. . ! : ! : v t f i ; " i bp i " X t i V t Threatens Record tablish a new Northwest conference record (or the mil ran during the conference track meet at McCnlloch atadinm Saturday. The record to 4:29, and Parrott has clocked 4:24 - over the distance. The Whitman sophomore also rant the half mile. ; Bearcats Favored for NW Conference Track Crown The 1953 cinder season reaches a climax at McCnl loch Stadium Saturday as Willamette plays host to five ether schools in the annual Northwest Conference meet - Coach Ted Ogdahl's men not only will play the role of host but also are favored io capture top honors. In six dual meets thus far this sea son, the Bearcts are unbeat en. The string of wins in cludes decision at the expense of such conference schools as Pacific," Llnfield, 'Lewis and Clark and Whitman. Spearheads for the Bear eats in the big meet will be Dean Benson, . who last TIRE SERVICE LOOK-jUrewUttt . S fMcaatnah Jane l Loao"-1"-" je!SSaa4lrfa3 silt iwiMiioaaoatt 1 ""oooniiGl N rfl Jk ijyk . ' " pip Tk. tto LIFEWALL U. &'rtoysls " XWzffiX' ajV WJh 2SISn Blowout Prevention Z$, Skid Protection W. VfTT sAirTl strength prevents blow MvMtV " ; i n tmiAsmG whiuwalls " . ja- ?Xm& 1 b.i.,. SSsSSS toYAim ntAD umnAcnoH (tZZZSzi y . wzOz. 1 " ".Mini ) 11 oiwraic: msmnus l I 1 1 n stwT Ti i i II tWgHfTfO IT Am tUMff C&MPAftff sVna T t BBBBBa-- 'A Harold Parrott, Whitman collect distance runner, will try to es week broke his school's mark in the hlfh hurdles with a 15.1 performance; Bill Van Horn in the sprints; Stan Nepernd In the javelin; Jim Hltchmaa In the shotput and hlfh jump; Jayton Gllson in the discos; Don Empey and Ralph Stephenson in the distances; and Bob Miller In the 180; and Eddie Griffith in the quarter-mile. Lewis and Clark also must be considered a threat be cause of the presence of their ace speedster, Ca'ey Cook, who won four events in last Saturday's meet with WU. Whitman's Missionaries also WALTER H. Z0SEL C0. High and Chemekefa Sf. Opposite City Hall City Softball League Needs More Sponsors . Salem Softball officials are confronted with a shortage of team . in the City League. Only ' three teams Handle OIL Hallmark Cards and South Commercial Street Businessmen have indicated a desire to enter the 1953 Sa lem City league. A meeting has been sched uled for 8 o'clock Monday at Salem high school, and it is hoped that additional spon sors will show up at that tune. Any prospective sponsor in terested in fielding a team in the City leogue is asked to call Jim Dlmit, Salem Soft ball Association secretary, at 35422. ' The picture in the Indus trial league is much brighter at this time, with 12 teams tentatively lined up. They are Postal Clerks, Postal Carriers, Fire Department, Mayflower Milk, Commercial Seat Cov er, YMCA, First Christian church, the Bears, First Na tional Bank, and a group of employes from -Berg's mar ket An Industrial league meet ing is scheduled for t p.m. Thursday, May 21. Rocky's Gift Lands Pastor In Hospital Brockton, Msbl, () Heavyweight eh am plan Rocky Marclane gave a $l,6t, JS-inch television set to his chorea Wednesday and the gift helped land the pastor in a hospital. The Rev. LeRoy V. Coo Bey, 42, pastor ef St Col man's Catholic church, was helping set np the TV en the parish hall stage so some 700 children could see Mar clane defend his title against Jersey Joe Walcott Friday night Father Cooney fell three feet off the stage and suf fered a broken leg. Huskies at Willamina North Marion Union High School The Huskies baseball squad will go to Willamina to play a make-up game on Thurs day for the one rained out last Friday. are given a chance for honors, The meet is scheduled to get under way at 1:80 Satur day. Also to be held In Salem Saturday will be the annual conference tennis and golf tournaments. U3 Smith, Deyo to Play for Salem in Tonight's Games The Salem Senators, with two