P8 2 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem. Ortson Thursday. Mar 14, 195S 1 0 Ah! Strawberry Shortcake Season Soon ff.'A.5r.;,-if.'i.-i' '. ' y t-J 'ft" Strawberry season Is here I bakinff. the shortcake needs again soon, which means butter aplenty both between Strawberry Shortcake good all during the season of this liucloui scarlet fruit. But none of these sponge cake lay ers for housing them, if you please. Short cake, to be good old-time favorite that it Is, must be a sweetened biscuit dough enriched a bit by the addition of melted butter and egg along with the milk or by the use of cream. i It's so easy to make, thanks to the packaged biscuit mix you find on the grocers' shelves, that one Just can't go wrong In the making, and so good that you'll find yourself making shortcake of other fruits long after the straw berry season has come and gone. Patted thick and split after baking or rolled thin and put together sandwich style before and atop. And, as It's served with the sugar-sauced berries fairly bursting the sides and rolling off the top of the pip ing hot cake, there should be cream good thick cream and plenty of it to serve poured from the pitcher or whipped to rest atop each serv ing like a fluffy white cloud. But remember, this Is a hearty dessert, a favorite that needs a bit of publicity before family or friends have spoiled their enjoyment of the dish with too much food that has come before. Having a hearty soup and a light salad or the two in reverse makes for full appreciation of Ada's Strawberry Shortcake (Modern version of the old time favorite) 2 cups prepared biscuit mix 2 tablespoons sugar cup cream or cup milk and cop melted butter x 1 quart of strawberries Add cream or milk and melt ed butter to the biscuit mix and sugar. Mix with a fork. Keep the dough soft but if It is sticky add a bit more biscuit mix. Turn out on floured cloth. Knead ten times to shape in baU. Pat or roll out to half of thickness desired when baked. Shortcake doubles in volume. Cut 6 Individual shortcakes with a cutter dipped In flour or gently pat or roll out half of dough to fit in round pan 8 inches In diameter and 1 lnch deep. Cot or spread liberally with softened butter. Pat out other half of dough and place on top. Dot or spread with butter and sprin kle with sugar, Bake in hot oven (450 F.) about 10 minutes for the indi vidual shortcakes, 13 to 20 minutes for the large short cake. To serve, split the short cakes. While hot, spread with butter. Cover lower half with sweetened strawberries, both sliced and whole depending on size. (Use about to 1 cup sugar for a quart of berries and allow them to stand at room temperature for a while.) Put on the top crust. Cover with strawberries. Serve at once with plenty of slightly sweetened whipped cream or cream to pour from a pitcher. Honey Butter ., Add that sweet touch to toast. hot breads or waffles. Cream V cup butter or margarine well. Add to H cup honey gradu ally. Beat thoroughly. Chill un til firm. I BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half Beef Roasl 4 A Guaranteed " ' i Sugar Cured Yor 0M' 9n Tow" 7ok Boston Bulls 49 c . Large R. I. Reds s Leg of Lamb , 4$ - - Tdw lomb Ch0pS 55C lb. 0nly$1.39Eoch GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BROADWAY TIME IS THE BEST TIME ALL THE TIME FX?"..... 29c 1 u,as... 25c I "VM... 29c I plants WE CARRY LEMONS 1ft- Rodih G'M" 1ft- GRAPEFRUIT At- A 5?MTI Do,.n 29C Onions, 3 bun. I UC 8-It. bag 49C VARIETY GRAPEFRUIT COFFEE SPAGHETTI SUGAR 2 jo?. 29c re... 25c Ornnno ,. MILK Green Beans SAUERKRAUT Urange Juice . M ilk 303 oc On OC nr A" 2 can, 25C -5 eon. 23C iJC jr toll 'JQf Doubt Luck Cottagt Brand CBW""' Ca",yC E THIS YOUR SUNSHINE KRISPY SARDINES MARGARINE stop no extra CRACKERS COM 25c 2 ib, 45c EMPTYS WELCOME I lea 25c T.n,at. s,Vv H3r BMJAY ftJARKET ift RDPAn Broadway and Market SI. Can IUC DRtAU Store Hour a.m. till S p.m. Erory Day Compb.ll'. fa V VE N. Limit. - Hy All You W.nt lactpt