Pagt Z THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sale-. Oregoa Friday, May 15, 1953 In the Valley Kdited ay MIKE FORBIS Silvertcn Sllverton The Mary Eliza beth and the Sarah Jane circles of the Methodist Woman's Soci ety of Christian Service are an nouncing a rummage sale to be May 16, Saturday, at the former Htchmaid building, be ginning at 8 a.m. - ' Donors are asked to have their materials there Friday evening, or call Mrs. Ben Sprlck or Mrs. E. A. Finlay for transportation and pickup. The past year's members of the Martha Methodist circle met for their last program, Gets Swingers' Fifth Annual BLOSSOM FESTIVAL Saturday Nighf .' MAY 16 1:30 f . M. New Shewing Open t:ts lane Tomer . Kirk Dotulu Walter Fide-con . Dick Powell "THE BAD AND THE . BEAUTIFUL" AIM THE HOAXTEBR" eery Adolt Should 8m This BOLLYWOOD KIDS MATINEE Tmmctow - I te 4 u, . CARTOONS Special Katinee Feature ARIZONA TERRITORY Whip Wilson Flo. Aa "Our Gm" Comedy "TEACHER'S BEAU Abw BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE for Bebky Jaeebera, Lmuin TlUe elato, Kenneth Lebold, Bfc Cheek, Kenny Scott, Gerald Hlldabrmwl, Charles Watte, Sandra BueeMer, Larry Farter. Tuesday evening in the church social rooms with Mrs. B. J. Palmer chairman. Mrs. Anne Nordling showed travel films. Group singing was led by Mrs. A. J. McCanneL Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Idger ton of Hood River, spent Moth er's Day weekend at the Sil verton home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edgerton. Luncheon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Powell, Wednesday noon, were their grandson, Spl. Marshall Lee Lake and Everett Schroeder, both of Gates. . Mrs. Jack Tuggle returned home Tuesday evening from a four monns stay in Cali fornla on a business and visit ing trip, spending some time with a sister. Mrs. Carolyn Lind and one week with her daughter, Miss Virginia Tug gie in son Francisco. Miss Margie Tuggle, a teach' er in the Oregon City hie school, Is leaving early in the summer for three months' stay in different European countries, being with members of her mother's relatives in Denmark for several weeks. Spending some time In Oak land, Calif., where she visited the Oakland garden show, and also in Los Angeles attending "ie international flower show. was Mrs. Jack Tuggle, during ucr vacation in central and souuiern California. Stayton Magazines Provided For Hospital Patients Lebanon Patients at the community hospital now have access to reading material from a portable magazine rack, gift 01 ine L.eoanon Elks lodge, Constructed of birch: the rack Is kept in the solarium where those able to be up may take advantage of the service. Miss Charity Krorjf. suDerln- tendent df nurses, accepted the gift from exalted ruler Dale Weeks and past exalted ruler Robert Ragsdale. OPEN:sr.M. STARTS TODAY! Thai "Quief Man" is . Here Again n I I SBaiaJEKtEESSBaMMajMaM TKXJ2LE p I Is I On 4 v tome! N U D WAYIIMEED CHARLES COBURN Maria WMDSOC Tom WHY lei tWCKSON CO-FEATURE! A KISS OR A KILLINO... EitKef Was Committed With Cold, Systematic Efficiency! a I X FRANK Merger Sought By Buena Vista Dallas The Polk county district boundary board met with group of petitioners from Buena Vlata Tuesday to act upon petition of Buena Vista property holders to an nex the bulk of the Buena Vista school district to district 13-C of Independence-Monmouth. The petition resulted from the defeat of an election held earlier this spring to consoli date with district 13-C. The petitioners represent some $202,000 of the assessed value of $222,000 for the Buena Vista district," says Polk County Superintendent 7. C. Green, The boundary board decided W HIV .JIM . .... MIMWt 1 , vlaement until it has had time Ptann,d for " PPle Members of the faculty of ptayion grade school, and their families enjoyed a pot luck dinner at the grade school Thursday evening. Stayton On Saturday, May 16, the high school class of the Methodist church will hold a cooked food sale at Wood's Store, In the morning. On Sunday, May 17, Chil dren's Day