Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 14, 1953, Page 23, Image 23

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    galeta' Authentic ?W jui4e tt Better tii'nif
G siBital AJoiirinLal
roUbM Tkortdoy lock Wo
Edited by Morion Lowry Fischer
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May U, 1953
Swiss Cheese Grill
With ham and pickle.
CAP Htwitiatsra)
You may find some good
bargains In pickles during the
ten-day period (May 14 to 23)
called National Pickle Week.
So here are two new dishes
using pickle relish. The Ham,
Pickle and Swiss Cheese Grill
makes a delicious lunch when
served with cole slaw and mugs
of milk. The salmon steaks,
with their special sauce, are
nice for family or company.
Bam, Pickle and
Swiss Cheese Grill
Ingredients: pound cooked
ham (coarsely ground),. 1 tea
spoon prepared mustard, V
eup mayonnaise, cup sweet
pickle relish, 3 slices processed
Swiss cheese, 8 slices bread
(lightly toasted).
Method: Mix together well
the ham, mustard, mayonnaise
and pickie relish. Cut cheese
In thin strips (about inch
wide). Spread ham mixture
on toast. Arrange cheese strips
over ham. Broil, watching
carefully, until ham mixture
Is hot and cheese is lightly
browned.. Cut slices diagonal
ly and serve at once. Makes
4 servings.
Salmon With Pickle
Horseradish Since
Ingredients: 4 three-quarter
inch thick , salmon steaks
(about 2 pounds), cup but
ter or margarine (melted),
tablespoons lemon Juice,
cup cream, cup drained pre
pared horseradish, Vi cup
sweet pickle relish, teaspoon
salt, Vi teaspoon pepper.
Method: Place salmon steaks
en broiler pan. Mix melted
butter and lemon juice and
brush over salmon. Broil 3
inches from source of heat for
3 to 4 minutes on each side.
or until fish flakes easily with
a fork. Brush ' with lemon
butter during broiling time.
Meanwhile whip cream and
fold in horseradish, pickli rel
ish, salt and pepper. Serve
sauce with salmon steaks.
Makes 4 servings.
Grilled Sdl mon Steak
Many agree that there is no
fish compare - with Chinook
salmon . which is a delicious
as it colorful.. Reasonable
rtriced. a pound will make two
or three servings. Salt and
pepper one pound of salmon
steaks. Grease griddle lightly
and heat. Place steaks ' on
griddle and press flat. Cook
until browned, about 3 nun
utes. Turn carefully and cook
until done. Total cooking
time, ten minutes. Melt and
brown butter. Remove fish
from griddle. Sprinkle with
lemon juice arid chopped par
sley. Pour hot browned but
ter over fish when ready to
serve. Baked potato and
generous green salad a fruit
dessert and your family has
a mighty good meal.
"Accentuate the flavor," that
is what honey does when used
in cooking raisins or dried figs,
prunes or pears to be used on
cereal. For example: honey,
raisins on oatmeal. Um-m!
Pointers '
On Buying
Intelligent and efficient buy
ing of fruits and vegetables is
aided considerably by a knowl
edge of market supply and de
mand. This column does its
best to supply readers with in
formation that Is pertinent and
helpful in the selection, care
and preparation of foodstuff.
Today along with listing of the
better buys, we give you a few
general shopping tips.
Make your own selection of
perishables for greater satis
faction and economy.
Consider those fruits and
vegetables which are in season
in the nearest production area.
Locally grown fruits and vege
tables usually are compara
tively low in price.
Do not handle fruit and
vegetables unnecessarily
either in the store or at home.
Remember that .the largest
is not always the best. Com
pare weight and quality and
choose size best suited to your
purpose and size of family.
Nothing is a bargain unless
you plan to fit it into menus
at an early time while product
is in it prime.
Watch scales and do your
own cost computing. Cashiers
always seem to me to be
mathematical - geniuses - but
even they' make occasional
mistakes and are quick to
correct any error you might
Vegetable and Fruit Bay
Cabbage, cauliflower, tou
ped carrots, bunched vege
tables, onions, old potatoes,
new potatoes, several squash
varieties, spinach are best
buys. Reasonable prices mark
everything else except corn,
bean, eggplant, pea, peppers,
sweet potatoes. v artichoke
which are scarce, -therefor
high. Small grapefru (, loose,
local apples are best buys with
strawberries worthy of e 1 o s e
watching for peak and freez
ing, canning and Jamming
time. Talk strawberries over
with your fruit man If you've
not already done so. Melons
and pineapples are luxury
Other Good Buy
Beef supplies are plentiful
and likely to stay that way.
Lamb is reasonable; pork
trend is upward. Plenty of
large turkeys. Lots of fryers
and broilers. Exceptionally
heavy supplies of fish especi
ally frozen halibut and fillets.
Good buys in canned fruit
and tomato juices and in most
fats and cooking,- salad oils.
