Thursday, Mar 14, 195S THX CAPITAL JOURNAL. Baka. Omw FattXl i M tUSWISS CPORTUNITIES Body Shop 4 HlwiMi will eke greaalng 04.14 Mt nil, completely Mulpped. ImIMm tf s r building only t rZn 44 flu l-eedroom hMiH M mi f aboe. Laeeled ea lrt lot. eetup (or I m I work together. Cell im for more detail. ABRAMS, BOURLAND SKINNER ' 411 Muoclc Sstudlag eUelBatete tanM HmwiImu -m irtniim, i-eioe edii Own Your Own Business W BAV TAVERNS. JKJMDRIBS, ftMTAURAim, MORU, POUN. TAI1CS, BASBR1XB, LUNCHES, AND MART OTHXRS foX ALX SOME WITH XJBXRAL DOWM PAYlfEHTA. IP TOO WAKT TO BUT OK SELL A BUSIlTAa OPPORTUNITY IM THE WTLLAMETTS VALLEY, BITTER BBS TTIANK LOCKMAN Real Estate SMI Pelrgtounjj Ph, 4-41U "Bui. Opp. Specialist" IUSINESS& INCOME LOCAL GBOCBKT. good Income, exci tant living guartera. good location. Muet bt m to b appreciated. Write Box 1, Capital Journal eellt CaDitol Lumber Fuel Co. Plywood gore, eld growtk fir, planer trlmmlnge. Phone 1-7711. 1M So. Com'l. ee WANTED FURNITURE 1 CJ i- AUCTIONS Sudtell's ummfm, FURNITURE AUCTIOK, THURS.. MAT 14 tilt Bllyarton Rd. Phone I-4M i f Ml. FURNITURE ' pc walnut bd. Kt. U61 Botpolnt i glothee dryer, O. S. relrU. t po. Dub ois. Phylt dining Mt, t pc dinette get, a Be. ehrBm. uL 1 walnut Chute, i blonde onceta, daveno At chair, good aMmrUtlon. Orar frleee roto ehotra. are. drepea. Ilka new. Mlrrore. plc ...... tiMiMlm vacuum. Tabla at floor lampa. Bite, aewlng machine. ' O. B. waabtr. Diahee, roil. At mini ' Mlae. Item. Wa bur at Mil lor roil. LARK BUDTBLL'S AUCTION ,J BALBB TABP ddltt 'i -furniture Auction tonite at 7 o'clock at LANE SUBTESTS AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 mile east of Salem on Sllverton road. Ph. 3-6908. ddllt FOR SALE LIVESTOCK nnnu artJING MASK, in, trade ellT for large work norae. ra. a.w. MTLI COW with t quartera. Oood mllk . er. Make ofler. Ml S. McQllchrUt. whona ultl after P.m. eU7 WOB SALE S nka half era, 1 moo the eld. one I montne, one ltt monthe. white Face belter. One White Face Holotcln atreet. Nice locker meat. CaU 14101 etrrerton alter 1:10 evenum. alia LIVESTOCK WANTED LocP-IB BEEF White lace Jaralord. He. Locker pork, 15c. Nothing down. I taea. to pay. Cuetom killing. TraUer loaned free. Salem Meat Co, III! S. llth. Ph. I-4PM. aa RABBITS . BABBIT SKINS WANTED Ship to 1 W. Themaa, Watt Side Fur Company, sow located at 1140 N. Broadway. Salem. ebll', eraeeepeppeepePwPPwppaPPe PETS FBEE-t lovely klttena, I weeU old. Phone 17441. 1311 State St. edit BOLLYWOOD AOCABHIM 1PSI McCoy, aae block eaat of N. Capitol, lie Mockg north at Madlaoa. Ph. 1-MI7. eclll FUBEBBED Shetland aheepdog pupplaa IMlnlatura couiaaj. nwcra. net chemawa Road. eellT MOOSE TBOP1CAL F1BH, Parakeet! lurtlee, auppllea. t mllee from Lancaat ar an Maclaay road. 4-1771. Ckjaad FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. 14" CLEAN IMlfEDlATB DELIVERY Pickup Wood IS1 Bdtiwatar Phoao Salem 1-4011 eeppppeeppawawpepaw FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED Colored bene, cry. phone 1-3861 Lee'a Hatch- f GOLDEN BBOAD and New Bempehlre ehlcka. baUhed every Monday and Thuraday. Our ehlcka grow faeter. Poi'e Hatchery, tail Bute St. Ph. 1-4UT). !1 tlVm 1 nniinit. liul OVOr. 11.00 OCCh. 3140 Hollywood Dr. FOB SALS Twice week'., day-eld Lk in umm M.mwihlr. Parmentera, Red. White Letnoma. Auatra-Whlte, whiaa pwka. White wyandollee, Per mar tar eockertla. Lee Hatchery, phone Mill. PRODUCE GOOD tr.ED POTATOEP Netted Oema. plant any Uma now to July, 11 p lag Phimpe nrca., av a. S mllai eaat 4 Camera ea Stato at. Ph. 41011. ' BHI BASD at He beat, I cenlJ a pound. Oreea Apple Market, K0t Portland M. FOB SALS aettad earn and Burbank ii 7t 10 lb. Alee No. 1 eating potato II It M lbe. Onlona SLOP M lbe. till Portland Road. Phone 4-4C7P. . . . ?'..' HELP WANTED CARRIER BOYS Now Is the time to register for Capital Journal news paper route. No Sunday de livery. See Circulation Mgr. BSOIPTEB NOW for itrewberrr PUktng. acrea eleaa. Irrigated beniaa. 