4. i-4 '0,"-v',-'''' V. 'V . , - V -'' ;.". '. t'.' Thursday, May 14, 1953 Paf so THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortfoa fORULIHOUSIS hum rtmr i conm arr state stbbbt $100 DOWN TO winma TCTUM , OM.T t la-ft out or m Mew l-bdrm, full aaecmenl, km let. Pull price M.1M. NT per I will b 41 khe heueea from f a. aatll I PM. aeealsai. Jaak Beeper. SALEM LAKE SHORE believe rr on mot ciom in aa pea. it. him rerd. edeine oa Mil leeel lake. Nice l-kdrm. home, Ue. rm.. die. rm .. kll flreplece. eod toll turanl, automatic Ml Mil. omclhlaa different u4 kup at iii.to. wui a p.ia. 4 MONEY OOW1 AM THE DAYS at 4 Bwaer, kul roe aaa Uka adraalnae at theae karat 117 Late-bout 1-edrm.. hdwd. in,., la altr, worth, . alaaa ta Ma. Portland Boa. Hoot Da. Permeate Include errrrthlaa. Immed. peeeeiiloo. ewlSo-Dendr l-bdrm, pvd. at., fenced lata lor Via kbat. handr for Leelle and at bleb achau. to-der peeeeailoa. Chas. Summers, Realtor mi (tatt trr. FOR SALE HOUSES t KDBOOXS, IS betas, larae Urtaf rom, dlnlac room, nook, fin kM ot, eicellent loeetlen. a 11, at. UM Ho. Cottut. ) FOB SALS OE UUfE J-Mdroom houae with urui. Inquire man mm. lit B. Commercial, an OWNER HILL aoU ale, 1 bedroom boma. LecaUd bom ta Klnawood. Wall Be- lim. Ha, Bice aardeB apace, IPaOO with ttrml. Phono 44471. all? fob fAUt or tbadb Mr eamir 11 acrea, oew d-room houeo, wired for raaee, aeep -woa eroera, cNcerjc puma, win ireo lor lata iboooi car. Phona Dallaa 1144. , . .. ""' aUoBiriCK-l-roar l-bedroom. Ward- robe eleaete, flreplece, rtew, aaraao IB baeement. M4U. 1011 Parkwar Drive, Klnawood HeUhte. allt Just One of Its Kind. ka town. Built la '4L 1-bodroom hont plua a food also den. Lana Uvlnr and dimnr room. 1 fireplace, aook. Pull 4rr baeement, tlnUhed party room. U Beet. Good laaaUoa 1b kauUweod. Beallr prleod ta aril. Call Pal Kemper for appelatmrnt 3-17S7. Bngliih Shake Englewood ' . wall kullt I'bodroom homo, I down, 1 w, deukle plumblar, Blea llnni room, fireplace, aoparala dinlnf room. Book, full kaaement, attachad aaraao, loroir aaeioaaa yard witn patio, enoica loca tion on Mo, 18th St. in. 500. call Pat Kampor. l-vm for appolntmant. J. L. Himmel, Realtor phooa a-1114 alii BT OWNIB. Bnalawood dutrlu. Ap pralaad at f0. 1 kMlraoma. aowlna room, aiinlBt roam, aiaa laraa lirmc raoa. patia. automatla en Mat, waa tatratrlppad. Phona inks. gin SALE OR TRADE tAta feaoaf Or faeaana for imall homa. Baltm or cahtral California, carnar at mauntala vtaw, I badroomf, laraa ATina auarwa, wan anew, daubla aa raao. la now Inaama. Moar kua, arada, Junior, bow aontor Blab. Oood tarna at t. Intprmalloo, aall Owaar, t-liu. ant- KlumppV "Just Reduced" Tb l-WreM feM llh full lf Vflhi bumrii, ia-ilMfi hTUt tfl ainint rofu lirt llUhtm with tins ipMt, Uufttlrr tfiut to utility room. tlretw 4ta with flTtMMt. forced lr htlnt lMt, Oalr Tii m. nrw yrie 111,750. "Suburban" but luab 4 klka. ta Wuhlnaton achool. Maw l-biwlroera Homa with mahoaanr aoora, picture window, la llrlna room, wan furnaea far even boat, faalde tllllT aad altatbed aaraaa. Oeod- aiaea let witn rour own weU kratcm. A ataal at aatok. Tarma. . $1500 DOWN PAYMENT fk all that It aeedad ta Hart turn)! khl, reap attraotlre deal I bark te ffar pea oa a l-kadrooat Baiae, with hardwood fioera. faaeed rar alaa tarda aapot, pared atreti and dloae ta kaa. Price 1504. Beleaee Uka real. L E. Klumpp, Realtor M Partlaad Bd. m. 1-1441 Bra., Blfthar4 aUuipa, 1-JHI . ; all Pe,Tee l-kedrootn en but 11b,, naar aahooL Good location for an Inraat "r,t ar a raataL ink Claude it. Ph. 4111k. em. rm-t OVEBLOOK thla ana if pea want a aood l-B.P). heme oa IS A. af land waat of Laaeaalor Dr. Haa kara ana dbleken noma, trait, all far loo, with IlkN down. Maw t.B.ft. beuee, aortb. Oak tlra.. aaat front, let lOOiltk, aatoa wllh IlKn down. aa thla 4 B. bout, aertk. Haa Vrlral rm, ctln. rm, kllehea aad I m n. oown. i n it. ap, aafai. It. aaa. aii.m. will trade for acrtaee aa, or nertB. wall.wolll t taa. ktuia aa Ma. Coat martial Wllh l-rm. tanlal In raer, wwudio aaraao. faaw, wim iiwm dowa. Burt Picha tk m. Baa a at. Brae, i Ala 1 Off.: I toal rvtuhti, I-flak Bill- fhrw I'Bbd l-BBIMUMrld, aeam aeaaalalad. aaer new Weahtaalea arhoal. mi LaoatBi Are. owner, IHk La ruin, t- I" a-fatDBOOM