frlday, My 15, 195S TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL, Hkm, Ucal Paragraph: ilety Dinner Dated A er ponored by City sit Lines, when 17 driver receive awards for safe ng from the National ty Council will be held fsdsy night, May JI at the tor Hetel. .Warded Scholarships Two rhigh achool aeniors have warded scholarships to ft college in Portland. Wil 1 Ringnalda, aon of Hr. jMn. Murco Ringnalda, 16S ft Washington avenue, and le Griebenow, son of Mr. kMrs. Paul Griebenow, 80S fvlew avenue are among 07 etudenta In th lTni4 les to receive scholarships. New Chamber Members Chamber of Commerce mem bers listed this week are: Toy and Hobby Shop, 183 North Commercial street! anri v. Kleeck's Sandwich Shop anfl MKura, loo worth Commer cial. rd Elected Paul Ray- Id Ward, grandson of Mr. (Mrs. R. J. Warren, 1395 mt Road, Salem, was elect fophomore class represents- for next year ir an all tpus election held at the yerslty of Oregoi. Wednes 1 Ward was one of the 10 led Independent Students jted in an election which I all major political posts to members of the Associat ,GreAk Students party. A hmac in liberal arts at the versity, Ward is a graduate Salem High School. Jamp Enrollment Up Re lation for the several per il of camping to be held at mp Silver Creek under the mtorshlp of the YMCA now lis 560, reports Scotty Wash rn, boys work secretary, tee is yet available in two groups, 9-11 and 12-15. The (t boys outing is scheduled June 21. The capacity of the Dp for boys outings has been trged to certain extent Engineers Meeting Clifton i Enfield, attorney for the ite Highway Commission, 1 be speaker at a meeting the Willamette Valley ipter of the Oregon Society .Engineers at the Senator 1 Friday night, starting at 0. He will talk on "Legal ipeets of Highway Access ntrol." It will be the last icting until September, bn Martin of Salem Is pro im chairman. An atten ncc of about 00 is expected. admits Theft A 17year-old lem high school youth ad tted to city police Thursday l theft of two billfolds con ning $6 from the boys lock room at Salem High School out three weeks ago. He j held for juvenile court Bike Recovered A boy's is bicycle was recovered im North Mill Creek at Sum' ir street by city police Wed iday evening. The bike is taken to the police sta- Given Awards One red rib bon and two awards of Merit were won by M. A. Arts, Salem photographer at the Pacific Northwest photography con vention held in Spokane May 10-12. The ribbon and awards were on children's portraits. Many Bee Pictures Motion pictures taken by Dr. Robert Anderson during the 195 2 Olympic games have been seen by 7,381 persons. Dr. Anderson has made 77 showings of his pictures, traveling some 8,650 nines outside the city of Salem. District Meetini The Flrnt Congressional District Council of Townsend Clubs will meet at 10:30 Sunday, May 17, in Beaver hall, 248 North Com mercial street. A business meeting will be held in. the morning followed by a picnic lunch at noon. In the After noon F. L. Snodgrass, state organiieo, of Portland, will speak. , Bonus for War (Continued from Paoe 1) Buinlding Permits Mills Construction company, to build a court at 402-424 South Capitol and 1030 Mill, $46, 000. Jay Brisco, to reroof a one-story dwelling at 1765 Montrose, $2000. Vernon For rest, to build a one-story dwelling at 1175 North 17th, $8900. William B. Anderson. to alter a two-story dwelling ai iu3 Hunt, $30. Grant Hyames, to alter a garage and workshop, $750. William Koth, to build a storage build ing at 1740 Oxford, $300. uieiin jrompson, to alter a one-story dwelling at 1655 South High, $850. Paul A. ficke, to alter a one-story dweUing at " 865 Shipping, certificates referred to in the act were to have been issued in lieu of money that would be available at a later date. Tborton aaid that the re striction did not effect bonus payments but merely the certi ficates. Many File George A. Jones, bonus divi sion supervisor, said that the division had received 297 late bonus applications, $29 re quests for application blanks and there are some 250 cases on file of "partial payments where one of the two parents or one or more of the children, of the deceased veterans railed to ap ply by the original deadline. In these latter cases, Jones said, if only one parent, for ex ample, filed, he was paid half