PI It THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. galea, Qrtym McCamant Is Hew Moderator 'Delegates to the 105th aa ! nirilnf at the ConCTMC' ttooal Conference of On too Wednesday afternoon elected Bev. Thomw McCamant mod orator of the organization. He la pastor of Wavtrly Hclbta church of Portland and suc ceeds ;. W. Harris of Condon. Mrs. James China of Pert land was named assistant mod .n. tttanlcv Knott. Highland church, Portland, re elected secretary ana nev. Li bert F. King, Betvtrion, con tarenee nreacher. The new board of directors include: Mr. Paul Q. ler rvaanlak: C. W. Harrii. Con- Ann! Km. Scth R. Hun tin (ton. 8alem; C. C. Corey, Cedar Hills; Rev. Duane v. nieoi, Parkrose, Portland; Rev. John H. Spaur, Brethren German, Portland; Homer waits, sor est Grove and Mrs. K. t. Titus, llrst church, Portlsnd. A resolution favoring the ad mission to the united bums ox 350,000 refugees during wo nest three years was adopted a was one eommenoea w. Walter C. Giersbach lor fcls work at Pacific Dr. Giersbach MMn nilnil the nose. Fi- aaneial support to the amount ax I 2000 was voieo rinw fast Salem FOUNTAIN SPECIAL! RefrasMeff Uefes's ICED TEA SaaffW Cent F02EVI3 FLOWERS Mmmmi Preserved Mesw v "fmtW Afw viibiilAR GLASS BAIT ROD (5)95 IsSl-Q last Salem Only the re ports r the 4-H leaders who are Judging record books for the clubs which were a part of the county unit this past club year are still to be made known to the members. Swegle had three clubs this year for the first time in sev eral years, having come ribbon winners. Five members of toe Cooking club which had bow boys and girls enrolled, had ex hibits; Mary Oilman, muffins; Margaret Oilman, drop cookies; Jerry Gibb, muffins; Allen Gardner, drop cookies and Dennis Kruger, cup cakes. Den nis was awarded a blue ribbon for his cakes and Margaret Gil man a blue for her cookies and both will exhibit at the state fair. Allen Gardner has a red ribbon for his cookies. - Their leaders were Mrs. Keith LaDue and Mrs. Royal wenig. Tour boys who were in the woodworking club entered ex hibits, Steven Holler, Douglas Hamer, Oliver Olson, Stanley Masters and Michael LaDue. Mleheel was given red rib bon and Steven and Douglas white ribbons. They exhibited hoe shine kits, door stops and tool chests. Their leaders were Mrs. Harold Holler and V. If. LaDue. ' ' Auburn clubs else received special award. Prom the Au burn Ceokettet club Mary res kens and Arlene Maas received white ribbons for sponge cakes; Sandra Maas, an Independent in sewing m, received blue ribbon; Mary belle Starr, an la dependent to cooking, received red ribbon for her briad ex hibit and a blue for her1 bread baking demonstration, and San dra Maas a red for modeling her skirt in the style show. Auburn school also placed third in the four-room school division of' the parade. Mrs. Dale Sullivan waa the Cooking stub leader and aba is assisting to the Judging of record booki. Mrs. Fred Small ty and Mrs. Harvey Page were eo-hostesses for the Tuesday morning cof fee hour of neighbors at the Smalley home on