keaaa. alaaa la. naa baa aad actioel. Cooalder tttaa. Ph. i-ltlt. BUT' r nnivtia i.baoream home, 1st block, from icboet, I raara eld, lawa. ehruba, fancad In ll.ein down. TWial prke W W. Hit Baa 110 . I4lh, .110- Btib ptiiMT" lisfirtiifwrrut the eld feabloned -BiaBlaaUr will ecu" warf Cooperate with aa oa ear "k po.nl plan" and tall. We Bead eraov to aio.eTio nomea. Alio arrcaeaa u aaiooea preperuee. Tea waal wi we warn aa aall. ae let aa ae our Piaa- ana aal action. Ohde Prill, Baaltor. Ph. 4-SlSI. Aaa ar u. a. wuuema. ttealaai aall rT M ant' avaratlNO towab - Mutt MlllWeei a-.ae in in, room, aiBIBC room, I badreoma, kllrhaa. bath and atlillr aacnra araae. pn. 4111. 4174 "I. kill hAiariL l-ftoim."'i,oma en fuhin, araak. Miraba. lawa. acbool, alartrl eilr. waler, hrdwd. tlaera. onlp lira. Tarma. Routt I, Bat nA, ailrarion. , an; FoikALE. net down. tii.to moain; k room houae aad bath, hot water wired tor elewe, Lena lot. oood toll ? "SM kilt T OWNkB 1 badroom hour, aaoeatoe lldlna, en corner let Boar arhoal. aa. n race, aulomallc Waahar. mil ,114 To Ploce Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 lAtbitlbll AlltpbTIBIkn Per Herd I llmcc It, Pep Word 4, Per Tterd, tlmee let Pel Word. I month owe No Befaede Mlnlaea Ik Werda BtAntBA la Leeal Ncwc relama Oalp, Per Word ke btlalmem Ik Wares Ts fVacw M la lams Darl raprr Phona t.4(r IV for is a.m FORSALI HOUSES PAT O KVETBtQ PH. I-Mtl allt ,1 ay fcioeaaoaewc a .......... FOR SALE HOUSES ai.aaa DOWN k bad room homa aa aara laaL Una Uvlaf room, alaa kttrhaa aod dlnalla. M.soa. l. w. l- Clara. 1IH M. Capital. Ph. fills aliv MEW k BHD BOOM, I klaeka to achooU, around 411.000. Phona 4-J171. anian alon Ml or 4-4J01. alia A mn PAJIBT BOMB AT 1800 JEflTRSON ST. a hdrnu.. k full katha. kaaamant. taad all farsaca. alaa kaok pard with palla aad flropiaaa. aipTinaiiBa araiaa. AT 1011 N. 1STH ST. Ua. luim rat, flraplaca, kaaamaat. pawduat rurnaao. a Tarr pica mi. Wa hara ua ktra and wiu (ladlp ahow thaaa placaa. tern J. BaMN, maltoii all N. aim Ph. altll Bra. rati, mil. tun, 4u . . alll' BT OWN1B A BUtXDKB Laraa l-bad- iara laatarad hotaa, locatad IMa M. lllh. Prlco 111.100. Torma arallabia. Par appolntmant. aaataet Wlllikm T. J. Fofler HOUB BtnUKR - in ONn ' Phonr iiiag alia- FOR SALE LOTS IDEALLY LOCATED for ALL aohoola planroand. 10k ft, froat with TRkTEB. On Jorrla Art. luat wait of HUH. Ph. I-WM, Wall (ooolofakr, Baal Batata. aalll' LOT 4AXIM. Aarota from Blelmasd acbaol. Parad atroat la frant. AUav aa hack. Walnut fllbort and frill I trad. Prtea tl.no. Phona JHU. , aallT City Lots FOR SALE Tho )ty of fltltoL Otmoo. owni all parcla of TMtni and un.mvror.! itow- irtr aVcquirtMl la ooaBMtloa Uh Uit optratloa ol tbo wattr l7patimai4, oil In orau gonad for mMontlal purposa-, which or now aurilaa and will bo aoltl. Tho parcali aro aarltoalarlir daierlbod u followi : f Parcel 1,. Tba eaat half af late and a), Block II, Palrmeat Park Addition; Parcel 2. Trie weal half at Lata aad t, af Waek m , Parcel 3. Tho out hi1f of LOU ttvt) I M aaia siock J7( Parcel 4. The waat ball af Mid tola t : k, ta acid Bleak Hi Parcel 5. Let 4. Bleak Addition; tt, Palimoal park Parcel 6. lot 14, Bleak II, Mob mil Aaaoa to Balen. Oraaea. which will be aold aubleek ta aa abetment fat a pump lite, auch pump alt, to b Id lad ae,uare and altuated la lh aouthwe,! aeTBtr of the lot. Percetl I. 1 I. and 4 front noon Luther Street between Rreorvelr end Jobn Street,, each havtm a froata,, lk feet and a daoth af laa feat Parati I fronte upon John street, and Parcel k to el the aoraar of Summer and Rural atreete. Bid, far the aboee eta aeraelA ml land or any one thereof, will ke re ceived bp the clip admloiatrater, at the dtp hall, up to 1:00 o'clock p.m , June I. imi, at which lima the kdl win be opaned. Paid parcel, will be sold la anlta, aad bidder, map bid for ana ar aiora Bella ar parcel,! If htddiiut for mere than ana parcel, the bHMcr muat bid aa earn parcel aaearauir. Bach bid Paual be aeeompaaled bp a certified check, parable to the eltp of aaiam, la a evict eaaal ta lk ar amount bid. aa a euarentoe of load faith. All ealaa will be lor run, per mant ta be made In full within 10 deva alter acceptance of the bid b in. dir. The purehaaer will be