THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, him, Ortgoa Friday, Hay 15, 1953 Ad- call Ask Bids for Bjg Cliff Line k The Bonneville Power mlniitration bas luued a for bids on Invitation 7026 for for construction of the Big Cliff-Detroit 13.8 kv trans mission lino. Bid will be opened In Port land, Ore.. Monday. June 1. . The successful contractor will be allowed 60 days to complete the work outlined under the specifications. This line is approximately 3.8 miles in length and begins at the Big Cliff powerhouse and extends to the Detroit powerhouse where power from these generating facili ties will be stepped up to'230, 000 volts for connection to the Columbia river grid system. Cooperation Asked In Circus Tickets The Salem Lions club that is sponsoring the appearance of Bailey Brothers circus, June 8 and 0, seeks the cooperation of business men lc connection with the advance sale of tickets but there will be . no pressure, said Carl Aschenbrenner, president of the club. - ' - Advance men of the circus are in the city seeking to inte rest merchants in purchasing ticket to distribute to their customers. "We will not stand for any pressure in this mat ter," stated Aschenbrenner. "We would like their co operation, for the receipts will be used in the Lions club many projects, but we want their response to be purely voluntary. The circus will pitch Its equipment at Waters base ball park for it two day stand. GOTHIC ARCHES FOR NEW. EPISCOPAL CHURCH uwfisdvmxinux fm LAWN LOOK I Af m- rue xifMoitcKOP"' J1 II II l II II I I V, Viewing from the nave toward the altar of Salem's new Episcopalian church, under construction on East Myers and High streets, offer this view of laminated arches above the chancel. Distance from the point of the arch to the floor is 41 feet and eight inches. A. N. M In den, Portland builder, is contractor of the new edifice. 1t& toon with fie Moicrap sal year kiroaajor visofoai erowasl Reese Chairman of Western Conference Dean Seward P. Reese of the Willamette University Law College, has been named chair man of the conference of West ern Law Schools at their meet ing in "Salt Lake City. The con ference Includes 27 accredited law schools in 10 states. Associated with 'Dean Reese during his terra of office will be: Dean Gordon Johnston, Denver University; Prof. Orrln Davis, University of Southern California; William Merryman, Stanford University and Prof. Robert Clark, University of New Mexico. ' Reese, who was appointed dean of Willamette's Law Col lege In 1846, is chairman of the law school administration committee of the Association cf American Law Schools. East Salem GERANIUMS Ttallinr Martha Washing tons IS t8 Vareties Very Choice Plant -Beautiful Hanglnj Basket Beady to ue LARGE SELECTION OF BEDDING PLANTS Also "Cannae" In Can '' Ready to Ge D-VISTA GARDENS IMS D St Ph. 4-34 Salem East Salem The church of East Salem which has been having two annual' benfit din ners, one spring and one in the fall, when Scandinavian foods are featured, has this spring dinner planned for Friday night Members of Grace Lutheran church are serving a smorgas bord dinner this week and will begin serving at 5:30 p.m. Meat dishes will be Norwegian, Swedish and American. Hostesses will be Mrs. Low ell Holt and Mrs. I. G. Ler- mon. General chairman is Mrs. Roy Mathis. Members of the aid which have been busy this week in preparation are Mrs. Gus Lermon. Mrs. Irving Hen derson, Mrs. Marlin Voiding, Mrs. Paul Bramble, Mrs. Henry Storlie, Mrs. Carl Fiskejohn and Mrs. Henry Hanson. The largest attendance at any achievement night pro gram for an East Salem school this year was that of Hoover school Friday night with more than 400 parent and friends nresent General music was by the school orchestra led by Karl Thelen. DALLAS VET DUE Dallas Sfc. Jervis S. Beebe, 1118 Birch St., Dallas, is sched uled to arrive at Seattle from the Far East Saturday on the U.S. Navy transport Gen. Sim. on B. Buckner. Alumni Convocation Hears Hugh McGilvra Hugh McGilvra, editor and publisher of the Forest Grove News-Times, was the principal speaker at an alumni convo cation held on the Willamette university campus Thursday forenoon. A graduate of Willamette in 1028, McGilvra is currently a member of the Board of Trus tees. Herman Clark, professor emeritus and president of the Willamette Alumni association, arranged the program. Betty Starr Anderson, who received her degree in 1840, was featured soloist. She re ceived her degree from Wil lamette in 1840. CALL CADWELLOILCO. FUEL OIL Mak IhtM iternlngi warn u )mj1 phone t-im Why Suffer Any Longer When othtri ftu, tut our Cblntif rtmcdlH. Amwlmr tueetu for MM ?in In Chin. No matter with wht fttlmtnu jrou art affile Ud, dlaordirt, Intuit, twart, lane. Utw, kidney, iti, iftonJUpatlon, ulcer, diabetes, rhtumatum, gal) and bladdtr few, akin, ftnalt complaint. CHARLIE CHAN CHtNlSB HKXS O. OtflM Stan to S Th. Ill S.t Mtr ni N. CuimreUI ram HUM OB. i 'Ji:li avBeT: i w ts... alTr7 SS9 SAVSW00 TRADE NOV 5T U 5 11 f I sssssssssaw m Reg. 159.95 NOW ONLY EE9.95 Witfc your eM wohr, retardles of meke or condition TiNiiHAM Gilbert 6IRIRAI ELECTRIC FAMOUS O-l 'ACTTVATOar WASHMO ACTION AOMMTABU WMNOf AMVCTAfttl TIMER - UI CAPACITY . POWWfW. PUMP o 04 PRMADsra MKrMNHM o ONI-YiAR WARKANTY o NfW RBiSTO-MAR tAKaO Four Corners Four Corners The annual dinner and guest night of the Firemen's Auxiliary was held Tuesday evening in the Com. m unity hall with the husbands as guests. Covers were placed lor SO. Installation