Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 14, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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    rawey. May 14, 19S3
400 Prep Track Stars to
Appear in State Classic
Oregon State roll... r.
valUe-Seme 48 f Orcion'i
eet rep cinder stars will eoa
verge ea the Onto state eol
let campus her. Friday and
Satarday far tha 37th annual
etate kifh tchool track and
field championships.
The meet promises to be one
of the baat tn tha long history
of the classic, and at least two
individual performer on the
baala of district qualifying
stand a good chance of estab
lishing new record.
Fred HaU from FrinevlUe
ellppeo aff a la qaaUfy.
Extra-Dose Hits Proving
Big Help to Milwaukee
New York U.BThe crack
f eitra-base hit waa Just as
Joyful a noise today to Mil
waukee fan as the smack of
all those atrike their pitch
era are firing into the catch
ers' mitts.
Right now, besides boasting
the National League's top
pitching to date, the bat-happy
' graves also i setting the
pace In long hits with a total
of 61 as against St for the po-
tent Brooklyn Dodgers.
Milwaukee leads the league
; In home runs with 24 and in
' triples with 10, and ranks
I fourth In doubles wtih 27.
Brooklyn has 22 homers, eight
triple, and 29 doubles for its
i runner-up figure.
; The hitting was expected,
I alnce the Brave acquired auch
1 sluggers aa Andy Pafko, ex
! CI Del Crandall, and Joe Ad-
cock during tha off-aeason to
. go with auch carry-over mus-
clemen aa Ed Mathews, Sid
I Gordon, and Walker Cooper.
; Then Johnny Logan, Jack
; Dittmer, and occasionally
I rookie BUI Bruton broke into
! tha act.
I Fine Relief Fltcher
. But tha pitching waa a
i pleasant surprise, and along
' with his seven starters, Jolly
; Cholly Grimm demonstrated
" again yesterday that he had a
' fine reliever in young Lew
Burdetta in a stirring 11 to
J 1 rout of tha Giants.
Mathew hit his seventh
I homer and Gordon his aecond
i In tha first Inning to give the
Bravaa a lead they never re
! Iniquished. After two inning
of no-hit - pitching, lefty
Johnny Antonelli suffered a
blood blister on the index fin
; gar of hi throwing hand when
' hit by his own foul tip and
i Burdette took over to pitch a
i four-hitter the rest of the way
' and gain his second triumph
, la relief.
Tha victory put tha Braves
' in aecond place only a half-
game behind tha idle Phils
j and 14 per centage point
i ahead of Brooklyn, as all other
' National League games were
i rained out
' Yankees Win Fourth
In the American League, the
' Yankee made It four In a
row by coming from behind
' to down Cleveland again, 9 to
' 4, while Eddie Joott'a home
run in the eighth gave the
I Athletica a 21 victory over
St. Louis and snapped their
aeven-game losing streak. The
' Red Sox blanked the White
' Sox 3 to 0 and Detroit at
'. Washington was rained out.
; Joost, who also hit a mem-
OWGA to Play
In Salem Next
The Oregon Women's Golf
' Association will conduct a
. tournament at Salem Golf
' Club next Wednesday, and the
i second round of the Salem
Women's Golf Club's spring
. tournament will be Inactive
until the following week.
; The ladies got their spring
i tournament under way with
. onenlna round match last
.' week,
' In addition to tha tourna
mcnt, regular play was held in
Class D. with Mrs. jonn jonn
t son winning. Tha weekly John-
inn nriie went to Mrs. Lee
! Ebersole.
i Lincoln to Ploy
I Columbia Prep Friday
Portland O Lincoln high
! school, Portland League b'
i hail phamDlon. will play Co
! lumbia Prep here Friday for
I the district 1-A-l Champton-
Why Suffer
Any Longer
WVp atkara fan "'."""T
madlaa. lalnl aaeaati lai MH
aaara la Chlaa. aa naiur anal
allmania raa t afnieitd.
ataaaltat. kiart. lunia. '. ""ti,
aaa, aonatlpatlaa. aleara. dlaoala4.
".uitlim. tall aad aladdat latat.
aia. fanall Matpiaiaia.