furnlahed ,imw meureneo anewing the till. ancumberad euapt aa 10 the eaarmant which will be rceerved bp the eltr In aeld Parcel I. The clip reaerrr, tht rich! ta accept anr bid ar bid, ar to meet u Kia m toe miereat of the dir. Aaoitienal Infermattea eenecTalne ar 01 uieee pereeu af lead mar ainao at trie litre af the weler department, lot Sooth Commercial trr a. . L. Praaien Clip Admli latratat Seleat, Oreaea Mar It, , II, ,u aaila LARRO LOTS, oiom ta. awialt dowa pa -'wnr lTHr lit1 FOR SALE FARMS REAL BARGAIN IU Acraa aarlk af Salem aa ailed read Al Itlllatle. Smell hoate. Wall, loctrle Pump. Beallp worth the prare vi eia.wuo. OWNER RET1R1NO Sari tecrlflre mp tine lll-aira farm Bear aalara with lot acrea arowina crepe. Well drained, lollia, lead, aood p-rowm naooem name, new H I II BU- eearretc and metal bate, tk I 4k bern machine mad. taa 44 I 40 aheep baraa. II a te pit die. All fenced with wotea wire. A reel barcela. price enir 144.00011. Oood Icrme. Owner am late eltr propertr or email acre aae foe part. Will cell firm merbiaerr aa imp neea aneep u wantea. EAST Or SALEM Acraa with tint stream through cwitro place. M acrea tillable. Balance d creak bottom iwre. ramiiy orchard. Mica, a-odera. l-roon home, larao urine rm wita hrerlaro and hardwood floor. Barn with tanrh loaa, Chkea heuio. Oaraee. Oa oiled road A od place for dairy or berry farai. Piiae tll,K0. Oood let mi. Muni roniider aon.a trade. Phone t-JJH BvaalMa aall Ht. WlDouchby. 4-tin. MURPHY & KENT REALTORS ttd Menh Churrh Bea ind Sundeia, 4-4111 Whena t-IPIl Mr, Wllrouanb. Nil- RIAL ESTATE TRADE paalaua I kttlraam laaak atria bowa. mardrakaa aalara. la saw 04 dnloa aoutk. Attaaaad aaraaa, aar part, palla aaclaaod br rac wall. Laraa let. aarr Utabla lamirr aaaaa. Will uada far aar, lat, or what hara raur "HEAP 0 LIVIN'" Cauauallr alUaetlra aaw l-badraam hama. aauth. "HOBOr" af a birch klunaa, dlnlM atoa. laraa llalnt laom. ,i.,.:, oarfaat TV rccapUOA. Var tiri aiiada aad drapta laaludad. Brick plantar, lawa la. ahada kraaa at kaak of laraa aoraar lat. TRADE Tm flaa aaharbaa aaaaa ta Baa uu Halaau. k badrooau. laraa ll laa loom, dialna roam, kltcbaa aad aook. Porcad air boat. Leralr palla. Baaullfullr acoratad. WIU trade far older kouae. $500 DOWN la BuaBralda addltloa. H-aara tract, aaw S-bad room bunfalow. Oil heat. aaraaa aad uuiltr. ro. kaoo aowa. tarma aa balance. $500 DOWN AitraaUM 1-bedreoBl atodera kua aalow. attached aaraaa and atllltr room aa laraa let. eoutn. Prlca afatk. aaa aJowa, raoeooable tarma aa bal- BUILDERS HOMES Baal Batata lilt aa. Cemmaralal at. Mm, Oratoa Mflaa 41114 Ptaatae, MTn, M4M ana' $7950 wamt A Bowa tar tnao that la appraleed for 1600 kr PKAr That aeldom happeaa. but caller aaade 1 larkcr home. Two alee bedroom,, bard- wood floor, lneldo utUltp, food achool leeetloa. Bua br door. Luxuriant lawa. Plentr of aerdca cpaee. See thla value tf pou reaup waat heme at fair price. BETTER LIVING XaAHOI BRICK HOMaC on attractln flaw lot, Built for frowtoo faaillr. 1 baths. 4 tttiraiao bodrMmi. full baMtnaat, tbruba tk trcaa oalora, FHA tarms. smo ini una nemo auut zor araclowi liTlns. 124,000. 1V2 ACRES WB CAM oflar yon thla flat t-Mrm. bono oo 14 acraa for only ilt.KO. Flraaiaaa, oatlo, fraacb doora, 4loln room, tuh pond, traco. This ahould suit anroao waatlni a placa for boraoa. cowa, cblekaoa or juJt plain oibow rootn. kBao U today. Clooo la BEAT THE HEAT WOULD YOU LtKB a S-bdru. bom. n fino Palrmount HiU location, on a beautiful, cool, wooded lot for Ill.tOOT uaiy yra. oia. run tha aapraisai. , Insulated, fireplace, dlnlni reon. In naculata. Owner 'a tranifarrtd and must Houldata. thown day or oven- f until sold. fva. phona: Thalma UaahaTtt, Molt; Xal tStutiman. 4-17M; cuff sawder, i-abm. , Neat ta Willamette Veller Beak lick falrirounda Road Ph. 4-lin ell4' We Specialize in Trades Wt METTJ LISTtKOS. PARTTCTJLAR- LT HIGHER PRICED HOMES AND ALL TYPES WITH LOW DOWB PAY MENTS. Home Buyers Delight Shlnr new. 1 bedrooma on 1 floor. Oil heat. Quiet it. Pint-clan con ctruction. tio.ooo loan amiable. Pull prlai 111. loo. $3850 Full Price amaler homo UMlda city Imlta. Lo aaied in Lealllo Diat. CoubMot laie model oar aa part payment. Uberal terns. You'll Love the Location rvl basement 4'badroo booM. Oil furnace. New roof. Eua by door. Oaraoe. Lowa and ahruba. Only 93000 down. PuU price M00. Economy Family Home bedroom. Oil heat. insuiatM. Owner has left aity. Very am lout to aelL Oood liw-atloa. Varv au at Alt. aaraao. Lawn aad ahruba. full prlco only M.