Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 15, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Friday, May 18, ltU
Capital Women
Mrs. Sprague
Will Head .
Satan branch of American
. Association of University Wo
anen bald tta final me tin of
tba year Thursday avenJng at
Baxter hall and elected Mrs.
Arthur Spragua to servo a pre
aidant during tha coming year
to auccead Mr. Thomas W
Othar saw off cart chosen
ara Mr. John K. Hann, rlct
president; Mr a. Charlei Lay-
port, aecretary; Mri. Stanley
Sutler, treasurer; and Mri. E.
W. Rector, student loan trus
tee. Tha meeting was tha occa
sion to honor the graduating
aenlor women of Willamette
University. Tha program was
provided by the Modern Darce
group ox Oregon state college.
MlM Zleonor Roberts intro
duced Miss Betty Lynd Thomp
son, director of the group, who
2a turn presented the nine girls
who made up the roster of dan
ears. Tha girls exhibited exer-
eieta and performed eight dan
ces which had been composed
by tha students themselves.
Their accompanist at tha piano
was Miss Ellen Foley.
Mrs. Lawrence C. Merriam,
Jr. five a brief talk for the
seniors on "WUt is AAUW7
' During the business meeting
Mrs. Churchill announced the
electing new officers Wed'
nesday evening was tha Holly
wood Lions club auxiliary. Tha
group choaa Mrs. Marvin Clat
terbuck as president; Mrs. I.
A. Bradfield, first vice presi
dent; Mrs. Clarence Grieg, sec
ond vice president; Mri. Carl
Llndstrom, secretary; Mri. Z,
J. Oiko. treasurer.
Delegates chosen to attend
tha state convention In Klanv
etn rails in mid-June were
Mrs. A. J. Crote and Mrs.
James H. Tlndall. Mrs. Croee
gave a report on the board
meeting which she attended
in Astoria.
The group met at the home
of Mrs. Lester Thomas, Mrs.
Verne Boon and Mrs. J. L.
Batdorf assisting.
Piano Recital
Will Be Saturday
A piano recital la planned
for Saturday evening in the
Carrier room of the first
Methodist church, the pupils
of the Thomas studio to pre
sent the program. The pub-
he Is Invited.
Taking part in the program
will be: Sandra Sneddon, Rose
mary Weekly, Carl Helnke,
Susan Humphreys, Judy PahL
Evelyn Hough, Lorraine How
ard, Janice Fahl, Warren
Helnke, Gloria Rodriguez,
Chi Omega
New officers were chosen by
Chi Omega alumnae when they
met laat evening. Mrs. Charles
H. Darou, Jr. ia tha new presi
dent and serving with her aura
Mrs. Reinald Anderson, vice
president; Mrs. Jackson Hate-
lett, aecretary; Mrs. C. V. Jon-
asson, treasurer) Mrs. B. Z.
Brown, corresponding secre
A large group attended the
meeting at tba home of Mrs.
Glaybourne Dyer.
Plana were made for a pic
nic on June 23 at the home of
Miss Edith Llbby in Jefferson,
Mrs. Dale Pence and Mr a.
Frank A. Brown to be co-host
a a
'Poppy Day'
Is Proclaimed
selection of Miss Olive M. Dahl judy Powtrt. cdwlte He'
Z j r, i Ti Joyce Weekly, Judy Powers,
the delegation to the AAUW wJL, wi
-.!..., V. 1
June in Minneapolis.
During the evening Mrs.
Churchill was presented with a
white orchid corsage by Mrs.
Arthur Spragua on behalf of
the branch. Corsages for the
aenlor women were provided
by Mrs. Charlee Derthlck,
Mra. Steve Anderson, Mrs. Jo
seph Franko and Mrs. Arthur
Following the program punch
and cookies were served. Pre
siding at tha punch bowls were
Mrs. Paul Frost, Mra. Kenneth
Bush, Mrs. A. M. Strohbehn
and Mrs. Robert F. Nichols. The
punch table waa attractively
decorated with a May 'pole,
dancing figures and Cecil B run
ner roses. Members, of tha
board served as hostesses un
der the direction of tha hos
pitality chairman, Mrs. J, B.
. a.', a
Honor Mother
Entertaining at no-host
dinner this week were Mr.
and Mra. Earl Burke, their
daughter and son, Janet and
Son. Tha party waa in honor
af Mrs. Burke'a mother, Mrs.
Emma Solie.
Invited were Mrs. Solles's
four daughters and their fami
nes, Mr. and Mra. Norman
Johnson and Freddie, Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Brown and
Claudia, all of Portland, Mr.
aad Mra. Frank Jandera of
Salem, the hosts, and Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Wavra, Marcella
Blundell of Sllverton.
Group Entertained
The Beta Sigma chapter of
Xpsilon Sigma Alpha sorority
met this - week at the home
of Mrs. Clinton J. Cooter, Mra.
RoUln Hammett as co-hostess.
Mrs. Roy Yung, Jr. put on a
hair style show for the group.
Plana were made for a card
party on June 12 for members
and their friends, the party
to be an evening one at
Mayflower hall.
