Thnradv, Mtjr 14, 1153 Milk Producers to Hear Of Pool Discontinuance Milk producers for the Port land market will hivt oppor tunity to express their opinloni concerning a proposal to dis continue the Portland market pool and substitute a teriei of distributor pools as an admin istrative device to equalize pay ments to producers in the Port- lana marketing area, according to notices issued by the Oregon Milk Marketing Administra tion. A public hearing to consider the proposal will be held at Boom 30, state Office Build ing, 1400 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Portland, at 10 a.m. on May 25. W. 8. WeideL administrator, Graduation Set At Dayton High Dayton Dan Poling, dean of men at Oregon State college, will be the speaker at the com mencement exercises at Dsytes high school gym on the evening Of May 20. The graduates are: William Buswell, Kent Crawley, Harry Culp, Carl Dauenhauer, John Dodge, Rose Mary Easterly, Danny England, Sharon Finni cum, Marcena Fowler, Bill Harrelson, Harold Hedgecock, Ray Heidinger, Lois Hopkins, Betty Joslyn, Margaret Krei- ger, James Litschner, William Michael, Pat Minor, Dale Mish ler, Bob Monroe, Lonel Mur phy, Dorothy O'Dell, Jack Overgaard, Wesa Palmer, Julia Putman, Robert Reeder, Nor man Robinson, Dean Schmitz, 5 Robert Shelburne, Myrtle (Smith George Strawn, Mar Jorie Zlnsll, Lois Newcomb, I Theola Grover. f The baccalaureate exercises j wiU be held at the Dayton high school gym on Sunday evening. May 17,i at 8 pjn. The Rev. A. L. Lonsberry, pastor of the i Evangelical United Brethren church of Lafayette, will be the speaker. Lebanon Pilots To Fly North J' Lebanon Ten local planes of Lebanon Flotilla 70, will join Portland Flotilla 75, and Seattle Flotilla 64, at the re t view of vessels and aircraft of j' the Coast Guard auxiliary on j Lake Washington at Kirkland J next Sunday. I ' Cant William J. Auster- I mann, acting commander of 4 the 13th Coast Guard district, ' will review the vessels while f the three all-wing flotillas Strom Portland, Seattle and X Lebanon y cover over tne review ship. . The famous U. S. Coast ; Guard Icebreaker Northwlnd, i: under command of Capt R. E. ; Morell, will be In Lake Wash lngton for the annual review and, following the formal cere ?,i many, will act as mother ship , j for the auxiliary vessels and planes. The local flight which takes off shortly after daylight from the Lebanon port will be led r'i by Commander K. R. Harris, and vice commander Leland .? Tucker. , Conference Held snwrtnn At the annual church conference, Monday evening, of the local Methodist nr rjTpnrffi Roseberrv. district superintendent of the Mothnrilit Snlem area, nresid- ed, with Mrs. Roscoe Langley as secretary. The congregation voted una nimously, for the return of Rev. Douglas Harrell, in the alloca tion state conference in the near future. Mrs. Floyd Fox, chairman of the nomination committee, sub mitted the committee's choice for church officers, to be in stalled shortly after general conference. WE HAVE CALCIUM NITRATE VALLEY FARM STORE 3935 JBrarrM 11 H 4-4424 Opel tnirinci HI I will act as hearing examiner for the State Board of Agricul ture which administers the state milk marketing act and the various producer pools in Oregon. Market-wide pooling has been in effect continuously in the Portland marketing area since 1934. During Intervening years the volume of milk used on the market has nearly dou bled due to increased demand in the Portland metropolitan area. At the present time more than 1000 producers' milk ori ginating from 11 Oregon coun ties and four Washington counties is being utilized in the area. Recently an effort was made to extend the scope of the pool to Include a number of distributor pools supplying "fringe areas" adjacent to Portland Involving milk being processed in Portland, but the pooling of such milk was sus pended when two Portland companies refused to report their purchases and sales In "outside" markets on the grounds that the state agency lacked legal authority to re quire such pooling. Twelve marketing