Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 15, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    May IS, 1I5
WU's A Coppello Choir to Sing Sunday.
(-3 S
Willamette university cap
pell choir will appear In con
cert next Sunday, May 17, at
8 p.m. in the First Christian
church. The concert is being
sponsored by 'the Salem Music
Teachers association, Mrs. Jack
Morrison, president.
The choir has experienced
one of its most successful yn
, since it was organized by Dean
1 Melvln H. Geist In the fall of
1939. During the spring tour,
from April S to 14, the group
sang in Yakima, Wenatchee,
Seattle, Beuingnam, Mt. Ver
non, Chehalis and Everett,
Wash.; Vancouver, B.C., and
in. Portland and Oregon City,
Salem students singing in
the choir are: Coralle Dough
ton, Audrey Roblin, Betty
Walser, Ronald Bartlett, Paul
saxer, uayiora xiau, wwis
Hampton, Ellin g Halvorsen
and Lawrence Monk. Those
from Salem playing in the or
chestra are: Phil Ringle. Caro
line Matter, Roberta Graham
and Sally Bolliger.
This year's concert features
as its first group, the Bach
cantata No. 4, with chamber
orchestra. This work is con
sidered by critics as one of the
most remarkable creations to
come from this master's pen.
The second and third group
; sung by the choir, will include
one of Kodaly's finest works
"Jesus and the Traders"; the
"Brazilian Psalm" by Berger;
"Benedictus" by Paladllhe;
Negro spirituals and folkexmgs
from various countries.
Faculty members assisting
In providing the accompani
ment for the Bach cantata are:
Dr. Willis Gates, violin; Ethel
Lou Stanek, cello; and Josef
Schnelker, organ. Dean Mel
vln H. Gelst will direct the
performance. The publie Is
OHlcera of the a cappella
choir for the year have been:
,Robert Anderson, president;
Eheila Schuerman, vice-president;
Carol Emerson, secre
tary; Ann Shldell, treasurer;
Norman Lawson, business
.manager; Paul Baker, asslst
... hiinM manager and pub-
' inctor. At a recent
-meeting the following officers
4were elected to serve for next
t.u Hamnton, presl- Emerson, vice-
J president; Coralle DougMon,
1 secretary; Dan Dearborn, trea
s surer; William Briggs. busl
fnesTmanager, Elllng Halvor
sen, publicity oirecwr.
YISirOBS arriving Thursday
at the L. L. Ferguson home
wr and Mrs. Charles A.
Harter of West Los Angeles
who will be here about i wlt.
Mr. Harter is an uncie m
Ferguson. . , ,
ri,.h FWfs
CI lira tra chOSCl!
Mrs. raui --
J president of the Grant school
Motnera ciuu v -- .-
- are MI'S. A-"
..i noM rlpnt Mrs
..t. n...Rr rrptnrv and Mrs.
eJHCfi. rcOYJi er. ma.-
t . Aflciirpr. The re-
tiring president is Mrs. Lauren
0Tne meeting honored sixth
grade students who will gradu
ate this year, a group of the
students presenting songs for
the program.
were served by
.mhers of the executive
Boots & Spurs
. bodyl. invited jo com.
to Uie annum - -this
coming Sunday morning at
vri0:m X ie.v:
group ui
ing the saddle club barns at
8?00 sharp and another group
will leave from Eryln Ward s
t 9:30 Each Is to bring his own
bacon and eggs ana -
nd rope to
An excellent fun night was
m It tfntlaP fl
put on oy v.ecu
V.un i..t friHsv n eht.
uien muu - - - - .
Fred Anunsen won a pottea
V a vilfl S
punt ana Jn - -
beautiful hand tooled purse do-
. . . VI In
fee to the possee after their
hw - . ...tin a ATnn.
mere wa '"" ......
day night after the regular
arm. jeiw tiuno, - -11am
Lumely were accepted for
membership. Miss Carmen as
sisted by Mrs. Olive Murray
' :V V
T Sing Saaday The Willamette university a cappella
choir, above, presents Its concert next Sunday, May 17, at
S pjn. in the First Christian church, the Salem Music
Teachers association as sponsor.