1 mile weal and nerlb frets Ratter School. jOTenaen-Dvene. , Lane. Salem. PTieno 4-iaol. EoYS AND glru It U i ll raare for etrawberry atcttas. Htaaa alatooa leader tJttl. CHILDREN" AND tDULTP ? alcklne elrawberrlea with a PlaiocJ M.iiAn aa eeheet aaa. rn HELP WANTED BIGIITEB MOW lor trewberrr Part- acraa elaaa Irrigated acme. I ml. aorth as Barer Bd. J. 8- Wbalaa . I. Bo lit, tf 411, phono tint ar 41111. aiM CrtT-CorrtoKiivoaai lr Cap ital Journal. Mual kara typewriter, geoa experience. OM pap rat pan time vara. Oontaat MUt Pejrwee, Tat- flaw, vapiiai gearae, STBAWBBBBI F1CBBBS nalrter a rw. Una fiald I mua north at alani. Bum and Uraalar. -. fll1 STBAWSBBBT picina raiuur m. Stataaa aeraa at koawp arap. Will oad ppanaaure far a ftataaa, alaa want drlT4tiia. H. L. Faafap Mar aarr. B4. t. Boa laa. a-uia. aiia- BIQHT1B mow far pkata. atraw- aorrMa. Lant elaaa nald an Pal Mo. Cloaa tn. No eblldraa udar U. Faraal Laaa Motal, MU Fortlaad B4. Fk. fUf CBUOBBrf AND Motbara rafUtor aaw tor auawaarrr ptauoa. Tr importa tion furnunad. Call Harriot Bokbuaa afur It p.m.. lull. hit HELP WANTED MALE BOYS AND VETS. Traral anllra DB. vllh firm ,trao.portaUoB rareUaaa. Oaab drawing account. Ooad Mtara. Baa Mr. Hawaii. Hotel Balcm, U to U and J to a, Tburadap onlr. aalll MAN DfTBBBSTED la bulkUnf aa M- cov dalrr. h. . Olradla, Bt. 4. Boa 41. 1 mlla b'.W. pan. Aaaai. ialM TOUNO MAN 14 to wha la aaMUotu and auallflad to aalar aalUna fUkd. Baparlanea la paak, induwlal ar gaa aral accounting aatantlal. Oar prop aiuoa oittra a iuauma aaraar la aa attablubad baataaaa. Balarp vaU dar ing eitanarra tralamg parlad. Write giving fall particular! aa to age. am ptormaat and aalarr. It wiu do ao good to call penonallr aatu teller kaa been received and appolatmaal made. Olve telephone number. TUB NATIONAL CASH BBOIarrBB COMPANY, Salem. Oregon eel IT DOES SINGLE PfAV need a hornet Board ai room? can work out dare. Meaded lor companion for huebead, aighte. Ph. ItKl. gallt' HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN tor light houoework. Small apartment, t adulu. alderlr lady aeade aome care, not bodfaet. Steady work. cau eeaea. gblir STaNOOBAParaB with two yaara ex- perlanca at MacLarea School for Bore, Woodbum. Btartlng pay flat a aaoatb. ao to Slop. Room and beard on eampua lor emtio perron ate a month. Applr State Civil Service Commlailoa, 101 Public Service Building. gblll SZLL ATOM Avon Product, aaakera ef fine aoe metlee have three exdnaive tomtortee open lor three neat woman, pull part time, for Interview write: Avon r. o. Bex I7IL Portland a. Ore. gblll GUU. fob FOUNTAIN aad retail work. jo or aider, atppiy tn peraoa. Wllaa uraa atore. - wai BXFaTBLtNCBD WOOL Ladr'a. Capital City Laundry Dry Cleaning Dept. gblll WANTED SALESMAN BEAL ESTATE Salaaman. Write bos Capital Journal ar call Mice Welch. Broadway 4131 Broker. Portland. ggUO Career Opportunity AtttsUoa fSffJcuBtral Her tk itl Ttp wpotitmltt tor rfctbt mtm. Vwuntitr kith MnibieU. totrptlt taralalMtl -Mlihsd orgspDlMUoB. Tnlnliki k bVIIaItiw stsvri tt sat.o. cll sHtam 4-3501 for appointment. nlll WANTED POSITIONS BOTOVATOB 10-lnch U-horeepower. Do work faeter aad deeper tilling Economical work. 1-491. hue CABPENTEB and repair work wanted Ph. 114M. hill HOIE WOBK 145M. cleaning - Ironing. Ph. hllT pTH OBADB girl wante eummer time lob earing for children. Ph. JM41. hllT ! MOWEBS SHABPENED at door. Make It run eaar. Phone 1-ollt. hilt CEMENT WOBK and ftnlahtng. A Bom beck, phono 3-P574. 1MI M. Ith. hill TILLINO WITH Rotarr-hoe. Oarden lawna. Phone l-lsll. 31PI Bvergreen. hill' BOTOTILUNG Ph. 44111. Middle Orore Nuraerr. 4930 Sllverton Road. b1 BOTABY IIOE1NO t I-711S alter t p.m. hoar. Ph. hill1 MABV g PLOWING and dlaclne, prompt 7? aervlce. 4-1441. hill GARDEN. FLOWEB bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, dieting, leveling, ' rolotllllng. aervlce cenUr. 