Next meeting of he ehap
r is May 27 at the home of
Mra. Clifton Boehmer.
PLE&F CLUB of Pythian
Sisters was entertained on
Wednesday by Mrs. Clifford
Schultx and Mrs. Harry Wil
son at tha Schultx home. The
group played cards, 23 being
present for the evening.' Win
ning honors were Mrs. L. L.
Hansen and Mra. A. R. Jacob
sen. Mrs. Betty Jean Bergner
and Mis Caroyln Nieder
berger won special prizes.
Golf Club
Mrs. Darrall William was
welcomed as a new member
of tha Oak Knoll Ladles Golf
club on Wednesday. Mr. Hal
Davis was a guest for the day's
Winner In elass A were
Mrs. Kenneth Jacohsen and
Mr. Clinton Ruiter; class B,
Mrs. Fsul SUke and Mra.
Arthur May, elass C, Mrs.
Henry Morris and Mrs. Robert
Saturday, May 23, has been
proclaimed as Poppy day by
the national president of the
American Legion auxiliary,
Mrs. Rae Ashton of Vernal
Utah. She will open the an
nual Poppy day ceremonies by
placing a poppy in President
Dwlght D. Elsenhower's lapel
at the White House in Wash
ington, D.C
Wear a Poppy" is the
theme of the aale this year.
Capital unit of Salem to sell
10,000 of the veteran-made
popples In Salem on Friday,
May 22. Funds from the cam
paign enable veterans in Ore
gon who make the poppies to
nelp support their families.
Capital unit members who
ara in charge of the sale are
Mrs. Lue Lucas, chairman;
Mrs. Neil Witting. Mrs. T. J.
Bra bee, Mrs. A. D. Apperson,
Mrs. Forrest Eckles, Mra, Al
bert C. Fabry, Mr. C. W. Jor-
gensen, Mrs. Clara Poland,
Mrs. Anson Ingels, Mr. Walter
L. Spaulding, Mrs. Glenn Bur-
right and Mrs. Austin H. Wil
Captains making arrange
ments for tha campaign are
Mra. Walter Osborne, Mrs.
Lena Hlldebrandt, Mra. Clar
ence Bissau, Mra. Lucas Vogt,
Mrs. J. D. White, Mrs. Michael
Panek, Mr. Glen Holman, Mrs.
Florence Ames, Mrs. Stuart
Johns, Mr. Ray Bassttt, and
Mr. Austin H. Wilson,
Visitor Leaving '
Mrs. Roy Crowley - of St
James, Minn., who has been
visiting here the past few
week at the home of her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mra. Wilmer C. Page,
leavea thla week-end. Mrs.
Paga will go to Seattle with
her sister, Saturday, the two
there to Join another sister,
Mra. Thomas Stover of Belle-
vue. Tha three will go to Van
couver, B. C. for a day pre
ceding Mrs. Crowley' depar
ture for Minnesota.
VISnTNQ hero until Sun
day are Mrs. John W. Loug
hary and daughter Kathleen
Clair, from Eugene. They are
guests ' of Mrs. Loughary's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Peg in Washington
Washington, D.C, May 11
Dear Marian:
For a variation, how would
you Ilka a Washington recipe?
Thla ia "Crab Norfolk," a pre
pared by a well-known res
taurant here. ' Place enough
butter In a casserole to cover
the bottom of tha dish, went
melted. Heat the dish thor
oughly aad place the crab meat
in the casserole. Lightly
sprinkle with paprika so that
it will be golden in color. Place
in a hot oven for about five
mlnutea until it la thoroughly
heated through and add a
much dry imported sherry as
there la butter in ue aun.
Dont add the wine until the
casserole and crab ara heated.
Remove from oven as soon a
sherry I added and serve tm-
medlstely. Dip the butter-
wine sauce over the crab when
It la Placed on plates. I like
thla with lobster, aa well a
crab or ahrimp.
lousewlves Delight
111 N. High St
mm paoie it!
is? ml effideacj. Bare aw s ri ttst tea
1 I aa a-aianiaai
Lea and Faya Stanley were
in the office this week. Lou,
who was with the State Engi
neer's office In Salem for a
number of year, is scheduled
now for a tour of duty in Ice
land with the Army Engineer.
.They have had many interest
ing year with Lou working In
oversea soots and during sev
eral years in Alaska. More
recently they have been In
Portland. Faye was holding
to a thin hope that she might
eventually get to Join her Hus
band in Iceland but for the
present orders do not permit
Tom Stoddard, witn com
monwealth in Portland and
known to many Salem friends,
was enjoying a reunion with
Keith Hall here this week. R.