the bonus due both parents. The remaining half of the bonus couldn't be paid because the other eligible party failed to file. This brings to 876 the num ber of known cases who would probably .be entitled to bonus payments. In addition, Jones said, many inquiries have been received since the deadline where veterans did not file be cause they had been told that it was too late. He said that he expects the division to receive from 4,000 to 5,000 new applications, but expected that only about 2,000 of them will turn out to be valid claims. Application forms are avail able through veterans organi zations, county veterans' serv ice officers, the regional and field officea of the federal vet erans administration and direct from the state department of veterans' affairs, state library building, Salem, of the depart' ment in the state office build' ins in Portland. The division to date has paia soldiers bonus to 129,976 vet erans and next of kin in the amount of $48,794,155. CHECK PRESENTED Carry Dolor Well Marlon Curry, 803 Sunset Avenue, is in Salem General Hosnltal where he is not yet seeing visi tors, but is reported doing well after a heart attack last Mon- - Drivers Charged Vincent F. Mellmer, Woodburn, was arrested by city police Thurs day night on a drunk driving cherge. He was fined $250 in municipal court Friday and held in lieu of payment of fine. Ruth May Jeffers. 155 South 19th street, was cited to court for reckless driving by city officers who said ahe was cutting In and out of traffic at over 70 miles per hour on Portland road. e , Pain Killer (Continued from Pse 1) Of course the officer who left the ticket will have a dupli cate. So if you elect to go away without dropping anything in the box you'll hear from the police department later. The police will collect from the boxes each night - The scheme ,in't new in Sa lem. It'a done in other places. By direction of the budget committee the city is now in stalling additional parking meters. The city council will meet in special session at 5 p.m. Friday to consider buying 300 new ones. They will be for districts outside the city center wnere parking is al ready restricted. Wilson Plans (Continued from Page 1) A check for $750 was presented from Salem Soroptimist club to the YWCA, the club haying made financial assist ance to the YW for its new building one of the group's major projects this past year. Left to right: Mrs. A. A. Schramm, a past president of the YW board; Mrs. E. H. Kennedy and Mrs. Donald Reinke, the latter two Soropti mist members, Mrs. Reinke serving this year as president Alan Smith Camp Cook Champion at4-H Show The weapons, which can fire either conventional anuiunl tion or atomic shells, are being organized into two-gun batter ies. One such battery is at the Nevada site. A Defense Department spokesman said that when Wil son said be favored increased production of atomic artillery. he was referring only to the 280 millimeter Army gun. The spokesman said the secretary did. not have in mind the use of such guns aa part of the arma ment of naval vesels. The army has said its 85-ton gun 'can fit into a landing shin aesignea zor ampnimous opera. uons. - By CLAUDE STEUSLOFF Cemetery Meeting Salem oneer Cemetery Association, Bcerned with improvement of Id Fellow's cemetery, will id its annual meeting in the uncil chambers at City Hall onday, May 18, at 7:30 p.m. mnty and citl officials will present to explain plans for metery improvement. All terested citizens are invited attend the meeting and offer nsrtuctlve suggestions. T'a Men's Meeting Ment is of the Salem Y's Men's lb, an affiliate of the YMCA, 11 have as their guest speak- the night of May 18, Dr. F. Casey of the state hos- tal medical staff. Dr. Casey from Scotland and has had aslderable experience with aiallzed medicine, i . iystery Veils I (Continued from Page Gunners Arrested Three teen-age boys, agea 14 and 15, were arrested by city police Thursday for shooting firearms In the city limits. The boys were shooting .22 caliber rifles near the foot of D street along the river. Police were called by workers at Western Paper Converting company, who said bullets were hitting the build ing and one man had been only narrowly missed. The boys were cited to juvenile court arid released to their parents. Typewriter M I a si n g A typewriter