Thursday. May 14. 1953 Pact .8 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orcgo These Give Zest to Springtime Meals wr 3f Frljol Casserole Luncheon treat A gpanish Meat Ring "different" meat loat This Salad A Hit Any Season Canned plnapple . is in generous supply and avails able in all five convenient styles, slices, chunks, tidbits, crushed and in Juice in all your favorite brandi. Survey prove that canned pineapple if a universal favorite; that it COME m ...enter 'TREE to Paris" Cpntest Trip AND IT YOUR rut lomi or rtRPUMi iy TUSSY JUIT 0 liTTINO Ul SHOW YOU TNI NEW 1953 l58C la kept on hand In more home pantriei than any other fruit. So let'f take down a can and fix thii. PineapBle-Marahmallow Salad 1 No. 1 can crushed pineapple Vt cup sugar Vt teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons flour 1 egg 2 tablespoons lemon Juice 1 teaspoon (rated Jemon Peel Vt cup whipping cream Vt pound marshmallows Drain ' crushed pineapple, reserving sirup. Combine sugar, salt and flour in a saucepan. Add egg and blend thoroughly. 8tir in pineapple syrup. Cook, stirring constant ly until thick and smooth. Re nt ova from heat and add lemon Juice and peel. Cover and chill. Whip cream stiff and fold into pine apple mixture. Fold in marsh mallow cut in quarters and crushed pineapple. If desired. Vt cup quartered maraschino cherries may be added. Pour Into mold or bowl. Chill 4 to 6 hours or overnight. Cut or .spoon out and serve in lettuce cups. Makes five or six servings. 3m Ice Cream Always 'All-American' dish Here's a recipe for an tin usually delicious and different meat loaf. Its secret lit in the quick-cooking rice cereal It calls for, which helps it stay moist and flavorful. Rice cer eal Is also used in this lunch' eon casserole that has the double virtue of tasting good and being out of the ordinary. Spanish Meat Ring Ingredients: Vt pound chop ped raw beef, pound chop ped raw pork, 1 egg, H cup quick-cooking rice cereal, H4 teaspoons salt, hk teaspoon pepper, H teaspoon oregano, Vt cup finely diced onion, Vt cup finely diced green pepper, 1 cup cream-style corn, one 8-ounce can tomato sauce, 1 teaspoon kitchen bouquet. Method: Mix together meat. egg, rice cereal, salt, pepper, oregano, onion, green pepper, corn and Vt cup of the tomato sauce with hands or kitchen fork. Pack into greased ring mold about 4-cup size. Bake In moderately hot (373 F) oven about 1 hour. Turn out. Mix together remaining toma to sauce and kitchen bouqet and brush meat ring' with it. Return to oven for about S minutes. If desired fill center with freshly cooked buttered carrots and peas. Makes 4 to C servings. Frljole Luncheon Casseroles Ingredients: 2 cups water, Vt teaspoon salt, V4 cup quick- cooking rice cereal, 1 egg (beaten), Vt cup butter or margarine, 2 tablespoons fat Vt cup thin strips onion, Vt cup diced green pepper, Vt Cup diced celery, 1 teaspoon kit chen bouquet, one No. 2 can kidney beans (drained), Vt cup seedless raisins, one 8- ounce csn tomato sauce, Vi teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon chili powder, Vt cup grated American cheese. Method: Bring water and Vt teaspoon salt to boll in sauce pan. Sprinkle in rice so boil ing doesn't stop. Cook and stir constantly until beginning to thicken, about Vt minute. Remove from heat, cover and let stand 3 minutes. Stir into beaten egg. Mix in butter. Let stand uncovered while preparing filling. Melt fat in skillet Add onion, green pep per and celery. Cook over moderate heat 10 minutes, stirring often. Stir in kitchen bouquet Lightly mash drain ed beans; add to onion