will be observed at the Methodist church. The program will begin at 10:30 and will continue through the church hour. Mrs. James Mc- G ill. Is In charge of the Sun day program. The Girl Scouts and their leaders of the Canyon area will hold a pot luck picnic on May 17, at the camp site, which la located off the old Lyon highway. Signs will be posted along the hlihway directing the way to the camp. All Scouts of this area are Invited, as weU as the leaders and parents, and anyone who la Interested In Scouting. Games and entertainment are further to investigate the issue involved. The issues that will determine the eventual out come of the petition Include: th adequacy of the present Buena Vista school facilities, more . definite arrangements with district 13-C concerning a definite commitment about maintaining the first four grades at Buena Vista, and the examination of a possible con solidation with the Suver dii- tr'ct Sweet Home Orders Street Improvement Sweet Home At a special meeting of the city council contracts were given to the low bidders on two street Improve ment projects. Low bidder on trie storm sewer project was the Keen, Thayer and Hunter Construction company of Springfield with bid of $,-110.67. Low bidder on the sidewalks and curbs were Duncan Sand. ers, Sweet Home, with a bid of 118,988.58. : Construction of the storm sewers will be completed In 30 days and is slated to begin next week. Time allowed for com pletion of sidewalks and curb 90 days and also starts nert week. .. , . t WOODBURN FOOD BALK Woodburn A baked food sale will be held Saturday, May 16, at the Scarborough hard ware store in Woodburn by members of the Women's Mis sionary society of the Wood burn Church of God. Mrs. Frank Chapelle will be chair man of the sale which opens at 9 a.m. . . Rainbow Girls Install Sunday Sweet Home At the regular meeting of the Rainbow As embly, Miss Ruth Martin waf elected as worthy adviser. Other elective officers were filled by Trudy Heseman as associate worthy adviser: char ity, Diana ThiU; hope, Sharon Burnett; and faith. Barbara Weeks. Susan Horner, Muriel White. Velma Anderson, Loretta Smith, Sandra Carleton were Initiated at this meeting. In charge of refreshments were Pat Stokes and Ethel Upd grave. , Installation of these officers will be held In the IOOF hall Sunday, May 17, at 2:30 pjn. Dorothy Baxter in Girls' State Role Woodburn Miss Dorothy Baxter, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. T. M. Baxter of Wood- burn, has been selected as the local American Legion auxili ary representative at Girls' State this year. She is a junior at Woodburn high school. Girls' State will be held June 8 through 14 at Willamette university at Salem and the theme will be "How to Become a Good Citizen." Miss Baxter was selected on leadership, character, courage, honesty, scholars hip, cooperativeness and physical fitness. HARDTOP SATURDAY NITE ADDED flATtTE SIX CAR DESTRUCTION DERBY TIME TRIALS, 7:90 P.M. HOLLYWOOD BOWL 1 mil North of Salem on 991 Adults 1.S0, Kids 50c, includes tax llela Detveiler Heads Auxiliary Woodburn Mrs. Nela Det weiler was installed as the new president of Woodburn auxil iary of the American Legion at the meeting Wednesday night, May 13, at the Legion hall. She succeeds Mrs. Beety Jo Bar rett Mrs. Rose Bonacker, as sisted by other past presidents, conducted the installation. Other new officers Installed were: Mrs. lone Schooler, first vice president; Mrs. Rita Y Od er, second vice president; Mr. Leona Miller, secretary; Mrs. Margaret Ramon, treasurer; Mrs. Maxine Kistner, historian; Mrs. Ardia LeFebvre, chaplain; Mrs. Rose Spsgle, sergeant-at- arms. A past president's pin was presented to Mrs. Barrett By Mrs. Bertha Bentley. The annual report on child welfare was given by Mrs. Mil- llcent Rosburg, chairman show ing $17.74 spent for needy lo cal families, 118.54 for material for clothing for the child wel fare center at Portland and a credit of $33.00 for work, the balance of $13.73 to go into the fund for next year. Mrs. Ardis LeFebvre, reha bilitation