Ttnraday, May 14, 195S Buffet Chicken, Limas Provide One-Dish Meal TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sal. Or Her. U meal-In-ono-HUh practically, but good eating: Buffet Chicken and Lima Serves about 13 1 pound dry limai 1 (5-lb.) fricaieeing chicken Vt cup COOKUlg Oil 6 cups boiling water 2 teaipoona salt 1 diced onion 1 diced green sweet pepper i mincea ciove garlic 1 cans whole-kernel corn S cups canned tomatoes Rice Pudding Tops For Dessert Dish A perfect warm weather meal is one with a soup, a salad, or sandwich as the main course and a substantial dessert to furnish the neces sary food requirements tor the family. Sunny Isle Rice Pud ding is such a dessert, yet it is light and satisfying. This nutritious meal-ender, made with evaporated milk ' and converted rice, it truly a different rice pudding. The recipe assures a creamy cus tard filled with tender, fluffy grains of rice and an unusual topping of shredded coconut. It can be made in a Jiffy tfew turns of your egg beater id the custard is ready to be poured over the cooked rice. You've finished the prepara tion except for the final top ping of coconut, which is added Just before removing from the oven. Serve this Sunny Isle Rice Pudding warm or cold- it's delightful! Sunny ble Bice Pudding 1 cups (large can) un diluted evaporated milk 1 cup water 2 eggs Vt cup sugar teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups cooked converted rice 4 cup shredded coconut J cups grated cheddar cheese t tablespoons chopped parsley Dash cayenne pepper H cup slivered toasted blanched almonds Soak limas 4 to 6 hours. Disjoint chicken, brown light ly in hot oiL Add hot water and 1 teaspoon salt Simmer until tender, about 1H hours. Remove chicken and t from broth. To 6 cups boiling broth, slowly stir in soaked limas. i-over and simmer 1 hour. In, two tablespoons chicken fat ay onion, green nenner and garlic until soft. Stir in corn, tome toes, drained limas and cheese. Remove chicken from bones in large pieces. Add to mixture with parsley. Season with additional teaspoon salt and eayene. Heat thoroughly. Servo in large shallow dish topped with almonds. (Even better to turn into large bak ing dish and chill over night; then top with almonds and bake in moderate oven (3S0 degrees T.) until heated through.) If limas not soaked, add to boiling stock and simmer 2 hours before other Ingredients are added. Tuna-Rice Casserole Hearty One Hot cereals make excellent oases for hearty luncheon dishes and main courses for dinner. This one is based on QUick-cookins hot rlw nd it has an unusually deli cate and delicious flavor. . Tuna Rice Casserola 2 cups water - 3 chicken bouillon cubes H cup quick-cooking rice cereal . t tablespoons fat - ; 1 clove garlic, minced 2 tablespoons minced onion 2 tablespoons minced green pepper 1 tablespoon flour 1 3 -ounce can chopped ' broiled mushrooms Wheatland Wheatland Mother's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kadey Colson and son Raymond of Salem. Week-end guests included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilchrist of Portland, who returned by way of Brooks to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Gilchrist; Mrs. Dale L. Fowler and Miss Mareena D. Fowler of Grand Island. Mrs. Charles L. Fowler of Unionvale, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Fowler of Portland were afternoon callers. 4" Party feed 'Pup', mmm v. asm m .ssaa. m .-tV-s tr-t 1 WtDi'WIDB MACARONI lasaqne ImboHite? It's iilidois old so tostly Midi with Mission Lasogail Here's on wnuwol dlh yeu'H really level It's mode with Million lasagne, fhe extra wide, curiy-edgsd Nosdle thai are ssdi an Holloa favorite and yew'll find H sa aasd that yaw ett son! slap sating M THIS Nttl SOOKLIT OIVIS THI RICIPII SfnolMiie oTeoioiiH A now atoMtl of CO rn Wriw to Mini Wiiiwil Company, Morn , Tmninfton, tieWtffa 41 A' f3n nra OVENWARE knob-cover for only o label from MISSION lotcgnt ' and Hum dimt to portlolly pay postago ond packing chargM. Whan tont to MISSION MACARONI CO. Stottlo 4,WhlnBton. H cup heavy cream Vs toaspooa Al euce tt teaspoon salt k teaspoon "pepper 1 7 -ounce can tuna fish ' k cup grated American cheese Place water and bouillon cubes in 2-quart saucepan. Bring to boil and sprinkle in rice. Cook, stirring constantly, for H minute. Remove from heat and let stand while pre paring filling. Melt fat in fry ing pan. Add garlic, onion and green pepper. Cook 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Stir in flour. Add contents of can of mushrooms and heavy cream. Cook, stirring