Ofttaa Baata I la I
Taa. al lal. f
Ml n Ctmmmltl
puma HIM
Ai.m. nat
lag tor tha lte-yard da a,
which better tha exUtlng
aUta meet record held Joint
ly by Bobby Grayson of Jef.
fertoa and Bob Lealie of Kla
math Fills, Craysoa covered
the distance la :. la list,
and two year later teilla
duplicated tha feat.
Another mark in danger 1 in
the ahotput Hedford'i Jack
Moad tossed tha iron ball 84
feet 7 Inche to qualify, better
ing by 8 H Inches the record
set by Chuck Elliott of Eugene
in 1930. George Meyer from
Salem also Is within light of
9 Major Leagues
(Br Ualtad Pratt)
ret. ga
MUtaulM .,
Brooklra ...
, 1 1
. II, 1
ill I
, It
, 10 1
, II
. 1 11
. IS
Mt ta
Jit I
. lit
.Ml I
JM 1
at. Louii ...
Now York
Pltuborah ..
ClaelaatU ..
Wadaaadar'l IMKll
MUwaukaa 11, Hit Tut I.
Brooklra at Chlcaio, poatpooad. wal-
Uur .
Pittibunh at cioelnaatl. poatponad,
rmiuuiphik it at. lA-ni, msm, twu
ponad, wal I round.
L ret.
Kt Totk
Chicago ..,
Cm!u4 .
wiahlnitoa ......
at. Loula
Philadelphia .....
Detroit .
Wedaeader'l Baeallet
New Tor s, Cleialead A,
Boetoa I, Chleaio t.
Philadelphia I. at. unit 1. aUht
Demit 44 wtaaiaiwa. aliht, rata.
orable grand alam homer
against Satchel Palga in the
ninth a year ago to beat the
ancient St. Louis reliever in
a thriller, made his blast last
night the margin for Alex
Kellner's fifth victory against
two defeats, a five-hitter in
which he yielded no earned
runs. An error by Joost pav
ed tha way for the only St.
Loula tally, but he made up
for that, not only with the
homer, but by starting a pre
vious rally with a single on
which he came around to score
on a sacrifice and another sin
gle by Eddie Robinson.
The Yankeaa put over tour
run in tha seventh on a suc
cession of single and walks to
arasa a 4-3 Cleveland lead and
give Ed -Lopat hi third vic
tory, although he needed re
lief help from Allie Reynold.
Hank Bauer and Don Bollweg
homered for New York and
Joe Tipton and Harry Simp
son hit Cleveland homers.
Marv Grissom pitched four-
hit baU against his old Chi
cago mates at Boston, striking
out six on tne way to nis sec
ond triumph. Tha Red Sox
were driven In by rookie Milt
Boiling with a homer, George
Kell with a dobla and Sammy
with a single.
( mUvt )
Sljs (
If you uere bom between
April 20th and May 21tt,
can be SvLXt that... I )t&$&7
tou wer born under the sign of Tsums. Yon
Tsurisns are very sensible people. (Nothing
more aenilbl than ordering 7 Crown.) You
appreciate tbe fineit In food and drinks.
(Thai's bat made 70a choote 7 Crown la
the fin! plwxl)
Stagrim't 7 Croarn. Blended Whiskey. 86! Prrof. 65 Grain Neutral
the record, with a heave of 83
feet 7 inche. Moit of tha other
itate record appear fairly se
Medfori freen district 1 la
aonthera Oregon, a perennial
contender far tha title, aace
agala looms aa a strong
threat ta wis team honor.
Tha Black Tornado qoallflad
for 11 p 1 a e a , pins a top
notch relay team la aweeplag
the district crown. Rend'a
Urea-man team won tha
1951 eliaaiplaaahlp, ending a
four-year relga by Medford,
bat ta aot listed among tha
top contenders this spring.
A highly-respectable javelin
qualifying mark of 192 feet 3 M
inches was set by Medford' Ed
Bingham last week, but it still
falls far short of the all-time
record of 211 feet 1 inch by
Mllwaukle's Chuck Mlssfeldt in
Airplane Hits ?
