rati 1 ' ' THIS CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Ortwoa ToMday, Mar It. 153 Mothers Set Final Event , The Highland School Moth' er's club plant its final meet ing of the school year Thurs day, May 14, at 1:15 p.m. In the school auditorium. A spe cial Invitation Is extended to 11 mothers of children entering school this fall. , Mew officers to be installed are Mrs. Carroll Meeks, presi dent; Mrs. Elwin Klein, vice president; Mrs. Lyle Urban, secretary; and Mrs. Stanley Ness, treasurer. The following new committee chairmen wllr. be introduced: Mrs. Aiirea urn van. finance: Mrs. Robert Pres. ton, hospitality: Mrs. E. E. Den nis, program; Mrs. Charles Kel- ley, puoiicity; mi: xvaipu rlerton. room mothers: Mrs. Wallace Beckett, health and welfare; Mrs. Walt Gagle and Mrs. Charles Harvey, bulletin and year book. , The room mothers for the past year will be given spe cial recognition uy airs, war ren Miles, president Included are Mrs. C. L. McDonald. Mrs. Albert Plche. Mrs. Charles Kel. ley, Mrs. J. G. Taylor, Mrs. K. L. Pugh, Mrs. Ralph Anderson, Mrs. Wilbur Martin, Mrs. Fred Loy, Mrs. Jay Teed, Mrs. Mar vin Nettleton, Mrs. Fred Me- deck, Mrs. Forrest smpiey, Mrs. John Norby and Mrs. Gib son Follls. The school Instrumental mu sic classes will play during the afternoon, led by Mr. Karl The len, Jr., instructor. . The first grade mothers will serve refreshment In the caf eteria following the meeting with Mrs. C. I McDonald and Mrs. Albert Plche as chairmen, Is Bride-elect The en. gagement of Miss Joann Walter, above, to Pfc. Dale W. Lee was announced re cently. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Walker of Salem and Mr. Lee is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Lee of Aumsville. Life-Membership Pins Are Presented County Assembly Meets at Silverton ' Silverton Marlon coun ty assembly met Friday night with Silverton unit, No. 7, American Legion auxiliary, as aest group, ord as favoring Mrs. Frances Grand as the coming president of district No. 2, the final de cision to be at the state con vention in June at Seaside. Mrs. Grund is member of the Monmouth unit and was pres ent, acknowledging her wil lingness to serve. Mrs. Harry Humphreys of Stayton, president of district No. 2, American Legion auxil iary, was the speaker on the program. Her reports of the past year's accomplishments showed all reports for the state convention submitted by all district units excepting one. Mrs. Humphreys related that district No. 2 units were cred ited with $2,766.70 tent to Portland hospital In sewing materials, and child welfare, $2,158.30 of values sent in. Girls state, pledget were the largest yet In the state with district No. 2 in the upper brackets, having IBS Juniors registered. Every unit but one 'In the district, Mrs. Humphrey re ported, hat an outstanding poppy poster record, with Sil verton unit garnering 197 posters. As to hours of hos pital service, one Newberg unit member hat earned ' 1,000 hours to her record. .., Rural Club Meeting Woodburn The Woodburn .Woman's Rural club will in stall officer at the regular meeting Thursday, May 14, at the library club rooms. Mrs, John Coleman again will be installed as president. The meeting will begin with a no- host luncheon at noon. The - committee in charge of the day's activities will include Mrs. E. C. Peyton, Mrs. Luella Sanderson, Mrs. Archie Mur phy, Mrs. Minnie Bissell, Mrs, C. W. Conyne, Mrs. Sophia Owre and Mrs. Catherine Stef fen. . Silverton Mrs. Alvin Le- mrd. publicity chairman of Trinity Lutheran