Kffe 54 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL.' Salmi. Oreeon Wednesday. Mav 11. i" i vAt WOODRV'S . . . KM Ml .OF. I : BEKMII J lEDfMGK . . . TODAY ! ; ' ! fflhik Fmsmt Qtkm p" ' ' ' ' ' S MikM Ik If vWrff ik 'v Jslfe s(wr Refill t .ftit line ill I i i l ' ii - "" - r . .i3-.; I HSOTIY HOSE WILL BE SOLD TO DEALERS! Many Sdd fcr Evas Mora Tfeji 129.95 Ecth These beds were offered to s by the famous ht.MIng manufacturer at uch an outstanding low price that we snappy them up in a hurry, and when you nee them you'll have to agree u h good looks and qual ity have never been offered before at anywhice near 2 for $29.95! There was only a limited number available, how nor, and that'a why wa must confine this gnat event to the limit of o w Quantities, while they last. ton r Ma Onlert, MeM it Be on Hand Early for Best Selection! If you ve wanted twin beds In your home, then this is your opporunity to have them at a real saving! These are leautifully designed beds, in a choice of six different designs, including modern book-case style of construction, "Regency," buttonback, and others. All are sturdily made, jell Padded; COVERED WITH COLORFUL MODERN ALL-PLASTIC MATERIAL favored by famous Decorators. Washable! Each headboard ta equipped with STEEL-Base-Frame BED . . . itself a 9.95 Value! Don t miss this value-giving event! , 0 GOEonas ITS OCO (9B78 GMm SPECIAL! Two Inncrspring TWIN SIZE MATTRESSES 2 FOR ONLY Two Innerspring TWIN BOX SPRINGS 2 FOR ONLY Ttlwt H fjmm to fronnml(l comfort, thr i latlrmM are rol Store t i .,.. .. .... . " . iimy nnwaiiiniFi inner emu wrU irllnl. in urinuii rovered in IJ llraclive, lon-wrsring ticking. idinrily, jvj'd have to piyllOUrSI C29.9S for hiM nne hHrt. flut. Carina (h't :'alf ml. vn i TWO for that low prwt mare tn hnp rl , hwanae at Ihla ft j Tt Mvtn(t. Ilioy "re hound lo U quickly, am' y'iy eerlainly won't "230 Qm. 295 If 95 CftW On WW AV w ia mvimmiww A M Cbii Cm, Wll I . ... I 2. i . """IT'ngopportun ty! Slnrdy, resUieni : . Till m.P"'s,irsPrr ,hick.'y "Peered, and li'dZ i ! T . SPW Sale innenpring mallreMee. The perfect uZ GO ii "'Pnngsfor,e.ol..li.f.rtoryMke. a good new box spring will prolong ih lif. f .. ' -fo- In, ,hl. Sal. only . . . 2 Sleepril. twin bo aprin'p f or rt TzWS ! REMEMBER NO DOWN F AYMENT 6:oo P.m. REMEMBER NO DOWN PAYMENT