H. Baldock, state highway en
gineer, is lunching tomorrow
with Secretary McKay in be
tween session with Congres
sional committees on highway
matters. One evening while
Governor Faal L. Patterson
waa in Washington, ha waa the
guest at a banquet af sly
Samuels, Portland attorney,
and Dava Bebiaaea, another
attorney of Portland who has
been In Salem frequently aa a
member of tha FEPC group
and on other public welfare
project. James H. Cellars,
Astoria, who only recently
wound ud his legislative coun
cling assignment in Salem, is
in Washington .this week tor
W 9
Not all of those we hear of
or from have aa simple namse
a those I have mentioned to
night, a among some of our
Department corresponaents in
the Indian Bureau are such un
usual names as "Mr. Grace
Kills A Boy," ."Mr. Ferry
Pretty Paint" and "Mrs. Olive
Old Ball Cornea la A Day." A
letter that etarte off "Dear
Mr. Kills a Boy" really make
me chuckle as I read through
the dally reading file of letter
from the various divisions.
Soeaklnc of amusement of
one sort or another, the Sec
retary was enthusiastically re
porting thla morning of the
good time he had yesterday af
ternoon when he and Mr.
McKay were at the USO, fol
lowing the Arlington ceme
tery. He vudted with the
service men guest of the USO
and apparently had some fine
momenta of relaxation. Such
momenta are a rarity in the
life of a government official.
Mr. McKay was the cake-cutter
for the party and Salemlte
know that she can well per
form that role. Greeting
from Washington. Peg.
MEMBERS of the Nancy
Gormsen Horizon club are
planning a beach trip, Satur
day. They will go to Nelecott
Luncheon is planned at noon.
Misses Sharon Johnson and
Joyce Randall are in charge of
arrangements for the trip. J
Duo Tell
u, end Mrs. Franklin J.
Rob bin of Corvalll announce
tha anncement of their
daughter, Miss Rose aoane
Bobbins, to Donald Lea Ow
en, aon of Mr. ana sir. s. a.
Owen of Salem. Newoftn
engagement was first revealed
at a ahower given for Miss
Marilvn NleL The wedding
Amlm haa teen act for May 20.
The bride attended uorvai-
lis high school. The oriae
rroom waa graduated from
Salem hish school and attend
ed Oregon State college where
he la affiliated with Phi Sigma
Kappa. He ia now stationed
at San Antonio, Texas, with
the U.S. air force. .
a a
SALEM friends have receiv
ed word of the birth of a aon
to Mr. and- Mrs. James Swar
brick (Madeleine Keene) on
Mar 5 at Ventura. Calif. There
ara two older sisters in the
family, Sandra and Christine.
Grandparent are Mr.. and Mrs.
Roy S. Keene of Corvallis, for
merly of Salem. Mr. Keene
haa gone south to be at the
For Bride-Elect
s-.-nl Jaan Schmidt
Monday night at
her bom at a surprise ahower
for Mia Carolyn Smith, bride
.t.t Jack Welbe. Tha
wadding will be in June,
a Th airia from the aenlor
class at Salem academy which
both hostess ana nonoree ai
... wm invited, uames were
anil at a lata hour re
freshment were served. A spe
cial feature was tne case in we
I shape of an umbrella made
by the hostess' another.
home of her daughter for a
Urn. ' ' '
Wallace Road, visited recently
with friends and relative at
Alameda, Oakland and othar
bay region cities and in north
em California. She attanded
the Oakland flower show,
a .
Attending the district II
banquet for Neighbors of
Woodcraft in Newberg thla
week were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mitchell, Mra. Walter Craven
and Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Scott
DfTMifKf, accept fy
For simple headache and
simple neuralgia caused by
a common cold, headache,
nasal congestion, fever,
musculor ache and pain,
temporary constipa 1 1 a n
Only of
Open Dally, 1:10 ajn. - I pja.
Sundays, ajn. - 4 pjn.
135 N. Commercial
rllsirail J
MfOm-hBeaiWl, SslaJian, ' C"5I
, tea aWS aad Baiti O Huuslsj...
' PHON1 I-J191
aWnCaataaBss)7 faAstllaafctad W At tasfltsaQf taabOfeatOty Okf OTKft
) tttt VQftfl laVSVast HPteafl Wtt&LW&MXl Ltaattisljf pH
w Med lor wrttit txfmilj tot mm, kk torn mA
StsaMBss IVheUf
fcSeWat iM aSw BF Ptaaw ft-M
aaSs IMw t.Aw'
Wk paj soret...the beat coata leas
t a: it iu n mn ,: :
" "'
2.98 -
0(3 Made-for -eoh-of our eotor-brijhf, fashion-bright Blouse
and Skirt eoord holes of tvb-loving, no-Iron crinkle -eotton. So aool
end carefree so perfect for casual wear. The pretty puffed-sleeve
blouse ts richly shirred for fashion, tiered skirt flares-out for flattery.
Hurry In, you're sure to wont severwl for a gay summer season, Mix
er BMfch them la deeert green, red, fane, purple, navy.
to' sw. '
E Stay cool look crisp and frath ol W modest price. And wtwt could
be more practical than IN. tuds-fevlng eon Scoop nedmeer Rare
low at the hip-Cne for a long torse offed. So inwt In ton, blue or grey,
Hoher sun-bock, amort with er without It, brief bolero (see smoil
sketch). $o crisp In polished Evergloze chombro,. Bold strip,, big
scer burtons odd new-seoson dttol-ing. Chocae it in ton, blue or groy.
fcedMeym Drugs
W9mj$mf 0mmjn