Monday, May 18, 1958 Local Duo To Attend GFWC Event women are to Join tM Oregon delegation at tending the 62nd annual con vention of the General Feder ation of Women'i Clubi in Washington, D. C, May 2S-M. Mr. Marion T. Weatherford of Arlington, president of the Oregon federation, heads the delegation from this itate. Go ing from Salem will be Mrt. Luke Johniton nad Mrt. Frank Marshall, the latter the incom ing president for Salem Wom an's club. Among special events an nounced for the convention Is s tea to be given at the Gen eral Federation headquarters en May M to honor Madame Ahmed Hussein, wife of the new ambassador from Egypt Wives of cabinet members, wives of other ambassadors, ccngresswomen and wives of congressmen are being Invited. Mme. Hussein is representing her club In Cairo at the Gen eral Federation event - - Hostess to Group Woodbum Mrs. Kenneth McGrath was hostess to mem bers of Chapter J of the TI.O. Sisterhood at her home Thursday evening. The exem plification of the ritual by the officers was the program for the evening. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting, May 28, will be at the home of Mrs. George D. Jenes -and the pro gram will be study of the by laws with Mrs. Ivan C. Beers In charge. Plans war made to send a box of clothing to a Holland family. The philanthropic committee is in charge of this project with Mrs. Nellie Muir ss ehairman. , FUR STORAGE AND KSnUK snug 8 UCHCLLE'S 1141 Ferry St Ph. S-C81I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salts. Ortgra Going to Islands Among Salem folk planning M T Mrs. L. J. Stewart, who will leave June 7. flying by Pan American. While in the Islands J" Mrs. Stewart', brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allport, and alwwUl take In the "48th SUte tea Guests Entertained M Trinity Chapter New members welcomed "idsy evening into Trinity chapter. Order of Eastern Star, were Mrs. C. W. Jorgensen and Lt and Mrs. Charles Rash. Chapters visiting for friend ship night were Ramona chap ter of Silverton, Adah chap ter of Independence, Gervais chapter of Gervais and Ains worth chapter of Salem. Honored and speaking to the group were Mrs. Roy Robin on, past grand matron and grand lecturer; Brother Sylvan west past grand patron and worthy patron of Rosa Croix chapter in Portland- M. Julia Leonard and E. A. Fin- Jay, worthy matron and patron of Ramona chapter; Mrs. Har old Smedley and Lowell Shlnn, worthy matron and patron of Ainsworth chapter. Others welcomed were Mrs. Mem Pearce, past matron of Clwd wick chapter, and Mrs. Sylvan West of Portland. ,-. A program of songs was pre sented by Mines Mauryne Nichols, Marcia Lee Bryant and Charlotte Graber. am. uieaaon xoung was cnairman of the refreshments committee and assisting her were Mrs. E. C. Knapp, Mrs. Harry Miller and Mrs. Harold uwu. On May 22, the social club will meet with Mrs. J. E. Van Wyngarden, 843 North Church for dessert Mrs. N. E. Shaw will tell of her recent trip to ine east coast Return From South Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. stover, who have spent the winter in Florida, have arrived In Salem and plan to make their home here. They are visiting with Mrs. Stover's granddaugh ter, Mrs. Harlan a. Judd. In early June, Mrs. Judd and family plan to leave for Joliet 111., to Join Major Judd who is stationed st the ordnance am munition center near Joliet State LWV Meeting on Several from Salem- are going to Corvallis . through today and Tuesday for the state convention of the Lea gue of Women Voters. At this meeting, the offi cers xor the nut two years are eiecteo. . The sessions opened Sun day evening with . a buffet supper and informal get-to gether. Governor Paul. L. Patterson is to he sneaker. Tuesday noon." - Among those attendlnc from the local unit are Miss Elolse Ebert, president of Salem unit; Mrs. R. D. Barton, Mrs. Gordon Shattuck, Mrs. Max Bowers, Mrs, Francis Gaskins, all dele gates; Mrs. Morris Ullman, alternate; Mrs. William S. Vau Meter, state board member. Several others are planning to take in different sessions. . Rural Woman's Club Ends Year, Installs Woodbuan The final spring meeting of the Woodbum Woman's Rural