chairman, reported 43 ditty bags made during the year, $3.00 sent to the cigar ette fund at the Veterans' hos pital and the balance used for material for pillow sups, a to tal credit of $127.89 from the hospital with a credit of $6.00 for cakes aent the hospital. Mrs. Bertha Bentley, girls state chairman, reported that Miss Dorothy Baxter had been chosen to go to girls' state this year, June 8 to 14 at Salem and $2.00 was donated to the girls' state fund for extra expenses. The sum of $20.00 was donated to the high school for new band uniforms. Members planned to paint signs for the baseball field to raise funds for Pee Wee base ball. Plana were discussed for the poppy sale May 22 and 23. Mrs. Rita Yoder is chairman. Mrs. Detweiler asked the members to be at Belle Passi cemetery between 10:30 and 11 a.m. on Memorial Day to assist in the program. Plans were made to have a booth at the North Marion County Fair at Woodburn In September. The meeting was closed by Mrs. Detweiler after which re freshments were served by a committee from the auxiliary to both the Legion and auxil iary. Moving pictures were shown by Charles Cornwell. Turner Turner The grade school has received large shipment of new books for the library. Charles Simon Is a new pu pil in the second grade. He is the so not Mr. and Mrs. Charles ft Simon. Mr. Splva, Darrel Myrtle, Bob Pickering, Richard Bethel, Jerry Wipper and Phillip Scholium went to the state convention at Astoria. Patty Robertson, 4th grade student, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robe.-tson, is ab sent from school due to ill' ness. Kenneth Bales, 4th grade student, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bales, is absent from school. Kenneth had both hands burned in the recent fire at his home. Michael Simon is a new pu pil In the 4th grade. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Simon. ' Stanley Peterson, 8th grade student, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Peterson, was absent from .school a few days as a result of being hit in the eye with a swing.- Floyd Owings is a new pupil in the 3rd grade. He has a sister in the 6th grade. They came from Merrill, Oregon. Elwln Jones, 7th grade stu dent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones, was burned about the hands and face Tuesday night when the oven of their gas range exploded. New Linn (o. Grand Jury Takes Office Albany Members of a new Linn county circuit court Brand jury were selected Tuesday and upon convening returned two Indictments. Indicted were Everett Ar. leigh Overholser oaf a forgery charge and Alfred W. Strain on a charge of burglary not in a dwelling, changing the origi nal charge, which was burglary in a aweiiing. Strain was to go on trial Thursday. He is accused of bur glarizing the John Giltch home of furniture June 31, 1932 and Overholser is charged with forging a $7.55 check which he devoured after offering it in payment for gasoline at a Sweet Home service station Thursday. . ' Ask City Hall At Sweet Home . Sweet Home The recom mendation of the planning committee that a city hall be built at the expense of $65,000 land a fire hall be built at a cost of $10,000, was accepted at the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday, May 12. A tentative date was then set for a special meeting to dis cuss an election on city hall construction. The date set was June 16. Presiding over the meeting was Bill Heseman who was mayor pro-tem in the absence of Mayor Gene Ellis. Bids were opened for con struction of storm sewers, side walks and curbing. The first reading of ordi nance No. 12, which deals with changing lot 6 from light in dustrial to a residential district, was passed to the second read ing. The second reading of or dinance No. 11 dealing with the reduction of requirements in floor area in the building code was passed to the third reading. Sewer construction was ap proved for the Crabtree Addi tion and will start in the early fall. Robert Mallorle are to nre side at the organ and piano. -A piano-organ duo will be