Tat t THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thru-aday, May 14, 1953 In the Valley Edited ky MIKE FORBES Fairview Gates Hopewell Hopewell Mother's Day wu observed at the Hopewell E. U. B. church with 80 In attendance. The local church conference presided over by Rev. W. C. Hinei of the Oregon Con ference, will be held May 18, Monday at the Hopewell E. U. B. church at 8 p.m. A delegate to the conference in Seattle in July will be and family were week-end guests of their parent, the Henery Deedons and Neil Currlti. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hauler and family of Sprinfleld were Thursday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oeedon, 'and Utile David Hauser stayed with his grand parents while Mr. and Mrs. Hauser took Jimmy to Dorn backer hospital in Portland for a checkup. He is improv ing. Little Kenneth Perihall. Carl elected. May 22, a father and son son of Rev. and Mrs. banquet is being planned, I Perihall of Hamer, Idaho, is wilth Mrs. Clarence Legg and I a guest of his grandparents, Mrs. John Gelsler, as general Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lafferty. chairmen. . . Mr. and Mrs. Olen Lafferty Mrs. Howard Stephens Is ; and daughter, Geraldine of the delegate of the Hopewell j Layton, Utah, have returned Missionary Society to the to their home after spending I a iea aays at the Laffertv W. S. W. S. convention in Jennings Lodge this week, May - 11-14. She went down Monday afternoon to stay for the entire convention. Wednes day Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Wid mer, Mrs. S. C. Waller and Mrs. N. O. Pearse are among those driving down for the day. " The picnic in charge of Mrs. Clarence Legg, Mrs. Al bert Terriil and Mrs. Arthur Warnock will be held early in June, following close of school May 29. Dale Terriil and Stanley Warnock, 8th grade student of the Hopewell S. D. A. school attended Academy Dsy at Laurelwood last Monday. Mrs. Albert Terriil took the boys down, and visited friends' in Laurelwood during the dsy. Don Lee of the Laurelwood Academy near, (pwkton was the speaker at the Seventh Day Adventist church Saturday . home. Mrs. Keith Legg and daugh ter Cynthia are spending this Fairview Mr. and Mrs. I Gates The combined corn- Richard Cannell, Richard and I mencement exercises of the Colleen, of the Fairview dis- Gates grade school and high trict, entertained at their J air- school will be held Thursday view home with a Mother's levening. May 28. in the high pay family eunner Sunday. I school gymnasium at 8 o clock Attending were Mr. and Mrs. I Dr. Howard RunkeL chair- Peter Parrin and Matt Parrin, man, department o: speech and Mrs. Andrew Sipola of Hope- drama, of Willamette univer- well, and Mr. and Mrs. Nels laity, will deliver the address. Sipola and family of Salem. - I Idsbelle Blackburn, daugh Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Btepb-lter of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur ens and Lester entertained at I Blackburn, Is valedictorian of their home in Fairview with a the senior cls of the high family Mothers Day dinner, school; Betty Tucker, daugh' Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Iter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howard Stephens of this die- Tucker, will be the salutator trict and Mrs. Will Durea of I tan. Amity. I Baccalaureate services are M. Howard Stephens of to be held in the Gates Com Fairview, a delegate, left Mon- munity Church of Christ, Sun. day to attend the W.S.W.S. day, May 24. School will elooe convention to be held at Jen- May 29. nings Lodge Monday, Tuesday In place of the annual jun- and Wednesday.. ior-semor prom this year, mem bers of the two classes were itajcen to poruano ror a aay oz umonvaie JS" irLrtL svcisw Si i g ucs to V Vic J umwi e week , with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Peterson in La Center, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jse nlcke and daughter Shirley of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Shipman and famllv of Salem were Mother's Day guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Gelsler. Mr. and Mrs. Rooert Gil christ of Portland were week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beaty. Mra Goldie Kircr and daughter Leone of Willamina was a visitor at tie Marvel Brown home Thursday. Mrs. Jiiper was formerly Goldie Hamilton, who lived where Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stephen now live, several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Modde- meyer