Thursday, May 14, 1953 THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salesa. Ortfe I ! t i' 1 1 9 i i BEESWAX, NOT AMBERGRIS .' 4,. .v ";- " W-'i Miller's Beeswax May Date to Wreck Long Ago Bt ben maxwell , What Frank Miller of Rock away bopta wu amcerou, when ha recovered a IS pound pacinian of was from tidal wash on Sunday, may be beet- wax from wreckage of a Man ila galleon lost near Nehalem river 348 years ago appears likely to the Capital Journal historian. When Frank Miller of Rockaway picked up a 15-pound ' chunk of something on the Rockaway beach Sunday he hoped he had discovered ambergris worth $50 an ounce. - What he really found waa wax, probably beeswax such as the 60-pound specimen held by Frank J. Kumm, cur ator of the Tillamook museum. The inscription may be a mark if made between consignor and consignee. Wreck age from a Manila galleon, presumably 248 years ago, deposited a large quantity of beeswax on Nehalem pen insula. It has become widely scattered. Capital Journal's historian identifies this galleon aa the San Francisco Xavier. Insanity Plea Wins Verdict for Mouser Condon, Ore., (ff Olen J, Mouser, Bend, who pleaded In sanity, was found Innocent Wednesday of a charge of as sault with intent to kill. District Attorney William Bennett said Mouser would be committed to a state institution. He was charged in clrc.'lt court with shooting Bill Thom pson on the main street here last Nov. 15. Snow often evaporates Into the air without melting. (ft Ambergrlse, secreted by whales, is used in the manutac ture of perfumes and is said to be valued at ISO an ounce. A denoslt of beeswax on the Ne halem peninsula In Tillamook county has been known lor at least 139 years and' was first mentioned by Alexander Hen ry, a Pacific Fur company trad er at Astoria, who records in Us diary for February 28. 1814 that Indians brought the sub stance to his post for trade. Years later the deposit was ex cavated by commercial diggers who unearthed seven tons of the wax and sold it at a sub stantial profit For a time beeswax from the Nehalem deposit was identified as ozokerite, a paraffin, and this presumption encouraged a driller for oil who sank a deep well and made nothing more than a geological contribution about earth structure. When a dead bee was discovered in lump of the Nehalem wax the ozokerite theorists were eon' founded and accepted the close chemical analysis which denv onstrated the wax was bees wax. Many pieces of the Nehalem wax have been recovered bear ing cabalistic markings that may be, according to William Lytic Scburz, an authority on the subject and author of The Manila Galleon" marks of trade in the obscure commerce be tween the Philippines and Mex ico. This commerce, . a mo nopoly of the Spanish crown. started in 1505 and continued until 1815, the year of Water loo. It endured 250 years as the most remote, most hazard out and most continuous com mercial transport in the history of the world. In 1087 the aalleon cleared Manila and Dr. John Francis Gemelli Carerl, an Italian ad venturer, was a passenger. He does not mention hia ship but to image ox St. Rands Xav ier was placed aboard and the name of the galleon may be thereby deduced aa the San Francisco Xavier. Before the galleon sailed crown officials came aboard the overladen ship and ordered ashore a quantity of beeswax consigned to Acapulco, the port of entry in Mexico. On January 30, 1698, after a voyage of 204 days and five hours (not of unusual dura tion), the San Francisco Xavier reached Acapulco. Gemelli Carerl