Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 15, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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Fac 8
Friday, May 15, 1MJ
Woodburn Miss Janice
Painter, daughter of Mr. and
Mr. James . F. Painter of
Woodburn, wat elected worthy
adviser of Evergreen mm
blr No. 13, Order of the Balrv
bow for Girls, at the regular
meeting Wednesday night at
the Maionic temple. - She suc
ceed! Min Joanne Williamson.
Other elective officer are
Min Phyllia Robert, assort-
ate worthy adviier; Miu
Dollle Cummlngi,. Charity;
Min Jane McGrath, Hope and
Mia Sue Paulson, Faith.
Appointive off leers a n
nounced by Miss Painter are:
Harriet Hooper, chaplain;
Lorna Henderson, drill leader;
Salley DeArmond, assistant
drill leader; Dixie Bean, love;
-Joanne Schmid, rel'.gion; De-
lene See It. nature; Kattie Sue
Clark, , Immortality; Julie
Rostvold, fidelity; Shirley
. Moore, patriotism; Janice
Stach, service; Kathryn
Thompson, inner observer; Jo
; K. McNary, outer observer;
Carol Ann Llvesay, musician;
Manlee Parker, choir direct
or; Alice Chamberlain, Kay
Calkins, Joy Carver, Betty
Lou Burt, Collett Sue Carver,
Janice Selling, Charlene
Shaner, choir; Dixie Buud,
captain of drill team; Suzanne
DeArmond, historian; Susan
Jackson, custodian; Joyce
Eckwortzel and Peggy Doerf-
- ler, pages.
Installation will be at the
next regular meeting, May
27, and will be open to the
public at 8 pjn. Miss Joanne
Williamson, retiring worthy
adviser, will install. On Fri
day, May 22, the Rainbow
girls will assist at the De
Molny Installation.
A degree honoring Miss
Williamson was given by the
line officers and a friendship
degree by the drill team in
honor of Mrs. Tom DeArmond,
mother adviser. A "dutch
treat" was enjoyed at the
Coney Island restaurant after
the meeting and lighted
birthday cake was presented
to Mrs. DeArmond. .
the decoration committee
were Mrs. Merlin Salter, Mrs.
Robert Green and Mrs. Mau
rice Fleishman. Serving were
Mrs. Glenn Palmer, Mrs. Rol-
lin Baker, and Mrs. Roy
Farrand. In charge of the
kitchen were Ronald Lee and
Miss Charlotte Jones. James
Brents and Mrs. Charles Den-
hem planned the program,
. The cockles lor the tea
were made by the boys and
girls of Mrs. Charles Den
hem's sixth grade, and James
Brent's sixth grade girls msde
and presented nosegays to
each mother present.
Preceding the tea the
Mothers club met for their
regular meeting. It was an
nounced that the school bud
get would be voted on May
15, and the carnival dates had
been changed to May 29, 30
and 31. '
New officers were Installed,
president, Mrs. William Rector;
vice president, Mrs. Hamon
Harvey; secretary, Mrs. L. A.
Clinker; and treasurer, Mrs.
Ron Miller. Mrs. Floyd Mc-
Ciellan was the Installing
The attendence award was
won by Mrs. Merlin Salter's
third grade with Mrs. Walter
Scheffee, room mother, and
James Brent's sixth grade with
Mrs. Robert Hartman, room
mother. The hospitality awards
were presented to Mrs. Robert
Howells and Mrs. Carl
Mrs. Robertson Is
Feted at Shower
Turner Mrs. A. I. Robert
son of Turner entertained re
cently at a shower for Mrs.
Oran Robertson of Portland.
Winning prizes at fames
during the afternoon, were
Mrs. Guy Chapman. Mrs.
Harry Barnett, Mrs. Earl
Prather, all of Turner, and
Mrs. Emery Wood of Salem.
After the gifts were opened
by the guest of honor, refresh'
ments were served by Mrs.
Alvan Scott and Mrs. Fred
Miles of Salem. Those Invited
were Mrs. Oran Robertson of
Portland, Mrs. Emery Wood,
Mrs. Warren Doolittle, Mrs.
William Pero, Mrs. . James
Wood, Mrs. Alvan Scott, Mrs.
Fred Miles all of Salem; Mrs.
Albert Robertson, Mrs. Earl
Prather, Mrs. Henry Wershoar,
Mrs. Mary Ball, all of Turner;
Mrs. William Heseman of Sweet
Home; Mrs. Mlna Percival,
Phoenix Ariz; Mrs. Albert Jen
sen, Turner; Mrs. A. S.