Ladies Aid, presented life-membership pins to Mrs. Carl Johnson, Mrs. Fred Schucknecht and Mrs. Ole Sunde during the business hour of the meeting last week. The Rachel and Marian cir cles of the Ladies Aid of Trin ity, served luncheon Monday, May 11. for the final meeting of the club year ox the Silver- ton Woman's club, at the Trin ity social rooms. Furnishing the father-and-son banquet on the evening of May 22, Friday, the four Ladles Aid circles, Rachel, Marian, Naomi and Elizabeth, will be in charge. The group is buying a book in memory of Dr. Oscar Tin- glestad, who recently died at his Decorah, Iowa, home, He Council of Church Women Lists Officers Silverton The Silverton Council of Church Women met at the First Christian church for their May session and bi'si ness and devotional program last week. At the noon no-host lunch eon featuring the beginning of the program, Mrs. Lyola Dawes. Mrs. Steve-Enloe, Sr. Mrs. L. R. Neal and Mrs. C W. Brenneman. served. Officers were elected. Mrs. Maud Hannan will serve president. Her assistants will be Mrs. Minnie Overlund. vice-president: Mrs. Gerhard Olsen. secretary; and Miss Hilda J. Olsen. treasurer. The worship hour was di rected by Miss Hilda J. Olsen, assisted by Mrs. Ed Holden and Mrs. Minnie Overlund. Music included a program of piano numbers by Mrs. Marian Moe, group ringing of sacred music with Mrs. Moe as as sisting accompanist, and a vo cal duet by Mrs. Moe and Mrs. Al Clemetson with Mrs. Alf O. Nlnn accompanist. A talk was presented on ine tonic of "Christian citizen shin" by the Rev. Arvid L. Ho- konson of the Calvary Jvuuwr- an pastorate. The benediction prayer was by the Rev. Arthur Charles Bates ox w ran Christian church. . w . DRAFTEES LEAVE FOR INDUCTION lr mrrrrmmm it i II ii i ii I II ii i .ii i ii i i I l . . ... . I II - :;;'y'v ill 7 '' ii . i II ..iV :' V : V'.. B ... .,. j-i ...,.n.jj-. .tr...rrTt f r, ... ..... S : a The assembly went on rec- wa nrBt Lutheran min'ister to be ordained by the local Trinity pastorate. The book is entitled: "The Director of The Evangelical Lutheran Church," a listing of ministers from the year 1800 to the present time. Members of the Ladies Aid having previously received life membership pins include: Mrs. Sam Ness, Mrs. Lawrence Lar son, Mrs. Marie Goplerud. Mrs. John Kloster, Mrs. M. C. Thompson, Mrs. Marie Storlie, Mrs. ingeborg Ormbreck, Mrs. Albert Bather, Mrs. Ed Holden, Mrs. Lewis HalL Mrs. Silas Torvend. Mrs. Marie Goplerud and Mrs. Joseph A. Luthro were hostesses for the special life membership and "In Memorl am" luncheon. Mrs. Oi Moen presented the day's topic: "A Nation It Born." Mrs. Alf O. Nelson, chairman of the com mittee on life-membership and the memoriam, gave a talk on the significance of the work of her committee. Named as delegates to the Parkland, Wash., WMF district convention June 9. were Mrs, Alf O. Nelson and Mrs. Ed Hol den, and as delegates, Mrs. Carl Johnson and Mrs. Silas Tor vend. Circles Meeting Silverton Meetings of the lour circles composing the en tire membership of Trinity Lu- tneran cnurcn are announced as follows: On Tuesday. May 19. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, Naomi circle at the Silas Torvend home, The Marlam circle. Wednes- aay aiternoon, May 20, at 2 o'clock, with Mrs. Marie Gon- lerua as Hostess Elizabeth circle, at the bom oi Mrs. Minnie Govette at o'clock, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Edwin Hatteberg is to 09 noma nosiess tor the mem- Pythian Sisters Meet at Silverton Silverton Home temple No. 21. Pythian Sisters, met last week with Mrs. Harvey Kaser, presenting esch mother pres ent with a tingle carnation cor sage in honor of her late moth er, Mrs. r. Knight, wno was ror many years active IB tne ry- thian program. A general Invitation to mem bers was read from Mr.