tonir. Mir 14, 19SS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Ortfoa BIG LIFT ON CENTER STREET BRIDGE '.I - if- i. - mi ware , . A ' . v. r'- . V '...'. . ' - ' " i lilacs' j . ; ;.; 1 I 'ftilMI tnk Stacey, Jr., iffers Fatal Bums Relatives in Salem have re ared word of the death at wood City, Cal., of Frank y., u years oia, caused by al bumi two dayi before his feer arrived home from Ko srwhere he had been in serv- State highway employes Robert McGrew and AI Mauck check the evelation of the double deck span of the Center street bridge to be lifted six feet and five inch at its east erly extremity. The span weighs 830,000 and is being raised by Moore Drydock, subcontractors, using hydraulic jacks, each with a lifting capacity of 100 tons. The span had been lifted 28 inches when the photograph was made. Mrs. Stacey, the boy's mother, was formerly Jean Pound of Salem, daughter of the late Or. B. F. Pound and Mrs. Pound. Frank, Jr. suffered the fatal burns when some petroleum product became ignited. The grey squirrel is such a pet in England that there is a law against keeping one alive. Kvbbard Altar Society Meets Hubbard The 81. Agnes Altar Society corcmemorated its 32nd anniversary at their recent all day meeting and no host luncheon at the home of Miu Mary Broaec.. One charier member, Mrs. Frank Nemac, was present. Other living charter members are Mrs. Gregor Zellnka of Hubbard, Mrs. T. A. Campeau of Canby, Mrs. Mary Flola of Portland, Mrs. John Nezhoda of Hubbard and Mrs. Fritz Koehne of Woodburn. Former members present for the day included Mrs. T. J. Hunt and Mrs. Philbert Hunt of Aurora, Mrs. J. A. Aschrel of Mt. Angel, Mrs. Anton Pirkl of Molalla; other guests present were Mrs. Jo PUkl of Woodburn and Miss Mary Ne- mee of Hubbard. Mrs. Wencel Doubrava com piled a history from records available iir.ce 1B21. , Following the luncheon the business session of this final meeting until fall was called to order by Mrs. Floyd Domlnick, vice president The, annus! Parish picnic will be held July 12 at Settle meir park, Woodburn. Mrs. Al bert Miller resigned as secre tary, because she is moving to Redmond. A, secretary will be elected in the faU. Pemiey's Wherever you go... shop Penney's and sUsMlahisitfii HO N. Liberty St., Solcm, Oregon 3a FREE PARKING! Shopper's Car Park it. High at Fern or ; 1 - Marion Car Park So. Commercial and Ferry SAILCLOTH FOR SUMMER SUN, YOU'LL NEED WHITE STITCH SECOND FLOOR sfriiiiiAiF T UCIlUlliC " i. 1 x i I ll fl Colors:... " I P' ,,u ::r i i ,otk 10-20 Sl 10-20 I SICOMD FLOOR WRAP-A-ROUND y' ,L SKIRT $ ECO NO FLOOR SAILCLOTH A GENUINE TOPSAIL FABRIC ... WONDERFUL SELECTION OF 11 VIBRANT MIX-MATCH COLORS SHORT SLACKS 70 10-20 TOREADORS 3 0Q Slitt 70 10-20 JACKETS 590 io-u CUFF SHORTS AOSisos VERY BRIEF SHORTS 1 nOSiies 1.70 HALTERS 1.981M-L WASHABLE "ESPADRILLES" Summer classic all the fashion-wise choose, from Maine to California! Sanitized. Crepe soles. Two tone combinations of slate find faded blue, slate and whistling pink, yellow, and plain red. Sizes 4-10. Dow nsU Ira Store STORE HOURS: 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. FRIDAY NITE TILL 9 P.M. Fci5e::orf:;u5AT. Fait $l Value Imported Briar Pipes Hand-poliinid genuin im ported briars . . . natural finith. Popu L mi now napo. Gift boxed on request. 59i Value jO-kdiExtnic.: Viiis? Broom Iter 3e Raiible, extra. long bristles if eeiy cleaning m ttiote hard-to-reach placet. Metal ring on handle allows you to hang broom anywhere. $lTu$sy Cream Deodorant Now ToUetry 10) Reg. 49c Eaton's .Solid Stick Cologne Toiletry 79' Antiseptic 79' Brewers Yeast Tabs 250. 69' Mineral Oil w 89' S Vitamin B-1 W 59V Douche Powder 5M. Si' 09' cSS Mouth Wash M.S(SB' T Woodbury Hand Cream W 79' BallPoint Pen St Toiletry 10c MEN'S WHITE HANKIES H2,.,S' Apparel MOULAJlUc SCOT TISSUE tolls S' Toiletry REGULAR U CANDY BARS MrSi' Candy ' REG. 13c SILK PAPER NAPKINS Count 5 for 50' Variety ' Ipana AC Tooth Paste 39c-59 iliiil WtihU tleaas lea tea WsrssaMy TofMry Udhnt Mod ess 12's Reguier, Super. Junior 39' I 48vs "regular feVMry I Tampax : Regular Junior h mi ik lllilaates aiilyatlT MwfiifMe. Tampax $1.33 RtgHkiTMind Spt)r 5-Day Deodorant Pads ,..25' .59e ,.,'1.00 AN PtasTa Regular 73c WESSON OIL 59V. Toiletry Open Fri. 'Til 9 fejJMsyB Drugs 141 N. Liberty We Reserve Hie Right to Limit QoanrlMf