and daughter, Eleanor Mrs. Arthur Warnock spent Sunday in Portland brought them home In the ' Moddemeyer, Jr. end family, evening. The . graduation exercises for the Seventh Day Adven tist school In Hopewell will be held at the school house. May 28, at 8 p.m. Dale Terriil and Stanley Warnock are . the graduates. Mrs. W. Stratemyer, Betty and Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sergeant and family of Hopewell visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lutx (Laura Stratemyer) in. Corvallis on Saturday. Mrs. George Scargeant, who has been making her home with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sergeant since her Illness last winter, Is now able to be out, and at tend church now and then. Rev. and Mrs. H. X. Widmer and family were Mother's Day guests of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stutsman of Woodburn and Rev. and Mrs. Widmer at tended the mmlege of Mrs. Wldmer's ulster, Mrs. Dorothy Bond of Woodburn, to Rev. Zurker of Ohio at Mrs. Bond's daughter's home,' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gllck of Hub bard, in the afternoon. Mrs. E. J. Kolln and family and her mother, Mrs. E. L. Cox, visited Mrs. Ruth Linn In Salem Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Jansen were hosts to a family gather ing Mother's Day, when all the family were there except Rena and family (Mrs. Wal ter Spillman of Richland Wash). Those who came were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kotka and family of Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. George Polvi and son of McMinnvllle, Mr. and Mrs. George Milne and sons of Gresham Mr. and Mra. Robert Currle wim Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Mr. and Mra. S. C. Waller were Mother's Day guests oi their daughter and famllv. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Neilion of Portland. Mrs. Rose Rosen and Miu Virginia Macness left Satur. day for a few days visit with their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Med Underhill of Dufur. Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Peara and Robert were Sunday guests " rwarses sister, Mrs. John Babcock of Albany. Mrs. William Pearse and ehUdren of Salem were callers at the Pearse home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Noble and Judy called briefly, also. Mrs. Amy Smithhart. Miu Dorothy Brown, Miss Myrtle Wood, of Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wood, also of Dallas, were Mother's Day guests of we crown lamlly. Little Johnny Loon, son nf Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Loon of Toledo, is visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loop. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Loop of Willamina Sun day afternoon, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bell of Pleasantdale were Sunday evening guests of Mr. ana Mrs. Loop. , RNA Meets May 21 Lebanon The local Royal Neighbors lodge has completed final plans for the Linn-Benton district convention on Thursday, May 21. The duo county meet will be held in the CIO hall, the morning ses sion beginning at 9:30. The afternoon program ends with a 8 p.m. banquet In the First Christian church dining room. The evening meeting, open to friends and family, begins at 7:30. ITnionvsle Mr. and Mrs. I were treated to dinner, taken Ersel Gubser of Unionvsle had to the soo and attended the ice as Mother's Day dinner guests follies. Chaperones for the day M-SgL Norman Gubser and were Mr. ana Mrs. uon Miley, his wife and son John, of Fort Mrs. W. H. Hutcheson, Mrs. Bragg. N. C: Donald Gubser. Jack Brown and Howard Heppner; Mr. and Mrs. D. Lynn Means, class adviser of the Jun- Gubser, McMinnvllle; Mr. and lor class. Miss Elds Webster Mrs. Marvin Lorenzen, Neck u ciass pretioeoi. District, near Dayton. I Members oi ihe sophomore Mrs. Marvin Lorenzen Is a ciass oi we mgn scnool pre- delegate to the W.S.M.S. at sented a play and pie social Jennings Lodge from Dayton. Friday evening at the high Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fowler school, me csst Included the of Grand Island were evening entire class. Allen Vale acted callers at the same home. I as auctioneer, i Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Thomas The Gales Parent-Teacher of Swisshome and Derald association met at the high Edwards of Mapleton were school for the final meeting of Mother s Dsy guests of Mr. ue year, Thursday evening. and Mrs. E. J. Welder. Installation of officers was held Other guests were Mr. and with Mrs. William Pennick, Mrs. L. E. Wright and son of I president; Mrs. Clarence Ball, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Amos vice president; Mrs. Elmer Hagner and four children of Stewart, secretary, and Mrs. Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Har-1 Charles Tucker, treasurer. old Wilder and seven children I Mothers of the fifth and sixth of Yamhill, grades acted as hostesses. Meet- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gelger !" will be resumed In Sen- entertained at their home with liemoer. a family Mother's Day din-1 corp. Marshall L. Lake, who ner Sunday. I has served with the armed Attending were ber parents. Ilorces In Korea for the last 18 Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Mott 79 montns, returned home Friday and 65 years respectively, of and will receive his discfaarae uiiiSDoro; Mi. and Mrs, Charles irom tne army. His brother, Pool HiUsboro: Mr. and Mrs. I Arthur Lake, who is in tram Bert Mustoe and children and tag at Fort Lewis, arrived in Mr. and Mrs. Keith Billings and children, Portland. Mother's Day .meats of Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Magee were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Msgee and two sons, Steven and Bruce, of Corvallis, and Guy Remme, Dayton. Mrs. Remme is visiting In the east. Aftei dinner, all went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Fisher In Portland. Thirty members of Mrs. Carl La liner's fsmily attended the Mother's Day dinner held at her home here Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Kowe, 83, of Albany, came tne iartnest to attend. Mrs. Louis Magee went to Portland Tuesday morning to meet her daughter, Mrs. Clark Robb and her 21-months-old son Philip James. Mrs. Robb will be a delegate to the E. U. B. W. 8. M. S., In session at Jenning Lodge, and Philip wiQ be a guest of Mr. snd Mrs. Msgee during the convention. Little Rebecca Robb, three-year-old, of Spokane, Wash., who was seriously burned March 1, and has been in the hospital since undergoing skir grafting, has had the east re moved snd 8S per cent of the grafts are perfectly healed. She will be released from the hospital soon. Gates Sunday to welcoir his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Lake, Arthur, and their father, Russel Lake, Mrs. Clyde Schroeder and baby, drove to Silverton Sunday where they attended a Mother's Dsy din ner with other members of the family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell. Mr. and Mrs. David Barn hard t and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Bernhardt and two chidren spent Mother's Day at the borne of Mr.- am Mrs. G. C Bernhardt. Mrs. Laura Joaquin, who has made her home in Gates for the past five years, left Wednesdsy evening By tram for San Jose, Calif- where she has accepted employment She plans to remain in that city indefinitely, but will return to Gates to make her home. Mr. and Mrs. Layton G'ttnell and son Larry, of Roseburg, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mrs. Gosnell s mother, Mrs. Joaquin. Mrs. George Bailey and Le- land spent the week-end in Vancouver and Gresham, where they were joined by Mr. Bailey, who is employed in Portland. Albert Millsap visited his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Klecker, at their home in Madras several days last week. Another guest was Mr. Klecker's mother, Mrs. Mary Klecker of Stayton. Mrs. Robert Levon and Mrs. Gwen Schaer were hostesses fLUNCH SPECIAL TURKEY -BERGER HUBBARD TEA Woodburn Mrs. Harold Colgan of Woodburn was host ess Wednesday afternoon at a tea honoring the eighth grade class of the Hubbard school at the school building in Hubbtrd. She wss assisted by the sev enth grsde 4-H girls of the school, led by Mrs. Jamea , Lamb. It'iiLlli.i Mat. DaUy From 1 P.M. , NOW SHOWING! Wild, wicked. wonderful Paris ..all her lores, ladies and lusty i The first Wright brothers airplanes attained a maximum Speed Of "bout BO mtlM an 1 hour. yffigendsi V MM i "" i JOSE FERRER rtx XVjU r t . WW lugs tunny Cartoon And Novelty"TharSheBow, "3-D" It Coming! WONBMT- himy i IMC sVUtKMJED -MACARONI Z Muanowi aooum auto junimrr CHICKEN SHRIMP 2-MINUTE SERVICE The Speedway ON OUR STAGE! I0KITH:30P.M.I ROY GORDON AT THE iit?arMSaaaaaa i t CAPITOL AND HcS STAR DISCOVERY "TALENT QUEST" LOCOL FOLKS! GUEST ACTS! -EDSYRING- AT THf HAMMONO! ON OUR Bob Hope "OH Limits" SCREEK! Sfan Clements "While Lightning" CUIUS Webfe Barkara Stanwyck "TITANIC Tlveea Lladfars NO TIME FOB FLOWERS" st the letter's home Saturday evening honoring their fatner, Clarence Johnson, and Mrs. Schser's son. Royal, on their nlrthday anniversaries, wmcn fall on the same date. Refrehments were served by the hostesses to the honorot. euesu. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kelle. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Devis. Mr.' and Mrs. Elmer Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brlsbin, Robert Levon, Mr. ana Mrs. Len Young. Mrs. Martha Bowes and son Joseph, Mrs. Lincoln Henness, Mrs. Colls Heath. Mrs. Mshle Knutson, Mrs. Gerald Heath, Mrs. Velms Carey and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap. Prizes were awarded Mr. Kellis and Mrs. Gerald Heath, first; Mrs. Bowes ant son receiving consolation. Mr. and Mrs. William Fen nick attended the coronation of the May queen, Jeanlne Bentley Bonebrake, at Linfield: college, Saturday. Billy Pen nick, small son of the Pennicks, wa; train bearer and his sister Patsy, danced at the corona tion. Mrs. Pennick and Mrs. Clausie Amnion spent a day in Portland shopping, after which Mr. and Mrs. Pennick and call' dren spent the week-end in Jefferson st the Am mon home. Webfoot Webfoot Thirty members of the Webfoot Grange No. 710 and Juniors attendee: inereg ilar meeticn held Saturday evening. Mrs. Richard Lofton, the lecturer, conducted a pro gram on "safety in the com munity Mr. and Mrs. George Doud, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doud and Miss Helen McManimie will attend the state Grange to be held at Medford June to 11 and Mrs. Ray McNanimie will take care of the Doud children while they are gone. DANCE AT HUBBAJtD ' Hubbard The Hubbard Firemen's Auxiliary will hold , their annual May dance Satur day evening May 16, at the City Hall. Uuslc win be by Ron Anderson. 1 Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Worth WiilS were guests of the stste flyin2 farmers dinner held at the Net J berg airport Sunday. . I There were 33 in attendant After dinner, Mr. and Mr.: Wiley took Mr. and Mrs. LtrJiJ McDougall to Pacific City fmJ a trip. 1 A great deal of sweet eanf has been plsnted In the GranJ Island district as almost evenS farmer here annually raise? a a corn. N 8hwlng Open 1:4 tana Tamer - Kirk Vaaa-u. Walter Fidfeea . Dick PwrH THF BAD AND TBI AIM , THE BOASTERS Dent Mlaa This. ft . .. I V UlUa tMIIINS, UCatHT tf , Gates Optn 1:N Shew at Desk NOW! Ia Technleetar - THE LAWLESS BREED aWekHadsea Jena Aaaaw rial THE CLOWN" Red Skenea VILLAGE INN Opening Tonight (Tuesday) SHOWS at 10:30 and 1 A.M. "BARON OF THE BLUES" Rated ana the country's top cafa and radio artist Singer and Pianists ' i The Charming MISS MATTY E WATSON "DRUMS" Star ef TV and radio and formerly featured star with the All Girl Band, Interna tional Sweethearts of Rhythm. , The Lovely and Talented MISS ELSIE SMITH "SAXOPHONE" Formerly featured with the great Lionel Hamptoa sand and on radio. NEW VILLAGE INN 3057 Portland Road Chef "Dae" Specialises la Soa there Fried Cbiekea . Phone la year reeervatloas for parties and banquets If You Thirst for The Unusual . . Then You Owe It To Yourself See NEW BLACTONE-MODERN DINETTES A Distinctively New Kind ol Dinette designed by famous Howell with Jet Black legs . . . Blac-Twecd Mar-Resistant lop... Hubby Textured Plastic Covered (hairs . . . It's a Decorator's Dream! Special Introductory Offer WJL A fresh modern design combining the now Jet black patented finish and beautifully tailored up holstery in a distinctive textured "Nnbby" weave. New decorator colors white, red, char treuse, yellow, black or green. Trim table tops in Blac-Tweed are easy to clean with damp cloth ... Shrugs off ordinary tains, boiling water or alcohol. Jet-black legs with a finish .that won't - chip, peel or rub off! Ta . bla site 30" 40", ex tends to 48". Blactone Drop Leaf Set In spaca-budgeted modern homes, this smart How eH lactone drop leaf table will have much appeal. This multi-functional model will serve as a compact work tobla with leaves down, and in a "jiffy" is mada into a roomy dinette table by raising Hie leaves. Long wearing laminated plastic table top assures years of carefree beauty. Legs have gun metal finish in et blacks. New nubby weave plas tic chairs available in chartreuse, yellow, white, red, black and groan. Introductory Price J8950 MY KOIHIKG DOWN Yost Now you can "pamper" your room with tha vary latest, modem dinette set enoy ft now, pay for ft on our long, low, easy terms.