new players en their ros ter, tackle the leagae-leadlng Lewistoa B rones la doable header at Waters park tonight. beginning at 7 e clock. , A scheduled single game be tween Salem and Lewis ton was rained out last night Fans who held Capitol Shopping center tickets to last night's game may use the tickets for tonight's doubleheader. It'll be the first "for free' doubleheader In Sa lem baseball history, and with a reasonable break in the weather, tonight's crowd should surpass the 5,000 mark. As an added incentive. there'll be a number of prises awarded to lucky fans tonight The two new players on the Salem team are Milton Smith and Jimmy Deyo. Smith comes from San Diego, ueyo from Sacramento. Both are known to Salem Senator fans. Deyo was Salem's left-fielder last season and Smith was Lewiston's shortstop last year. Bob Collins and Bill Bevens will pitch tonight's game, forv" T JTZ the Senators. (St United Front If anyone In Canada Is checking reports of flying saucers today, he should re member the Western Interna tional League was In action last night ' It would be particularly true in the vicinity of Calgary where the Wenatcbee Chiefs and the Calgary Stamps played an afternoon-night double bill Rematch for Kid, Beshore Being Sought Portand (U.PJ Matchmaker Tex Salkeld said' today he naturally" . would try to get Harry Matthews and Freddie Beshore together for a rematch but said he expected trouble in doing so. They fought to a draw here Tuesday night Salkeld said, "they'll both be hard to do business with. Be shore naturally won lot of new fans by his showing and Harry is still the city's idol." He said he had been un able to talk to Jack Hurley. Matthews' manager, because Hurley left for Chicago to watch the heavyweight title fight tomorrow night. Hurley was .expected to try and line up an outdoor fight for Matthews somewhere in the Northwest this summer. WheCnci" Wheel Alignment &PCL STANDINGS tmw Th AWMUteS Prattl W X Pet. Lnbtaa IS 4 .TM Voaoowof It i Victoria M ' WMinam it w BdOMatoa , ( Trl-CUr S t Yokio.a ' S 11 Camrr ............ t 11 Saicot ........ ... . a V Sxikua t 11 j4T .411 .471 .4S Ml .41t Tokltu adman ton -. Wonotcnao 14-4. coloorr t-T. To-Cut I, AeokiQi t. Tutnm s. Victoria 1 (II uniw at w, run. Tlwnau'a tohoaaloi ok,na M Trl-CHT. Uwatoa at Satem. aoaUonoaaor. Yoaiou at Calsorr. Vanaomr at Victoria. and parked nine home runs In the process. Wenatcbee won the after noon opener 15-9 with big t from Dlavinc-manaeer Mike McCormlck who gained a circuit clout with the bases loaded. Ross McCormack, Jake Helmuth and Tom Munox also chipped in with homers as the Chiefs coasted home. In 4h lakl. Urn-w.lV and Helmuth added one with aboard as the Chiefs downed the Stamps 8-7. Don Hunter, Charley Mead and Bob Sang ster also got into the act for Calgary and produced home runs. At Edmonton, the Yakima Bears and the Edmonton Eski mos split their twin bllL Yaki ma took the afternoon opener 8-3 while Edmonton came back to win the nightcap 8-7. Tri City downed Spokane 8 3 and Vancouver edged Victoria 2-1 in 10 innings with Bill Bott ler walked in the winning run. Toktaa on in Ill Ml U s t t d tf.optn: wmmt, (t, Cm tor (1) oa4 rwal. T.u tot en T it s BdmoatOB 441 100 141 IS 1 eehocolnv. Trurmpum (Si ona Hw Ms: luxaltr, Dor (t. Count (I) and Mama. Wmateboa lot tit MS It IS 1 CoUoit IN tot too t t 1 BMnoo. Botorao mi om Bonaoi40Mi: Kopp, Itaaou (), notttta (1 aa( Brlokoa. aw: WoutcbM tH Ml Ml U Cln lot Ml SOS t t BMla. Monro (t too Butotoaiou awaaito, onou (01 ana Bncaor. , Spoton Mt tot tot S 4 Tri-citr ' tti tit or t it now. nun m. conov m ou aaotas.anrtfK oat Porav. . Tie tori 004 1 1-1 s Vaiwoonr Ml tot Mt 1 t I Bottlor tad Martin; Jtraoa Mi MM- Kar ana LundMrc. I MI... , .,r. , Wi.,,,.,., ,,.,, VV-Wo4 At old Bostanoby's ...mi etw ftnotl ct(d m tat gij Wt . . . fiat, mild ttriit , VaitktJ al tkc Vogts. TooiJ. OH