- and Mrs. Clyde Ramsby to attend the observance of their golden wedding anniversary reception Sunday afternoon, May 24. In the honor program of draping the charter for SO days in memory of Mrs. Minnie Fish- wood, Salem, Mrs. Helen M. Wrlghtman g? the eulogy. Mrs. Ben Gifford tang, accom panied at tne piano by Mrs, Ralph Adams, and Mrs. E. Z. Kaufman directed the devotion al period. Mrs. Albert Grinde served as manager, Mrs. Ben Gifford and Mrs. Bessie Morgan assisting in the charter cere monial. A Knights of Pythias project announced for Thursday eve ning, May 21, following the regular business session, will be a box lunch social, each mem ber of the Pythian Sisters to bring her own escort The tale of the lunch must total the penny-a-pound weight of the hostess. Home temple No. 21 are fur nishing refreshments for a Brownie Scout troop Wednes day afternoon, May 27, at 2:30 o'clock at the city park, a Py thian party project. Mrs. Berger Feneide told of the district convention at Cor- vallls, Thursday, April 10, at which 10 local members were present Announcement was made of the Fri(".T afternoon. May 8, of- iicerr eiub meeting to be at the home of Mrs. Emll Loe, with assisting hostesses, Mrs. Henry Anundson and Mist Bernlce Langsev. After the close of the temple business, a concert was given by me rarent Teacner association Mother Singers, directed by Miss Geraldine French. Refreshment hostesses were Mrs. Orlo Thompson, Mrs. Ralph Adams, Mr. Palma An derson and Mrs. J. D. Drake. To Elect Officers Woodburn New officers will be elected by Evergreen assembly,- No. 12, Order of Rainbow for Girls, at the meet ing to be Wednesday night May 13, at 7:30 o'clock. Fol lowing the meeting the girls will enjoy a "dutch treat" at the Coney Island restaurant A total of S2I4.27 was con tributed in the cancer drive by the Rainbow Girls, last week. ... Homemakers Meeting Woodbum Mrs. Xarl Al lison will entertain the Wood burn Homemakers' club at her home Friday, May 15, at 2 pjn. Mrs. E, C. Peyton will be program chairman and roll call will be "Quotations from my Favorite Poet or Writer." Mrs. James H. Livesay it president . Twenty-one young men from this area Monday after noon left by bus for Portland for induction into the Armed Force. The group was honored at a reception at the YMCA prior to their departure. In the group were Donald Harold Graves, Salem; Kenneth Edward Allen, Route 1, Aumsville; Leroy Harold Fery, Route 1, Stayton; Clemes Franklin Schaffner, Route 1, Mt. Angel; Ted Fredrick Reinwald, Salem; Robert Peter Borchers, Route 1, Ausmville; John William Gander, Silverton; Raymond Charles Kelmig, Gervais; John Paul Pickerell, Route S, Salem; Harvey James Gjesdal, Route 5, Salem; Merle Eugene Kirk, St Paul; Arlean Evon Heinrlchs, Salem; David William Boje, Salem; Sherwood Stanford Thompson, Woodburn; Rob ert Paul Kloft, Mt Angel; Cliford Wayne Friesen, Salem; Thomas Salchenberg, Route S, Salem; Franklin D. Hunter, 'Herlong, Calif.; Herbert Leonard Llttau, Route 1, Aums ville; Roberto Martinez, Route 1, Independence; Robert Munson, Salem. At Powell Home Silverton Coming as a Mo ther's Day surprise Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Powell was the arrival of their two oldest grandsons, both in the U. 8. service. CpL Marshall Lee