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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1953)
Par IS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Friday, Mar W. 153 Rev. Barth on Extended Trip Dr. Richard Day, Christian biographer, will be the interim pastor at the Calvary Baptiit church during most of the ab sence of Rev. Omar N. Barth, and hit family, who will be away from Salem until the end of August. The church has granted to Mr. Barth a leave of absence in order for him to make a tour of Bible Lands. Mr. Day is the author of many biographies of greati unnsuan personalities, ne on written the lives of Spurgeon, "Shadow of the- Broad Brim, Dwight L. Moody, "Bush Aglow," Charles Finney, "Man of Like Passions" and many others. He is a Baptist min ister having held pastorates in California, Arizona and other places. He and his wife will be re siding at the church parsonage during his stay and will carry on pastoral functions until the end of Jury. . Mr. Barth will be preaching this Sunday morning and in the afternoon will leave by train for New York. Ten days later Mrs. Barth and the chil dren, along with Mrs. Clyde Lock wood and John Plank will leave by car for the East. Worship With Us at the Elsinore Theatre SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. "WHICH HHEMTION K TOURJI" Broadcast KSLM 11:30-11.0 First Mefhodis! Church Brooks H. Moor, minister t ' ' ' 1 f J km vv;3 OX " ' T v Jki-iaaw Rev. Noland M. Kennedy Capital Baptist Special Services Special revival services ar now being promoted at the Capital Baptist church, 3000 Lansing Ave. The evangelist Is Rev. Nolan M. Kennedy, pastor of the San Jacinto Baptist church, Amarillo, Texas. Rev. Kennedy will speak each night at o'clock except Saturday, and both services on Sunday. Music for the revival is under the direction of W. J. Bishop, local music director, and the Booster Band for boy and girls Is led by the pastor. The revival will continue through next week, including Sunday, Hay Z4. Rev. Lester Speaks To Free Methodists Rev. fred R. Lester of Bur lington, Iowa,- who has been conducting a well-attended evangelistic campaign this week at the Salem Free Meth odist church, corner of Market and Winter St, will speak Sun- Woodburn Aid In Hew Plans Woodburn The May meet ing of the Presbyterian Aid society we Wednesday, May 13, beginning with no host luncheon at 1 p.m. with Mrs. E. J. Allen and Mr. H. T. But terfleld in charge of arrange ments. Mrs. Alfred Moon presided over the business meeting and Mrs. O. L. Withers led the de votional service. Cards were ordered sent to all members hwo ar 111. Mrs. Butterfield volunteered to decorate the church for next Sunday' service and it was voted to hire a boy to take care of the church lawn. Plans were made for a fellowship dinner in the near future and also business luncheon. It was voted to start a trsv ling basket with Mrs. E. C Peyton volunteering to start the basket, funds raised to be used for new cups for the kitchen. Mrs. R. L. Anderson was in charge of the program and read two poems after which she presented Helen McCatfee and Deleae Seely In piano duet and solos. Guest were Mrs. Bertha Pack and Mrs. Margartt WU son. " For the next meeting June 10 hostesses will be Mrs. W. B. Dunn and Mr. Joseph Rence with Mrs. Sidney Harris In charge of the devotional serv ice and Mrs. E. C. Peyton as program chairman. Salem dkurclx ei Sabao Tralk Coalo. Ml chMiakrta tr,l. Sundar achool M a.B. aarrleaa 11 To, "Intarpratallan af Taa CMHUtauu. lur. Uro atovaao. CtrtoUM Hi awmn lllbm-M. Sib aad Galaaa. . Paul W. Ounlhar. oaator. eundftr achool t:4l aforalao vorahlp: Sarmoa: "Imltatloa KcllflOB. 