wn aara. i Burbank Friday. rwlta vaeaUoa school will openJune 1 under the direction Of Mr. A. . DOUIB. Mr. and Mrs. William Chest t Dnrtland. Mr. and Mn. uu - . r a Burbank were . ronn guest at the A. L. Burbank Unionvale Sweet Home Alvin Crock er suffered minor head injur ies when hit on the head Fri day at the logging operation of the T. and H. IO EI in to, at Cascadla. He waa taken to the Lebanon Community hospi tal tor treatment Kenneth Walls, IS, Pleasant Valley, who suffered bum two week go, hss been trans ferred to Doern Decker hospi tal by the Sweet Home ambu lance. The fire department answer ed two calls Saturday morning. Pint one was on the Kermit Molitor residence on 11th ave nue. Damage wat estimated at 14.000. The Moll ton were ab sent st the time of the fire. Flames were out upon the arrival of the department when Mn. S. T. Colvin, 2022 L (tract, extinguished a fire caused by burning grease in a skillet. - Mr. and Mn. John C. Gill- ham were' weekend guest at the Peter Byrne home la Foo ter. - ..... Mr. and Mr. Roy Cook re ceived word of a new grand daughter born May 10 to Mr. and Mr. Bernard Thornton of Madras. The mother and' baby reported - doing tine at the Frinevill hospital. - 1 u. iui Mr. O. N. Trueax and Tbelma. Mr. and Mra-Lar-ry Plank and ion of Longview, v..h mm week-end guests of Mr. Lura Trueax and the R. H. Trueax family. . Mr. George Bauman ana Linda of Salem, Mrs. nema nrrU. Marcia and Tamara, of McMlnnville, and the Clayton Baxter family were Sunday guest. Mr. Winona Sedlvy and Mn. Ivan William, teacben la the Pedee school, took their pupil to Corvalli Thursday, and vis ited the museum of the college and had dinner in the park- Graduation exercises for the eighth grade clan will be held May SO at the achool house. George Curtla, principal of the Independence grade chool, will b the speaker. ' . Mn. Winnie Plecher, Mr. Troy Turner, Mrs. Paul Ronco and small son, Bradley, and Mr. C L. Burbank visited Thursday at . Corvalli with their cousins, Mn. Lillie Clem en, Mr. Ada Cummlng and Mrs. Perle Cummlng. Faimew Pairvlew Mrs. Lowell Campbell of Palrview, teacher of the 8venth Day Adventist Livingstone school In Salem, will accompany her 81 students in the first to third grade, for the annual picnic Sunday, May 17, at Champoeg. The school will close Friday. May S2. The reports that all of the S.D.A. school will close that day. ' s The annual all-day picnic of the Palrview Community club will be held at the schoolhouse Saturday, May 23. - A covered dish dinner will be held at noon. Mocfeoy Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gossett were Mother Day dinner guest of , her parents, Mr. and Mr. Bd Schmidt near Carlton and upper guett of hi parents. Mr. and Mr, stuoert uoaseH at Dundee. Sav and Mr. George Wil liam of the Dayton Christie church were Mother aay dinner arietta of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. X. M. Coat. He will be supply pastor . at ( Dayton for this lummer. 1 ' i . v Mrs. Earl Chandler of Fairbanks, Alaska, flew down to be Mother' Day guett of Mr. and Mn. E. M. Coat who are her uncle and aunt She came Friday and remained over Sunday. .. . Mr. and (Mrs. Kenneth ....u . HUM "...J v Albany; Mrs. I, A. Demary of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Mason Demaray and two' son Richard and Milton of Unionvale were also Mother'! Dey dinner guett at the tarn borne. ' Mohter" Day supper guests were Mr. and Mn. Eldon Coats of San Diego, Calif., Mr. and Mn: Roy Van Fleet of Salem. 