8th Annual Rose Show .Will Be at Walton Hall TEX CAPITAL JOUXKAL. 8Jsm, Orrnm Salem'a annual .v thl yar will b staged in th Xxaak Walton club beuM it of mott of tfa larger flower ihowi in recent yean. Thl wlU b th eighth an nual show aponiored by th Salam Roa Society of which Lee Canfield la president Date for th ihow will be Saturday and Sunday. Jim. 13 and 14. There wlU b no admission charge. Th show -miii k. i. ii. . . . from S to 9 p.m. on Saturday inn vw a iwvn jo pjn. Sunday. ProsDectiv exhlhltnra - warned that their entries must be In pUc by 11 ajn. on Saturday morning at which time the Judges will take over. In addition to ribbons for the winners in Men ria i ahow there will be revolving uuymca uiu uerciianaise priz- NEGRO ELECTED . ... - Dr. Bufua E. rUnnt (above), 52-year-old Negro educator, hailed his political victory over his white op ponent as a "victory for the people." He was elected to the Board of Education by an 8,000 vote margin over J. H. Landers who had served on th board since 1927. Clement, president of Atlanta University, is one of the first of his race to hold so Important an office at At lanta, Ga., since reconstruc tion days. (AP Wlrephoto) Keizer Oregon soil clinic of Portland will be the speaker at the regu lar meeting of the Keizer Gar den club Tuesday evening, May 19, at the Keizer fire hall. An invitation has been extend ed by Mr. Danen, president of the club, for the public to at tend. Stephen Crouch, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crouch, BOSS Snhlnriala Dr.. la In the Salam Memorial hospital with rheu matic fever. Home from Korea Is CpL John L. Sanf ord, son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Sanf ord, owners of Sandy's Garage in Keizer. The Sanfords live at 2360 Broadway. I Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Nick LeRud, 690 Chemawa Rd., that their son, Lome R. LeRud, has been pro moted recently to private first class. Lorene is serving with the Korean base section and is with the 985th Ordnance Field " Maintenance company. He ar rived in Korea last December. Keizer is to have another new business. Being erected on North River Rd. is a Drive-in by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. The building is next to their come at 8795 N. River Rd. The place will be called Tele-treat and will feature Tele-freeze ice cream, Teleburgers, and root beer. They hope to be open for business by Memorial Day. for th sweepstake winners ' eecn ox u lour divisions in 1 th ahow and a mnil .hm pionahip award lor th best rose la the show. A cumber of Portland rose rowers have alrai4 .im. fled their intention of enter ing blooms In th Salam abow and entriea ara a Ian from grower at Albany, Del ias, uorvaiiis, rail city, Woodburn and Eugene. Show committee were an aouneed today by President tanneia as follows: Show chairman Smith. SUllnf Ban' Dnnrni Rathjen, Robert Fitzmaurlce, George Renfrew, W. G. Krus er, Olll Schendel. Judges George Ailing, f Tronlea and rihtutna P- Warren. . Merchandize prizes R. G. Brandy, Charles Cole. Finance Marjorlt Harris, Elizabeth Porter. Garden Clubs Mrs. Charles Cole. Registration Mrs. Ben Dawson, Mrs. Earl Benbow, Mrs. Kenneth Waters, Miss Mlrpah Blair, Mrs. Robert Fitzmaurlc. Entries and Placing, Horti cultural Dr. Karl W San. bow, C. A. Col. R. G. Brady, a. i unaoecK, w. a Krueger. 