Sojourners Guest
Day on Thursday
Salen Sojourners observed
their semi-annual guest day
at the Salem Woman's club,
Thursday afternoon. Guests
were Mesdames Houston Os
burne, Victor Small, Erwin
Lindsey, M. B. Stegner, Carl
Jordan, Robert Nelaon,
Thomas Kelly, Jack Frisbee,
George Gruchalla, Robert
Schriener, William' Wilson,
George Alexander, George
Brown, Charlotte Brown, Ger
ald Kendall, Bill Clabaugh,
and Miss Elsie Bishop. Mrs.
Richard Lankow, Mrs. E. C.
Engall, Mrs. Edith Cunning
ham, and Mrs. W. L. Schaum-
berg attended for the second
time. Mrs. Lawrence Michel
was welcomed as a new
Centerpieces for the dessert
were small May poles, with
colorful ribbons and gum-
drop bases on lacy doilies.
Mrs. B. J. Cleary was chair
man for the day, assisted by
Mrs. J. W. McCrea, Mrs. G. F.
Home, Mrs. Frank Parcher,
Mrs. Louis Ertz, Mrs. Hobart
Price, and Mrs. Clifford
Bridge prizes were awarded
to Mrs. Lester Orton, and
Mrs. Roger Archer, members;
and to Mrs. Erwin Lindsey
and Mrs. Charlotte Brown, as
guests. Canasta prizes went to
Mrs. M. B. Stegner and Miss
Elsie Bishop. .
served coffee.
Wednesday night coffee was
served by Mrs. Fred Anunsen
after hard and fast drill.
Only one more week until
the last dance of the year, the
jean ana cotton dance. Every.
body is Invited to turn out for
this and have a good time and
enjoy dancing to the music our
fine orchestra plays.
(C) Speclslly designed to mold snd slim
heavier figures. Gives excellent abdom
inal control. Elastic gores at waist
(D) Joan Browne proportioned cotton
Bra. Sizes 32-36, A-B-C cups 1.5
l IA
IN PORTLAND this eve
ning for dinner and the ice
follies are several Salem peo
ple including Mr. and Mrs.
Parker Llneberry, Mr. and
Mrs, Joe Hutchison, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Stanley and Mr.
and Mrs. David H. Cameron.
The Stanleys and Llneberrys
plau to go on to Longview,
Wash., where they will spend
the week-end. .
New Officers in
Amaranth Preside
Mrs. Charles McCabe, royal
matron, and Robert Nlckens,
royal patron, presided over
their first regular meeting of
Cherry court, Order of Ama
ranth, on Wednesday.
The progam honored
mothers, and Mrs. James Man
ning was named mother of
the year for Cherry court
She is the deputy supreme
royal matron and was grand
royal matron of Oregon when
Cherry court was constituted
April 25, 1950. A guest waa
Mrs. R. Lee Wood, associate
grand lecturer.
The annual memorial cere
mony was exemplified dur
ing the meeting.
Heading ' the social com
mittee were Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Davis.
Wins'Oscar1 . ,
Miss Amanda Anderson
won the oscar for her talk at
Salem Toastmistress - club
Thursday. Mrs. Marion Wood
en was general evaluator of
the talks and timekeeper was
Mrs. A. - E. Ullman. Guests
were Mrs. Marvle Ghee, Mrs.
Roy McFarlane, Mrs. Ethel
Nile and Mrs. L. J. Kney.
Mai mum iuvsm
Sizes 28-38
Zonta Installs Officers;
Committee Heads Listed
Annual Installation of offi
cers featured the meeting of
Salem club of Zonta Interna
tional when the group met last
evening at the home of the re
tiring president, Mrs. Miry
Miss Genevieve Morgan, im
mediate past district governor,
installed the following: Mir.
Vernon Wiscarson, president;
Miss Echo Yeater, first vice
president; Mrs. Oscar C. Chris
tensen, second vice president;
Miss Hazel Roenlcke, secretary;
Mrs. Mabel Clock, treasurer.
Closing the installation was
the traditional "building of the
Zonta bouquet," Mrs. Harry W.
Scott being the narrator, Miss
Nellie Schwab arranging the
Miss Hazel Cook of the Port
land club was a guest A gift
from the retiring board was
presented Mrs. Thomas in ap
preciation of her work as pre
sident this put year.
Invftation was received to
attend the installation banquet
of the Portland club the eve
ning of May S3, the dinner to
be at the Heathman hotel.