11a.m. Ceaeort of aaerad Banal, by Ren aaah Choir of aimaaoa aiblt laalllttto of Brattlt. wuh.. 1 ii. AUtanco teuui fallowahlp 1:30 a.m. Bvaalno ovanfallam mtbiob. "JacoO cooouaro ood," 1:30. ST. U PmI Caia.ll Colum. bib bnd Myrtla atra.ta. Mum at 0. 1:30. 1 1, 10 bnd 11 IS am. Conltulom SbturdM, 4:30 to 1:10 lid 1 U 0:30 sjb. bad boforo inuiti. day at the 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. services. Special music feature will also be presented. EFFECTIVE MAY 15-16-17 MaliHaIaap While Shatter U.S. Ho. 1 grade IV lbs. 1039 Fresh Pineapple ib 10' MARGARINE Delrich or Sunny bank Dalevood 1 lb. . . lib. 25' 20' Grape Juice te&.tXISr. Dry Milk s,.39' ,36' Sviftning Shortening 3 IS. 85' Tomato Soup tan 10' Miracle Whip a 50' CalieMix Betty Crocker 3pkgs. 1 Potato Chips n.h,v, a. 19' Luncheon Meat n (37' Wilson's Hams uhU. 5.98 Beef Rib Roost iu! . 69c rtrat Mai..-. 11 i Bi wrvlcM at the lUioort thaatra. Itrnon. 'Whkii Oanaratioa la Yount" Brook H- Moon, BloUtcr, Caarch of Cfcrltt ChenrktU and Cottaga. Cholct 1. Bryant, tvanttiut. Bibla proa rata (KOCOi t-t II a.m. BibU Mbool It a.m. Wortb.p Mrrtct 10:M .. Spatial atortna" atrrlea 3:30 p.m. Younc paoplaa training elau, .m. Fr-ae la in! 1:90 m. Wt0rai MlhiM South Mth and MUl itroeti. W. A. KftafmMi. poator. Strvlcti Bund ft r, Mir IT: 8ai'Uj jcbool 10 o n. Horaiao worship i) a.m. Toutn xrvico 1:1 p.m. STtoint woriblp I p.m. Midvook pram hour Wodnooday. I p av. rtrft CoairocatiMal TOO Marlon ttrtvL Octtt R. HuaUBiton, mlnlattr, M Cburfb achool. 11:00 Moraine wor- ablp Mrvk. 0 30 Pllfrla rtllowiblp. Coart Itrott Cariatlka Court atrtot al ITib. W. Harold Lymaa and O. Phil ip Hurd, mlnlswra. Biblo achool aaMmbly JO a.m. Morn lot worship 10:50 o'clock la For Slnnors." Tooth worablp 1:30 'clock. Film, "I Behold HU Olory. Plral CkriallaB Marlon and Cottatt- Chureh Mhool 0:40 a.m. Mornlnf wlrahlp 10:40 a-m Solo by Mra. Robtrt Howard. 'How Lortly Art Thy Dwalllnn", LldUt. Sermon b yOudlty Strain. aTvenlnr wor ship 1:30. Concert by the Willamette ebMr directed by MeJvln Oelat. Kalcht Mamarlal Catitraaatloaal LouU B. Wbltt. mlnlaUr. MS South 10th treat. a.m., Sunday echo!, n a.m., mornlnf aronblp. Sermon by the minu ter, "The Blow That Cottnta." Church time nwMry. 0:30 p.m.. Pilarlra Fellow- hip oroupa for aenlor hlah and Junior blab youno people. 1:30 p.m orchestra practice. Calvary BapUat South Liberty at MlUer attest. Omar M. Barth a, paator. U a.m Bible achool. 11 a.m moraine worablp. Broadcast over KOAB, 1430 kc. 30 p m.. aU youth oroupa. T 30. Dr. Richard Day. Cevpltol Bapttet 1000 Lanalnf avenue. James B. Frost, paator. Sunday. May 11, :ta a.m Sunday achool for all aiaa. 11 a.m.. RerlTal sermon by Rev. Nolan M. Kennedy. Amarillo. Tex. 0:30 p.m., Tralnlne union for all aces. 1:40 p.m.. Revival aennbon by Rev. Nolan M. Ken nedy, Amarillo, Tex, p.m.. Youth Fellowship. First Baptist Marian tad Liberty. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, paator. Sunday achool 0:4ft a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock, "Names of Ood." Youth meet Ian 0:1ft p.m. Bvenino gospel service 1:30 o'clock, "When the Sun Stood Still." Also miialonary teatlmonj. Mid-week prayer service, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. fear Corners Baptist State and Kim streets. Rev. Victor L. Loucka, paa tor. Sunday achool 0:4ft a.m. Morning worship service 11 o'clock, pastor speak ing. Young People's league, 0:30 P m. Evening gospel service 1:30 p.m. Mid- week prayer service Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Christ Lather State atreet at llth. Rev. T. M. Oebhard, pastor. Sunday worship services 0:40 and 11 a.m. with sermon by (ha paator. Sunday achool Bi ble oiaeees for all ages io Fellow, ship olub 1:30 p.m. Si, Mark's LaUeraav 343 North Church street. Rev. John L. Oasble. pastor. Sunday school convenes at 0:30 a.m. Claeeee and tasgruetloa for an mem here of the family. Morning worship 11 a.m. The sermon will be delivered by Chap lain Olenn Sachs. Norse Worship at Grace Lutheran Two special service la ad dition to the regular Sunday worship will mark the pro (ram of Grace Lutheran church Sunday. At the morn inf service there will be a pre sentation of new outdoor sign aa a (lit from the Sunday school. Henry Storlie, presi dent of the congregation will accept the gift on behalf of the congregation. A Norse worship will be con ducted by the Rev. O. F. Braa ten of Salem in the afternoon at I o'clock. The entire serv ice, liturgy, sermon and hymns will be in the Norwegian ton gue and is arranged for those who are older and who under stand the language. The evening service will fea ture the film "45 Tioga Street.' Also to be shown will be a tra vel film on the state of Ore gon. A devotional service with special music will precede the film program. Christian Lutheran Fellowship Sunday The Fellowship club of Christ Lutheran church will meet Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. for its last formal meet ing of the season under the di rection of Alvin Battalion, pro moter. The hosts for this meet ing are Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brynelson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hastay and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hepner. The Luther League ol enrm church wiU attend the Wil lamette Federation meeting at Newberg this Sunday after noon and evening. The Salem group is In charge of the open ing service and the Rev. T. M. Gebhard will address the Fed eration on the theme of the meeting, "Witnessing Power." Aurora with BiM B4iM Msrtb CotUt. ud O ilmu. JUT. Rndolph Work.. . putor. Sunday Mhool M 0:40 o.m. Wormio at 11 . n. Youth acme, at 0:30 asm. art nine Mrrleo at 1:30 o'clock, jtav. and Wra. Bar! ahranl, KlHlsnarlM of Alrl ta. via nxa. at all aortic,. MrH iTaaoaUtal OaHai Bratkran Corotr Marlon and Sanmar. A. o. Ja rnloaon. alnutar. Sunday a&hool 0:41. Wonhlp acr-leo lo w liMiao,: "Lliht lor a World la Mud." Youth rUow ahlp 0:30. Th, tonal hour T:3o. Onest Maker, Dr. Faol F. Pottlcird. Ua ftrair Sl atato ,lr,,t. Th. SarraUi Major Char I,, omcar In aharoo. Sunday aahool 0:40 a.m. Hollnow niMt lno 11 o.n. Youno PMPlt't Lotion S p.m. aalratlan MMllnt 1:30 p.m. Ill mad llala-ennday achool i nt. Dand bu1,t w rtra vui mak I at Oho mornlni varahlp Mrrle. io:40 a mi. a. Mr cwroiono. a lay praacnor, hrtnt th, uarato i:4 p.m. Oraca Latharan BIX) Bunnyrlcw and Lanilnt arcnu,,. aunday Mhool and Blbl. .law 0:40. Dlrln, worahlp 11 a.m. NerM larvk. I p.m. Film protram 1:00 P.m. L. W. Rolto, pastor. Baikal Awamblr Lablih YU. la... A. R. Brawn, mtnlatar. aunday cheol 10 a.m. Morntnt vorthlp 11. Yount paopl.'