Cameron, Mrs. Ethel Johnson,
Miss Charlotte Johnson and
Miss Marjorie Johnson, all of
Portland; Mrs. Everett' Wood
and Mrs. Peter Voth, both of
Hostesses for the party
were Mrs. A. E. Robertson;
Mrs. Alvan Scott and Mrs.
Fred Miles.
Mothers' Tea at
School on Tuesday
Salem Heights Salem
Heights school was the scene
of much activity on Tuesday
anernoon when sixth grade
students served at the annual
Mothers tea. The tea table
was decorated with Ulscs and
tulips, wftlte candles and a
gold cloth.
The girls dressed in
Gay 90's costumes, who ser
ved were Nancy Baker, Bon
nie Jean Kurth, Claudia
Weaver, Linda Rich, Frankie
Jo Gilman, and Carolyn
Howells. Pouring were Mary
Wilbur and Peggy Hogan.
Boys assisting were Richard
Post, B1U Allen, Richard Lott.
and Bill Townsend. Passing the
guest oook were Loretta Jean
Dreissler and Curia Nelson.
For the, program the Salem
Heights school band played
under the direction of Ray
mond Carl, and the sextet,
composed of Sue Zwicker,
A.aren Harris, Charlotte Pons
ford, Joan Hasklns, Judy Mc-
ueuan ana Molly Allen, pre-
sentea several numbers.
Mrs. u. rred Boyer was
the general chairman, and on
Woodburn Garden
Club Hears Talk
Woodburn Henry Hartwig
of the Salem peony gardens
was guest speaker at the Wood-
burn Garden club on Tuesday.
His talk was on the history,
varieties, and planting of pe
onies. There was a- good at
tendance of members and" sev
eral guests, i
The program featured piano
solos and duets by Douglas and
Russell Colgan. Hostesses were
Mrs. R. K. Seely and Mrs.
George Sweeney who served
refreshments from the attrac
tive tea table decorated with
spring flowers.
Mrs. Harold Colgan was pro
gram chairman and roll call
was answered with "my favor
ite rose." Flower arrange
ments were primroses.
The next meeting, June B,
will be the annual election of
officers and flower arrange
ments will be all white flow
ers. The hostess committee will
be Mr. and Mrs. Alvan G.
Cowan. This will be the final
meeting of the spring season
with the exception of the an
nual family picnic in July.
Mrs. Bisenius Named
As AL Unit President
ML Angel Mrs. R. T.
Bisenius was elected president
of the Mount Angel unit of
the American Legion auxili
ary, Tuesday night. She will
succeed Mrs. Eugene Hotter,
who has guided the organ!
ration's activities for the past
two years. .
Other new officers elected
are: Mrs. Ray Ruscher, first
vice president; Mrs. Ira Her-
rlford, second vice president;
Mrs. Maurice Hammer secre
tary; Mrs. Edward Hotter, ser-
geant-at-arms; Mrs. Fred Pros
per, chaplain; Mrs. Blanche
Norton, historian; Miss Theresa
Dehler, Miss Elizabeth Unger
and Mrs. Bernard Kirsch, exe
cutive committee.
Rev. Brenden Shea of Mount
Angel Preparatory school wss
the speaker at the Mother's
day program honoring the
Gold Star - Mothers. Sharing
honors with the Gold Star
mothers were Mrs. Forrest
Erlckson, state vice president,
and Mrs. Sylvester Lawrence
of Estacada. Gold Star mothers
present Included - Mrs. Clif
ford Norton, Mrs. Cora Evans,
Mrs. Minnie Hoffman, Mrs.
William Predeek and Mrs.
M. A. Wagner. Other mothers
introduced were Mrs. Frank
Fisher, Mrs. R. T. Ebner,
Mrs. G. D. Ebner and Mrs.
Dave Montgomery.
The state vice president
spoke briefly on membership
of 101 members, the largest
membership ever achieved
here: and made the surprising
statement that she hoped the
auxiliary would and should
outnumber the Legion in men
bers, since It bsd a larger
potentiality to draw from. She
also stressed the importance
of Increasing the poppy sale
to help the dissbled veterans
and asked the auxilary mem
bers to send in to head
quarters their votes on favo
rite radio' programs requested
In the April Legionnette. Mrs.
Leonard Smith was intro
duced as the 101st member of
the unit
The past presidents will
Cksrry Ofy
SSI Chemeketa
Phone 24762
meet at the home of Mrs. Er
nest Crowder on Thursday,
May 28, and Mrs. Gene Hot
ter will be hostess to the auxi
liary Juniors when they
gather at her home on
Saturday May 23.
The date for the auxiliary
dance was changed from May
30 to Friday evening May 29,
in the Legion hall.
