Thursday. Mar 14. 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salens, Ortm Pataf ATWU Dances on Week-end Calendar Br BARBARA JACKSON Spring dances will highlight the week-end on the Willam ette campui as tht Khool ytu near close. Alpha Chi Omega will pre sent its coring formal in the chapter house from 8:80 to 11:30 o'clock Friday night. The theme of the affair ii "Cotton Ball," and a southern plan tation acene will be featured in the decorationi. Judy Finch of Portland haa arranged the vent The sen or members of Chi Omega will be honored at the annual white carnation ball, entitled "Grecian Garden," to be held at the American Le gion hall In West Salem tomor row night from 0 to 12 o'clock. The decorations, planned by chairman of the dance, Sue Lovely of Portland, will fol low the Grecian theme. Phi Delta Theta will stage Its spring formal at the Knights of Columbus hall Saturday nignt irom 8 to lz o'clock. The following day the fraternity will travel to the beach for the day. Beach trips will be held On Sunday by Sigma Chi and Beta Theta Pi, also. Pat Harris of Portland an nounced the news of ber en gagement to Bob Gotf of Cor vallis Monday evening during dinner at the Pi Beta Phi house. Miss Harris is a sopho more and will work next year in Portland. Gotf, a Junior, if a member of Sigma Chi. The couple haa act no data for the wedding. News of the engagement of Trances Smith of Portland to Tom Scheidel of Salem came as a surprise to members of Alpha Chi Omega Monday eve ning. Miss Smith is a sopho more majoring in English, and Scheidel, a member of Sigma Chi, is a speech major. UNESCO will present the foreign movie, "The Bicycle Thief," next Thursday and Fri day nights in Waller hall, and admission price will be 80c. The film has been acclaimed aa the greatest foreign film In the last 40 years. dinger park will be the scene of an all-women student X; At OSC To Wed Sooa A-2c Lou Ann Elliott, above daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Elliott, SUverton, is to be married on June 6. to A-2c Joe Max Layton, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Layton, Sr. of Bayou La Batre, Ala. . . picnic next Wednesday, and the function has been planned by the Associated Women Stu dents on the campus. Yvonne Grosser of Portland is in charge of the affair, and soft ball, sack races, and other ac tivities have been planned. Kent Holmea of San Carlos, Calif., has been chosen chair man of a student participation committee to raise funds for the new Willamette building program. The only actual campaign that will be carried on this year, according to Holmes, will be aimed at gra duating seniors. Jane Fooshee of San Lean dro, Calif., will be presented this Sunday in her senior re cital at 3 D.m. in the recital hall. The pianist will present selections by Bach, Beethoven, Debussy, and other composers. A reception presented by mem bers of Mu Phi Epsilon, na tional music sorority, will fol low the recital. Scout Event Salem district Girl Scout leaders met Tuesday to form Leaders clubs. Mrs. W. A. Link was elected president of Brownie leaders, and Mrs. James Wa'te was chosen as the presiding officer of Intermediate Girl Scout leaders. Miss Dorothy Wilson, field director of the Santiam area Girl Scout council, taught the leaders several folk dances. Cookies and coffee were served Honors Won By Salem Students By ALICE LEHMAN Waslul Jaaraal Cm l Oregon Stat College, Cor- vallia (Special) Many Salem people have recently been tap ped for honoraries here on the Oregon State college campus. Joan Stettler was tapped for Talons, sophomore women's service honorary. Pat Morton will become a new member of Alpha Lambda Delia, freshman women's scholastic honorary. Alice Lehman was tapped for Orchesis, national modern