frequently, un til sauce thickens and boils. Add Al sauce, seasonings and drained tuna fish which has been broken into flakes. Place rice in bottom of greased shal low round baking dish, about 8 inches in diameter, spreading evenly. Pour mushroom tuna mixture over th top. Sprinkle with grated eh use. Baka in moderate even, IM dsgrsoa T, until cheeoe is melted and lightly browned, about 30 min utes. Serve Immediately with green salad. Yield; 4 generous servings. CHILDREN! BOMI SEIZED Berlin CV A Catholic chil dren's home in the Russian tone was occupied Tuesday by members of the Communist youth organisation, who im mediately took over the man agement, church sources re ported Wednesday. ENDS MT. ANGEL VISIT Mt An (el Miss Jean Con neU, R. N, returned to North Bend Monday evening, after spending the week-end here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alois Keber, and with her sister, Miss Patricia Con-neU. Chicken and Pickle Skillet Dinner Good One sign of a successful host ess is her skill in serving dishes with an original touch. Busy women in every corner of the country have learned the se cret of adding pickles to sim ple recipe to give them party flavor. Any type of pickle can be used to add interest to menu. During National Pickle Week, May 14-23, pickle of every kind will be displayed on the shelve at your, grocer' and super market, so stock up with a good variety and serve meals with sparkle on every oc casion. Here's a skillet dinner that is simple to prepare and is sure to collect compliments from every guest at the ta ble. Golden brown fried chicken Is combined with FOOD SZCTTON Pago f ; small cooked carrot and po tatoes tn rich chicken-flavored sauce. Sweet pickle rel ish added right at the end gJve extra sest Chicken PleUe Skillet Dinner (Make 4 Servings) 1 1-pound frying chicken, cut in serving piece Salt and pepper . Flour cup fat 1 10-ounc can condensed cream of chicken soup 1H cups hot water small cooked potato, peeled small cooked carrot tablespoon chopped parsley cup sweet pickle relish Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper; dredge with flour. In skillet, melt fat; fry the chicken on all aides until gol den brown. Combine chicken soup and water: nour cntcxen. cook covered over low boat about 40 minutes, or until chicken Is tender; add potatoes ana carrots. Cover and continue cooking 10 min- Utoa loneor. JlUt hetnr mmrm. ing add parsley and pick rel ISO. Surprise Muffins ' " Pro pare 1 package eon muffin mix a directed on box, Fill buttered muffin pan full; put a teaspoon of orang marmalad or canned mince meat in center. Top with a little more batter so pan arc half full. Bak a direct ed on muffin mix package. . Th term "BysanUne" stem from Byxas, th reputed founder of a city which be came Constantinople some "00 year B. C. jPpji 2 Giant 46-oz. cans DURING OUR CANNED JUICE SALE gpoclal Prices Eff estiva May 11-11 CJB. Iter reserve the right to limit aantttiea. N sales to dealers, . please .,. LIB BY JUICE Giant II II r VIII HUJflui M 44-ox. i mi mm n-irr x ELSINORE FANCY inn ELSINORE FANCY Grnefirt Can Cos of 12 Cant $4.10 JUICE Giant 46-os. eon Cos of 12 MM v3.45 JUICE Slant 46-ox. Can Com of 12 Cam $3.45 Bi)C Elsinore Fancy Pineapple Wc 44i.C Casa of 12 can $345 2W Del Monte Prunes 2 Com o 12 bottW $4.10 Del Monte Apricot IS ' Com of 11 aana $4.15 Elsinore Fancy Apple ELSINORE FANCY (Pure No Sugar Added) JUICE Giant 46-ox. cans Cos of 12 cant OLIaffla Cos of 12 oons $3.45 Case of 12 cans $2.90 GRAPE 2 Grade Good or Choice BEEF ROAST Cascade Skinless WIENERS lETTIIfE Large Solid LI. HULL Heads 2 for 25 $5.80 Bisquick Vl' S9' 25' 29 2J 29' 49' 29' 29' 7K-0I. cans C.i. ef 2t 3.45 29 CLAM CHOWDER 'Sr 25 Elsinore Fruit Cocktail No. IM eaa Elalnore Fruits for Salads .V GR. ONIONS or RADISHES Elsinore Sliced Pineapple Elsinore Solid Pack Tomotoes Elsinore Catsup Tasty Pak Broken Grapefruit Nalley's Umbarfnck Syrup i No. tH 2 14-os. bottles Snowdrift 93' Wesson Oil .69 No. ttS csns Morton' SALT 24-ol )E 2 OT tt-os. nkf. A for s Sunshine 4 4 rf HI-HO CRACKERS Ib pk 33' Bunches boHle 21' Pert' Sugar Crisp i.k,. J3 Stelnfeld Whole Sweet Pickles tt-os. jsr Kellofi' Corn Flakes lt-os. pkf. Cloron Bleach Vi gal. iug Clear Lake Highland Grocery Market CMIKI FEKRHl. OWNEK ItkmIm Msih 'ricsti frits rest lectin CIUIUK.0M. IERT CAM, Owner Dellverf Twic Dall 100 MeMsoi' Ars. MJ MOS Carter's Market REED CARTER, Ownar Dliary Doily 17 mt Marlal (al 14171 IVourm's Qualify Market Food Mkf. GILBERT WOURMS, Ownar StvytM CHIT WAITI, Ownar Dalivary Twka Dally UOICtotarfl. tHJM2I