has been taken from the State Employees as sociation office, Sll Oregon building, sometime in the past two weeks, city police were notified Thursday by associa tion officers. Airport Lights control tower from the Salem Airport and would check en the matter. That information was re ceived by City Airport Man ager Charles Barclay who plac ed call to the senator's office to inform him of the move made by the CAA. The call waa taken by his secretary, Robert Parkman, who told Barclay, that Cordon's office waa iamillar with the case, having earlier had an con. venation with Secretary of the Interior Douglas McKay. McKay earlier had been in formed of the situation in a telephone call and was asked to present the matter as citi zen of Salem who was famLUar with the importance of the tower to air operations here and one who as governor hsd made contacts regarding the tower. "My answer was that all imes should go to the grand ry," he said. "That was all knew about It." The Kansas' City vote ease . emmed from a 1848 demo- atlc primary election in hlch then President Truman tervened with the aim of. elng that Rep. (Roger Slaugh r (D., Kas.) was not returned i office. Slaughter had op tied some of Truman's pol ies. Slaughter lost the ifomina jn but there were charges of aud. In the midst of in stigations, a safe in the Kan 1 City courthouse was op ted and robbed of Impounded Ulots. There wss never any deral prosecution but state urt convicted numerous per ils of election law violations. Correction In Thursday's IGA advertisement the follow ing items were priced incor rectly. They should have read: Sugar Cured Slab Bacon, hick ory smoked, SSc lb.; Armour Star Skinless Frsnks, all meat, 49c lb. Golf shoes. Ladys' all brown Spauldings. Broken sizes, $5.95. Mens brown. $8.95. Wlcklunds Sporting Goods, 372 State. ll' 1948 Chevrolet Sedan Deliv ery, mileage 47,uuu, gooa con- dition, $800. Phone George Dunsmoor 4-1013 or see at 4778 Harcourt street. 117 MILITARY MEN iND VETERANS May. May 13 tkabee Reserves at Naval and srlne Corps Reserve armory. jlversity of California Hospital Mn rrsnrwrn. mm. BORN u mraoaiai. "omki. lun 1041 apruce at . a slrl Mil 14. HRHARD-To Mr. and F.,mord. at ml. i. " u oi.vtaAt oarim nx-T Ur. end Mr. Herwr I otm St.. a bor. Mir 14 XikJSun. Car. sun. .a. m. afar 10. Xr,nirfT. Mr. end Mre. Werae Thirty Staters Will Sponsor Fair Exhibit The Oregon State College Thirty Stater Club voted last night to sponsor an OSC booth at the State Fair again next September and President Will iam Smith named a committee comprising Frank Walton and John E. Rieketts, co-chairmen, Maurice Shepard and Warren Cooley to handle the arrangements. The group also voted to hold its annual family picnic in August. Don Barrick exhibit ed sound pictures of four im portant basketball g a m e a Washington California Coast playoff and Idaho State-Seattle University at Seattle, Washing ton-Seattle and Washington. Santa Clara In the western re gional playoff at Coryallls. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Helen J. retera w jacoa b. nwri Order of defeall entered aselatt 4H- fM4inh Alan Smith of 440 North 22nd street is camp cookery champion of the annual city 4-H club show. "Nicely baked, nice color, try to cut biscuits so the sides will look more uniform," commen ded the judge in placing the purple ribbon on Alan a plate of six tasty specimens from his own baking powder biscuit recipe. There was plenty of comoetl tion from 20 other nine to 12 year old boy biscuit mixers in cluding blue ribbon winners Thomas Alley, 395 south 14th street and John Hemann of 1455 Mill street They are enrolled in two camp cookery clubs, one led by Mrs. Ralph Barnes, 2225 Mission street and Mrs. Robert Smith, 440 North 22nd street and the other by Mrs. John Gallagher. 