dance honorary, ' and Celia Weaver was tapped for Eu terpe, women's music honorary. At the AWS honor convoca tion certificates were presented to Alpha Lambda Delta seniors who bad maintained a 3.S GPA for their four years in college. Included on the list were: Al via Miller, Lorraine Welling and Diane Perry, all of Salem. This past week-end at the honors and awards convocation, held aa a part of Mothers Week-end, came the announce ment of Joan Stettler as one of the winners of women's schol arships. Another Salem girl, Doris Frohm, waa announced as being the alternate for this award. to the 16 leaders present Meetings will be resumed in September. lira. Edward Male of Salem ' waa elected to the post of dis trict representative for the Or egon State Mothers chib at their last meeting. Plana are being made far la advance for next year'a incom ing freshmen. Book and Rook ies counselors are chosen each year to help orient sreahmen when they first come to col lege. Rookess counselors from Salem are Celia Weaver, Jody Ricketta, Eevi Tarem, Pat Healy, and Kalja Lietuvletia. Rook counselors are Wally Reeves, Jack Beaker and Bob Walker. Recently elected to offices on the campus were Alan Olson and Stan Lyman. Alan was elected president of the food technology club and Stan has received the post of vice pres ident of main dorm. Mid-term exams are coming to an end and with only four more weeks of classes left be fore final week and summer vacations, students are begin ning to plan their summer ac tivities. Those planning to at tend the University of Hawaii are Jan Folger, Pat Healy, and Eunice Peckenpagh. A big week-end la m store for students as they look for ward to two main events. The first takes place Friday after noon and evening at Avery Park and is known as the soph omore picnic. From now on these students will be consid ered as social Juniors, and the fellas may now shave off the three weeks growth of beard that they have been growing for the affair. The second ev ent for the week-end is the Senior Ball to be Saturday night Season Tickets Now on Sale For 1951-54 WHIomette University Distinguished Artists Series Thomas L. T homos Nev. t The First f ion Quartet March IS Isaac Stern Jan. ZS Vienna String Symphony Feb. First riano Quartet Buy Seoton Tickets at Stevens V Son, Jewelers Reserved Sears 7.20 and 6.00 Students Tickets 4.00 Call 4-2223 for Reservations Special 15-60 NYLON mmm HOSE Wanted SALE! ShoJes $1.00. 3 -'2.90 Perfects! Real sheer! Summer shades! Save! MILLER'S NOW! A CI YOUTHMORE "YOUTHCRAFT'' SUITS ea ranee Of A I Ana Reg. $69.95- $79.95 -$85.00 Sizes 8-10-12 14-16 SOFTLY TAILORED HURRY! Only o few of these fomous Youthmora and Youthcroft high-class suits in this final closa out ot $40! Hera Is the suit you'll wear and weor ... It will never grow old. Finest of wool . . . tailor. Ing, linings! Sova half! 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Sta tionary, cards, napkins, etc Prompt service. , MILLER'S ; GIFT SHOP iftShaf), Main Floor ft 6 w 1 f em PICK YOUR PARTNERS in ORlGt JV Mix 'n morcfi fwn-fovm' separates fat Original Sailcloth for summer Rvin' in the sunt Washable, wear obit, wonderful. ..In new and tare free colors. AH ore unmistakably White Stag! I toeeu Mac ta Waa aa aaaar rfaatat, XS-S-M-l St. ft (AirsKiNMfM, topt4i-rif. i-ii.. ) STA-Sa tfayl I sto tllW, aaivitoblt lira. 10-M i.te WHItTll SirrCMS, wmfM tlwrk, win. ( si f caaar-au mi sdi s.ts t mmauN's mcxr wh. jmoki wfii. im a.ta auraeiaaias tm n , ntUnn wiimimu, jo a.ta 4 tutvmisa roa m Htf ta er 10-W 4.10 Uml SOT SHOSTS. nlf.rf iktfti, no Calarsi CIM Wtiltt, Soil Ui, Saxtwr Navy, 0ia OraM, Tar Mk, Choinsl, NMrwily tins Carol, Saal Srawa. ivo Vallaw. Maolanal aa wtrti aanlroit MMcoine. t.a. lallMM, 4 2nd fc Floor 3Mos. to Pay!