Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 15, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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k fQ (3J Radio-Television cb
On Television
KPTV fChannef 27)
mtw HUM ta tditit
:M T- MktlnM TbMIM
1:14 . .rdi lor IWrm
l:M a.-Lovt sf Ui
l.4e o.ei.-.Tormaairi
44 Ttrnr od FlTlM
4:M .akRor Itocarl
: lOw K:
1:10 a.m. Doue Bdwardi
M p.m- mi for Baanr
:M a.Uu alarctaao-Waleott riant
1:04 u Hollmaa HrrkM
1:M M.-TH Aakat lor II
I t .m-Zlf Morr
:U D4&aia Day
l:M am. Chine, ol LltollM
I II Adolph M.bJchi
10:01 .. dub Kmaauv -11:14
.m. Bob Conildlae
U:M a.m. Madam luut Otrtn
.Futory Trainee) Serviql
and IniUUatloM
im Stole St Fhw S-7577
19:00 1-mKKl un Co.
12:00 soon Hum JUeln
11:10 p.m. T Hot Patrol
1:00 P.D.-IHU with 4W
1:10 ptcftta Victory
1:00 Loot fUnter
3:30 p.m. Arthur Oodfrtir
1:00 p.m. TV Thb Club
1:30 p.m. BUhop Sheen
4:00 p.m. Life Bating At M
4:10 p.m-uptrman ,
1:00 p.m.8iKrw of atiowi
:10 p.m. Hit PlTt
7:00 p.m. Jeckle GltMon
1:00 p.m. Dangerous AMlcuntnt
s Wrutliat
0:00 p.m. Balance Budget
1:10 p.m. PlajhouM of aura
10:00 p.m. Mr. euwi Mrs. North
10:30 p.m. Nash Thetter
Angel " ' Cookin how starring; Barbara
jnui-niuB cuuion, iu:is. Wewg and aportscast with
Norm Wallace and Bill Clayton.
MatJnea Theater, ?. "Spy Train." Richard Travis,
Catherine Craig, C. Chandler.
Fights, 6. Rocky Marciano of Brorlctnn. Mm va Jam.
aey Joe Walcott of Camden, NJ., in the postponed 16
round world's heavyweight championship bout from the
Chicago stadium.
You Asked for It. 7 :30. John Davis, Olympic hero and
Undefeated heavyweight amateur weight lifting cham
pion of the world will demonstrate the three standard
Olympic lifts, along with other thrilling acts.
The Big Story, 8. Reporter Lou Hass of the Los An
geles Daily News checks a drowning story and proves a
Dennis Day Show, 8:30. Charlie decides to go home
for Mother's Day but his boss won't give him time off.
Dennis attempts to cover for him.
Chance of a Lifetime, 9. Karen Chandler, young re
cording star is guest.
Favorite Story, 9:30. "Jack of Hearts," starring Rich
ard Crane, concerning a gambler, a duel and a card game.
Club Embassy, 10. Mindy Carson pays tribute to Vin
(pent Younmans. ' ;
Nite Owl Theater, 10:30. "Sweethearts of the USA."
Una Merkel, Parkyakarkus and Donald Novis.
This television is really interesting to follow. Thurs
day KORE-KUGN and Eugene Businessmen were grant
ed their construction permit by the Federal Communi
cation Commission for channel 13 (VHF) , . . Spokes
man claims 13 will be on the air in time for world series,
also buying transmitter from RCA.
In Eugene it's a heated race who will be on the air
first, both want to have the honor of being the first
television station in Eugene.
Gordon Allen, owner of the other channel allocated in
Eugene (20-UHF) says he will be on with his television
station in late summer. DuMont has promised him the
first UHF transmitter that they manufacture. Station
will be ready to telecast upon arrival of the transmitter.
At present Allen interests are focused on new Cottage
Grove radio station, slated to go on the air next month.
