Thursday, May 14, 1953 Par If , THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortgoa OREGON AFIELD Springtime In Oregon to a pleasant but unpredictable season. One week the sky can be so blue and cloudless that rain seems but a vague memory from winter. Then, within a tew hours, a black sky can be showering inches of water au over we countryside. Such has been the case recently, and rawing conditions have been subject to change without notice. Tony Boatman, ever at Suets, went te bed last Sat nrday night with elear water flowing past his boat landing. Be woke ap Baaday morning to see a river the color ef OX coffee, mack U the dlstast of himself and his natrons. Despite many good reports from the hardier souls who nave recently braved tne elements east of the mountains, many valley folk have been discouraged by the sudden icy , storms In central Oregon. It will likely be another month before good weather will be the rule over yonder. Bert Myers and Bob Williams had a good day en the pond at Valsets last Batarday, taking some nice brown trout from that saag aad log-riddea area. The boys were easting flatfish, and 'brownies are really sackers for this lure. Fact Is, the fishing was se geed, thst even a dunking in six feet ef cold water dldat pat the damper en Bert! He's going back aula this week-end. Last Friday local Ike Walton members met with Joe , Penfeld ef Colorado, western representative for IWLA, and heard this very able and experienced conservationist describe a dancerous situation which can effect us all. seems tnat a griup of stockmen, with holding principally in the Rocky mountain states, are attempting to nave legislation passea in . congress which would give cattlemen almost complete control of the public domain and national forests. In the past, cattle men have been riven the nrivilefe. for a nominal fee, to grsxe their herds on public lands. If they are successful in ettln the nronoied leaiilation Dined, they will nave vested right to the land that belongs to you and me the right to sub-lease the land, to leave It to their heirs, to barter with as though It were personal property. Because 01 ine weasle-wording in the bills (H.R. 4023, S3. 1491), this clique of cattle barons would be subject to very little control at the top level. They could ever-graxe the land, which would hurt. drastically the watersned tnat, tnougn u is many mues away, seriously affects the water supply of certain areas of the Pacific coast. Undoubtedly, much of the public lands now available for recreation would be "off limits" to the real owners the people. Both the Isaak Wsltoa League and the Wildlife Fed eration are vigorously at work to beat this obvious land ' grab. It behooves everyone who wants to protect national forests aad other pabUe lands to write to their congress men, urging that wa do net give away a part of eur - national heritage to selfish Interests. In the opinion ef this writer, this is ens of ths gravest threats to ear ent-of-doors fcuiaw. The Willamette Valley Retriever club will hold Its annual ' Beach Picnic Trial this Sunday on the ocean side of highway 101. about two and one-half miles south of the bridge- pt Newport' Should be lots of fun, both for the dogs and the spectators. A special training series will be run, If enough folks