of officers was held with Mrs. David Beam as chairman, presenting corsages to the newly installed officers: Chief Mrs. Ivan Brown; presl dent Mrs. A. E. LaBranche; vice president, Mrs. Emery Hendrickson, Sr., secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Morris Jones. Congratulations were ex. tended to Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hendrickson, Sr., upon their 30th wedding anniversary which fell upon that evening. Mrs. Hendrickson was pissent ed a corsage. . A farewell party was given Mrs. Kenneth Anderson on Monday evening when her mother, Mrs. August Sprenger, and Mrs. Edgar Herrman were co-hostesses in the former's home. Mrs. Anderson's parents drove her and nine months old son Bobby to Portland where they left by plane Tuesday morning- for Ketcnikan, Alaska, to join Mr. Anderson, who is employed there. Presenting Mm. Anderson with a gift handkerchief show er for her going away on Tues day were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Elke, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sikle, Mr. and Mrs. John Stepper, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Root, Mrs. Roy Laynes, Mrs. Bob Trussell, Miss Norma Sprenger. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muller, Mr. and Mrs. Er nie Lernhner, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Sink, all of Portland. ... The Four Corners Extension Unit will hold its last meeting oi me year Tuesday. Mav 18. at 1:15 p.m. in the Community hall. The topic, functional house dresses, will be presented hv Miss Pauline Shaplowsky, coun ty agent. Installation of off! cers will be held. weighed eight pound. There is a brother, Jerry, and a sis ter, Joyce, and the grandpar ents, are Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Poindexter, Salem. Great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carruth of Salem. Hostess to the Missionary grou of the Baptist church on Tuesday afternoon was Mrs. E. R. Corning. Reading the devotions and presenting the lesson study was Mrs. S. D. Hovey. Mrs. Wallace Tower was a guest. Others present were Mrs. uuver Kicnman, Mrs. George VanLeeuwen, Mrs. Minard Hermansen, Mrs. E. F. Hausfeld, Mrs. S. H. Gable, Mrs. W. R. Gould. Mrs. C. R. Osborn was host ess on Tuesday to tna Jouy Eight club. A 12 o'clock luncheon with pinochle follow ing was the diversion. Mrs. Cecil Hunsaker was a guest. Mrs. Ed Jackson was a new member. Others were Mrs. Margaret Willis, Mrs. Earl Kasson, Mrs. Arlo McLain, Mrs. Henry Knight, Mrs. Jack Fornot. Nyy residents in Four Cor ners are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poindexter and Lorlnda Lee Poindexter and Jerry and Joyce Sealey. They have pur chased the residential proper ty at 4154 Hager St, moving out from Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sandwlck and children, Ruth, Esther, Mary Jane and Dale, are lo cated in the Donnelly cottage at 455 S. Lancaster. They also moved from Salem. Dr. Brace Knapp assisted by Mary Lois Mondloch and Ruth Ingram, nurses, conduct ed th well-child conference Wednesday. Tenty-five chil dren were examined and im munized. Volunteer mother assisting were Mrs. Oscar Wright and Mrs. Eerett Mor ris from Swegle PTA with Mrs. Loren Richey as general chair man. The June meeting will be the last one until Septem ber. Visitors in the Eldon France home this week are his moth er, Mrs. Ollie Mae France, Nor man, Okla., and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Butler of Oxnard, Calif. I GElGYHOUnB Felicitations so to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poindexter upon the birth of a daughter born April 18 at the Salem Memor ial hospital. The little girl has I solved the high cost of entertaining W using a whfekey that has costly taste... vet doesn't cost me a fortune. MGARSTAfRSi $065 $1)35 J 0. , M. life 's&ftki c i i! n i A 7 A been Yarned Lortada &e and CAI1STA,W BR01 DISTIUIN0 m- "WY0RK.M. BUNDED WHISKEY, 88 PROOF, 11 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS We Are Introducing a New Food Service for Owners of Deep Freezers and Lockers .. U. S. FEDERALLY GRADED MEATS -STATE INSPECTED You may how buy your locker beef, veal, lamb, pork, poultry, ice cream, vegetables, fruits, juices, sea foods, luncheon meats and spe cialties at packing house wholesale prices. We have realized your need for some time and have been work ing toward this great saving for you. We are now glad to advise you that we have been able to associate ourselves with the best and most reliable growers and packers to bring you this great savings at all times. We buy in carload lots so you may have this tremendous saving. $ 50 Introductory Of fer 15 lbs. Ground Beef 5 lbs. Rib Steaks 2 lbs. Round Steaks 2 lbs. T-Bone Steak 4 lbs. Sirloin Steaks 6 lbs. Beef Roasf 6 lbs. Short Ribs 5 lbs. Beef Liver 5 lbs. Skinless Weiners 5 lbs. Minced Ham 5 lbs. Pickle & Pimento Loaf 5 lbs. Chicken Loaf 4 lbs. Salami 2 lbs. Perch Fillets 2 lbs. Rock Fish 2 lbs. Cod Fillets 12 pkgs. Peas Frozen 6 pkgs. Peas & Carrots Fill Your Locker or Freezer Now During Our Special Otter 6 Cut Corn 6 Mixed Yeg. 6 Broccoli 6 Cauliflower 6 Green Beans 12 cans Orange Juice 6 cans Pineapple Juice 6 cans Peachs 6 cans Strawberries Don't forget, if you need beef only, you can buy Eastern Oregon White Face Beef Vi or whole. A complete list of our frozen foods with prices will be mailed to you on request. Convenient credit may be arranged. NOTHING DOWN 6 MONTHS TO PAY 1325 So. 25th St. Phone 34858