Call letters of the radio station are KSGA and letters of
the Allen TV station are KTVF. The power of the Allen
TV station will be lkw. with a radiated power of 25
lrura '
T " T..--1. . rrr, x .;,-Vl- m... M JlFUn Faith
Le oisnup manager oi itAjna was noi avauauie inurv io:oo ml-ciui ciruui
day for comment of his new allocation. -
Kids and Company 10. 10 -year -old Peter Garrity,
Easton, Conn., Cub Scout who saved an 8-year-old girl
is honored as "Kid of the Week."
Stake Horse Racing 12. "The Withers" from Belmont,
N. Y. One-mile race for 3-year olds. Value $25,000.
Date With Judy 1. The Fosters decide to give Mother
a "vacation at home" by doing the housework a plan
that backfires and spreads . like ; wildfire in the
Victory at Sea 1:30. "Suicide for Glory" The battle
against the Kamikaza. "
Lone Ranger 2. 'Triple Cross." Local Wells Fargo P. O.
is robbed.
Life Is Worth Living 3:30. Bishop Shee'ns program
will be telecast from the Adeliphi teletheater in the heart
of Manhattan.
Superman 4:30 "No Holds Barred." Editor White hires
young wrestling champ to expose crooked wrestling.
Clark Kent steps in to have a Hindu boy forced to teach
deadly holds to dishonest sportsmen.
Dangerous Assignment 8. "The Bhandara Story." Con
cerns an American farm machinery salesman convicted
in India on a charge of distributing revolutionary pamph
lets in the border provinces.
Nash Premiere Theater 10:30 "Getting Gerties's Gar
ter" ... Dennis O'Keefe and Marie "The Body"
Salem's Meat Complete
Television Center
Phone Da r Nlcht
2-1611 or 2-4728
Motorola TV
San Francisco, The fish
ing trawler Bering Sea, earlier
reported in danger of sinking
off the Northern California
coast, is out of danger, the
Coast Guard said Friday.
The Marion county Jersey
Cattle club will meet Sunday,
March 17, at the Felix Muller
home, Rt. 1, Jefferson. A pot
luck luncheon will be served
at 12:30 p. m.
CALL 4-2271
42 (oust H20 csrra
I JO p.m. whir, Cooklnit
11:41 .m. liornuu KUMoa
11:00 .m. EU Payoff
11:10 a.a. Wtleom Traltri
13:00 noon Kat smith
1:00 p.m. Double or Nothlnf
1:10 p.m. Strlki It Men
1 04 p.m. Mattnw Thtatar
1:11 p.m. flaarcb Tomorrow
packed right itttdetMs
r " "'CSV, Uiiiu
Personnel Hear
IBM Official
More than 31 branch office I
personnel and their wives were
guests at the traaiuonai io
family dinner which was giv
en vcitordav at the Matron ho
tel Coral Koom by oniciais
from the comp"y'l world
headquarters In New York.
The dinner was addressed by
L. H. LaMotte, vice president
in charge of sales, and presid
ed over by K. A. Olson, man
ager of the company's office
here at 1270 Center street C.
G. Kruse also spoke. Mem
bers of sub-offices In Oregon '
attended from Medford, Eu
gene, Klamaht Falls and Rose
burg. The gathering was one of
more than 180 similar functions
to be held throughout the
country during 1953 as an ex
pression of the. IBM family
spirit, which has played a vi
tal role in the growth of the
Retired employes of the com
pany as well as employes on
military leave who were in the
vicinity attended.
The invocation was delivered
by Dr. Paul Poling, of the Sa
lem Presbyterian church.
Albany Penney Co.
Manager to Mbve
Albany Word was received
here Tuesday by Tom Caswell,
manager of the Albany J. C.
Penney company store here
since June, 1950, that, he has
been named manager of the
Walla Walla, Wash., Penney
store and will be replaced here
by T. W. Winn, who has man
aged the Walla Walla store for
the last 15 years.
Caswell reported Wednesday
he will take over the Walla
Walla store next month, when
he will move his family there.
The Caswells came here from
LaCrosse, Wis. Since coming
here Caswell has been active in
civic affairs. Mr. Winn
been with the Penney compa
ny for the past 28 years.