groups are active in handling producers' milk In the Portland market pool at present. Eight of these groups are cooperative associ ations, of which two operate their own distributing plants in Portland while three addi tional associations operate dis tributing plants In McMlnn vllle, Tillamook and Astoria. Two additional groups are closely associated with Portland distributing plants, the Damas cus Milk company and Lucerne Milk company, the latter an af filiate of Safeway Stores. A list of Portland pooling agencies with the number of producers and the total amount of quota held by each group as of February 28 follows: Clark County Dairymen's as sociation, IS producers, 196.78 pounds; Dairy Cooperative as sociation, 469 producers, 10,- 869.41 pounds; Damascus Pro ducers, 61 producers,' 1,779.19 pounds; Farmers Cooperative Creamery, 38 producers, 891.44 pounds; Farmers Dairy associ ation, (5 producers, 1190.54 pounds; Lower Columbia Co operative, 24 producers, 425.30 pounds; Lucerne Producers, 51 producers, 1075.46 pounds; Mt Angel Cooperative Creamery, 18 producers, 272.17 pounds; Pacific Pool Agency, 6 produc ers, 376.85 pounds; Portland In dependent Milk Producers as sociation, 154 producers, 614.46 pounds; Producer-Distributors, 10 producers, 886.82 pounds; Tillamook County Creamery association, 78 pro ducers, 1913.16 pounds. flflr. Dairyman: IMPROVE YOUR PASTURES . . ; NOW WITH EFFICIENT CALCIUM NITRATE Efficient Nitrate Nitrogen .V. It's nitrogen in NITRATE FORM that yonr pasture grasses need and use to promote lnsh feed for yonr cattle. NORWEGIAN CALCIUM NITRATE supplies nitrogen in this efficient nitrate form. VIKING SHIP BRAND CALCIUM NITRATE is etfecient because there is no delsy In the upper few Inches of soil while the nitrogen Is slowly converted by soil bacteria. Also, the nitrate nitrogen goes Into solution and moves qnickly with the Irrigation water to the grass roots without gaseous loss to the air. When CALCIUM NI TRATE Is applied, it is ready to be absorbed. Tour plants don't have to wait, so growth begins right now. Improved Soil Structure ... In addition to efficient nitrate nitrogen, NORWEG IAN CALCIUM NITRATE supplies lt WATER SOLUABLE ACTIVE CALCIUM, which Improves soil structure and leaves no harmful acid residue In your solL. Easy Application . . . VIKING SHIP BRAND CALCIUM NITRATE Is easily applied by any of the usnsl application methods broadcasted, drilled or applied throngh your overhead sprinkling system. For these plus values, which mean trxreesed posture production ond improved soil conditions, use VIKING SHIP BRAND CALCIUM NITRATE. See Your Fertilizer Dealer . . . TODAY! (All bookings subject to supplier's confirmation) Scholarship to Albany Senior The first recipient of a schol arship to be issued by Union Carbide Company at Willam ette university is Neil Causble, senior at Albany high school. The scholarship will cover the complete cost of tuition, ef fective next September, for a full four year academic course and provides reasonable allow ances for necessary books and fees. Causble is student body pres ident of Albany high and is sa lutatorlan of the senior class. His high school activities In clude membership in the honor society, subdlstrlct president of Methodist Youth Fellowship, captain of the basketball team, and master counselor and chap lain in DeMolay. ' The scholarship awardee Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jef ferson D. Causble. He plans to major in pro-engineering at Willamette. The purpose of the Union Carbide scholarship was an ssusccd a Uiree-ioid: to as tist deserving students who are interested in business careers to obtain a college education; to help assure the availability of larger numbers of men and women for executive careen, and to encourage and give lim ited financial aid to a cross section of smaller American colleges and technical institu tions of traditionally high standard. Gasoline Dealers To Meet in Portland. All eaaolin HpnUr. f Dra gon and southern Washington are invited to attend a meet ing