&0. Spotlessly Clean' home In St. Vincent area. Haa I bed rooma and small room that would be very suitable for child's bedroom, in lulated. Atl. carace. MMo yard botb front and back. ruU prlco Dandy Suburban Could easily be mad tat I rooma. Choice location for arhoola. biM and store. Oremhouie. , chicken houeo. aood well. Nieo yard. 1 aero ptua a lot, Pavod it. Jvt Ulat Wve m ta aniy i.wo. Terma, Liberal Terma on this very modern JO-mt court. Vart oeairaoio loceitoa. waiatna awtanee from atateiiouike and dowa towa. 1a eoma woa per mo. Vert low aver fcaad. Full prlco only Ill.K. Future Unlimited on thla eholee pronarty. Vary aloaa to the new derflopmenl area, toned for baviin-na. Property has aood home Which win mora than aupport iho proporiy. Ttrma. ruU prlet Cycle Shop hi a vary prosperous town, pieaao note thu to pot Aoiem. Aw tine foods Kobbiaa. Room for pension. Beat only M per md. Platuree and thop toola tinea Inrentitrr about isooo call pon mr ritAvrpoRo, m. PN 4'tAI, or DAN tflAAK. FVI, TH -lU. or UH KlXKllNB. BVI PM -M4. if no anawer, aall 4-W4I. ' Close in 1 Acres with a ery modern older tywo I bed. room home. basement. Pireaiaca. Tool house, ohlrktn and brooder he dm, erase, vd rd. Beat of 1011. Full prleo tll.TM. $1000 Down : vn thu tloso la vi-A. tract. I A irawkorrfaa. Prait, nuto aad raao tmnv UtMtera lronm houao. tar aerate. Pniiv yoeai. Prd. rd Fait prlea oniy Tyi. 15 Acres Modern l-bedroom houeo kullt ta lue. (larece. Tool bouae. Prd. rd. Cimo to Salem. Oood eprlne. We con alder I ma a leal opt for 1W Twrnu CALL POB MR. LEAVENS. EVB PH 1-4711. If na aaawer. call 4-mi. MORTGAGE LOANS 14 YEAR llATVBrrT Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Oftlra phoaee: 4-1111 ar 1-7114 Mil PORTLAND BOAD Bra. aheaeei 1-4134. 4-1444. t-ltll. t-loM ar i-iim U a aaawer, pboaa t-lltt IM RIAL ESTATE 2-Bdrm., Very Attractive Location $9350 aeai awa ana (tract la South seam, alaaa ke aehaela. Pall dlnlni neea, bit kitchen, attached aaraaa. alee Ufa. cood ahruba, aad Hot era. . MA eceamllment, will ka O L Call Jim. S-BDRM. SUBURBAN $8950 Terr ettractiee tat with alee aardea apace, pood lawa. llawera aad ahrube, I alaa bedroomc. ood-alaed II vine room and dialna room. Lota of bullt-laa la Hunan. Kardwead floora. Thla home te In food conditio ad abaci 4 raara old. Det'l aaa thla ap; It', a real bur. Call Jua. 8-BEDROOM IN THE MAKING That at a eerp alec little keaaa with aiaetar bedroom dowa, aad two SerueUr - flalabad e. Tea, aad fall a lira lot foe with thu eel a. Call Tl beetle. TREES; TREES, TREES . Tee, rttkt la the eltr alee two bedroom kerne. Pull dialna room, aeemeat. ecrp leralr yard, laraa pellet end tack fireplace. Oauaual ecu Una. Call Tlkbette. 8-BEDR00M IN KEIZER - . Beerlp aew l-bedroom la re leer aa approilmatelr tt acre. Iluat lea , ta appreciate. Claaa to achool and kuelaaai. Call chat. 978 NORTH CHURCH-MAKE OFFER Owaar aaiieaa to cell. Varr aiaa l-bedroom, fuU kaaement. wall-to-wall earpet la llrlna and dlalar room. Third bedroom la baeemeal. Idacl leoattea. Aakbu price ttiek. Maka after. Pleaao doa'l dlaturb ranter, but all Chat for mora tatcraatloa. Gardening, Gives Pleasure and Exercise Tale flaa aub urban bema haa one bedroom down, one bp with cpaeo for eeaaad bedroom. Jllca llrlaa room tl a 11. Dlnlni room k t 11. Lane kitchen, with plentr af bulit-la, tile. Isolde utllltr, lane aaraaa, lorefr tard Wllh lata af trace aad enrube. Oardea apace with Irrliatloa tar. awtaplloaaUp aood waU. Toll bane la 4a raara old. Don't tall to ace thla homa. Lot alaa 47 a IK. call Dale Bapbura for appointment to 1 ACRE, 2 BEDROOMS AND BASEMENT Located alaaa In eat Slrrer ton Road. 1 acre, rood kara. I badreoma. baeement, laraea. will take late modal car aa dowo parment. call Dale Barbara. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) 1 kao H. Oantol Offlee l-Kt or 4-1111 beata Pboaai TlkaelU 1.7414 im j.M7l ROY TODD Real Estate ONLY $3200 i PYur yaara old. Ona-aadroom homa, nlco klUbon. llvinv, bath. Laa. lot la OEeellent location, north. Close to stores aanaak Call Mr, Vaader- rort, jaleamaa. TWO BEDROOMS 'Bleo cowifortabla Irvtat. Ut. klteh ta dinette aomblao. Bka bttth. Lot 14a HI. lSb blka. to bua w achool. Brtca $U00. CaU Mr. Bimpeca, aalaa- THREE YEARS OLD Nlco 9-bodraom homo. IJylnt, 41a tnr .kitchen. Hardwood floora. In aulatod woatboratrlppod. S ahtrry tree, alee flowers ahruba. tot lot IM .Prlao $11. W0. Trade for am all CAU air. Kuch, aalcamaa. ROY TODD, 14 sut. Street Office phone t-ktll i i-itll, Buch luii. Todd t-lTil ED LUKINBEAL, Realtor 433 ICHIGH SECLUDED TWO wooded acres three mllia from city limits on pvd. rd. One-story 4 bdrm. avdn. homa, dbl. plba., laa. llrlna dlnlnr tma fir epic, bit utility, baimt. 4k 3-car araae, all for only 16,000. .. CANDALARIA HEIGHTS ONB af tha belter-kuilt hotnaa, : nlco bdrma. 10x14 dinlnf rm., ftrepl., fuu baamt. with half bath dm or extra bdrm. The oil piped furnace heaU thla home very comfortably for lesa than fM yearly (can prove Itt. Prleod at lil.ato. Evt. eU D at 2-8704 (PECK) PECKENPAUGH at 3-5413 Grabenhorst Specials ROOM TO BRBATHB Lorelr 1-adrm. home on cuburben new lot 104 I 144 ft. Up. rm. with raited finance. Lee. din. rm., kitchen wllh tie. nook. PuU keiml., dole, plbc, able, aaraaa. CALL J. B. LAW WILL trade far l-bdrm. homa la lawa. ltt acrea an nt aarlk and t-bdrm. home. Wonderful bualneaa location. Owner analeua to trade. pnea 114.191. call rrrm u. oeufr OWNER BSAOT TO MAKB DEAL . avilil.l l-bdrm. homa with full burnt, hdwd. lira, fireplace, birch litcrien, aula, all neat, dble. aa raaa, lowie rick, eloee to ateree. bua and achool. Wiu lata trade. CALL or PTRBia, co-op. brohbr BNOLBWOOO SPBCIAL l-kdrm. kerne, ipailoni II'. rm. for tale tlilea, dia. rm., kitchen, krbf. nook and utllltr room. Nice rcrd and Meal aonaol loeatlea. Price into. TERMS. CALL H. r. LAYUON WARSHOuSI a OPTICS SPACE For aall f Alia. Approi. com aa. ft. Cleae "A" offloea, alr-coadltloned. Meal for contrecter or whole alia trpe kltllacee. CALL C. L. ORABENHORBT GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit aV Ubartr St. Phone 1-1411 Bvenlaai at Saadara call t. t. Law .ii peter H. Oeleer 1-4111 Bap Perm 1-aoil H. K. Lermoa 1-1411 RIAL ISTATE lltttttt atttttll IlllilalU latttttlkt , tttttmit Ittiiiiiu mrrv tlllttllllttlffltl a TQT CVJ 1 llSltllllltlll iaiai liltiliiiiiitfiiintt IMItllltl M llllllllll Iiiiiiii it aitiiiii Mtltt M Mllll at M WANTED! Have Buyers For the Following: l-bedroea la Startoa to trade tor Stlcm prenrtr. Saelama bulaUaa a t 144 04. I or l-bdrm. with fireplace. Baj Ilia lar dawa parment. I lame, with keeemeat ae. orar in toe Ik Acre, karer ku II Hudaoa t krada. Lot ta trade as imall houae. l-bdrm. with baj.rn.nl la Bnilc ood Dial. 111004 caeh. 7ao4 eeultr la euburbaa borne lo trade for lacowie propertr. 1 ta k Acre, oa Lenceiier. Burtr haa no ooc. 1 Acre or more aeer Laneeater far M to. Subatentlel down parment. if rear propertr meeu ear af I aber reaulremenla don't healtete oau. Wa hara barere lat au trpec of propertr, eo it pea are la the eelllna mood. Hat pour propertr with ua lodar. two ernea to ear, a pea. Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR IM4 Portland Boad Ph. 4-4llt Br. eftlee. Ill N. Huh Bt. Pk.: 1 -47 04. 4-13 tt. 44441 I IV 4 To Plact Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 RIAL ESTATE Chat Hill Bal Barbara l-KCi elir CANDALARIA acallent 4-bdrm. homa Just S yra, old. late, llvlni, dinlnf, convenient kltcbaa. Auto, oil wall furnace. Lae. lot. Price $11. W0. Terma. CaU Mr Vuidtrvort, aeleeman. 10 ACRES t ac. ttrawbarrlei. balance In trala. All under lrritauon with aptinkllna system. Wlllameite allt aoU. Modern S-bdnn. homo with basement. Oaraaa. Machine ahed, amaU barn. Only fit, Oo. Call Mr. Buch, aalaaman. AUTO MOTEL aPIro nilta completed, 1 mora alaaat amplete. Built calif, style. Lee. lobby ktt alco UTlna auaxtara for owner. Lot 100x230. Thla Is a bur at 3 MB. Will trade for farm, call Mr. Blmp aan, aalaaman. REALTOR Pre. phenol Vandarrorl 1-13(1. Slap- alll PHONE 2-6680 TEN CHOICE ACRES WILLAMETTB cut aotl all under cult, AU kind! of fruit At aut treat, It, rarlctr of flower, Ihruki, dandp l-kdrm. home with full burnt. Own er aas a kmaar take tare of thli place, mull aall, aiklni lll.too. YOU MISS SO MUCH- whan reu lull drlrl kp, let ua aho pea thraulh thll daadr aU-rcar aM i-kdrat, home la Berth Salem, eellfhf for tha Q.I. appralled prtea of kilt. (UAL ESTATE Need Financing Help? With year low dowa paaet. well e hate three fry toed bays wllh wbleb we can help aoma deaerTlnf teHablo peoole. No. I. For a toubf couple, we have a m we.lbulH FlIA-approved two bedroom platuered home with attached a araae, located la a food rrj-rdentiel area on a paved atreet. for only tPOO dawn witn paymenta less than rent. Thla property la tovernment appraised nd In parted. 