. aarrle. 1 p.m. Bratw,! Utlo Mrrlea I p.m. Thuradar mld-arnk I p.m. Ot. Jahn'a Latkaraa (Mo. Sraad) uitMhth and A atrota. a. W. Oroaa. paator. Swrlrta at 0 and 11. Bunday Khoal and Bmlo alaaa al 10. S,antBj-Dav Adraatlat Summer at Hood. Sabbath Mhool 0 30 a.m. Topu: "Abram and Lot." Sermon by paator, R. O. Srbaffh.r at 11 a.m. Missionaries at Bethel Baptist Rev. Mrs. Earl Ahrens, mis sionaries of the British Cam eroon!, will be at all services of the Bethel Baptist church, North Cottage and D streets, Sunday. They serve under the North American Baptist Mis sionary Society, whose head quarters are In Forest Park, 111. Mra. Ahrens is to speak to the Sunday achool during its open ing exercises at 9:45 a.m. The Rev. Mr. Ahrens will bring the missionary message at the 11 o clock morning service. Both missionaries will speak to the people at the 6:30 p.m. meeting, At the 7:30 p.m. service they will speak and ahow colored pictures of their work. Anderson Starts Two New Series Pastor Lloyd Anderson of the First Baptist church wiU begin two new series of mes sages on Sunday. In the morn ing he will sneak on the sub ject, "Name of God." At th 7:30 evening service. Dr. An derson will begin a aeries on "The Miracles of the Bible," considering Sunday evening "When the Sun Stood Still," a miracle recorded In the Book ot Joshua. Also participating In the Sunday evening service will be Miis Jean Keith, missionary appointee to Okinawa. Mini Keith is the fiance of Bob Boardman, missionary to Okinawa. Hopewell Churches a.aaaB B.V.B. Ray. II. 1. WMmer. paator. 10 o.m- aunday Mhoo1. 11 o.m., morntnt vonhlp. 1 p.m. Fcllawahlp. I p.m. vorahlp. Aurora Members of the senior high youth fellowship joined the Hubbard group re cently for a swim In the Y pool In Salem. The Junior Youth Fellow ship group has voted to carry out a Lord's Acre project by planting potato? on the ground In back ot pastor Ro bert Hampel's home in Aurora. Robert Will is preparing the ground for planting. The monthly meeting of the Young Adult Fellowship was held In the Aurora Presby terian church on May 10, and part of the meeting was devot ed to a project for the church. Sid and Madeline Moffett were In charge of arrangements. The dates for Presbyterian camps this summer are: Silver Creek junior camp, June 7-13; Silver Creek junior high camp,' June 13-20; White Branch se nior high conference, June 27 July 4; White Branch junior camp, July 5-11. I o Renanah Choir at Alliance Church The Renanah choir of Simp son Bible institute, Seattle, un der the direction of Russell Marshall, will be presented in concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 17, at the Christian and Mis sionary Alliance church. North Fifth and Gaines in Salem. Included in the program will be standard choral numbers from the great composers, as well as outstanding arrange ments of well-known hjmni and gospel songs. The choir I maintains a high standard of , musical performance and has appeared in numerous concerts ; up and down the Pacific Coast. ' Other smaller musical en-1 sembles will also be featured ; with the choir. The public Is : Invited. Wesleyan Has Installation Candlelight Installation serv ices were conducted by Mrs. Edgar Purdy for incoming ol ficera of the Marian Lelah Norri Wesleyan Service guild of the First Methodist