with young dogs are in attendance. . Portland's Linde Shuts Out Frisco Seals, 7-0 Salem Jayvees Win Big Six Junior Track Crown Albany Salem high school's junior varsity track team won the Big Six Jayvee track championship here yesterday, posting 83 points, almost twice as many a any other team. Zu gene's Jayvees finished second with 45 110, followed by Springfield with 4 1820, Albany 81, and Corvallls 18- 1820. Bend, the otner menv ber of the Big Six league, did not field a team In the Junior varsity meet. Coach Lee Ouataison't 8a Wolves Upset Willamette in Season Finale Willamette University, Northwest Conference cham Dion, closed It baseball sched ule Wednesday by dropping an -5 decision to Oregon College of Education. Lynn Houston of the winners drove home four runs witn double and a home run. Fete Reed hit a homer for Willam ette with no one on base, WlBBB.Ua ( S O. C. B. a x oa a h oa s a somim 4 s s i e irtutu til s a simmm i S IS t S S IS Oraraa,rf 4 X I eallllar.l I 1 S S S tCmlasa,a 4 e ssitiMt, s s i sriatti, t e i s see a s e Lawlatf S S HauaaaAS S 4 Aitt.a KlrkadU lSaM.lf snitld.rt Holt. Co,f Maoao.rf KMMMf Koopf.t Touu it s n is Touia m it n u WlUUMtU tOt Wt lt-l t o C. B. M Mt tOt S tt winotr-attiari Utn noli. Balk UU.T 1- ritcmat: if a a a m so aa Holt 1 t t t S I S CMS t M 4 S t S ftittaar t . II t s a a t Palmaulll .. I ii s a i t WP sudor 1. Cota I. PaaaniH 1. BB-Akta I. UJBwiilaraaflt II. oca t. arrow Hauaaa, Blaaaaar. CBmralaot. Hit Huton. aaad. na Daaia, Daaak. OnuBU. Hoalaa. BBl ptaata. Duel, RoklBioa, Xuataa a, Baad. Blrlaadau, a. H.-rruu. aa lum I. r rmo to ooaok to hum, a. two l a umpiroo Bataa, lem Jayvees captured five firsts in the 14 events, ana tin Ished second eight times. Results: Bosk huOM-I. Cams, Sill t, al low, as i. HBUUttr. am . auvtrt. a; t. Bosnia, nr. TWO, n.i las L Irm. B: t, Bank. Sal: S. Aa- dataoa. Bali 4, Saatfoid, Spri a, Xlas. B. TlBM, 11.1. 1 IIU0 1, Blalte, C; t, WlUaiarth, Bal: I, OatllB. A 4, Stholta, Bali a, Mont, B. Tim,, S:N.t. HO I, Bhaddy. B: I. Crsrarofi, sal; I, Jaal. aal; 4, Sroraar. aali I, oroal. A. Ttraa, 11.4. bo bBrtnoa-t, SMttoM. am t, Aa daraoa, Sal; 1, Blaka. A: 4. Btawan, Bali a, nouowar, X Tlma, 11.1. uo L. obtubb, sat; i. Brows, b; a, Hlalaoa. B; a. Kautmaa, Bali a. STalth. O. Tlmt, IIS. SM 1, Hartta. aal: s, snaaar, b a, BamtdtB. Ball 4, Macr. C. Tlma, 1:11. Broat loaw L Blako. Al 1. Aadaraoa. Sail X JrnU. sal; a, OalaTaa, Bi . Harts, Bar. Dtiiaaot, u tan, it, laanaa. DBMBt I, BOOH, Al a, Biaia, Al . Adaau, Son 4, Shlmmla, Sal; t, Orlffla. Bal. DUIaaea, 111 loot. I lutca. nark Jump l. Bromur. Mi s. nana. m I. CrarcrefU Ball 4. Ua katwaaa Carpaatar of Opr., Zttt of Sal., Jonaa at C. Holatrera of X alaer ol C. Halanta. I foal, S laehaa. Polo vault l, oauix. Bal; l, cooa. al: J. Paolkaar. A: a. tla Otiwmb Bol- taa af X BltUaar of X Doa ol Bar, Oaaa of C. Halahth, II tut. Biiol pal 1. Ouoa, pr; 1. Baluburr. Sal; I. Baolt, A: . Sllnatla. C; 1. Wlaka. X OUtaaca, II faat, 1 lachaa. JBYOlla 1. Holloa, B: I. Baa. Bal: I. 