1'hona 43571. hill MICKEN HAM'S DAY NDBgEBY StaU lleenaed and taepacted. Phone llaM hue1 LIGHT CBAWLEB, doalnr. dirt level ing, trading. .Phone 1-1310. hill new lawns, complete. Free eatlmate Phone 4-3M1 or lltts. nue GRADING, leveling, backfilling, lawna. ihhu. u nonr. lop. reaae s-wai. hilt tfLOWINQ. DISdNO. totllnt. U JO an blU hour. Phont 43111. LANDSCAri mavlntenanc. pniUI, trlnmlnf, pianunc, itriuuin. wr it Center. Phont 4-K7I. niw PAINT1NO it rear, experience lasUltm Pree eiUmatai. Phont jtb dim Tit.f.tMn with v e. rotan tiller. nlnii 3-n, u. nour. PLOWINO t DISCING i: JstXDIATX SERVICC. PhOO 1300. hill1 new lawns. Rotarr hoeing, Pree est I rnatM. Duaflfl WOleOtt. POODt sr-tia. bl!7 ntmENiNn AND lawn work. Sari Col. Phor.a XTSM. fM Mirini i. EXCELLENT CHILD care I ma home. Poyr Cornere. Ph. 4MM. hllT EDUCATION IflBN RAILROAD UltDfraph? at CO' lumbla BuBlneu imiuuu. a rio rou in a field thet offer permanent employment and euritr. Come Id and ie ua or tnw " "' ter Bidi. 3 SW th Art. Portland. Orw. Hfw tliwf itartint now, nniia' FOR RENT itanr aiilLDlNG In downtown Salem. parking area available. Building la the beat of condition. Suitable for moot any bualneaa. Owner will divide. Mown by appointment enir. no aoono w i.niiM i:.ea Al laeak Ai Ca. Realtor. 1031 Portland Road. Jilt itant warahou aoace tor rent leaae. Cement fMora, brick building. Down town. iMUIre H. L. Stiff Pur i...,a r. Phone l-llll. I' WANTED TO RENT ATTENTION! Owners of Rental Property The demeod for bomee le greater than wa anticipated. ror Qualified TenanU M. B. Phuapa, Rental Der. Frank lockmas Real Frk Phone 4-Mot WANTED TO RENT CUAN I baoboom hauat br twpaael- oie panr ee ar aolora Jtai L Refer- . ra. wu. lane PBOWUaJOIIAL MAM and laaillr dailrt i-eeoreoae boom ar juaa u. write Boa K Capital Journal. Jelto- Wanted to Rent Houses TOCa RJBVTAL FSXaySBTT PBAMX LOCXMAH. REAL BBTATB. M. S. THTLLM aUNTAb DBFT. PHONE 4-SPtl lallg FOR RENT ROOMS (-BOOK foruahad. OtlllUee I y. block aapllaL Lax l-ll. LATATOtIT large, weaaralabad Tit Oenur. ikiio alaaplat rw DOWNTOWN, flrat floor, adjoin Ini aatb. rarriaarator. aaa cantor, lain RTCSLT raralabaU room. Frlrata koma. OoaUamaa. Fa. t-nu. am N. snrmor Hiir FOR RENT APARTMENTS LOVKLT rt'BMlaBSD ar ttafumlahad apartment, aloaa la. graaad noor. 4 Moeka from O. S. Bank. Sbade traa petting. Automatic uaadry. Adaiia. Baa at HI Oak Bt jplle' i-BOOM rcBNltBBD aoart apartmaol. modera, elaaa, afftreat parUng. u Flaa IP117 rDBMZaaBD aide daplax, aultaale far two. BMrwood. t-gata. im Mocor. Ipiii YBBT ATTRACT!! court apt., Nome and bath. Blaelrla range and rung' orator furaUned. IPC So. nth. ph. tlill dan ar WTU alter I p.m. Ipllt LABOB, UNriiBMISHBD tbraa-room. batb. pelect area, beet taautr. aew Fbone 1-1117. lplll CLEAN, COKPOBTABLB, email apart ment, right down town, ate rorrr. lplll- AND t BOOM furnlehed apartmaau. Would peruUer email child. Itll Cen Ur. JpllP LABOB t BOOMS and batb wall furnleh- Private entrance. I bloere loath Ladd and Buah. view. Now vacant. Ph. aotll or ate 111 So. Ubertr. JPUP. BOOM F17BN1SHBD apt. It black to pub. Phone 1-P90T alter t p.m. JpllP BEDROOM, partly furnuhed. bath. HIM. Waal Salem. ROOM, redeeoratad, range, refrigera tor, garage, water, garbage. Porch ever MIU Creak, l-cane. Ipnt BOOM fnrnlahed. refrtgarator, private bath, a tore, laundry, atluttee. lui State St. Jpllt BOOM faralahad, bath, refrtgarator, laundry, AM. tea No. labarly. Mill. IP11T' DAYUOerf baaemaat raraiihed. Private trance, batb. refrigerator. UtUltlea ild. tea. lan H. litb. Jplli' BOOMS fBTBlahed, Bear ttorae and buaaa. 1311 Madlaoa. lplll PKIVATI mu-MOX tonicfe cowl PKrtmtnt. eltftn. AdiJU. (M. SIM oit.Mid BotytL JplSir MODEM rCBmSHSD timt. 0. loci isMaioB, rnom a-T7M. Jpllt' MODBBNp nfuraUbotl 1 bedroom 4 Jplll room apt. iiw usa. boom MICE apartment. Private bath. tea n. Church. Phona 14741. jpllt NICBLT FURNISHED apartmaaUi baeaador Apia, t&o No. summer. RXTKRJU. fumlahad apartment, good location. Inoulra B. b Stlfl parrateara. Phone t-tlts. IP S AND 4 BOOM ruralabed court apart ment, oarage. Phone gnat. iput CLOUS IN. clean and neat 1-room pull man. Alee 1-room xuraianea apt. rn. I-I1M. JP11I' APT, BLBCTBIO range, refrigerator, annuel fumlehoa, autematle waaner, dryer. M5. 3-eoei. jpna NICE room apartment, private bath, lit M. Church. 