Named as delegates to the
state convention at -Seaside,
June 17 to 20 are Mrs. Eugene
Hotter, Mrs. Ira Herriford,
Mrs. Fred Lucht and Mrs,
Joseph Faulhaber. Alternates
are Mrs. Maurice Hammer,
Mrs. Norton, Mrs. Mae Heggie
and Loretta Dehler. . ,
.Mount Angel prep school
students presented a program
to honor the Gold Star
Mothers. Taking part in the
program were Dave Given,
Maurice Hammel, Jim and
Mike Carroll, Larry Ebner
and Alan Obersinner.
Mrs. Cletue Butsch, Mrs.
Fred Prosser, Mrs. Eugene
Hotter and Mrs. Bernard
Kirsch were in chsrge of the
program and supper served
in the dining ball. .
ULVKBTON Mr. and Mrs.
C. Z. BHnn (Evelyn Blun-
dell) and daughter, Charlene,
of Springfield, have returned
home from a few days visit
at the home of Mrs. Blinn'e
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Bundell of Silverton. I
Today's Menu
Friday Fare '
Baked Fish Steaks
Bsked Potatoes
Fresh Asparagus
Buttered Carrots
Bread and Butter
Strawberry Floating Island
Strawberry Floating Island
Ingredients: I pint fresh
strawberries, 4 cup very fine
ly granulated sugar, 4 eggi
(separated). 3 cups milk, salt,
H teaspoon vanilla.
Method: Wash strawberries
and hull. Slice berries in half;
mix with V4 cup of the sugar
and allow to stand at room
temperature while preparing j
rest of dessert. Put egg yolks
in heavy saucepan; beat j
slightly; gradually stir In 1
sugar, milk and a dash of i
salt Cook and stir constantly
over low best until mixture
will coat a silver spoon and
is about as thick as heavy
cream; this will take about 20
minutes. Cool; stir in V tea
spoon of the vanilla. Divide
sugared berries, including
Juice, among 8 custard cups;
spoon cooled ' custard over.
Add a dash of salt to egg
whites and beat until foamy;
gradually add remaining V
cup of sugar, besting until
whites are very stiff; toward
end of beating add remaining
teaspoon vanilla. Pile merin
gue on ' top of soft custard.
Place cups on cookie sheet In
extremely hot (323F.) oven
Just until meringue is flecked
with brown about . Hi
minutes. Mskes 8 servings.
Woodburn Girl to
Wed in Germany
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Washburn of Wood
burn have received word that
their daughter, CpL Virgie
Washburn who Is in the Wacs
and stationed in Germany at
Heidelberg, will be married
Saturday. . May 18, to Sgt.
Jacob Turner whose home Is
in Pennsylvania. Tbr- couple
will be married in a chapel
on the baje. Miss Washburn
will apply for a discharge
from the service. She entered K
the Wacs in February. 1931, (
Mr. Turner is a regular army y
man and the couple hopes to j
return to the states in July.
Journal Want Ads Pay
"Wbsrsrrstty Woass Wtlkia
Buy The
Way to Save
Stock's I.M.O. Store
637 N. High Street
Salem, Ore. Ph. 4-5391
Television Bet, Radio
living, Dining, Bedroom
Mall new Chrome Furniture,
nreplaea ets. Lamp.
Clock. Watches, Jewelry
Small Appliances, Silverware.
Refrigerators, Vacuum
Sewing Machines. Luggsgs,
Home Freesen, Range.
Dryers. Hot Water Heaters.
Furnace. Sporting Good.
Binocular, Bicycles, Tires,
Batteries. Orocertea,
Plumbing Fixtures.
We Handle Everything!
Far functional disturb
ances, nervous headaches,
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Owes Dally. 7:M sua. - g aja.
Bandars, S aja. 4 PJB.
135 N. Commercial
never used such
PHONE 3-8862
Bourbon Taste of p
Ml. tfteat
lr OLD 11
Phone 3-6489
At a time who wa know you will most appreciate it our pleasure it to bring you this fine Eastern Oregon Hera
ford Reef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy
a week's supply. Fill your locker. -
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
Arm Cuts Blade Cuts-Rumps
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
seef; Mm
steak ruty
Round T-Bone Rib Steaks
roast or steak .59' Hearts rrtsl sett H
Youna Hens VKge i
Fully Dressed and Drawn L0-
lest selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fall to take advantage of these prices. Convenient
full year to pay.
credit may be arranged. Nothing dow
Half or Whole
Front Quarter
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Baby Beef
9 Fresh Beef
1 Tongues
Tender, Lean, Meaty