Pagt S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregoa ThiOTday. May 14. 1953 Silverton ALUnit Election Silverton Nomination and lection of officeri for Delbert Reevei unit. No. 7, American Legion auxiliary, were com pleted Monday evening at Le gion hall. Installation will be .after the itate convention dur ing June, at Seaside. Mn. Charlie Bascue was elected president; first vice president, Mrs. Nettie Noren; second vice - president. Mrs, Bruce Billings; secretary, Mrs. Ernest L. Starr; treasurer, Mrs. C. E. Higinbotham; chaplain, Mrs. Dewey Allen; correspond ing secretary, Mrs. Ralph Francis; historian, Mrs. Clad' wyn Hamre; sergeant-at-arms, Miss Margie Moseng; and members of the executive com mittee, Mrs. Harry Kuch, Mrs. E. A. Kern and Mrs. Thomas BlundeU. The unit voted to sponsor Mrs. Clarence B. Grund for president of district No. 2. The unit has arranged for delegates to attend the state convention. Silverton membership is now 130, the quota being 166 mem bers. Reports were given on the Gold Star Mothers tea and the Marion county assembly meeting. The sewing club's donations to the Portland veterans facil ity this year are valued at $242.45. Mrs. Victor Howard was president this year. On May 21, the club Is to meet at the home of Mrs. ciaawyn Hamre for the day. Mrs. Richard MacLeay of Chicago, sister of Mrs. Ralph Francis, was a guest at the meeting. Today's Menu ' The Bride Cooks Dinner Springtime Green Pea Soup Broiled Steak Mashed Potatoes French-fried Onion Rings Buttered Carrots Fresh Pineapple Beverage Slides of Trip to Europe Shown Guild Colored slides of the Euro pean tour taken last year by Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Baldock provided the program for the Junior guild, St Paul's Epis copal church, on Tuesday. Mrs. Baldock showed the pictures, accompanying t h showing with comments. Sixty members and guests attended the program and meeting. The tables were dec orated with spring flowers and candles surrounding pastel col ored May poles. Guests Included Mrs. M. Bid die Saul, Mrs. Jessie M. David son and Mrs. C. B. McCullough. Those honored for May birth days were Mrs. Kate G, Bell, Mrs. William H. Lytic, Miss Virginia Nowlen, Mrs. H. R. Walters, Mrs. E. E. Chapman, Mrs. Lawrence Osterman and the Rev. George H. Swift, who gave a short talk. Mrs. Homer Goulet will en tertain the guild at her coun try home on June 6, the group to meet for no-host lunch eon at 1 o'clock. ', Couple Wed Here At Baptist Church Wed at ceremony in the Fireplace room of the First Baptist ciurch on Saturday, May v, were Mrs. Anna Loew n and James Wyatt of Port land. The bride is the daugh ter of Mrs. John Loewen and Mr. Wyatfs mother is Mrs. tela Wyatt, of Portland. The Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson per formed the service before IS friends and relatives at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Lloyd T. Anderson. Springtime Green Pea Soup Ingredients: 1 package froz en green peas, 4 scallions, 1 chicken bouillon cube, 2 table spoons butter or margarine, 1 tablespoons flour, 1 cup light cream, salt snd pepper. Method: Put peas in a sauce pan. Wash and clean scallions leaving most of green tops on dice fine, including tops; add to peas. Use the amount of boiling water suggested on package and cook peas and scallions together until very tender. Drain; add enough hot water to the pea liquid to niake 1 cup; dissolve bouillon cube in this. Force peas through a fine sieve to puree. Melt butter In a saucepan; blend In flour. Add bouillon and cream all at one time. Cook and stir constantly over low heat until slightly thick ened. Add pea puree. Stir and reheat, but do not boil, adding salt to taste. If soup Is not entirely smooth strain through cheesecloth-lined strainer be fore reheating. Makes 1 serv ings. h It wonh row while to try. FORMULA The bride wore a dress of pink nylon net and lace, bal lerina length, and carried a Bible topped with a gardenia. A pink flower hat completed her costume. Matron of honor was Mrs. Robert Stone, who wore a white lace dress and carried a nosegay of blue Irises. She wore a blue flower hat. James Miles wss best man for Mr. Wyatt At the reception which fol lowed the ceremony, Mrs. Harry Johnson cut the cake. Mrs. Nels Sipola poured and serving was Mrs. James Miles. Passing the guest book was Mrs. Arnold Krueger. The couple is at home at 1820 Trade. Mr. Wyatt is with the Multnomah Plywood company of Portland. I . I . If - :' 1 r.. -v at 1 . -21 v V m .? m aaaaaaaaaaaaaal l i J ' , i - (. , . . 