3I74S. ipne S BOOM fumlahad apt. Can J-ttM after t p.m. ype- CLOSK IN alee modern furnlehed I- room apartmenL Adult, pnon lien. lplll DNFTJBN1SHBD 1 bedroom, anuauallr attractive, eomfertable. Beat, hot water, garbage furnuhed. Cloae la. Automatic waaher. Phona 1-404 or Box M. Capital Journal. lplll FOR RENT HOUSES A TEST NICE, large, l-bedroom bouae. tlOO. Phone J-aiTlj imiie- t-BEDBOOM bouae. Bear achool and 1ml II bue. Call wiPamina ipm. CLEAN AND NEWEB l-bedroom court rental IB Weal Salem. Lovely me oaaa. large rooma, retrlierator and electric ranee furnuhed, til per month. Raw Una Realty, phone 14M4 or 41111. )m I.MDUMH home, cloaa to bua. Ave. Inoulra Beat floor. tmllt IDEAL FOB BOABDINO or rooming houae t bedroom. large dining rm.. living room, automatic ell heal, cloae In. Inquire H. L. Still Furniture, M1M. lur furnished l-reom houae, adulu. Ph. 17011. laiiio BEAL NICB 1-room houae. a tore and re frigerator. Phone 3-14M, imiiT- l-ROOM prRNBiHED Nice yard. baa. Bngleweod auctrict. Miv n. aeui. Jmllt BENT OB LEASE. June 10, furnuhed er partly furnunad l er e-purm, one year. Ph. 11 Itl. In HI S-BEDBOOM houae, electric water beat er, wired ror ranee, au mmnHi bath. Utility and laundry traya. 4t50 Rlehman. Pohne 43117 Imlll S41.M MODEBN 1 bedroom court. Range and refrleeralor. Limited I people. 820 N. llth. . IM. Limited 1 people. 1 bedroom cottage. Eectrle range, uaraae. aew m. wwwr. Phone raeao. Bd Lukiabeal, Realtor. Im BSD ROOM bouae for rent In Belaer daitrKt. mi. PH. aftsrr p.m. lmll BOOM furnuhed eottata, fenced yard. Set at i . fTon,- phi BIDBOOM house, onfurnUhed. 149 Bo. Lancas'.trr Dr. Phont j-dlOO. J11T TBAB OLD S IwilrooaM. Automatic lothea washer as ddrrer, dish washer, farbata disposal, Venetian blind, to ulated. Bread sew forced air all fur nace. Car port. Cloat to school, but terr, hoapltal, bus, atort, beautiful nets hbor hood. Newly decors ted. Open far inspection during day and Bltht. Avallabla immedlstelr. Onfurntihad. 171; furelshad. aS. On? boutt corner of Winter and Mlasioo. CaU 17001. MS. imUV g. BSD BOOM bouaa and 4 acru at rtwntL for aal or rani, am luennan Phone 41 "7 Jm'lt OFFICE FOR RENT l-BOOM gLTTE Or a I on Bunding, 14114. OBOUND FLOOR oflice ar aura for rent. Call al mta market. LOST S FOUND LOST Benrue told bracelet watch Frt. .law. Roward. Ilia gtb. PR. Mill. bill MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HITB TRDCKS rj-DRITB MOTS YOTRSBLF SAVB H PICKUPS STAKES TARS TEXACO STATION til COURT ST. PHONS l-ttll PAO STRVBNSOR aad AL MaPFORS DENTAL PLATS REPAIR s-ajR antnci in most cabb r BARVIT BEVLTH DENTIST Adelrb Bldi . Slate CammerctAl atu ra. B-aaia MISCELLANEOUS BALSat SAJTD A) OJLATIL COM ffiraea wen aad ciearias ntempas Sewer aad Baaameal Bralpaaaal Baatal aWabiat by the Feet Stage Dare Matt Seaa. t-aall er aHtt nMM FILTER CAB TUDOR wltk ell ehaape rreea aaar lias eara aaap ana. vraiaa Piaeaaa aaeca aaeie aw awrrri Balam Dleaal BarrMe, tnt aTUwartaa rnita- IUILWNO MATERIALS Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles a. aa. 11 taaaea ataar. at: Me. t. raakee dear, ta. Re eap wood er eulla. Caeae and set tkera. Tad Mailer. Balam laaependaewe Bead, Pa. Salem t-uec. ata KEITH BROWN SPECIALS ITM2ER egalar Sale raer sat .l Jta. 4 tern. S4S MttM U AIM tear lit rl Me. 4 eomm. TAO PSPtM MttM Oar atakae r to ir reueh.. .1 aa. la rl Beaded Calllat. 44.SMM OVERSTOCK , txs ctueleE beard). te.ttM MttM til It- Standard Board Mje M MttM hakee Stolned Ma. 1 at If with andercourte. VhMartoned 11-aa Plyroa Plywood Jl ae, rt. NO. I MAHOGANY DOCRS I-eit-gllH" HO RC.... 14.14 I.H l.UI-liia" HC RC... 11J1 11.11 1-tlt-gklH" HC RC... Hat 3-gi-slH" BC RC... UJ1 11.14 1-FANEL DOOR B.P. t-Oxl-telV l-taC-gilH1 a-4it-ui4' 1-lil-gilH' lit tji ' in ISO i-t At 1-ait-tii 1 tile I taaal IK Keith Brown Lumber Yd Front As Ceart tract Phone 1-tlll WE OIV1 BAH ORXTN ST AMPS BtrtLDES'B SPECIAL Rev plaaad lam- bar, lit ace M. aad aa. ayaurerod. -M41. mailt REDUCED $10 Per Day Until Sold BTABTXXO PRICB IMtM MAT stk May ISth, 30.W - 1 Zenith Refrigerator afodai wx-moo Cuetean Deluxe. Taia great aew refrte eratar le the ftaeet ever to bear the Saalth a una . . , featuring MORB ef amrvthtnc that averrene waata aaeet. if no It aable feet to glee large capacity and complete flexibility. And aeway emgiaeeroa, up-ae-ane-mwute automatic defroat and butter eoodl- tloner alua each ether wonderful (aatarea ea gbalvea la the door, elant term art pare, aoraalala taterler, ll-lb. Ireeaar locker. It'e America ireateet walae ta gapark, aU-teatare beaaa re- angeranoa. Keith Brown Lumber Yard Front At Court Street Phone Mill WB OtVB SAH ORBXN STAMPS ma SALE at-ln. Blywcwd til par It. ...t .ltH l-tab eomp. rooting MS Aabeatoa aiding ....... S-aw Shake mould, per ft. I klada building paper a re Hew plaeterboard. 