Stables, Kills
5 Race Horses
San Diego UJ9 Five thor
oughbred racing horses were
killed when a navy drone tar
get plane went out of control
and crashed into stable at a
breeding farm.
An F6F Gruman Hellcat
drone plummeted into the
Arthur Shoemaker breeding
ranch atablea yesterday in
nearby Palm City.
The ranch aaid tha five
horse killad were valued at
Portland State
Golfers Win
Over Bearcats
Portland State downed Wil
lamette's golf team, 12 H to
5tt, here yesterday.
Bok awathtx. Portlaad am ill.
Disk Charca, W; ocna Murray, Port
land atata, ai rea Balnaa. at Kant air
era. WllUmtu, IHi 14 alnrrar, :
La rrr Ttetaa. Portland etata. i: Das
CellMhea, c; JIB Rati, Portland Butt,
mi dici nana, 1M Larrr wood. Port-
n anaw, a; auue aaa aaanaa, u
Pep Decisions
Jacky Blair
Forth Worth, Tex.
Willie Pep, with a black eye
and about 36,000 for hi part
in outpointing Jacky Blair of
Dalaa in a nationally televised
10-round fight, departed for
New York Thursday to start
training for an appearance In
Madison Square Garden.
Pep gained a unanimous de
cision here Wednesday night a
hi speed and experience gave
him all except one round over
tha tough and willing Dallaa
Tha 30 year old former
world's featherweight cham
pion from Hartford, Conn., who
is on the road back, was the ag
gressor virtually all the way,
opening cuts over Blair's left
eye, bloodied hia nosa and had
him staggering once.
A crowd of 2,013 paid $10,
672.50 to sea the show and pro
moter Lou Gray lamented that
the card would end Up losing
about 86,000.
Sweet Home
Wins Twin Bill
At Redmond
Redmond Sweat Home
high school won a doublehead
er from Redmond, 6-1 and 8-0,
here Tuesday.
Bob Morley pitched tha vic
tory in tha opening game.
holding Redmond to four hit.
Morley and Ted Owen
teamed up to hurl a flve-Uv
nlng no-hitter in tha night
cap. Owens, wbo entered too
game In tha fourth Inning, got
credit for tha win.
Ed Norquist tripled and
Fred Chambers doubled for
Sweet Home in tha first game.
Chambers' double, in tha third
Inning, scored Bill Lewis and
Sweet Homo got all five at
its run in tha aecond game
in the third inning. Tha run
came on singles by Jack Tay
lor, Ed Norquist and XikaL
a walk to Morley, a hit batter
(Owens), a passed balL stolen
base and an error. Two of tha
five rune ware earned.
watt Brat 10 lot a l
a i
i a
tadaoad Ml lot ti
aforMP aaa owtnit wasia aa4 1
BadomX M M I )
Hor!tj, Owaaa 4. lad Owaaa, Lavla
SUalltr and MollaiaB.
Vik-Mt. Angel
Game Called Off
Due to a mix-up In achedul-
lng, which conflicted with an
other school event at Mt. An
gel, tonight's scheduled Salem-
Mt Angel game at Mt, Angel
has been cancelled.
Coach Harold Haul; take
his Viking basaballara to Prine-
ville Saturday to meat Prine
vllle in tha district 8 champion
ship game.
Salem won tha district 8
A-l title, while Prineville Is
tha 8 A-2 champion.'
Hauk aald today Lowell
pearce. No. 1 moundaman of
last eeaaon'a high school and
Salem Junior Legion team, will
start for Salem at Prineville,
Tha game at Prineville starts
at 3 pjn.
Benton Bowmen
Plan Tourney
The Benton Bowmen of Cor-
vallis will conduct their first
spring field archery tourna
ment Sunday at their course
three miles north of Corvallia.
The affair will be an Invita
tional shoot, and all archer
are invited to participate.
Dad Cooter, at 88 years of
age the oldest active archer In
the United States, will be a
guest Of honor, and Will shoot
in the tournament
Registration starts at I a.m.,
and many prizes wil be award
Minor League Scores
IBr Tht AaiDciatld Praoa)
Ottaaa h, TarlnM I.
arraauat S, Baltlaiora S.