'fliomal. Sot; 4, afuatt, Al a, Calaraa, X Diuaaaa, 111 faat. Balar 1, Sawai (afirart, Kaofmaa. Fook. Aadaraaolt t, Buttaai S, Bprlaf n,Ul 4, Corralllal . Alaaar. am Fraaeiset) Cin Lyman Linda pitched a shatont ball game and contributed a doa ble at the plats as FerUaad dowaed the Baa Fraactsco Seals, 1-1, In their Pacific Coast League game yesterday. The willowy righthander, who got two hits in four tripa to the piste, saved nis snutout in the ninth inning as he struck out Seal pinchhitter Frank Xalln with the bases loaded. The Beavers scored their first run in the fifth frame when Granville Gladstone sin gled, Hank Arft forced him at second and then raced to sec ond - as Aaron Robinson grounded out Eddit Bssintki got bold f a single and Arft made the tally. - Portland scored two more in the seventh as Dino Restelli ingled end was sacrificed to second. Arft was walked pur posely and Restelli scored on Robinson's inaia. Arft aenr. ad 6a I long fly ball by Ba- sinsxi. Three more runs went on the scoreboard In the eighth, as Linde opened the inning with a double and Jim Russell scored him with a single. Restelli then doubled to score Russell, and Walt Clough relieved starter BUI Bradford on the Seal mound. Gladstone was safe on an error by Lou Stringer which moved Restelli to third, and Restelli scored the third run of the Inning on Arft's long fly- Dan. Seal reliefer Bob Muncrief took the mound in the ninth after Clough was relieved fori a pinchhitter. but Don Eggert added the final insult by wal lopping a home run. Saaula Loa Aaialai HollraaOB Portland , saa oiea ... San PraneUet nuramtato .., Oakland WIL Standings W L Pet. OB 11 11 .111 M It It Wadaaadar'f Bavoltat Stattla I, HollrBood t. Loa Anttlta I. Baa Oiaaa 1. Portland 1, Sa PraaeUeo f. Oakland 4. BacramaalB 1. Baa taa Stria, Itaad; . Stattla 1. Hollrwood t. Saa Pranelaco 1. Portland 1. fiaeramaoto 1. Oakland 1. Saa Olaaa 1, Loa Anialaa L a double to Dick Faber, follow ed by Bob Van Sman's single which registered San Diego's only run. L. A. scored a run In frames. The bigges hit was Gene Baker's double in the fourth with Bob Usher ot second base. Gettel Beats Solons Sscrsrr.cnio could touch Cct tel for only four hits and the Solons flopped afield, where they committed a similar num ber of errors. Oakland wrapped up the game in the sixth with a three run uprising against Charley Schaaz (4-2) who got the loss. First Pete Milne tripl ed after Jim Marshall had doubled to make the score 1-1. Bill Howerton then singled in Mllene. Eddie Bockman erred RiuHU.rf I RaiUIUlf S Oldita.ef 1 1 Robnjn.a 4 Baanitl.l 4 4 LlBdt.p 4 I t t 1 I 1 S tl S I S 1 s 1 I s s s liaerlf.a SIS t-Kalla It on Pioer Davis grounder. Then Len Neal slammed another blngle to tally Howerton. Get ters record soared to a-. ParllaaS (1) ft) Saa "Praaaiaia B H O A MM Atutla.ta I S S aUoOlr.lf I 1 OHtrB,io a STnnB,rf I 4 I Stnr.lo 4 4 I 4 1 Tornar.a I 4Brdfrd.p I ciuau.p a-Zuvala 1 Totala II I tl II Totals 14 1 11 10 a struck ml for Clotu h ta tie. a Struck out for Toraar la Its. 009 t'.t Ml ooo no ui t 000 0C0 000 3 110 til 1111 AB R X BR BB SO 14 t 1 t I I 15 S T S 1 I 1 1 t s s s S I 1 1 I t Loltr Bradford. FAN FARE l Watt Oiraea i i r. V I SCORES in the ALLEYS Portlaad H1B) Ban PraaclKO . Hlta pitchiat: n Und t Bradford .. 1 dooah .... Muncrlrf .. 1 wtnntr unaa; Arlt. stnnaar. BUhalll. WP Munerltr. HR Itttrl B Oladtlont. RBf Baiia. ,kl 1. Rtitalll. Ruaiall. Arft, Roblnaon, btrt. DP Linda Aoitla and Arlt. T 1:54, U soman, SUlva tad Pllt- kotidaa. A lit. Hollrwood too 000 tot-S 7 t Stattla loo no to- a a Brans aad or it if ; vuonotu. wtp- ard (It tad Walono. Oakland tot to) 0014 It 1 Suramtnto ........ tl too 0001 4 4 aatttl aad naall enaaa. saraattw (tl, Joaaaoa (Ii. aod RiiebtT. . Saa rxtao tot tot Ml 1 s I Loa Aatalu ISO lot 01' I 1 1 KtirUaa. Malor III. ano roctaar; Cnandlar, Qumptrt ID, and Tapna. 1 Capitol Alleys MartkBaal Paallrr II-M. atrorl l SSI. Rrala MO. J. Mtndtr 111. R. Mtltr ill. O. Olodl 411. BtanBBB iraa Ul T. artnnan '. w B. Valdta Ml. L. otlund aj. Walaal Cllr Bawl III H. Prla US, B. a a. Prle 410. H. Brdtr 441, j. Rinaauut 111. Manaalu 4 Caraara (II J. Owtna SOI, R. Ouan 111. B. KB1 44t. O. Camtr 414. L. BrUaaard 111. Mariaa Haiti Bad Car Park (II T. Vltlona 411, w. Jttknon lit. J. Iroai 81A R. Paaa 101, B. Straw 404. Thrift. wa CUaatri (II M. HaParlana 6M. J. Olotr J. T. Olbltr 116. P. Bvana m. Karra ill w. (.una tit, v. ruwuu 41, P. Karr 411. H. wiutrioa m. m. Hartwtii Oat, iafiB Hotori (11 R. ajtwMitf aaa. a Sommtr 414. W. Oard- ntr Ml. 1. Dotrlltr 411, B. Tnompaoa HI. Gaadlaa Maraal (at B. waan ana, v. Olaaan 410. J. Prlaaan 114, B. won an. K wukalli i. Baritk Cnatara B. Clark 4U, R. Parity 111. B. Rraa 411. J. Da Bow 111. W. Watt Ml. Hlfn ttam aama srennaa iTa Barr- Ict. 1080. Hlfh ttam atrial Nortnwtti Poullrr, U44. BUB lad. lama Tom Brtnnan of Brannan Traa Banrlca. 104. Hiah lad. aarlat Ooa Poulla tf Karr,, 441. 'nlta (II AUTOMOTrVI LP tOl'S I AalataabUa CaaapaBr () D. TVunhtrtr all. O. WHIM tla, B. Ouaa n Mit, taa. D. Buack 411. Satoai Aatt ParU (1 P. Obtrn 441, L. Spanca 111. V. Bkitraad all. D. atalaka BBS p WrA 4Qt, staa' Baaar (4V-H. KlohoUa 111. O. A.akmhua aal. H. SUfflar 000. B. Tor- -tson 417. r. ritwrton ait. v ...- Toaaaa (l W. Bdmlaitar 4U, . Abbi Iti, o. Hardr in, B. Cranroit it. aaa, t. Craeroft 441. . laaar avaiaara tar u. atuntN, V rrhftkarua 411. B. Ktllar 44, R. So lum all, a Burratt 4M. laaa Araaaa imIm 111 V. Barbar III. J. BOPflnatr IM. M. Hammond 444, X. BtUoa Ul, S. Haru 144. . Maalar samaa sutiaaa tai a duiois 401. o. Bchroadar Ml. B. Kaaa 411, R. Hor all, C. Doaahua 141, Saraak Star oampaBr" 111 A. wataa aa,, s. Burton - - -Inck 441, O. Orlcua 4M, O. Wlwtr 411. . . .dolor Ci. !M. Parltr MS. O. Schrorar Ml. A. Holrata 441, L. llrtra 484. . Bullnrlt 111. Baaadard B latitat (t C. Olaaaa 4M. J. Prtaaaa an. I. Btnkal SM, o. Woodrr oat, X. tetaa 4M. Hiah uam sama and aartaa Vallar Ilotor Co.. Ill and MM. Huh lad. sama T. Barbar of Lana Avaaua fttrrlet. 114. Hiah tad. atrlaa Bd Htnktl ef Stanlard BlaUoaa, SM. 111. O. RalBBit 111, U. Pat taa til, a Hobltr SM. BMaa Uka rsakara (l)-j waasar lit, A. Aadaraoa 111. P. pitkbi Ml. O. Ralndolt 411, B, LraU 411. BaaakroBak Parasaa (4. Pattar IM. H. surana 411, B. Oreaawood lis. J. Moormaa 110. J. Holm an 141. traaa. raffa'a Saa Ska (a I J, Ball In. t York lit, a. Hall Sat, at CrrttBliTlrT' W. Prank 411. "'' Blikfltia PartlaaS Baad (II B. M,. aulra 411. B Ollaar Ma. L. Dai.. Tu Bra 141, P. Haaaa 4M. Mlaka Slaa ak in M. Rtlnaat 414. H. Mtlnaat ui , Ollt III, a DarU 4M, .T. Waod 47 Brltkaaaa SUraat K. llaltoa aai r Klmblo 111. at. atorr MS, A. aubardtoa 4l. L. RoUO SM. Hub ttam Mrlaa Portlaad RoeA aik ftald, 1MI. Blah taam sama Brtekaon'a Uarktt. 