4x1 1-4! Waterproofed waUboard. taj.... LTl No. 1 painted cedar ahakeg with undercourae Va-la. Orade A Maheg. Ply- u wood - A-la. Orade A Mahog. Plywood.. .43 Va-ln. Birch Plywood -In. Birch Plywood -11 Halle, per keg 1-llte aaah doe re .M...... New acreea doora SJt New weatheratrlppod wlndowa, completely aaeemblad .,. I4J4 LmI ....ra loora. complete. . P5.00 500 Bathee and pletura wlndowe. CHEAP 500-eal. ateal aeptle tgnka a.aa Cloae-coupled toUeta, aomplau.. 36. to 30X11 weak baaln. aomplate ... 17.54 Hew grade A path lube, complete M at Klteben elnke, eompleto 41.71 Boat plywood It, 13. 14-ft lengthe la gtock. low prwaa. Maw abower eablnau aad all water beatera aikjauv 4-ln. aoll pipe, Orangeburg and all alaee I air. pipe SPECIAL loom tnaulaUoa, per bag 11.04 C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-Mtl One mlla H. of Belaer JAMBS VERTICAL GRAIN 2.95 Birch Doora t-txt-l. MM. t-tH-l M . Panel Door, 14 Pt up. All kind. Shake lAouktlnr. lta Ua. ft. Screen doora. laaatoa lite wd. auaaaa. Wanboarde 1.4 BP. Haaetiaard Free, eheerfal. eatlmatlas and da Brery aerrloe. opea all Say Sat. Portland Road Lbr. Yard MM Portland Rd. 4-44)1 ma eweappaapaeaaappavpweevppaa NURSERY STOCK AZALEAS Maar Tertetlea rn full bloom. Waring Nuraerr, loll Oak H1U Ave. (tars Beat from MB at south Tillage Tavgral. Owen Sunday. Mbltw BEDDIMO PLANT Sllvertoa Oreea- houae the beet la geranium. iiacoe. pelagoalume, all other plane. Cab bage and lettuce, tie per doeea. lit a. Water St. aa road to BUver Creek PaUe. aiaraa WABHINOTON garanlanu. handrede ta biaem: eeeoniaa, i"" and bedding planu. KUber'a. tit Ba lam Helghta Ava phona 44011. mblll aiiuii rtM arramaaKAK Privet. laur el. cam. i a. eoniier. awaww. .m isi. lilt Hollywood Drive. mblM' LALTANA. TLBEBOt'S and Wei Be- goniaa. eaiwat. Pelunlaa. Bnapdragone. all aaual aad Bear emuauBt anawa. "- . , . k.. aiLaat. ban oardena, 4 mil. M. of Salter an M. Paul Hwy. blie ,,uua.a nva.ennia Pee OLAD BULBS. I DZ. . ..... ""' TUBEROUS BBOON7AS, FOR H M AMLua, ptav, nna, a FOB Ill a for 5c arvTMlajeniO STRAWBBRBT LriTTS ..nriH aannia mblll BEDDINO PLANTS SllverteB Oreea- Boeaee. Tne aeae in '"' " ..u. toa geranluma. fuclulae. aU ether p. ante. Tometoee and peppera, See per .,. . . a.. i in a ao mit.r Creek PeBl. mblle Journal Want AjJs Pay AUTOMOBILES DeSoto - Plymouth QUALITY USED CARS . This Week-end's Srals 1p31 PLYMOUTH HEATER 1BS3 PLYMOUTH HEATER 151 DE SOTO DE LUXE CARRYALL. HEATER. ; 19S1 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 4-DOOR SEDAN. R4H, SEAT COVERS 1.4T PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE LUXE CLUB COUPE. HEATER, VERY CLEAN 1B48 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE i-DOOR SEDAN. R4H. . ' MANY, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM W. L. Anderson, Inc. 634 N. LIBERTY MISCELLANEOUS BATIT key. BOSS eplnet Plane. M7I DUverally BUI USED PCRN., tool and mlae. Alwayc batter bura at Snook'e Bargala Center. 1351 Broadway. Pa. k'M. Bill t PC. CHROME Sxteneloa Table 41 M. Olenn Woodry'a, 1404 N. Bummer. Bill BTJ1LDEBS SWTNO aaw. excellent rmdl tlon. cheap. Ph. IttfiT. altl T.T. CHAIRS Rag. MM. eatra a pec. while they leal M M. Oleaa Woodry'a. 1101 N. Summer. nlll QIBSON BEFB1QEBATOB. t cubic ft., eieellent condition. Ph. 11131. nlll LARGK LOW Cheet-O-Urawera Oleaa Woodry'a. I3.M. Alia ENCYCLOPEDIA. Mat edition. All. I at 111 M. High be! ore g. nlll MEW IW1NQ Rocfcere aa low aa 13 71 tn Plaatlo Covara. Oleea Woodry'a, 1404 M. Summer. Bill OSPITAL BED for tale er rent. B. L. Stltt Furniture Co. Phone 1-llM. a VWDt AND FULL Blae Cotton Mettreteea, lt.f4. Oieaa Wcndry'a. IMS M. Bum mar. Bill CLBARAMCB OM SRWXNO MACHINES SlUbtly Bead xaamere runt weight portable, reduced 14, Liberal trade- in allewaaee. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO, aae m. oapitoi ant' SOLID oab Dinette Sea, t pa. Oleaa WoodrTA B11P MBBBY-TILLEB, BOOd ta aaw. Phone 1-liei. lilt Lanarng Ave. nut BRASS ANDIRONS Mew S.M. Oieno alls Woodry'a. .1104 N. Bummer. WBIT1KO DESB. tto. Deed Mdaa. Mart, M4 Liberty Bl. Phone e-atll. uaa your credit. Bill' CHECK PROTECTOR 11.50. Oleaa Wood ry'a, 1101 M. Summer. ant WBST1NOHOCSE BAMOB wdaep well. lap.wa. Uead Mdae. Mart, gee sv. ua- ertr BL, phcae 4-4171. Oat roar araoll. i TIPEWB1T1MO TABLE t.MJ. Weodrr'a, IMS M. Summer. Olesa BUI PIANOS Haw and ueed. wida ae lection. Balneta. araada. atttdle apTtahta. The Muele center, rn pi. capital, poona S-U11. all! RICE WATERFALL Mite Stand, Walnat, 11 aa. ralaaa Weodrr'a. ltM N. sum' mar. - Bill METAL FENCES Chain link or ornamental type a, real- daBttal and laduetrlal. Mo lop toe lane or too email. Material only a iob complete. Free eatlmatea. BORKMAN LBR. ck HDWE. CO. I4M State Street , Ph. 1-1701 Bill' FIRE SCREENS, Curtain Type, Braaa or Black Iron, Reg. 34 50. now laao. Olenn Woodrr a. 1404 M. Summer. alls CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric polee, fanea aoatx bean pacta and atakaa. PhUUpe Broe., BL S, Box 413. I mllee aaet of 4 Conor. Ph. 4-1041 TOP SOIL River ailt and fill dirt. Prompt livery. Phooe J-1111. PORTABLE WASHES, Like Hew. 11.50. Olenn Woodry'a, 1401 H. Bummer. BUI t-PtECB CHROME braaklaat eat, 111: I- place walnut dining reom art, pea; fireplace future. Including elac. log, 135: hall tree, 17.10! lawn mower, at. 1534 State. 41701. Bill CLBARAMCB on Deed Vacuum Cteerma. Lata model Hlcclrolux Hoover drlvea brueh t t-50 other eleanera aa low ae t 1.00 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 164 H. Capitol BI13 Organic Fertilizer Free of weed aeade. and' odorleil. Sack or balk erdera delivered. Phone l-llll. Bill PSRTHJZIR PolvarUed. rotted manure. delivered aaywhere. s-nt or t-vjit. nut SAVB SM aa Waatlnehouee automatic dUhweaher at Mice Salea. no Fair ground Road. BUI' MeCUUOCH CHAIN SAWS, 404 Sdge. weter. Wool lalam. Salem Logging sup ply. Ph. 4-1141. a clothunr POSTS. IroB lege for to baa. furniture, rauiaia. ua at. we eny. RI34' Equipment l.b.a. not r am. l-phaae motor; BA-b p. reoo r.p m. l-phaae motor with 4" blower: H-b.p. Hot r.p.m. alnale phaae: a-ft. DUitoa power aaw chela -aew" with blade: heavy log-llfttng toage: aew at aaad to" circular aawa: Tlmkea bearlnga I 1111 aew: g" tabla aaw and melon tt-toa eoftlng hotel: H. C. LIIU aoavereloa burneri bath room lavatory: all barrela, truck flaraa. Theae Ham ta good condition end priced to MU. at Ml M. LIBERTT ST. Bllf ROTTED MANURE l.M tarda, the beet we bare gear bad. Far good erganla reeulta order relied eow manure thai yon eas aae without fear. at.M per yerd. t yarda tlA 4 parde 111. II yarda 140. nat atoaea, lava etoBC, feaee Poll, aaa atakaa and nolle red cedar feaclag, Phllllpa Brae, BL I, Box 411, Ph 41041. Salem, t ml. B. 4 Corn ere. USED SINGER Drepbeed treadle. eomblBettoa tier trie eeelBet aewlBg machine. Hai aew metor, light S) toot control, round bobbin, A-l condllloa. Oaaranlaed. Singer Sewing center, lit M. Oommer del. nlll OAK ELETOH BED tM PORTLAND BD, CIED APtBTMtNT alaa electric rente. Ph. poeai. Bill Wanted MISCELLANEOUS LOGS WANTED To track tealo price par eoeea aae) old growth nr. Long ana snort. WEST SALEM LBR. CO . IIM Wallace Ra. Ph. 4-1714 aalll AUTOMOBILES CRANBROOK CLUB COUPE. CAMBRIDGE CLUB COUPE. PHONE 4-S482 silt Wanted MISCLLANfiOUS WOODSY WANTS Plaaaa, FberM 1-4 UL LOGS WANTED and Mis. Laattba P 4" er IP IMamoler r to 11" Sawmill Lraetke II' and loager. Dtamctor - ta etr. Tea arloaa Bat. Burkland Lumber Co. Timer. Or. . .. Pheaa 11M aa WANTED TO BUT seed adding machine Phone 4-1371. Bene BLBCTBIO BANOES. Woadry'A Ph. 1-1110. PERSONAL MBS. JAMBS, Paycblc Reader aaa give reliable advlee and help ea all prea- lema el life. Me perueaa aa. Aiirma Court. Apt. i. Pill BXSBANDSI WITBSI Oat Pep, Thai feel youncer. Hernia atlmulaat. uatrex. ra- vllallaaa body which lack Ircm after 40. Try hlgheT-poteacy Oetrea Tealc Tablet today, alaa guy ti.u- la Salem, at ray laaa: alaa araggiata everywhere. ptie- alcoboucs ANOrrrMOrST L MM H. Ccenmardal. Pa. 1-411 Hit AUTOMOBILES GET A Sf-TAtlT DWV You can nave confidence in these reconditioned. ' cars-snd in the dealer you're buying- from I 1950 Bulck Super Riv- lers MOST POPULAR STYI. PINT CONDI TION AND APPEARANCE. DTNAFLOW, TUBEIXS8 T1RBS, BASY-BYB OltSS, M.ITI MILES, 1650 Mercury Sedsn '. . .11896 ovrunRrvw radio, kbatbr. CAR1. PULLT RECONDITIONBD, SHOWS OOOD cars. 1850 Bulck Special Sed- anet fl5 WB RAVE BBRvTCB RECORD SINCE HEW, RADIO, KXATXJt, PUIB ctjrun TION. 1951 Plymouth Club Coupe info CAMBRirXJR MODEL, BBAOTTPTJIXT MAINTAINED, ONLY 13.411 MIUS. 1950 Studebaker Coupe $1195 BTAR-LrTB MODEL WITH OVER DRIVE, RADIO, HEATER, 1946 Olds. 66 Sedan ...