Otbir lamat poatponad.
CHarluton II. St. Paul i.
Ulnntapola) I, Columbul 1
Olh.r lamra poxtponad.
Omaha 7, Uncola I.
rJanvtr f, Fulblo I.
Otaar lanea poatpopad.
All gamaa poatponad.
BoUa I. Malic Vallar I.
Oraal Falla II, PoeatlUI II.
Onlp llmaa Mkldulad.
Spirits. Seagram-Distiller Corp,
I if
mmr Vaj.fci ',m0f' ' i II b3
. N. Y.
Marciano 17- 5 Favorite
On Eve off Title Match
Chicago JJ9 Rocky Marel
aae waa still favored at 11-8
today . aa he and 39-year-eld
Jeraey Joe Waleott rested la
aaelaaiasi far tomorrow Bliht's
return heavyweight champion
chip fight.
Reports of Walcott'a unex
pected last-minute secret work,
out end his new one-two punch
to the body apparently failed
to stimulate any betting tup
port for the underdog or any
ruth to the ticket offlcea.
Wagering was practically at
a stand-still for the ached uled
18-round title fight at Chicago
Stadium. Mott persons desir
ing to bet on Jersey Joe were
asking 4-1, but booklet were
offering no more than 1T-B.
Gate Below Record
The International Boxing
Club'a publicity office at the
stadium announced that the
gross gate-advance- was only
8363,000. Surprisingly, that
was 935,000 less than officials
of ihe ciub had announced last
Sunday and hop of a record
new indoor gate of 9300,000
Trtzd ria? Trcdsb! Tnzd t&? Tn t! TrzzJ h? Trdb U
f . T
1 1 v. in ti
J II a o " o '
u u
Open Evenings
ware dwindling rapidly.
At mid town pre headquar
ters in the Morrieon hotel, rare
Indeed waa the sport writer
who picked Waleott to break
precedent and recapture the
heavy crown. . The working
press section at the ctadlum
will accommodate about 380
writers, photographer and
Rocky, who arrived late
yesterday from his camp at
Nolland, Mich., waa secluded
today at the home of a friend
on Chicago's south aide. With
him were dad Peter, trainer
Charley Goldman, assistant
trainer Al Columbo and chef
Alfred Rainauar.
Waleott likewise was held
Incommunicado at the Midwest
hotel, where ha did much of
Cherry aty
339 Chemeketa
sea l-dTtjJ
Tbo tiro that conos on nor
xr 'Mimim m i
"J Va' DfFIANa
, rius
Plenty of Free Parking-Juit Drire In
Til 9
nit training.' Yesterday In the
hotel's gymnasium he prac
ticed hit new one-two punch to
the body in secret ses
sion with three aparmate. The
press waa barred, but Jeraey
Joe't six sister from Camden,
N. J., were permitted to watch
the workout which included
10 rounds of ca list hen tea and
Phil Cavarretta, manager of
the Chicago Cuba, ha played
in three World ferlee and
three All-Star games.
K3 sAvtwS a tmot urn, too
TUatS KUeClTD nil
cvxm:im tclvs AYtteu
, i
aaJI BCsbp prtc9 8ptW fJaTX ffflff JfOfJa aaU ftaVer
In four tease aa ef
ball .for Seattle, Johnny
O'Brlea acored 8.301 pointa.
sua ntetner xckue
cicp DJTnY
. QwU DC w'JlI?
atotWic rurtolf wlia ftEUTOt feel $Htmmt 'esff
a niirn saltan. Tm tm aJ
ad llan Urad. Baatiia mm T
daa la nm iiMtma aaaala . , .
r Bartaal. taa ataii 1 1 iSkaXIa
aMiar, pmatae aatla IB kak a ina
Tma prakUa, raakwai paaiaalf vtaft
eavtaal adaadlaat vaak, ttrad faalhas. aa
lorn. Al all lixa,
f,1AY 30
6.70-15 EACH
mrs tax
18 18
Phone 3-9600