Thuradty, May 14, 19Sj THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sates, Ortgw FOOD SECTION Pate I Sri (bv yea Co Save At Scfctvcy Tkh VkzicrJ y JV -J. mm Tender, Sweet Peas Peeked Here in Oregon At An Unbelievably LOW PRICE! , The perfect aide dith for any meal plump, tweet tender peat. Our buyers made an excellent "buy" on thaw, to we're patting ' a terrific tavingt on to you. Be turc to take advantage of it. ' It's Frcozcr filling Tiao At Szkztay More Safeway Grocery Section Values Tomalo Juice J"nn'D,w;t.I ttn 498' Single Packages 10c Each Hi-West Peas & Carrots 3 io-m. oe oc Reg. 10 Oz Pkgs. Pineapple Juice D,,e "t. 37r Hi-C Orangeade ..,. 25 Van Camp PorU Beans 3L2Sv Dennison's Catsup . 2HC-2W Cheez-it Crackers 2 Pto. 20' Sandwich Spread Lunch Box, Ql. Ebony Ripe Olives :im W Columbia Dill Pickles fW: Colfaqe Cheese m 25' If you like carrot with yaur pea you can take advantage of this tame lew price, WHITE SHAFTER - U.S. NO. 7 GRADE Mew IPWes Delicious with Hi-West Peas-Two Terrific Values! (rf mi n n Grapefruit Juice 7,J?S. 29c Lac Mix Dry Milk ,.Ib. pkf. 99c Cherub Canned Milk T.ii.n 227c Fresh 3.8 Milk enart 23c 'A' Large Eggs doten 64c Fresh Buffer Shady Lane lb. 74c Pint Nu Made Mayonnaise . 63c Duchess Dressing ,B.rt 55c Lunch Box Spread Pi, 39c Graham Crackers rit' SS? 33c Dutch Mill Cheese Sliced, M-Ib. 35c Shortening Roy,i 8iia .ib. 87c ASPARAGUS. Local Crop 2 ,.. 33c Unclattifiad Far Canning 30-lb. Box Ih mo v y v" y r Flavorful Sugar Loaf Variety Can or freeze Grapefruit n. 13c Rhubarb 3 m 19c ORANGES Valencias $2.98 Luscious E lb. JlELi & baa W With Hi-West Peas for a Treatl I later enjoyment. I Radishes u 5c I M-rlp U-stpij. 25C I STRAWBERRIES I Per 0n. I SuwipeneaM Tomatoes California Finest Quality Safeway Guaranteed Meats WILSON'S - READY TO EAT TENDER MADE, eei lib Roast U. S. CHOICE STANDING LB. 69' The finest of Oven Roasts, carefully trimmed and well aged Guaranteed ! Short Ribs 25c Round Steaks i 75c Ground Beef 39c Corned Beef 49c Sausage 2' 49c Polish Sausage Rings 3 12-ox. average Rings $400 I Fryers " u 69c Sliced Bacon 67c Salmon Si 69c Snapper m . 33c Crabs IS 43c Libby't Chili Spaghetti With leant Of. 16-at. can JUC Libby't Deviled Ham Real Tatty Na. 4 can .... JLXJC Libby't Vienna Sausages Prepared Food 4-oi. can afcfcC Libby Corn-Beef Hash Far quick dalic- ft lout dith. No. 23XC Pineapple Juice Have you triad Pineapple Cream f ie ' tiling Lalani Juke at your flavor ingredient? It', delights m ' LALANI IS FANCY PACK FROM HAWAII HERE'S A CAROL MAKE RECIPE Combine W cup granulated sugar, 4 tbsps. ' enrnstarch, H tap. salt, IH cupa Lalani Pine apple Juice and cook over hot water until clear and thickened, atirrlnf frequently. Slow It add t slightly beaten egg yolks, stirring constantly. Cook t minutes longer. Remove from heat. Add 1 tap. lemon juice and H cup coconut. Cool slightly. Pour Into baked pastry shell. Beet t era whites stiff; gradually beat in '4 cup granulated sugar. Spread over top of pie. Sprinkle with Vt cup coconut. Bake In moderate oven (350 degrees F for 15 min utes, until lightly brown. Serves t. i SEASONING SAVINGS 1 Sne-White Salt, plain - led. 26-ei. 10c Vanilla Extract, Crown Cel., 2-oa. 37c Black Pepper, Crown Cel. 2-ei. 45c Cinnamon, Crown Col. 2-oa. . , . 17c Mustard, Crown Cel., 2-oi 11c Nutmeg, Crown Cel., 2-ei 23c Peprike, Crown Coloney, 2Vi-oi. 25c Garlic Salt, Crown Col., 2Vi-oi. 15c i Onion Salt, Crown Cel., 2Vi-oi. 15c Parsley Flakes, Crown Cel., Vi-ei. 12c WHOLE IEAN NOB HILL COFFEE Tastes aa Good As It Smells v 2 84c T WHOLE EAN AIRWAY COFFEE Mild ond Mellow 82c Z V Skylark Raisin Bread H'i libit Weak jJb.M 23C Mrs. Vright's Bread Whltt or Whorl VA h.M 23C Western BEER Eastern 6 c. 99c 6 c 1.14 Wething Miracle Tide't in, dirt eut Granulated Tide Tide White Magic ifu pvi. 30c 73c " pt 22c Prket effective through Sunday, May 17 For Smoother Skin For Softer Skin New Detergent Camay Soap Camay Soap Parade y335cK"325t 30c