Qttstf wtl osIt Ola Qttktf gim yos itiat saatt oil tisM sjildacst ia ftse Strstgit Boetboe! t - LOCAL UNITID MISS ASSOCIATED PUSS ML Angel Athletes; Gene Barrett Honored at Feed : Mt ABgtl Mt Aael rrt paratory Seheet latter-winners la all sports were a aneroid the asutaal Prep lettermen's dinner given In the dining e( It Mary's Behool Tnesday evening. Sharing beav ers at the sUnner was coaea Ingeae Barrett who is tarsal- Bating his five-year eeaehlng to eeilBe et htm kvplm, Featured speaker at the ban quet was the Rev. Father La land De Jardin, vice-principal at Central Catholic, Portland. Rt Rev. Damian Jentges, tpSB, abbot and president of the school, addressed the athletes. Other speakers included the Rev. Eriwsrd Spear, OSB, prin cipal, Eugene Barrett, and Mrs. Barrett. Ray Utz. who will be athletic coach at the school next year, was Introduced and called upon for brief remarks. Rev. Gabriel Morris, OSB, was master of ceremonies for the banquet session. Rev. Edward Spear. OSB, principal, presented letters and awards to the following ath letes and managers: Football - basketball . base ball: T. Traeger, R. Schmidt Wes Llghtfoot, R. Lambert and M. Ruet. Football -baseball: Gro t- Jaequea, Wlndschlgl, Gorman, Buchhelt, N. Schmltx, L. Free, Traeger. Football-basketball: Zauner. Klmllnger, Frey, J. Traeger and Ferschweiler. , Football: Kottre, L. Ebner. Scott, Kraemer, Bronec, A, Harris, Hyndman,'- Bochsler and Looney. - Basketball: Alan Obersinner, Baseball: R. Harris, Wellman and Hackett ' Managers: Phil Ebner, Gil bert Sprauer, Bon Wachter, Ken Berchtold and Richard Verboort Quests at the banquet were Mt Angel Academy Booster club officers, cheer leaders and in . i mil nasi a mi Enjoy old time mildness! FI1TB STRAIGHT B0URB01T "' - '"1 r'rrxii r-, pio .Qyr f 1' - Salts, Oregon, Thursday, May 14,' IKS song queens. , .Entertainment Included mu sical numbers by Jim and Mike Carroll and accordion seleo- tkms by Maurice KameL Hostesses at the dinner were the Prep Mothers' club. Mrs. J. L. Wachter was general chairman, assisted by Mrs. W. D. Harris. Mrs. Otto Wellman, Mrs. t rancis Schmidt, "Mrs. EmU Wolf, Mrs. Paul Wachter, Mrs. P. Ruef, Mrs. Kstherlne Konen, Mrs. W. A. Verboort Mrs. Joseph Wavra,. Mrs. James Anderson, Mrs. Joseph Berchtold, Mrs., A. G, Traeger SEN AT .1 . . . . SArrufo O) AB H .............It ' 4t IT witttawooa ' is n t 14 .....It . M ...IS ; M t 11 tenia Low CUrdr Sobwtrai HonipklU .. Strottoa .., ColUDO - ...M..lt 11 s it t - at s si t t ................. S . ; t Iftloon .... Mootoraoa , Boront Rlek , Borot piiiisuiia . o on TR h n BBI Coiuat 4 a i m KICK I 1 t It Hnapaul T S 4 41 Strata 4 , 4 14 Stramboob Its 1 oaM aaaMo von s. loot 4. .ami in slat ou ti loot a, JMi aatro-untnn won v. n i. ipui i: uu owuo o oiooio vom ol. Mom a. mm it T i . aoaalohooaon van t, loot 1, split s. . ON THE THI 8IST n mil m jsjm li m s, . - 0.m sw - t-mat OlbguoKt; a own aaiu4 o .S5leM4 NEWS AND FUTURES Page II Wapiti Cowmen Shoot Sunday '. Lebanon The Wapiti Bow men senior members will hold weir second monthly tourna ment en the Golden, Valley range next Sunday, starting at 1:30 p-m. : -.- ' Ribbons will be awarded winner la each division. Vis itors from ' other club are ' welcomed : to - compete with local archers. . .. Women win shoot In one division, men in .anomer, while Junior members will compete In a third ciaastfi- eatlon. . and Mrs.. Edward Lambert of Silverton. '. ,. , ... .' , 1ST! CS - at mt asn sat as fi. iia.it n I 11 U . . t -sr. J j ...-. I , .M0 e ' jm l iu jot S , JM i 4tS I Jit 1 J e .ut M e jm e wtat ' S i S s a 4 a l .. t . W V . BBU t t t JJt a t e .sat s s sat 4 t i tat t t .at St 4 4 10 ' t St 11 M St Si ! IT 1 S S S 1 u.o ,um wm a a .uo, om iimn von t. loot 4. .tot: Soan aoakio- HIGHWAY WAY lS...i'..: S'2i i f tn t ' vi There's i barrel of quality in every bottle' .' - . INDIA ff I mm 4. ......