remarks in his narra tive that only a man of steel could endure a passage so long and so full of peril. But those avid for fullsome and lurid de tails may read the narrative for themselves. It is available in Churchill's Voyages for the year 1732. Again, in 1705, the San Francisco Xavier departed from Manila. Now she was an aged and tender galleon but richly laden, with the wealth of Cathay. That she never reached Acapulco is a matter of official record. What may have happened to the ship is only suggested by Schurz who records that the Esplritu Santo and the Juan Maria, disabled by a series of great tempests off Cape Mendicino in 1004, were scarcely able to make Acapulco with moribund crews. Such, indeed, was likely the fate of the San Francisco Xav ier. Helpless off Caps Mendi cino ocean currents would have bourne her northward against the Oregon shore in less than ten days time. Grounded upon the Nehalem beach tide and time would soon disintegrate the hulk and bees wax, because it was deck car go undamaged by exposure, would be first washed ashore. Wreck Of that lost eallenn the San Francisco Xavier. th Capital Journal hUtm-Un lieves, may wen be the source of the mysterious beeswax de posit and the wax that Frank auiier oi Kockaway believed to be precious ambergris. There are several hundred active (laden in the United States. CALL CADWELLOILCO. FUEL OIL Mats Asm sMrsitgj mm m tent rHONK Z-74S1 Seasons lowest Price! outfit the entire family , with Sears RAocs SJ TAJ tV( I 1 1 1 Men's ond boy' Sear mocs are all handsome brown. Boy' 2-6, men' 7-1 1. 264 f Sears Mocs... blissful comfort for men, women at a new low price! " women's J men's, keys' Bring the whole family down to Sears today or tomorrow . . now's the time they all want russed-wearlna. hh walkine Sears Mocs for all the outdor fun ahead! And riant when you want them most Sears Mocs are selling for this uiiuiuiiiy ww pucvi Dee meir siuray leathers, heavy composition soles and easy comfortl Rugged Sears mocs for children coma in all deep brown or in bright fi red. 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Guarantee INNERSPR1NG BOA IBULU 119.00 UtUUI 269.00 UGuUI 279.50 IKUUUt 99.95 K6UIAI 14.75 M6UUI 19.95 RE6UIAR 32.95 UGUUI 48.95- RE6UUR 239.95 lrSUUR 99.95 RE6UUR 59.50 RtfttUR 223.50 RKUUR 239.50 RE6UUR 79.95 REGULAR 10.95 REGUUR 28.75 REGUUR 46.50 REGUUR 6.95 REGUUR 74.95 52)95 95 J1095 H95 2S95 22995 MATTRESS & SPRING GCNUINE BILTWELL FRIEZf COVER DAVENPORT & CHAIR ANOTHER BILTWELL MODERN FRIEZE 2-PC. SECTIONAL NATIONALLY FAMOUS HOWELL 5-Pc. CHROME DINETTE PRICE GOING DOWN EVERY DAY FLOORLAMPS HERE'S ANOTHER BEING REDUCED DAILY TABLE LAMPS STILL MORE "SILENT AUCTION" PRICES END TABLES THIS ONE WONT LAST ANOTHER DAY coffee tables ZENITH 17" TABLE MODEL TELEVISION SET FAMOUS DUO-THERM UPRIGHT CIRCULATING HEATER A TOP QUALITY BILTWELL PLATFORM ROCKER NATIONALLY ADVERTISED THOR SPINNER WASHER SPECTACULAR O-MY-A-BEO SECTIONAL DAVENO FAMOUS NATIONAL BRAND 9x12 RUGS ALL WOOL PILE CHOICE OF PATTERNS 27x54 THROW RUGS PRICE GOING DOWN DAILY 30x40 FRAMED MIRROR Spleepright Including Spring-Filled Mattress ROLLAWAY BED CHOICE OF COLORS 4.IMITED STOCK SAMSON CARD TABLES FAMOUS OLYMPIC BRAND TRASH BURNER KITCHEN HEATER Open Monday and Friday 'Til 9 p.m. Your Credit Is GOOD at Gevurtz! No Refunds No Returns No Exchanges All Sales Final! Free Delivery! big bill' 52)95 2SD95 31152)95 H2)2) 52)95 3550 495 52)50 e w- .s J5 J V o, o t o rl r- M r 511 v Vt 'z o o O. T3 U ( . LBS FURNITURE CO. 275 N. LIBERTY jm,' 550 II. Capitol - Salem