Mrs. Wiscarson announced
standing committee chairmen
for the new year as follows:
Attendance, Mrs. June Lamb,
Mrs. Oscar C. Christensen,
Tea For Mothers
Event of Thursday
Many guests attended the tea
on Thursday honoring Ameri
can Gold Star Mothers and
American War Mothers given
by Marion auxiliary, Veterans
of Foreign Wars. Pouring were
Mrs. Onaa Olson and Mrs.
George Lewis, charter mem
bers of the VFW, and Mrs. Dale
Brooks and Mrs. Herman Laf
ky. Mrs. George Mason was
hostess for the event
Representing the two honor
ed groups were Mrs. George
Pro, president of Salem chapter
of the American Gold Star
Mothers, and Mrs. Glenn W.
Prather, president of the
American War Mothers.
Mrs. William Kelso present
ed vocal numbers for the pro
gram, her accompanist being
Mrs. William MathU. Robert
McDowell played piano selec
For Miss Blaxall
Mils Joanne Blaxall, who
is to be married Sunday to
Gene W. Bartu, waa honored
at a., surprise' party, last eve
ning when a group of neigh
bors called at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs.- R. C.
Blaxall. About 25 were la
the group. A gift was pre
sented Miss Blaxall.
Miss Thelma Davis and
11S N. Liberty
PHONE 3-3191
Good Control 5.79 Sizes 36-48
(E) To give ynu that smooth unbroken
line wtih maximum support Flexible
coll wire boning plus elastic reinforced
lnnerbelt sevtlon for extra abdominal
control. Semi built-up bust section.
Mrs. Herbert Winkler, co-
Finance. Miss Lena Belle
Membership, Mrs. Mary Tho
Service, Mrs. Naomi Massee.
Mrs. Frank J. Burke, co-chair
Fellowship. Miss Dorothy
Inter -city. Miss Genevieve
Program. Miss Echo Tester.
Mrs. William X. Smith, co
chairmen. Publie affairs and status of
women, Dr. Elizabeth Rider
and Miss Mary Larson, co
chairmen. International relations. Miss
Msxlne Buren.
Bulletin. Mrs. Kenneth Ham
Helen Yockey memorial com
mittee, Mrs. Herbert Winkler,
Dr. Helen Pearce, Miss Nellie
Blue Cross committee. Mn.
Margaret Rosecrans.
Co-hostesses with Mrs. Tho
mas for the meeting were Mrs.
Robert L. EUstrom, Mrs. How-
era Miller, Mrs. Robert M.
Fischer, Jr., Mrs. Tom Wolga
mott Mrs. Wiscarson poured
for the dessert preceding the
Mrs. Stella Hess arranged the
party. The table was set with
pink sweet peas, pink tapers
and two miniature brides. The
cake was decorated with pink
roses. Mrs. Joe Seal poured.
, ,
Jacobys Honored -
At Golden Wedding
sublimity Mr. and Mrs.
Ferdinand Jacoby celebrated
their 55th wedding anniver
sary at an open house at their
home in Stayton on Sunday,
may a. mends called to
greet the couple during the af
ternoon. In the morning. special
mass was offered for the hon
ored couple and their family
oy ue Kev. Main Jonas at Im
maculate Conception church, a
breakfast following the serv
ice. Mr. and Mrs. Jacoby were
married at Bird Island. Minn-
April 28, 1898. They are the
parents or nine living chil
dren. Mrs. Hugh Caroline.
NJJ.; Mrs. Tom B rod en, Great
reus. Mont.: Mother Marv
Barbara, Unuline Order. Bell-
vtlle, IU.; Mrs. Ray Andrews,
wooamirn; Mrs. John Jaeger,
Mt. Angel; Mrs. Herbert Birk-
holz and Joe Jacoby, Sublim
ity, Id Jacoby and Ted Jacoby,
They have 29 grandchildren
and 18 great grandchildren.
SaW,- - Jjt
' ,t.vv6?'eio
ni Vrt" rt i -wo
Take Part
In Programs
ICMUI JmibiI Cdnuaten
University of Oregon, Eu
gene (Special) Junior
Week-end has been proclaim
ed a wonderful success at the
University of Oregon. By
Sunday, even the weather had
cleared up. Friday night was
the prom. The Student Un
ion was as full as it possibly
could have been. It was there
that the queen, Joan Walker,
was crowned. Joan Marie
Miller of Salem was in the
queen's court An outstand
ing honor that Joan Marie re
ceived was the Ger linger cup
for outstanding Junior woman
of the year. Along with being
co-chairman' of the whole
program, Miss Miller had a
very busy week-end. Druids,
Junior men's honorary tapped
that night also.