club was last week beginning with a no host luncheon. Thirty members and eight guests were present. Installation of officers took place in the .afternoon with Mrs. Charles Dean as the in stalling officer. Installed were Mrs. John Coleman, president; Mrs. Delbert Seely, vice pres ident; Mrs. A. W. Andrews. secretary, and Mrs. W. Earl Dunn .treasurer. Appointive of ficers seated were: Cards and flowers, Mrs. Delbert Seely; reporter, Mrs. W. M. Burke; musician, Mrs. Roy Arney, Plans were made for a picnic for members and families on June 28 at Settlemier park. Visitors were Mrs. Charles Buchanan, Mrs. Blanche Wag enveld, Mrs. Edward DeHaan, Mrs. James Bloom, Mrs. Dean, Sr., Mrs. Frank Wright Mrs. Alfred Moon and Mrs. R. M. Hull. The committee in charge of arrangements for the luncheon included Mrs. ' E. C. Peyton, Mrs. Luella Sanderson, Mrs. Archie Murphy, Mrs. Minnie Bissell, Mrs. Charles Conyne, Mrs. Sophia Owre and Mrs. The first fall. meeting will be in September. j FwJeHer fitlinjj K", V; Longer Wearing Children's Shoes IUY FROM AA to EE Widths r SCE ERNIE SAVAGE Acklin's Junior Bootery U4 N. High Onen Friday TU t P.M. Senator Hotel Bldg. Dayton May Queen Is Now Bride-Elect Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hopkins announce the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Lois Jean Hopkins, to James (Jimmy) Asher, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Asher of Grand island. Miss Hopkins is a sen- bior at Dayton Union high school and was the queen of the recent May day fete. Mr. Asher gradu- ated from Dayton Union high school in 1832, and is a mem ber of the naval reserve. No date has been set for the wedding. flo Imenl wpoinimeni 1 1 n Miss Rasmussen Is Wed at McMinnville Wlllamlna In double ring ceremony performed before 100 guests. Miss Ardys Idonna Ras mussen, daughter of Mrs. K. x. Rasmussen of McMinnville, was married to Darrell Francis Moen, son of Mrs. Lionel Gra ham of Willamina. The I o'clock rites were read by the Rev. M. A. Getzendaner of Sa lem, at the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church at McMinn ville on Thursday evening. April 30. The bride was given in mar riage by her uncle, Holger Ras mussen of McMinnville. She wore a dress of white satin and net, with a lace-edged fingertip veil. Her bouquet was of or chids and white carnations. Maid of honor was Miss Wan da Rasmussen of McMinnville, sister of the bride. She wore a pink satin and net dress and carried a bouquet of yellow and pink daisies. Jim Smith of Willamina was best man and ushers were Laird Flora and Guy Baker of Sheri dan. . The church was decorated with yellow and white snap dragons and yellow candles. Mrs. Loren Stout sang and or ganist was Lincoln Groaner. . Mrs. Rasmussen wore a navy blue dress and white acces sories with a baby orchid cor sage. Mrs. Graham wore a yel low suit and an orchid corsage. Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the Dawn room in McMinnville. Mrs. Peter Rasmussen served the punch, Mrs. Bill Wood cut the cake. Mrs. Holger Rasmussen assisted about the room and Miss Arlene Meierotto passed the guest book. Following a trip to the beach, the couple is at home in Mc Minnville. The bride attended McMinn ville high school. Mr. Moen graduated in 1852 from the Wil lamina nigh school and is em ployed at the Associated Ply wood Mills. Couple Married at Willamina Church Willamina Miss Verda Holstad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Holstad, was wed to William Felton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Felton, at an evening ceremony on Friday, May 8. at Emmanuel Lutneran church. Pastor Warren W, Pechman read the rites before 200 guests. Baskets of . spring flowers decorated the altar. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Lois Kendall sang, accompanied toy Frank Pratt and Miss Joann Johnson sang accom panied by Mrs. Wilms Nyleen. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white ballerina length dress of lace and nylon net over satin, with a fingertip veil held in place by a lace tiara. She carried an orchid on a white Bible. ' Miss Bonita Johnson was maid of honor, and wore an or chid dress with a corsage of sweet peas. Gail Mielke was flower girl and Virgi.'