the opening number as the prelude. ACORNS FROM THE WITH DEL MILNE . V ' ' : r- at Christian Church Will Give Concert Sllvertln Mrs. Robert T. Nelson, director, is announcing the sacred concert program, to be given Sunday evening, May 17, in the sanctuary of the First Christian church by members of the 32-voice choral group. John Middlemiss and Mrs. Brother that's what we like U hear. I was nosing around In the' Oak Room yesterday and a fellow, sitting at a table close by said, to his friend. "Say what do you upixae m waueriwa sanawicn Well after a little more convener Hon the 'gentleman . ordered tenderloin sandwich and when the waitress nrougni u to turn he exclaimed "Yegads Bob look whae they call sandwich, if that Is a sandwich what do you suddom a steak order looks like needless to say the fellow was extreemly pleased Just aa everyone Is who orders one of these specials. I'inj not going to try to tell you every,, thimr you get but I win say In all sincerity tf-at you will be happily'. surprised and completely satisfied, me i our, ao caneo., nc-, wiehes. Of course If you are as "hungry aa a hone" open the hayloft door and order the works,. we have a meal for every appetite,,' h StJesj If i Ike NeM Marl, J-4I2J Four Treated After Sweet Home Crash Sweet Home An accident ; Involving two cars Wednesday night, sent four to the Lang ! mack hospital for first aid treatment. After the car driven by Dale Davidson, Sweet Home, col lided with a car belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Parrlsh, Rt. 1, Box 317, Lebanon, Mrs. Parrlsh was taken to the hos pital in a semi-conscious con dition. She was treated for a dis located collar bone and multi ple contusions and abrasions. Mr. Parrlsh was released. Mrs. Parrish remained in the hos pital for observation aa did their 10-month-old daughter, who suffered only bruises. Dale Davidson suffered s badly bruised knee and cuts on the forehead and face and was released after treatment. DRIVE-IN THEATRE sv. k ? eaww- PNONI UMIN eAltlia MMVMT t Gates Opea l:ot Show at Dnak ENDS BATTJBDAY! In Technicolor THE LAWLESS ' BREED" stock Hodaan J alia Adaaas - Flu THE CLOWN" Bed BkeKen Jane Greer iTenite (Fri.) at Dart Our Bif 4 Color Cartoon Camtral Special Kid Show at Noon Tomorrow Only! SERIAL! FRIZES! CARTOONS Plus! ROY ROGERS & TRIGGER in 'OLD SPANISH TRAIL' i Mat Daily From 1 P.M. WOW SHOWING! WM, wicked, l wonderful Paris'! ..aH her loves," ladies and lasty l legends.' eV is 1 SSL lc Zn I aueaey atoeney I. S-As 'lltl,; r Stanley Clements HvO I Tt , .a M FERRER Bomuiwsj. Bugs Bunny Cartoon And Novelty "Thar She Blows" "3-D" Is Coming! Although cocoa originated In the New World, Africa now produces about two-thirds of the world's supply. We're Loaded With Swift's Government Inspected Beef . . . "Come and Get It" iHHIF SALE Swift's Gov't Insp. STEAKS Any Kind You Want ... Lb. ROASTS Your Choice . . . . .lb. 39' 33' SHORT RIBS . . . . . , m GROUND BEEF LIGHT SHtP Tuna 2,0,35' .... 3aM HOLUDAY Margarine 5i, W FREE DELIVERY On Orders Over $4.00 ED'S JMMET Open 7 Days a Week 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. 1120 J. 12th St. Ph. 2440 J A used car is a BIG investment . . . DON'T A PIG IN A butTE POKE $9 . . . when yv cor buy it$i tar that Is PERSONALLY INDORSED AND GUARANTEED! You pay mora for your automobile than for anything you buy . . .except your home. So when you buy your used car. don't buy a pig in a poke. Be sure of what you're getting. Bach of our late-model used cars is PERSONALLY INDORSED AND GUARANTEED. That'a the secret of being sure of your big investment! And each one is thoroughly reconditioned and in topnotch operating condition. Visit us and see these beauties. Examine nSem. Drive them. Then pick the one you like best Well arrange term to fit your pocketbook. LOOK FOR THIS SEAL SEE Y0II HUDSON DEAUI 1 1 ii Your beat used car buy carries this Seal of QuaUty on the windshield. Yoall And It only at your Hudsoat Declare! SCHROCK MOTOR CO. 316 North Cfcorch Sf.P Silem 10M M QAMIU BNK1 Ml NT A M M 1 MK" HI TOO! WT DJ 01 WTt