The all-campus luncheon
was at MeArthur Court be
cause of the weather, but
there waa fun in spite of the
dampness. Tapping at this
event was Mortar Board, sen
ior women's honorary, who
selected Joan Marie Miller as
Friars, senior men's honor
ary; Asklepisds, the medical
honorary; and Scabbard and
Blade, the military honorary,
also pledged then.
Some of the Salemltes at
tending the luncheon' were
Mrs. Vera W. Miller, Joan
Marie's mother, and Margaret
Miller; Mrs. Wendell Webb
and Marcla; Mrs. Karl Becke
and Marjorie and Mrs. John
H. Carson and Ann.
The float parade was the
next outstanding event of the
week-end. The float that re
ceived first place was a beau
tiful piece of workmanship.
It was called Dreamers Holi
day, and it waa really a dream
to look at it It had huge Illu
sion tulips and butterflies
juu inula ui Dummies
with children riding on them.
The float that took second
w tbv.
place honors was Holiday Car
ousel. The third place winner
was Picnic Holi-oax. Salem
mothurs watching the parade
included Mrs. Webb and Mar
cla, Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling
and her daughter, Alice Lou
ise; Mrs. Chandler Brows and
her daughter, Plum; Mrs.
Ralph' Hamilton and her
daughters, Sharon and Norma.
A tea for the mothers ws
Saturday afternoon la the
Dads lounge of Gcrllnger
hall. Mrs. John B, Caughell
headed the line as state presi
dent of Oregon Mothers.
That evening, the all cam
pus sing was a big event One
of the outstanding numbers
was the first place winning
one, Ave Marie, sung by Pi
Beta Phi. In the chorus were
Sharon Brown, Pat Ullman.
Norma Hamilton.
Dorothy Govlg of Salem dl
reeted the Highland Houss
group for (he sing. Gordon
Sloan of Salem sang with the
Sigma Cbis who won first
place m the men's division.
Sigma Phi Epsllon won m
ond place and Bruce Schaf-
xer of Salem was one of the
On Sunday, all of the houses
entertained at Sunday dinner
for mothers and the sunlight
serenade closed the week-end
Elections for Associated
Students, University of Ore
gon, featured this week with
Tom Wrightsen of Portland
being named the new student
body president.
In the running for least
man on campus is Larry
Klrlnsffllta of Salem. 1
Cleaning Kestyliag
1141 Terry St - Pa. Mill
I ... , . ,
10 "10X6 UaSSltieti AdS
I rnone
Reg. $25.00 and $29.95
New! Weaves! Colors
3 Styles!
Three Important styles! New! A spt-
, - cial manufacturer's clearance! Short
ies and short shorties! In all the lovely
pastel shades for summer
... in pur wool unf inlsh-
sw I J I V J r LV r J I I I n v I
- w - v;
Tells Troth
Announcement was
Thursday of the engagement
of Miss Patricia Xeppinger.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Cleo Xeppinger, to James De
Lapp, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lester DaLapp. '
The news was revealed at
the Junior Senior banquet at
George Fox college where both
Miss Xeppinger and Mr. De-
Lapp are students.
No date has been set for
the wedding.
IN DALLAS Tb'ursday
morning for a birthday break
fast were Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Burke, the party honoring Mr.
Burke's father, 8. L. Burke
who was 91 years old. Present
were the honored guest. Mrs.
Carl Coney of Dallas, Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Rogers of Camp
Sherman, and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Burke of Salem.
Edit Ycxr Kssssj
tr com to umi ,i.T lk(
WMmiIoi ana tmiy el ftlldws AH
AImIim Awalasa, N k emiag
et mr-triM auicfc Umm
tent i
S Veacs
rieaae seat Free Llteratare
Venetian Blind
ond Shade Co.
S02IN.X. Alberta
' Portland 11, Ore. ' ;
. ed worsteds . . . luxurious
' satin and crept linings!
New collar . . . cuffs . .
sleeves. Slash' pockets,
tc. 10 to 20. Shop early
for these.
LLl I V it