1 ! Thndr, May 14, 1951 'UNION MADE" BIRD NEST THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Ontoi FOOD ESCTKW rag 11 ,3 ".'ft - Sweet Home This bluejay ilU on eggi in her nett bearing "union made label to a tree on the ground of the Evangelical Children'! Home in St Louis. Victor B. Hauck, superin tendent of the home, aaid the labeled scrap of paper uted In the nett conitructlon ii believed to have come a,t! PP after a wallpapering project nearby. (AP Wiiephoto.) .. Urges Funds lor N.W. Projects Washington OT Rep. Mag nuson (D-Wah.) urged appro priation! for five Pacific Northwest power projects Wed nesday, Including 2hi million dollars to start work on Ice Harbor lock and dam. Citing what he termed the Northwest's "acute and grow ing need for hydroelectric -J p o w e r," Magnuson asked a House appropriations' subcom i mlttee to recommend these amounts for the year starting 'July 1: ' Chief Joseph Sam, 25 mll- lion; McNary lock and dam, $27,700,000; The Dalles lock and dam, $37,429,000, all on the Columbia River; and Al benl Falls dam on Pend Oreille River, $7,200,000. All the figures corerspond to the Eisenhower budget with the exception of Ice Harbor for which the present administra tion recommended nothing. '.' Rep. Coon (R-Ore.) also urg ed the subcommittee to sup port the request for funds for The Dalles project. , JAPAN BANS IRANIAN OIL , Tokyo VP) Japan told Brit- aln Wednesday, in effect, that it will halt future purchases of Iranian oil by Japanese companies, Kyodo News Serv ice reported. The 18,000-ton tanker, Nl&sho Mara, last week arrived with a load of Iranian oil. Last Rites for Col. Sfallings Portland Vf) Funeral serv ices were held here Wednes day for Col. A. R. Stallings, 85, who for 16 years was president of the U. S. Spruce Production Corp. He died Monday after a year's illness. He was born in West Vir ginia and was commissioned in the judge advocate general's department in 1918. , In 1930 he became head of the government spruce corpora tion which was to dispose of assets acquired during World War I for spruce used in air plane construction. The corporation was liquid- Sweet Home The Joe Thompson home on south Twelfth avenue was the scene of a double celebration Sun day. Joe Thompson celebrated his birthday aniversary and Mrs. Thompson was honored on Mother's Day. Attending the dinner party celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Thompson and Marylls and Sharon Blachly; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moxley and Joan, Foster; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hodge, Glendale; Mr. and Mrs. Del Fox and Carolyn. Winston; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomp son and Bobby, Sweet Home; and Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Thomp son and Shane, Sweet Home; and Vernon Thompson from Oregon Stat college in Corval lis. , ' A family reunion was held in the Trout Creek Camp park Sunday when the Earl Gerber family got together for a pic nic. Attending were. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gerber and Roger, Ronnie and Stephen; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gerber and De wight and Linda Lee; Mr. Guy Gerber and his fiance. Miss Le- nore Erickson, all of Portland; Lynnie Gerber, Mrs. Lanning and Sammy, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gerber of Sweet Home and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller, Fairvicw. Capt. and Mrs. Leslie Swope and children left Monday for Petersburg, Vs., where Captain Swope is stationed after re turning from three years in the Quartermaster Corps in Yoki hama, Japan. The Swopes have been visiting with the parents of Mrs. Swope, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyd of 825 9th ave nue. a ted in 1948 after criticism rjy Congress for having stayed so long in business. The W. I. Howe family and Claire Mclntyra family mo tored to Detroit Dam Sunday stopping st the Marlon Forks I lsA natcnery to inspect me operation. Mr. and Mrs. John Clover of Gilroy, Calif., have been vis iting their son Roy Clover. 1155 J street, for the put week. . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lundt en tertained out-of-town guests at a picnic at Trout Creek camp Sunday. Former Sweet Home residents, Mrs. Annie Father gill, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Helgerson, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. James Lyon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vera Rosenlund and family, all of Sweet Home, were present Mr. and Mrs. OrvlUe Nuan and Larry and Gene, Salem, were Sunday visitors at the Roy Cook home in the City Park Sunday. Frank Kelly, Lebanon, father of Mrs. Cook, also has been visiting Us daughter the past two weeks. Curtis Wilson, owner of the Foster garage, purchased an acre on the Foster river road for a building site recently. Citizen Makes Arrest For Drunk Driving Ralph Willis Baker, Rose burg, was in the county jail Wednesday after being arrest ed on a citizen's arrest for drunk driving. Baker was arrested by C. O. Graham, Portland, after Bak er's auto ran into the rear of his car while Baker was stop- Mil for h -nA traffii. Ilsht pi Vista avenue on South Com-j merclal street Baker pleaded Innocent in district court Wednesday morn ing and was ordered held in lieu of $350 ball pending trial. Only minor damage was done to,the cars in the acicdent Sfaylon High In May Fete Stayton - The May Day program presented on Satur day morning at the high school begin with the high school band playing several numbers, and baton twlrlers. Delores Marrtz and Carol Klrsch per forming. The coronation of Queen Sally by Mayor Ed Bell wasiJamet Md Ttamle chrlsten- dh on uie program, wiin uie welcome by Grand Marshall Clarence Hinrlchs, and the pro clamation by the Queen. The students of the high school and grade school entertained with singing and folk dances. Members of the Royal Court were: the Queen, Sally Stud nick, and escort, Dick Heater; princess. Sherry Spanlol, and escort, Marvin band berg; prin cess, Shirley Mlnten, and es cort Jim Frlchtl; princess, Marilyn Nokelby, and escort, Wayne Mlnten; princess, Mar Jorie Fridrich, and escort, Ro ger Neilson; princess, Nancy Frye, and escort, Floyd Len gacher; princess, Alice John son, and escort, Bruce Phlllppi; princess, Claudia Johnson, and escort Don Small; princess. Carol Coulter, and escort. Bob Weddlc; keeper of the gate, Cherri Shelton, and "Buzzy Baker; lord mayor, Ed Bell; grand mirshall, Clarence Hln richs; flower girls, Cheryl Chrisman, and La Donna Bark meyer; tram bearers. Marvin sen; crown bearer, Ronnie ma rtens. - ALWAT8 A COFFEE BARGAIN AT , H ft H GROCERY CHASE SANBORN 2 MS Journal Want Ads Pay CAPITOL FISH CENTER 1121 Center It. , In the MIDGfT MAJUCIT, ex rose free. Owl Drug FRESH STURGEON AtlD CHI NOOK. THE LARGEST VARI ETY OF FRESH AIID SOTED FISH 111 OREGON. FRESH COOKED CRABS, CLAMS, 0LYMPIAS, SHRIMP. nil's m smoa, m MVi it FOR GOODNESS SAKCLooh for PURE JAMS & JEUIES For tempting, tantalising flavor, insist- on KERR'S JAMS and JELLIES. Mad from juicy, sun-ripened fruits and berries and pur sugar. Cooked in specially construct ed vacuum pans to preserve the taste tempting color and goodness of the f ruit. Packed in handsomely designed tumb lers. Twenty-six varieties of KERR'S JAMS and JELLIES available for your selection. snue on oun Baffled by a Budget? If you've been paying more, you've been pay ing too much. Trade at H&H. While They Last Lb. 2f Lb. Silk Toilet Tissue 5c Baby Foods 4 - 29c Diamond Wax Paper m h . 19c Spry Shortening 3 . 79c Kraft Dinner 10c Cheese 2 i""""" 79c Durkees Margarine 25c Eggs, AA Large 57c Heinz Catsup 19c Powdered Milk 3 . 79c Hunt's Peaches 249c Syrup W!ST tiJSt n 25c Bulk Sugar Br' 3 95 Salmon 1 39c Wrigley's Gum sJST v 79c Tuna i 6s1.00 Va Lb. Baby Ruth g 3 25c Chicken Noodle A 6 -1.00 FROZEN FOODS Swill's Frozen Fryers Ready to cook Swift's Chicken Livers Minute Maid Orange Juice esch lb. os. can 99c 39c 16c MEATS MINCED HAM ti. 39c CUBE STEAKS . 2 for 25c Don't miss out m those feed quality skinless welnies It's Red Hot Price! PRODUCE lelluce K3S.ua 10c Fresh Bunch Carrots 3 (0, 25c Grapefruit 5c rA.rtill Vallfr H&H GROCERY Free Parking Daily Delivery Service TMT ul lltt Stale St. We reserve te Until Ne sales te dealers. Phone l-IIZS 1288 State Sr. Phono 3-6489 I'tANDALL'S J LH.a.l.PvriA; CsUaJJ At a time when we knew you will most appreciate it eur pleasure it te bring yea this fin Eastern Oregon Hera ford Beef at the lowest price in years and years! Wholesale prices on ovary beef cut hi the house! Pten te bay week's supply. Fill your locker. MS? BE SURE TO COME IN TODAY & SAVE! SAVE! Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford BEEF 8EEF. Mm Kcasft i!JiJ Steak nitel) Arm Cuts-Blade Cuts Rumps Round T-Bone Rib Steaks FRES H CB0UND BEEF Fresh LEAN HEM round Wl lb. lb. lb. w A9 NEW YORK CUT . 89 TENDER LOIN . roast or steak .SS Hearts , ,2' VoungHensViSSe i. Fully Dressed end Drown 1i2J W II V UKKER 1EEF M0WI Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take adrantaga of these prices. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing down a full year to pay. Hind Quarter Half or Whole Pound Front Quarter . Pound Pound Baby Beef LIVER 91 Fresh Beef c Tongues u. LB. 29 icnaer, Lean, weary "N CHUCKSTEAK W . ! ! V