mix ture. Add raisins, tomato sauce, Vt teaspoon salt sugar. pepper and chill powder; mix well and bring to boil. Mean- wnue puce all out Vt cup of tfie cooked rlc in 4 greased individual baking dishes. Pour filling over top of rice. Place a spoonful of the remaining rice m center of each casser oie. sprinkle cheese over tops. Bake in moderate (373 F) oven until cheese is melted and lightly browned about 30 minutes. Serve at once ac companied by a green salad. Makes 4 generous servings. Savory Rice Casserole Spring Farming in Oregon Well Along Portland JP Spring farm work is getting along well in nearly all parts of Oregon, a report by the Department of Agriculture and the Weather Bureau said Wednesday. It said that in Western Ore gon things are runninng just bit behind schedule but not enough to cause concern. All crops, it said, are making good progress, valley strawberries are in full bloom and pastures 1 are doing fine. In Eastern Oregon, the re port said, some spring planted grains arc up and growing well, potato planting is in full swing in Central Oregon and ' getting started in the Klamath : area; pea seeding Is nearing a j close in Umatilla County. Dairy products of all descrip tions will take the limelight in June, for that's National Dairy month. Ice cream is probably the all-American favorite in the dessert line, and sauces and toppings add to its individual ity. This "Peach Crunch Sauce" with golden canned cling peach slices and walnuts makes a glamorous topping for multi flavored ice creams. Ftaeh Crunch Sane. cup canned cling peach slices ! cup syrup from peaches Vt cup water V cup granulated sugar IVt teaspoons cornstarch Few grains salt 1 tablespoon butter or mar garine 1 tablespoon lemon Juice Vt teaspoon grated lemon rind 2 tablespoons chopped wal nuts Drain peaches thoroughly and dice. Heat syrup and water together. Blend together sugar, cornstarch and salt. Add to hot Baseball ia becoming in creasingly popular In Italy. Puts On Blue Bonnet To Get Most For The Money! MRS. UOTO MANOS.UM You, too, will love Blub Bonnet Margarine's delicate, sunny-nraet flavor! Bum Bonnet makes bresd, tout, hot rolls, and vegetables tute otikt man even Special 14 DAY FREE HOME TRIAL 236 N. Commercial hone 3-3104 You'll appreciate Blue Bonnet's itrition. Unlike moat other mar garines. Blue Bonnet contains both syrup and cook and stir until! "? ? "r clear and thickened. Blend in hiprlidfoM butter. Remove from heat and y,t Blv Bonnet Margarine! blend in lemon Juice, rind and emu Ims than hnlf as much as the peaches. Cool thoroughly. Just ! JKh-prid spread. So put on Bum before serving, blend In nuts. E,"j,r"ST.."na. !" "2 " Serve over ice cream. i Makes about 1 cup sauce. I Flavor, Nutrition, Eeonom-e-et I i BsnansnBnM W I 0 . CORN CHOWDER With Mm ttmpi Mprd to prt4iM Shot's mclmhw mist. TRY IT TODAY! This hearty and delicious cheese-crusted "Savory Rice Cauerole" would make a tasty Friday dish. It's made with rice, celery, peas and tomatoes mad glamorous with chopped ripe onve and grated cheese. A light seasoning with chili gives it extra ip. Put it togeth er in layers and top with cheese. Then bake a half hour in a moderately hot oven. SAVORY RICB CASSEROLE Vt cup uncooked rice (1 Vt cups cooked) 2 tablespoons cooking oil Vt cup chopped onion 1 clove garlic ' Vt cup sliced young carrots 1 cup canned tomatoes 1 cup canned peas 1 (4 -ounce) can chopped ripe olives 1 tablespoon flcur teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon chill powder Vt cup liquid from peaa ' Vt cup grated American cheese . , Boil rice in salted water