Ellsworth avenue. Guests were Mrs. Don T. Gribskow, Mrs. Warren Mil tor. Mrs. Virgil Miles, Mrs. J. W. McCrea, Mrs. Don Maus, Mrs. Dale Mallieoet, Mrs. Les ter Orton, Mrs. William Hart ley and the hostesses. v Nearly half of Italy's ,000 towns and villages have trouble getting enough wster became of the high cost of aqueducts and waterworks. PLACE MATS Jl IHaellei hi PW Federal Tex 4-1.00! H i a tATKNe Epsom Salt r lIMs Raff. Mt Wrrft "WVi Ft. FRICTION TAPE hp vrn I Raff. Wt Witt 0 e AJJLIMHRX FLINTS Re. Mt f5(EI m eawcp) VrM CRasa $99t aaa MBrS BELTS sSsLSh VEGETABLE BRUSH 7' CUTICLE PUSHER iSsj"-3e SAHI.'(lISPAHTIESg3.59c SUPPOSITORIES S-, 9 PLASTIC APR0HSg IF POT OEAliERS- MO8 PLASTIC BABY BIBS 7e CliOC PEANUTS Bg&lf 29 REED'S ROLLS "- 3' Haiti tltScp LIPSTICK TRIO A. POND'S Spwlel! tfc CaM Cream m4 19c Aaeel Face $1M Velse ROTH FOR 90e tmq f t Cake P WRISLEy SOAP?.?. Waah Clerk ffAe AIL FOR 37 ' Istrodwefery Offer! ODO-RO-NO Raa. $1 Jl Saray DEODORANT New Oar Raff. Tec Cream DEODORANT Maw Oslir $2.11 .i,iCI ELECTRIC TOASTER H yearsalf to aolaea n gmf arewa toatt av, u. e VI 7fl J-fMo-f cWJ Seven II HAL" PtICI SALII TUSSy Cream DEODORANT Myt if mi lamia eWa la OmM Ra. $1 JO 3 3 a sa a aff. aac hj wira Rarr'a Crosse Neil Polish REMOVER 9 i fSj A seawl TKIMOMETCvl lla WlM 9flM aywai Raff. If WHi ITT .AD 1 tOelaf NSW mm Raway-Safr Pastel Vetoar POWDER I" PUFFS ! Ra. la WWk Ceeaea MS altar itrB MWIHilliJile? 'MeffewW la WeeaT FflHMOM KEO QSAnZTTES "e -l x-N- i ir.r wm ewta UON veapaa H aSw ll OvOUH ICED TEA i CLIPPER UH a TUMBLERS tegS fc" i r 1 1 rmrwrnr far !- jMafaw-snaDi a . . c t, vikmii wm i - - " " iiiBii sM,.iiaT. " v . UMfrwriiri ay. tvr t I ww ili r III B paff--" k-T XEr paste s MM a. m a . irr ".' la a a ..--- - i .sryvts i "" ylolK wrs . ' '-TMaae'1 & - - -- r- ini all I' SaT sal - sa. A aai II HeaseaeM 1 X " w ti lM II L I " "rn w f c j saRS !, L :wTxv S93 ffiGCT? rrrn nrm rrnmQ S : V.,NW :Ral4l,RIV CVt5jb i fX. Owl Dc It Afokt! JONI ORIGINAL 20 PC. ! v. , wtf..m(v 1afT rj- XI.- rtsi:t M BKaa. T 11 DINNERWARE SETt S fei L3?t51 ' - .;04'V-Sv 1 Haaa'aalaraa'BBaVfflarawaB'fwaaf ar wasaaff lis! tsSJJ vfiM i! v:.T vS -lJ Dlitlscflve aatfera (s Beerftfsf ffewfsff ceersf fV ij ! I) V 'yh..i:' I.. SERVICE POt 4: eurM. taue. I i-4i-Jk 1W Ml ..v 5ttr art, denari diJ teUd piefet I MiWSm mf ' .-.. ana" dinner olatei. I I ir IS I II -bbbVBBSbjjjjjjjjjjjjjw' I "1- X f . r ' .iy. -v sassa-. r w XI I 1 .a A BMM. mS 4m mL ivy ir -- loeetberlefi li better 5 oe mort J5.00 toaUt !an a w at eaaaa Wolnirt-Plnlsl, 7' J BIIDSI TABLE'S 2.98 ts? i-" a wobble-proof bracing n VaM After 51753 I Rseecr Cavaradj Wire DISH DRAINER ee. WM Kiln ! Q ' S1TB IU1 ... 9 RUDDER GLOVES lltl- Tartlsa BATH TOWELS 3-89c as saw tmm mm aHajPlE XCT so Jamea Size J9"x4V rissi Reg. Wian ,M TOWELS KM Iraad I J FRENCH DRY S CLEANER Raa. tfc 349c. 'M aTMr I1TH El ir; DKa4JttaJ Mttoj WASTE BASKETS 150 N. Cash!, lalera ,!i ami am. am sm& 19s IPaper EvIsphiEis Pkg. 100 1 BASKET JjJ mVaJaa! I J5 W1H Ceaaea IS VtMtfMrlt 23c J's TM ' I - aoHHaal Quart (0)C six. 7