1 v ' Entries and Placing, Decorative Mrs. Ben Rath Jen, Mrs. M. C. Blackmail. Mrs. Robert Ballard, Mrs. Herman .Lafky. American Rose Society Booth Mrs. C. A. Kells. Hospitality Mrs. R. G. Brady, Mrs. A. L. Llndbeck. Clerks Mr. E. L. Hnn Mrs. Ray Warren, Mrs. Ruth lionnart, Mr. Mildred Davis. Extension Meetings For Week Listed Marlon County Extension unit meeting for the week of May 18-33 are listed below Anyone who is interested is invited to attend. Th date of met Unit, units. tun ana place are as follows: May 19 Union Hill. 10:30. with Mrs. Howard Rodgers. Car of Rugs and Upholstered Furniture; Four Corners, 130, Community : halL Funtional House Dress. - May 20 Pringle. 10:80. Women's clubhouse, Herbs for Variety and Accent; Turner, 1:30, I OOF hall. Becoming Good Buyer; Hubbard 10:30, with Mrs. A. L. Murphy, Care of Rugs and Upholstered furniture. i , May21 Edln Lame, 10. with Mrs. M. - Stephenson, Herbs for Variety and Accent: Liberty-Salem Heights, 10:30, Salem Heights halL Car of Bugs and Upholstered Fur niture; Silverton Hills, 1:30, Community hall. Becoming Good Buyer. Tele-fun a. . . ft,. J.t f mW wf Wffffi yoooncw "Yea) Needn't tU mi K's flM H yeeV otn aJyn mitel TH honfl p so you ten r ... Be a good party-line neighbor ... and release the line for Important calls . Pacific Telephone Tufts Never Sees Anything like It! rax Ml au w w wen v ueaner CUTS OVEN GREASE LIKE MAGIC! mI tnaf anrMif on thl'l no gtmmable, clean-smelling "miracle" l.tla than ariaa off with Warm WSttrt One application r moral o black, htrd-cnutcd, 'baked-on" f rean! Works on any kind of oven . . . porcelain-eoanwl, Iron, steal. Get Eaiy-Off today. VaaSaMSei II M. taWta ,98( FREE! HandyJImt-Savbic Applicator Brush l, tar k tiaT-IUI at a) tanvOS Mr Wherever you go 1M N. UBEKTT ST. ALKM, OREGON V.:i to VACATION VALUES FOR MEN AMD BOYS DUY SPORTSWEAR NOV BECAUSE... SELECTIONS ARE BIG! . PRICES ARE EXTRA LOW! MANY TO CHOOSE FROM! LIGHT-AS-A-FEATH ER HVLOtl PLISSE WASHES AND DRIES QUICKLY! NO IRONING NEEDED! At Pennes th high quality shirts arc tagged for thrifty budgets! Enjoy their cool comfort, handsome looks, easy upkeep. Hand washable, (need no iron ing). Smart short point widespread collars. Sizes S, M, L, XL Whit, postal, and dark colors. LONG SLEEVE STYLE L4.98 BOYS' SIZES 4-18 2.98 MAIN FLOOR vjy - t . .. s uuuLAUty . PENNEY'S IS YOUR SPORTSWEAR HEADQUARTERS! v. ii . , if i, FADED DENIM SPORTSWEAR IS ALWAYS POPULAR! 350 MEN'S DENIMS SLACKS "Jjrf FADED ILUI ci Pi cp. inccy ) 09 TAItV WftLLn s a a t a iW JACKETS .. : 3.98 GREEN, RLUE, CHARCOAL VAT-DYED AND SANFORIZED THESE FADED DENIMS ARE TOPS! 10-OUNCE . . . MAIN FLOOR -BOYS' DENIMS SLACKS .359 FADED ILUI JACKETS 2.98 FAMD ILUI CONTRAST TRIM! RICH TEXTURED TERRY SHIRTS 98 1 SW a I t. a. av - M cxptnsiv tooKing Knuissi shirts of luxurious cut-pa ttm terry clothl They or firmly styled with tprMd collars, smart contrasting color trim, genuine ocean parl buttons. , Whit with navy, maroon or green trim. Sizes S, M, L. MAIN FLOOR MEN'S THICK CREPE SOLE DUCK OXFORDS New smart utility shoe for sports, relaxing, or walking! Thick, eomfortabl spongy rubber sol b light, as a feath er! Washable, non-absorbent, and with full sponge cushion Insole an excellent Penney , ( value! Choose from ' faded blue, brown, navy, green, win. Sanitized. ' ' ' ' DOWNSTAIRS STORI R49 STORE HOURS 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. - FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. PHODUCT