1 I I bv: .... ;-r-l Dallas New officers were installed recently for the local assembly of Order of Rainbow for Girls. Lrft to right: Miss Mary Bell, faith; Miss Loma Lawrence, c rity; Miss Margie Nelson, new worthy adviser; Miss Mary Ger linger, outgoing worthy adviser; Miss Geraldine Reinemer, associate worthy adviser; Miss Charlene Wiedeman, hope. Mothers Breakfast v Given by FL Club Annual Mother's day break fast for the Salem FL club was an event of Sunday morning at the Marion hotel. Members and guests were welcomed by Mrs. Trov Wood, president, and the response was given by Mrs. L. J. Kimble. Mrs. Keith Hender son honored Mrs. Ethel Me- Clav and Mrs. E. C. Mennis with a reading, the two women beine-" charter members who have attended tnis annual ai- fair for 16 years. Piano num bers were played by Miss Jo delle Parker and Miss Doris Kimble. Present were Mrs. Virgil Parker, Miss Jodelle Parker, Mrs. J. H. Lewis, Miss Linda Britton, Mrs. Oiville Britton, Mrs. A. L. Roher, Mrs. Theo dore Rhoades, Mrs. Clyde Jay, Miss Delores Jay, Mrs. Ed Holmquist, Mrs. Robert Lau- dahl, Mrs. L. E. Mosher, Mrs. Wendall Ewing, Mrs. J. P. Ewing, Mrs. Victor Koop, Mrs. Goldia Kyle, Mrs. C. J. Kim ble, Miss Doris Kimble, Mrs. Paul Smith, Miss Terry Smith, Miss Dessle McClay, Mrs. R. B. McClay, Mrs. Mike Simmons, Mrs. Lela Beach, Mrs. Vers La Due, Miss Jackie La Due, Mrs. Lawrence McClure, Miss Don na McClure, Mrs. Walter Hunt, Mrs. Wesley Hunter, Miss Di ane Rich, Miss Claudia Rich, Mrs. Troy Wood, Miss Penny Wood, Mrs. Keith Henderson, Mrs. Morris Laudahl, Mrs. Lea Henderson, Mrs. Everett So- den, Mils Kay Soden, Miss Dorlsjean Shafer, Mrs. Fred Shafer, Mrs. Gavin Hill, Miss Joanne Hill, Mrs. E. C. Men nil, Mrs. Colene McLaughlin of Portland. " Chapter Installs Alpha Ipsllon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi installed new officers when the group met last evening at the home of Mrs. Donald Stiffler. Mrs. Eldon Lindhorst heads the group as president this coming yesr. Mrs. Stiffler as outgoing president was Install- CSflUTT YO0 CM NATURAL OIL Shampoo Ym w be iMppr mt yea rM h. or ro rmra she mnmti ponies and ft twin row mem I. "Oiw Oood MiMipoo For Th Vhols Fmn" vets vest tvseT -W OiS- tiMtm whi r-S nful T mi " rtiasvci most fftji Freda ffi JjffiSte SHASOM . - "HOLLY" JACKSON JEWELERS U5 N. tfterrr Opooiltc Oldei hsMnt B'nai B'rith Lists Officers for Year Willamette chapter of B'nai B'rith elected its new officers on Tuesday, Mrs. Mike Stein bock installing the new lead ers following the election. Mrs. Herbert Adler and Mrs. John Golden assisted Mrs. Stein- lng officer. Mrs. Wilson Beckford was In charge of the program. Mrs. Douglas Stearns snd Miss Pat Ramseyer were guest speakers to discuss sculpture. bock. Mrs. Sidney P. Levene is pre sident; Mrs. Jules Jacobson, first vice president; Mrs. Abe Samuels, second vice president; Mrs. Harry Merin, recording secretary; Mrs. Maurice Blum, corresponding secretary; Mrs, William Harris, treasurer; Mrs. J. Rowe, sentinel; Mrs. Harry Perlman, guard; Mrs. Herbert Adler, Mrs. Abram Volchok, Mrs. Sam Muchnick. trustees. Servicn and' civic problems will be projects of the club for the coming year. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Sam Muchnick and Mrs. Sanford Cowan to the members snd guest, Mrs. Jer ome Willisms, who hss re cently com to Salem from Seattle. Miss Etzel Recent Bride ' A bride at St. Joseph's Cath olic church on Saturday, May 0, was Miss Doris Marie Etzel, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. George E. Etzel of Dallas. She wai wed to Charles Thornton Coffey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Coffey of Salem, at a 10 o'clock double ring ceremony, the He v. josepn Vanderbeck officiating. Altar boys were Thornton Coffey, cousin of the bridegroom, and John Hamstreet. Corin Alexan der and Wayne Meusey provid ed the music for the service. Calls lilies, pink carnations and yellow tulips decorated the church. The bride, given in riage by her father, wo wedding dress of Chantilly. lace with nylon tulle and satin. It was fashioned with lace tiers at the sides of the skirt and a bodice styled -with scalloped neckline and lace sleeves. A pearl trimmed satin cap e cured the bride's fingertip veil. She carried a bouquet of gar denias surrounding an orchid. Maid of honor for her sister was Miss Marietta Etzel and bridesmaids were Miss Shirley Coffey, the bridegroom's sis ter, Mrs. Richard Gray, sister of the bride, Miss JoAnn Rohde and Miss Celia Wolf. Cynthia Gray was the flower girl. Their dresses were of pastel taffeta under wnite net, ballerina length, and they wore match ing headbands. All the attend ants carried bouquets of Esther Reed daisies. Herbert Bauer was the best man and ushering the guests were M e 1 v I n Staudinger, George Schmidt, Paul Muller and Richard uray. