Past 10 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL,' galea. Ortfoa Than day. May 14, 1958 rr 1 KJ PROUD OF NEW SIGN ' 1 1 --. (I ""3 '''' ' ' V 7& II J'. ' S v.- Donald Willamina Wlllamtna Plans for Mary Stevenson Day are nearlng completion. An Informal pro gram for the afternoon of May IT hat been outlined, and Don' sell Mitchell will serve at mat ter of ceremonies. Several mu- lical numbers will be present ed by past and present stu dents. Mrs. Marvin Hellend will be In charge of the table where cookies, coffee and punch will be served to anyone. In addi tion, the high school PTA will sell hot dogs and pop to those who want more refreshments. Everyone who ever attended or taught In the Willamina high school, and everyone else who would like to pay their respects to Miss Stevenson, who is com pletlng her 23th year of service In the high school. Is Invited to attend. More than 600 cards have been sent to alumni and . teachers whose addresses were known. .Mary Stevenson began teaching In the Willamina high school in 18Z8. see is a graau ate of the University of Ore gon, and her home when not In Willamina Is near Msdford. The date is Sunday, May 17, from 1 to S pjn. at the Wills taina high school, for the school's reunion for Mary Stev enson Day. The Yamhill County Tuber culosis and Health association held election of officers et their recent meeting at Carlton. Mrs. Otto Haider Sr., Sheri dan, was elected president; Mrs. Don Walker, Amity, vice president; Mrs. Emery Dental, Willamina, secretary; Mrs. Darrel Moore, New berg, treas urer; three new directors-at-large, Mrs. Claude Simmons, Carlton; Mrs. Harold Frink, Dsyton; Father A. H. MacDon nell, McMlnnville, and one re elected. Judge H. M. Hoskins, Newberg. Two Willamina Key club . members have beer elected to district offices In the organi sation. A recent meeting was held of the Key clubs, in Bel lingham, Wash. Elected to dis trict office were Dick John ston, named Lieutenant-Governor, which Is the highest of fice of the district: end Ed Forbes, elected District Treas urer. Gordon MacPhenon, a stu dent at the Willamina high school, has been named State Orator of the Grand chapter, Order of DeMolay In Oregon. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam MacPhenon of Grand Ronde, and as Orator, will have to address all the state meet ings of DeMolay. The Friendship club met this week at the home of Mrs. Roy Durham. Ladles enjoying the dsy were Mrs. W. C. Trem blsy, Mrs. Karl Lentx, Mrs. S. A. Rumrlll, Mrs. Cliff Rugg, Mrs. Guy Call, Mrs. Frank Smelter, Mrs. Esrl L. Rich ardson and Mrs. Durham. The next meeting will be June 1? at the home of Mm. Call in Sheridan. A Mother-Daughter banquet will be held May IB in the basement of the Christian church. The food will be cooked and served by the men of the church. A musical pro gram will be presented. The Chamber of Commerce will meet in the dining rooms of the VFW hall Tuesday eve ning, May 13. The nominating committee has selected officers for the newly formed organi sation, and an election will be ' ' Gathered In front of the new site of the Salem YWCA are these board members, the group being proud of the new sign that went up this week in front of the new build ing now under construction on State street Work is progressing on the new plant, the board announces. Left to right: Miss Gertrude Acheson, manager of the YW; Mrs. Robert It. Gregg, Mrs. George Gregor, Mrs. William S. Van Meter, Mrs. Chester M. Cox, Mrs. Carlton Grelder, Mrs. Chester Loe, Mrs. Buskin Blstchford, Mrs. Vernon Gilmore, Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, Mrs. Brace F. Pickett, Mrs. Harold O. Schneider, who is YW president; Mrs. George LaBorde, Mrs. A. E. Ullman, Mrs. George A. Rho ten, Mrs. Robert F. Anderson, Mrs. Gut Moore, Mrs. Her man Jochlmsen. interested in the welfare of the community are invited to be present. The VFW Auxiliary Initiated five new members during their meeting this week. They are Joyce Mltner, Patsy Buswell, Louise Blackwell, Jean Pear son and Goldle Lundin. Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobs are the parents of a daughter, bora May 8 in McMlnnville. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chap man of Amity are the parents of a son, Jimmy Lee, born May 3. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Butler of Sheridan and Mr. and Mrs. Don Warner of Amity. The annual Music Concert given by the Willamina high school music department will be held at the school May IS at 8 p.m. Phillip Green is the director. The district encampment of Veterans of Foreign Wars, L -A ft a. J IaT jtra hatiuw FROM 24 HOUR MARKET Stop the Dust . . . Make Your Own Walks Eastern Oregon Red Cinders KHAFT'S Miracle Vhip 43' 01. UPTON'S TEA m bags bags 55 PenJel Pectin 2pkffc25c SPRY 89c LIFEBUOY SOAP Reg. t for ISe 22,""19c Lux Totiet Soap 3 Personal Oil Bite for 9C ttsVBnassjBBSBasHMiBBBBHiitBBH Sunshine Crackers ' S&47. RancHer's Pride EGG NOODLES & CHICKEN 29-oz can BEG MORE D0G& CAT FOOD 2 J5' Sweet Sixteen OLEO 2 for i? No Finer Quality CL0R0X 2S' We Reserve the To limit Quantities Fries)! ftffoctrf Frl., Set., May 15-14 which was held at Newberg recently, elected several from Willamina to district offices. They include Mrs. Max Ras mussen, district junior vice- president; Mrs. Floyd Ullrich, assistant musician; Mrs. Wayne Ellis, district standard bearer, and Bea Curry, district trustee. The Willamina Civic club will again sponsor the annual Spring Music program, which will be held this year on May 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the high school. i Donald Jerry Yergen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yer gen, time home on a week-end pass fo Mother's Dsy. Desn Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Peterson, arrived home on,-leave from Kelly Field in San Antonio on May 3. He must report back May 28. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Peter son snd Dean spent the dsy at her brother's, J. D. Schack man's. In. Salem. They have also taken trips to the beach and down to Eugene since Dean has been hone. Pete.- Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mitchell, Sr., stumbled and fell against the side of the tin playshed at the Donald school last week and cut his hand. Louis Cechmanek of St Bel- ens, Ore., flew down In his private plane Monday, May 11, to pay a social call on George Kraus. Barney Feller, accompanied by "Doc" Seguin of Gervais, went fishing for trout at East Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Feller and son, Earl, Jr., went troutlng at Mill creek, Sunday. Mn. Bar ley Feller enter tained her family Mother's Day. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Psul Eaton and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. John Grass- man and family, Mrs. Virgil Serette and family, and Mrs. Fellers parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Aurand. In the afternoon, Mrs. Serette. Mr. Aurand and Barney Feller visited Mrs. Ser ette's husband who Is in the Veterans' hospital In Portland, He recently submitted to sur gery and is reported to be ret ting along nicely. John Pelto, who is on vaca tion in Colorado, telenhoned xrom Grand Junction that he is having fine time. He was accompanied by Les Grazier and Dan Cunningham. They expect to return tome time this week.' The Rebekaht have sched uled a benefit dance for Sat urday night at Butteville. Veralo Smith and his aunt, Mrs. Ben Qulnn, were dinner euests of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Eva Green of Butteville, Sun- dav. In the afternoon, Mrs. On Inn and Mrs. Green celled on Mr. and Mrs. Andy John son, who bsve been in m health. Victor Duffy of Woodburn has been employed .by Lin Cromwell, owner of the Don ald esxage. Mr. and Mrs. aia uenancn spent the week-end at Red iain Mr. Hendricks 1.1W1IU . .-. w brother Emmett, who recently purchased a ranch in rieamona. He formerly lived In Portland. L-JREIlr"rHEM I j m FUN EVEN ROU&HHOUSSerl M )i KIDS WOHt SCUFF V ,. , At last! A really non-scuff floor wax! Ilo scuffs! Ho strcnte! Shino lasts 5 nooks I It's fartifijlfl with tha iww ' asxd-lustrelnsuent,Simolite! Made for busy kitchens, new Simonis Self. Polishing Floor Wax gives a crystal nardahuM.One easy waxing lasts upto 6 weeks. Won't mark, streak or scuff. Outlasts wry ordinary wix! A cinch to rewax, too, when necessary. Goes on easiest no rubbing. Get NEW SIM0NIZ NON-SCIHT FLOOR WAX c"iBw. ewiisM wsr rji wmna 'r ,, . I HUM I lerltutii , HiRtS WHAT $ SUCES OF BIB A lf J II CAN DO fOn YOU! Stay on the beam . . eat I dim f Sunbaan ghn ye 600 jwwnhl And think of the wonderful things you and your family can do with all this ravit&lizlng pep ! Your ion can ride his bike for 4 hourt . . . your husband can swim one whole hour . . . you can dance a whole evening ! Yea, every tliee of Freeh Energy Packed Sunbeam gives, you extra pep -for work or play I Make a note now to put Sunbeam Bread on your family! "must" list. for grand eating and brand new energy at breakfast, lunch and aupper ... every dayl :-V-v-;" v"tvr- 'ssWswliil,i'. J'-" . '" that evening. All those I