$695 HTDRAMAT1C. RADIO. HEATER. ... VERY CLEAN, UOOD CONDITION. 1946 Ford 6 Tudor ....$595 BETTER THAN USUAL, WITH RADIO, HEATER. 1948 Nash Super 600 Sedsn 9 75 OVERDRIVE. HEATER, ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE. OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY COWUKRCIAL AT CENTER PHONS 3-1113 F-S Flrt Bala '44 Hadaoa Oommodete Thll car tt aot burned took t your gala 4-dr. apl $1145 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Where Chemektta Ooea to Church Open I a.m. to f .m. 4111 1M1 CHSV. Club coupe, good condition. radla, healer. Phone 1-eeil. ana at wi TaanlTR at luxe t deer aedea. Clean aoadltloa. MM. Ph. 44141. MU Kapphaha Rd. 1PM STUDERABER t-doar. Radto, heat er end overdrive, pnone pirera. aiie- ee ford de luxe aaupe. Heater ead defroeur. New palau UN. Sea at Whliee Drlve-Ia. ellt IMt NAUR super l-doer Sedaa, taeal' lent condition. Phone e-nei, ana- IP41 NAUR Ambaaaador, RAjH, overdrive, Hat. Mo odwa paymeat aa approval or credit. Opea evenlnea. B. Smith and Son Motore. 144 Marioa. Phone 41711. 4 IMt POBD T-t ferder. sew paint, cleea. aetl. He dowa payment on a par Orel ef credit. Open erenlnei. K. Bmlth end Boa Motore. 141 Marioa. Phone 4I7M 4" 1M1 FACKABD aedaa. Vary loot ooadl- tloa. 4 eruader. overdrtv. a-ITet. 0114 IMt r-4 FORD truck, t-tea, wltk only 4.404 MIMA Slayton, Org, HI, L Box a. sin DENNIS the MENACE. : . . .... ' yv ' "TIT A I I aa-BBSf. 1 I 11alAlA g a g l HiT A R BCry! DIP YA SV? rvR AUTOMOBILES IMt 4-DOOR FORD V-l. OvaHrtva, re- heater, ealr Toag muaa. auaire during . day at 1115 M. Oammeielel J-roiT. R-vea. g-apra. aaea- IttS PONT1AO Ceavertlbla. seed eoodl- UkM it, 7ie aeu gtoaa. alls 1444 PLYMOtm Sedan, recently aver. hauled. Mae offer, can 1-tTto. ant Remember! OUR USED CAR DEPART. MENT 18 OPEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCZ UNTIL S P.M. WEEK DAYS . AND UNTIL I P.M. ; SATURDAYS GOOD BUYS!! BVaCUIat TaTBO BUT 14T '. '50 STUDEBAKER Club sed an. RoVH, O.D., la tip-top Shape. Beautiful light green nnisn. $1060 . '47 DODGE ' Custom aVardRn, RekH. turn alamal. Mat coTtrs. motor ovtrTfaauIsd caaly B.oou ttiuss lio ,.;650 LONO-ATArcoiieo irxrvTATtceg pott DBVaVUAKLaTT, raw nvwa, TIER AMD SAT5BP ACTION . DOUGLAS McKAY 4?BTaniajCeXf eva. a w. Cranaaralal St. PBaBC 1-31 T alia FOB BALE br Owner. IK Ctagrralet Deluxe r-daor godea. Ph. atwta. cut 14 CHBT. Dei axe eadaa. Radio, Heater, Seat Cover. exepallOBt oood I net pen. SUM. eji! N-S Mot Stung Brea though thle aarlea tt Wat Club Coupe yea treat gat gtaag. $2495 SHROCK MOTOR CO. where ChemakKa Oaa to trhurch Opea luttelaa. ell THESE CARS BEING RE DUCED $25 A DAY SINCE MAY 7TH Don't lose out; com see them today. You'll say "wow!" too. '51 BUICK SUPER Riviere gedaa with erne local own er, la excellent eoBdltlea thrueut wltk an the extra. 48 CADILLAC 62 ' 4-doer eedea, cloaa aa a pis, blaek wltk white wall tlrea. CAPITAL AUTO SALES Ohtmeketa al Com'l. Fa. 4-lloT 1 block eouth of Center aa Cem'L PRIVATE PARTY mual eacrlfleo aeod elaaa itto Hudaoa eadaa. aizra. awax tatml. CaU Itlll. tilt' laaa mash m l-door. Vow mileage, bar. gala. Can erae. 34VC Myrtla ue SPECIAL! '50 OLDS. t-DR. BDAM BTf BXCXLLSNT COtt. DTTIOR. FULLY BtTCIPTTD $1745. Major Motors Downtown at Center a Liberty MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS ABLET "74." Eitrae. Sharp aad Tope. Oead deal. 1M1 B. Rare! Are. eallt AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BATINO BAD1ATOB TBOUBLBt Valley Metor Co. expert ami oetvo roar are, lomg aa oave yoa taaaey. Fret eev ataa. pacody eeeriet, Oeator at Lib erty, ae TRUCKS PICKUP TRUCK. 1PM (todabaker It toa. It.oot mllaa, ererdrlve. .aew rubber, motor an body ta perfect eeediuoa. Terme. Ph. 17004. til S. lltk. adlll IMt CREV. FLATRSD 3-toa truck. Mew metor. too tlrea. 