Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 14, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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    THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Oregoa
Thoitday, Mar 14. 1953
Hubbard The Hubbard
Tiremen'i Auxiliary will hold
their ssnus! Ms? dsnse Satur
day evening Hay 16, at the
City Hall. Music will be by
Bon Anderson.
JSekt Your Homo
The S3iowple
Of Your Clock:
Sidney Steven of Stevens and Son Jewelers makes
out a check to cover the expenses of all Derbyists to the
big Derby banquet the evening of July 12, while looking
on are Derby Director BUI Beyers; Allan Stevens, partner
with his father in the store; and Vic Fryer of the Capital
Journal, co-sponsors of the Derby with Douglas McKay
Chevrolet Company. The store has volunteered to pay
for the dinner for all boys who race in th Derby and
will handle ticket tales for others interested in attending
the banquet.
It COSTS SO UTTLI ( j,j0. ,ht
BrcMcUoa and kenty of UUdcn All
Alaaiaua Amufh Ne otker WinJ
et wj'P'KV cm auca ukm
Inclusive Childer raster
N dm w
sWwti ohmmI fsMtls hf CWMvft
tMp et)CM6 v 09
ft- 1
I Years
lease send Free Literature
Venetian Blind
and Shade Co.
fOZtN.E. Alberts
Pertlsnd 11, Or.
Sfaylon KCs
Mothers Feted
Stayton For the fifth con
secutive year, the Knights of
Columbu Council of the San-
tlam Valley entertained the
mothers and wives of Knights
of Columbus at a Mother's Day
breakfast at the Stayton parish
hall Sunday morning. 1
This year's registration for
the breakfast was 214.
Ed Jacoby, past district de
puty and past grand knight of
the local knights, acted ai
toastmaster, with the welcom
lng address given by Raymond
Kerber, grand knight Respon
ses and speeches were given by
A. L. Elvin, supreme council
representative; Don Doerfler,
district deputy; Mayor M. J.
Martin of Stayton; Rose Bell,
national director of the Catho
lic Daughters. The principal
address for the breakfast was
delivered by past district depu-
Ph Woodburn 7331
Evenings by Appoinlimnl
: . Hours 9:00 to 6 P.M.
Closed Wednesday
' 392 Pacific Hwr.(99E)
ty. Jack Lynch of Oregon City,
The following mothers were
honored and presented with
engraved placques; most recent
mother, Mrs. baveta unnitisn
len, of Sublimity; mother with
the most children dedicated to
the religious life, Mrs. Anna
Weber of Stayton; youngest
mother present, Mrs. Retells
Nlelson, Sublimity.
Gale Cartwrigbt of Salem
entertained with guitar selec
Woodburn Clinic
Held for Children
Woodburn Twenty -five
children were examined at the
weU child health clinic, held
Tuesday at the Woodburn lib
rary. Dr. W. J. Stone was the
physician In charge, assisted
by Mrs. Mary Testerman and
Mrs. Harmon Yeary, county
Volunteer assistants were
Mrs. Edward Coman, Mrs.
Wayne Goff, recently from
Juneau, Alaska, a guest of Mrs.
Coman, Mrs. Jack Connell and
Mrs. Charles Smith..
: A nurses' conference will be
held June when immunize
tlons will be given at the
Woodburn library which will
close the season for the local
clinic. However, the clinic In
Salem will be kept open all
summer at the main office and
will be available to all res!
dents of the county. -
wfc (?l WlnrtfTUTO
rJ B
ANYTIME IS A GOOD TIME to twitch to better
tasting whiskey. That's why we suggest you com
pare Calvert with your usual brand and pick the
one you really like better.
SNIFF Vi-oi. samples of
Calvert and any other whiskey.
Compare their rem, without
knowing which is which.
Calvert and the
other brand to judge them for
smoothness, mellowness free
dom from harshness. '
that tastes better to vou. We feel
sure tbat you'll pick finer,
smoother-tasting Calvert. But
you be the Judge, fair nouJh
switch to
Banquet Ahead for Boys
In Soap Box Derby Race
Hey, fellas, snaijen up your
arjnetitea. W'ra ulna' in h
That's right, a big banquet
w nonor ine noys wno race in
the Mid . V.ll.
soap Box Derby on July 12,
Ana ii i iree
for the kids
who race, that
is. Every kid
who is in the
race that day
gets free
ticket to the
big banauet that
where a special program wiU
om pui on ana wnere the prizes
will be presented to the win
ners. Parents, sponsors -and
mends will be invited to the
banquet too, but they will
have to furnish their
This banquet is one of the
big sunrises that th TWh
association has been working
on xor uus year, f or a while,
we were afraid wa umnlHn't
be able iv do it until Sidney
and Allan Stevena
Stevens and Son Jewelers
came to the reirua with an
offer to pay for every Derby
ist' banquet dinner.