church early this week. Those instal led were: Mrs. James Hartley, president; Mrs. Norma Shaw, vice-president; Mrs. Martha Wilcox, secretary and Mrs. Neil P. Witting, treasurer. Mrs. Waldo Zeller, newly elected president of the WSCS had charge of the program that included devotions by Mrs. Simpson. Mrs. Bee Maltby was introduced as a guest. Hostesses were Mrs. A. E. Flathers, Mrs. Neil Brown and Mrs. Elizabeth Bolme. Amity Churches lepras William P. Bray, paator. Sunder school 10 a.m. afornlnf worship 11 a.m. evening eervice I p.m. Cbareh of Christ Robert Powell, pas tor. Bible achool It a m. Morning wor ship U a.m. Radio program I p.m., KMCM. Christian Kndeavor :30 p.m. Ivening aervlee 7:3 p.m. Choir practice :M p.m. MolhesJlat David Polndeiter. minu ter. Sunday aehool 10 a.m. Horning wor ship u a.m. Youth Fellowship M p.m. Evening aervlee I p.m. Oak Grave ChapeU-DavId Polndrvter. minuter. Worahlp service 0:41 a.m. Sun day achool 10:40 a.m. Mapei, Dr. Ferguson Serves In Dual Pastor Role Woodburn Dr. David Fer guson, retired .. Presbyterian minister, Is serving as tempor ary pastor ot the Woodburn and Bethel Presbyterian churches until regular pastor can be secured. Services ar held at the Bethel church at 10 a.m. and at the Woodburn church at 11 a.m. Dr. Fergu son will have for his topic next Sunday morning "The Hurry Call of Jesus," and there will be special music at the Wood burn church. No evening services are held. Paul Petticord Guest Preacher ; Dr. Paul P. Petticord, for mer pastor of the First Evan gelical United Brethren church and for seven years a confer ence superintendent of the Oregon - Washington confer ence, and at present the, presi dent ot the Western Evangeli cal seminary, a graduate ot theology in Jennings Ledge, will be guest speaker at, 7:30 Sunday evening at the Firs Evangelical United Brethren church, corner of Marion and Summer. Aaumbly af Gad Prank K. paator. Sunday Mhool S:U o.m. lno worahlp II a.m. Iranlno 1:30 p.m. Leslie Methodist Loyalty Week "Late News from Korea," a sound film-strip prepared by the Methodist committee on overseas relief, will be pre sented by the Methodist Youth Fellowship ot Leslie Method ist church In Sunday evenings service. This special youth service will be under the di rection of Lois Hofstedt, presi dent of the youth group. In Sunday morning's serv ice the commission on finance, C. W. Stacey, chairman, will Initiate church loyalty week. After their presentation of the budget for the coming fiscal year the pastor will preach on "A Christian Standard of Giv ing." The observance will continue through Sunday, May 24. Peru Missionary at Kingwood Church David Beasley, missionary to Peru under the Wycliffe Bible translators, will be the speaker at the morning worship hour at the Kingwood Bible church, 1125 Elm street at 10:45 a.m. Mr. Beasley is a language spe cialist, reducing the unwritten Indian dialects of Peru to writ ing and then translating the Bible unto these dialects. A. Day Cleveland, a new comer to Salem, will bring the message at the evening serv ice at 7:45 o'clock. Abe Doerk sen will eonduct the aingsplra-tion. First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa and Winter , "JOB'S QUESTION" Sermon by Dr. Poling Two services, t:4S ft 11 a.m. KOCO, 10 A.M. Christian & Missionary- ALLIANCE CHURCH North Fifth t Gain , foul W. Gunthcr, Pastor 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. "Imitation