111. Hlfh lad. Him and ..nT Id DarU (Vflcki), 4SI aad 111. TIDE TA8H r Vldaa far T.ft. Orasaa 4Ca. laaa (CaaapUad by U. t. Caaal aad fllllmi sarrar, racuaad, Orafaa) May Duck Pins COBIMIBCIAL LKAOTJI I uaa (II R. Sink 411, D. Bmlthl Hlfh Watart Tlma Hallhl 1107 a.m. t.4 1 or p.m. 11:41 a.m. 1:11 P.m. 1:M a.m. 3.11 tm. 1:11 a.m. 4:11 p.m. t oo a.m. 1:11 p.m. I.S 1.1 4.1 I.I II 4.S I.I 4.S Low WtUra Tiiaa Btk ht J:I7 tat. -u M s.m. i t I: 'I a.m. .1.1 ': Pm. II 1:11 a.B.m.4 S:4I a.m. 1:10 P.m. 14 10:11 a.m. .i t 10:11 p.m. .i By SCOTT BAIL LIE San Francisco OMS Stel lar pitching performances in a league reputedly stricken with rabbit ball fever were in the limelight today as Seattle clang to its m game margin over Los Angeles in the race for the PCL banting. Bill Evans, who was bought by the Ralnlers primarily for relief work, went all the way last nlgrit as he throttled Holly wood with a 4-0 shutout Eddie Chandler rationed San Diego to five hita in pitching the Angels to a 1-1 triumph, al though ha needed help from Randy Gum pert in the ninth. Allen oettei xaabloned a four-hitter as the Oakland Oaks beat Sacramento, 4-1. And Ly man Linde veteran mounds man, slammed the door on San Francisco, 7-0. O'Donnell Pitches Wild The Stars were knocked to 6Vi games off the pace aa George O'Donnell (6-2) un corkd two wild y Itches in the first Inning to ! in the first Suds tally. Then he ruined himself for good in the fourth. He walked George Schmees and Walt Judnich, then served up a triple to Artie Wilson, who specialties in singles. Seattle got only six hits in the contest Evans scattered seven Hollywood blows and hiked his pitching mark up to 7-1. Chandler had the Padres under control until the ninth when he gave up two walks and fights last Wight tBHk Wtrtk. Tai. Wllla pas, IMS, Hartford, cono, aa too la lad Jatkr Blair, 111, Dallaa. It. kicher-testing because it's FULLY AGED I 1 V T : 'tfW -'.V-V..'an .n'tini.nh 1 siswArai , ,i. i,mi:i: Championship Tag Teamtr Next at Armory A championship tag team match has been scheduled for next Tuesday night at the Sa lem armory, promoter XI ton Owen announced today. George Drake aad Tommy Martlndale will team up against Northwest tag team champions Don Kindred and Frank James in one portion of the double main event The other halt ot the main event will ace Erie (The Great) Pederson slash with Tony Ross. Yesterday's Sfcrs IBf Tat Afaoalitaa Pratt! Uarv orlttaaa. Baataa Bbj Bc. umltad lha CHlaaaa Wbltt Saa ta four aim m - - - 1 BBdM Jaaal. ZLuZZ aataarwa hi Ba taakak taaint r Atiuaa.BaBjtTwa - . cooit to coojf Tin JU lt in i V I a" II taVvalalr jM aajtriL.i'i i ll ii '.rs1it!4BBB I I mm aU KENTUCKY STRAIGHT OUR10H WHISKEY r Bal I tat BH M ITI at a. A a am . - . . Hsrvivy Cost Aluminum aasCwcmfr 1 Yaor tJ r f!!,! I Tubular SreeilHondle-Plailie Handle Grips V Y V y i StCBBagSp I I Cuts Clot Buildings, Other Obstruction. J tTTTVm PLASTICCOVERED 5 PIECE CHROME FULl 36 PORCELAIN PLATFORM ROCKERS DINETTE SETS GAS RANGES rtrntM fmM 9.50 Apt. Six. C, Ranges "" "wMBBWaBa BI015CU. FT. BIG 9 CU. FT. SIZE INNERSPRINO HOME FREEZERS REFRIGERATORS MATTRESS AND h ' M44riri rp?,HT am.. plus BOX SPRING 419.95 , 7 nil 00 FREIGHT 2S9.95 4 0088 FREIGHT Rtgulor Asmoc PLUS v-. zyy. tar 188 tx- 3S Aud!!:!a I;;' C-U Crdcr at 4bu....-. Mri-'ri 'i i r i 1 11 'a.l..-B ? S Bk B. t I I Af . (.omer rs. ommercrai ana voatr f r Mis mill aaa iti! ' J. " " VIDHI PR 00 I la ss sat