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Etzel wore a two-piece slate blue dress of silk shan tung with pink and navy ac cessories. Mrs. Coffey, the bridegroom's mother, wore s blue silk dress with white and blue accessories. Their flowers were pink carnations and rose buds. At the reception in the Wom an's club house, Mrs. Msry June Wofford, sunt oi ine bridegroom, cut we caxe ana nmirinu were Mrs. John Haf- ner, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. John C. Benish. Assisting were Mn. Barney Covey, Miss Lou ril Jenkins. Mrs. Herbert Bauer. Mrs. Melvin Staudinger and Mn. Henry Gambit Mr. and Mrs. Cofi-y will be at home at 677 North Summer following a short wedding trip. For traveling, Mrs. Coffey wore a powder blue dressmaker suit with pink and navy accessories. The bride attended schools in Perrydale and is now a secre tary at the Oregon Pulp and Paper company. Mr. Coffey at tended Sacred Heart academy and has recently returned home following four years with the U.S. air force. CDofA court to be established at Tigard next Sunday, May 17, with the ceremonies slated to begin at 1 o'clock p m at the St. Anthony's school hall. All Catholic Daughters arc in vited to attend. The Rev. Cyril Lebold, OSB. chaplain, was present at th meeting and addressed th members. Mrs. F. J. Schwab received the attendance award. a social for members will be Monday, May 25. To serve on this committee are, Mrs. Nor bert Butsch, chairman; Mrs. J. L. Wschter, Mn. Frsnle Fessler. Miss Elizabeth Unger, Mrs. Alvin Saalfield, Miss Eu stelle Bauman, Miss Margaret Traeger, Mn. Allie Schmltt, Mn. P. N. Smith and Mrs. M A. Wsgncr. Doesn't your graduate deserve a Hamilton watch ? There's nothing second-best about your graduate . . . and there mustn't be anything second-best about this never-to-be-forgotten day, nor the gift you choose to tell of your pride and love. Give your graduate America's finest watch a Hamilton. So reliable, the name is famous as "the watch of railroad accuracy." So beautifully designed it will be worn with pride for a lifetime. And faithful for a life timepowered by an unbreakable mainspring of precious Dynavar. Hi.wcv.BteBM); Bl"wefre. Pg of Y'"hm"-t49.S0l " " h means so much more to give... or get ...a HAMILTON... the watch railroad accuracy A. TIm Umitm -"elJ" (mM fint aoimm i i0 - iml tMi. ktilm Mr, 171.50. a TWi Sfmir -10 oral stM, tllifim r.0O. C TIm Hall;-MKrd m hln soM-ilM. uickiiis kraraUt. SMJS. C Th rha -utml r kt (oU-ilM. auttkias branlct, tfOM. t Tto Mom -14 nnt Htanl m kin pM. tat m W7.S0. f. TW. Carhaa MtMil giM-BK iilbii mfm Wt SS7J0. trim Mmtt TUmtl tu. m Miss Bauman to Head Mt. Angel CDA Court Mt. Angel Miss Eustelle Bauman was elected grand re Bent of court Marion No. 718, Catholic Daughters of Amer ica, at annual elections on Monday evening. Mrs. Dorothy Sprauer served as grand re gent during the past year. Other officers elected are: Mn. Charles Bochsler, vice-regent; Mn. Alphonse Schacher, prophetess; Miss Margaret Traeger, financial . secretary; Mrs. Vincent Smith, treasurer; Mrs. Urban Butsch, monitor; Mn. Edward Hammer, lectur er; Mrs. Eugene Hoffer, sen tinel; Miss Patricia Connell, or ganist: and Mrs. Frank Aman and Miss Anne Erwert, trus tees. Installation of officers will take place at the next business meeting, slated for Monday evening, June 8. In charge of the social will be the yearly social committee. Mrs. Vincent Smith, Junior chairman, reported on the ac tivity of the junion during the past month. The first Sunday in May they astiited in serv ing at the annual Sodality breakfast, and during the af ternoon took care of the baby sitting at Mt. Angel seminary for snnual "Laity Day." The girls have a sewing project for a needy family, and will as sist in serving at the commu nity Mother's dsy breakfast next Sunday, May 17. Mn. Alois Keber, war relief chairman, is getting ready to package and ship used clothing to war stricken areas, snd ar ticles msy be brought to her home now. Reports were giv en by Mn. E. A. Hsmmer and Mrs. Val Eberle. Announcement was made of the organization of a new !? 10 Super-Giant Our Gift vV: to You e'z Plus. pockog of Giant Dahlia ssedi Automatic ttfesher scTMIsr STi III l-L-l J-fl-U 555 JnLjshhWi , I li to Hmrft kwj ir SMILING 1 JACK'S CHUCHnd" CENTER OPEN TIL 9 P.M. P fg?divWrtfi ftMe I H LYI OIKM AOAKM SOT I Xt1- 6CT A RAMHTM 1 a. cacaj t II nfmi WW-..- ra il JS- n5() "--aua- tjjj,