Lake reached home from 19 months' service In Korea Friday eve ning, remaining with his moth er. Mrs. Roy Miller, in Port land until Saturday when he visited with his father, Russell Lake at Gates. Pvt. Arthur G. Lake, on location at Fort Lewis, came from Portland Sunday lor the dinner. Relatives present at the Powell home over Moth er's Day week-end were' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burkhart (Ruth Marshall) of Albany, Russell Lake and Mrs. Pat Sc breeder (Joanne Lake) and Jams of Gates, CpL and Mrs. Marshall Lee Lake, Pvt. Arthur G. Lake, Mr. and- Mrs. Roy Rainbow Event Dallas On Saturday, May 9, Miss Marjorle Nelson was installed as worthy adviser of Naomi assembly, Order of Kainbow for Girls. The inltl- bers of Rachel circle, Friday atlon was conducted by Miss -"""""i , ai it o ciock. i Mary Gerlinger, outgoing Miller and Francis and Vickl Miller of Portland; and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pow ell and Jerry Laxenfoweii. The occasion was also the observance of the birthday an niversaries of Mrs. Miller and Francis. Atomic Cannons Test on May 23 Las Vegas tin Two mon itor atomic cannons stood today on the desert test site where they will fire the world's first atomic artillery shell near a Russia-type train May 23. One ox the cannons will fire an atomic shell seven miles into Frenchman Flat proving ground, its shell exploding about 800 feet above an elab orate array of targets. The outstanding target will be the train, which consists of a 45-ton diesel locomotive, two tank cart and 13 freight cars, Including two of European de sign,, like those used in Rus sia. Reed Raps Ike As Spendthrift Washington (T Rep. Reed (R., N.Y.), shouted angrily in the House Monday that the Ei senhower administration "seems to have surrendered to the spenders." Reed, oldest Republican in continuous serv ice in the House, said he was amazed to see the administra tion run up "the white flag of surrender" on its goal of bal ancing the budget. "The tpendert teem to have taken over," he added, "but I don't think that will scare the appropriations committee of the House." He praised "courageous" efforts of the committee to trim federal out lays. This budget can be bal- LaXaAU The 280-millimeter howitz ers, each weighing 85 tons, 84 feet long and 10 feet wide, were driven from here under their own power Saturday to the firing site. anced," Reed insisted, "it Con gress has the courage to do It Nobody else will have, so far as I can see." At another point, Reed shout ed that he wondered whether the administration "is still wet behind the ears." Reed is chairman of the Ways and Means committee which handles tax legislation. SEOUL PLANS SUBWAY Puian. Korea OMS The South Korean government. looking toward the return of peace, announced today it is planning to build a subway system in Seoul. The transpor tation ministry said the subway would cost 818,000,000 and would requre three yean to complete. si Mr, mi, win Mil t mtu nit. at Its pl tt bullous In lb Plomer Trust Butldlnf, 109 N. Cotnmlrcltl Strrot, In tht cm of slm, Mrlon County. . Oregon, on Tuudfty, the 16th day or Jun, IBS, or thrtfter, to "! blfhMt bidder for cuh, or part oath, and a mortgait on till balinoa, all tht rllht. title, Intereit and fetate which the nld jn.hu oolllnion at tht tlmt of hi deeth had In and to the followlnf dM erlbed Mil prtmun, to-wlt: Beginning v in norinwm ooruvr of thg Peter Parleean Ponatlon Land Claim No. In Towmnlp Sou' i, Itente S Well ot tht WUIamtttt Meridian, Marlon County, Oregon; thence