To. fc SM. Priest Good Frl., Sot., Syndoy Rib Roast Now More Available It has been many a lone year since this foods writer's con science would let her blithely suggest that anybody can af ford a rib roast of beef, but today is the day. We say free ly, roast beef, king of the din ner table, is a meat anyone can effort." Actually rib roast of beef Is selling in many stores at hamburger prices of last year. Buying Pointers . For successful roasting. rib rout should have at least two ribs. This will serve four persons with leftovers for st least one other meal. A three- rib roast will serve six, with leftovers. If there are only two Mr- sons to be fed, you might buy a one-rib roast and then, in stead of roasting it, broil ii exactly as you would a thick steak. Ahhhh! Boiled Bib Roast This is a standing rib roast from which the bones have been removed; then it has been rolled and tied. This roast should be roasted fat side ud in a shallow open an in cooking a standing rib roast but it should be placed on a rack for drippings. Allow 10 minutes more cooking time per pound tnan for standing ribs. Romp Roast Oven-roast only very high ouailty, top grade rump roast. Most rump roasts should not be pot roasted. Extra Roasting Hints No need to flour a roast be fore cooking . . . nor to baste it during cooking. No searing in a hot oven. We know that we get less shrinkage, more servings and a beautifully browned roast when one oven temperature 1 s maintained throughout the roasting period . . . 32S degrees. Rare Roast Beet Twenty-two minutes per pound. Medium, 26 minutes per pound. Well-done, 30 min utes per pound. Remove roast from oven IS minutes before time to carve it: makes carving easier and allows time for gravy making. Good eating! DULLES IN ISRAEL Tel Aviv, Israel WV-U. S. Secretary of State Dulles and Foreign Aid Chief Stassen ar rived in Isiael from Cairo Wednesday on their Middle East tour. They plan a 28-hour visit in Israel. Onion Soup WellLiked Onion soup 1 always a favorite. Hire's a variation on the French type. Quick French Onion Soup (Makes 6 Servings ) 4 large onions 4 tablespoons butter 8 beef bouillon cubes or 6 cups beef or chicken i stock '1 tablespoon Worcester shire sauce ' 2 teaspoons salt U teaspoon paprika Vt teaspoon pepper 2 hard rolls -grated Parmesan or Parmeson-style cheeie Slice onions thin, cook in a large frying pan in the butter until golden. Pour dissolved bouillon cubes (or stock) over cooked onions. Add Worcester shire, satl paprika, and pepper. Bring to 'boiling point and simmer gently about S min utes. Do not boll. Serve in deep bowls, each topped with sliced hard rolls sprinkled with cheese. If possible, under broiler to melt cheese just before . serving. This soup develop flavor a. it stands and Is excellent when reheated. Fried mush or farina with honey butter is delicious breakfast dish. CHUCK, SIRLOIN, ROUND - 'AMD OTHERS, HERE ARE. ALWAYS FOUND SWOT'S U. S. GOVT INSPECTED BEEF STEM SALE ROUND STEAK u 49c T-BONE STEAK-...:..;....:...!.' 49c SIRLOIN STEAK 49c Again We Repeat Our . Special Lamb Sale v. s. inspected LEGS OF LAMB Lb. 55c LAMB CHOPS lb. 55c SHOULDER LAMB ROAST 45c LAMB STEW . Lb 25c A Reel Buy en U. S. Gov't Inspected Meet For Your Protection v.n.. Another, Good Buy for This Weekend Valley Packing Company's Famous m 01 CASCADE SLICED BACON V. 69 And of Course TURKEYS WhHaWes, Quarters. ..lb. ff V Legs, Thighs, Breasts u 59c Turkey for Fricassee u 35c I as a stalk of Celery You wouldn't serve celery that was wilted and tough. It must be crisp and fresh. The bread you serve your family must also be FRESH when you buy it and stay SOFT until the last slice is gone. Only GOOD bread like MASTER possesses and retains the right amount of moisture to insure softness. Yet, every loaf is THOR OUGHLY BAKED clear through . . . Insist on MASTER bread . . . and enjoy real fresh-from-the-oven flavor. .&om box! J Makes Delkjw 1 M I 1 W W I J X J 1 1 ' f r yovr food $tot$ Vopu&Vt BECAUSE IT'S 0OO! n