Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 12, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    1 . .' .
jSiesday, May 12, 1953
Pgt T
yliss Klein Bride at
Eeremony in St. Mary's
- uu vm-
Wt Spenner, ion or the late
no Mrs. Tanlt Spenner
J?01". May 9, in St. Mary's
woniuuc cnurcn nere. The Rev
Clement Frank. Dsn nu.i
d at the 8:80 o'clock nuptial
"" in xne presence of a
large gathering of relatives and
friends. Sprvlncr Hm i
vere Kenneth Wachter and
:jraincK r isner.
fThe bride was given in mar
riage bv her father W mo
lding dress of nylon tulle over
slipper satin was designed with
a ChantiUy lace bodice; and
on - me - snoumer scalloped
neckline, filled with yoke of
illusion, was outlined with
pearl and sequin trim.- The
bouffant nylon tulle over satin
Skirt was ankle lonrth A
scoop hat adorned with pleated
lace ana pearls held a double
fingertip veil of nylon tulle.
! The bride wore a rhlneafnnn
i necklace and earrlnM sift
V. . . o- ev
jot the bridegroom, and her
. bouquet was a heart-shaped ar
rangement of baby roses and
white carnations.
Bister Attended
i Miss Veronica Klein was
; maid of honor for her sister.
She was attired in a ballerina
, length gown, of pink nylon net
i over taffeta, with a matching
i bolero of lace. She wore a
matching headband of taffeta
;and tulle, adorned with pink
rosebuds, and her bouquet was
heart shaped arrangement of
yellow carnations.
The bridesmaid was Miss
Rosalie Harpole, who was at
tired ma yellow ballerina
length dress of nylon tulle over
taffeta, designed with a, fitted
bodice, net yoke ' and full
skirt. Her matching head
. piece was identical to the hon
or attendant's, and her bouquet
was a heart shaped arrange
ment of pink carnations.
j Joseph Spenner, .. Stayton,
Was best man for his brother,
and ' groomsman was Francis
Riser of Stayton. Ushering the
guests were Benny Spenner,
Stayton, and Joseph Klein,
brothers of the bridal couple.
' The altars in the church
nenta of white spray, peonies
USed in the mnMnnni
ine st. Mary's choir sang,
1st, and Miss Bertha Hassing
ana xuiss Annella Bautnan sang
before the Ceremnnv snH aln
preceding the recessional.
nreauast Follows
For her Hati0hter'a m.ntl.l.
- o - m MUIA,
Mrs. Klein wore navy blue
oress, a nat or natural straw,
accented by matching acces
sories. Her corsage was of
pink carnations. The bride
groom's aunt, Miss Minnie Van
Handle, of Stayton, chose a
green dress with matching ac
cessories, and her flowers were
also pink carnations.
Following the church cere
mony, a weddinff hrenlrfatrf ani
served in the dining room of
St. Mary's school. CVivera
were placed for the Rev. Fath
er Clement, the bridal party
."L-iiuna mc twu fami
lies. Assisting in serving were1
Miss BertKa Hassing, Miss An
nella Bauman and Miss-Delia
For the afternoon reception,
the rooms were riernrnteH with
baskets and arrangement of
white spray, lilies and snap
dragons, xne bride's table,
covered with a lace cloth, was
centered with a three-tiered
decorated wedding cake, sur
rounded by a ring of white
and Dink blooms. Tall llehted
tapers and low arrangements
oi Diooms were placed at
either end. Mm Mnrherf. Vbv
sister of the bride, cut the
cake, and presiding at the urn
was Mrs. Conrad Spenner of
Stayton. In charge of the gift
table were Mrs. Joseph Klein,
Albany, the bride's sister-in-law,
and Mtu Patricia Rfi.
nlus; and Miss Agnes Schaf-
xner, cousin oi tne bride, pas-,
sed the guest book.
For her traveling ensemble,
the bride donned a light blue
linen dress suit, white hat and
accessories and a pink cor
sage. Mr. and Mrs. Spenner
left the same day on a three-
weelra weddlncr rtn 4 a Vnrlti
and South Dakota, where they
will visit with the bride's four
brothers. Upon their return
lue aiiars in me cnurcn mumei. ujjuu iueir rcium
aera decorated with arrange- they will live on the bride
groom's farm at Stayton.
Delegates Named
To State Meeting
b During the business meet
ing of the Cootiette club, Fri
day, delegates were chosen
to attend the grand scratch
which will be in The Dalles,
June, 27. They are Mrs. Sher
lanBeall, Mrs. Dale Brooks,
Mrs. Don Stupka, Mrs. Ken
neth Smith, Mrs. Dave Fur
lough; Alternates are: Mrs.
Roy Carter, Mrs. Elmer Fcr
bls, Mrs. Charles Hunt, Mrs.
Dava ' Holweger and Mrs.
Emma DeLapp.