-this sptobt efforf
We dont make an offer like this
ti7 often. If we4l4,we'4(obrokel
But we're tt a treat Niw Serf and
ire want yon to trj H now . . . anal
learn for roonelf all the tXTtAS
that Ntw Surf fine you.
fag 3 &6 &7M$
Ntw 8nrf ftvM jrou xtra long,
luting Mtdt (you cu 4Mt 'tm la
jrovr iUhpan) and trtrt iwwU
ctaaa with. And pM t 4Sf tab
f Ptcwotknt ChfcroMJM tooU
pattfe that trm yvm dtt wvth
tail for boara. Tkrm M zvrm
J m trtra emit
11:00 ft.m. Thli Is ibt lift
11:10 .ib Man's Confidanea ta ltaa
12:1ft p.m. Hour of Decision
1J:4S p.m. fcunday Star Tlmt
2:00 p.m. Threei Queues
2: p.m. Art Unxletter
2:30 p.m. Se U Wo '
2:00 p.m. Kukala. Fran and Ollle
1:30 p.m-Jack Benny
4:00 p.m:omedT Boor
1:00 p.n-Fr4 Wartn
1:30 P-m. Mr. Peeptn
1:00 p.nRed SkelVon
1:30 p.m. What's My Line?
7:00 p.m. Ctudio One
:00 p.mTV Plsyhouso
9:00 p.m. The .Doctor ,
9:30 pin- Tha Web
10:00 p.mBport Scholar -11:10
p.m. Newi Review
Technicians on Doty
Till 9:30 p.m. Daily
1410 S. 13th Ph. 45513
I Ito natter wkat BBJ
J make raeia ar EJ
I rr m in ban mm
I Btlacr'a aan ra- r'H
alr It attar.
j; i.XCallUTM. Jtti'Jl
The price of dog food ta
Ladd's ad Thnrs., May 14
was incorrect. It should
have read
2 25c
mm m,
iii rijrr ri m , ui i siis-siis siii i in mi r i
jJkZJ K voir I
ll'' 'Mif w
111 -r- ' i Sn
VaV, H I rallllllll II III "HI 111! IIY-rl I
1 ',7 I llllfa-li III 1 1 1 1 1 rl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (i r J n II
II I v ' H I i MkJS I
I I 1 CaMaw hi eMi so tha TV tat that fUytheotfa a8-3rear backaroond to I
'II I nntnarfnrma I1 othtira . . . new laetronicat Full-vMr warrant cm : ' 1
I I 5 IBM Ravtheon TV! U features all carta Inclndine picture tobet . I
I ' I exclusive one-knob aUhannel tun- left hewryl Coma in right away and I
! I jji I ing of any VHF or UHF station, start enjoying tha best m television I
I I SI I plus radio and phonograph! Com- AND your $37.50 value gift get d - . "
I J plate dependability because of Rogers 8flv and Cbeatl ; , I
I X mm - ' mt' ' m " '. 1
ii nu.. i ...tii rMHii in riM-ii i
HI, VIIVI kllllllUUe VVIllw 111 1JM ;
I I mwmm mmmm. M W W V fS
1880 Lana Ave. Phone 3-8558
- ' - -
Lock for this special get-acquainted offer at yoor peer's this week
uvm aaemtM coauANT a imi houu mm iou.n.1.
WmmmmtmmmmLWmm WLWLtmmmmmWLmXlllkM . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH
For the exciting events coming over television every doy for such big'events coming up Rost Ftstivol Porodt,
British Coronation, Indianapolis Auto Races, Boxing Bouts . . . don't be without a fine TV set in your home. Now,
you can come in and select any set you would like demonstrated in your home. We will deliver it, make a normal
antenna installation for. you to examine and enjoy at your leisure.
No Obligation to Buy
Nothing to Pay if You Return the Set
Don't Delay - Come in at the Earliest
Possible Moment
One Year Warranty
Ninety Day Free Service
Be Ready for K PIC-TV, SALEM, to
Come on the Air in the Near Future
Buy your television set with complete confidence in the set, installation and service at Yeater Appliance & Tile-
vision Co., Salem's oldest appliance store. Come in and select your set from these outstanding makes:
Liberal Terms Within Reason
Yesiteir Appliance MebvisimC.
375 Chemeketa St.
Phone 3431