19 IM. Bo. tt rer tha people with a family we have a food Snellen style 1 -story home lth three bedrooma. 11 vine room wttb fireplace, separate dlelnt room, a fall basement, a homo that la cleaa and lb food condition, located In the tnslewood oil t net, neor achooia, Tha owner will tarry own financina en very reaeoaaile teraM, price reduced to 111.500. No. I: & special, llvlnp auartfra, at era. and warehouse, aome eeuipmant. about aero af laa4, ever-mine teei for pair MOM. Law down payment with eaay monthly paymenta. Don't ate how yea can lose aa thu one. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor, U4t B. capupi rn. i nn i cut- JOE PALOOKA a-.i.i Y. TOO BAO evt CMON... " wty M I I I' ayp an SATTLItV TW? JAPsS MffT.cVjT Wf1 BA0Y Hf K ASA JiJ' l?L' IU no-aZ w ' I REAL ESTATE OWNER'S MAD WE FEEL BAD Because We Had NO OFFERS CkTBnc TB BOYS. Vet aa kaew what vwi will aire for aar aaa the followlni; Htoldi OP THBSB ABE OOINO TO SBU. AT LOW, LOW PBicas) HO. I A SHAMTT OK THIS Vi acre. loceud 1104 State St. klodera kilchea. Tea will ftad thll worth 41M da. e price at . laATS OPPBB. HO. I The monar from tha eale af thu l-rm. furatfhed aetteee, located awn ahel lea. will ke weed to war decter bill. Prtea kiaaa. mabb optbb. MA 4 LISTED TOO LONO Boduced twice of thu nice l-kdrm. ehake homo located 14U AtcArUiur. Price 141 M. Terme. Mil A I to per aeoatb. MO. 4 A CUTE UTTLB JVWkK. with knottr ptaa poBCllai, aa lat ill Mil. Price latao. Located 4441 Suaarrlew, NO. I TRADE OK SBU, ante furalahed home oa lane lot located Jilt winoia. onir koa. itahb ' BDRU. HOUB SUBUBBAN TO 4000 TM TRADE) Ha ASKIMO Idsok for thla 1-bdrm fumlahed homa lacalad 4N B. Urd St, 454 dawa kura It. Ma PPJtTMO POtt A BUTBB. ThU l-bdrm. home bee mack to after at thla aikln Price at elite 14 dowa bure IL Located Ua Waller St. NO. a-l-PAIIILT Hums haa much to offer tor into. I leu. l-cir terete. Located Ml Lee St MUST BB SOLD THIS MONTH TAKES 14 down. NO. a-IAHLT COLONIAL DBklON. One of the eleanoet at acateet l-bedroom homea ta town far I7K10. VfUkTT BB CASH PEAL. Located liti S. 11th St. NO. Ik OUT OP STATS OWN EH TAB- hands ACTION. Laraa lata built l-bdrm. homo hat banco la after for rreoo. Located ill Ore. St. no da. NO. 11 CANNOT BB BBAT POB frTMl with terma to match. Beautiful auburbaa homa la fir areve. Located lice Sarllni . TBRMS. NO. 11 NBW S-BEDROOM BOUE le- caud nil Deridiaa St. IVb bit! from Laello Sch. SeUlBi below TOA APPRAISAL OP laitO. MAKE OFT EH TODAY. 17001 LOAN READY TO OO. NO. II MAKE nils YOUR LUCKY NUMBER. Eaat auburkaa kaml loceud Ml Norman Arc. 11100 an. aaaina aeoea. NO. 14 1741 SUNNTVISW U teallr nice ana tna pne la tee to Lorelr l-bdrm. home with all the trlmmlnae. WANT ACTION ON THIS. LET US KNOW TOUR BAVT DEAL. NO lt-RKNTtR MOVIMa THE PIRAT out or town owacr SBZ: Sell mp l-bdrm. ranch atria heme. located Til Mania la kfaakrta oardeaa for eaoo dawn. ASK. TNO PRICE 91114, MAKB OP- PTO T77J HO. 14-171 w. RURAL. Oa af thi alceit aew l-kdrm. homea li the file far I1K4 dawa. 1st mediate poiaaeilaa. HO. llikb m. Ilnd St. In Wilnut Park Addition. Haa l-ft. baamt, I bdrma. up and npitalrl not flnllhld. DRIVE BY. THEN CALL PO rU PTOINTMaTNT TO SKK. NO. II 104S N. Hat St. THIS BNOLB- woou uansion (oca at c prlca wortbr of thll tree al home. SEE TODAY YOU WILL BUT XT TOMORROW. PLBASH CALL OFFICE POB AP POINTMENT TO SHOW OR YOUR FAVORITE MULTIPLE LIST IHO REALTOR OR HIS AOBNTS. SVB. FUJ I 4114), 4i7aa, 1 ar Mm orricB DIAL 44494,2 4552 gj"tffl' NELSON $750 DOWN NEAR HOOVER SCHOOL 1-bdrm. pleatered home, I prl. aid. hdwd, tlra., Inaul, wall United laraa llrlna rm, lot be 1 100, oa crareled at. par, alee aelihhorheed, owner lear- ln eltr, mail oiler. Prlei 11111, 3 BORMS. $7800 Near Waahlnetoa achool. l-bdrm. newlr redecorated heme, appraa. 