1498 Court street and Mrs. George He mann. 1455 Mill street. Sandra Smith, 16 year old Salem high school student of 285 West Rural avenue, ex. hibited a nicely finished pink wool dress with pleated skirt which was awarded the cham pion ribbon for best dress of the show in the advanced clothing division. A two color playsuit entered by Carolyn Bishop of 25l5 South 15th street waa cham pion of clothing division three, Carolyn is a Leslie Junior High school student. Champion of the Sew It for Fun project for junior needle workers was Barbara Glodt, 11 year old seamstress of 669 Ri- vervlew Drive, West Salem. Her handiwork included a pot holder, scarf and apron. Jeanette Edwards of 2215 North Liberty street was cham pion of the Charmingly Yours project for first year sewing members. "Just So Girl" pro ject for the beginning phase of clothing work brought out 35 non-competitive exhibits from nine and ten year old girl members. Gary Low, 11 year old stu dent at the Oregon State School for Blind, received the cham pion ribbon in Forestry pro. jects with an attractive display featuring Cedar, Fir, Cotton wood, Willow and Maple tree sections. Blue ribbon winners In first year sewing included: Anne Meusey aind Mary Jo Meusey, 1740 North 18th street; Jo Ann Marsh, 2430 Maple Ave.; Marie GreipentroL 2415 Hazel Ave.; Lee Coffey, 520 Tryon Ave.; Suzanne Marker, 3320 Raw lins; Gale Diment, State School for Deaf; and Roberta Meusey, 1740 North 19th street Lynn Reipp, 598 North 20th street was champion of the home woodkorking division. A blue ribbon went to Ronald Simmons, 1310 North 17th street A well executed splice board, test lamp and tool box won an electrical champion award for Stuart Smith, 285 West Rural Ave. Richard Bi shop, 2595 South 12th street won a blue ribbon. Judging was done on the Danish system which awards blue, red and green ribbons for standards of excellence in each class. Mrs. Oscar White, former Marion county home demon stration agent, judged the clothing displaya and will pick winners of the style show. Mrs. Scott Foster assisted with first year clothing work. Miss Ervl-1 na Fisher, Marion county home demonstration agent placed awards in knitting and home-! making. Mrs. Janet Nelson is cooking and muffin contest! judge. Mrs. Earl Hampton,! demonstrations and cake bak ing; Anthol Riney and R. C. Jory, woodworking and electri cal; Charles Ladd and Gene Hanneman, forestry; complete the list of judges. The show, at 237 north Lib erty street is open to the pub lic and will continue through Saturday. There are 260 exhi bits of which cookery is the largest in number. Five clubs at the State school for Blind have forty entries and four clubs at the State school for Parakeet Clab Meets The Willamette Valley Parakeet Club met Wednesday night at baiem Public Library, the sec ond monthly meeting since its organization. The club is unique in that it has no regu lar list of officers. Its meet ings are directed by a "con ductor," who Wednesday night EASY PAY .' ' ' " :-f,V-'-. '.;."' 1 i The city proposes to set vp one of these fine deposit boxes in each downtown block, so you won't have to go to police headquarter with your violation ticket It will be mounted on a standard like a parking meter. was Merlin Marsh. Cago and colony breeding wot discuss ed.. Other breeder who have two or more pairs of the birds re welcome to attend the meetings. . Deaf art allowing 47 orolecta. mgnugnts of the show is the style show at 8 p.m. tomorrow in me Blind school auditorium, mil public presentation is built around the Cinderella theme and will feature winners oi the style review judging to V. 1.-1 J t -A . . w ucui at iv a.m. oaiuraay. j Clothing and cooking judg ing contests, a stitching contest wool sewing contest and cloth ing demonstrations will be eon. ducted beginning at mzn, Sat urday at the Liberty street showroom. This afternoon and evening startirm at 4:30 and 7:00 a cake baking contest will bo held at Hogg brothers kit- enen. Saturday a muffin bak ing contest will start at 8:45 a.m. to be followed by cook ing demonstrations during the azternoon. SPECIAL SALE General Electric fAixcrs Reg. 39.95. Kaw Only 10.00 - Savt - 10.00 , - General Electric Tcastcrs Reg. 22.50. Kov iivJJ- Save 6.00 - Savt 6.00 " TinMiain Gilbert Appl. Co. , 260 N. Liberty - Solem Fhoiw 2-0312 Liui. MaiHrM tm m Owtn T SMlar: Dm. f tflvorM u alalatm awardlnt .wtodr f two atlaor .olklrtn and $40 monthly aopporl lor Pl.utlfl nUoMd from all l.mllr bu na lira poiMUIn ! (.noaal sropu- Alr-steamshlp tickets any. where. KugeL 3-7694, 153 N. High St. 116 Paint with glamorizing Treasure Tones. See our out standing wallpaper selection. Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Lib erty. 116 Road oiling. For estimate, call Russ Pratt Capital City Transfer Co., 224S6. lie Summer dresses $1.00 to $3.00. YWCA Budget Shop, 162 S. Commercial. Open Fridays and Mondays 10:00 5:00. 