south a JO Weet I chain! -to an angle in tht Wait lint of tht aald elalml thenct south 41' 30' Weet along tht wtittrly lint of laid claim, 13.41 chalne to tht Korthwttt eorntr of a tract ot land deecrlbad la a deed to John Johneon recorded In Volume 1 at pate 100 Marlon County Peed Recordu thence south wetttrly along tht Northtaiterly lint of tald Johnion tract and Souh taaterly Mtenalon hereof to tht lat terly lint of tald Ptttr Parlatan Ponatlon Land Claim, at a point which la 1.17 chalne North W Saat from tht southeait corner of oald Donation Land Claim; thenct NorUl 41 Eait along the Easterly line ot tald Ponatlon Land Claim: 11.11 chalna to tht Northwut corner thereofi thenct North (7 31' Wett along tht Northerly lint of tald Ponatlon Land claim, 131.83 chalna to tht plact of beginning. Saye and txctpt all roadg and roadway. Bald tale to be tubjeet to tht con- ' flrmatlon of tht abort-cntltled Court. DATEP thll 4th day of May, 1M3. PIONEER TRUST COMPANY, Admin litrttor with Will anntitd ot tht Eatatt Of Joahua Common, detected. By ROEIK D. DAY, lu Attorney Pate 1 - May 6, 13, IS, M, MM. ' NOTICE ' I have tiled my final account at ad-' mlnlitrator of tht aitate of Oacar Waoh ter, deceaicd, In tht Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County and aald court haa filed t:00 A.M., ot Prtday, May 39, 19B3, and tht courtroom thereof at the time and plact for hear ing thtrton. All pertona hereby art re quired to appear and ahow cauac, It any thert be, why tald, aooount ahould sot bt allowed and tald elttte doted. , " william o. wacam a O. Btadttr, Jr. Atkornty tor Admin. Salem, Oregon April , Mar s. u, n, , mi. Df TIB CIRCUIT COURT OP1 TBS eTTATW OP OPJaOON PC THE COUNTY OP MARION PROBATE I3EPARTMKHT NO. lUSt En the Matter of the Batata tf JOSHUA COLLXNSON, Dace 11 Id. NOTICE OP SALE OP REAL PROPERTY NOTICE SS HEREBY GIVEN that tht undersigned, Admlnletrator with will an nexed at tht Eitatt at Joehua Colllnion. atetaata ftr Trrtu ox an order duly la med mi cf tht circuit Court. Probata Department, of tat State ot Oregon, tor tht county f Merlon, on tht 4th day Kidney Slow-Down May Bring Restless Nights Wham kidnap tmtMan alerwu Aarnm. matrrV toQu compl&in of vMnhiK bttvckMhet. hcatd- vaheks, diiilnttai ud Jow of pp and furpr, iMn't iffr muw Bafftrts wttb Uum 4U. tin jron down dot to Intyy such tu itTfjM and strain, overxatlon or axpo sure to eold. Minor bladder irtitmtloM duo to cold or wrung dirt mmy caoM avttiiur ud aisbu or f regnant passage; Don't nerlfrtrt Tonr klrlntm tf tb ttmAtt tioni bothar you. Try Dosm'a Pilla-a mild di Tiroic it s asiasxTrg now many tunas vota 9 happy rcliaf from that illMomf orta - tho It milsa of kldnav tnbtaa ami flhan fluab ont wait. Ask for niw, larg. ormoini and uti moMr, Gat Zoan'a FJIk todarl 1 1 GREVIJ0UD worthy adviser, Mist Phyllis Rulter, Miss Jane Hart and Miss Patricia Lundy. Installed with Mist Nelson were: Gerry Heinemer, associ ate worthy adviser; Lana Lawrence, charity; Charlene Weldeman, hope; and Mary BeU, faith. Parents and friends attended the ceremony. attended the ' ceremony. ar .. mm Beautify Your Entire Yard and Property for Only a Few Dollars! Amazing D-l AlAf FlftlM.." C-PIMsfC- ITLUUUEKIfcH3 E-ENU: Fast-Growing DrRfCTYJyUVt BARGX1NI 100 Feet $5 300 feet $10 (At Illustrated) Moems from Juus te Oc lobar In Many Different Colors Crows TlroToualy in Almost Any Boil Worth tho Cool Many Times Orrr In Protection at Privacy TOlla offer BMin., Ih mnA . I.,. k. .v. .. I. Iiaya a Etta clock ac our aenaatlonal Plowerlnt Pence Planta. When