un til tender; drain. Heat oil in frying pan, add onion, garlic and celery, and fry until vege tables are wilted. Remove gar lic and add tomatoes, peas and olives. Heat to boiling. Blend flour, salt, chili powder with liquid from peas. Stir into hot mixture. Cook and stir until mixture boils. Pour Vt into baking pan, spread with half of rice and Vt of cheese. Re peat, using Cheese for top lay er. Bake in moderately hot oven (375 degrees F.) about 30 min utes. cvrHni::::-sj SPRING I n nnrjr i 31 V U 1 Canned Grapefruit Special Old South N. t mm Going on a picnic! ' 40c 25c 35c 33c MODEL POTATO SALAD, pint RIPE OLIVES Lindsey, large . . . , RIPE OLIVES Llndsey, Colassal , RIPE OLIVES Lbidsey, Pitted . Full Line of Paper Plates, Cups, Napkins, etc. ' BIRDSEVE Frozen Foods There are many brands of frccen foods but for consistant quality, none surpass Birdseye ... We have their full line. SCHILLINGS VANILLA 2 -os. 35C-4-OS. 5e-(-oz. $1.29 BLACK PEPPER l-o. 29c-2-os. 39c-4-o. 79 PAPRIKA l-oi. 15e 2-os. 25e 4-os. 45e GARLIC PUREE Jar 35c NALLEY'S 25c 25c 45c 49c Cucumber Chips Pint Hamburger Relish 12-ox Banquet Dills Quart Chill Con Cam. 2 cans Darkee Margarine 2 lbs. Dnrkee Shredded Cocoannt, IS -ox ; Dnrkee Shredded Coeoanut, 8-ox Durkee Famous Dress tag Meat Sance 55c 49c 27c 35c Wanted 200 lbs. God Crod WALNUT MEATS Good Grocery Buys Coffee lib. 91c 2ib. (Folrers, Hills. MJB, Golden West, Maxwell House, Mannings) .......3 (A 10c eoupoixen each can) Libby's Tomato Juice .46-01. Hunts Pears ts 2 for 4 for 1.81 Crisco .;. ...3 ib. Wc 99c 35c Hunts Tomatoes ...24s 2 for 49c Heinz Baby Foods .......... .. 4 1, 35c Hershey Choc. Bits 19c Hershey Choc Syrup ...Hoi. 19c Lyden Noodles & Chicken ... ...No. t'A 49c Mayer's Luncheon .Meal 39c Portland Punch u 85c Portland Punch gallon 3.75 (Mix 6 or 8 to 1 for a fine drink ) Kool Aid 6 fr 25c Planters Peanut Oil ,t 93c Pampeserc Olive Oil Fts.85c.ts. 1-65 2, .1 OS. .4 os. Mandarian Oranges Planters Peanuts Planters Mix Nuts Planters Chopped Peanuts House Cleaning items Glamorine qt 1.29 We Larvex lirre alia (Moth proof your woolens) . t as. mop ,33c 35c 59c 23c 2.29 1.25 79c Mop Handles Medium Weight Broom 1.49 Medium Weight Oil Mop.... 98c Model Food Market 275 N. High (Next to City HoH) Phon 3-4111 19-Day Accounts The. Store of Friendly Service No Charge for Delivery Genuine Veal SWEET BREADS 88 Lb. Fresh Dressed Daily FRYERS Pan Ready 65 Lb. Swift's U.S. Insp. BEEF TONGUES Fresh or Smoked Lb. 55 Another Supply of Fresh Dressed TURKEYS For This Week! Featured this nsnth at better f cod stcres n n u nru o fw V,"o, cv v5 ,lf v" . .jfelp-i.l ... 2,' - I i. menus eftSSW'' 1, the flavors fct- KS?.. a berfed salad.!7FT 1 1 made with Kraft Cottage Cheese for your next runcheoti borty. rt' so flood, io pretty, to eaiyl Pick up canned siced pineapple snd other ingredient from your grocerVStm Qory Salad" dipl.y md Kft Cottace Qieeae from the refrigerator. Wake-sure it is Kraft Cottage Chtn you ue. For Kraft made in plants specially deigned for cottage cheese, and is made from specially-purchased milk to produce a clean, holonced taste that harmonite perfectly with th good flavor of other choice salad ingredients. Chill the Kraft Cottage Chee in the tarlon 30 minute or longer. Run knife around the edge of the eheese and invert carton over bed of salad greens. Tap bottom of carton sharply and cheese will fall in smooth cap shape. Cut pmeapple slice in half and plan around th7edge rf cottage cW. pre in lightly. Gami,h with marachina cherry. Then serve with Miracle W hip Sal.d Dressing for perfect eating, B