. Mrs.' Elmer Forbls told
ibout federated patriotic or-
I flg holds
1 zA, that
the J
easy Ml way
ders which join in Memorial
day ceremonies. The Cootiette
club will participate in the
service to be Sunday evening,
May 24. Visitations to the
tuberculosis hospital were re
ported by Mrs. Dale Mauk
and Mrs. Emma DeLapp an
nounced that a package will
be sent to the club's adopted
veteran at Camp white.
Mrs. Mel Clemens enter
tained the group at her home,
and following the meeting
there was a surprise shower
honoring Mrs. Robert HoV
Present were Mrs. ' Dave
Holweger, Mrs. Robert Hol
weger, Mrs. Roy Carter, Mrs.
Al Aeschlimann, Mrs. Ken
neth Smith, Mrs. Elmer For
bls, Mrs. Dave Furlough, Mrs.
C. M. Bi iggs, Mrs. Dale Mauk,
Mrs. Charles Hunt, Mrs. Sher
man Beall, Mrs. Emma De
Lapp, Mrs. Dale Brooks, and
Mrs. Clemens.
The next meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. Dave
Furlough, May 22.
Club to Meet
Macleay Mrs. Harry
Martin Sr., and Mrs. Harry
Martin Jr., will be hostesses
to members of the Macleay
Woman's club for a 1 o'clock
dessert, Thursday, May 14, at
the home of Mrs. Martin, Sr.
HOSTESS to her study club
today was Mrs. Charles A.
Sprague. Mrs, William L.
Phillips, Sr., presented the pro
Jowne Shop
Cipilol Shopping Ctnfw
Today's Menu
. Orange-Glazed Pork
Shoulder Butt
Sweet Potatoes
Green Lima Beans
Cole Slaw
Bread and Butter
Ice Cream Beverage
Orange-Glazed Fork Shoulder
Ingredients: One boneless
smoked pork shoulder butt
(about 2 Mi pounds), whole
cloves, Vi cup firmly packed
brown sugar, 2 teaspoons
cornstarch, tt teaspoon dry
mustard, i cup thawed un
diluted frozen orange juice.
Method: Cover butt with
cold water; bring to a boil;
simmer 4S minutes per pound.
Drain and stick with cloves
at about inch Intervals. Place
in shallow baking pan. In
small saucepan mix together
thoroughly the brown sugar,
cornstarch and mustard. Stir
in orange Juice, Cook and stir
constantly over moderate heat
until thickened. Pour over
butt Bake in hot (425F.) oven
about 20 minutes, - basting
several times. Remove from
oven and let stand 8 to 10
minutes, basting a few times.
Serve at once. Makes 6
Men to Serve
Breakfast to
Honor Mothers
Mt. Angel Mothers of the
community will be guests at a
Mother's Day breakfast next
Sunday morning, May 17, to be
served at 8 o'clock in the dining
room of St. Mary's school, fol
lowing the 8 o'clock mass In
St. Mary's church.
Hosts for the breaklast are
the four men's organisations of
the city and parish. The Young
Men's Sodality, with Don Jae
ger as chairman, will' do the
.decorating, have charge of .'the
entertainment,- and provide for
the serving; the Mount Angel
Business Men's club, with Al
Dieker as chairman, will take
care of the table setting; the'
Knights of Columbus, with Jo
seph Wagner as chairman, will
be in charge of cooking 'the
breakfast; and the cleanup and
dish washing will be taken care
of by the Catholic Order of Men
Foresters, with Joseph Brock
haus as chairman.
Presidents of the four organ
izations will visit the shut-in
mothers and present them with
This is a change from the pro
grams held in lorroer years,
when an evening entertainment
was provided.
All mothers of the commun
ity are Invited to attend the
breakfast as guests of the four
AMONG THOSE . visiting
with their families on Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
Jacobsen who were in Cor-
vallis with their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Fowler, and daughter,
Sprauer-Brinkman Rites
At Mt. Angel Church'
Mt. Angel St Mary's
Catholic church was the scene
of a wedding Saturday morn
ing. May 9. when Miss Anna
Mae Brinkman, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Brink
man, was wed to Pfc. Ron'
aid J. Sprauer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Sprauer. The date
was the 43rd wedding anniver
sary of the bride's maternal
The Rev. Dominic Brox-
meyer, OSB of Mount Angel
Abby, performed the 10
o'clock double ring ceremony
and officiated at the nuptial
high mass. Gilbert Sprauer
and Ronald Brinkman,
brothers of the bridal couple,
served as altar boy. The St.
Mary's choir sang, and Miss
Helen Keber was organist.
Miss Eustelle Bauman sang
before the ceremony and again
preceding the ' recessional. .