wt tell them at thut low prlcet tht demand la terrlflo, arM wc rnaaa caara neon thn w. .nM n. a ngeh. Our Plowtrlnf Pence la telecttd from tptclally matched yar leUee c-f Mock Orantt, Poreythla, Hrdranaea, Roet o1 Sharon, Deutala, Clycanthua, Rt3 eplrca. Pearl Biuh, Waltall and many other wonderful '""""t an", au mania arc luarantcad bloomtni-etaa and coma with wmafhlTT ,,tra " ttw " " and trow Ukc mad. with lull a little tare rou'U turrouncl your home with beauty and traaranco from oarly avrlrai to lata talL And tor v..r. tn .aw. r-h,. ..., m. trowa about leal high and tan be trimmed to any width. In a lew yeare yos'll at twoytnt 05 tht prlTjcy of an MMoor Urlnt room. Batter than any wooden fence btcatut It'o far mora beautiful and nertr waara cut. Will be admired by all your , . .JiV? ,' 1 "' Property raluco hundrtde of doUara ttery year. SEND DO afOtTETi On err! Til pay anly IS lor SO Flowering Ptnct aiiorted Shruba (maka arjDr9tinatalv ion fu, l . an a, a . ... . ? " " 300 teat), Plue C.OJ). poettot. Stirube arc at leaat 1-3 ft. tall, all carefully traded and matched. Wt pay poetatt on prtpaM erdera. Omplett Plaattac laatrwellaaa Ineladed with tnrr Orin. K not well tatlifled In tytry way, rtturn it onet for your money back. EXTRA OUT it yon order 1. ..M' i,H.,n4 w'"1 Tm" """I "ature-a moll colorful ahadc tree, to thrltt In your yard like tht ont pictured abort. Don't wall. Order HOWI Knit Ntraerlea. Deal. TDITt. Maaiaraataa. III. ( Pleata nub 30 Flowering met Planta (Maka approilmatlly 100 feet) ) Plane ruah to Plowarlnt Ptnoa Planta (Maka opproilmattly 300 feat) FREE - FREE - FREE THIS IS IT! Now Is the Time to Cash in Free Prizes Free Drawing lobe held al Shaw Furnifure Fri.r June 5r at 7:00 P.M. 100'$ of Beautiful Premiums Free gtiiTatJ THE SHAW FURNITURE CO. 1 ,1 UNION ST., 8AUM, ORflGON In Salem's Beautiful Shopping Center Has Been Officially Appointed as the Redemption Parlor for the UNITED TRADING 5TAMr W-U. (National toj. S the moity VdluaU tjnJ Useful Gifri en dis play that art) your absolutely FREE! ... Far patronizing tht following FriemUy Cooperativa United Trading Stamp Dealers: LIST OF NAURS . I i l la Laeaaual SALEM,. ORE. ShiwFaTiihrs. WHesDngSfsrs IPS If. lab St (sirttrSf.Mrtf ltwT Cf tor St, SeiKbtrssi Am RsptaT Itrf State St, YstgerSMI lttS S. aeamtrtlal Syifefli Viflsfj lata ink it. U i Hsc'i Union Ssnks ITtS S. 13t AHn'i HiKock Ssnkt 1WS S. lttk IIIINhWuI'iTmm 1101 N. lancaetar IwirfJr'tCoySsriic lis Outer St, EtTi Ssnkt HiHm otTO ParUaaS Ed. (Mi'Anaclstsd BrwWsiwmr Maul P'lRkMlsMSriltM ins rairaroaaai Ed. fi LlwiT hnkt Sow s. Ssadsr'i Flllsf A Sarrkt ttti B. State "let" "ir SJtTIMsa sad MfffsnJ SIS OeaH St. TasTtflNsM Saw S. eteamtrtlal TURNER,. ORE. Tufitrr Virlsfy ( Nirriwvi Jwmsa'iRkhfltldStnkt AUMSVILLE,. ORE. Isrss'tTiiKi FREE DRAWING To Held at Shaw Furniture Co. 1161 Union St., Friday, June 5 At 7 P.M. Set any United Trading Stamp dealer for fret tntry blank. Nothing to buy. No questions to r. "'.ri I" oraB-tm ond deposit m GRAND PRIZE Nesco Electric Roaster 1. Family Size Clothes Hamper 2. Mirro Electric Percolator 3. Nutone Door Chimes 4. Pair of Hurricane Lamps 5. Lifetime Carving Set 6. Evcready Chrome Chicken Fryer 7. Ungar Electric Pencil On Many Food and Soop Products RrteaLe nntr intoroct nn tnvmnt llnitol Tiili. C vuiin but - ' 3 wi.iaa.at I iuuiiiu JIUIIIU LeO RHV lnlt...l spend. By sharing profits with you. Come in and see what you can receive abZtT c yU, Visit Shaw Furniture Co. 1161 Union St. the United fradin pIKM prmium W"wS Print Hamo ! Addmt I