4 pre. old. let 40170. IrulL ahruba. aar. den. Aulom. wceher 4 ell elre. In cluded. tfiVOO furnUhed, 17104 unfurn. Call Mra. WaetlCB. ABRAMS BUILT KEIZER BaeellPBtlf bull! lorelr 1-kdlm. homa with tlic-fieed tplace la II 1 14 llalna rm. The birch kitchen hat a Bice fareekfaat nk. In one lute en. .. dlnlni rm. an the other. ThU hep3tT,",,'',', '" u oa a let II t kao ficin a Bed. at. Pull price 11,791. Call AL Watt,' 4-PLEX GARDEN COURT f-r. 4i fha loan, seif-opiratinp. flneet court beta. In Sellm. Lem than 1 pre. old. Wonderful tiiirimint in- .am. prprr. I1J.VVV Will BinOll. veu mr. erchmidt. DOWN TOWN 10-UNIT APARTMENT Owner' 1 Aeallh forcei liouidettmi Wonderful earnlnp record nettlaf over live per month. Property la food rend. Caeellent terma mar bo arranaed for u aimed buyer. Owner will or-. cpt home, eon ir arte, or in or teases aa down payment. Price I7I.0O0. Call air. arenmioi. S BDRM3. HIGHLAND DIST. Naalr redecorated home, aoavenlent la ecnooia. CMree. traaeaartall.n Lac. lot. Ua. nr. Frk, luat reduced aeoop. 8 BEDROOMS - ONE BLK. TO LESLIE SCHOOL Thla home la tost beiaa offer net. a real opportunity for a family with achool children, la slant af putv lie Plan rounds Jk swim mine pool, w ft. kits dUianca to 1 actMOta. Newly redecorated f-rm. home with full wemens aawouat neat, ail for only iie.poe, NELSON & NELSON SeeilklliiBk Bealtai 101 H. BUh St. Ph. I-IM4 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE J. E. LE CLERC Wt will trads your property anywhtr on tho Wt Coait. SALEM Uaeed-I eMrlaeeU and ireaarp atoro, eemaleUlp ' laeatloa. All raw hare ta kur It tha lea cream an eon We and a leek al la-pcBtrp-PProitmatclp 13400. WUI tea aarthlak la trad. PORTLAND Older trpe all ream modem homa wlthlo clip llmlU with I eitra laid, S1LIM. Win trade far email aeriaae ar home ta ar eloee te Salem. ARIZONA M aerci aad I kedraom homa with eelmmtna Pool. III 004. Owner traLterred here ta Salem aad win uada tor auihiaa af fa.ua la WU-U-at-Va,,.,. wahyNGT0N . Cuatea aaaaarp aad llrlat auartera U CCBtral Wat. MI.IM. Will Irada fee lane (arm aad auume. SALEM . Almoel aew 4 bedroom heme, doubm plumklak herdweea fioera. 411.M4. WIU trade for I aedroom home. SILVERT0N n aarei tl aadef dull. Caa ka Irrtpatad from creak. Oood I room kaiiaa. 114,144. Win trade far Callfarata houeo acraeea or what Bar " SALEM I Puma Service ttetlon bad I aedroom horn Repair chop, 411,444, Will lake home la trade. UMATILLA II Unit Motel. Mobcr maker, lll.too 00. Owner will trade, du ka ellmeu. We hara Uallaii of all kiada eo poulblr wi aaa Had eomethlai (or you. Come pa aad ace ac j, m " " SI iapa NORTH CAPITOL bt. Jy NkA BALCM, ORESON Jf '"..'. 1 - r - BP TOD FLAN TO BUT OB SELL A HOUB, FAP.JI OB INVESTMENT PROPERTY CALL SEVERIN Realty Co. REALTORS LOVELY GARDEN HOME If roe Uka aardaaa and tlowara doa't fau ta aaa thu flea-room Keleer homa. Well kullt eotntertable heaaa enlr four raara old. Haa a tardea lot 1 a 144. The location a culet deed-end atreet. Tho bona, u tn an uauallr fine oeaditiaa. Tha price la enlr lll.ooo. Wall arrant a aorttae ta ault within reeeoa. COUNTRY HOME Oaa af tha better homea, hi Horn on the market. Located amoni lorelr . treea. Lane Urlna room, dlnlni room, and the alceit kitchen and nook. HotaolBt dUbwather alnk. 1 bedrooma and room for I mora If wanted. Tna cntlr baeement finished. Summer kitchen, laundrr, bath, and a lana knottr pine recreation room with fireplace, Beit of heat. Double Iniulated and weathcritrlpped. 