Arrangements e f white
peonies, Calla lilies, white and
pink snapdragons and white
sprays with greenery, to
gether with tall lighted tapers,
decorated the church altars,
with potted palm used in the
In White Tulle :
The bride, given in marri
age by her father, wore a
delicate wedding dress of
nylon tulle over taffeta. Nylon
lace fashioned the off-the-shoulder
bodice, styled with
long tapered sleeves. A nylon
tulle ruffle joined a yoke of
illusion, and the full gathered
skirt of nylon tulle . over
taffeta terminated in a court
train. The lace edged finger
tip veil of nylon tulle was
held in place by a pearl
crown, and the bride wore a
strand of pearls, a gift of the
bridegroom. The bride carried
a white mother - of - pearl
Prayer book, topped - by an
arrangement of pink rosebuds
with streamers of ribbon. The
Prayer book and rosary she
carried were gifts front her
Miss Angela Sprauer, the
bridegroom's i s t r, wss
bridesmaid. She was attired in
a pastel yellow taffeta, styled
with fitted bodice and net
yoke, and a full gathered
floor length skirt. Her head
piece was of matching net and
her flowers a colonial bouquet
of pink rosebuds.
Eugene Brinkman was best
man for his brother-in-law,
and ushering the guests was
Leonard Sprauer, brother of
the bridegroom.
For her daughter's nuptials,
Mrs. Brinkman chose a pow
der blue dress with pink and
white accessories. Mrs. Sprauer
was attired in a green dress
and her accessories were pink.
Both mothers wore corsages
of pink rosebuds.
A breakfast was served in the
dining room of the Mt. Angel
hotel, immediately following
the church ceremony. An
arrangement of yellow' and
white blooms, flanked by
lighted tapers, centered the
table, where covers were
placed for the Rev. Father
Dominic, the bridal party,
and members' ef the two
families. ,
Reception Given - ,,
During the afternoon, the
bride's parents were host at
a reception arranged at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Sprauer. The . rooms, were
decorated with arrangements
of spring blooms. A white
linen cloth' covered the bride's
table, centered with ar
rangements of spring blos
soms, and tall lighted tapers
and low arrangement of
blooms were placed at either
end. The three-tiered wedding
cske was surrounded by a ring
oi pansies, tulips and greens.
Mrs. Fritz Bielenberg, sister
ef the bridegroom, cut the
wedding cake, and presiding
at the urn was Mrs. John
Kuschnlck of Gervals, another
sister. Mrs. Albert Sprauer,
sister-in-law, and Miss Glorian
Brinkman, the bride's sister,
were at the gift table. Assist
ing in serving were Mrs. Anna
Sedakls and Mrs. Joseph
Wessels. .
The bride donned a light
tan two tone suit with white
accessories and a pink rose
bud corsage for her traveling
attire. After a short wedding
trip, the newlyweds will
leave for San Antonio, Texas,
where the bridegroom is
stationed with the 4th Army.
WOODBURN Exemplifi
cation 'of the ritual will be
the program for The regular
meeting of Chapter J. of the
P.E.O. Sisterhood at the home
of Mrs. Kenneth McGrath,
Thursday, May 14, at 8 p.m.
Relatives Gather'
Roberta Twenty-five or
more relatives spent Mother's
Day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jess Forster. Those
present were Frank Forster
and daughter Sharon of Bend,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brenneman
and two daughters, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Heacock and two
sons of Eugene, Mrs. R. D.
Baughman and daughters of
Hollster, Calif., Mr. and Mrs.
Ford Forster and son of Jef
ferson, Mr. and Mrs. Jess
Jaurez and daughters, Mr, and
Mrs. W. E. Martin and chil
dren of Salem.
' ''".''',
and Mrs. Noel Campbell (Mar
tha Weller) of CoqulUe was a
daughter, Lorilee Ann. ' The
baby ha a brother, Mark
Allan. Mrs. B. Z.. Holllngs-
worm oi saiem and Drew
CamDbeU of Gold Rearti
the grandparents. Mrs. Hoi-
ungswortn nas just returned
nome irem a month's vWt
with her daughter and son-in-law.
...- -
with her two daughters and
their families on Mother'l
day, Mr. and Mr. A. A.
NIederberger, and Mr. and
Mrs. John Waldow.
CHA8E ft
2 ... 1.68
Neks ffctj nonhtss wan ts foul
PRONE t-7431
IWteeff & a Beasanf Shock-
Now the flavor and aroma
ef frnMy around eoffao . ,
Help your favorite win fame and fortune
Our beautiful little candidates for' the title of Mis Sunbeam 1353 are ready JWf
Sunbeam pocer, today, look for the gay '- JJJZ
who are voting for their favorites. The kicky winner wingoontothebigftoHto compete wnn w
nera from all participating Sunbeam baker. Hurry and vote early'
m set ssMitr waswra sHitit nut nt lusiroiiM wnii er mi msjjcwi) laaiu sstss suioj
1 f ?WJ
-Tfiin a i ii"iiSf?n
Wtm- bnwm TWA ttytae). Stop to r- U
ruiiiaii rnilnn r --- 1 - r-
Ji,lV'mMp'imr'mmjitt T U
OtjKOMmaaniot nrooci
lor Ih Mothetl
tar the Father!
kx SkuSaabCMi 13I
S tm UaaWiOii Hrt to
ThiM-pitM Bnatctted t.
. fathi.lnhltnomletmr.
tr tm rv
ttk RdmMi
)$mm fteJMy Cwww
IWHf UM Oolt
fat Ih 70 fHNMMig
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Will WMM- WMmm WWJ. tm K W . tm, I iel