Not only are they coin to
pay for the boys' dinner but
they said they want to lake
A meeting af representa
tives of groups who are
going to help with eoneaa
sions at the Derby has keen
set for Friday evening at the
YMCA, Concessions Chair
tnaas Lloyd Evans has an
nounced. Five groups have volan
teered workers for the Der
by concessions se far, Ev
ans said. Others who are In
terested la helping eat In
Salem's biggest boys' event,
may contact him by phoning
1-1221 or by sending a rep
resentative to Friday's meet
tog. i Groups -whs have volun
teered workeis are the Rain
bow Girls, De Molay, VFW
Auxiliary, Sea Scouts, Op
timiases and the Jnnlor
Chamber of Commerce.
other surprise coming up for
Here are some more Derby
ists who will be racing in
Salem's biggest kids' event on
the second Sunday in July.
Clasa A Monte Langford,
4750 Fillmore, sponsored by
Salem Glass Service; Bill
Shattuc, 882 Sunset avenue,
sponsored by Orcutt's Market;
Juddie Baker, 4295 Claxter
road, sponsored by Arrow
Pickup service; Jim Fox, 320
Chemawa road, sponsored by
the VFW Cooties; and Richard
Hagner, 410 Ford street, soon-
sored by Vacuum Cleaner
Class B Ernest O'Neil.
1840 Cbemeketa street, soon-
sored by R. L. Elfstrom com
pany; Danny Shattuc, 882 Sun
set avenue, sponsored by R. L.
Elstrom company; Dwlght
West, Route S. Box 126, spon
nnwl hv Marion hotel: Gary
Cunningham, ISIS North lth
street, sponsored by capiuu
Drug store; and Roy Ellis, 741
MmiIo drive, soonsored by
Otto J. Wilson company. .
Student of Voice
Offering Recital
Jeanette McMillan, apeclsl
voice student at ' Willamette
university, will make her de
but recital at S o'clock Friday
afternoon in the music recital
hall. Her program will in
clude a group '! Russisn and
charge of getting all the tickets
ready and selling them to
others who want to go to the
banmiat. Then thav can
that parents and sponsors also
get gooa seats to see tne pro
gram and presentations.
The location of the banauet
has not been definltelv aat
but we'll let you know as soon
as it is decided.
TnMrittfitallv mratfH fat.
nicrrow's paper as we have an-
Amerlcan folk songs.
A student of Clorinda Top
ping, Mrs. McMillan, studied
with the vocal educator for
two years in Portland before
Mrs. Topping was appointed
to Willamette's staff in 1948.
She has appeared as soloist
before various organizations
In Portland and Salem and has
been featured on radio broad
t)y Warm Goodrich
Mar 151b, 30 A.M. M:30 P.M.
Marion Hotel Salm, Oregon
New Trarwitor Demonstration. Free Hearing Examina
tions. Come in and see the World's Smallest Receiver.
"No earmold to wear." '
Batteries, Supplies, Repairs for all hearing oids '
Clinic conducted by
. Telex Hearing Counselor representing
Telex Hearing Center
''332 S W Stark St., Portland, Oregon"
ua1je axevse say sletoy 1st
answering. I weent stresses!
You'll eniov better i
and won't miss mcominr calls
if you answer promptly .
f ' ' lf$ Spring Savings Time! Styles for every hzm every room
deep ruff led is-. - ftltlva I I
nylon priscillas , i
. mm w- mm -mm or wvv4- . m . (.. .Vv: m a. jaja as sk
mm sjaasjsejBBMBjjMKv mm mm vi, . wt-r - -w . y V!" f M
i-Ji! I : . !; ll 1 I
"nil I li. 1 1
"Jt-Ji I ule 1 favorite Dermancnt. I
98 IJtrT? finish organdy
, Sells Elsewhere
to 7.98 pr.
They sing of spring . . . and of exciting savings
too! Delightfully fashioned to lend magic airs on
every window. And justthink of the work you'll
save. Nylon is so easy to launder needs little or
no Ironing. Resists snags, runs and insects . . . gives
good long service. Only at Sears!
orlon priscillas
long wearing, need little care
Mm ... In. .111. kuMtlhill Was
a a new law prlea for this sprint sale
nr1 Sheer-aa-abrceas orlon la resist
ant to son, heat, fames. Drapes sottlr
needs almost na Ironinr. Wont
shrink aver 1 In either direction. Baa
all the same ton traction feature as
njha, Dan's miss this sale-tinj in!
exquisitely sheer panels
at bargain prices :
Rayon Panels ..'99'
Nylon Panels 209
Crisp and frothy. Fashioned
with full, French headed
ruffles, lovely picot edges,
back hems. Also in other
Sizes. li.aa
Froportloned Siies Fit Any Window
41x11 3.29 41x54 3.59
4ix45 3.49 4i xt, 3.79
Moke your selection from' on array of
lovely colors. White, pastels er new ex
citing deep tor- shades.
Decorator-styled, Harmony House
Nubtex Slip Covers
Choir Only Sofa er Sofa led
6M 13"
These knitted slip cover redecorate your chairs and
sofa quick as a wink. Two-way stretch makes them ding
to furniture with drum-tight smoothness. Beautifully styled,
long-wearing. they're tailored to fit perfectly and give your
furniture a re-upholstered look.
Drex Treerea to resist dirt, water etelns Detachable skirts tar en-er-eH use
Check Sofa
kj wiviii-rnii
vsssii siiBisjisiB mmm m
He ecrs. fc,, m JL?.
"Sjfodfafiuato 550 N. Capitol, Salem