'Afternoon callers at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bauer and family of Port land; Mr. and Mn. Henry Kerr, Jr., and family of Mc Mlnnville. . Scotts Mills r Scotts Mill Mn. Mnrt.7 at Pry and Mia Doris Immn.rt an journeyed to Portland raj cently to see the Ice foUle? They stayed at the home Mr. and Mrs William Iran Mrs. Fry's daughter. Artnur Boyt ha enteral. Silverton hospital for medical!) mi a. wwrav writes I a At.. .4 I . , , . . ucn a oiivvrrao nospiiai. .. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gid,. w I WHM Vliy, aiu., Va ited with Mr. and Mrs. Steve n-aiuna recenuy. I V as. iimu, ' lliX t . UlUNiaJMaltrUrBUItt. Gates Opea 1:N hw at rmt ' trWTowiewaiBj S Teennleaior Rite "THE JAZZ SINGEE" Danny Thesaaa Pra THE BLAZING FOREST John Payaa . ' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Broadacres Macleay One girl and three boy will receive their eighth grade diploma Tuesday night. May 10, at the graduation ex ercise to be held at the achool house atarting at 8 o'clock. Graduate are Sedonia Bur ton, Don Sorenaen, Peter Tay lor and George Water. The clan colon ' are moaa green and magenta, the class flower lrit and the da motto, "Success Waits Just Around the Corner." The following program will be presented: Processional, Mn. Elsie Car penter; invocation, Rev. Peter Becker; class , history, Peter Taylor; piano solo, Elizabeth Broadacres Children In the Broadacre school district No. ISO, who will enter first trad next year and. their moth en are requested to meff at the achool Wednesday, stay SO from on to S:30 p.m. The health program will be ex plained and information will be given concerning we . rul ing out of the health record which will be given to each parent at this time. Mrs. James Wallace and Mia Shirley Denver of Broadacret had aa their guetta latt week, Mr. and Mn. Cecil Dencer of The Dalle. Season Tickets Now on Sale For 1933-54 Willamette Univenhy Distinguished Artists Series aaasa Tt. , ., - '" inomai Nov. TJta Fin Fiona Quartet March IS Isaac Stern Jan. SS Vienna String symphony rah- a r Vienna, String Sympaeay luy Smmmi Ticket! at Stavana 4V Son, Jewelen . ' itaarvad Seat 7.20 tind MO . ! ShidenhTkker 4.00 Cell 4-2223 for Reservation J lodtriffBii) 'TrtaM Hang rtoWrf-ma "Ik Sytta" 5 ' Jaat ,1m . Zsa tea Gaber In Tachnicon "MOULIN ROUGE" i V r f-rw J to a ) ifkGBEAT STRAIGHT BOURBON ' aaar,a V... -r THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS 010 STRAIGHT IOURION WHISKEY to FIOOF NATIONAL DISTIUERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION, NEW YORK, N. V. STARTS V T0M02WW1 ENDS T0MY1 (WBJ "Off uwn" "WHITE UtaR" BBaBaagaBgaa--sBsssrM l . .1 h il a ' c a v a MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 PJH. Jf ir fa MaWlTlr$lOf tv WL-Vk I . 3 v Th DaMing; Young; I li' 'J I Americana Wh CatabUah4l a 6eP V n I Amorioa'a Ufeiln To The) X I Wost, Ovor lSOO Fmr-Fhtmc f' y Mile From Mraaoasrl ;V J eft TCalrfywlal i OBI : BHCffll: FOHEEST w JERRY HOPPER saw a a Ssar raw Onwar - w CHARLES MWOJtS WARREN vwAfHe) Nit Hlot 4 iBVMRBSjMl PlQW co-Kin DANE IttMlX " ' . HOYBTfl nmmv 775 l tflllS (UTM BOX OrnCK OPEN :45 P.M. STARTING TOMORROW! 75 -111 nsjBj LuTc ii ' M.eEinj ' Jj Jgf C7rS)MB f ' f m OWkaikal mrA sCtVy hi m. mr la 'IfSQlblPOfP ticordo M0NTAL6AN Pier ANGEU vmorio GASSMAN cyd CHARISSE Yvonne de CARLO Bdt Ha Ksrt Mi - TL - JASONFOOTfJlSZNARHAiaGOMEZ-GRECO JOSEFWA FOGGU and NCIRKAN FOSTER atitiMiiaj OO-FCATURE! SUSPEKSE AT6UM Jhi w --v - ; ' 4 - i lastsl mm PETl SMITH SHOUT CAJITOON NEWS I.