at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 19, at Woodmen Hall, 719 SE Adler, Portland, to hear a talk by Nelson Maynard, Decatur, Ga., president of the National Congress of Petroleum Retail ers. The meeting will be under me auspices or tfie Portland Gasoline Dealers association, a division of the Portland Auto motive Trades association. Maynard, one of the leading authorities in the gasoline dealer field and? an outspoken ehamnlnn n small. in(tonnri ent businessmen, will discuss I I I aTTfTeT-Tel 1 I MWessse Lr-Li III I 1 N. Commercial Salem. Ore. I THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, Salem. Onto trends and legislation in the service station field. Maynard la now on a nation wide tour, speaking to gas dealer organizations. His Port land appearance is on of six planned for the West coast The NSPR is composed of 66 retail gasoline dealer associa tions throughout the United States. Predict Strawberry Crop to Be Smaller . Portland ft Despite an Increase in acreage, the straw berry crop will be smaller In Oregon this year, the Federal Crop Reporting Service esti mated Wednesday. gssssssssmsssssssms Aw .-u. .o .u.!.i-..f aSaofW I 11 SST.P 'i "2S T ' f Nationally Advertised Men's SPORT SHIRTS A famoua make known the country aver! The emarteit, best looking sport shuts we have em shown at anywhere near this price. Imported fi atari . . . rayon sheer. Tina Gtnfhanu, Checks, Rayon Shanttuin. Broadclotha, rancy, paitema ana piain -oinr. Cub Pack Has Final Session The final meeting for 'the season of Cub Pack No. 13, was held at the VFW Hall Wednesday night when Char les Martin, cubmaster, thank ed all of the den mothers and committeemen for their sup port Boys receiving awards in- Based on May 1 conditions, the forecast is for 54,144,000 pounds of berries from 17,700 acres, compared with 88,140, 000 pounds from 17,00 acres last year. mum w Shirt Blses $MH to 17. Stock op. omw mxWMmxJ) 1 Jf annad peekaU ana m I 100 Nylons and Nylon Puckerettes Compare them ta 4-85 ihtrta elaewhere! Ftneat Ulterior an dctalL White and all new aommer ahadea. Sheet and long aleeTsa, All eluded: Robert Rossner, Ronald Dur lea, Robert W or lay and Boyd Hunt, Webelos. Ronald Durlee, George Het laad, Fred Johnson and Phil lip Benson, Lion. Terranee Gandy, Terry Sims, Gerald Hearing, Roger Zum wait and Kenneth Warnock, Bear. Jerry Starr, Wolf. ' Den Chief arm bands were presented to John Mteks, Mar- Mere Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH In b ptoarat war to mimii law ! eiMoaiMt. yaarorn. a taarsnd pavaac, aariBkla m m as amr sum, aotea wb ma that Uw? (Ml am Mmfertaala. Me raaar. mw. autr aut ar fMttae. It' alkaUM aaa mid). Dom mi mc ChMka "UM oaae" (aalm snath). 04 rasTSZia fir at any ana aten. the alsea. 3 A3 eus Klllinger, Dennis Brown and Jack Kenny in recognition of their ht'.p in the dens. , Arrow points ware awarded: Robert. War lay, Lyle Gross man, Martin DeForest, MUlao DeForest Terranee Gandy, i i I Sounds Impossible, you say? Well, wa did HI Big tlxlU atso sheets In fine quality 148 count Note particularly i . . these sheets are 14 count. Actually they are a 3.4 J to 3.78 Talus bat because of alight Irregularities which in NO way affects the wear or appearance f sheets, we are able to bring yon them! Compare them! TOP bo the Judge! Sorryr but well have to limit ( sheets to customer. They'll go fast, so better shop Friday. JH.!-M m m WW War aaaaWaTm 1 it I 1 Gingham Vs V Blouse First qualty! Very newest style. Sanforised. Short sleeve, vat dyed, convertible collar, pock ,eU, smartly tailored, In-or-out tail. AO, the sew . summer colors. SPECIAL TASTE TREAT! 29c lb. Fig Bars Come In and stack aa these dcllcloas, maath-waterlng fig Ban! Crisp eeokle eruit baked around taeeieue fig eentent. Rctular Me lb. Metre special price Ue lb. TOC SAVE lOe lb. Wonderful for snacks and lunches. Pigs 11 Gerald Swing, Lynn Ertsgaard and David Isom. Attendance award was won by Don and skit entitled "Keeping Mother" was prat anted by Glenna Miles, dea mother and Dea 10. - this tremendous savings. See POUND w