Reli gion" ; 1:00 P.M. Renanah Choir of Simpson Bible Insti tute, Seattle, Washing- ton. 6:30 P.M. Alliance Youth Fellowship 7:10 P.M. "Jacob Con- quors God" . -' Music by Reimer Party M HEAR DONALD MURPHY H -' atthe I FAITH TABERNACLE !P 1305 NORTH 5th at GAINES ST. 1 SATURDAY EVENING, t P.M. SUNDAY SERVICES Morning Worship 11 A.M. ? Snnday School 4:45 A.M. j ) Evangelistic I P.M. i'$ Sermon Topic 1 DOES SALEM WANT REALITY? BIBLE MIRACLES BEGINNING SUNDAY EVENING AT 7:30 AT THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH A Series of Message th Miracle f the Blbl V Ar They Scientific' Art They Credible? Can They B Belivd Sunday Night Topic, '"When Hi StM Stood Still", 11:00 a.m. "Th Name of Ood TUNE IN TO OUR RADIO PROGRAMS ' KSLM Monday thru Friday "Family Altar 8:11 a.m. KSLM Sunda morning "First Call" S:00 a.m. ' ' ' KOCO Snnday morning "Morning Worship Tune" SUNDAY SCHOOL, 9:45 a.m. Adult classes taught Tty George CUpfell, Ray Cites, Rev. J. R. Tnrnbnll and Faster Lloyd T. Anderson. Yon are welcome. OS First Baptist Church and boot. aiMtlnt t .. Snndor tehool 19 :H o.m. Baacromrat itrrlci f rim llrttulltt 40 It. CottftM. Spotvktr fUv. I( oi lot Roberta 1:90 rm. Topic: "Tho Loot Ctoor." LoMth CoMiMomliT iblab VUIm. B. 3t. Books. B D . router. BuBdw tehool It ovm. Protefalnt Md vortbip 11 t. Junior hoar t p.m. YF f l m. lr tw hint I M .. 1mm Lm MmMial Moikawltol Co nor of Jorrtnoa ud Win Mr at. Brnoit FtmIm OonMtr. mlnliUr. Dlvlno Wot hi orrtco ttt 11 toimoa tufc- jrt. "ConeM)tl Of on.- Church Khool Ot ttt OVBK. Ckarch of )m Chritf of Uttor Dor totaio liNvwi Fifth ud Utvltae iirttu. .loim K. llibanr. butt op. pnott- Coatrol Lathoroat North Capitol ud OotnM itroot. O. B. Rradxtrom. potior. Central Lathcran hour KOCO S:30. Fam II Sunday achool 40. Morning wor ahlp 11. XvcnMxt acrvtco t u. rtrao Ckaroh W Chriat, SolMUal Lib trtr ud Chanaktto Bta. Bandsay athool at 11 Mornlnf aarvka at 11. Lai-aon-atrmoa aubtct: "Martala and Im ertala.' atvonlni trvtca at I. Ioaaaoa arnom avhitct: "Mertala ud IniaMr Ftrta Ctartfc W Ood Cotlat aod II ood. R. J. Mclntlro. itnlator. "Chrla- Uan BroUMrhood." BaadaT anoralna I N t sou. pnnday acnooi w. Morntnt vorahlp 11. TMiBt poovic'B atrflca U. KtrMlM aarvloM 1:M. 2120 Feirjroojnd Rd. 24S Court St. 126S Center St. 1 35 S. Commercial Season Tickets Now on Sale For 1953-54 Willamette University Distinguished Artists Series Thomas L. Thomai Nov. Th First Fiona Quartet March IS Isaac Strn Jan. It Vienna String Symphony Feb. t rirst run Oaartet Buy Seoton Ticket at Steven A Son, Jwlart 1 RtMrvtd Saat 7.20 and 4.00 Students Ticket 4.00 Call 4-2223 for Reservations DODGE Offers YOU MORE Value than Ever! prices lower - 602 to '201! Step In for the beat deal in town ... a Dodge pricad below many models to the kwoapricad Aeld. Step Up to tha MobaLrna Eooowmy Winner that toppaxi aH ethor aah1a" on porffarmsiaea. Step Out m tfat nimbleat piece of bve action on four wheels . . , The Aetioa Car for Active Amnram. STAN IAKER MOTORS, your SaUm Oodft cWaUr, make It IASY ta awn a rat new 'S3 Dodge! Term ANYBODY can afford at law at S32.00 i DRIVl DODGE THE PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMY WINNER THERE'S NO NEED TO BE SATISFIED WITH LESS! List.n for "Hometown Nw," 8:55 p.m., Monday thru Frl KStM COME IN TOMORROW FOR A BETTER DEAL ALL WAYS STAN BAKES M0T0E5 Chemeketa and High Salem Phone 2-2468