. Hals tad, brother of the bride, was ring bearer. Erlin. Mielke was best man, and ushers were Don Petri and Pete Reynolds. . Mrs. Holstad wore a burnt orange dress with white acces sories and a lily of the valley corsage. Mrs. Felton wore a white suit with navy accessor ies and a corsage of red roses. At the reception which fol lowed the ceremony, Miss Shir ley Keeton, sister of the bride, cut the wedding cake, and pouring were Miss Joyce Mor oney and Miss Elolse Severson of Salem. Mrs. Ardith Johnson passed the guest book and as sisting were Mrs. Elvira Lund mark, Miss Delores Lundmark, Miss Joann Johnson and Miss Darlene Mielke. For their wedding trip to the beach and Portland, the bride wore white suit with red accessories and an orchid corsage. The bride was graduated In 1882 from the Willamina high school and la employed at the Stone Fuel company. The bridegroom was graduated from the' Willamina nigh school in 1831 and Is employed at the Asoclated Plywood muu. . IALEM HEIGHTS Rose mary Wiles will be the guest caller on Tuesday, May 18, at the Belles and Beaus Square uance club at 8 p.m. at the Salem Heights Community halt Serving the refreshnwots win be Mr. and Mrs. Jay Nor rls, and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Nelson. liliWI i-H sasseam wast -l2L!!! fas i . 1 . ' - Sixteen fashion eoenHnited Ipstick shades... each and awry one costume-Mended lor your complexion and th itikiooi you wear... acasndrrarTeoark&eriatrattnn-snamler.,. and trery oau loafer laatinf. '1.50 (plot tax) Did 2-0992 Permonent, waves, hoir styling, dyes ond bleaches, scalp treatments, we do them all, lust ask Gordon. "AND HAIRCUTTING, THERE ARE MORE STYLES AND TYPES OF HAIRCUT TING THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE." Anything you desire from old fash ioned to chic Hollywood, New York Fifth Avenue, Paris or Berlin. And art you having scalp troubles? Falling hair? Bald headed? Something eon be dona, just osk Gordon. Who's Gordon? Well, Gordon's the new man oger out at Haley's who welcomes you ond your hair problems. Remember Haley's Whera Pretty Women Wolk in Beautiful Women Wolk Out. "Where Pretty Woman Wolk tea We've just odded three new operators, rounding out a large and complete staff of experts, specializing in all types or oeauiy servitc, 7"" ultimate In beauty care AT A TIMEp THAT IS MOST CONVENIENT TO YOU! No more calling for appoint ments ... no more changing your plans. Simply come in at any time dur ing the doy and leave the rest to us! If daytime hours are not convenient for you, coll us and we'll arrange for your beauty core at night. ASK ABOUT OUR "GORDON SHAPING" ' It is really something different It will save the beauty of your permanent . . We Give Green Stamps and leoutiful Woman Walk Out" Haley's Beauty Center 1114 Union ft. Just Around Corner from Sears In the Capitol Shopping Center Free Parking S1 urSHORTIES sale! f--V w&f0U ;isvs ii m t- i sv vsw a f gsY m. m m ' ii aff i w r n ftm v- r m. 1 ii i ,s . WsT t m m a m k t m II" AHS iifi 6 X I Yaff il vf , . wig X ..M . m ... , ' 1. . ' is ' a . : m -aa t m m mi m. a Mfsf o77 o 7 "ViYf n,Tr V AND SHORT SHORTIES $22.50 and $29.95 New Weaves! Colors! 3 Styles! Three important styles! New! A spec ial manufacturer's clearance! Shor ties and short shorties! In all the lovely pastel shades for surnrner . . . in pure wool unfinish- ' "ZV ad worsteds . . . luxurious ' . satin and crepe linings! 3 r t Klew collar : . . eufh . . sleeves. Slash Dockets. etc. 1 0 to 20. Shop early for these. , 10 to 20 Deo"-"- Je tQq5t .r- 1. ,tjrid UOkilU.JUUIUUUUUaJ CUUSJ V. A Sss LlVas Comfortable, reclining coach scats . . . Delicious meals . . . and the Northwest's most scenic route are the reasons why Northwesterners choose "the Northwest's own railway"... Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway. Far farther information see Orege Eteswic ty. i J. D. Stm.ES Oregon Electric Freight Depot 0ttvtvaflri' Offtcott Aftvotwit sW40f twrtwi1 Oi"tts SPOKANE, PORTLAND sri SEATTLE RAILWAY COMPANY Ship ond travel "Um Norsiiwgst'i raUwrny r V A. s M M . i i i til - i it