Pickle Dishes, Strawberry Desserts Top Week's ' Food News
Please Pass the Pickles; "
Special Week Honors 'Em
Chese Mix Appetizer
The use of beer la well
known in cooking, particular
ly in Welsh rarebits but have
you ever used it mixed cold
with cheese? Beer gives this
spread a xesty sharp flavor
that really is something. Open
one can or bottle (12 ounces)
beer and let stand while pre
paring the following: Mix ltt
pounds grated cheddar cheese.
V pound blue cheese, Vt tca-
poon salt and 1 teaspoon dry
mustard. Blend in 2, table
spoons soft butter, 1 teaspoon
Worcestershire sauce, tea
spoon tabasco (optional) and
teaspoons grated onion.
When well blended, add beer
Vi cup at a time, mixing until
immediately or store in cover
ed container In refrigerator or
Honey'n hot bran muffins.
honey on fresh fruit both of
these add zip to the breakfast
Pickle Horseradish Sauce ,
With salmon steaks.
Round Steak
Good news for homemakers!
Beef is plentiful. In fact, cuts
of beef are among the best buys
in many markets today, points
out meat expert Reba Staggs.
Here's a tempting way of pre
paring that popular beef cut,
round steak. It's browned first,
then slowly braised with va
riety of seasonings.
Deviled Bound Steak
IVi pounds beef round steak
Flour for dredging
3 tablespoons lard "
3 taolespoons diced onion
3 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
1 cup canned tomatoes
1 cup water.
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
H teaspoon salt
V teaspoon paprika
Cut steak into individual
servings. Dredge with flour and
brown on both sides In lard.
Mix the 3 tablespoonsfuls flour
Chocolate Frosting
Recipe Thafs Easy
In answer to a request for
chocolate frosting recipe, here's
this one: ,
Chocolate Frosting
S aq. (3 oz.) unsweetened
I tablespoons butter, mar
garine or vegetable short
ening S cups sifted confectioner
tablespoons milk
ltt teaspoons vanilla extract
Dash of salt
1. Melt the chocolate and
butter together over hot water.
2. Gradually add confection
ers sugar and milk. Beat well.
3. Add vanilla. Let stand a
few minutes stir well and
spread on cake. Decorate with
blanched almonds.
and mustard and combine with
remaining Ingredients. Cover
and cook slowly on top of range
or in a slow oven (300 degrees
F.) for 1 hours or until ten
der. 4 to 6 servings.
And Potato.
Torte Good
' Torte is always popular des
sert and here 1 delicious on:
Chocolate Potato Torte
Bake 60-70 minute. Tem
perature 3S0 degree F.
cup shortening
1 cup sugar
5 eggs, separated
1 cup sweet chocolate, (rat
ed (unsweetened chocolate
may be substituted for H
1 cup cold rlced potatoes
(pack lightly)
2 cups sifted all-purpose
lVt teaspoons baking powder
H teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda '
V teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon cinnamon
to teaspoon nutmeg
Vi teaspoon allspice
. V4 cup blanched almonds,
1 cup sour milk or buttermilk
Enjoy Wilted Lettuce
Let u enjoy wilted lettuce
while lettuce is plentiful and
low priced. Six servings Cut
or. break 2 bunches leaf let
tuce or 1 head iceberg lettuce
into bowl. Slice 4 green
onion into it. Cut bacon Into
small piece nd fry until
chisp. Add Vt cup mild vine
gar, 2 tablespoon water and
1 tablespoon brown or whit
sugar. Heat to boiling. Pour
over lettuce ' and onions,
sprinkle with salt and pepper
and toss lightly until wilted.v
Serve at once.
1. Cream shortening. Gradu
ally add sugar, then egg yolks,
one at a time.
- 2. Add chocolate and pota
toes. 3. Sift dry Ingredients, add
almonds, and add alternately
with milk to the creamed mix
ture. 4. Beit egg whites until
stiff, but not dry, and fold into
the batter. Pour Into a greased
torte pan with flat bottom.
tiiiii!itir y-- gggggggi
Oven Ready
Fryers 65c
Fresh Fillet of fZ SZ
Flounder Lb.DD
Fresh Fillet of
Fresh Filet of Rod
Phono J-4424 Free Delivery
216 N. Commercial St.
lv wtMSm. WjL4hffl?m&i each '
:i 1 f "Ffl
I T m mm MM . -v tfl ma tw mmm n mm m a
..... ..... -, , , n is 5 imiM 1 1
S. II vU8l mis... every juice maae jwm wnote,frvsn " t mff lilill
SV'!ytv it I selected fruits or vegetables, picked only i mjf I 7
iaMte III 4 for making Juices.'s as simple as that . wlA 7
St Oi ni
Pour two tablespoons of
honey on half grapefruit and
place on cold broiler rack set
about four inches below bur
ner. Broil at 379 degrees F. 15
minutes or - until slightly
brown. Garnish each serving
with ' a maraschino cherry.
Serve at once.
. ., .
V.I. 1.4 I ,U..-.. '. -V-