1-car carace and tool ahed. When you ace It rou know that II u worth tha moner. A mod kur al llt.too. SUBURBAN WEST 14 urn af fruit, nuta, trance, tardea. Well kullt l-bedroom older homo In excellent condition. Pull kaiemrnt with furnaaa beat. Double araae. Owner aaklni til. too and It'a well worth II. TOWN FARM II ecru af tha flatit Willamette loll, all la wheat. Suitable far almoot anr kind af farmim. within one mile at Amur. Beat. A ila-reom heue that la la lip-top condition. Three bedrooma, oompocllioa roof. Inculatod, wired for electric raoie. Citr water, ecbool bue br doer. Pour br alxtr bira, four hundred-bird chicken houae, work chop and atriii. Bderlr widow will cell for tu.ooo with enlr HON dowa and pap. menu atari tall of 1114, or will Uka email houao la Salem al part par. ment. Thu banaia tana la luted with ua oalr. Call todari It woa'l laat, CLOSE IN SUBURBAN Here te a trulr ranch atrle home enlr tour reara old that li Iniulated and weetheretrlpped. It haa the but automatic oil boat, I lane bed. rooma, dlnlni and llrlna roome. The cuteit kltehea with larn took, expenelre wall-to-walt carpeu In llrlna and dinlnf rooma and hall, two car partitioned aerate. The lorelr 100 x 111 corner lot li will land caped, haa f arden tprlnkler irltem and circular drlrl. It la aa eaaep tloaaiir icod kur al lll.aoo. KINGWOOD On lop af tht hill, tf rou aeed a 4-bedroom home and a t-tar ureal, and what a Tiew, doa'l fall to call aa to ace w It auellir homa for onir 113,000. Country Living City Conveniences Hare all tha lomferu ot our llrlna,-ret color the refraahmt eoualrr air, peace and eontontmonl. Hare rlew orer eltr. raller and moantalne, and allll ke within ell mllee t altr. It'a all roun on thll little counlrr atate. Lorelr ranch atrle home of 1 too to. ft. Lent linu room wllh tlrepleoa that takee Wool Mae. Thermepene view wlndewc Dlnlna rovm with fireplace. Knottp pine den. I lane bedroomi and two oompleut bltht, The kltehea U tope with Uric new hreekfeet Beck. Utllltr, Patia with flreplece at barbecue. The heuec U double Ineulated dl weather, ctrlpped. All floora hara oxpenilvi wall-to-wall carpeu except hltehea And hatha. The ateblc contain. I lane 001 Italia, knottr pine lack loom, toilet, ehowcr and heat, Corrale, ahop Aj atoraae bldii., ihlckea houae. About I acre In permanent paiture tor hone, or cattle. Tounk orchard with thlrtr ehelec trull .ran. The lkwnj hare 100 tprlnkler haadi, Oood laitlna water. Owner will nil for loiuidarabli under caah Inreatment. Ar chance thet aeldcm coma. Will trade for modern eltr home la toed location ar buiiniu propertr to lll.ow balance. 114 000 orhiaai. Severin Realty Company 835 N. High St. Dial 4-6943; Eve. 2-6695, 8-3292 REAL ESTATE SELDOM do we have to much to offer rou la a aood heme for oalr 11711. Two alee Bcareemo .with a ream orer the ca race that would make a third bed room ar a den. Lerelr llrlna room. Brea haa a fireplace. Dandr hltchen with kreakfaet bar, ThU home U lo cated aa a pared ilreet, larae-ilaed lot near the new Mornlncalde achool. Reallr felka, thu u a alec bur. GARDENER'S PARADISE Aa anuauallr neat and clean one Bedroom home on a emill acrcaie. Ideal for man and nlfe. Lou af ator aae apace. Lane bedroom enclosed utllltr. Line uraie md work imp. Plentr of weter for Irritation. All bulldlnaa In beet of condition, oood dlatriel eaat ot lows, onir MM. ONLY I7S0 DOWN kuri aew l-bedroom home oa acred ct. lulde eltr llmlta. Lena dlnlni room aod cute kitchen. All hardwood floora. Attiched carace. A neel and ei.aa a.iaaeernooo. Farmenu like REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South BUM St. Phani I-IIM Fbeoc criniaii aad Suadar: 4-1111. I-IIU, 4. I III, 4-11 11, I. Iltt ,11,. REAL ESTATE elili rp) (if. eilH REAL ESTATE Big Price Reduction Owner, Karlai eltr. Attractive well, built l-bdrm. home with full ba la ment, alee corner lot with treei aad flowtra. Compere It with other homea priced at 11,190. Income $5400 - Price $31,5.10 Bue. and apt. racial, preellcellr elf-operatlna. Out af towa owner. Thu u a monor-maker. 376 ACRES If raa an lookiai far a monep. maklna ranch with a irede A dalrr barn, elite fine home and loU af ether k.dea, are in la ahow plaea of the raller. Attractive term. Call Bon Cleerr. WALTER MUSORAV1 REALTORH HI Edtewater . mn Bra. IM1P v cllt WANTED REAL ESTATE noticii If rout propertr u fer aeie' rent or etchanic. Uet it with oa We hereall klnda ol eaih hurira STATB FINANCE CO.. REALTOBS III S. HUh St ca WE ABE badlr la need of I and l-bed. room homea. la Lealle Diet. Alco Baed !".?. nta r maata. What hare rout AL lAAAK, REALTOR. PH 41111 - " ao anawer. ph. 4-1141 eao BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i chloeofhyl aum meahiaai for" cue . Earialn. Will trade for She Smith. Phone IIM1 after I. cdlld By Horn Fisher