1J6' Rummsge. Ssturday, May 16, 8 a m. to 4 pm. Next Fltts Fish Msrket. Jonsthon Clsss. Englewood church. 116 Pembertont Greenhouses, 1980 S. 12th. Open week dsys 8 AM. to 8 P.M. Closed Sun days. Choice selection of bed ding plants 117 Fresh killed hen turkey. 39c lb. We also sell turkeys bv the piece. Orwlgs Msrket. 3973 Silverton Rd Phone 45742. Arnold OoUmaa n Bwlct J. Vm trr: Dofindut't answer dariat aB al IM.Uona 9t .oaal.liiL torralo. o. McDonald Joba AMa andor McDonald: Defendant, uitwtt ruklnr dlnauoal af .onptalat. Htrvtr J. Lirtlr a Lairrenc M. Slat tor: Judgment order Mtlmil defendant la rem of lna Llchir n Pteneer True! Com pany at admlalitrator f Cnarlea Benrr Moor. Mlate. el al: Suit etettac de cree abet aielatin la avnar af mure eetata. Marlort. Pom. ea Dfrorc w Malntlff afro, kor etutodr of two miner children, tft monthly aup- pore ana wwneronip n norte. Wlloor a. oer ea Velma at. Booer Modlflc.tloa af diem, decree nrorldoi for reductlo. m anpBort aarmenta ta aeiendank Vernon Jamt Rattier ?a albert An dre. Seed and Kenneth Foormaa Ca.: 1m rtrdiet tor detente. 'robots Court award Srneit Otlrra taardlaathla Order lermlaatlat raardmathla. LoniM Paulten aetttt: Order admitt- ina wiu m sroatie and amiatins 1. Ptaltea eiecuter. Oearto tfulh aetata: Order aalharle. Ina admlamrewia da awnla aoa ve d- Hwa wma aaarea af elect. Bertha O. totals eetata: Raal aminl la ae heard Jaae It. Anaa at aherldaa otitic' Clean w- ATTENTION MEN & YOUNG MEN ! The "Kay Woolen Mill Retail Store" is ottering over 300 PAIR OF WORSTED WOOL LACK Chosen from our.REGUlAR STOCKS of harkikint, fronneli, fobordines nd others . . . Both plain nd fancy For This H Q95 Sale Only t-u pair 2 pairs for 25.00 Values as High as 17.95 All Alterations Included "OPEN AU DAY SATURDAY" Kay Woolen Mill Store 260 S. 12th "The Street the Trains Run On" OF OUR SPECIAL . PURCHASE nni 1927- For the many requests of our customers who were anable to some is tewa to take advantage of oar TREMENDOUS SAVINGS, we are folnr to extend the sale for a short time longer. Additional latest-styled Jewelry which has Just arrived are to be In cluded at these low prices! Free Engraving In (old lettering, on pea and pencils,', cigarette lighters, tie-holders. Vf Off on All Dia 3 1 mond Mountings Beset year eld diamond rings er diamond wedding ring lute p-ta-date monntlnra In yel low, white goida r platinum. GET YOUR GIFTS NOW For Graduation For Jane. Brides For Father's Day ALL AT SALE PRICES! Ladisi' Ring Voluei II SS Oooalae ear doors Saturn Star . II as Otnuia. Camae, fall hotel aetUna S.4I M M Otnaln. Sir. OmI with .latter oi fenalae Zlreoni 7.M Ladles' Watch Values SI M well-doilined tate, rek trrttal. sold lap ... 1.4S II It IT lewela. (old. filled aapantlon ericelot ....2.SS IT.M BKh-ttrled on sraved eate, eotd ftllod aapantlon band, rok erjital It.VS Diamond Value M 11 rnlect-mttched l.rlna anttmble u et ukdiamond Bridal Set . M.S0 il l Diamond solium 171 It Diamond Solitaire orer ta carat, matrhlns weddtns hand 247.B0 111.11 Sithtall Bridal Bet 14S.CI 'Man's Watch Values SIM Waterproof, all tteel watch bracelet, radlam dial, awoep aooond hand IT.tS VI. M Solid sold. 11 lewelt, sold-fUled oapaaaloB hand at.ts n.M 11 lewela, aold tuied oapaatloa hraetltt ... 22.MB Mans Rlfif Values IVM DUmond- rs . H.Tt Solid Oold Maeenle Was 1.H IT.M SmthtMa Boot. bead-made nonntlat ..1S.SE 1000 NEW ACCOUNTS INVITED FRIENDLY CREDIT! (old, pierced Take up to 12 mot. to pay. No carrying charges for f credit JEWELRY VALUES 1.S0 Pierced earrings, 07i ' crystal center fl .95 Man's Military set, genuine leather j It with slpper case . , 4eQf I S Msn'a tie bar enff link act, - P gold-fllled J'lJ Vp to LSI scatter Fin values 7.50 8lngle strand of pearls, knotted ? QC in-between AeJe? X.50 Solid gold bsby AO. cross and chain .... 11.75 Necklace aV Earring set, white O OC stones In gold O.OJ 14.75 Gennlne Zircons. drop earlngs, solid A It .. eWeT 49c I 441 STATE STVSALIM. out SHYER VALUES 1.5 Fair, Salt k Feppers, silver plated, AO three laches tall ... Ob 4.5 8Urllng bud vase, engraved 3 tC crysUI top i'VJ 11.50 K-inca Sllverplated 11.85 serving platter OPEN DAILY a.m. to iJj 3:30 p.m. S- Fridays 'tl Fridays 'til 9 p.m. Peer trtdo eforeh entitle Sacepted isaC ai. os lit. a war. -er