4 -ten alter p m edlie To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 1st By Kateham XKH VBIWQ? ' HEAVY EQUIPMENT PORTABUt MILL ON WHBKLS. 14-PT. CARRIAOB, 4a TOT axrrruaa SAW. 4-SAW HTDRAUXJC COM TrtOUBO. VXRTICAL EPOER, BT- ' DRAUUO LOO TURNER. POWER ROLL CABB. SHOTHB MCCrTTBD OM TteJtZLBR. COM3-LRTX BRADY TO OO. BBLLINO ON ACCOUNT OP OTinS BUSlNflBS. ' A. A. UtraSBW. Itl S. RTOH BT. PH. Man. aeui OATS I MBW U-PT. T-bottoaa boat with aua aab, 111. 14 aula death ef Brook oa pes aujnway. ewiiT FINANCIAL EBB OB FOR FARM. CITY OR ACSXAOB LOAMS BRBT OF TBHMS WB BUT all aetata mortgagee at eanlraatt State Finance Co. ut a, auk st, iMiti AUTO LOANS ' WTJXAJaaTTS CRBDIT CO. ' , . US South Church . . ' Parking a-Plaaty Fa. t-Met Lta. Ma, M-ua. S-U4 MOMBT TO laaa ea goal eeUta, Phooe a-'t4. rltf STATE .FINANCE CO. SUMMER -' k rait around the earner and pa are) we en an uamww ae ocave your awwa lam. Bjepar tot eaar monthly taetaa- a-ti in a tin ta. B-1SI aa M-3M . aad . ,:. or R. Rnibtons ' 1KSURANCR AND LOAM) Bear To Traaaa r at Dally atBLM ut Ke. a, rtivAarm wa. loas . LOANS UP TO $1500 aa Signature, Furniture, Cay AT PERSONAL It's -yea" arepvtlp St employed men or women. - 1-vlall loaa . . , phone flrvt. . Tea eelect beet payment date. Between payday leaae. Phaate, wrlto or ooaso ta TODATI . Personal Finance Co. IM S. B30H ST. BALBM ': tot Uoeae No. S-lM. M-1M Lean over MM up ta litot aad bp to tt month to repay made by Paraeaal FiaaBoe Co. of alarm County under the Indue trial Loaa CompaaMe Act of Oregon ' rll. 5?o Interest If ran have idle fanda aeaklng ta eeetmeat, then yoa are the typo of pwreoa to whom wa aaa be of eervlce. For over Twaatr-flee Yeare we bare beta helping people ta Ihla community find arefl table work for ttxtir money. During thla period we bore promptly paid t oeaat-ea.aal tataraat paymeaM totalling maap Tboaaaade of Doll are. We are currently paring let INTER. IT oa fund from 4M4 to teOO. General rinance Corporation I ut a. ccmbrcial bt. rogoa roooo e-waoa NEED MOBTOAOB manay, gM.aoo. Ap p r a 1 a a d proparty maaee ania aa-a security. Bos to. Capital Journal. TRAILERS Ota WHEEL tranor. Metal box with top. Ph. 43611. CVR 8POBTSMAN alaeplnt trailer, Be tlrea. gait., ateooa aaa eteraae apacn, ajot. Itll B. Hlgb. tlj HOUSE TRAILERS Bur . . , Bartalna . . . Sell LARA LAMB TRAILER PLAZA Trade , 1144 Leaoeeter Ave. , Bental U11T I FOOT trailer bouae. gleena four, ex eellenl condition. Phone 1-0041. tellf St FOOT trailer houae. See at 4074 Car ta tn. Four Corner.. tanr- EatltTT In Itll Liberty bouea trailer. Phona 4-1116. Mill 11 ft. LEGALS SCHOOL DMTB1CT BOND BXSCTION NOTICE STATS OP ORBCON I CoBBly at Merlon M. Clear Lake School Dtetrlcl Mo. in MOT1CB IB HXTHXraT OIVBN toat a Dae eehaol dletrtol bond alaetloa hereby called to ke held at the ceboel houae ef Oleer Lake achool Dtalrlct, la and for School Dtetrlet Me. 1U, of Marioa Conn- On on, Monday, tn xam cuty ei Mar. IIM, gctweea the bourt of two o'clock Bad CMBI C CJOcx p.m, anere win bo aubmltted to tlio legal votere thereof the guaatloa of contract tog a beaded tndottodneaa la the aura af Twenty Thouaaad Dollan ilM.OMMi, fat the parpaae of providing funda with waVah to ooaelruct, tmprore, repair, aeuip and farniab a achool room aad kaUdlnge or addltlono thereto, la aad for eald achool dUtrleL The pom to to by balm tpoa wrucn ihaU be the word "EorxU-Vaa" and worjde Mo"l and the voter tball place a eroca (X) between the ward "Sonde aad the word "Tea" or between the -Boada'' and the war He wnien Uadtcatee hu choice. The aolla for the reoeptioa or ana belloto eaat tor er eetlnel the oontrae tioa at oald tadabtedncec wui, ea told day sad date end at the place afore- cold, bo opened at the hour ei two o'aaoek p.m. and remain open unto the heur of eight o'clock p ra. of the game day, ahea the aame ahall ke cloaed. By order ef the dutrlet achool toarel of Clear Leke School Dlatrlcl No. Ill of Marlon cauatr, Oregon, made thll Mtk day of April. IPS!. ' THronootk r. ontor. Cbalrmaa, Dtetrlcl achool Board Attorll , " Lorraiae fflchelbtrggr, DlttrMI Clerk. May f, ltl ai ipt. I l.;l !! I i a .4tM or S-UIL, Sill